Chemistry in the daily life of a person presentation. Presentation on the topic "Substances in everyday life." Using Coca-Cola in everyday life

Presentation of chemistry - Chemistry and daily human life

ChemistryHaving enormous opportunities, it creates unreasonable materials, multiplies soil fertility, facilitates man's work, saves his time, clothes, keeps his health, creates a comfort and comfort, changes the appearance of people. But the same chemistry can also be dangerous to human health, even deadly

Home aid kit
Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent antiseptic.
Ammonia alcohol The an aqueous solution of ammonia excites the breathing center.
Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid - one of the drugs, which is widely used as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, painful and antimorrheum.
Medicines for the treatment of cardiovascular system are Validol, Corwalol, Nitro Glycerin.

Detergents and cleaning products
Currently, synthetic detergents are widely used. The main is synthetic surfactants-surfactants, in which the long hydrocarbon limit radical is connected to a sulphate or sulfonate group. In addition to the surfactant, the SMS includes other components: bleach, softener, foaming agents, aromatic fragrances.
Out of oxygen-containing bleachers are the most common sodium perborate and sodium reparkation.

Means for the fight against household insects
Insecticides - means to combat insects. Insecticides are used in the form of solutions, emulsions, aerosols. Residential premises should be treated only by drugs recommended for this purpose. These are well-known drugs: chlorofos (), dichlofos, chlorophos pencils.

Chemicals of hygiene and cosmetics
Cosmetics and hygiene are closely touching, as there are cosmetics (lotion, creams, shampoos, gels) that perform a hygienic function. Important hygiene applies, above all, soaps and detergents

Teeth care products
The most important tooth care means are toothpastes. The main components of the toothpaste are the following: abrasive, binders, foaming substances and thickeners. The first of them provide mechanical cleaning of teeth from plaque and polishing. Most often, chemically precipitated calcium carbonate, as well as calcium phosphates and polymer sodium metaphosphate are used as abrasive.

Deodorants are produced in solid form, ball and aerosol packaging. The aerosol cylinders use liquefied gases, the boiling point of which is very low. They are easily moving to the gas phase and not only push the base from the cylinder, but, expanding, spray it into small droplets. For a long time, only fluorochloroils were performed.

The pearl effect is created by bismuth salts or mica salts, containing about 40% titanium oxide.
Diluted aqueous solutions of well-soluble salts of lead, silver, copper, bismuth are used as a dye for hair.
Lightening hair is made using a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
The composition of coloring shampoos includes P-phenylenediamine, resorcin and other similar connections.

Chemistry and food
A person is the only creature on earth that practically all its food exposes chemical or heat treatment

Download Chemistry Presentation - Chemistry and Casual Man's Life

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Chemistry in the daily life of man Bulanova Nika 11 "a" class MBOU SOSH No. 30 G. Podolsk

Chemistry and daily life of a person Chemistry, possessing enormous opportunities, creates unreasonable materials, multiplies the fertility of the soil, facilitates human labor, saves his time, clothes, keeps his health, creates comfort and comfort, creates the appearance of people. But the same chemistry can become dangerous to human health, even deadly.

Home first aid kit hydrogen peroxide is an excellent antiseptic. Ammonia alcohol The an aqueous solution of ammonia excites the breathing center. Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid - one of the drugs, which is widely used as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, painful and antimorrheum. Medicines for the treatment of cardiovascular system are Validol, Corwalol, Nitro Glycerin.

Detergents and cleaning products are currently widely used synthetic detergents - detergents. The main is synthetic surfactants-surfactants, in which the long hydrocarbon limit radical is connected to a sulphate or sulfonate group. In addition to the surfactant, the SMS includes other components: bleach, softener, foaming agents, aromatic fragrances. Out of oxygen-containing bleachers are the most common sodium perborate and sodium reparkation.

Means for the fight against household insects Insecticides - means for combating insects. Insecticides are used in the form of solutions, emulsions, aerosols. Residential premises should be treated only by drugs recommended for this purpose. These are well-known drugs: chlorofos (), dichlofos, chlorophos pencils.

Chemicals of hygiene and cosmetics Cosmetics and hygiene are tightly in contact, as there are cosmetics (lotion, creams, shampoos, gels) that perform a hygienic function. Important hygiene applies, above all, soaps and detergents.

Teeth care products The most important tooth care means are toothpastes. The main components of the toothpaste are the following: abrasive, binders, foaming substances and thickeners. The first of them provide mechanical cleaning of teeth from plaque and polishing. Most often, chemically precipitated calcium carbonate, as well as calcium phosphates and polymer sodium metaphosphate are used as an abrasive.

