Measuring the effectiveness of the organization. Measurement and evaluation of management efficiency. Evaluation of economic efficiency

Measurement and evaluation of management efficiency is necessary for all organizations, as they allow you to actively influence their current status and development trends, set the size and directions of change, identify the most important growth factors, track and adjust uncontrollable processes, make decisions about changes and predict their impact Key parameters, as well as plan to further improve the organization and its divisions.

There are several approaches to measuring the efficiency of the organization's management, these are situational approaches to the efficacy measurement (Contingency Effectiveness Approaches), which are based on what part of their organization managers are considered the most important for the implementation of relevant measurements.

Situational approaches to the measurement of management efficiency include: a) traditional approaches; b) approaches of shareholders.

As part traditional approaches it is customary to allocate: a target approach, a resource approach and an approach of internal processes.

Target approach (Goal Approach) To measure the management efficiency is tied to the output data, since it is estimated to how much the organization achieves its goals in the sense of the desired state of the exit.

The target approach to measuring efficiency is to identify the objectives of the organization and assess how well the organization achieves these goals. The target approach measures the degree of approaching the organization to these purposes.

Efficiency measurement indicators are based mainly on the basis of operational purposes that turn out to be more productive (reflect what the organization is actually engaged in) than indicators based on long-term goals, as they are pretty abstract and difficult to measure.

In practice, organizations have many purposes (profitability (profitability), growth, market share, social responsibility, welfare of employees, quality of goods and services, research and development, efficiency, financial stability, environmental friendliness, etc.) that cannot be easily achieved At the same time, therefore they form a set of results desirable for the organization.

The target approach is often used in commercial organizations, because in them weekends are usually measured. Commercial firms usually evaluate their work from the standpoint of profitability, growth occupied by the market share or income from investments.

Resource approach (Resource-Based Approach): Efficiency is determined by monitoring the start of the management and assessment of the organization's ability to effectively produce the resources necessary for successful activities.

Thus, in a resource approach, the organization of the organization management system is also considered and evaluated, as it is assumed that in order to be effective, the organization should be able to extract valuable resources and manage them. From the point of view of the resource approach, the effectiveness of the organization is defined as CE the ability, absolute or relative, produce rare and valuable resources, successfully integrate them and manage them.

In a broad sense, performance indicators, according to a resource approach, include the following characteristics:

  • - Buyer position - the ability of the organization to obtain rare and valuable resources from the environment, including financial resources, raw materials, human resources, knowledge and technology;
  • - the ability of those in the organization makes decisions, to see and correctly interpret environmental properties;
  • - the ability of managers to use tangible (for example, stocks of raw materials, people) and intangible (such as knowledge, corporate culture) resources in the daily activities of the organization to achieve the best results;
  • - The organization's ability to respond to changes in the environment.

The resource approach is used when other approaches to the evaluation of management efficiency cannot be implemented due to the lack of the required number of indicators (for non-commercial and social organizations it is difficult to measure the degree of achievement of goals or internal efficiency).

The resource approach has indisputable advantages when other efficacy measurement approaches are not available, but it also has a certain deficiency: it does not take into account the relationship of the organization's activities with consumer needs.

Thus, the resource approach is most valuable when indicators of achieving goals are difficult to obtain and measure (i.e., it is impossible to implement a target approach to assessing and measuring management efficiency).

Approach internal processes (Internal Process Approach): Efficiency is estimated on the basis of the internal activity of the organization and its economy (Efficiency).

In the approach of internal processes, effectiveness is estimated from the point of view of continuity, rationality, synchronization and efficiency of the organization of production. An important element of efficiency in this approach is how the organization uses its resources and opportunities and how it is reflected in the cost-effectiveness.

Main indicators of management efficiency in terms of approach internal processes:

  • - assessment of corporate culture, including a socio-psychological climate;
  • - mutual execution, group loyalty and work in a single team;
  • - mutual trust and communication between employees and leadership;
  • - methods of making management decisions in this organization;
  • - organization of horizontal and vertical communications;
  • - remuneration of managers;
  • - Interaction of units of the organization.

The approach of the internal processes is important, since the effective use of resources and the agreed internal functioning of the organization are one of the parties to the overall management efficiency. This approach also has its drawbacks: the overall result at the exit and the relationship between the Organization with the external environment is not taken into account. Using only the internal processes approach does not provide a complete presentation of management efficiency.

Approaches to the evaluation of management efficiency from the point of view of shareholders are as follows.

Approach of shareholders Stakeholder Approach), sometimes called Constituency Approach, based on the approval that there are many groups of persons for each organization in their own results in the results of its activities. In this approach to the measurement and assessment of management efficiency, the main indicator of effectiveness is considered to be satisfied with these interested groups.

