American submarines: list. Projects of nuclear submarines. Innovative technology for the construction of floating nuclear power plants Power installation apple

For more than 15 years, since the last of the project boats 705 was excluded from the Russian Navy, and in the circles of military sailors and shipbuilders to this day disputes do not subscribe. What was really the project 705 - a breakthrough to the future, who beat his time, or expensive technical adventure?

External boats workers were worked out in TsAGI, checked on numerous models in the basins of the Leningrad Central Tsindi. Krylova. And, in addition to the technical perfection and numerous innovations, important for the warship, the APL turned out to be extremely beautiful.

By 1990, all (except one) of the 705 project of the project was derived from the fleet, caring significantly less than the deadline to which were calculated. The last, K-123, finished its service in 1997.

Racing boat
Photo: Project APL 705 due to its intensities and energy transport were dynamic and unusually maneuverable. The boat was able to accelerate until the full move per minute, and the circulation with a full turn made at full speed in 42 seconds. She could have been "hanging on the tail" from the APL of the conditional opponent (there was a real case when the boat pursued a NATO APL in North Atlantic for 20 hours). Moreover, the boat could even escape from the torpedo released in her direction!

In 1959, when the Leningradskaya SKB-143 was already published in the sea (now SPMMM "Malachite") The first Soviet nuclear submarine (APL) "Leninsky Komsomol", and in Severodvinsk, the construction of a whole series of similar ships, a leading specialist of the same SKB AB? Petrov made a proposal to create a "low-speed submarine fighter". The idea was very relevant: such boats were needed for hunting for submarines - carriers of ballistic missiles with nuclear charges, which then began to actively build on the rates of a potential opponent. On June 23, 1960, the Central Committee and Sumin approved the project to which the number 705 was assigned (Lira). In NATO countries, this boat has become known as Alpha (Alfa). Academicians A.P. Alexandrov, VA? Trapeznikov, A.G.? Josephian, and the head designer of the ship - Mikhail Georgievich Rusanov. It was a talented person with a very difficult fate: seven years of stay in Gulag, and after liberation - a ban on entry into Leningrad. An experienced shipbuilder engineer worked in the artel on making buttons in Malaya Vishera and only in 1956 he was able to return to Leningrad in SKB-143. He started with the deputy chief designer of the project of the project 645 (this experience was very useful for Rusan).

Battle with titanium

The purpose of a new submarine determined the basic requirements - high speed and maneuverability, perfect hydroacience, powerful weapons. To ensure the first first requirements, the boat should have extremely small dimensions and mass, the highest hydrodynamic characteristics of the housing and a powerful energy installation, which enters into limited dimensions. It was impossible to perform the like without non-standard solutions. Titanium was chosen as the main material for the vehicle body, as well as many of its mechanisms, pipelines and reinforcement, the metal was almost half easier and at the same time stronger steel, besides, absolutely corrosion-resistant and malomagnetic. However, it is quite capricious: welded only in an inert gas environment - argon, it is difficult to cut it, it has a high coefficient of friction. In addition, titanium could not be used in direct contact with parts from other metals (steel, aluminum, brass, bronze): in seawater, it forms an electrochemical pair with them, which causes the details of the parts from other metals. We had to develop special brands of high-alloyed steel and bronze, and specialists from the Central Committee of Metallurgy and Welding (Prometheus) and the CNII of the Shipbuilding Technology managed to overcome these titanium converges. As a result, a small-sized body of the ship was created by an underwater displacement of 3000 tons (although the customer - the Navy insisted on a limitation in 2000 tons).

It must be said that the Soviet shipbuilding has already had the experience of creating PL from Titan. In 1965, in Severodvinsk (in a single copy) of the project of the project 661 with the titanium corps was built (in a single specimen). This boat, known as the "Gold Fish" (hint of her fantastic cost), to this day remains a speed record holder under water - she has shown 44.7 nodes on the running tests (about 83 km / h).

Solid innovations

Another radical innovation became the number of crew. On other submarines (both Soviet and American) service, the service is 80-100 people, and in the technical task of the 705th project was called a figure 16, and only officers. However, during the design of the future crew, the number of the future crew immediately reached 30 people, including five Michmanov technicians and one sailor, which was entrusted with an important role of Coca, and part-time a day-cleaner (initially it was assumed that Coca's duties would perform a ship doctor). To combine such a small carriage of the crew with a huge number and mechanisms, the boat had to be very seriously automated. Later, the sailors even called the boat of the 705th project "Automats".