Deodorants Deodorants are produced in solid form, ball and aerosol packaging. The aerosol cylinders use liquefied gases, the boiling point of which is very low. They are easily moving to the gas phase and not only push the base from the cylinder, but, expanding, spray it into small droplets. For a long time, only fluorochloroils were performed.

Cosmetic agents Pearl effect create bismuth salts or mica salts, containing about 40% titanium oxide. Diluted aqueous solutions of well-soluble salts of lead, silver, copper, bismuth are used as a dye for hair. Lightening hair is made using a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. The composition of coloring shampoos includes p-phenilandiamine, resorcin and other similar compounds.

Chemistry and food A person is the only creature on Earth, which almost all its food subjected to chemical or thermal processing.

The development of the food industry doctors is recommended for rational and dietary power to include bread from flour containing finely divided bran in the menu. Now they often talk about "artificial food." Although this term does not mean the preparation of food by chemical reactions. It is that natural protein products give the taste and type of traditional products, including delicacies.

Chemistry is surrounding us everywhere, but unfortunately it is not always it affects a person's beneficial

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Presentation on the topic "Substances in everyday life" in chemistry will help the teacher in conducting a lesson. I will introduce students with the basic food safety issues, household chemicals, contains interesting facts. Showing slides will contribute to the best learning material.

  1. The main problems faced by a modern person
  2. Lack of healthy nutrition
  3. Detergents
  4. Experience number 1
  5. Composition of sausage
  6. Experience number2
  7. Interesting Facts about Coca - Cola
  8. Experience number 3.


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    Gerasimenko E.V.

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    • For the lesson by the teacher

Slide 1.

"Substances in your life"

Chemistry lesson in the 9th grade

Teacher: Gerasimenko E.V.

Slide 2.

"If the father's father is not always known, then it is always her mother - food" Hippocrate


  • Slide 3.

    The main problems faced by a modern person:

    • quality of food
  • Slide 4.

    Why does a person take food? What do we know about food and nutrition?

  • Slide 5.

    Lack of healthy nutrition

    • Crisps
    • "Mars - Snickers"
    • "Chupa - Chupp"
    • "Cyrises", pizza,
    • hot - Dogs
  • Slide 6.


  • Slide 7.

    Experience number 1

    • Determination of the nature of the detergent environment and the identification of a means of a smaller adverse effect on the skin.
      • 1 .. Mix with a wand before dissolving soap.
      • 3. Then lower this paper into a cup with a solution of soap.
      • 4. Analog Actions can be done with solutions:

    a) liquid soap; b) shampoo.

    Slide 8.

    Fill out the table in the instructive map

  • Slide 9.

    Composition of sausage

    • 30% - Bird Meat.25% - Emulsion 25% - Soybean protein.10% - just meat.8% - flour / starch.2% - Taste additives
    • Emulsion - leather, meat plant waste - all this is a grumbling and yellow to the state of light gray casher.
    • Soy - this is an ordinary white powder.
  • Slide 10.

    • when buying carefully, look at the packaging, labeling, date of manufacture and shelf life;
    • pay attention to how the product is stored in the shop window. The optimal storage temperature of sausages and meat from 0 ° to 6 ° C;
    • the surface of the sausage should be clean, dry, without damage, punctures, minced stuff;
    • shell - artificial or natural - should not move away from the product.
  • Slide 11.

    Experience number2

    Determining the presence of impurities in meat products on the example of sausages.

  • Slide 12.

    • Today, the cola makes from Armenian insects
  • Slide 13.

    Experience number 3.

    • Determination of acidity of refreshing drinks.
  • Slide 14.

    Using Coca-Cola in everyday life

    1. If you pour a stake in the toilet, then it will make it noticeably cleaner.

    Slide 15.

    • Toothpaste contains calcium and antibacterial substances that inhibit the growth of sodium fluoride and bacteria.
    • In the event of burns, herpes or scratches, you can apply a little toothpaste on the defeat area, and you quickly get rid of problems.
    • Toothpaste can kill the smell of garlic or bow.
    • With the help of toothpaste, you can display stains from clothes.
    • Silver jewels are well bleached toothpaste.
  • Slide 16.


    • Prepare a message about chips, chups, hot dogs, etc. (by choosing)
  • Slide 17.

    Thank you for the lesson

    View all slides


    Slide number 2 Objective:

    learn to use the knowledge gained in chemistry lessons in your practical activity.

    conduct analysis of samples of sausages, samples of household chemicals, beverages.

