A way to make money by selling articles. How To Make Big Money By Resale Articles! I checked it on myself! How much do you earn from reselling articles

Good afternoon dear friends! Welcome to my personal blog called. If you came to this page of my blog, then this is just great, because the information that you receive in this article, you cannot find anymore on the Internet. In fact, I myself cannot understand why the topic of content reselling is not so popular on the net. It's one thing that you can't resell on TextSale, and it says in red that the article should be written by you, but you can on etxt. But after wandering the network, I could not find more than one competent article on this topic, just any nonsense of administrators who themselves do not even know about making money on the resale of articles.

I have written a lot of articles on the topic of copywriting. For instance:

It seems to me that a lot of copywriters sooner or later thought about how to start making money by reselling articles. I myself once thought, especially when I got tired of writing 10 - 30 articles a day for sale. The debts were pressed so hard that I had to write up to 100,000 characters a day (well, of course, about five hours). Now I saw this copywriting from the high bell tower !! How he got me that I would rather plow at work than do this hard labor! People, you'd better go to work, and additionally keep a blog, and you can also order content on other websites of your own. But copywriting seriously is just a nightmare!

Yes, I came to an income of 13,000 wmr, every day I sold articles for about 500 rubles. I liked selling articles for 18.99 rubles / 1000 more closely than fulfilling orders for 10-12 rubles / 1000, or at 15/1000 but with a terrible technical specification. I'll write two fifteen articles in an hour and that's it, but in any case, you understand that there are no prospects in this activity, and how to develop your blog, you are promoting, so to speak, other people's sites.

The idea is in my head!

And then the idea in my head about making money by reselling articles. I had thought to do this before, but somehow hesitated. But suddenly I notice an interesting account on the ETXT exchange. The user has 7200 articles for sale, kapets! I think, where did he get so much from? Write it yourself? It's funny! But no kidding, articles worth over 500,000 wmr. And then I look at the fact that a different author is always written in the description of the article. That is, so, namely:

Well, in general, so, and it immediately becomes clear to me that the user is reselling articles! But I remember the fact that you can get a full BAN for this on the TextSale exchange. In fact, the admin and his wife are holding the project there, they don’t care about the users, they ban everyone as they want!) I write to the administrator / moderator in the ETXT service, and ask about the possibility of reselling articles. I receive in response the following, namely that the administration of the ETXT service allows the resale of content, both when buying and selling, and using orders. But you must definitely indicate the authorship !! That is, when you sell an article, write the following in a note, namely: The author of the article is “his login”.

What happened next

I decided to do it seriously. But accordingly, there is absolutely no point in buying and selling articles! After all, you cannot find cheaper than 10/1000 on sale, or you will find nonsense. I decided to order content for 6 rubles / 1000 characters. To do this, I registered a new account on ETXT as a customer.

>> <<

And the whole point is that having an executive account in the service, you do not have the opportunity to order content, you can only sell articles and take orders for work, but you cannot place your orders. The administration of the service said that for this it is necessary to open a second account as a customer. This is not a violation of the service and the account will not be a multi-account.

When registering, you must indicate the status "customer". After registration, you can log into your account.

As you can see, the account is not much different, only instead of "taking orders to work" is the item "place an order". Then everything follows the scheme, fill out the profile, specify the favicon, and so on. Confirm phone number, notification. Start with quality!

Further about myself

With difficulty I figured out these orders. I decided for myself to order and sell articles on the most "delicious topics", namely:

1. Website promotion

2. Website development

3. Lending

4. Forex

5. Earnings on the Internet

6. Tourism

7. Beauty and health

If the work is handed over with 99 - 100% uniqueness, I sell it for 18.99 rubles / 1000 characters. If 96 - 98%, then I sell for 14.99 rubles / 1000 characters, but already as a rewriting.

Of course, I am an ADEQUATE person, and I perfectly understand that for 6 - 8 rubles / 1000 symbols there will not be a lot of people at once, and having 80 - 100 articles on sale, I will not come out on a high income. Many complain that there are 50 articles on sale, and the income is 200 - 300 rubles a day. Here you have to plow! It is necessary to ensure that as much money as possible is in circulation.

I replenished my balance by 1000 rubles. I went to the qiwi wallet and replenished my balance. Created 30 orders, 20 simple orders for articles, and 10 multi-orders (1 order can be taken by a lot of people)). Began to wait for the application. I wait, and there are still no copywriters. But then 2 applications were submitted, one has a rating of 5000, the other has +10, but 15 negative reviews. Of course, these are not good for me. I have completed my profile, namely:

After that I created an ad in the "my ads" section with the following text, namely:

Performers are urgently needed!

Orders from 6 - 12 rubles with instant payment on various topics.

I attached an image, waited for moderation, and then raised an ad for 10 rubles. Orders were scattered in an instant, in 2 hours there were 34 orders. Thus, it cost me almost 600 rubles (articles for 2500). I didn’t stop, because there were 1000 rubles on my account, I continued to recruit performers, and also raised the ads in the SERP.

Someone quickly handed over the work, others on time, did other delays, and received negative feedback from me. As soon as I received the works, I re-read them quickly, they will check the uniqueness and errors, it takes a few minutes. Then he put it up for sale.