In the approach of shareholders, various parties to the organization are collected together by moving attention from the organization itself on those who are interested in its work. The shareholder (Stakeholder) in this case is any group of persons within an organization or outside of it, interested in the results of the organization's work. Lenders, suppliers, employees and owners of the Company within the framework of this approach are shareholders. Each shareholder will have its own criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the organization, since their attitude to this organization and their interests are different. Determining whether the organization works well, it is necessary to consider it from the point of view of each of the groups of shareholders.

Assessing the effectiveness of management in the approach of shareholders is implemented in the VBM concept - the so-called concept of value-oriented management that promotes an integrated approach to managing the organization aimed at the increase in the value of the company for owners (shareholders). The basic principle of value-oriented management is a qualitative improvement in strategic and operational solutions at all levels of the hierarchy due to the concentration of efforts of all decision makers on key value factors.

The advantage of the shareholder approach to evaluating the effectiveness of management is that this approach allows us to determine the overall efficiency of management, since the concept of effectiveness is wider than in traditional methods (target approach, resource approach, the approach of internal processes), and that the approach is considered both the environment and internal for the organization. In addition, the approach of shareholders takes into account an important factor of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which is not formally measured by PI in target, nor in resource approaches or in the approach of internal processes.

With an increase in the understanding that effectiveness is a complex, multidimensional concept that cannot be unilaterally evaluated, the shareholder approach is becoming increasingly popular.

The commensity of the effect and costs of its achievement is the basis of economic efficiency. In addition to the absolute value of the effect, it is necessary to know its relative value calculated by dividing the general result (effect) on the costs of resources that caused it. However, this evaluation indicator is imperfect.

First, it does not characterize the product produced in terms of its compliance with public demand.

Secondly, direct investments are summed up in costs and individual consequences are not assessed.

For example, in the construction of power plants on the Volga, the volume of electricity produced was compared with construction costs and it turned out that the energy of the Volga HPP is the cheapest in the world. Meanwhile, millions of hectares of the best floodplain lands were at the bottom of artificial reservoirs. Natural water drains was broken, on the way of migration of sturgeon stades, obstacles arose to its spawning. As if the twentieth century did not become the last for this valuable fish.

To assess such a complex and multifaceted process as an economic progress of one indicator, even if the most perfect, not enough. Need a system of meters for its different sides "

Most often, the results of economic activity are diverse and it is impossible to reduce them into a single result, even using universal money meters. In some cases, the result can only be qualitative, not expressed in a numerical form. So most often include social results.

"The overall result of economic activity is the volume of manufactured products - is dependent on the action of the main factors of production, their quantitative and high-quality level. This connection is expressed by the mathematical formula that called the production function. It shows the quantitative dependence of the volume of production from three factors - capital (in kind - means of production), labor and technical progress.

Accordingly, the growth rate of products, capital, labor force: - a comprehensive indicator of the growth of the aggregate economic efficiency of all factors (in addition to changes in the technique, it reflects improvement in the quality and improving the efficiency of the use of living or extractable labor, etc.); and - coefficients of the elasticity of production volume, respectively, according to capital and in labor (or coefficients characterizing the increase in the volume of production, per 1% increase in the relevant factor) "

Economic growth is associated with two types of economic development:



In the first case, growth is achieved by quantifying production factors and is based on the old technical and technological base.

In the second - due to the growth of labor productivity, the use of new equipment and technology, that is, due to qualitative factors.

Main categories of National Accounts of GNP and GDP. The difference between them is that the GNP (gross national product) takes into account the external factor, and the GDP (gross domestic product) is not.

At the moment, some scientists are economists: E.S. Reloblin, V.A. Freedom, TS Khachaturov - when considering the effectiveness of agricultural production, distinguish the following types:

Production and technical

Production and economic,


Ecological and economic.

Production and technical Efficiency reflects the efficiency of using production resources. This type of efficiency is measured by the system of indicators reflecting the use of land, material and labor resources in the production process. The main indicators are land consumption, fund-student, material consumption, complexity and others.

Production and economic Efficiency characterizes the efficiency of production of products as a result of the aggregate effect of production and technical efficiency and the economic mechanism. It is measured by cost indicators: cost, gross and net income, profit and others.

Under socio-economic Effectiveness understands the degree of satisfaction of social needs for material (the average per capita consumption of food, clothing, shoes in comparison with rational norms) and cultural benefits, as well as the degree of spiritual development of the individual. It characterizes the effectiveness of the processed processes of the production method, the degree of implementation of a system of economic interests. For its assessment, the system of indicators is used: the cost of products per unit area, the level of profitability, the consumption fund based on one employee.

