Breeding chinchillas at home is a highly profitable and profitable business. Breeding chinchillas as a business Adopting chinchillas for fur

Small, fluffy animals from South America - chinchillas are not lucky in life. Their fur is so prized in the world fur market that hardly even every second of them dies a natural death. However, let's not talk about sad things. To paraphrase a well-known proverb, let's say: that chinchillas are bad, then people are good and profitable. Especially those who breed them. At current prices for chinchilla fur, this business can be considered highly profitable. Then why don't most entrepreneurs do it?

The fact is that chinchilla breeding as a business is a long-term project. One female chinchilla is capable of giving birth to four to six cubs three times a year, but more often than not, this happens only once a year. Among those who are engaged in breeding chinchillas, this is considered normal.

Chinchilla care

Chinchillas can be kept anywhere, even in a city apartment. The animal does not smell at all, since it does not have sweat glands, it is very neat, neat, and does not require too much attention. Chinchillas do not lose their hair.

Room requirements:

  • Dry, heated room without drafts.
  • Cells are at least fifty centimeters in size on each side.

A couple of tablespoons of dry food a day is enough to feed one chinchilla. The whole care process comes down to simple actions:

  • Daily: feed, drink, clean.
  • Weekly: Change the shavings in the cage.
  • Monthly: change or pass through a sieve and fire the fine sand in which the chinchillas swim.
  • Once every six months: disinfect the cell.

You definitely need to know:

Fertility in female chinchillas occurs at the age of six months. The gestation time is about four months. After three months, young offspring are placed in separate cells, and after another four - at the age of seven months, they determine the fate of the animals. It should be noted that mainly males go for fur, females remain for breeding. Strong, active individuals are left to the tribe, others are sold. One male and four females are considered a normal family of chinchillas for breeding. You can also feed the animals with grass or hay, compound feed. It is estimated that a chinchilla eats about twelve kilograms of grass and six kilograms of compound feed in a year. Agree, these are very small expenses. And yet, it is not recommended to hold the chinchilla in your hands, but if you still want to hold it, it catches the animal either by the tail or by the ear.

Strengths and weaknesses of the chinchilla business.


  • The high cost of these products
  • Cheap feed
  • Sufficient stability of production costs
  • Availability of our own premises, suitable after appropriate repair, maintenance and breeding of chinchillas
  • Simplicity and ease of breeding


  • A gradual expansion of production and a corresponding increase in profits
  • A transition from selling skins to sewing and selling fur products is possible, thereby increasing profitability several times
  • The ultimate goal of breeding chinchillas, the main task is to obtain a finished product - valuable fur skins, as well as breeding animals, which, frankly, is impossible without the other.

Weak sides:

  • Changes in tax legislation are possible, which may complicate the sale of fur abroad
  • An unpredictable change in government policy, which may lead to a complete or partial prohibition of this type of activity.
  • The biggest problem that one has to face when growing tires in Ukraine is the insufficient number of competent and practicing veterinarians, veterinary laboratories. Unfortunately, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the level of veterinarians without proper permanent practice decreased. This factor can be easily explained, because earlier there were minilabs at a working collective farm, now, unfortunately, there are very few of them and their level, to put it mildly, wants to remain the best.
  • Situations may arise, for the solution of which a competent veterinarian and veterinary laboratory is needed, and this is a problem in Ukraine. You have to read the relevant literature and sometimes do everything yourself.

But we can say that proper prevention and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards is the best treatment. If your cultivation technology is correct, and you do not violate it, then you will rarely have such cases.

Implementation of chinchillas:

Finding a market for both chinchilla skins and livestock will not be difficult. The Internet is the largest trading platform, give
announcement, and in a few hours your phone will be ringing. It is interesting that not only chinchilla fur is valuable. The animal's meat is also prized for its properties. It is very useful for patients with tuberculosis, sclerosis, or cancer.

The average cost of a pelt ranges from $ 50 to $ 90. This is the price that companies that sew fur products are willing to pay. Over the past three years, prices for chinchilla fur at world auctions have only increased, and this is against the backdrop of the global financial crisis. According to the Copenhagen Fur Auction (one of the largest fur auctions in the world), over the past two years, prices for chinchilla fur have increased by 22-24%, mink fur - 27-33%. Leading experts associate the rise in the cost of "soft gold" with an increase in demand in China, Russia and the CIS countries. Since money does not disappear anywhere, but passes from hand to hand, after the impact of the economic crisis, they concentrated in a close circle of people with great opportunities, which are abundant in the CIS countries. Today the global fur market is estimated at US $ 9 billion. Among the sales leaders are undoubtedly mink, marten, silver fox, ermine, chinchilla, beaver and others. The greatest connoisseurs of warm products are those countries with a cold climate. Therefore, it is not surprising that the largest fur farms are located in Denmark, Finland, Czech Republic, Norway, China, USA, Canada. In most of these countries, there are national programs to support the development of farming business, in particular, exhibitions and conferences are regularly held, which are partially financed by the state.