Week later

I tried to make sure that all my sales proceeds went into circulation, so that there were 100 orders in the work. I understood that first you need a turnover, and then there will be money for both withdrawal and turnover.

Literally 2 weeks

Almost 78 orders are already in operation, 14 orders are being checked, and 54 articles are on sale. Every day I began to sell 5-15 articles, the balance was replenished, and my initial 1,000 rubles turned into almost 5,500 rubles, but of course everything was in full circulation.

In a month

The work is full of orders, the sale is full, everything is full! Here is the total monthly income. More precisely, how much money was withdrawn, most of it was "blocked" for payment to copywriters.

You can imagine how much someone earned with 5000 articles for sale. I got 10.633 rubles, and about 3200 are blocked. I think for a start the rules. Now of course I don't have time to do this, work, blogging. But in any case, the business is profitable! Unless, of course, you approach it correctly!


How to order articles,.


No need to hope for quick profits

Overdue order - leave negative feedback and blacklist such comrades

A couple of times they hand over nonsense - shoot a copywriter through support

It so happens that an article was handed over to you, and a friend also sold it, and in the end they will block you for selling an article that already exists somewhere else. Remember, the customer is always right with ETXT! The moderators are fair if there is anything to them on this topic.

Course: "Freelance exchange from A to Z + Earnings on the sale of articles" ... Cool author's material from the warehouse. The folds have been done several times over the past two years and this course has always received great reviews! If you decide to tackle the topic with freelance and make money selling articles - this material is definitely worth studying! Material sent Denis with a comment: « Good course. Studied to the end. I already practice and the results are impressive. Good luck to you!» The material can be removed at the request of the copyright holder! We evaluate

Course Description:

How to create an image of a serious freelancer for a beginner and immediately charge for your services from 100 rubles / 1000 zn. A beginner freelancer doesn't have to write cheap! Even if he doesn't have much experience. Having studied the set of these materials, you will in practice make sure that worthy projects go to the one who correctly presents his services to the customer. And your experience (or lack of it) is not the most important argument. In my training there is no theory and "water" - only practice and useful tricks. Everyone who has ever read my materials knows this. And there are already more than 540 such people. The training is structured without technical difficulties and anyone can master it... You seem to the customer as a worthy performer, having gone only 3 steps.

Where did the numbers "from 100 rubles / 1000 zn" come from?

These are the real numbers of students who have already been trained. Of course, not everyone has such results. But those who did at least half of what needed to be done got them. Customers regard newbies as full-fledged specialists and offer a normal rate. And this is the main task of the training!

Possible questions:

I have never written an article, but I want to start. Do I need to learn something before the training?

Not necessary. I provide a basis for writing informational articles and texts for commercial sites. These are the simplest and most popular orders. But, if you wish, you can search for something on the topic for beginners on the Internet. In any case, if you have any difficulties, you can always ask me a question.

I am not ready to take on articles right away. Can freelance make money on something easier?

Yes. Writing reviews, transcription (transcribing audio-video into text), filling in product cards, etc. Projects that do not require special knowledge are published on the exchange. They are paid cheaper, but with their help you can quickly generate reviews.

I'm shy and don't want to talk to customers on the phone or Skype. Is it possible?

Yes, it is possible. Most customers do not require voice communication.

What if I am deceived and not paid? I have heard many such stories.

My first experience with the stock exchange ended in deception. There is a chance that one day this will happen to you. Remote employees have a saying: "If you have never been dumped for money, then you are not a real freelancer yet." The training contains the main points that will save you from being deceived by dishonest customers.

I have no talent as a writer, and I do not own a literary and artistic style.

You don't need to be a writer. Copywriting is a craft, a skill that can only be acquired with experience. Yes, your first articles may not be masterpieces. But, every day you will write better and better.

It seems to me that customers in "expensive" projects are evil and self-righteous types, I am already afraid of them in absentia.

This is a common myth. The angry and self-righteous types are just the "low-budget" customers. They are looking not for partners, but for slaves. A customer who can pay an average or high rate most often values \u200b\u200bthe work and time of other people.

How much can I earn?

It will depend on 2 things - the time you can devote to work and your persistence in finding clients. A lot of people lack persistence! I know for sure that if you purposefully devote 5-10 days to finding clients, then the next 2-3 weeks you don't have to worry about work.

Let's be honest! No fake wordplay. If you choose freelance as a job - 1000 rubles. a day you can count in a month and a half. If this is a hobby for you after your main job, then 300-400 additional rubles daily is not a problem. How to properly compose feedback texts for projects in order to stand out from the crowd of competitors - I tell in the training. You can search for clients not only on the stock exchange. Let's talk about this in private, if you want.

What exactly is included in this kit?