Ecological and economic Efficiency characterizes the aggregate economic performance of the process of production of agricultural products, taking into account the environmental impact of agriculture on the environment. Such effective reflects the effectiveness of use in the production process, along with material and labor costs, costs associated with the elimination or prevention of pollution and the destruction of the natural environment arising in the process of agricultural activities, as well as the loss of agricultural products due to the deterioration of the environmental condition of the environment. The definition of environmental and economic efficiency of agricultural production is carried out on the basis of calculations of indicators of environmental and economic damage, effect, general and comparative environmental and economic efficiency.

Another group of scientists in determining the effectiveness of agricultural production allocates only two types:



Social efficiency The development of agrarian production is manifested primarily in the fact that the best conditions for the reproduction of labor and increase the well-being of the people. The social efficiency of agricultural production is estimated not only from economic positions, but also taking into account the social result (improvement of working conditions, socio-cultural service on the village, an increase in real wages, etc.).

A social assessment of the effectiveness of agricultural production can be detected by expert estimates and the calculated method, comparing the dynamics of the income index and the cost index for the period analyzed.

Despite various approaches to the content of the concept of production efficiency, most authors agree that effectiveness is determined by the ratio of a useful result or effect and resources (spent or used).

The study of the theoretical aspects of economic efficiency in modern foreign literature showed that this category is interpreted mainly as the relationship "costs - release".

"The society seeks to use its resources effectively, that is, it wishes to obtain the maximum number of useful goods and services made from its limited resources" - the main objects of studying the problem of social production efficiency are to determine its criteria and indicators. The variety of definitions of production efficiency affects the choice of criteria for its assessment. The problem of choosing the criterion for economic efficiency among scientists - economists is the subject of the most acute discussion.

The indicator is a quantitative expression of a separate side of the economic phenomenon. It is he who gives a specific characteristic of the results of this phenomenon. The criterion, as measured economic efficiency, is specified through indicators and reflects the level and dynamics of efficiency. The criterion expresses the generalized result of an economic phenomenon. This means for judgment, a sign, based on the assessment, definition or classification of something.

In economic literature, various points of view are expressed about the existence of one or more criteria for economic efficiency.

The criterion of economic efficiency should correctly and most fully reflect the essence of the phenomenon, in this case - the economic efficiency of production.

The noted provisions characterizing the essence of economic efficiency of production are common to all industries of material production. So, in agriculture, the Earth acts as the main means of production, which is essential for the studied efficiency problem. Natural conditions under which agricultural production are carried out, also significantly affect the effectiveness of industrial activities of enterprises.

Performance depends on the level of soil fertility, its location in relation to the market for the sale of goods, productivity and the level of rational use of existing agricultural machinery. At the same time, the better these qualitative characteristics, the higher, as a rule, the level of the resulting economic effect on each unit of production resources, invested capital. In other words, at different levels of fertility soils, the same amount of production costs reproduce a different amount of positive effect or another result.

The results of agricultural production also affects its seasonality, the dependence of the effectiveness of weather conditions, the qualitative composition of the planting material, the rocks of animals, etc. [ 3 ]

Economic efficiency is one of the most general and generalizing concepts of the economy, which is the expression on the effectiveness of the use of factors of production, their economy and a profitable combination based on rational choice, the purpose of which is to increase profits, growth in production and maximizing the needs of all members of society.

The diversity of industrial production performance indicators should be considered in conjunction with social factors that do not always have a value expression. The effectiveness of the activities of a separate economic individual is not identified with the efficiency of the economy at the macro level, on the other hand the effectiveness of the general production is not thought without the effectiveness of individual economic entities at the micro level.

The production efficiency must be studied and analyzed at different levels of the economy and at different stages of production, where it has its own separate indicators.

Evaluation of economic efficiency is always related to the objectives of production in the future, however, it characterizes the results of the activity in the present, and its value is manifested in the present time. Consequently, the totality of the results of production activities for a separate period of time and is the effectiveness of production.

Before choosing the optimal version of the organization of economic activities, it should be decided on the criteria for assessing economic efficiency indicators. How to do it, tell me in this material.

You will learn:

  • What are the goals and objectives of the assessment of indicators of economic efficiency.
  • What is the subject of analysis when choosing them.
  • What techniques are used in the calculation.
  • How the economic efficiency of production is estimated.
  • What methods allow you to make an enterprise more efficient.

Indicators of economic efficiency - the main tools for the implementation of economic strategyat all levels of economic and economic activity (from a particular enterprise to the national economy).

Economic efficiency performs a number of tasks:

  • regulates inconomic activities of enterprises;
  • forms the relationship of the manufacturer / consumer;
  • translates generality benefits to the subjective interests of all participants in the economy.

Each business entity, whether a state or individual personality, is interested in obtaining a maximum of possible benefits from available resources. At the same time, each participant in the production or consumption of these blessings seeks to maximize their benefits and minimize expenses. That is - to act most efficiently and rationally.

Evaluation of economic efficiency

The same criterion for any economic events (introducing innovation, investment, improving the social sphere and management) is:

  • focus on achieving the desired result;
  • the need for costs.

