Sketch plan at home. Sketch project of the house. Project with terrace

Development sketch projects Engaged when it is necessary on the basis of the Technical Solution Considering Protocol or technical task.

The main purpose of the development sketch projects is the establishment of those circuit or design solutions that are of fundamental nature and allow you to get a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is the general device of a particular product, as well as what the principle of its work. A sketch project is mainly created, even before the bulk of working documentation and technical project is being developed.

While creating sketch projects The developers are carefully studying and analyzed all possible options for performing the product or its individual parts. This allows you to clearly define all the requirements that are presented to the design of finished products, as well as to ensure the implementation of all the requirements that are presented to it.

A complete set of documents from which the draft draft consists of a full compliance with the requirements ESKD Design documentation, as well as those drawings, schemes, technical and technological regulations, etc., which are provided for by the Technical Suggestion Considering Protocol and Task.

It should be noted that in preliminary design The documents that are designed before making a material layout are not included.

Not originals of the sketch project documents are subject to consideration, approval and approval procedures, and their copies, although on a special agreement with the customer they can still be provided.

As for such an important moment, as a form in which all the documentation of the sketch project is presented, it may be paper or electronic, and is indicated in the Type of Participation Protocol. If there is no such indication, it is determined on the basis of coordination with the customer. In addition, the sketch project package electronic and paper documents may be included together.

Composition of a sketch project

Preliminary designThis includes documents such as a drawing of a common type, a statement of a sketch project and an explanatory note.

The draft drawing of the general form (or the electronic model of the assembly unit, which is equivalent to it), should include the following:

  • The image of the product, as well as various inscriptions and text part, which make it possible to understand the principle of its work, as it is interacting with its component parts, as well as the features of its structural device.
  • Designations of all components of the product and their name. If necessary, it is also necessary to indicate references to the shared drawings, which allow you to understand all the important features of the design of the product, the composition of its individual components, etc.
  • Product dimensions and other data that is applied to the image.
  • The scheme of the product (in cases where it is really necessary).
  • Technical data and other important characteristics that should have a product. They are required to ensure that the drawings of the general form it is more convenient to compare various options.

Such a document like a statement sketch projectmust contain the names of all those design documents that are included in it.

Count " Note»It may contain an indication of that option that complies with this specific document.

It is also allowed to include in the sketch project of those documents that are equivalent to envisaged, but only in a different form of submission. At the same time, it is necessary to make the appropriate note in the column " Notes».

Explanatory note of the sketch project is drawn up according to all standards adopted for text documents.

Here I will tell you how one of our projects was made, the project - as an example of how the sketch project is done, and you can see the process from the inside.

From the point of view of technical most often, this work occurs in Skype - there you can show each other a drawing or model of the house, exchange views.

Work is divided into three stages:

1. Decision of the general plan of the site,
2. House layouts,
3. Solutions of the appearance.

where to locate the house where to start "\u003e where to locate the house where to start

We start from the site: where to position the house and what should be his form; What will be seen from the windows of the house, how to focus on countries of light.

genplan, Nuances

What we did at this first stage may change after receiving the results of geological surveys. Most often, the soils allow you to make a house at a planned place, but sometimes surprises (wetlastiny, peat lens, landslideless slope), and then we are forced to carry the building and change solutions.

Nuances can be with engineering solutions. If geology shows the absence of soils with sufficient filtering abilities, then the septic has to be replaced with a regular cesspool, the contents of which will have to periodically pump out.
If the soils turn out to be clad, then in this case, instead of the Septic, it will be necessary to make a grazing, but the most sealed as possible. And the ability of the basement device under the building in this case will be accompanied by expensive waterproofing.

As mentioned above, simultaneously with the general plan of the plot are developed and PPP (we remember that this is a principled planning scheme of the house).

The form of the building spots, the location of the rooms, the orientation of their windows is solved.
Since the building is located between the pond and expensive, then on the road I propose to orient the windows of office space, and on the pond (and on the river behind it) - residential.
This PPP will change more than once, the staircase will move, but the principle of orientation of windows and inputs will remain.