  • Book - [Copywriting Exchanges] "Earning on Articles from A to Z - 2". This is beginner material. Work on the stock exchange with and without a tender, fast sale of articles in stock exchange stores, search for customers on forums, work with transcription and master classes (a very interesting topic), resale and mediation.
  • Training materials - [Mini-training] "Freelance exchange from A to Z" before the first orders. Material for more experienced writers who want to start quickly and powerfully on the largest freelance site FL.ru
  • Bonus 1. Video material where I talk about how to get texts for a portfolio relatively quickly and without much time. This is especially true for beginners.
  • Bonus 2. Cool, bright ready-made Photoshop templates for portfolio design. This is to make you stand out from the competition. A video on working with them is attached. Even a beginner can figure it out.
  • Bonus 3. My file, which is very cool to do client and project accounting. Video on working with him. Nothing fancy, it just makes life easier and collects all the most important in one place.

Hello dear readers of my blog!

In today's article, I continue the topic earning money on the Internet without investments for beginners, and now I will tell you about how to make money on articles or how to make money on the exchange of articles (content).

It is notable for the fact that it is suitable for any beginner who knows how to express his thoughts in a quality manner, or, more simply: write articles, or who has a desire to learn this business.

Earning money from articles has a number of advantages in contrast to other types:

- instant income. Sold the content and got paid immediately;

- you don't need your own website or blog to make money selling articles.

Who needs articles, who buys them?

Today, thousands of websites and blogs are created on the Internet every day. The bulk of which are intended to make money on the Internet or advertise their services that are not online. Any website and blog needs content to be found by people in search engines.

Of course, if a person has created one blog or website for himself, he himself is able to write articles on it. But what if there are ten of these sites?

It is clear that one person is not able to provide such amount of content on his own. And he has two ways to solve these problems.

1. Hire people who will constantly fill Internet resources with content.

2. Buy ready-made articles on special exchanges.

In addition to filling sites, you also need them in search engines.

In the window that opens, in the upper right corner, click the "Register" link and fill in all the required fields, and click the "Register" button.

After confirming your registration, you can enter the Advego content exchange using your personal data.

Writing articles is not at all difficult. The more you write, the more interesting your posts become, and the easier it is to write them.

How do I sell articles?

In order to sell your finished article, go to the tab “ Articles Store", Select" Sell article "and click" Add article ".

A window will open in which you will need to fill in the fields that display information about the content of your article.

Now I will tell you everything point by point, and give you some tips for making money successfully selling articles.

2. Type of text... Here select the type of your article. I talked about the types above. There are only four options:

- copywriting;

- rewriting;

- translation;

- other.

3. Language. Everything is clear here, choose a language from the list provided.

4. Heading. Write the title of your article here. The title can be up to 255 characters long.

The better and more beautiful the headline you come up with, the more chances you have to sell the article in the shortest possible time. Try to come up with a catchy and interesting title.

5. Text of the article... Well, everything is clear here. Paste in this field the entire text of the article being sold. The text will be available to the buyer only after payment.

Before purchasing your article, the buyer will see a short text in the form of a picture. Its appearance is displayed in the field below the text input field. A short text that will be visible to the buyer must be enclosed in tags short text of article , for this you can use a special button.

Also, there is a button for highlighting quotes. Quotes are displayed below the short text display field.
The maximum length of the article text should not exceed 100,000 characters.

6. Key words. In this field, you can write keywords to which the text of the article is relevant. Keys are separated by commas, maximum 1000 characters!

I understand perfectly well that my post will be read not only by webmasters, but also by people who do not have their own website or blog. So that beginners can understand how SEO copywriting is written, here are links to my posts that will help you understand all the concepts, be sure to read them:

7. Description or note ... Here you need to write a short description of your article. What is it about, what topic is covered, etc.

8. Attach a file... If you have images for the text (How to take a screenshot of the screen?), You can add them, but no more than 30 images. To reduce the size of your images, optimize them. To do this, you can use my post: "".

9. Cost... In this field, indicate the cost that you want to receive for your work. At the initial stage, do not inflate prices, try to increase them gradually.

Look at the prices of other articles that are sold in the store, compare with your own, and indicate the optimal cost.

10. Do not put up for sale ... Here, I think, there is nothing complicated. If you sell your work, then you need to uncheck the box.

11. Confirmation and Consent ... Read all the points carefully, and put a tick in front of each of them.

After you fill in all the fields, click on the "Add article" link.

For some time your work will be under moderation (checking).

As soon as it is approved, you will receive a notification. The "Alerts" tab is located in the upper right part of the screen, all messages are received in this section (for example, notification about the sale of an article, the receipt of an order, etc.).

What are the requirements for articles on content exchanges?

In order to protect you from writing low-quality text and a waste of time, I will list the basic requirements for articles on content exchanges using an example.

1. The text must be unique. That is, you can't just copy the article and sell it. Such a text should not be found anywhere before, even in books!

To achieve this, simply write articles yourself and then check for uniqueness. My article will help you with this: “ ". The higher the uniqueness of the text, the better. In tasks, the requirements for uniqueness may vary, but, as a rule, about 95%.

2. After the sale of the article, you have no right to use it anywhere! That is, sold and forgotten, it no longer belongs to you.

3. Articles should not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Articles should not be "for adults" content.

Here are the basic requirements. Of course, the requirements may differ on different exchanges.

In this post I will not describe in detail the order fulfillment process, I think you will figure it out yourself. There is nothing complicated there.

Find a task, carry it out to the customer for moderation. After approval, he will transfer money to you.