In addition, the chinchilla is considered the talisman of treasure hunters. This is really so - even the ancient Indians of South America noticed that animals settle where there is gold nearby. Now domestic "craftsmen" have adapted hand-held chinchillas to search for lost gold jewelry on sea beaches. So, problems with the sale of animals should not be expected. Well, after the business starts, it’s not far from the chinchilla farm. The main desire!

And as a bonus - a video about the chinchilla breed:

Chinchilla fur is one of the most demanded and prestigious materials in the global fashion industry of fur products. But these are not all the advantages of these animals. Their dietary meat is recommended for the treatment of tuberculosis, sclerosis. It has been proven that its properties have a beneficial effect on the condition of patients with oncological diseases.

Not everyone knows about the uniqueness of chinchillas. Even the ancient Indians noticed that these fur-bearing animals live in areas of gold or precious stones. Therefore, if it is customary to take a dog for hunting, a pig to search for truffles, then treasure hunters use the chinchilla for their work.

Many treasure hunters today have changed their status to entrepreneurs and receive a high income from breeding these animals at home.

Breeding chinchillas as a home business

Breeding chinchillas at home is a promising direction, which is just beginning to develop in our country.

Advice: according to experts, there will never be high competition in this business. This is due to the increased demand for fur and the chinchilla's long breeding period.

The profitability of this type of business is due to the following factors:

  • lack of competing organizations;
  • high demand for fur in the world market;
  • relatively small financial costs for organizing a business;
  • high prices for fur, the possibility of selling meat;
  • fast payback of the project (with proper planning, start-up costs are paid off in 18 months);
  • caring for animals is simple and does not require a lot of labor.

Today it is fashionable to choose exotic animals as pets. Therefore, a business on or chinchillas gets new distribution channels - pet stores, which are happy to take animals for sale.

Business registration

Chinchillas are undemanding animals, so they are easy to breed at home. With small volumes at the start, you may not register a business. The fact is that the breeding period in animals at home is quite long. Therefore, it is impractical to pay taxes while waiting for offspring.

After the promotion of the business, when searching for distribution channels and when selling products to private firms, registration will be required. To do this, you must choose one of the organizational and legal forms:

  • peasant farm (KFK);
  • individual entrepreneur;
  • limited liability company.

LLC is suitable for a large farm. Beginners are advised to arrange, which will make it possible to sell not only animals, but also related products - skins, meat and even finished fur products.

To register a farm, the following package of documents is required:

  • application form P21002;
  • agreement for the establishment of a farm, certified by a notary (if the number of applicants is two or more people);
  • a copy of the passport of each founder of the farm;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles).

Sometimes additional documents may be required, for example,.

Room equipment

The main product when breeding chinchillas at home is fur, but some manage to establish channels for selling meat. The quality of the skins largely depends on the conditions of detention.

Despite the fact that these animals are undemanding and unpretentious, they can reproduce even at a temperature of + 40 ° C, when breeding them at home, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • indoor humidity level - 55-60%;
  • permissible temperature - + 18-21 ° C;
  • lack of direct rays of the sun;
  • lack of drafts, sharp temperature fluctuations.

Many entrepreneurs, who did not know and preferred to try the business on chinchillas, at the initial stage raised the animals in their own house or even in an apartment. But when the business expands, it is necessary to build and equip a separate room for the animals. The main condition in it is thermal insulation. The big plus is that the animals do not require a lot of space. A room with an area of \u200b\u200b18-20 m² is sufficient for keeping 100 individuals.

To breed chinchillas at home, it is enough to purchase the following set of equipment:

  1. cells;
  2. automatic drinkers;
  3. bunker feeders;
  4. devices for heating the premises in winter (the best option for this is the purchase of convectors);
  5. swimwear;
  6. air conditioning;
  7. low power lamps for lighting.

In the cage, you need to install swimwear - containers with sand so that the animals can clean the skins. It is better to buy automatic feeders and drinkers to constantly provide the animals with food.

The height of the cage should be 40-45 centimeters, the landing area should be 30 cm² per individual. For the production of cages, it is recommended to use a galvanized mesh with cells measuring 2 x 1.5 centimeters.

Advice: chinchillas cannot be placed in wooden cages, as the animal will quickly gnaw through partitions of any thickness.

In a room with an area of \u200b\u200b18-20 m², 6 sections can be placed in 2 rows. On the front wall, doors are installed to get the animals, change water and add food, as well as a drinking bowl and a feeder. On the back wall there is a "lounger" 10-15 centimeters wide at a height of up to 20 centimeters. To ensure cleanliness, stands with wooden sawdust are installed under the cages, which must be changed every 5-7 days (as they become dirty).

Preparation of food supply

Chinchillas are herbivorous rodents. As a rule, when breeding at home, they are fed with compound feed. The food supply can be divided into several types:

  • concentrated feed - cereals (wheat, corn, millet) and legumes (lentils, beans, peas);
  • dried herbs;
  • hay.