For the first time in the country (and probably in the world), global automation covered everything: ship movement control, weapon use, main energy installation, all general worker systems (immersion, float, differential, retractable devices, ventilation, etc.). One of the key and very controversial issues in the development of automation systems (a number of NII and KB were engaged in this, including the TsNII "Aurora", Granite, "Agat") was the choice of current frequency for the ship power grid. Options 50 and 400 Hz were considered, each had its advantages and disadvantages. The final decision in favor of 400 Hz was adopted at the three-day meeting of the leaders of several involved in the subject of organizations with the participation of three academics. The transition to an increased frequency caused a lot of production problems, but it allowed to significantly reduce the dimensions of electrical equipment and instruments.


At the project of the project 705, pneumohydraulic torpedoes were installed for the first time, providing shooting in the entire dive depth range. Six torpedo apparatuses and 18 torpedoes, taking into account the speed and maneuverability of the boat, made it a serious opponent for the submarines of NATO countries.

Atomic heart

And yet the main innovation that determined the fate of the whole project was the selection of the main energy installation of the ship. It became a compact atomic reactor on fast neutrons (BN) with liquid metal coolant (HHMT). This made it possible to save about 300 tons of displacement due to the larger temperature of steam and, consequently, the best efficiency of the turbine.

The first submarine with a reactor of this type was the American submarine seawolf (1957). The design was not very successful, during the running tests there was a depressurization of the first circuit with sodium emission. Therefore, in 1958, reactors were replaced by water-water, and with reactors for HMDs, the military in the USA did not bind more to contact. In the USSR, it was preferred to use the lead-bismuth melt as a coolant, significantly less chemically aggressive than sodium. But built in 1963, the APL K-27 was also not lucky too: in May 1968, the first contour of one of two reactors occurred during the hike. The crew received huge doses of irradiation, nine people died, and the boat was dubbed "Nagasaki" (Hiroshim's nickname was already occupied by K-19 in 1961). The APL was so radioactive that it was not repaired, and in the end in September 1982 it was flooded with the northeastern shores of the new land. To her "titles", the fleets added "forever underwater". But after the K-27 tragedy in the USSR, they decided not to abandon the tempting idea of \u200b\u200busing reactors with HMT on the APL, engineers and scientists under the leadership of Academician of Leipunsky continued to work on their improvement.

For the development of the main energy installation for the 705th project, two organizations took up. Podolskaya OKB "Hydropress" created a block two-section installation of BM-40 / A with two circulation pumps. Gorky OKBM issued an OK-550 installation, also block, but with branched first circuits and three circulating pumps. In the future, both installations were applied to the APL 705 project: OK-550 was installed on boats under construction in Leningrad (four ships), and three boats built in Severodvinsk for a project 705K installed BM-40 / a. Both installations provided power on the turbine shaft to 40 ?? 000 hp, which made it possible to develop a speed of 40 nodes provided for by the technical task.

Full automatic
To manage a submarine forces with a very limited at the time of the crew of 30 people, numerous automation systems have been developed, allowing all ship mechanisms under control. Later, the sailors even gave these boats a nickname "Avtomat".

The longest boat.

The entire project of the project 705 was built seven pieces, they became the world's first serial boats equipped with HMT reactors. The first boat, K-64, laid out in June 1968, in the same old Ellinge, where the famous Cruiser "Aurora" was built 70 years before, in December 1971, Navy was transferred. The main problems of the experienced operation were associated with the reactor, which was fundamentally different from well-known water-water. The fact is that the fusion of lead-bismuth crystallizes at + 145 ° C, and during the operation of the reactor with such a HPT in no case cannot be allowed to reduce the temperature in the first circuit to this value. It is as a result of non-compliance with this condition in the pipelines of one, and then the second loop of the first contour began to occur corks from the frozen melt, to return which is no longer possible to the liquid state. There was a "bridge" of the steam outline installation, accompanied by the depressurization of the first contour and the radioactive contamination of the boat, which at that time was at the pier at its base. Soon it became clear that the reactor was irretrievably ruined, and the boat could no longer go into the sea. As a result, in August 1974, it was removed from the fleet and after a long debate was cut into two parts, each of which was decided to use for trainers of crews and the development of new technologies. The nasal part of the boat was departed to Leningrad, and the fodder with a reactor compartment remained in Severodvinsk at the "Asterian" ship repair plant. There, the sorrowful monument remained the black cross of the sliced \u200b\u200bfeed stabilizer K-64 with horizontal and vertical rugs. In the environment of military sailors and shipbuilders, a joke-riddle about the "most long boat in the world" went for a long time.