Kidalov and deception should not be here, all exchanges are protected from any.

In conclusion of this post, as promised, I will give you links to other content exchanges that you can use to make money on articles:

That's all for me. I wish you good earnings on articles!

Yours faithfully,

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Discussion: 77 comments

    Personally, I like Textsale better, it was there that I made my first money on the Internet, and I still work there (I have already sold 130 articles). It seems to me that this is a great way to earn your initial capital to develop your resource. Moreover, copywriting is now in great demand, because there are many webmasters who run several sites and buy content for them all the time. I am also glad that there is work for such exchanges for everyone from a beginner to an experienced copywriter.

    and about etxt will be an article? the exchange is just more beautiful there)

    Alexander Bobrin

    darwin, no plans yet. I used to sell several articles there. Maybe I'll write someday.

    Alexander Vasilenko

    I not only sold articles there, but also worked as a copywriter, it is really possible to find a regular customer on the exchange and prices as in all other exchanges.


    On etxt prices are lower than on other exchanges, it is better to work on Textsale if you can write properly ...

    Still, if you know how to write well and a lot, then why not do it for yourself by creating several sites?

    No matter how much he himself was going to write an article for sale, I still don't want to work like that. All articles remained on my blog 🙂

    But I had to buy when I had no desire to write myself, the quality was not very good.

    Thank you for the article! 10 articles a day is just hard labor, it is better to try to raise the price over time, or vice versa, gradually increase the pace, otherwise you can burn out.

    Instant income, this is a big plus, you can do this while the blog gets its long-awaited Tietz.

    Thanks for the comments friends! Dmitry and Dinara, this post is not for bloggers, but for people who do not have their own website or blog, who just want to make money on the Internet without investment. After all, not everyone has a desire to comprehend making money on the Internet as a webmaster or blogger, to study site building and wait for the first money for no idea how long 😉

    Smiled: 900 bucks only on the stock exchange, IMHO is not very real. For such earnings, regular customers are needed with a good average price tag. I must still buy an article on the stock exchange 🙂

    To do this, you not only need to write a quality product, but also be able to sell it (this is a title, description, keys).

    Previously, it was possible to sell articles on all exchanges at the same time, and to withdraw them after being sold on one of the exchanges, today it is impossible to do this today. And this is sadness. That is why many authors have left there. But those who had the main sales there (myself included) stayed.

    Who is interested in copywriting, free training, earnings on the exchanges "from the inside", I recommend visiting my blog 🙂

    p.s thanks for the stuff.

    I was just starting to make money on content exchanges, but as your other readers correctly noted, this is unprofitable and labor-intensive. It is extremely difficult to publish 10 articles a day, and even unique and high-quality ones. But this is sometimes the only way for a beginner to join this business and understand what's what. And then after that, start looking for regular customers who can appreciate your writing talent and are ready to pay a decent price for it. Nobody says that making money on the Internet is a simple matter, here you also need to work and work on your reputation.

    I didn't like Advego very much. There is too narrow a range of topics for writing articles, or construction.

    Indeed, we are already accustomed to blogging, it seems to us it is not difficult. Although it is far from the first earnings there.

    And for a beginner, copywriting is a good option, the same $ 50-200 for a housewife or student, or as additional earnings, no one will be superfluous.

    I think this article will inspire many to write articles!

    Advego is a good exchange. I started with it myself. But I was not enough for more than 38 tasks (on the topic of family, health). Earned $ 5 on assignments. then I also wrote an article, sold it for 1u.e Everything. I realized that I was spending a lot of time, but little sense. It was a pity for the time spent. But for personal experience, it's a good school.


    YES, Advego is not the best exchange, of course it is better to try Textsale, and if a beginner, then etxt. I also once tried to make money on Advego, but I couldn't even collect $ 5. As a result, I bought several articles and stopped working with this exchange.

    Alexander, why are there so few exchanges? 🙂 As far as I know there are many more 🙂

    Alexander Bobrin

    I am not familiar with others, I will find out, then I will add to the post 🙂

    I also used to make money in this way, but then somehow I got tired of everything and I decided to hate blogging \u003d)

    Thanks to Alexander for writing this article about earning money, that's the only way I am earning money! Good topic for beginners!

    Very ineffective earnings, I strongly advise against it, you should have seen what they ask for 1 dollar, it's just ridiculous ... And it's better to write articles for yourself, it will be more profitable.

    It's better to make money on Twitter, tasks are simple, and you can have as many accounts as you want!

    I read all the comments and made sure that few people believe that you can make money on article exchanges. You can earn good money. The main thing is not to be lazy and devote enough time to it. If you consider this type of earnings as additional income, then 5000 will be good.

    Well, if you consider it as a permanent job and write articles every day, then the income will be much higher.

    I mainly work on the etxt exchange. I registered a long time ago, but started making money only 1.5 months ago. During this time, I earned 15,000 rubles. But I have a few more articles on free sale on textsale and Advego.

    If for someone writing 10 articles in one day is hard labor, then of course this type of earnings will not suit him.

    And it is quite possible to make money on article exchanges.

    Alexander, do you have referrals on copywriter exchanges?

