How to send a letter via "Russian Post": step-by-step instructions. Do you write paper letters? Paper letters how to write

How is the letter drawn up?

It has become very rare to receive paper letters, and even more so handwritten ones. More and more often, communication with friends comes down to using social networks, and with an employer, various authorities, commissions - to e-mail... But handwritten letters are more than just a way to convey information. They bear the imprint of a person's personality and the smell of travel.


Even before the letter is read, its design will make a certain impression on the recipient. Naturally, everyone wants it to be positive. Therefore, it is necessary to learn a few rules on how to properly draw up a letter.

  1. There should be no blots in the letter, try to keep the lines straight.
  2. Take your time writing, your handwriting will be neat.
  3. Pay attention to the fields. Both narrow and overly wide will give your writing an unkempt look. By the way, design is also important for emails.
  4. Remove unnecessary spaces, align the text to the width, divide the letter into logical paragraphs. So it will look completely different.

The structure of the official letter

Any letter consists of four parts:

The structure of a friendly letter

With a friend, loving or relative, everything is a little easier. There are no clear rules here, address the person the way you used to do it in Everyday life. Such letters are drawn up in any form, that is, you choose yourself where to write the appeal, date and signature.

Colorful letter design

There are many ways to make your letter beautiful.

All the tips can be applied to the typed text design, if for some reason you do not want to write it by hand.

Now you know how to design a letter to make it look neat, readable, and aesthetically pleasing. If you are unable to date a person or want to leave a message for him, write letters. It takes longer than communication in in social networks but also evokes more emotions.

You do not know what to do so that your letter does not remain corny white, but is original and memorable, unlike any other? You want the addressee of your letter to retrieve and re-read it over and over again. For this to happen, not only the internal content of the letter is important, but also the external one. Yes, the location of the recipient to you may depend on how the letter is designed. Let's talk about it.

How to make an old letter?

We'll need old (preferably yellow) paper. To make it look "old", the paper can be crumpled and crumpled in your hands. The main thing is not to overdo it, because the text of the letter should remain on paper, which it is desirable to also write in the spirit of antiquity and in the language of antiquity. Next, unfold the paper and lower it for a few minutes into a bath with strong tea leaves. Then we dry. We burn the edges of our letter over a candle or lighter, thereby giving them an even more ancient look. For the same purpose, you can dip the paper in oil or drip it with wax. The result is such a mysterious pirate adventure letter. Go for it, and your friends will appreciate your efforts.

As decorations, you can use dry leaves, various and multi-colored threads, shells, small pebbles, coffee beans glued to dark paper look very good! In general, use whatever is under your hands or feet! These elements are easily glued with hot melt glue, or some other adhesive!

Effective ways to age paper?

Method # 1. Crumpling and dampening of paper


  1. Crumple up the paper. Take a piece of paper in your hands and crumple it into a ball. The tighter the ball you crumple, the more the paper will wrinkle.
  2. Spread out the paper and spray it with water, tea, or coffee. After unrolling the paper again, refill the spray bottle with the liquid of your choice. Then spray with a spray bottle those areas of the paper that you want to tint or which you are going to further shape. Please note that the selected fluid affects appearance paper. Water does not tint the paper, but simply allows further manipulations with it. Tea gives the paper a light brown tint, while coffee gives it a darker color.
  3. Simulate different kinds damage on paper. Now that the paper is damp, it will be easier for you to shape it to the desired shape. Try to tear the edges in places, in places to tear out small semicircles around the edges with your fingernail, or just create additional folds. Such damage will mimic the passage of time. The older you need to make the paper, the more damage it should be. If you want to create darker and deeper folds on the paper, wrinkle it again while wet. Be careful not to accidentally rip the page in half.
  4. Flatten the paper to dry. Spread the paper out on a flat surface, such as a table or kitchen countertop. The sheet should dry completely within a few hours. As an alternative method of drying the paper, you can use a hair dryer to speed up the process.