The criteria for assessing economic efficiency are divided by types:

  • absolute (general);
  • relative (comparative);
  • temporary.

Absolute - characterize the magnitude of the effect. They are obtained by subtracting from the cost estimates of the outcome of the economic event of all costs associated with its implementation.

These include the cost of funds and objects of labor, labor and other resources spent in the settlement period.

They are needed to evaluate and analyze the effectiveness and general economic results obtained in dynamics and for a certain time period on the micro and macro levels of the economy, and also compare by regions and enterprises.

For example, if the inclusive indicator of economic efficiency is the profitability of the economy, then relative is the effectiveness of the economic and economic event in comparison with various factors.

When measuring profits can be calculated by the formula:

Pr \u003d n o - with pWhere:

BY - volume of products (manufactured, implemented) for a specific period;

With P. - its cost price.

The calculation of the relative indicators is carried out by dividing the value estimates of the results of the management on their associated cumulative resource costs:

E o \u003d uh / s withWhere:

E. - the value of the achieved economic effect;

S - The cost of obtaining it.

How to make a plan for sales on the principle of matryoshki: for a year, for a month, week

During the crisis, the merchant may have the idea that companies are not now growing: the main thing is to maintain the volume of last year. However, the task of the commercial director is not maintaining, namely the development of sales. Competently designed, and most importantly, a realistic sales plan will help solve this task. To do this, it should be divided into three parts: strategic for a year, tactical per month and individual for the manager for a week.

How to develop such a plan and achieve its implementation? Here is a fierce instruction from the editorial board of the commercial director.


The effectiveness of the economic system is determined by a variety of factors:

  • production efficiency;
  • public administration;
  • socio-economic development;
  • standard of living, education, health care;
  • competitive business.

One method with which the functioning of the economy is estimated is the result social production, indicating not about the growth rates of the production product, but about resource costs when it is achieved.

Indicators of economic efficiency of production are most fully characterized by the economic activity of the state and a separate person. If they are determined, the effectiveness of the entire state economy is taken into account, each individual industry, territorial education, foreign trade, works of enterprises and each employee.

Also determine how effective the process of creating values \u200b\u200bin general and its individual phases, such as distributionExchange and consumption levels.

Methods for calculating economic efficiency indicators

Formula Uh \u003d result / cost - It is basic. Therefore, when measuring the effectiveness of each factor of various business entities, economic efficiency indicators include:

  • the ratio of pure products (profits) to the average value of current and fixed assets;
  • the level of profitability and payback of products and PF;
  • production of goods and services per monetary unit of expenses;
  • relative savings, materials, labor, fotes and others.

To measure the economic efficiency of production, such direct and inverse indicators are used as:

  • performance that is calculated by the ratio of the results obtained to labor costs (reverse meter - employment);
  • material rating calculated by the formula Mo \u003d r / s m, Where R - results, S M. - The cost of materials. For this category by the back indicator there will be a material. M \u003d z m / r);
  • fondo studio and fundability;
  • effectiveness of investment and investment.

The most common indicator of economic efficiency is the ratio of the effect received from economic activities (national income or GDP) and cumulative costs to achieve it.

In macroeconomics, when determining efficiency, 2 indicators are used:

  • an increase in the internal gross product per capita;
  • its production for each cost of costs.

Due to the huge variety of factors influencing the final results, it is impossible to evaluate how effective the activity is only taking into account any one indicator. Therefore, in practical calculations, a system of interrelated indicators is always used (both absolute and relative). Thanks to this, the assessment receives all the important parties to the functioning of the economic entity.

System of Indicators of Economic Efficiency Production

According to the degree of filling, which takes into account the results and costs, relative indicators characterizing economic efficiency are conditionally divided into 3 groups:

  • generalizing;
  • private;
  • integral.

In the first case, one or more types of effects and a number of resource costs are subjected to, which are characterized by enterprises, territorial entities, national economies in general. Such indicators are justified for decision makingaimed at changes at any level of the economy.

In this group, the main indicators of economic efficiency of the economy will be:

  • national income;
  • gross domestic product per capita;
  • generalized coefficient of economic efficiency;
  • labor productivity;
  • the cost of 1 ruble produced product;
  • profit;
  • profitability of production and products.

Private indicators are used for individual elements of production and economic activity. They make it possible to show the validity of the decision to improve the selected items.

Thus, the generalizing indicators are a target, and private - tools when performing calculations and analysis of efficiency.

The table shows several examples of two groups of indicators.

Generalizing indicators

Private indicators.

Efficiency of use:




The degree of market satisfaction.

Production of pure products per unit used resources.

Costs per unit manufactured product.

Profit per unit of total expenses.

Profitability of the enterprise.

Production growth due to an increase in production intensity.

Effect for the national economy from using a unit of products.