    How many of them are dead, and how many actually work? Is there such a thing that a person starts to work, then after a while he abandons this occupation? Are there many of these among referrals, are there any approximate statistics?

    Alexander Bobrin

    Yes, 9 out of 71 really work! I have never withdrawn money, the balance for the entire time is 0.498 USD. 🙂


    Thank you so much, this is valuable information for me to think about ...

    As an artist-artist, please give advice.

    I think referral programs are comparable to offline MLM. If you build your own pyramid of referrals, what project is better for this? As I understand it, you have already tried a lot of things, who brought the most profit?

    Alexander Bobrin

    Pessimist, I wrote about affiliate programs - site / zarabotok-v-set ... -programmax.html

    Affiliate programs are different, somewhere money is constantly dripping (for example, hosting), somewhere how referrals will work (link exchanges). But in profit, for example, income is daily and it grows. It all depends on your activity in attracting referrals.


    When I grow to profit, I will become your ref 🙂

    Only Yasha disliked me - I only go to Google. For what could Yasha dislike me, can you do an analysis? And how much will such an analysis cost?

    Thanks for the advice.

    I registered a ban on? Author in robots, as you have written in the corresponding article. In addition to these six pages, I did not find any more garbage in Yasha's index.

    I want to try rewriting, but somehow I can't make up my mind. What is twitter

    but I didn't like Advego the exchange. I liked Textsale.ru more.

    For beginners, Etcht is the best

    Are there any age restrictions?

    Is it possible to work on two exchanges at once?

    Making money on articles is quite real. Especially people who spend all day in front of the computer or are tied to household chores. Started with ETXT and Advego. The main disadvantage of these exchanges is the absence of normal prices. 80% of copywriters on these exchanges are not familiar with the Russian language, many do not even make a banal check in the Word. The Advego exchange has incredible requirements for the uniqueness of content, for a very modest payment. For beginners, fine, but you can kill the copywriter in yourself in a couple of weeks. Interesting article exchange TextSale. Articles for sale are posted very quickly, there are buyers, and high-quality material is quietly purchased over $ 5. for 1000 characters. Among the ready-made articles, you can find yourself for resale up to 0.6 / 1000, modify it a little and place it on the site. The main thing is the right approach.

    Articles are very good to earn, which by the way I sometimes do, but it takes a lot of time to write.

    I am currently working like crazy on etxt. I got into debt at 1300wmz on webmoney, so I work on the exchange, I write 10 articles a day for sale, in principle, it's easy to earn 300-500 rubles a day, which is 12-15 thousand a month.


    Trust my experience - 10 articles a day is quite realistic. My colleagues write 50,000 characters a day.

    Interesting ... we will try!

    As for me, article exchanges will only go as additional income (for example, if you need to pay for hosting or hold a mini-contest on a blog). It's just that a lot and often they throw, ban, etc.

    On such exchanges, all the trump cards are in the hands of the customer. And the performer? Performers as a consumable: there are many of them, everyone is eager to earn extra money.

    In addition to all of the above, you need to gain a reputation, so you will have to work for a half year for a penny.

    I didn't even know what it was possible to earn on articles ... I'll keep in mind!

    Alexander, did you try to make money like that? If so, how much?

    Alexander, thanks for the article - I discovered something new for myself. I read the comments. I understand that for someone, $ 500 a month is also money, but does it make sense to waste time on it?

    The approximate proportions for beginners mentioned here are 10 articles per day. Based on your example assignment, you need 3k characters for $ 3 in tech. 3 hours (no longer dock, there are 24 hours in a day, but it's all just "average"). Or 1 $ \u003d 1k characters / hour. At first glance, not so troublesome, but this is the price for a unique (copyright, if I understood everything correctly) text. Honestly, this level of income is suitable only for those who are physically unable to get a job in the McDonald's network (there is about $ 2-3 per hour), but who also have knowledge of the subject, clarity of thought and the ability to express it. So, in no case should newcomers be offered this type of income - you simply ditch the "infantry" for nothing. In the best case, they will earn $ 100 in the first month and lose all interest (assumption). This is me about your readers.

    I am just starting to get acquainted with your website (blog) - I am interested in making money on the Internet. I would be grateful if you direct it in the right direction (it was already popular, thanks, I can give you magnets). I have an income in the region of $ 3-5k per month, the income is not stable, I want to go to the Internet sphere. Consider "independent" game servers and around them, rating services, services "for adults". Applications for mobile gadgets (and in the near future also GoogleGlass) are very interesting. If you have any thoughts - I will be glad to hear, thank you in advance!

    Well, since I voiced criticism, I will make a proposal - can I somehow categorize "earnings on the Internet"? by the level of profitability, by the initial "effort"? who suits and so on? Perhaps how to organize feedback on your instructions? Your idea of \u200b\u200bsuch an "Operation Manual" is already very good - I would like to sort it out with all of this better.

    PS for example, this comment contains ~ 1.5k characters.

    Why is this article only about Advego?

    There are also other, cooler exchanges for selling articles.

    Advego has very strict moderation when selling articles. Of course, you need to write correctly, but sometimes you have to search for an extra comma for half a day.