Method # 2. Toning and baking paper


  1. Select and brew a tinting liquid. To age the paper, you can use coffee for a darker shade or tea for a lighter shade. The strength of the brew also affects the color. When using coffee, a darker or lighter shade can be obtained by changing up or down the amount of ground coffee from which you will brew the tinting liquid. With tea, the final color of a sheet of paper will depend on the duration of the tea brewing in water. The more time passes, the darker the infusion will turn out, and a brief immersion of the tea in water will create a very light shade of the infusion. Let the liquid cool before moving on to the next step.
  2. Place a piece of paper on a baking sheet or baking tray. Make sure the paper fits snugly in the baking sheet and does not protrude beyond the edges.
  3. Preheat oven to 90ºC. By preheating the oven to the specified level, the temperature is suitable for baking the paper.
  4. Pour the tinting liquid into a baking sheet. Start pouring liquid from the corner of the baking sheet, not onto the paper itself. Pour in just enough liquid to cover the paper with a thin film. Don't worry about the liquid getting under the sheet of paper, it will just soak into it from the bottom.
  5. Use a foam sponge brush to spread the coffee or tea over the sheet. Here you can use your creativity and create a special pattern on paper. If you want to tint your paper uniformly, just spread the liquid evenly over it. If you want to achieve a certain pattern in toning, distribute the liquid unevenly. To create more pronounced stains on the paper, you can sprinkle it with coffee particles, leaving them to stain the paper for a few minutes.
  6. Blot excess liquid with a paper towel. Make sure there is no excess liquid left on the paper or in the baking sheet after this step. There is no need to wipe the paper dry; you just need to make sure there are no wet puddles on it.
  7. Make changes to the appearance of the paper. Before you put the baking sheet with the paper in the oven, you can make it look even older with a few strokes, while it is still damp and easy to process. Tear off a thin, curved strip from the edge of the sheet. You can make holes in the paper with your fingernail, and stick the lumps that have come off at the same time in other places on the sheet to create an imitation of the texture of parchment. Additionally, the paper can be crushed here and there with something like a fork to leave indentations.
  8. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 4-7 minutes. Ideally, place the baking sheet on the center rails of the oven. Watch the paper while baking. As soon as the edges of the paper begin to curl, the baking process is complete. The time when this happens depends on the specific oven.
  9. Remove the paper from the baking sheet and let cool. Use the oven mitts to remove the baking sheet from the oven. Let the paper cool for 10-15 minutes before writing anything on it.

Method number 3. Application of flame and heat


  1. Bring a piece of paper to the sink and hold it over it. This is important in case the paper catches fire. Then you can simply drop it into the sink and fill it with water. Using this method to age the paper, it is possible to write the necessary information on it only after processing, so as not to accidentally lose some of the inscriptions due to strong scorching.
  2. Find a candle or lighter. There is no difference in the effectiveness of these fire sources. Just take what is more accessible to you. Avoid using butane lighters as the flame is too intense for the job.
  3. Run the flame along the edges of the paper. When doing this, hold the paper itself 1 to 2.5 cm above the tip of the flame. Move the flame back and forth around the edges of the leaf. This will cause the paper to darken, as if it were years old and affected by time and circumstances. Do not hold the flame in one place for too long. Do not keep the flame in one place for a long time, as this may cause the sheet of paper to catch fire. When flaming the perimeter of the sheet, do not bring the fire too close to your hands to avoid burns.
  4. Lightly smudge some areas of the paper. If you want to damage the sheet more, you can even burn holes in it. Again, hold the paper about 1 inch (2.5 cm) above the flame, but linger in one spot this time. Monitor the condition of the stain as it turns brown and black. Once the stain is the desired color, remove the flame. If you want to burn holes in a piece of paper, leave it over the flame a little longer. The heat generated by the flame will eventually ignite and burn the paper. Be ready to quickly blow out the light that has arisen. If the leaf ignites faster than you can blow out the fire, drop it into the sink and fill it with water.

Method # 4. Creating an aging effect with soil


  1. Dig a hole in your garden. The hole should be only about the diameter of a tennis ball. There is no need to destroy your garden with unnecessary excavation.
  2. Crumple the piece of paper into a ball and place it in the hole. Spray the paper lightly with water, using no more than 60 ml of water. Before doing this, you can lightly rub the paper ball with soil, the soil will stain and smudge the paper.
  3. Cover the hole with earth. Make sure the wad of paper is completely hidden under the soil. Over time, the soil will damage and age the paper, so it should be buried with a fairly dense layer of earth.
  4. After 3-14 days, scoop up the paper from the soil. The waiting time depends on how much you need to age the paper.