Real life

The construction of the series, which has already been actively conducted in Leningrad and Severodvinsk, was suspended, but after a couple of years resumed, and from 1977 to 1981, six epics of the 705th project was transferred. These ships are quite intensively and successfully carried by the service as part of the Northern Fleet, causing serious concern among NATO countries. Given the sad experience of the K-64, on all serial submarines of this project, an "Electrocotel" was additionally installed, whose task was to maintain the required temperature in the first reactor circuit, when the submarine at the database parking was displayed on the base. To work the boiler required to serve electricity from the shore. These interruptions happened, and since the crews of the boats were desperately afraid to destroy the reactor, it was not supported at a minimum power level, which accelerated the production of nuclear fuel. In addition, the displeasure of the naval basic bosses caused the need to organize special laboratories for periodic inspections, adjustments and repair of automation, which the boats of this type were styled. So the worries on the coastal services of the Navy added a lot. Increasingly, conversations arose on the theme that new ships, despite the unique battle qualities, are ahead of their time and are unnecessarily complex in service. The seventh serial boat did not hold, but cut right on the Shephel. By 1990, all (except one) of the 705 project of the project was derived from the fleet, caring significantly less than the deadline to which were calculated.

Last "Alpha"

The exception to K-123 was delayed in the rank of 1997 due to the excessively protracted repair after a serious accident in 1982. When the boat was in the underwater position in the Barents Sea, the signal "Fault of the reactor" unexpectedly caught fire on the control panel in the central post. Lieutenant Loginov went to the uninhabited reactor compartment, the Lieutenant of Loginov went, which a minute later reported that she was observed with a silver metal, spreading along the deck: it was a highly active HHMT reserved from the first contour. At the same time, the signal "Pollution of the reactor compartment. Leave the compartment! ", And, as one of the members of the crew, who survived the accident later, was thinking about Loginov in the past time." But logins survived. Going to the gateway through which the reactor compartment is reported to the rest of the boat premises, he left all the clothes there and a solid walker passed. The reactor was plugged, the APL pop up, blowing its ballast tanks. As set later, from the first contour I had time to fill about 2? T HMT. The boat was so polluted that the cruiser who came to the rescue was not silent to get closer to her to convey a towing cable. As a result, the cable was still started using a deck helicopter from the same cruiser. Repair K-123, during which the reactor compartment was completely replaced, ended in 1992, the APL returned to the system and worked safely until 1997. With her write-off, the project was silently ended.

Spare parachute

From the six compartments of the bodied applied, there were only two, over one of which was posted a pop-up rescue chamber created for the first time in the world, designed to save the entire carriage (30 people) even from the limiting immersion depth (400 m).


Nuclear submarines of the project 705 could boast of fantastic high-speed and maneuverable characteristics and multiple innovations: titanium housing, fast neutron reactor with liquid-metal coolant and fully automated management of all ship systems.

Underwater metal
The housing of the boat was made of titanium, therefore specialists from the Central Commands of Metals and Welding (Prometheus) and the CNII of the Shipbuilding Technology had to develop special welding technologies and compounds of titanium parts, and metallurgists are new corrosion-resistant alloys.

Liquid metal

Atomic ships are essentially steamboats, since their rowing screws are driven by steam turbines. But the steam is formed not in conventional boilers with fireboxs, but in atomic reactors. The heat of radioactive decay is transmitted from nuclear fuel in the first cooling circuit with the coolant, usually water under pressure (to raise the temperature to 200 ° C or more), which simultaneously serves as a neutron retarder. And the coolant already transmits the warm water of the second contour, evaporating it. But water under pressure has its drawbacks. High pressure means that the walls of the cooling system of the first circuit of the reactor must be thick and durable, and when the first circuit is deployed, the radioactive pair penetrates into the most hard-to-reach places. One of the alternatives is the use of reactors on fast neutrons with a coolant of low-melting metals in their liquid phase - for example, sodium or lead-bismuth alloy. The thermal conductivity and heat capacity are significantly higher than that of water, they can be heated to higher temperatures without high pressure in the first circuit, which allows you to create very compact reactors.

