Agreement on the provision of sanitary and epidemiological services. Agreement for the provision of a complex of sanitary and epidemiological services. Requirements for the implementation of ready-made meals

These inspections are not a private matter: since the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare began to report directly to the Government of Russia and was endowed with broader powers, its territorial offices have become more active, and catering establishments and beauty industry enterprises.

Moreover, in their public statements, the top officials of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being have repeatedly stated that it is the failure to comply with sanitary rules that leads to the massive spread of hepatitis B and C and HIV infection.

Inspections of clinics and beauty salons show that the wave of attention of managers and specialists to sanitary issues, raised in 2010 (after the publication of new sanitary rules and regulations,) has subsided and everything goes on as usual again - inspectors find scraps of hair behind heating radiators in a hairdresser's, syringes are thrown into a household waste box, and there are no stamps in medical books about passing regular preventive examinations.

At the same time, the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-being of the Population" still approves the personal responsibility of the head for the sanitary state of the facility. In Russian legislation, fines for violations in the field of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population are determined by Article 6.3 of the Administrative Code, it also introduces a measure of responsibility:

“Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, expressed in violation of the current sanitary rules and hygienic standards, failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures, -

shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred to five hundred rubles; for officials - from five hundred to one thousand rubles; for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from five hundred to one thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days; for legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days. "

Let's see in what case the head of the cosmetology clinic can shift the responsibility to this very "official"?

Authorization can only be transferred by organizing an internal workflow. That is, the head of the clinic or beauty salon writes orders for the organization, approves the production control program, issues the necessary accounting logs for work and concludes all service agreements with third-party organizations (removal of medical and household waste, disinfection, deratization, removal of mercury-containing lamps, etc. .), appoints the employee responsible for compliance with the rules (again by order of the organization) and introduces these responsibilities into his job description!

If the manager did not do this, then he himself will be responsible for the sanitary and epidemiological regime.

However, until now, many managers, even purchasing internal control and accounting logs, concluding contracts with third-party organizations and approving a production control program, “fall” to fines, and even worse - to the penalty of being closed for 90 days.

In the city of Semiluki, an unscheduled inspection by Rospotrebnadzor in the Zolotaya Rybka beauty salon revealed, among other violations, the absence of a developed production control program.

Employees of Rospotrebnadzor in Ugra, while checking the Glamor beauty salon, found that there is no quality control of sterilization and disinfection of instruments; there are no medical books with data on the results of medical examination and sanitary and hygienic training.

The Rospotrebnadzor Administration for the Novgorod Region conducted a number of inspections in beauty salons. Among the violations: the lack of permits for cosmetics, registers for accounting and control of disinfectants and sterilization, production control programs.

Let's ask ourselves why is this happening?

Everything is done as usual, that is, unprofessionally, without knowledge of regulatory enactments, without taking into account important organizational details, and the inspector can see this with the naked eye. They have become skilled in this business over the years!

Let's analyze the typical mistakes:

The organization has a production control program and the person responsible for it was once approved, but at the time of the audit he had already been fired, and the clinic's service contracts were expired, moreover, there is not a single acceptance certificate that would confirm that before these works were carried out under contracts.

In order to be able to monitor compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime, the clinic must regularly keep journals. Let's list some of them:

  • Register of registration and control of the ultraviolet germicidal installation.
  • Log of sterilizers of air, (steam) autoclave).
  • Journal of the receipt and consumption of disinfectants for disinfection measures at facilities.
  • General cleaning register.
  • Register of the quality of pre-sterilization processing.