    Object of study:

    samples of sausages

    quality of food

    safety of household chemicals

    Nutrition is the process of food intake, as a result of which the body receives chemical energy and the necessary substance necessary for the life.

    Nutrition has a physiological, psychological, cultural and environmental significance.

    Nutrition Science - Nutriciology.

    Dietology - nutrition science shown in various diseases.

    Nutrients - substances contained in products or foods.

    "Mars - Snickers"

    "Chupa - Chupp"

    Kirieski, Pizza, Hot - Dogs

    "Pepsi", "Kolya", "Phanti", "sprite", painted sweet carbonated drinks.

    1. Nat a little soap powder into a glass and pour some water so that it is slightly covered with soap .

    2. Watch phenolphthalene paper and touch her skin's skin.

    Make a conclusion, what detergent would you recommend using and why?

    Sausage boiled:

    30% - Bird Meat.

    25% - Emulsion

    25% - soy protein.

    10% - just meat.

    8% - flour / starch.

    2% - taste additives.


    1. On the fresh cut sausage, apply a few drops of an alcohol solution of iodine with a cotton stick

    2. Add color change and compare with tabular data.

    Make a conclusion, what meat products would you recommend using in food and why?

    Slide number 12.

    1. Hold in 2 cups of 2-3 pieces of chalk ("M." of our teeth).

    2. In the first cup pour a little mineral water, and in the second - "Coca-Cola".

    3. Recommend the course of the reaction in each of the cups.

    Take the conclusion about the effect of soft drinks on the human body.

    (Kuryshkin D) Interesting facts about the teeth.

    5. Message

    Slide number 15.

    2. If you painted your hair, and they turned out too saturated color, then the Cola will help you make them a little lighter.

    3. Pour Coca-Cola into your kettle and leave it there for the whole day. She will remove the whole scale, and the kettle will be inside as a new one.

    4. If old coins are soaked in the cola, it will make them more shiny.

    5. Coca-Cola is a good hair conditioner. Pour it on your hair, rinse them and dry


    Reflection (fill in the end of the lesson)

    Chemistry lesson in the 9th grade "substances in your life"

    "If the father's father is not always known, there is always her mother - food" �gipple

    Slide number 2 Objective:

    learn to use the knowledge gained in chemistry lessons in your practical activity.

    conduct analysis of samples of sausages, samples of household chemicals, beverages.

    Object of study:

    samples of sausages

    SMS, soaps Liquid and solid, shampoos and gels

    "Pepsi", "Fantas", "Cola", mineral water, carbonated water.

    Subject of research: Chemical analysis of the proposed samples.

    Equipment and reagents: Glass, Petri dishes, phenolphthalein paper, Phenolphthalein solution, cotton wands, iodine solution, chalk pieces.

    Slide №3 The main problems facing a modern person:

    quality of food

    safety of household chemicals

    Slide number 4 Why does a person take food? What do we know about food and nutrition?

    Nutrition is the process of food intake, as a result of which the body receives chemical energy and the necessary substance necessary for the life.

    Nutrition has a physiological, psychological, cultural and environmental significance.

    Nutrition Science - Nutriciology.

    Dietology - nutrition science shown in various diseases.

    Nutrients - substances contained in products or foods.

    Slide number 5 Lack of healthy eating

    "Mars - Snickers"

    "Chupa - Chupp"

    Kirieski, Pizza, Hot - Dogs

    "Pepsi", "Kolya", "Phanti", "sprite", painted sweet carbonated drinks.

    Performing work is carried out on the card - instructions. (Appendix number 1)

    Slide number 6 1. Pupil message (Berezina L) Historical reference. Initially, people are soapy by ordinary water. Sometimes used oils and abrasives, such as wet sand, and wet clay. The oldest well-known detergent for wool washing is stupid (rotting) urine. Soap appeared in antiquity as the result of the bearing animal fat with water and wood ash. Other detergents - the swallow of the bile.

    Synthetic detergents were not always. At first, soap appeared, it was invented in ancient Greece. Soap was made, heating the inner fat of animals with a solution of ash (liquor). In the composition of such soaps, with washing in rigid water, insoluble calcium salts were formed, which were clogged into the fibers of the tissue, making it tight (covered). The washing powders invented at the end of the IX century, and from the mid-30s of the last century, they were firmly entered into our lives. The washing powders do not have those flaws that soap have.

    Slide No. 7 Experience No. 1 Definition of the nature of the detergent environment and the identification of a means of a smaller adverse effect on the skin.

    1. Nat a little soap powder into a glass and pour some water so that it is slightly covered with soap . Glass sticks hide before dissolving the soap.