How to decorate a confession letter for loved ones?

Romance and sentimentality are mostly for women. What do they not come up with to express their feelings. Here are some tips:

Paint your lips with your favorite lipstick, take a sheet of paper on which you will write your confession letter, think about who it is intended for and ... draw, in the sense of kissing, as you want. It can be along the perimeter, it can be diagonally, it can be in the form of a heart, in general, as your imagination tells you. And you can first "kiss" line by line, and then write the text of the letter into each kiss. Well, shall we try?

Using all your cosmetic gadgets (hair and nail polish, mascara brush, pencils, eyeliner), you can create a unique masterpiece. Paint the letter sheet with varnish, sprinkle with colored hairspray or glitter varnish. Draw flowers, hearts and everything else that girls like to draw. Letters or paper can smell good if you lightly perfume them with eau de toilette. This will add some extra romance to the letter.

Letter of declaration of love from a guy to a girl

To be honest, guys are more restrained in their emotions, although in their ranks there are romantic natures. It is for them that our following tips (but all guys should read this, since what kind of girl will not be pleased to receive something original and romantic from her beloved):

Take a sheet of paper and write affectionate words in the background (or the name of your girlfriend or whatever you like), better in color and in big letters... This is the background on which you will then write the main text with a pen. Thus, you will end up with a double letter.

If you have serious intentions, then you can convey them not in a very serious form, namely, circle your palm on a sheet of paper, or smear it with paint and make an imprint on the sheet. Now the hand is ready, it remains to add the heart. You can draw it on the palm of your hand and you will get a visual, wordless proposal of a hand and heart. Of course, for concretization, you can add text in writing, but we think everything will be clear without it.

A letter to a friend

What do you need?

  • White sheet of paper (or envelope);
  • gray pencil;
  • ink pen;
  • acrylic paints;
  • metallic paints.


Step 1: print the template

If you want, but do not know how to beautifully design a letter on a non-standard envelope, our advice is to enlarge or reduce the template accordingly in one of the graphic editors.

Step 2: transfer the template to paper or envelope

Place the template face-to-face into the envelope. If you have a light box, or better yet, a transparent glass table, place an envelope on top of them. You can also keep it in a sunlit window, or maybe your envelope is so thin that you can look at the template drawing without any tools. It all depends on the paper! Next, using a gray pencil, carefully transfer the drawing from the template to the front of the envelope. To do this, carefully trace all the lines over the top of the envelope with a pencil. If you feel strong enough, you can skip this step and draw directly over the template with an ink pen. But if this is your first time, it is better to use a pencil first, otherwise you will have to redo your work many times.

Step 3: make the necessary labels

Step 4: draw in ink

Once you're done with the gray pencil, grab your ink pen and start tracing the text. Remember, you really don't need a calligraphic pen. Use any old nice ink pen, simple rollerball, etc. Next, just trace the lines along the contour. Once you trace the drawing, you will see that the template elements can be extended to the end of the envelope by extending the lines. Beautiful design letters with your own hands are ready!

  • The most common way to decorate a letter is to color it in. Draw a nice border, such as roses, growing around the edges of the letter. Make pictures to illustrate your text. Or paint over the sheet completely and make an unusual background.
  • Instead of pens, you can buy nibs and ink in stores. They are not expensive, but they convey the atmosphere perfectly. Or maybe you still have ink fountain pens from your grandmothers? Or are there real goose feathers who can be sharpened for such a case? Yes, even just a gel pen, but with a beautiful graceful handwriting, laconic vignettes and curls can perfectly convey the atmosphere.
  • To brighten up your letter, try sprinkling glitter hairspray on it. After that, it will have an unusual but attractive shiny look. The main thing is that it is appropriate.
  • Collage will make your letter unforgettable. Attach photo reports about the latest events in your life or just photos shared with the addressee. The photos do not have to be taken by you, perhaps they will be just beautiful pictures in the subject.
  • You can put a herbarium in the letter. Put the dried leaves or flowers you like.
  • Give the letter an unusual shape. Cut out patterns, inside or around the edges. Make it triangular or round. Or let the letter be folded and the text will unfold gradually. You can look for interesting solutions for the shape of the letter among the various origami folding options.