Typically, beauty salons purchase these magazines from companies that supply disinfectants. But you also need to learn how to fill them in. We do not study and receive the following comments when checking Rospotrebnadzor:

  • There is a register for registration and control of an ultraviolet germicidal installation, but it is one for the entire institution, although there are three installations. And time tracking turns out to be fiction. Meanwhile, the lamps must change when the power resource runs out, which is measured by the operating time.
  • Disinfectant consumption is usually not logged at all. The reason is simple: employees do not understand how to calculate this very expense, although everything is written in the instructions. Has anyone read it? No, although in addition to the calculation there is also important information on precautionary measures in it (it is included in the instructions for occupational safety in the workplace, but very few people know about this either!)
  • Classics of the genre! The data in the logbook of the quality of pre-sterilization treatment and the log of the operation of air, steam (autoclave) sterilizers do not coincide in dates. It turns out that some instruments were disinfected, and completely different ones are sterilized. But here we are dealing with two logs that record the actions of the step by step one and the same process - tool processing.
  • Thermal indicators are not attached to the sterilizer log, and sometimes workers do not even know why they need these stickers. Moreover, they do not understand that after sterilization the thermal indicator changes color and, therefore, this change is the only confirmation of the sterilization process. However, we see magazines in which these stickers are present, but have not changed color, that is, they have not undergone heat treatment.

There are dozens of these and other equally offensive and annoying mistakes. It is clear that training of employees is needed. It is clear that the leaders must be taught first.

That is why we invite all responsible owners, managers of clinics and beauty salons to, where a separate report "Sanitary and epidemiological regime in the clinic and registration of measures for its observance in special magazines" will be devoted to this topic.

Moreover, in the workbooks for the participants, the main logs of accounting and control and samples of their filling will be presented.

1.1. Name, address of the enterprise, working hours. Location (detached building, built-in).

1.2. Availability of notification of the start of business.

1.3. The area of \u200b\u200bthe enterprise, the number of seats, the number of personnel, the use of the labor of teenagers, foreign labor

1.4. Assortment list of products sold.

1.5. Availability of a production control program, its implementation, logging. Availability of an agreement with an accredited laboratory for laboratory research and instrumental measurements.

2. Sanitary and technical condition.

2.1. Sanitary and technical condition of premises (production, utility, hall for visitors), refrigeration, trade and technological equipment.

2.2. Is there a need for repairs, is there enough sanitary-technological equipment (washing baths in the washing rooms, in-house inventory), availability of backup hot water supply.

2.3. Compliance with the requirements for water supply and sewerage.

2.4. Compliance with the requirements for ventilation, air conditioning, heating of premises (availability of documents confirming the serviceability and efficiency of the ventilation system; date of the last disinfection of the ventilation system). If the enterprise is located in a residential building, assess the location and efficient operation of the ventilation system. The presence of local exhaust systems with a predominant exhaust in the zone of maximum pollution above the equipment and washing baths, which are sources of increased release of moisture, heat, gases.

2.5. Finishing facilities.

3. Requirements for the arrangement and maintenance of premises.

3.1. Sanitary maintenance of premises (industrial, utility, hall for visitors), refrigeration, trade and technological equipment.

3.2. Availability of conditions for compliance with the flow of technological processes (absence of counter streams and intersections of raw and finished food products, clean and dirty dishes, personnel and visitors).

3.3. Correspondence of the set and areas of premises to the capacity of the enterprise

3.4. Correspondence of the assortment of products sold to existing capabilities, a set of premises, and the availability of refrigeration equipment of the enterprise.

3.5. The presence of germicidal lamps in workshops (sections) for the preparation of cold dishes.

3.6. The presence of conditions for the collection of garbage and food waste (bins for collecting food waste in production areas, a refrigerator for storing food waste, waste containers). Garbage and food waste collection agreement.

3.7. Disinfection regime of the enterprise (used disinfectants, detergents, schedule of sanitary days).

3.8. Availability of premises for storage and processing of cleaning equipment; storage conditions for cleaning equipment for sanitary facilities, the presence of signal marking.

3.9. Carrying out measures for disinsection and deratization of premises (frequency, date of last treatment).

3.10. Wardrobe (hangers), dignity. knots and sinks for washing hands for visitors (presence of soap, toilet paper, etc.).

4 . Requirements for equipment, inventory, dishes and containers.

4.1. Equipping the organization with refrigeration, technological equipment, inventory, kitchen and tableware.

4.2. Availability and use of separate technological equipment, and in universal machines - replaceable mechanisms for grinding raw and heat-treated food products, as well as for raw semi-finished products and ready-made culinary semi-finished products.