The growth rate of labor productivity.

Product gain by improving productivity.

The working time utilization factor.

The laboriousness and salary of the unit of products.

FDOODODACE Total (due to the volume of products).

Fondo student of the active part of.

Profitability of fixed assets.

Fondarity and material consumption of a unit of products.

The coefficient of use of basic materials and raw materials.

Turnover turnover.

Profitability of working capital.

OS release in relative values.

Specific capitations (per unit of power generation or product).

Investment profitability.

The payback period of invested funds.

Choosing indicators of economic efficiency assessment, should be guided by the following requirements:

  • The number of estimated characteristics is selected depending on the purpose of analysis.
  • The semantic value of each indicator should be perceived simply and understandably, without the possibility of ambiguous reading.
  • For any indicator, objective quantitative data, based on statistics and accounting information, should be submitted. Moreover, in the digital range, it is obliged to reflect both the maximum and minimum values.
  • If we calculate the generalizing indicators of economic efficiency, exclusively value measurers of results and costs are used, as well as their relative importance (interest, coefficients, indexation).
  • In the calculations of private indicators, in addition to value, natural and labor options can be used.

But first it will be necessary to solve 2 questions:

  • Determine with the method of translating various non-monetary parameters in profitable and consumable (value) gears of private indicators.
  • To establish algorithms for combining these heterogeneous value estimates, which in the life cycle of the product differ in place, time, content and relationships with the production and economic interests of the subject into unified indicators, as a whole, defining a specific economic system.

Methods of optimization of indicators of economic efficiency

It is impossible to require the indicators of the economic efficiency of the enterprise and the national economy to fully coincide, just as it is impossible to evaluate the overall level of the national economy by simply summarizing its parts.

Therefore, choosing the optimal methodology for calculating efficiency, the following significant moments must be taken into account:

  • the nature of the program-targeted orientation of management decisions;
  • the desired level of concretization during calculations;
  • comparison of the evaluations obtained with the basic norm of economic efficiency;
  • the place of the planned economic and economic event in the full period of product circulation and the role of alleged results, costs in the economic interests of economic entities that participate in its implementation.

With all the variety of categories and types of economic solutions, only 2 fundamentally different optimization methods are practically implied:

  • Release a larger amount of products and services at a fixed value of resource costs. The fulfillment of this task requires an increase in labor productivity through the technical and technological re-equipment of production, the introduction of innovation, advanced training and professionalism of employees, the use of better materials and raw materials. This situation is described by the formula: E. N.max for Z. = const.
  • Reduce costs while maintaining the production of goods and services achieved.The achievement of such results is possible due to the economical spending of resources, recycling, the introduction of resource-saving technologies, reducing the number of personnel. Z. N.mIN. for E \u003dconst.

There is also a combined efficiency model that combines the basic criteria for the first two options and additionally takes into account other optimization criteria (including natural): specifications, effect speed, cash turnover and possible alternatives, the sphere (industry) of activities, similar estimates of competitors, and medium-wide values.

This situation is reflected in the following algorithm:

E. N. / Z. N.mAX,where N. - The number of the management solution under consideration.


The choice of method is determined by each supervisoralone, taking into account the goals, potential opportunities of the enterprise and the market situation. As a rule, if the economy is growing and consumer demand increases, it will be appropriate to use the first method, and when production is observed - the second.

However, with the duration of crisis phenomena, rational to do marketing for lifting sales, change profile or reorganize the enterprise. And it is important to always adhere to the strategy of one hundred percent use of our own resources, even if their purpose changes.

In relation to the problem of measuring the efficiency of economic management of any organization, it is useful to consider it on the assessment components:

Criterion of economic efficiency;

Key principle of effectiveness evaluation;

Indicator (system indicators) of efficiency;

Methodology for calculating economic efficiency;

Organizational and environmental activities for the introduction of a new assessment system in practice.

We highlight two results of theoretical developments of production efficiency problems performed before the start of the economy reform:

1) determining the essence and maintenance of the main species of efficiency:

Economic, social and socio-economic;

People's economic and commercial;

Generalizing (reproduction, economy as a whole), local (individual regions and household engines), private (individual production factors) and individual phases (spheres) of reproduction;

2) Justification of criteria and performance indicators.

Criteria Reflect the essence of efficiency, indicators serve as a means of measurement and comparison of efficiency in accordance with its criteria.

Efficiency characterizes in a broad sense high-quality side of the development of society. Its specifics are that it shows, with the help of a combination of which resources the final result was obtained. In general, efficiency is expressed through the ratio between the results obtained during the production process, and the cost of social labor associated with the achievement of these results. The essence of improving the efficiency of production consists in a faster growth of the result (effect) compared with costs, as a result of which there is less public labor per unit effect.

Criterion for the effectiveness of social production It is formulated as achieving a maximum effect from each unit of social labor costs or a minimum of these costs for each effect.