On the general plan of the site now I place the building stain of the house, with input and outputs, orientation of windows, and completely real dimensions. In the same place, at the ISPLAN, I now and correct PPS, aroused planning to the desired one.
And yet - it is very important to correctly place the engineering networks on the plot, given the factor that there will be many and networks, and buildings. Construction standards strongly recommend retreating network tracks and from buildings, and from each other (at distances from 1 to 5 meters), so it is better to deal with this question at once.
So, we finish with the development of the general plan of the site, and all its subsections.

After completing work on the general plan, you can make detailed house plans (based on accepted PPS), and here is the first version that we view with the Skype client, ...

... and then the second, more square.
Parallel the selection of structures and us
Selected scheme with carrier walls and prefabricated w / w overlaps.
Therefore, the distances between the walls are already being done under certain panels.

The third, fourth, ... And now the fifth version.
Appearance of VENT appeared. canals, sewage and water risers.
Engineering systems do not immediately receive an optimal solution, there were also options.
note: The transformations of the 1st floor are shown, but the work is also carried out in the 2nd

Now the layout I like it and suits the client, and the time of the "body" of the building comes - while in a simplified form, without windows and wall materials.
It is t. N. simplified 3D model building. Unlike photorealistic, it does not show the colors and textures of wall finishing, but at this stage it is not necessary. It is now important to determine the form of the "body" of the building - and "MaikaP" to pick up for him later. The model is an opportunity to see the house from different angles. At this stage, work ceases to be joint with the client, he will only see the complete option.

I had to look a little form of the staircase, which at the stage of drawing plans looked very tempting. But none of the options in the end liked and the rounding is decided to cut.
But the form of the building is plastic, alive - I like, and it is the fact that the wrong and non-paphos. After all, the more "correctness" in the form of a building, the greater solemnity it possesses - up to the scale of the palace.

Here and for this young family of modern and energetic people, I want to create a lung house and not very, maybe, serious and important; Organic and for these people, and for landscape around.

But now it is necessary to move on and make a gallery connecting the house with the house. block, and household itself. Block (canopies for auto, boats and hay, stable).

The covered gallery should be brought to the entrance to the building, and none of the options for this adjustment I do not like for a long time ...
But it seems, here it turned out.

Now we place the winds of the windows ...

And add some facade decor around them ...

Well, the building is ready. Planning and appearance completed.

The free and plastic form of facades from the side of the pond along with the landscape of the site should create an image of modern, but still "rustic" houses, a little in an ethno-style - a kind of Ukrainian Provence. With the appropriate color - the material of the walls, the roof should be not glamorous, but in the character of "ethno". Most likely, white hazardous plaster walls. Perhaps the clay "aged" roof tile. Wooden structural elements - from dark, also "broken Time" tree ....

But ... so he will not.

Because just at that moment we have changed the stylistic concept of the house. Customers saw " House Prairies"(F. L. Wright), and outside this style the house no longer thinks.
And we start working with a form from scratch, removing all that distinguishes the project from the style of the Prairie houses, and adding some of their characteristic features.

The free form of facades in the new version was hidden (and simplified), the roof was stricter and "south" - its sinks go far beyond the walls of the walls, closing the second floor window in the summer from the midday sun.

The new one, the second version of the decision has a greater recognition due to the current organic architecture and the works of F. L. Wright.
Plans, like a form, also became easier. And the path of evolution was passed from the protruding staircase to a flat street facade, with a multiple variations in the layout of floors.

Last modified - the flooring of the furnace on the first floor moved outward, and created the protruding part on the facade. Trellies on the facades were added (wooden slats serving vertical base for curly plants).

This will look like a building in its final form:

The final stage of the work on the draft stage of the project is the selection of facades finishing materials (on a three-dimensional photorealistic model).

From this point on, the project development begins - a long and no longer such an exciting process of painstaking work.

The construction of even the smallest house begins with the design. The project prepared on paper will plan the construction area, the number of rooms, windows and doors, and also calculate the cost of work and the number of necessary materials.