An adult must eat at least 25 grams of food per day. For catering, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. taste habits are formed in these animals immediately after birth, therefore, new foods are introduced gradually and with caution;
  2. in addition to the usual food, the animals need to be given vitamins to strengthen their immunity. For breeding chinchillas at home, specialized vitamin preparations designed for ferrets are suitable;
  3. be sure to give food in the evening, since animals are awake at night;
  4. water should be boiled or filtered.

Features of caring for chinchillas at home

Simplicity is a big advantage when breeding chinchillas at home. For the maintenance of 20 families in the first stage, as in the case, one person is suitable.

Every day, such animals need to be fed, changed the water in the drinker and the sand in the bathing suit, monitor the cleanliness of the cages, observe the temperature regime, and ventilate the room.

Features of breeding chinchillas at home:

  1. puberty begins from 6-7 months;
  2. females carry the fetus for 106-114 days;
  3. the ability to reproduce lasts about 12-15 years;
  4. the life span of these animals is about 17-18 years;
  5. the cub is weaned from its mother at the age of 2 months with a weight gain of 200 grams;
  6. a newborn animal has teeth and sees well (unlike nutria);
  7. start feeding babies on the fifth day after birth;
  8. the growth and development of young animals lasts up to 12-13 months and ends after gaining weight 450-500 grams;
  9. the animals mate at night;
  10. during pregnancy, the weight of the female increases by 40-50 grams.

According to experts, even with the rapid development of this business, the overproduction crisis will not threaten this area for another 100-200 years. The reason lies in reproductive traits. For a year, a female can give birth 2-3 times to 1-4 cubs when breeding at home.

Chinchilla families can be both monogamous and polygamous. If breeding is planned and individuals are distinguished by high productive qualities, have good breed qualities, they need to be placed together in one cage (female plus male). In another case, one male is kept in a cage with four females.

Financial calculation

If when looking for an answer to the question "?" you decide to breed chinchillas at home, you need to draw up a financial plan. According to experts, beginners should start with 20 families. This amount does not require large investments and large premises equipment. Working on a small farm will make it possible to calculate the profitability of the project and really assess your strength.

Approximate starting costs for breeding chinchillas at home:

  1. purchase of young animals (20 families consist of 80 chinchillas, each of which costs about $ 50) - $ 4,000;
  2. preparation of premises, installation of cages, purchase of equipment - about 4 thousand dollars;
  3. food costs (each individual eats about 20 kg of feed per year) - $ 820

In practice, organizing a mini-farm for 20 families requires expenses in the amount of 7-10 thousand dollars. We will form a family of one male and 3-4 females, each of which brings offspring 2-3 times a year, 1-4 calves. On average, each female gives birth to 6 cubs per year. Therefore, 360 animals can be obtained on a small farm in one year. Selling them for $ 50 will generate $ 18,000 in revenue and cover all start-up costs.

Sales channels

It is possible to achieve a quick payback of the project by establishing a competent sales policy. Ways of implementation when breeding chinchillas at home:

  1. selling animals for pet shops or as an exotic animal;
  2. sale of skins at fur auctions. This option is suitable for large farms, since such an event is attended by enterprises with a large turnover (from 5 thousand skins);
  3. sale of young animals for divorce;
  4. sale of meat;
  5. sale of fur in the atelier and specialized organizations.

Chinchilla meat - price

Do not forget about the dietary and healing properties of the meat of this animal. Naturally, when selling skins, there is a question of selling meat. It has been proven to help with sclerosis, tuberculosis, and oncological diseases.

The meat is quite fit for food, it resembles a rabbit in taste and nutritional value. Today it is not in high demand, therefore the prices are low - 250-400 rubles per kilogram.

Breeding chinchillas as a business - reviews

My parents breed chinchillas at home, for this they have allocated a small extension. This case has certain nuances that are worth considering. For example - the temperature regime, which should be within +18 - + 24ºС. Recently, the heater was not turned on on time, the temperature dropped to +14 ºС, so 6 animals out of 40 died. Although the care is simple, you will not go on vacation either - you need to feed, clean the cages, etc. every day. A big disadvantage is the lack of technology for skinning, and only expensive restaurants with exotic cuisine (at a low price) take meat, so parents raise them as pets and sell them via the Internet. Despite this, I want to leave a positive review - they eat very little, the cost of feed is insignificant. They need small cages, there is no need to buy a large breeding room. The meat is tasty and tender, they say it is also healthy.

I always wanted to organize my own business, but without competition. After rereading reviews and advice on the Internet, I settled on a chinchilla - care is simple, the costs at the start are low. I don’t regret it, because in a year and a half I paid back all the expenses and went to zero. But I recommend starting only for those who are really ready to devote themselves to these cute animals. Start small to learn breeding technology at home. Today I sell these animals in Russia and neighboring countries. Most of my clients are young farmers who buy young animals for divorce. Sometimes they are taken for home maintenance as a beloved pet.

If your chinchillas do not get sick, do not die, quickly become pregnant and give birth to babies of beautiful colors of the desired sex, if you yourself know how to build cells, if you do not spend money on buying new individuals, then you will quickly recoup your investment (in 1-1.5 years). But, unfortunately, one cannot do without the above nuances. Any financial waste, disease, elementary reluctance of the female to mate, unsuccessful childbirth will nullify all efforts. Think - are you ready for difficulties? If such problems do not scare you and you are ready to try, everything will work out. Think carefully about each step, think about the ways of implementation already at the start, and your business will be doomed to success.