One of the largest nuclear submarines in the world can be attributed to the heavy rocket underwater cruisers of the strategic appointment of the project 941 "Shark". NATO classification - SSBN "TYPHOON". In 1972, after receiving the task, in the Central Committee, Rubin, began to develop this project.

History of creation

In December 1972, a tactical and technical task was issued for design, S.N. Kovalev was appointed chief designer of the project. The development and creation of a new type of underwater cruisers was positioned as an answer to the construction of the Ohio-type plague in the United States. It was planned to use solid-propelled three-stage intercontinental ballistic missiles R-39 (RSM-52), the dimensions of these missiles and caused the size of the new ship. If compared with the "Ohio" platter-i missiles, which are equipped with a "Ohio" type, the R-39 rocket has significantly better characteristics in the flight of the mass dropped and has 10 blocks, while Trident has such blocks 8. But at the same time, P-39 significantly surpasses with dimensions, it is almost half longer, and has a lot of three more American counterpart. The RPKSN layout according to the standard diagram did not fit for the placement of missiles such a large size. The decision to start work on the construction and design of the new generation strategic missile mines was made on December 19, 1973.

In June 1976, at the enterprise Sevmash, the first boat of this type of TK-208 was laid, which is lowered on the water on September 23, 1980 (the abbreviation of the TC is "heavy cruiser"). The shark image was applied in the nose, below the waterline, before the shower of the boat on the water, later on the shape of the crew appeared stripes with shark. On July 4, 1981, the head cruiser entered the maritime tests, a month earlier the American Ohio Planch, the project of which was launched earlier. December 12, 1981 joined TK-208. In the period from 1981 to 1989, it was put into operation and lowered 6 boats like "Shark". The seventh ship of this series has not been laid.

More than 1000 enterprises of the former union ensured the construction of submarines of this type. 1219 Employees Sevmash, who participated in the creation of the ship were awarded government awards.

An application for the creation of the Shark series boats was sounded at the XXVI Congress of the CPSU from Brezhnev, who said: We have a Typhoon system, similar to the new American submarine "Ohio" armed Rockets "Trident-I". "Typhoon" new boat "Shark" was named deliberately, at that time the cold war was not yet completed, for the introduction of an enemy in delusion and sounded the name "Typhoon".

In 1986, diesel-electric transport-rocket carrier was built, the displacement of which was 16,000 tons, the number of rockets taken on board 16 BRPL. Transportation was called "Alexander Burykin" and was intended to provide recharging missiles and torpedoes.

A long high-tender hike in the Arctic was carried out in 1987 by the Boat TC-17 "Simbirsk". During this campaign, a repeated replacement of crews was made.

At the TK-17 "Arkhangelsk" when conducting a learning start in the mine, a training missile was exploded in the mine, the launches were conducted in the White Sea on September 27, 1991. In the explosion, the lid of the missile mine was reduced and the battle part of the rocket was thrown into the sea. After this incident, the boat got on a small repair, the crew during the explosion was not injured.

The "simultaneous" launch of 20 missiles R-39 passed on the tests carried out by the Northern Fleet in 1998.

Design features

The energy installation on the boats of this type is made in the form of two independent echelons, which are located in durable cases, these are different. To monitor the state of the reactors, the pulse equipment is used, in case of loss of power supply, the reactors are equipped with an automatic damping system.

Even at the design stage, the technical task was included on the need to ensure a safe radius, in connection with this, the development and a number of experiments were carried out, in the experimental compartments, methods for calculating the dynamic strength of the most complex housing nodes (fastening modules, pop-up chambers and containers, intercrucial connections) .

Since standard workshops did not fit for the construction of a shark type boats, I had to build a new shop number 55 at Sevmash, which is currently one of the biggest indoor elling in the world.