Mattering to build a house, you can ask for help in specialized companies Order a project, choose a suitable one of the ready-made or independently develop a plan of a new home.

Create a project of the house with your own hands is more rational when all construction work is planned to be performed without any assistance.

First Stage - Planning

The first stage of project development involves general planning of the future house, its size, purpose, the presence of a garage or other additional buildings, as well as the geographical features of the site, the presence or absence of a system of sewerage and water supply.

Second Stage - Sketches

In the second step, all conditions and desires are taken into account and are collected in a certain model of the house with an already defined number of floors and rooms.

The sketch project has a sketch character and depicts the future of the building from different sides: the facade, on the side, behind and in the context (cross and longitudinal).

It also provides a list of materials used, and also noted the design features of the house: the type of roof, the thickness of the walls and overlaps.

Before you start your own project at home, it is better to carefully examine the photos of the finished plans to draw ideas and experience.

Third Stage - Work Plan

The working version of the project serves as a leadership for the construction team and implies a complete description of all the work provided for the construction of the house: architectural, constructive, engineering and designer.

The architectural type project is scheduled and the location of all rooms, the area, the presence of balconies or terraces, the dimension of the windows and doors, the roof slope, the thickness of the walls are planned.

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The design type of the project involves a detailed consideration of each element of the house from the foundation, walls and overlaps to chimney, stairs and rafters. For example, a complete decryption of the characteristics to the windows is applied, where the profile width is noted, the type of lining, the number of glass layers, the presence of a window sill.

Engineering and technical design is aimed at drawing up a detailed plan for performing work on the establishment of sewage, water supply, ventilation, heating, electrical wiring, grounding and protection systems.

Design project makes concluding adjustments to the construction of the house. At this stage, finally determined with the color range of the facade, walls, roofs and interior decoration of the room.

Draft House of Bruus

Most often, economical, durable and durable tree is selected as the main material for the construction.

However, the project of a private house from a bar requires compliance with some conditions:

  • If the construction requires a bars more than 6 m, then additional insulation of logs will be required;
  • Joints are placed in a checker order;
  • The number of angles must be even;
  • Special attention should be paid to the literate load distribution;
  • Log partitions are placed only over carriding walls or additional posts.

Project of a brick house

The project of the brick house should necessarily include an assessment of financial capabilities, since this type of construction is highly high in cost and the need to create a strong and costly foundation.


During the construction of brick houses, other features of the material should be taken into account: the use of clay bricks on the lower floors, double waterproofing in the bathroom, wall reinforcement for greater strength, strict observance of the horizontal of masonry, laying out window and doorways with a quarter.

Project with terrace

The correct and competent extension to the terrace house also requires a separate project. With its preparation, it is necessary to take into account its device, location, degree of openness, shape and presence of steps.

Most often, the terrace is located about one of the walls of the house or turns all the construction, less often is installed separately from the residential building or adjoins the pool.

As in the project of the house, in terms of terraces, the area, dimensions, materials, the mass of the design and the type of foundation are defined.

How to fulfill the project at home with your own hands?

You need to stock paper, ruler and pencil and try to portray your future house in detail.

The guidelines and assistants will be published on the Internet ready-made typical projects, adding and expanding which you can get the perfect plan of the new building.


Photo of the project at home with your own hands


It is rare to think about how important it is to properly compile a draft design of the conceived object. But any construction should begin with exactly from this stage. Moreover, by the time, the first brick or log, the sketch should be brought to the site of the construction site, is designed and approved.

After all, without it, the customer (that is, you) will not be able to draw up a faithful idea of \u200b\u200bhow the built building will look like. But this should represent not only you, but also the builders who will be carried out by the entire workflow. Therefore, it is necessary to seriously approach this issue, shattered in it to the smallest detail.

Start with the fact that the sketch project of the house is a set of primary documents that is necessary to

And also correctly compile all the documentation used directly at the same time. Having a sketch of the house on his hands, you can easily formulate your requirements when dealing with designers who will develop.