4.3. The presence of markings on the cutting equipment.

4.4. Compliance with the mode of washing kitchen / tableware (are there enough washing tubs for washing kitchen utensils, dishes, the presence of a dishwasher, the availability of instructions on the rules for washing dishes, the detergents used, the availability of certificates of state registration for detergents and disinfectants).

4.5. Availability of conditions for storing and handling trays.

4.6. Availability of conditions for storing disposable tableware, availability of accompanying documentation.

5. Requirements for the reception and storage of food.

5.1. Acceptance of products and implementation of incoming control (availability of accompanying documentation, certificates of conformity, declarations of conformity, certificates of state registration, etc.). In pursuance of the order of Rospotrebnadzor dated 19.08.2014. No. 976 "On measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 06.08.2014 No. 560" and others. Take measures to identify and withdraw from circulation prohibited products.

5.2. Compliance of product labeling with the requirements of TR CU 022/2011 "Food products in terms of their labeling", including: TR CU 021/2011 "On food safety", TR CU 023/2011 "Technical regulations for fruit and vegetable juice products" , TR CU 024/2011 "Technical regulations for fat and oil products", TR CU 007/2011 "On the safety of products intended for children and adolescents", TR CU 033/2013 "On the safety of milk and dairy products", TR CU 034/2013 "On the safety of meat and meat products".

5.3. Compliance with the conditions and terms of storage of food (compliance with the conditions for the defrosting of frozen products).

5.4. Availability of measuring devices for monitoring the temperature and humidity conditions of food storage.

6. Requirements for the processing of raw materials and production.

6.1. Equipment of production facilities (availability of a sufficient amount of heating, refrigeration equipment, production tables; availability of conditions for compliance with the flow of technological processes). Availability of conditions for processing vegetables, fruits, eggs.

6.2. Availability at the enterprise of technical documentation (flow charts, technical and technological charts, etc.), developed in accordance with the procedure established by law, for the production of these products.

6.3. Compliance with the conditions for the preparation of deep-fried dishes (assessing the quality of deep-frying fats, keeping a log book, having a contract for the export and disposal of waste fat at the enterprise).

6.4. Availability of a journal for organoleptic evaluation of the quality of dishes and culinary products at the enterprise; correct filling.

7. Requirements for the implementation of ready-made meals.

7.1. Compliance with the conditions and timing of the sale of ready-made meals (Check the readiness of hot dishes with a device that measures the temperature inside the product).

7.2. When dispensing ready meals to take away, indicate in what form (dressing salad products, the presence of individual consumer packaging for sauces, etc.) and packaging (availability of consumer disposable packaging made of materials allowed for contact with food), is there marking.

7.3. Use of disposable gloves for each type of food, serving and portioning.

8. Requirements for the provision of catering services.

8.1. Service form at the enterprise.

8.2. Availability of information for consumers (information stand, book of reviews and suggestions, rules for the provision of catering services, etc.).

8.5. Signboard about affiliation and mode of operation.

8.6. The presence in the hall of control weights (certificates of their verification) or other opportunity to provide the consumer with the opportunity to check the volume (weight) of the food service products offered to him.

8.7. Availability of visual, accessible and reliable information for consumers about the services provided, ensuring the possibility of their correct choice, which should contain:

  • list of services and conditions for their provision;
  • prices in rubles and terms of payment for services;
  • the brand name of the offered food service products, indicating the methods of cooking and the main ingredients included in them;
  • information on the weight (volume) of portions of ready meals of public catering products, the capacity of the proposed drink and the volume of its portions;
  • information on the nutritional value of public catering products (calorie content, the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins, macro- and microelements when they are added during the preparation of public catering products) and composition (including the name of food additives used in the manufacturing process, biologically active additives, information on the presence in food of components obtained with the use of genetically engineered organisms.

8.8. Correspondence of the prices in the menu indicated in the cashier's receipt.

9. Working conditions; personal hygiene of staff.

9.1. The availability of personal medical books for employees, the timeliness of passing periodic medical examinations.

9.2. Attracting cleaning companies to work (indicating their names, a list of positions in which cleaning personnel are used, the percentage of the permanent staff of the enterprise).