The lack of competition in the market for the production of chinchilla fur, ease of care and maintenance, low start-up costs make this business in demand and promising. But those who want to organize a business for breeding chinchillas at home should take into account all the pitfalls and subtleties. The animals need to be looked after regularly, to prevent drafts and temperature fluctuations. Also, no longer start, you need to take care of the distribution channels.

Buying chinchilla skins | Waste skins | Chinchilla skins

Buying chinchilla skins | Waste skins | Chinchilla skins


Chinchillas have the most delicate and beautiful fur. Its value is determined by a fairly strong skin, a very thick hairline, lightness, elasticity and unusual thermal insulation properties.

Selection is made at the age of 5-6 months; we separate animals intended for further breeding or for fur. The animals intended for slaughter receive fur maturity and the desired size at the age of 8-12 months. During this period, chinchillas need to be bathed more often (even daily) in clean sand, and in the seventh month, combed with a special comb to remove dead hair and the likely matted fur. Big, mature chinchillas with smooth shiny fur are slaughtered.

By blowing through the cover, the maturity of the fur can be checked.

The slaughter of chinchilla is carried out by electric current, the skins are removed in a layer. The most common mistakes when picking up:

  • leaving the flesh,
  • poor degreasing of the skin,
  • improper skin formation,
  • prelins,
  • breaks in the skin and prelate.

We store raw and dried skins at a temperature of 10-16 ° C. Not later than in a month we send them for dressing. Our skins are lightweight, flexible along the entire length, very well defatted, shiny and fluffy.

More details about slaughtering and skinning can be found in the DVD movie, which can be bought at the RABA farm.

Purchase of chinchillas, raw and dressed skins

We buy chinchillas for cash in order to get fur at the age of 6-8 months. The money is paid on the sale. The same rules apply when purchasing raw hides. Since 1995 we have been purchasing tanned skins for Canchilla Ass. LTD William and Brent Paulie from Canada. This company is one of the world's largest chinchilla pelts businesses.

With the personal participation of Brent Paulie, we organize purchases in January, March and October. In order to prepare the skins well for sale, we bought out the skin processing technology. Our tannery has very good references from many reputable brokers, furriers and fur breeders who have been using our services for many years.

What the breeder should do to dress and sell skins with us:

  • provide raw or dressed hides,
  • mark the skins with seals (can be ordered by phone),
  • fill out the act of acceptance of skins for dressing. It is a document for settlement after the sale (can be downloaded in the "Downloads" section and on this page).

If the breeder has not purchased seals in advance or does not have an acceptance certificate, these steps can be performed on the farm.

Each hide is individually assessed by Brent Paulie. After the sale, the breeder receives an invoice with detailed information on the quantity and price of the skins. The amount for the sale is transferred to the account of the breeder.

Crafted skins or live animals can only be sold by breeders cooperating with the Raba chinchilla farm.


Acceptance of skins

How much are chinchilla skins

Chinchilla lives in the South American Andes mountains at an altitude of several thousand meters. A cold and dry climate reigns here, there is little vegetation to feed even such a small animal as a chinchilla. The only protection from the piercing wind and cold is the skin, which has a very special structure of the fur.

As a rule, in a fur-bearing animal, the skin is covered with hair follicles from which one guard hair grows. In a chinchilla, up to 80 hairs grow from one bulb, and about 30 thousand hairs can be in one square centimeter. They form a very dense, thick layer of down, through which even the most severe frost will not penetrate. That is why the cost of a chinchilla fur coat is very high - the price of a coat of 300 skins can go up to 250 thousand dollars, this is one of the most prestigious furs in the world.

I must say that the chinchilla has become valuable quite recently, but in the 19th century it lost to the ermine, beaver, marten and sable. In the twentieth century, chinchilla fur became wildly popular, it came to the point that the threat of complete destruction hung over these beautiful animals. The animal is listed in the Red Book, and the Andes are carefully guarded from poachers.

Varieties of chinchillas:

  • short-tailed
  • long-tailed

For the production of furs, fur farms have been established, where these small rodents are raised for sale. Of course, it is not at all easy to organize suitable living conditions for them, because chinchillas live in high-mountainous regions with thin air. Under normal conditions, rodents cease to see, an imbalance of metabolism occurs, and the animal may even die.

The color of the chinchilla can be different: from gray to bluish and snow-white. Even a voluminous fur coat will be light, because chinchilla skins are truly airy. They are often bred as pets, their friendly disposition and unpretentiousness in food do not create any problems for the owners. They eat grass, cereals, legumes, bark, seeds, insects, etc. However, you cannot stroke a chinchilla with unwashed hands - the delicate fur immediately falls off and sticks together, the animal may die. The animals do not have sweat and sebaceous glands; to clean the fur of a chinchilla, volcanic ash and the finest quarry sand are needed.

how much is a chinchilla fur coat

18. Alexei | 20.01.2012, 22:26:37


Shinshi are beautiful rodents. And the fur of chinchillas has no analogues, and it is not possible to confuse it with anything!