Underwater boats like "shark" have a rather large buoyancy reserve of 40%. For the fact that half of the water displacement on boats of this type falls on ballast water, they received an unofficial name on the fleet - "water carrion", another unofficial name "The victory of technology over common sense" was awarded a boat in the competing Malachite KB. A significant cause of the influence of such a decision was the requirement to ensure the smallest sediment of the ship. This requirement was quite reasonable to obtain the possibility of using existing repair bases and piers.

It is a large supply of buoyancy together with a sufficiently durable logging make it possible to break the ice, the thickness of which is up to 2.5 meters, it allows you to conduct combat duty in the northern latitudes to almost the North Pole.


One of the features of the boat design is the presence of five inhabited durable enclosures inside the lightweight case. Two of which, the main, their largest diameter is 10 meters, are located on the principle of catamaran - in parallel to each other. Rocket mines with rocket complexes D-19 are in front of the ship, between the main durable corps.

In addition, the boat is equipped with three hermetic compartments: a torpedo compartment, a control module compartment with a central post and a feed mechanical compartment. Such an accommodation of three compartments between the main buildings of the boat significantly increases the fire safety and the vitality of the boat. According to the opinion of the General Designer S.N. Kovaleva:

"What happened on Kursk (project 949a), on submarines of the project 941, could not lead to such disastrous consequences. The torpedo compartment on the "shark" is made in the form of a separate module. In the case of an explosion, torpedoes could not destroy several main compartments and the death of the entire crew. "

The main building is connected by three transitions among themselves: in the nose, in the center and in the stern. Transitions pass through intermediate capsule compartments. The number of waterproof compartments on the boat - 19. Rescue chambers placed at the base of cutting under the fencing of retractable devices are able to accommodate the entire crew. Number of rescue chambers -2.

The manufacture of durable enclosures was carried out from titanium alloys, a light housing - steel and has a non-viewed anti-cancer and soundproofing coating, the weight of which is 800 tons. American experts believe that the soundproofing coating is also provided with the same boat housings.

A developed cross-like feed plumage with horizontal steering wheel has been installed on the ship, which has accommodation directly behind the screws. The front horizontal rudders are retractable.

To carry out the possibility of carrying duty in the northern latitudes, the fence of cutting is made very durable, having the ability to break the ice, the thickness of which ranges from 2 to 2.5 meters (in winter, ice thickness in the Arctic Ocean can be from 1.2 to 2 meters, Sometimes it reaches 2.5 meters). On the bottom, the surface of the ice is the growths in the form of icicles or stalactites with rather large dimensions. During the boat, the nasal rudders are removed on the boat, and it presses the ice layer itself specially adapted for this to the nose and cut, then a sharp blowing of the main ballast tank is carried out.

Power point

The design of the main nuclear power plant was carried out on a block principle. The main installation includes two water-water reactors on thermal neutrons of OK-650 Thermal power of which on the shaft is 2x50 000 hp. As well as in both solid buildings there are two steam turbine installations, it significantly increases the vitality of the boats.

At the boats of the Akula project, a two-stage system of a rubber-rock pneumatic depreciation and a block system of mechanisms and equipment is used, which makes it possible to significantly improve the vibration insulation of nodes and units, and thus reduce the noise of the boat.

Two low-speed low-noise semi-blade rowing screws of a fixed step are used as drivers. To reduce the noise level, the screws are located in ring coats (fenstons).

The system of the backup of the movement includes two DC motors of 190 kW. When maneuvering in the cramping conditions, a boat is used, which represents two folding columns with electric motors of 750 kW and rotary rowing screws. These devices are placed in the nasal and stern parts of the ship.

Placing the crew

The accumulation of the crew is carried out in conditions of high comfort. At the submarines of the Akula project, a crew rest salon, a swimming pool with dimensions of 4x2 meters of which is 2 meters depth, the pool is filled with fresh or salted wicked water with the possibility of heating, gym, solarium, sauna, as well as a "live corner". The placement of the ordinary composition occurs in mild coubrges, the command composition is located in two or four-bed cabins provided with washbasins, televisions and air conditioning. Two kiet companies: one for officers, and the second for sailors and Michmanov. For the conditions of comfort created by the boat, among the sailors, she was called "floating" Hilton "."


The main weapons of the TC are 20 three-stage solid fuel ballistic missiles R-39 "Option". The starting mass of these rockets together with the starting container is 90 tons, and the length of 17.1 m, it is the largest starting mass of all the on-board BRPLs.