    10 articles per day is a lot) maximum you can write 5, and that is unlikely. If you write 10 at a time, it will get bored right away. So you just have to love it ...

    By the way, now many copywriters are engaged in the resale of articles. some even say it is a very profitable business.

    It seems to me that not everyone can make money here, because you need to understand very well what you are writing about! And you definitely need to be a balabolny box to write, write and write, and there is nothing to do there. Above me in the comments, RUSLAN writes that he earned millions of DOLLARS to write unique articles ... Friends, as I said, you have to be a balabol to make money there ... HOW Ruslan)))

    i once set up an experiment, wrote specifically for sale - it was not as good as it should have been.

    Thank you very much for the interesting article, Alexander! For a long time I had thoughts about self-employment. I am definitely going to use your experience and advice in practice, I hope everything will work out ... (for me this is a completely new field). I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to clarify where you can read about payment methods for articles sold. Thank you in advance!

    I would not recommend Advego. My dislike for her was formed after working with local freelancers. Honestly, I'm not too crazy about the quality. And so if I were new to copywriting, I would have gone elsewhere. At one time they still spoiled their reputation with long-term conclusions. But Teksale was pleased.

    something everyone is unhappy with Advego ... is it really that bad? Doesn't such a site provide at least some kind of verification of the employee's knowledge?

    Making money on articles is real. Approximately $ 5 per day initially. That is, add 1-2 articles a day to the exchange and sell over time

    Good afternoon everyone, but I really like Advego. I have been working with this exchange for several years, I started by writing articles myself, after which I thought of reselling. I order from the authors for 25/1000 sim. I sell one for 200-250 rubles. Sold over 200 so far, but still a small income. I started by putting 2,000 rubles on etxtpoint ru, found 5 authors who were paying 12/1000 after a month already got back their 2,000 and 30 articles on sale (unfortunately, low quality). Currently 40 on sale (high quality) waiting to be purchased. Over time, regular customers appeared and I'm generally happy))

    Just once I came to this type of earnings, while I start, I will sell articles, and also write them to order. Only unique author's content is more expensive. Of course, I want to write at least 10 a day, even if it does not come out $ 900, but it will still come out not bad!

    Hello everyone! I read all the comments. I am looking for additional income. Well, what can I say? I am a “pure humanist”, but life has turned so sideways that I have mastered a computer and continue to study, although my younger years are far behind. I will use all the tips and tricks. Thanks.

Currently, there are a huge number of ways on the Internet,. One of the most accessible and popular options not only for beginners, but also for experienced Internet users is making money on articles, that is, writing and selling articles through exchanges or working directly with a customer.

How to make money on the Internet by writing articles

If you have the ability to express your thoughts on paper on a certain topic competently and simply, for example, on the topic of business, medicine, finance etc., then this skill can be easily monetized, that is, you can start making money on it by selling your unique texts to your clients and customers.

It is quite easy to find customers and buyers of articles, for this it is enough to register in one of the popular article exchanges, where copywriters and rewriters - people who write unique texts, have the opportunity to put their works for sale.

The most popular article exchanges where you can register as an author or customer (buyer) are Advego, TextSale.

Earning money from articles usually depends on the price you put on your work. Usually for 1000 characters of unique text, newbie copywriters want from 50 cents to $ 1 or more.

For example, if the size of the article is 1500-2000 characters, then the author can get about 1-2 dollars for it. Of course, this is not a lot, but if you write 10-15 articles every day, then your income will be quite comparable to the salary of a person living in a small city, or may even exceed it.

How to make money while sitting at home on article exchanges monthly $ 1000 or more

First, you need to register on popular article exchanges. Then you should choose the most expensive topics for writing content, these are investments, real estate, loans, finance, business, and already start working on writing high-quality and unique articles for sale.

It is advisable to practice before this and get your hands on, regularly read business literature and commercial articles of other authors, adopting their experience. After you do the work and write about 20 articles, then feel free to put them up for sale for at least 1,5 per 1000 characters.

From the very beginning, it is necessary to focus on the quality of your work, to write without errors, in an understandable and intelligible language. If everything is done correctly, then all your articles will be sold out in less than a week, and you may have a regular customer with whom you can further agree on an increase in the price of your work. Thus, in just a month you can really earn 500-600 dollars.

But if you have a desire to earn more than $ 500-600 per month writing articles, then the site recommends doing the following:

As a rule, large and popular online magazines are ready to pay their authors up to $ 10 per thousand characters and even more for high-quality and interesting articles. These are sites with high traffic on various topics, which themselves earn significant amounts of money every month, placing various advertisements on their services and receiving good income from it.

Where else can you sell your articles and make money writing texts?

Entrepreneurial rewriters and copywriters, at present, are not limited only to various content exchanges, they increasingly offer their services on all kinds of forums for earnings, specialized remote work sites, make their own sites on the Internet, where they offer their work and lay out a portfolio.

If you need money and do not know where to get it, we recommend that you also familiarize yourself with.