I myself am engaged in breeding chinchiks.

Now I am saving up skins for sewing fur coats for my wife.

The price for cutting and sewing a fur coat in an atelier costs 15-30 thousand rubles.

So in any case it will be cheaper to sew it.

By the way, in the largest markets for valuable furs, chin skins range from $ 50 to about $ 130 per piece. The price depends on the quality and color of the fur.

So ladies, you will be unique in the Chinchilla fur coat.

If you knew the habitat of chinchillas, you would not say that this is the fur of defenseless animals. Chinchillas in nature are not so easy to catch.

And at the moment, the fur of these wonderful animals is obtained more humanely than 2 centuries ago.

Many farms have been created in Russia and its outside, engaged in breeding chinchillas.

Business benefits

The advantages of these animals are that they are 2 to 3 times smaller than rabbits, they are herbivorous, they eat everything the same as rabbits, but much smaller: vegetables, grain, herbs, hay, leaves, branches, seeds, etc. Chinchillas do not have seasonal molting, and unlike other animals, they are odorless.

Chinchillas do not need any vaccinations as they are all raised in captivity. They reach sexual maturity as early as 6-7 months. Moreover, their main advantage is simple maintenance and breeding.

They usually say about chinchillas: You feed like a rabbit and sell like a sable.


Chinchillas have the most valuable fur of all animals: products from chinchilla fur cost from 10 to 100 thousand dollars.

The constant demand for chinchilla skins at fur auctions has necessitated the creation of an entire affiliate program.

The terms of the partnership program are extremely simple - you buy our breeding animals, breed and sell the young born to us. Thus, our breeding animals maintain a constant genetically correct fertility structure, specially developed by our employees, and increase sales. In turn, you get a stable income and guaranteed sales.

The technology for growing chinchillas is so simple and affordable that they can be successfully grown both in a small household and in a one-room apartment. Only on two square meters, with only 20 females, you will constantly receive up to 100 cubs from them. Usually, one pair produces offspring within 10 years.

Breeding chinchillas is a real production of a product that has a guaranteed sale on the market. Chinchilla skins can be sold in unlimited quantities at a fur auction in St. Petersburg or Copenhagen. The sale can be carried out both through Us and independently. Skins can also be sent by regular mail. The average price of a skin at the CPA auction for the last 2 years is $ 45-65. We accept young animals at a price of $ 60-100 per puppy.

You've probably seen or heard on television and radio that chinchilla fur coats cost from $ 10 to $ 100 thousand!

Chinchillas have been bred in captivity for about 80 years, and the demand for the animals themselves and their fur around the world is still very high. There are no chinchillas in the CIS countries, which means that the sales market is simply huge!

We guarantee you 100% sale of skins and young chinchillas. Only with Us you can conclude a contract for a period of 5 to 15 years. We, in turn, undertake to buy from you 2-6 month old chinchilla cubs.

You will learn how you can buy pedigree young animals from us for breeding, prices for cages, feed, vitamins; in detail how to contain, breed, etc.

Whether to get chinchillas just for fun or seriously engage in their breeding, everyone decides for himself. But in any case, the pleasure of communicating with these cute animals will be guaranteed to you.


Zharsi - Orion province officer chapter 4 "

Infantrymen Livesey and Zharsi collected the dead pirates and carried them into one of the empty locks. The charming captain Rithrock flew away with most of the prisoners on the Phantom, smiling coquettishly goodbye and vaguely telling her that she needed to talk to an old friend. Livesey and Jarsi were too busy designing the operation and preparing the equipment. They were greatly assisted by the former captain's mate Viard Shartin. This one is small.

How much does a fox hide cost - News

12/28/10 - Moskovsky Komsomolets

They butchered the carcasses of two moose, and Alexander still removed the skin from the wolf and wandered for a long time in search of the foreman. Note that the brothers left the village along the "road frozen by the forestry." Why didn't you put your skis on right away? Yes, because on a firm track, carrying or dragging skis, it is much easier and faster to go.

Where does the information come from that only wild chinchilla fur is valued?

Serious, scientific article:

Even if you do not sell chinchilla fur, you can earn a lot of money from breeding and selling live chinchillas.

We read, for example, an excerpt from the article:

The era of industrial production began in the early 1980s. The chinchilla industry has reached a new level. More and more entrepreneurs are choosing chinchilla breeding as a profitable production. The size of the industry in the world has grown significantly. Chinchilla breeders who keep 500-600 females make up the backbone of the industry.

Chinchilla fur is used by more fashion designers than ever before in many sectors of the clothing industry. The soft, unusually thick texture, peculiar color make the chinchilla fur an elite, always recognizable fur, which guarantees a secure future for the industry.


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Buying chinchilla skins

We invite you to the new page of the site

We present to your attention original products of their chinchilla fur... The fur of these animals is not only unusually beautiful in its color, but it is also unusually light and airy. For all its lightness, chinchilla fur is very warm, thanks to its incredible density.