Rockets have a dividing combat part of 10 individual guidance warheads, each 100 kiloton in Ttrotil equivalent, the flight range of missiles is 8,300 km. Due to the fact that the R-39 has sufficiently large dimensions, the only carriers are the boats of the project 941 "Shark".

The tests of the R-19 missile complex were carried out on a specially re-equipped diesel submarine K-153 (project 619), it contained only one mine for P-39, the number of start-up of shifting layouts is limited to the family.

runuette R-39 with a submarine project 941 "Shark"

From the boat of the project "Shark" can be carried out by the start of all ammunition with one volley, the interval between the start of missiles is minimal. Running rockets can be carried out from the surface and underwater position, in case of running from the underwater position, the immersion depth is up to 55 meters, no weather limitations for launching rockets.

The use of the amortized rocket-starting system ARSS allows the start of the rocket using a powder pressure battery from a dry mine, it significantly reduces the level of reparting noise, as well as reduces the interval between the launch of rockets. One of the features of the complex is to hang missiles at the neck of the mine with the help of ARSS. At the design stage, the accommodation of ammunition from 24 missiles was provided, but the decision of the Commander of the Navy of the USSR Admiral S.G. Gorshkova, the number of rockets was reduced to 20.

The development of a new enhanced version of the R-39Utte "Bark" rocket was launched after the adoption of the Government's decree in 1986. The new modification of the rocket was planned to implement the system of passing through the ice, as well as increase the range of up to 10,000 km. According to the plan, re-refueling the rocket mines was necessary until 2003 by the expiration of the R-39 warranty resource. However, the tests of new missiles were not successful, after the third start-up of the ending failure, in 1998, the Ministry of Defense decided to terminate the work on the complex, by the time of the adoption of such a decision the availability of the complex was 73%. The development of another solid fuel BRPL "Bulava" was assigned to the Moscow Institute of Heat Engineering, which developed the land MBR "Topol-M".

In addition to strategic weapons, on boats of the project 941 "Shark" there are 6 torpedo devices of 533 mm caliber, which can be used to produce mineral outlets of firing rocket-torpedo and conventional torpedoes.

The air defense system is provided with eight PZRK complexes "Needle-1".

The boats of the project "Shark" are equipped with radio-electronic weapons of the following types:

    • "Omnibus" - a combat information and management system;
    • analog hydroacoustic complex "Skat-CS" (on TK-208 installed digital "Skat-3");
    • hydroacoustic mining station MG-519 "Harp";
    • mG-518 "North" echoltutor;
    • radar complex IRKP-58 "Buran";
    • navigation complex "Symphony";
    • radiocommunication Complex "Lightning-L1" with the Satellite Communications System "Tsunami";
    • television complex MTK-100;
    • two buoy-type antennas, allow you to take radio messages, target designation and satellite navigation signals when at a depth of 150 m and under the ice.

Interesting Facts
    • For the first time, the placement of missile mines Ahead of the logging was carried out by boats of the project "Shark"
    • For the development of a unique ship, the title Hero of the Soviet Union was assigned to the commander of the first rocket cruiser Captain 1 rank A. V. Olkhovnikov in 1984
    • Ships of the Akula project are listed in the Gines Book of Records
  • The chair of the commander in the central post is in inviolability, there is no exception for anyone or for the commander of the division, fleet or flotilla and even the Minister of Defense.

Atomic submarines and other vessels with nuclear power plants use radioactive fuel - mainly uranium - to convert water to steam. The resulting steam rotates turbogenerators, and they produce electricity to move the vessel and nutrition of various onboard equipment.

Radioactive materials similar to uranium are distinguished by thermal energy in the nuclear decay process, when the unstable atomic core is split into two parts. This highlights a huge amount of energy. At the atomic submarine, such a process is carried out in a thick-walled reactor, which is continuously cooled with flowing water to avoid overheating, and the melting of the walls. Nuclear fuel is particularly popular with the military on submarines and aircraft carriers due to its extraordinary effectiveness. On one piece of uranium sizes with a golf ball, a submarine can be seven times a globe. However, the nuclear energy is in danger not only for the crew, which may suffer if a radioactive emission occurs on board. In this energy, the potential threat to the whole life in the sea, which can be poisoned by radioactive waste has been laid.