9.3. Registration of daily examinations of open surfaces of the body of employees of a catering establishment.

9.4. Sanitary facilities for workers (dressing rooms; sanitary facilities - the presence of soap, towels, toilet paper; sinks for washing hands in industrial and household premises; storage conditions for clean and dirty sanitary clothes).

9.5. Organization of centralized washing of sanitary clothes.

9.6. Organization of meals for employees.

9.7. The presence of a first aid kit for first aid.

10. Compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of 23.02.2013. No. 15-FZ "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption"

10.1 Prohibition of smoking in the premises of a public catering establishment, to designate areas where smoking is prohibited, a sign is placed on the prohibition of smoking (presence of a sign, no ashtrays, no smoking on the summer area).

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for entrepreneurial activity prescribe the observance of sanitary standards, according to which the presence of synanthropic insects in the room is unacceptable and requires regular measures to destroy them, as well as the existence of an agreement with a specialized organization for the provision of services

Compliance with these obligations is governed by the following documents:

  • 1. Federal Law of June 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population" (with amendments and additions).
  • 2. "Regulations on state sanitary and epidemiological rationing" of 07.24.2000. Delay or absence of a disinsection contract is a serious reason for the Rospotrebnadzor authorities to suspend or completely terminate the organization's activities. Much less often tax and penalties are used as punishment for delinquent entrepreneurs.

The value of the pest control agreement

Sanitary maintenance of an enterprise is not only the owner's duty, imputed to him by the Rospotrebnadzor authorities, but also the ability to protect your business from the harmful activities of insects and rodents, bacteria and viruses.

In particular, pest control is the destruction of pests in the room. The scale of insect pest activity cannot be underestimated. Indoor insects are not only the spread of infections and bacteria, but also damage to company property, goods offered to the consumer. The presence of insects in the enterprise causes significant damage to the reputation of the organization, especially for companies engaged in the fields of food, distribution or production of food products.

Comprehensive disinfection of the premises is the only reliable way out. Depending on the type of insecticide chosen, the protective effect can last up to six months.

Pest control methods

Modern companies specializing in the provision of sanitary and epidemiological services to the population use new methods of insect control and insecticides that do not have a negative effect on people (drugs of IV and V hazard classes). That is why professional pest control does not require a complete suspension of business activities for a significant period.

The main methods of disinsection of modern SES:

  • Fumigation or gas treatment of the premises;
  • Treatment with cold or hot mist generators;
  • Application of aerosol or wet chemicals;
  • Freonite.

An adequate insect control method is selected based on the characteristics of the commercial enterprise. Often a combination of several methods is used to achieve a 100% result.

Contract parameters

As mentioned above, the disinfestation contract is the only document that can confirm to the Rospotrebnadzor authorities the owner's prudent attitude towards compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime at the enterprise.

What is a pest control contract? This document is a formalized agreement to carry out processing on company premises. The agreement is concluded between the executing company and the ordering company, sealed by the signature of the representative of each party and the seals of the organizations.

The pest control agreement specifies:

  • Legal details of each party;
  • The interval for performing pest control procedures (for contracts implying long-term maintenance);
  • The treated area must be specified in the pest control agreement;
  • Additional conditions of interest to the customer are negotiated.

You can conclude a disinfestation contract for both one-time and annual maintenance. A long-term service agreement is a more rational way out of the situation, since this document may be required at any time.

Special offer for the conclusion of an agreement from the company "SES-DOK"

For many years, SES-DOK has been specializing in sanitary and epidemiological services for private and corporate clients. Especially to solve the difficulties faced by entrepreneurs, we have developed a special package of services, one of which is the preparation of a pest control contract.

What is the help of our specialists:

  • Search for reliable partners;
  • Preparation of a package of necessary documentation;
  • Execution of a contract that takes into account the interests of the customer;
  • Support of documents in the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor.

Our employees are well aware of the high requirements of the Rospotrebnadzor inspection for the preparation of reporting documentation. Their qualified assistance at all stages will help you calmly overcome all planned and unscheduled checks.

You can find additional information about other services in other sections of our website or contact us by phone number. A competent specialist will provide advice and accept the application.