Chinchilla products can be both small and large. However, before you go to purchase products from chinchillas, you should remember that this is one of the most expensive furs in the world and the clothes that are sewn from it belong to the luxury class due to their uniqueness and high cost. from ty!

Go to Fur Catalog

On our farm you can also order European quality chinchilla skins from exclusive colors such as Violet, White Wilson, Black Velvet, Beige, etc.

Chinchilla skins are very small in size, approximately 13x23 or maximum 16x30. We offer our customers to buy quality chinchilla skins, the price of which is much lower than if you buy a finished product of any kind. We implement chinchilla skins... made in accordance with all the necessary quality criteria and world standards. The skins purchased from us can be used for sewing any products, as well as for their decorative finishing. Chinchilla fur, besides its unusual density, has one more feature. It concerns the location of the pile. The cross-section produces an irregular pile level. It resembles the cap of the mushrooms. Because of this feature, chinchilla skins look like a kind of bar. We have specified these features in order to be able to compare chinchilla fur with rabbit fur, which, as a result of genetic engineering, also has a similar fur structure. To everyone who wants buy chinchilla skins... the features described above should be kept in mind.

Chinchilla skins, the price of which is quite high, serve to create wonderful warm mittens, slippers and, of course, collars. A chinchilla collar will make any outfit very respectable and expensive, as well as fashionable and stylish.

Go to fur catalog

On our chinchilla

the farm can always buy ready-made chinchilla skins!

Chinchilla-trimmed gloves

Fur, chinchilla skin buy price.

Chinchilla skins price. Quality control

Not many can afford to buy chinchilla fur, as it is in the top three most expensive. Small or long-tailed chinchillas are bred for furs. They have a bluish cover with a gray coating, which is soft, thick and fluffy. In large or short-tailed chinchillas, the quality of the fur is inferior.

The fur fabric is silky and soft to the touch. The color is rich gray on the back, smoothly turns into blue with a gray bloom on the sides, the belly is white. In general, each hair has three color zones. From the very bottom to half gray, then white goes by three millimeters, and the tips are dark. This is a standard color. To evaluate such animals, there are grading tables, according to which five points are given to an animal with a graphite-black color, with the same veil on the back, sides and rump. The line separating the white abdomen should be clear, and the abdomen itself should be snow-white. Five points are also given with a very high color purity, the absence of any shades and a snow-white abdomen.

If the color is dark, and the veil is graphite, the scruff, sides and hind legs are lighter, then this is considered a defect. Such a skin is estimated at four points. The same amount is given for good color purity without shades, but with a vague pattern.

Three points are awarded for the graphite veil, which is darker on the back, and lighter and more uniform on the sides, nape and hind legs. The appearance of brown, brown and yellow shades and an indistinct pattern is also estimated at three points.

A score of two is given to medium color with a veil that is more dark on the back, and lighter and more uneven on the sides, nape and hind legs. However, the border between the veil and the abdomen is quite clear. Two points are given for a significantly brown shade and a cloudy color. For such chinchilla skins, the price is relatively low.

Buy chinchilla fur

Small rodents have carried such a valuable heritage from the harsh life in the snowy Alps.

Chinchilla kennel "Retas"

The first chinchillas appeared in Russia about 20 years ago, and now there is a farm for breeding these cute animals in the Moscow region. Chinchilla farm " Retas started out as a small household and has now grown into a professional nursery. More than eight years of experience in chinchilla breeding inspires respect, in the nursery there are more than 1500 heads of their livestock, the largest selection of colors in the country. « Retas » cooperates with more than 200 partners and has its own fur production.

Buying chinchillas

Chinchilla is an adorable animal that is easy to tame. Its fur retains a silky sheen all year round, the chinchilla does not shed, lives up to 15 years, and therefore is an excellent pet. You can buy a cute chinchilla for home maintenance or as a gift at chinchilla farm Retas. The farm offers animals of various colors, any help and support, everything you need to keep the animal. For those who want to know more, there are excursions, during which the staff of the nursery will be happy to show and tell everything. More details.

Breeding chinchillas

Retas chinchilla farm is developing an affiliate program - opening a representative office in the regions and as a home business. It is simple and fully supported. Chinchilla nursery - a profitable occupation. A pair of animals requires no more than half a meter of free space, and the income is easy enough to calculate. The female chinchilla brings 3 litters per year. The keeping of the animals is within 1,000 rubles a year, and there will be no problems with the sale of young animals due to constant cooperation with the farm. An affiliate program is a great option for a family or personal business. More details.

Personal Business - Chinchillas

Retas Chinchilla Farm offers everything the animals need. During the work on the farm, we developed a special feed for chinchillas. A variety of cage modifications, feeders, drinkers and cage collection tools are available commercially. In addition to specialized feed, you can buy meadow hay, vitamins for chinchillas, bathing sand, etc. Go to the store

Chinchilla skin

Chinchilla is a medium-sized rodent known for its extraordinarily beautiful, thick fur. At the beginning of the twentieth century, a chinchilla coat was a sign of belonging to the upper class, a rare beauty did not dream of such a richest gift. Since the animal itself is small, it could take up to 200 skins to make a long fur coat. Alas, only wealthy people could afford such a luxury.