As it is drawn up

You are accessing a company providing software services. First of all, after the conclusion of the contract you are talking to the architect.

An experienced specialist in a simple and accessible form will ask you about how it should look like a house that you would like to get. You may bring photos of buildings that would fully suit you. But it is possible that you will have certain wishes: change the shape and location of windows, use a tiled and some more minor changes instead of a slate roof.

All these wishes will be taken into account by the architect, who after talking to work with you.

An experienced specialist has a sketch project to take no more than a few days.

After that, you will be presented a set, schemes and color illustrations, allowing you to fully evaluate the external and inner view of the future at home. Yes, someone can surprise, why do you need to make a project with almost scratch if you already know how your home will look like.

Sample House Sketch Plan

After all, it will take a lot of money and time. And yet, the compilation of the sketch is not at all the trick of specialists who want to take your time and stretch out extra money. After all, any changes in the appearance of the building, even the most minor, can seriously affect its entire design.

Simple example: Did you decide to increase the window? It means that the load on the entire window opening will increase significantly. And it will definitely need to strengthen it so that he can stand it without harm for himself. Instead of metal tile, do you want to use ceramic tile? So you have to strengthen the rafters so that they can withstand a significantly increased load.

Of course, it is simply impossible to carry out all these calculations on the eye, without the preparation of a special sketch or project. In addition, the finished sketch allows you to quite accurately determine the complexity of the work and the number of required materials. And, therefore, the price of the house will be called.

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How to make at home sports hall

Example of estimates based on materials

Moreover, specialists will be able to calculate the cost of construction and finishing materials for you, as well as the cost of the work. And it is very important. Perhaps no reasonable person agrees to start the construction of a country cottage, just knowing how much it will cost him.

The sketch necessarily contains a number of illustrations for which you can evaluate your future home from the inside and outside.

The use of modern architectural programs allows you to make a sketch as clear as possible.

You can only decide whether your requirements were taken into account during construction, or you would like to make additional changes, achieving maximum compliance with the plans that you wear.

What is needed to enter into an agreement to compose a sketch

Sketch development is a very difficult and responsible work. Of course, it is performed only after the conclusion of the contract with the company. And for this you will need to assemble the following documents:

  • Technical task for design. Here it is necessary in writing to submit its requirements to which the future object must meet;
  • Urban planning plan of the land plot;
  • Geodesic shooting of a land plot (scale 1: 500);
  • Help that the existing shooting is suitable for use.

When these documents are collected, you can safely go to sign a service agreement. Immediately after that you will be directed to the designer architect to coordinate all work. Having received all the necessary information from you (in addition to the technical assignment), it proceeds to the development of a sketch.

An example of a sketch of the house

It is worth saying that creating a sketch is a very complex and responsible stage. From the part it may seem that everything is quite easy and simple here: to each person under the power, in which he would like to live. However, the compilation and drawing of the sketch with their own hands very often leads to sad consequences. Still, ready illustrations that are shown to you with a sketch is only the top of the iceberg. And the gigantic amount of work done remains in the drawings that have little to say to a person who does not have a relation to construction.

After all, in order to draw up a sketch, a specialist conducts a number of settlements, in the future used to develop a project, which will be built. And the unprofessional can hardly be able to fulfill all the work also qualitatively, guaranteeing the integrity and durability of the structure, as a specialist who poured on this hand over many years of work.

An example of a house design

To more clearly clarify how many factors have to take into account, developing a draft building, it is worth lifying the main of them.

Location on the site

Having housing on the land plot, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements for sanitary and fire safety, as well as the rules of development. The distance from the house to the border of the neighboring site should be no less installed minimum. It is also necessary to correctly orient the house relative to the parties to the light. The technical premises are better to have on the north side, while residential needs to be placed on the south.

Of course, the house should be elegantly fit into the surrounding landscape, and not get out of it.
By drawing up the general plan of the plot, the experienced architect will successfully position on it not only the house itself, but also all the buildings that the area owner considers it necessary. This may be a number of other buildings.


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