"SES-DOK" has been on the market for many years and provides services for the design and maintenance of sanitary documentation. During this time, we have earned a positive reputation among our clients.

Federal Law No. 294-FZ of December 26, 2008 "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Exercise of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control" (as amended on July 28, 2012) restricts the frequency of scheduled state supervision for medical and preventive organizations (LPO) engaged in medical activities, up to two times in three years. At the same time, a huge responsibility falls on the shoulders of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in organizing independent production control, the purpose of which in health care facilities is to ensure safe conditions for the implementation of the treatment and diagnostic process for patients and medical personnel.

Production control regulatory framework

There are two types of control over the observance of sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures: external and internal. External control is carried out by territorial departments, territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor as planned - twice every three years, or as extraordinary (unscheduled) - according to epidemiological indications, complaints, emergency situations, verifying orders, by orders of judicial authorities and prosecutors. Internal control (production) can be both visual and laboratory-instrumental.

In accordance with Art. 11 of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" (as amended on June 25, 2012; hereinafter - Federal Law No. 52-FZ) a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur must:

  • to comply with the requirements of sanitary legislation, as well as decrees, orders of officials exercising federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision;
  • to develop and carry out sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures, to ensure safety for human health of the work performed and the services provided;
  • carry out production control over compliance with sanitary rules, including through laboratory research and testing;
  • promptly inform the institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service about emergency situations, violations of technological processes that pose a threat to the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population;
  • to carry out hygienic training of employees.

Almost all provisions of Art. 11 of Federal Law No. 52-FZ are provided for by the production control plan. In the Letter of Rospotrebnadzor dated April 13, 2009 No. 01 / 4801-9-32 "On typical production control programs", a plan for laboratory and instrumental research on production control for a multidisciplinary hospital was proposed - the so-called basic plan. On its basis, it is possible to develop plans for laboratory and instrumental research on production control for medical facilities of almost any profile.

This Letter lists the organizations in which not required performance of laboratory and instrumental studies as part of the production control program. These are medical and pharmaceutical organizations without parenteral interventions, without the use of medical instruments and equipment, without the use of diagnostic and treatment devices that are sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, and, finally, do not work with microorganisms of 1-4 pathogenicity groups.

Production control area and objects

Production control in a hospital of a stationary type covers all areas of the institution's life, including its sanitary and technical condition and maintenance, the correctness of space-planning decisions, the organization of meals for patients and staff, compliance with anti-epidemic, including disinfection and sterilization, regimen, deratization and disinsection work, disposal of medical waste and improvement of the territory of medical treatment facilities, working conditions of medical personnel, their protection from harmful physical, chemical and biological factors of the nosocomial environment. The production control plan, at the suggestions of hospital epidemiologists, also included a section on anti-epidemic measures in case of the introduction of infectious diseases, primarily acute intestinal, droplet infections, including diphtheria, measles, influenza, meningitis, tuberculosis, parenteral viral hepatitis, as well as the prevention of large group of purulent-septic infectious diseases caused by opportunistic pathogens.

Production control is based on objective assessments of the listed factors, therefore, to ensure it, it is necessary to provide for various laboratory and instrumental studies. The organization of the necessary laboratory research and testing is carried out by a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) independently or with the involvement of a laboratory accredited in the prescribed manner.

The main objects of laboratory and instrumental control are:

  • study of objects of the nosocomial environment by means of washes, sampling of material (medical products, dosage forms) for sanitary-bacteriological research and sterility;
  • study of air, tap water and water for the manufacture of injection solutions;
  • bacteriological testing of sterilizing equipment;
  • measurements of artificial illumination, microclimate parameters, noise levels from ventilation and medical diagnostic installations, levels of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation from medical diagnostic equipment.

All these studies are carried out with a multiplicity, regulated by the relevant regulatory documents, a link to which is indicated in the production control plan in a special column.

A legal entity is obliged to form an instructional and methodological base at the facility. Therefore, a list of all the necessary regulatory documentation is attached to the production control plan (legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being, state standards, officially published sanitary norms and rules, instructions and other instructive and methodological documents).