Machine compartment concept with nuclear reactor

In a typical engine with a nuclear reactor (left), cooled water under pressure falls inside the casing of the reactor containing nuclear fuel. The heated water comes out of the reactor and is used to convert other water into steam, and then cooling, cooled, returns to the reactor. Couple rotates the blades of the turbine engine. The gearbox translates the rapid rotation of the turbine shaft into a slower rotation of the electric motor shaft. The motor shaft using the clutch mechanism is connected to the rowing shaft. In addition, the electric motor transmits the rotation of the rowing shaft, it produces electricity that spares in onboard batteries.

Nuclear reaction

In the cavity of the reactor, an atomic core consisting of protons and neutrons is subjected to a blow of a free neutron (figure below). From the impact of the core is split, and in particular, neutrons are exempt, which bombard other atoms. So the chain reaction of the division of the nuclei occurs. At the same time, a huge amount of thermal energy is exempt, that is, heat.

Atomic submarine runs along the coast in the surface position. Such ships need to replenish fuel only once every two or three years.

A group of management in combat chain is observed for the adjacent water management in the periscope. Radar, hydrolactor, radio communications and camera with a scanning system also help driving this vessel.

Modern APLs have steam-producing plants in the composition of one-two nuclear reactors with water under pressure in the first circuit. The pairs of the second circuit, which is directly fed to the main turbine and turbogenerators, is formed in several steam generators due to heat exchange with the water of the first circuit. The parameters of the coolant of the first circuit at the inlet to the steam generator are usually liable in the range: 320-330 ° C, 150-180 kg / cm²; The parameters of the second circuit pair at the entrance to the turbine: 280-290 ° C, 30-32 kg / cm2. Steamwater reactors of modern submarines at full capacity reaches 200 or more tons of steam per hour. Loading nuclear fuel, which is usually used uranium-235 enriched, is several kilograms. It is known, for example, that Nautilus APL to the first recharge spent 3.6 kg of uranium, passing about 60 thousand miles.

The water current in the first circuit is carried out during the operation of the installation at low power due to the natural circulation of the coolant, due to the temperature difference at the inlet and outlet of the reactor, and placing steam generators above the active zone, on medium and large capacities - the first circuit circulation pumps. In order to reduce the noise and simplifying the control of the reactor, there is a tendency to increase the upper limit of power when working in the natural circulation mode. The American APL "Narwhal" had a reactor with a much higher than that of other submarines, the level of natural circulation - possibly up to 100% power. However, due to a number of reasons, primarily due to increased in comparison with conventional height reactors, this reactor was not running into a series. The campaign (the estimated duration of the operation of the reactor at full capacity) reaches for contemporary EPL 10-15 thousand hours, which allows (due to the operation of the reactor most of the time on the power, significantly less complete), limit the service life of the APL with one or two reloading of the active zone. Power of steam turbine installations When moving the submarine at full speed reaches 30-60 thousand liters. with. (20-45 thousand kW).

Structurally, steam turbine installations are performed as a single block consisting, as a rule, of two turbines, parallel to the one-or two-stage gearbox, lowering turbine turnover to optimal propellers. To reduce the vibration-transmitted vibrations, the steam turbine block is attached to it using shock absorbers. For the same purpose, the so-called neople bond links with a case and other equipment (shaft line, steam, water, oil pipelines) have relatively elastic inserts, which also prevent the spread of vibration from the block.

Resetting steam from the turbine is carried out on a condenser cooled by intricate water flowing through the tubes designed for complete intricate pressure. Wild water pumping is carried out by self-symptom or circulating pump. Condensate formed after cooling Condensate with special pumps pumped into the steam generator. Steel and steam-turbine installations are monitored and managed using a special automatic system (if necessary with the intervention of operators). Management is carried out from a special post. The transmission of power from the gearbox on the rowing screw is carried out using the shaft line equipped with the support and main thrust bearing (GUP) transmitting the focus on the body developed by the screw. Usually, GUP is constructively combined with one of the transverse bulkheads and on some ALL is equipped with a special system to reduce the level of vibrations transmitted from the shaft line to the body. To disconnect the rowing shaft from the turbine installation gearbox, a special coupling is provided. On most applies in stern from the GUP coaxially, a rowing motor (GED) is installed with the shaft line, which provides the rotation of the shaft when the turbines are stopped when necessary. The power of the GAD is usually several hundred kilowatts and is sufficient to move the APL at a speed of 4-6 bonds. Energy for the operation of the GAD is supplied from turbogenerators or, with an accident, from a battery, and when driving at an outdate position - from a diesel generator.