Dressing chinchilla skins requires special skills, knowledge and high professionalism. The whole process of dressing is exclusively manual work, they do not lend themselves to mechanization.

High quality - dressed chinchilla skins are light as eiderdown and just as warm. They must be stored very carefully, in cardboard boxes, shifting each one with special paper.

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Reception of chinchillas

We have been breeding chinchillas for over 15 years. During this time, we have achieved maximum results in obtaining high-quality livestock and fur. To maintain the genetic tree of our animals, as well as to run a first-class fur business, we only accept young animals from our partners.

By purchasing chinchillas from us you get not only healthy chinchillas, but also a sales guarantee. The policy of our company is based on long-term cooperation on mutually beneficial terms. It is important for us that you develop and earn money, and for our part we will help you at all stages. Our main goal is to create a powerful and dominant organization for breeding chinchillas and obtaining high-quality fur, to meet the demand of fur factories and to move to full import substitution.

All applications for the delivery of chinchillas are put in a live queue. In the event of a shortage of animals, we can also accept from the outside, but only our partners have a 100% guarantee on sales.

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SP Vasiliev D.G.

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Actual for 2019

We invite for cooperation chinchilla farms, private breeders, as well as all interested persons aimed at breeding fur chinchillas, with the aim of further selling their skins. We offer various forms of cooperation and are ready to provide everything you need to organize and maintain your own chinchilla farm. We are interested in reliable partners, in purchasing on an ongoing basis quality chinchilla skins.

1) NEW We go to farms to assess the economy and appraise chinchillas.

We provide assistance to novice chinchilla breeders in assessing the animals available on farms and creating a breeding nucleus in order to obtain more expensive and high-quality raw materials at the output. We give local recommendations, taking into account the design of existing cages, to optimize and reduce the cost of keeping chinchillas. You can get acquainted with the offer in more detail.

2) We offer for sale fur standards originating from Danish, Polish and Czech lines. Cost: 5000 - 8000 rubles. regardless of the sex of the animals.

Chinchillas aged from 6 months to one year are presented for sale, which have passed grading and are recognized as suitable for further breeding. The price of animals depends on the points they have scored based on the results of the assessment.

(The number of animals on offer is limited, advance booking required).

3) We buy dry skins of chinchillas, including skins of colored mutations.

We buy dry unmanufactured chinchilla skins at prices from 1000 rub... before 3000 rbl.

Since it is quite difficult to assess the quality of the skin taken from a dry semi-finished product, the final estimated price is determined only after our finishing, which takes about one month on average.

Important:Buying hides after tanning is our right, not an obligation to the farmer. We buy ready-made skins based only on our needs.

4) Providing chinchilla farms with fodder and the necessary equipment.

For a balanced and professional feeding of chinchillas on our farm, three types of compound feed have been specially developed and have been used for four years, specially adapted to the needs of various groups of animals:

1. For lactating females and young animals up to 2 months.

2. For the main working population.

3. For chinchillas on fur.

We also offer the provision of farms with hay and hay briquettes, vitamin supplements, liquid vitamins, bathing sand, sulfur, disinfectants, cages and accessories for them, collars for female chinchillas for polygamous breeding and other consumables necessary for keeping animals in a farm.

We provide advice on breeding and keeping chinchillas.

5) We offer services for finishing chinchilla fur.

For dressing, dry fresh or freshly salted skins well cleaned of fat are accepted.

The cost of making a chinchilla isRUB 500 (urgent dressing 1000 rubles.)

Your numbered seals (tags) can be worn on skins that are handed over for dressing. If not sealed skins are sent to us, then we use our own seals.

Skins rejected for raw materials: with immature fur, with strong gnawing of fur, with traces of putrefactive processes, that is, those skins that, after final dressing, have serious raw material defects, are returned to the farmer after payment for the work on their dressing, which is also estimated atRUB 500.

6 ) We accept orders for painting chinchilla skins in any color.

The main condition is that the dyed skins were originally to be processed in our workshop. Otherwise, dyeing can be carried out, but without guarantee that the skins will safely survive the dyeing process. Painting cost -RUB 500for one skin.

7) We conduct training and master classes on sanding and preserving skins.

Cost of educationRUB 3,000

8) We teach the basics of determining the quality of animal fur and finished skins.

On our animals and already dressed skins, we teach to correctly determine the moment of maturity of the hairline.

Cost of education 3 000 RUB

9) We invite you to cooperate with fur ateliers and workshops for sewing outerwear.

We have dressed chinchilla skins without defects, ready for sewing, in various colors from 3 000 before 5000 rub.

10) We offer European skins for sale " WANGER™ "- Hungary.

Grade, number of lots and price are negotiated separately.

11) For craftsmen engaged in sewing toys from fur and other handicrafts, we can offer substandard chinchilla skins of various colors, both natural and dyed, at reduced prices.