Nowadays, articles are in great demand. Tens of thousands of new sites and blogs appear on the Internet every day that need to be filled with content. And the more new resources, the higher the demand for texts.
Despite this, this type of business like article resale is not common. Most likely, “potential businessmen” are deterred by the risk that the business will not pay off. Or this trend - buying and selling articles - is too young and has not yet developed. In any case, the competition is quite low, which means that it is profitable to engage in article resale.

1. Speed \u200b\u200bof selling articles

This earnings on the Internet implies initial investments; you cannot earn money without money. But investment is a condition of any business based on speculation. On average, 50-60 rubles are spent on one article of 4000 characters.

Now let's get acquainted with a person who has been selling texts for more than 2 years on various article exchanges, with the nickname Bertus... According to the statistics of his profile, you can estimate data such as the speed of selling articles (at a fixed price, size of articles, number of articles on sale, etc.). Bertus does not resell articles, he writes the texts himself, but this does not affect the results of the sale in any way.

Here is a screen shot of several Bertus profiles on popular article exchanges:

Only three profiles are shown, in fact, bertus sells articles on several other article exchanges - textexchange, neotext, etc.

Analyzing profiles:
  • On average, Bertus has about 300 articles for sale, he publishes each of them on several article exchanges - this is how the number of sales increases. It is not prohibited to sell the same article in several stores, the main thing is to promptly delete the sold articles on other exchanges.
  • The minimum article size is 4,000 characters without spaces, the average is 5,000 characters.
  • Bertus selects the most popular topics of articles: construction and repair, recreation and tourism, home and everyday life, medicine and health.
  • Birtus has one price for all articles - $ 1.5 + exchange commission / 1000 characters without spaces. Those. bertus makes a net profit of $ 1.50 for every thousand characters sold.

We figured out the constant data, now let's estimate the speed of article sales:

  • 338 articles sold on texttrader in 2.5 years (1 article in 2-3 days)
  • 613 articles sold on etxt in 2 years (one article per day)
  • About 500 articles sold per year (1-2 articles per day)
  • The performance of other exchanges is much lower

The data obtained is a little underestimated due to the fact that when bertus was just starting to work, he had very few articles for sale, and only after a while there were more than three hundred of them. This is worth considering when calculating.

As a result, Bertus sells about 4-5 articles per day! In other words, with 300 articles for sale, you can make good money.

I will share my successes: having about 100 articles, I sell on average 1 article per day. Sometimes there is a lull - articles are not sold for 2-3 weeks. But sometimes different buyers buy 5-10 articles per day.

2. Where to buy articles

In order to sell articles, you must first buy them. But it's best not to buy ready-made articles, but order them from a copywriter - this increases the time spent, but significantly reduces the risks. After buying a ready-made article, you can run into hack, text that cannot be altered. Or the subject of the text, style of presentation, or anything else would be inappropriate for resale. And when ordering a text from a copywriter, you can discuss all the nuances and protect yourself from wasting money. Alas, it is this nuance that is missed by those who start reselling, which is why they quickly burn out.

It is most convenient to order articles for article resale at exchange Etxt.ru, this is facilitated by the low system commission - 5% per participant. You can read the review of this exchange by clicking on this link -. Another plus of ordering an article: when buying a ready-made article, you cannot place it for sale on this exchange (system rules), but when ordering, you can.

Decide on the topics of your articles, they should be popular. I highly recommend working with these: tourism, promotion and promotion, internet, finance, medicine... It is not worth working with the following (although they are considered popular): construction, repair - the topics are too specific, it is difficult to find a good performer who understands all the subtleties, while the competition is huge; beauty and health, kids, cooking -it is difficult to sell articles with such topics for more than $ 1/1000 characters. The ideal solution is to work with one topic.

Now you need to choose a suitable copywriter who is ready to work at a low price (I recommend paying performers 10-12 rubles / 1000 sim). Most often, these are newbies who have not yet developed a rating on the exchange. So, having registered as a customer on the exchange, you will need to create an order to find suitable copywriters. This will be a test order that will identify suitable performers.

Order Description maybe something like this:

Hello dear performers! I'm looking for rewriters willing to work at a price of 12 rubles / 1000 sim. without spaces. The rewrite must be done from 2-3 sources. There will be a lot of work. PLEASE NOTE: Articles you write will be resold on other article exchanges. This is a test order, during which I will select suitable performers. The topic of the articles is tourism. You do not need to fulfill this order, give links to a couple of your articles, I will check your style and if it fits, we will cooperate.

Next, you will need to check the candidates and select the right ones from them. To do this, you will have to assess the level of literacy and quality of presentation of the material of copywriters. If you cannot do this on your own, then hire a proofreader (more on this below). Among the newcomers there will also be philologists of the Russian language, it is better to choose them, because these performers will write competently. After selecting suitable rewriters, place a test order for one article. If they do well, keep working with them.

3. Choosing a corrector

If you are fluent in Russian, you can check the texts yourself. Otherwise, it's best to hire a proofreader. He must be a philologist of the Russian language! The payment for the proofreader's work depends on how competently your copywriters write articles. I recommend paying 3-4 rubles for 1000 characters so that the cost per article does not exceed 15 rubles / 1000 characters. It's better to work with the proofreader again through the Etxt exchange.