The specific mass-or-size characteristics of the power plants are essential for individual types of submarines. The average values \u200b\u200bof their values \u200b\u200b(total vapor-producing and steam-turbine installation) for modern applies: 0.03-0.04 t / kW, 0.005-0.006 m³ / kW.

The considered energy installation as part of a turbo-aggregate unit and a low-power GED installed on the shaft is applied on the overwhelming majority of the APL, but it is not the only one who has found practical application. Starting from the mid-60s, attempts were made to use on the submarine of other installations, primarily a turboelectric, providing a complete electric life, which already paid attention to the section on the consideration of the stages of the development of the PL.

The widespread introduction of complete electric traffic on the Apple is prevented, as usual, substantially large masses and the dimensions of electrical installations compared to turbine close power. Work on the improvement of turboelectric installations continues, and their success is binding to the use of superconductivity effect, especially with the so-called "room" temperatures (up to -130 ° C), which is expected to dramatically reduce the mass-or-size characteristics of electric motors and generators.

The electric power system (EES) of modern APLs has a few (as a rule, two) autonomous turbogenerators (ATG) AC, using steam from the reactor, and a battery (AB) as a backup energy source with non-working ATGs, as well as machines or Static electric current converters (for charging AB from ATG and equipment for alternating current from AB), controls, control and protection devices, and switching system - switchboards and cable tracks. As an emergency power source, a diesel generator is used as an emergency energy source.

ATG power on modern APL reaches several thousand kilowatts. The consumers of electricity are primarily auxiliary mechanisms of the AEU itself, hydroacoustic weapons, means of navigation, communications, radar, systems serving weapons, life support system, GD when using the electric traffic mode, etc. The EES is used by an alternating current of industrial frequency 50-60 Hz, voltage 220-380 V, and for powering some consumers - alternating current of increased frequency and permanent.

High energy saturation of modern Apple, providing the possibility of using energy-intensive samples of weapons and weapons, as well as a high level of personnel comfort, has, as already mentioned, and negative consequences are a relatively high noise due to the large number of simultaneously working machines and mechanisms, even when the submarine is moving with relatively low speed.

According to the information provided by RIA Novosti with an appropriate reference to the data provided by JSC "OKBM Africanov", the active zone was created and successfully tested, which is part of the atomic reactor and is its key element. Based on the received message, the main creator, the zone has the potential to ensure the entire period of operation of the atomic submarine (APL).

On the question of whether the everlasting nuclear reactor was created for atomic submarines itself, we answer that, yes indeed, if you consider the eternity years of submarines of submarines.

So, in general terms, the active zone will understand in more detail. The active zone itself is nothing but the central "organ" of the reactor. It concentrates the entire nuclear feeding and directly through it, or rather through the entire main, the specified area is the coordinated chain reaction. Thanks to this newest design, "Africant OKBM" now the commanders of atomic submarines do not have to worry about the recharging of the nuclear power supply.

Evaluation of competent sources

The situation commented on the officer who is in the rank of Admiral Vyacheslav Popov. In particular, he said that the fact of the production of a "permanent" reactor is really regarded as an achievability of a huge scale, which has a great importance for the combat activity of the underwater Arsenal Navy. In addition, he clarified that the releasing spent on the fleet is considered to be the most basic function. Previously, its implementation went at least a month. During this period, the combat composition of the fleet had a tendency to reduce one unit.

"With a reactor designed and not requiring recharging, the indicator released on the use of this machine is capable of raising several times at once," the admiral summed up.

Relying on the report prepared by OKBM Afrikants appeared information that the success of tests carried out with an optimal active zone developed for the APLs, which are representatives of the fourth generation, was confirmed by 100%. What will be as efficiently exploited, once again proves the feasibility of the project, which is based on the creation of ship's active zones.

To submarines of the fourth generation, which were launched in Russia, can safely be attributed to such submarines as "Borea" and "ash".


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