A summary performance indicator, designed on the basis of this criterion, definitely estimates the production efficiency at a certain point in time. It must be taken into account all the factors affecting the efficiency of production, which provides a comprehensive assessment. Such a generalizing indicator may be the ratio of products with full cost (current and capital) required for its production. It is used in determining efficiency, both for the national economy and its individual industries, as well as in determining the effectiveness of capital investments and new techniques.

Indicator for measuring the efficiency of the national economy is the ratio of national income and production funds of the national economy; for measuring the effectiveness of capital investments - Profit ratio and capital expenditure.

Positive economic effect is saving, negative - lesion.

One of the types of economic effect (with improving the quality and reliability of products) is prevented by a loss, i.e. The negative economic effect does not arise (this effect is sometimes mistakenly called savings).

Under loss Understand, firstly, a decrease in cash, or the so-called positive damage (for example, losses due to marriage). Secondly, the loss is called the missed benefit, i.e. The non-treatment of those property benefits that could be obtained if a malicious action had had no place.

Thus, prevented damage, in whatever form he opposed, is in accordance with the terminology adopted by us, the economic effect, and not saving

SavingUnder which the positive economic effect is understood, is a saved public labor (live or past), resources, time in the manufacture and consumption of products.

Economic efficiency The most complex and capacious category of economic science. It is the basis for the construction of quantitative criteria for the value of the decisions of the formation of the material and functional, functional and systemic characteristics of economic activity.

Currently, the most complete and consistent study of the economic efficiency of economic activity is given in the theory of integrated economic analysis, where the sections of the promising, current and operational analysis are devoted to the effectiveness, on the basis of which the achieved effectiveness of economic activity is estimated, the factors of its change, unused opportunities and reserves of increase are detected.

An analysis of the overall effectiveness of the enterprise's economic activity is the prerogative of the highest management link and is associated with the definition of the price of the product, the size of the batch of the procurement of raw materials or product supplies, replacement of equipment or technology. Other decisions should also be appreciated from the point of view of the overall success of the company, the nature of its economic growth and efficiency.

The main tasks of the analysis of efficiency: assessment of the economic situation; identification of factors and causes of the achieved state; Preparation and justification of accepted management decisions; Detection and mobilization of reserves to improve the efficiency of economic activity.

One of the directions of analysis is to identify extensive and intensive factors of its change. Extensive factors are associated with an increase in production volumes due to quantitative factors Economic growth: additional labor, expansion of retail space, construction of a new object, etc. Intensive factors are associated with quality factors Economic growth is characterized by a measure of returns for each of the resources used.

The quantitative ratio of these factors is expressed in the indicators of the use of production and financial resources (Fig. 6.2).

The volume of production in value terms is a function or the result of the impact of using all types of resources. Since the production process is carried out only in the presence of all elements of the labor process in their interconnection, it is impossible to identify the effect on the results of each group of factors.

A feature of the extensive and intensive use of resources is their interchangeability. For example, a lack of working force can be filled with increased productivity. Conversely, the release of products can be increased due to the additionally attracted labor force.

Each indicator of the use of resources, in turn, consists of the action of the factors of the second and the following orders. For example, labor productivity depends on the extensive value, i.e. From the duration of working time, as well as from an intense value, i.e. From the load during working hours and productive labor force, determined by the organizational and technical and other (natural and social) conditions of production.

This means that each qualitative indicator of resource use only in general reflects the intensity of its use.

How to measure efficiency

Text: Catherine Tripoten

How to measure efficiency

Text: Catherine Tripoten

Permanent appeals to increase efficiency for Rosatom have already acquired spell status. The mantra about the need to reduce the timing of the processes and the value of the final product failed most of the industry specialists. But what is behind these words? How to measure the efficiency of industry enterprises and what are the positions of Rosatom compared with the closest competitors?

Almost any company constantly compares the results of its activities with the costs of one or another process, efforts attached to the achievement of the result, as well as losses, that is, assesses efficiency. The evaluation result can be both positive and negative.

But, perhaps, only monopolies can afford to be given ineffective; In Russia, it is often even profitable, oddly enough. For example, in the early 2000s, RAO UES of Russia, offering a new tariff policy, complained that the former system of regulating the "costs plus" does not stimulate the power companies to reduce costs. Like, it costs once to reduce any costs, and the savings immediately "cut out" with the annual review of tariffs. In such a situation, it is much more profitable to prove the regulatory authority that all expenses are economically justified.

In a competitive environment, the effectiveness is a guarantee of competitiveness, therefore it is not only measured, but also compare the measurement results. As a rule, it is estimated to evaluate the historical dynamics of indicators, compare the fact and plan, or fact and target value - on this, in particular, the system of key performance indicators (KPI) is based.