Responsibility for the development, organization and compliance with production control rests with the head of the health care facility. By order, he appoints those responsible for the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures and the conduct of production control. The number of this order is entered on the title page.

The responsibility for carrying out production control is indicated in the job descriptions of employees. The head of LPO organizes special professional training of officials exercising production control. Lists of employees for training and certification are drawn up. The responsible person controls compliance with the recertification deadlines.

Production control plan

The production control plan includes a title part, which contains complete information about the legal entity, including:

  • certificate of state registration;
  • lease contract;
  • information on the number of employees, including those related to the decreed contingent;
  • availability of a license, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the types of medical or pharmaceutical activities;
  • enumeration of contracts for the treatment of household and medical waste, washing of linen and overalls;
  • information on periodic examinations of medical personnel, disinsection and deratization, disinfection and cleaning of the ventilation system, etc.

The plan indicates: the name of the activities, the responsible executor, links to the current regulatory documents, the deadline and the mark on completion.

Sections of the plan include a hygienic assessment of the following harmful factors of the working environment of health care facilities of physical, chemical and biological nature:

  • building materials used in the construction, repair and reconstruction of LPO;
  • compliance with the disinfection and sterilization regime in the health care facility;
  • the state of the laundry facility, disinfection and washing of linen;
  • occupational morbidity of personnel with the appointment of a complex of preventive and anti-epidemic measures;
  • compliance with the sanitary rules of drinking water, the air environment of medical treatment facilities and sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation (generating, non-generating);
  • the quality of disinfection measures;
  • maintenance of the territory of the health care facility in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules.

If violations of sanitary rules are detected at the facility, the production control plan provides for measures aimed at their elimination, including:

  • suspension or termination of the facility;
  • informing the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor about what happened, including the measures taken to eliminate violations of sanitary rules;
  • other measures, the implementation of which is necessary for the implementation of effective control over the observance of sanitary rules and hygienic standards, the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures, depending on the specifics of the activities carried out, the work performed and the service provided.

So, production control encompasses all areas of ensuring the activities of LPO. The frequency of control on various issues, depending on the epidemiological significance, ranges from daily to monthly and annual.

Sanitary and epidemiological support

In modern conditions, the role of their own control and the interest of health care providers in compliance with the anti-epidemic regime is increasing, which has a direct impact on the quality of medical care. However, the management of health care facilities does not always have the opportunity to engage in day-to-day monitoring of compliance with the anti-epidemic regime. In this regard, the sanitary and epidemiological support of the facility becomes in demand.

Under sanitary and epidemiological supportyou should understand the way of organizing internal control of compliance with sanitary rules, during which a wide range of methods is used, including the use of laboratory and instrumental studies. The purpose of such support is to assist in the creation of an effective system of preventive and anti-epidemic measures, providing safe conditions for the treatment and diagnostic process in the interests of a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur.

During sanitary and epidemiological support carried out:

  • checking the compliance of the health care facility with the current sanitary standards;
  • verification of compliance with anti-epidemic, including disinfection and sterilization, regime;
  • informing the head of the health care facility about the sanitary and technical condition and maintenance of the facility, violations of the anti-epidemic regime;
  • development of proposals and recommendations for bringing health care facilities in line with sanitary standards and monitoring their implementation;
  • advising heads of departments, specialists and workers of health care facilities on sanitation, hygiene and epidemiology, including on the organization of prevention of nosocomial infections, changing the functional purpose of premises, planning decisions, organizing air exchange, handling medical waste, disinfection and sterilization regime, organizing anti-epidemic measures for a case of introduction of infection into health care facilities, immunization of employees and other areas of activity;
  • hygienic training of employees;
  • organization of preparation for inspections of Rospotrebnadzor, supervision of inspections;
  • representing the interests of a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur in court within the framework of its competence, etc.