Finding a proofreader is easy. To do this, you can use the service of the exchange "advertise". This can be done by selecting the item "My announcements" on the left, in your personal account.

In the body of the ad, write that you are looking for a proofreader and indicate the payment.

When the moderator checks the ad, it will need to be paid for (payment costs 10 rubles), then the exchange users will see it. When another user of the system pays for his ad, yours will move to the point below. A total of 4 ads are broadcast on the screen for non-logged in users, three for logged in users. If necessary, the ad can be raised again (payment is always 10 rubles), and it will go to the first place.

4. Making an article for resale

This point may vary slightly for different topics of the article. I will describe the case for texts about tourism.

Before you put up an article for sale, you need to prepare it in advance: come up with a description, give a title, select key expressions, decide on a price, etc.

Description... It should always be present, it increases the number of sales. Many customers do not even consider articles without a description. The description should be short, as informative as possible, and free of errors. Description size - 2-3 sentences (no more than 200 characters with spaces). You need to indicate the features of the article, you can praise the text a little. Here's an example description:

An interesting, informative article describing the benefits of a vacation in Russia. The text does not contain errors, the uniqueness is high. The article was written from the third person.

Title.Should be catchy, interesting and unique. Ordinary, boring headlines are of no interest to anyone. Here you can add the serial number of the article (when you have more than 100 articles on sale on various exchanges, it will be very difficult to track them without a unique number). Examples of good headlines:

Sweden's Discreet Charm (100)

Secrets of Italy (101)

Paradise holidays in Tenerife (102)

Keywords.They will find your article on them, so you need to choose them very carefully. Here's an example of keys for a tourism article:

rest, tourism, travel, voucher, europe, asia, island, mountains, skiing, vacation

Price.The speed of sales largely depends on this parameter. The best resale price is $ 1-2 / 1000 characters. To put the price higher means selling the article for a very long time, lower - to work for a penny.

5. Where to resell articles

Listed below are the exchanges on which it makes sense to sell texts. Other article stores are of no interest because the number of sales on them is too low.

Etxt. You can register using this link - Etxt. The demand for articles is one of the highest among the exchanges. The cost of the article must be indicated in rubles.

Copylancer. Registration link ... In terms of the number of sales, the exchange is comparable to Еtxt. Calculations are carried out both in dollars and in rubles - at the user's choice.

Advego.You can register on the exchange. You can also read my review about. There are a lot of buyers on this exchange of articles, so the demand for articles is high. The peculiarity of the article store is that the length of the text is calculated taking into account spaces, so the price can be set a little lower.

Textsale. Registration on the exchange ... Overview . The demand for articles is average. More than 150 thousand articles are sold on the exchange, the competition is very strong, so articles are not sold as often as in other article stores.

It makes sense to add articles to these four exchanges. But another article store is being prepared - on the ContentMonster article exchange, registration link ,. The exchange is very promising, so it makes sense to wait for the moment when an article store appears on it.

6. Income from the resale of articles

It's time to assess the profitability of this business, is there any point in doing this at all?

We will assume that, taking into account the work of the performer and the proofreader, a thousand characters of the article cost 15 rubles. The average article size is 4000 characters, so one article will cost 60 rubles. This means that 100 articles will cost 6,000 rubles. Initial investment - about 6 thousand rubles.

With 100 articles listed on 4 article exchanges (mentioned above), you can expect to sell 1 article per day. The average resale price is 50 rubles / 1000 characters. This means that the sale of articles will bring revenue 50 * 4 \u003d 200 rubles. And the net profit will be equal to 200 rubles - 60 rubles \u003d 140 rubles. Average profit - 140 rubles per day with hundreds of articles on sale.

Time spent.It takes a copywriter and proofreader 2-3 minutes to place an order. It is better to place an order not for one article, but for several - 5-10, this will save time. Let's assume that it takes 3 minutes to place an order for 10 articles. It takes about 3 minutes to prepare an article for sale (half an hour to prepare 10 articles). It takes 2 minutes to place an article for sale on all four exchanges (for 10 articles - 20 minutes). As a result, about an hour is spent on 10 articles. You will spend 10 hours on 100 articles.

7. Important points

It is worth mentioning the most important points that will help you with your resale:

  • The article should not contain errors!
  • The article must be correctly framed, a description is required!
  • The resale price should be within 1-2 $ / 1000 sim.
  • The optimal size of an article is 2-5 thousand characters.
  • The best topics are home and life, tourism, medicine, the Internet, promotion and promotion, website development.
  • The more articles, the more sales.
  • The longer you are engaged in reselling, the more sales there will be (regular customers appear).
  • To increase sales, you can use advertising on the Etxt and Textsale exchanges.
  • You will receive a normal income from resale only if you have hundreds (or more) articles.

When you have more than 300 articles on free sale, you can, like the hero of this article bertus, sell about 5 articles a day. In this case, you will earn 140 * 5 \u003d 700 rubles per day. But your investments will amount to 18 thousand rubles. That's a lot. It's best to start small and gradually build up your article count. Take your time, suddenly reselling articles is not yours.

This strategy for making money on the Internet is very young. Use it or not - decide for yourself. But if you decide, I hope that the materials in this article will help you in this difficult matter.


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