To understand, good or bad the result of a single company with a general situation on the market, it will help its comparison with medium-wide indicators or data on competitors. But how much does such a comparison be adequate in the case of Rosatom?

Currency trap

When analyzing the historical dynamics of this or that indicator of the Russian company, which operates in the international market, the researchers can tester traps.
For one of them, in particular, the ex-head of Rosatom Sergey Kiriyenko paid attention, summing up 2015, when the average annual dollar rate was 60.96 rubles.

Rosatom results were mixed: in ruble terms, key indicators - the adjusted free cash flow and labor productivity - significantly increased compared with the previous year and ahead of the forecast laid down in the strategy. At the same time, a drop was recorded in dollar terms.

The state corporation has a unique position. On the one hand, the company is essentially a monopolist in its industry, and the form of state corporation, unlike AO, does not oblige her to strive for profit. Yes, and in the law on the creation of Rosatom, no question of speech does not go. Some five or ten years ago, the State Corporation did not experience serious problems with budget financing of development programs, and, by the way, the state support was one of its competitive advantages in the international market.

This does not mean that the authorities were not interested in how efficient budget funds are spent. However, the search for domestic reserves provoked more external factors: the economic crisis of recent years, the stagnation in the uranium market and the enrichment market, restriction of budget financing and the alarming expectations to enter the construction of the NPP of new competitors. So effectiveness has become the corporate value of the state corporation, and its strategic goal.

What looks like Rosat on the background of competitors, show numbers. But to begin with, it is worth determining which indicators will be visual. For example, Rosatom is one of the key indicators that assess the long-term sustainability of the business, the portfolio of foreign orders believes.

At the end of 2015, this figure was $ 110.3 billion, of which Rosatom already in 2016-2018 was calculated to obtain $ 22.9 billion foreign revenues. At the end of 2015, AREVA at the end of 2015, the orders portfolio was assessed at 29 billion euros. True, the state corporation a portfolio of orders is designed for 10 years ahead, and the list of Areva is a seven-year order. Nevertheless, the proportion is quite obvious. The order portfolio shows the potential revenue of the company, but according to this indicator it is impossible to embed an opinion on how profitable is this or that project.

The economic efficiency of the enterprise is well characterized by profitability: the ratio of profit to assets, resources or income. One of the basic indicators is the profitability of sales (operating), which demonstrates how much the company earned on each ruble (or dollar) of income. Investors also look at EBITDA profitability. In contrast to operating profitability, this coefficient shows the company's financial result without taking into account such a non-monetary expenditure article as depreciation.

How objective will the Rosatom comparison with Westinghouse or Areva on this indicator? Judge for yourself. Data on EBITDA and the operating profit of the State Corporation for 2015 in open sources could not be detected. Westinghouse generally not a public structure and its finances until the end of 2015 did not reveal; How things are in the company, the public found out only after the accounting scandal in the maternal Toshiba.

However, there are statistics for 2014: Westinghouse increased EBITDA profitability in 2014 amounted to 13%, from AREVA - 8-9%, Rosatom - 32%. However, firstly, Areva is now saved from bankruptcy, so the data for 2014, to put it mildly, are outdated. And secondly, companies have a different assets. All of them are vertically integrated structures, but at the same time combine different types of business: for example, Westinghouse is engaged only by reactors and fuel, and such segments, like enrichment or conversion, does not cover. Areva is engaged in) and the other, and the third, but, unlike Rosatoma (we note that Rosenergoatom is one of the most profitable state corporation companies), the generation of electricity does not do, in France it is the prerogative of EDF.

On the other hand, since 2015, the "Atomenergosbyt" - sales "daughter" Rosenergoatom, which sells electricity to retail consumers consolidates the results of Rosatom. The sales company is a final link in the RF energy market, it is engaged in collecting funds from consumers and the subsequent redistribution of payment further on the chain, therefore it has a very greater revenue with minimal and limited profitability (which has repeatedly criticized the top management of Rosatom). So the consolidation of the "Atomenergosbyt" results undertakes the profitability of Rosatom himself.

It turns out that it is correct to compare enrichment with enrichment, mechanical engineering with mechanical engineering and so on. Moreover, the management companies of Divisions Rosatom - JSC. Moreover, in addition to EBITDA, it is best to navigate the productivity. It is calculated as the ratio of production produced in rubles or in units to the total number of personnel.

It makes sense to look at the level of profitability. But it should be borne in mind that inside the large vertically integrated holdings, where one enterprise follows the IATC chain after another, the profitability of each business is determined, including policies from above, the appointment of the "profit center". For example, the same "Rosenergoatom", which buys fuel from Twuel, could be less profitable if the fuel company sold his products more expensive.