The difference between inspections in the course of sanitary and epidemiological support and control of supervisory authorities is that the specialist who provides support protects the interests of a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur. Its purpose is to help a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur to establish an anti-epidemic regime in an institution, identify violations, suggest ways to eliminate them and monitor implementation. This allows the manager, using the experience and qualifications of a specialist, to establish effective control over the implementation of sanitary norms and rules in individual departments and in the institution as a whole. Using the information of sanitary and epidemiological support, the management can promptly and timely implement the necessary changes within the institution, that is, make management decisions.

Sanitary and epidemiological support is carried out under contracts with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. At present, the most prepared for this activity are federal state institutions - centers of hygiene and epidemiology. The contract can be one-time (drawn up for each examination) or long-term (for a year, with the determination of the number of visits, the volume and frequency of laboratory and instrumental studies).

The accompanying specialist not only identifies errors in the system of preventive and anti-epidemic measures and provides qualified advice on these issues, but can also organize appropriate consultations of highly specialized specialists.

A specialist in sanitary and epidemiological support is responsible for fulfilling his duties to a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, while he is obliged, like a doctor of any other specialty, to maintain confidentiality of information.

Sanitary and epidemiological support can be carried out within the framework of the production control program. At the same time, a plan for sanitary and epidemiological support can be developed based on the applicant's requests.

The program of sanitary and epidemiological support may include:

  • medical examination;
  • development of a production control program;
  • hygienic assessment of medical facilities for the preparation of instrumental and other types of examinations;
  • laboratory research and instrumental measurements;
  • hygienic training and education of employees;
  • written and oral consultations on anti-epidemic and preventive measures (in the case of the introduction of infectious diseases, infection of an employee, preparation of various documents, etc.).

Thus, a specialist carrying out sanitary and epidemiological support actually performs the functions of a hospital epidemiologist at the facility, but unlike a hospital epidemiologist, a specialist (sanitary doctor or epidemiologist) is not administratively subordinate to the head of the institution.

LPU type

Number of flushes


Hospitals, including obstetric

5 air sampling points

In one room

Not less than 5

1 air sampling point

Manufacturing pharmacies

Not less than 10-20

2 air sampling points

Food block

Not less than 10-20

3 sample food samples


Not less than 10-15

2 air sampling points

Not less than 10

2 water samples

I. A. Khrapunova, Head Department of Hygiene LPU FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow", Associate Professor of the Department of Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine of the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M.Sechenova, Dr. med. sciences

Contract No. ____

For the provision of a complex of sanitary and epidemiological services

moscow "___" ________ 2012

________________________________________________________________________ , hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", represented by _______________________________________________, acting on the basis _________________, on the one hand, and

Limited Liability Company "Carpe Diem", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by Director General Alisa Sergeevna Symonenkoacting on the basis of the Articles of Association, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows.

Subject of the contract.

1.1. The Customer instructs, and the Contractor assumes the obligation to carry out disinsection work at the Customer's Facilities at the addresses:

- with total area ______________________ sq. m. used under ____________,

- ______________________________________________, with total area ______________________ sq. m .. used under ____________, (hereinafter referred to as works), namely:

1.1.1. inspection of the Customer's Facility in order to determine its population by insects, rodents, microorganisms;

1.1.2. disinsection, disinfection, deratization at the Customer's Site.

1.2. The work is carried out by the Contractor within the time frame specified in the application.

Contractor based on:

Law of the Russian Federation "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" dated March 30, 1999, the Mayor's Order dated 02.07.98, "On strengthening measures for the prevention of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), other natural focal infections and the fight against rodents in . Moscow ",

Resolutions of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor in Moscow No. 8 dated 29.05.00.

“On the sanitary certification of the object subject to disinsection and deratization, taking into account the addition No. 16 \\ .1-272 of 11.08.00. "On the use of forms of sanitary passports of the object of the old model",

Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules SP3.5.3.1129-02 "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Deratization",

Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules SP 3.5.1378-03 "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Organization and Implementation of Disinfection Activities",

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards SanPin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and conduct of disinsection measures against synanthropic arthropods", as well as existing sanitary and

epidemiological rules, in accordance with the type of activity carried out by the Customer,

Resolutions of the Moscow government from 30.12.03. "On improving the organization and implementation of disinfection, disinsection and deratization measures at the facilities of the city of Moscow"

2. Obligations of the Contractor

2.1. The Contractor undertakes to carry out disinfection and disinsection works with modern means permitted by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and in accordance with the schedule approved by both parties for each facility.