12) NEW We conduct individual training seminars for farmers on the basics of calculating and producing their own feed for chinchillas.

This proposal is aimed primarily at regional farmers with at least 100 chinchillas on the farm.

Cost of educationRUB 10,000

The chinchilla breeding business is quite attractive by many criteria and guarantees high profits.

Such a business is based on breeding animals and selling both themselves and the most precious fur in the world. A breeding animal can be sold for approximately $ 100.

Organizing a business requires answering certain questions. How much do chinchilla skins cost? What are the initial investments and potential returns? We will talk about this and much more below.

To organize the activities, it will be necessary to draw up a project, which considers all the nuances of the work of the upcoming company. The business plan for breeding chinchillas includes the main directions: organizational, financial, legal and others.

Product characteristics

The features of the material are very attractive. Chinchilla meat is a dietary product. Her fur is rightfully one of the most valuable, which is why the proactive development of business in this area is connected. It is distinguished by its high cost due to heat and the presence of a large number of hairs on the skins (for 1 cm 2 square up to 25 thousand hairs).

Skins price

How much does a chinchilla skin cost? This issue is of concern to most businessmen. The price of the highest grade skins reaches $ 300 and more. Fur of less high quality costs 2 times cheaper.

Business benefits

  • Profitability. The chinchilla business brings high income with low production costs.
  • Availability. Anyone can do business. In fact, no expensive equipment, no special education, or large investments are required.
  • Simplicity. Ease of organizing and breeding animals.

Business plan for breeding chinchillas at home

It is quite possible to breed these animals in small quantities at home in a one-room apartment, or in private households. Keeping chinchillas at home for business purposes does not require large areas and special conditions.

The animals do not emit an unpleasant odor due to the absence of sweat and sebaceous glands, and the fur does not shed, like other animals. They are very friendly, do not bite or scratch, they even gnaw their claws on their own. As for the equipment, it includes cages that can be easily made by yourself or purchased at zoo points.

  • The temperature regime in the cells is 15-25 degrees, the humidity is by the standards of home conditions.
  • The cells are filled with sawdust. They are changed once a week.
  • Chinchillas feed on hay and special feeding.
  • In the daytime, the animals sleep, so feeding is done in the evenings (once a day).


1. Buying chinchillas. The price of one individual is about 6-9 thousand rubles. One male is needed for 3-4 females.

2. Equipment. Cell acquisition. The content area is small in size. On an area of \u200b\u200b2 square meters, up to 20 animals can freely fit.

The cells are stacked on top of each other, and therefore little space is required.

For one animal, a cage of 30x40 cm is enough. They are made independently, to order, purchased in stores. The cost of a cell can be from 1,500 to 10 thousand rubles.

3. Nutrition. In one month, one individual consumes up to 0.7-1 kg of dry food, at a cost of up to 20 rubles per kilogram. It is possible to prepare food on your own, which will significantly reduce costs (hay, dried dandelion foliage).


One female produces about 5-9 puppies per year. At a price of 1 individual of 6-10 thousand rubles, the profit from one chinchilla is 50-90 thousand rubles. The life span of the animal at home is from 12 to 17 years with annual fertility.


Breeding chinchillas at home is very profitable and not troublesome. In addition to the fact that they bring a very high income, these animals look very beautiful and complement any home. It is more convenient to keep chinchillas in garages or special rooms in your own dacha or farm, but at home, although they will take root, they will create a smell and gnaw on everything. However, some even have cats that behave more aggressively.

In order to delve into the intricacies of the content, to estimate the costs and real incomes, it is advised to take a couple of chinchillas to a city apartment and watch them for several months. Many of these animals have problems with breeding at home when they do not want to breed.

But not with chinchillas - they perfectly produce babies and, depending on luck, can bring not 3-5 newborns, but up to a dozen. This increases the profit and payback of the business practically in the first six months of owning such a farm.

Chinchilla farm business plan

The chinchilla farm involves the most ambitious activity. However, it will also be more profitable. The business plan for breeding chinchillas on your own farm implies the presence of 200 females and 50 males.

Business benefits

No need for licensing and special education, as well as certain skills. No special equipment required. Large areas are not required.

The profitability of the product is 500-800% per annum. The first release - after 4 months.

What is needed to open a mini-farm

1. Premises.

2. Registration of individual entrepreneurs.

4. Cost of feed.

5. Purchase of breeding chinchillas.

6. Staff - no more than 1 person.

List of documents that must be provided for legal registration

  1. Statement on the state. registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur on the form P21001.
  2. Receipt for payment of state duties.
  3. Application for the transition to a simplified taxation system in the form No. 26. 2-1.
  4. Copy of the passport.

Features of the content

The chinchilla mini-farm is illuminated using ordinary bulbs. Heating in winter is electric. Air conditioners are used for cooling in the summer. You can buy animals using the affiliate program provided by the owners of special farms. You can also order cells there, get information on the content. Actually, what the animal needs: 14-18 degrees, 60% air humidity, sand for swimming, several hundred grams of food a day and a tree with a stone to sharpen its teeth.


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