The concern has historically operating only atomic stations, there are not so many public analogues. As a rule, production assets of generating companies include different types of generation. We have chosen for comparison several companies closest to the concern. The French EDF generates 80% of electricity at nuclear power plants, American Exelon - 88%. The Chinese CGN Power positions itself as the largest NPP operator in the PRC and the main atomic "builder" in the world (10 blocks at the structure of the structure as of December 31, 2015).

For comparison, we took care of EBITDA if it was possible, labor productivity, as well as KUM, is the most important characteristic of the efficiency of energy generating enterprises. This parameter characterizes the efficiency of the power plant as a whole: technological perfection, personnel qualification, and so on. True, it often depends on the organization of the entire energy at the state level, so the operator can always influence it. In addition, the kum also affects the ability of NPPs to work in a maneuverable mode, existing, for example, in France.

Important moment: when analyzing, we took into account differences in reporting standards from Russian and foreign companies. These differences arise from the purpose of compiling reports: RAS is primarily focused on tax authorities, and IFRS on investors. And if the state corporation itself annually issues reporting on international standards, then the management companies of industry divisions and moreover, the enterprises of the TSFO-3 level are not always.

Table 1. Comparative indicators of generating companies (data for 2015)

The return on EBITDA concern "Rosenergoatom" profitability according to the results of 2015 was 51.25% against 23.5% in the French EDF; Only now the concern when calculating EBITDA is repelled against gross profits (before the deduction of commercial and management costs), while EDF is from the operating room. If I "lead" the results of companies for a single format and take profit from sales, and not gross, then the comparison will be no longer in favor of the concern: 22.99% will not be compared to the EBITDA Rosenergoatom.

In Rosenergoatom, they are convinced that in the field of electricity production, it is not correctly based on a monetary indicator, but on natural: to take actual workings in kilowatt-hours and share it on the number of personnel involved in generation. Calculation of labor productivity "Rosenergoatom" based on revenue is complicated by the fact that the income of the concern, on the one hand, is limited due to the regulated part of the market, and on the other - include safety allowance.

In addition, it is not clear what the number of staff to take into account. "After all, if I divide the revenue from the sale of the power supply of NPPs on all employees of the concern, then in the calculations will be taken into account, for example, builders who do not have relations to generate this electricity. But this is a few thousand people! Considering that the concern has recently leads to active construction, when comparing "Rosenergoatom" with other energy companies, it would not be possible to take into account builders in the number of personnel, "explained to our journal projector recently in an interview - Director for Economics and Finance Rosenergoatom Concern Sergey Migalin .

Comparison with Western electricity producers, according to him, is complicated by significant differences in the structure of the organization of the block operation of the block (for example, in Europe and the United States, many auxiliary work and services perform third-party organizations, in Russia, even if any business process is given to Outsourcing, it still, as a rule, remains in the perimeter of consolidation).

Twell and TechSnabexport
Unlike Rosenergoatom, which operates on the Russian market, TVEL JSC sells products and in the international market, and also interacts with foreign partners. So here without IFRS - as without hands. True, a comparative analysis of TVEL makes the fact that direct public analogues at the fuel company, which is engaged in enrichment, and conversion, and fabrication, practically no.

The relatom feature is that the Russian fuel of the Russian design sells in the foreign market of the TVEL, and the enriched uranium product, which is produced at the fuel company factories, implements the external partners of Techsnabexport. However, certain conclusions on the level of efficiency from the comparison of the reporting companies can still be done.

A significant gap in the productivity of TVEL enterprises with major competitors is not news. The main assets of the fuel company were created in Soviet times and burdened with large areas, auxiliary divisions, at TVEL enterprises higher than the number of personnel and is often relatively low the share of automation.

Table 2. Comparative Indicators of Companies Yatz

In the energy-building business, the profitability indicators to reduce into one table are more complicated: Atomenergomash and Doosan reveal EBITDA, but Ge and Areva EBITDA disaggregated by segments do not give - only the consolidated indicator. Atomenergomash EBITDA Margin is comparable to DooSan: 3.5% against 5% in 2015 and 8.5% against 8.2% a year earlier. The reactor division of Areva has the last published data refer to 2014, according to the results of which operating loss was recorded. Siemens reported on 12.7% of EBITDA profitability. The leader here is GE POWER, which even at the operating level shows a profitability of 21%.

Unlike TVela, they are still at the beginning of the road. In 2015, an equipment that releases the square and increases the performance (released people to other sites).

Table 3. Comparison of labor productivity of companies of atomic engineering

Rosatom power - in a unique combination within one corporation of the total technological chain of the nuclear industry. Scale effect can create a false feeling of stability. Therefore, it is possible to follow the competitors in various sectors of the industry all the time, compare and schedule ways to increase efficiency.

On the example of Westinghouse and Areva, we see how once the formidable Rosatom competitors are somewhat different from the arena. Analysis of their errors, a detailed study of negative experience is very useful: we have a chance to not step on the same rake.

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