DIY original envelopes

Envelopes may be simple, gift envelopes, differ in shape and size, may not have ornaments and may be difficult to decorate. In order to do paper envelope you and your child will need a little time, materials for work and imagination.

Beautiful square envelope with rounded edges


  • We take a sheet of paper with equal sides
  • leave a square in the middle
  • from the side parts we form four rounded labels with the help of a compass and scissors
  • bend all labels to the center
  • you get a very nice envelope.

Heart envelope

This is a very simple way. You do not need to glue such an envelope, but simply carefully smooth its folds so that it does not open. But when the recipient opens the envelope, he will see a heart. You can even not put anything inside such an envelope, but simply write pleasant words inside the very heart.


  • So, you need to cut a heart out of paper.
  • To make it even and symmetrical, you need to fold the sheet in half and cut along the contour of one half.
  • When you open the sheet, you get a neat heart.
  • It is important. Unfold the heart to face the table.
  • Bend its sides.
  • Fold the top and bottom remaining sides towards the middle.
  • The envelope is ready.

Money envelope and how to decorate it

Naturally, the envelope in which money is supposed to be invested should look very beautiful. You can create such a masterpiece at home. It will take a minimum of materials and time, but the result of the work will be amazing.


  1. Draw a template for the future envelope on paper and cut it out.
  2. Beveled small rectangular elements towards the center.
  3. Mark all the fold lines and assemble the structure.
  4. Mark the places where you want to make holes for the tape and punch them with a hole punch.
  5. Decorate the blank with silk ribbons and rhinestones.
  6. Pass a satin ribbon through the holes.

I think each of us would be happy to receive a similar message from our parents, which they would write on your birthday.

This is an unusual service that allows you to create and present a special "minute" of your life in the form of a video message to a specific person. In a special media editor, you can record a personal video message or create a slideshow from your photos, add text, music, animation. After the message is ready, it can be "placed" at a specific minute of time, on a specific day, when it becomes available for viewing by the recipient. Optionally, you can set the publicity or privacy of the message. If the message is public, in addition to the recipient's personal page, it will also be displayed on the main virtual clock of the site at the time you specified.

The site operates in English, Spanish and Russian. There is also a special template, which is called “Message to the future”.

2. Email to the future

Now on the Internet there are many services that allow you to send email with a deferred date. Almost all of them are free. Here is just a small selection that caught my eye when I searched for it on Google:

In general, writing letters to the future is useful not only for your children, but also for the future generation as a whole or for yourself. When you write such a letter, you involuntarily imagine what you have become, what you have achieved, what you are doing and what you have. Thus, a clear picture of your future is formed, the way you want to see yourself in a couple of years. When I wrote my email back in 2037, I realized an important thing: my happiness and everything that I wish to have directly depends on me now.

3. Create a time capsule

At the age of 11, I created my first "time capsule". It sounds very loud, but it was an ordinary cardboard shoe box, which I wrapped with 10 layers of tape and on which I stuck a piece of paper with the inscription "Do not open until 18 years old." Inside were mine personal diaries and little notes with tearful complaints and desires, postcards, magazine clippings (remember Cool Girl?), Tetris and Kinder surprise toys.

You can create a similar "capsule" yourself for your child. Put there things typical of our time that will seem like a rarity in a few years: an iPod with your favorite tracks, a handwritten postcard.

4. Child's Internet diary

I think many people remember or even kept secret diaries, in which they talked about everything sore and what happened during the day. Previously, entries were made in ordinary notebooks, but now technology allows you to keep a diary online and attach videos or photos to your notes. I am sure that it will be incredibly interesting for your child to revisit all those moments and events from his still unconscious life, which you will write in bright colors in such a diary. Fortunately, there are enough such services now. For Russian speakers, you can use Mydaybook or take the English-language Penzu, which also has applications for iOS and Android.


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