2.2. The Contractor is obliged to conduct internal quality control of the work performed, inform the Customer about its results and advise the Customer on sanitary and preventive measures that increase the efficiency of the work being carried out.

2.3. The Contractor is obliged to familiarize the Customer with the safety rules for the use of disinfectants to combat rodents (insects, bacteria).

3. Obligations of the Customer.

3.1. The customer assigns an order to a responsible person who is present during the work performed by the Contractor, certifies their performance by signing the Acts of Works Completed, indicating the fact of the work performed, with a mark in the sanitary passport of the facility (for catering facilities) and the Customer is responsible for disrupting the work schedule for reasons depending only on the Customer.

3.2. The customer fulfills all the instructions of the Contractor, contributing to the effectiveness of the work carried out within the specified timeframe, in accordance with SP, as well as SanPiN, provides sanitary hours for performing disinfection measures.

3.3. The customer complies with all the personal and public safety measures specified by the Contractor.

3.4. The customer provides access to all premises, the necessary lighting (basements, garbage chambers, technical corridors, utility rooms), electrical safety, drainage and cleaning of basements, serviceability of steps, railings, floors and other necessary conditions for labor protection and safety for carrying out disinfection.

3.5. The Customer ensures the safety of fishing gear and equipment used by the Contractor during disinfection.

3.6. The customer operates the facilities where the decontamination is carried out in accordance with the existing sanitary standards.

4. Terms of payment.

4.1. The total cost of work carried out under this contract from the moment of signing is ________________ (amount in words) rubles __________ kopecks VAT exempt.

4.2. The procedure for payment for work under this contract:

Payment for work for the period

Cost of paid work (rubles)

Terms of payment





Payment for services upon completion of work



Payment for services upon completion of work



Payment for services upon completion of work

4.3. If it is necessary to carry out additional work associated with a change in sanitary conditions at the facilities or the end of the period of paid stages of work, additional work is paid separately, on the basis of additional agreements to this contract.

4.4. In the event of a change in the cost of work related to inflationary processes and not dependent on the activities of the Contractor, the change in prices for work occurs by agreement of the parties on the basis of an additional agreement to this agreement.

4.5. Payment for all work under this agreement is carried out by bank transfer.

5. Responsibility of the parties.

5.1. In case of insufficient efficiency of the work carried out by the Contractor, the Customer has the right during each quarterly period require the Contractor to carry out additional work, free of charge, necessary to achieve the quality level specified in this contract.

5.2. In case of violation by the Customer of the agreed schedule and volume of work carried out, incomplete processing of the object (at the request of the Customer), the Customer does not have the right to demand from the Contractor the quality of work specified in the contract, as well as if the Customer fails to comply with the current sanitary standards or the Contractor's instructions that contribute to the efficiency of the work carried out.

5.3. For violation of the terms of this agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the terms of this agreement.

6. Terms of delivery and acceptance of work under the contract.

6.1. All work under this agreement can be delivered ahead of schedule, also by signing the Acceptance Certificate.

6.2. If there are no objections to the content of the act, the Customer signs it immediately, and if there are objections in writing, within five days, he submits a reasoned refusal to sign the specified act.

6.3. In case of the Customer's unmotivated refusal to sign the act, a note is made in it and the act is signed by the Contractor.

7. Special conditions.

7.1. Any changes and additions to this agreement are valid if

they are in writing and signed by both parties.

7.2. All disputes and disagreements that may arise from this agreement or in connection with it, if possible, will be resolved through negotiations between the parties.

7.3. If the disagreements cannot be resolved through negotiations, they are subject to resolution in the state arbitration bodies.

7.4 The term of the agreement is 12 (twelve) months.

8. Addresses and details of the parties.

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to the Agreement on disinsection work No. ____ dated __ ___________ _______

moscow "___" ___________ 2012

Type of service

Service delivery date

Volume, sq. m.

Service cost, rub.




The cost




The cost




The cost




The cost


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