    2. Watch phenolphthalene paper and touch her skin's skin.

    3. Lose down, then this paper in a glass with soap solution.

    4. Analog Actions can be done with solutions: a) liquid soap; b) shampoo.

    Add a few drops of UI to the solution under study.

    Slide number 8 Filling out results in table

    Make a conclusion, what detergent would you recommend using and why?

    Slide number 9 2. Message of the student (stup g) What makes the sausage actually make?

    Sausage boiled:

    30% - Bird Meat.

    25% - Emulsion

    25% - soy protein.

    10% - just meat.

    8% - flour / starch.

    2% - taste additives.


    Emulsion - leather, sibpsycts, meat production waste - all this is ground and yellow to the state of light gray casis.

    Taste additives are thickeners, dye, "taste of meat", preservatives.

    The most common way to replace meat in sausage is to add soy protein instead. Mix it with water, and it turns into a porridge, which can be satisfied, pepper, tint and add to the sausage instead of meat.

    The main property of soy protein is to absorb water, swell and increase product yield.

    Some companies use the additive - carrot fiber. This tissue, as well as soy, has a favorable sausage for producers the ability to absorb moisture. Her boldly raw in sausage stuffing, pour water and it swells, increasing the weight of the final products in several times.

    Slide number 10. Several tips for choosing sausages

    Slide №11 Experience # 2 Determination The presence of impurities in meat products on the example of sausages.

    1. On the fresh cut sausage, apply a few drops of an alcohol solution of iodine with a cotton stick

    2. Add color change and compare with tabular data.

    Filling out results in the table "Study of sausages"

    Make a conclusion, what meat products would you recommend using in food and why?

    Slide number 12. 3. Messages of the student (Pimenova a) Interesting facts about Coca Cola.

    Coca-Cola was invented by Dr. Pharmacist John Pemerteron in 1886. John considered a drink with a medical tincture and thought he would help with pain in the stomach. It all makes sense, as the leaves of a cocaine bush, which was originally one of the ingredients of Coca-Cola, contain cocaine (from 0.1% to 0.9%). Today, Coca-Cola is produced without the use of cocaine. Interestingly, Coca Cola still imports approximately 100 tons of cocaine bush leaves every year from the Peruvian firm called National Coca Co. To import cocaine leaves to the United States, you need permission from the American administration to control the use of drug laws. Requires 2 liters of water to produce one liter of Coca-Cola. What are the components of Coca-Cola? Coca Cola is written on the sticker: carbonated water, cane sugar, caramel color, food acid (phosphoric acid 338), "aroma" and caffeine. However, there is also a secret component in Coca-Cola, called "Product 7X", and a description of this component is saved to the Security Storage at the Bank in Atlanta, Georgia. Only a limited number of high rank officials know what is part of this secret component. The question arises: what do we really drink? What we know today is what Coca-Cola is a very sour drink with a high sugar, which masks an acidic taste. The acid in coca-cola is called phosphoric acid, which is known, destroys the body. In reality, Coca-Cola makes the body prone to many diseases, such as: osteoporosis (lack of calcium due high levels of phosphorus), cancer, moderate depression, problems with teeth, and fatigue.

    Slide №13 Experience # 3 Determination of acidity of refreshments.

    Drinks can be any to choose a student.

    1. Hold in 2 cups of 2-3 pieces of chalk ("M." of our teeth).

    2. In the first cup pour a little mineral water, and in the second - "Coca-Cola".

    3. Recommend the course of the reaction in each of the cups.

    Take the conclusion about the effect of soft drinks on the human body.

    Slide №14 4. Message of the student (Kuryshkin D) Interesting facts about the teeth.

    Dental enamel is the only and firm tissue of the human body, which is not regenerated.

    The greatest number of teeth: several times there were cases of the appearance of teeth in the 3rd time. In France, in 1896, the case was known when the teeth rose in the 4th time, Albert Hellvigiy wrote in 1680 about a man with 3 rows of teeth.

    The very first teeth: there are many messages about children born with teeth. Prince Louis Diedonne. Most later than the French king Louis XIV, was born with two teeth.

    The most expensive tooth: in 1816, the tooth of the famous scientist Isaac Newton (1643 - 1727) was sold in London for 730 pounds sterling. The buyer was a nobleman, inserting a tooth into the ring, which he wore without removing.

    The very first artificial teeth: when excavations of Etruscan graves, parts of dental pavements were found by archaeologists, which were used in 700 BC. e. On the territory of the current Tuscany, Italy. Some of them were constant, others - removable.

    5. Message (Khmelev c) the story of toothpaste

    From time immemorial, even the ancient people had to resort to various subwoys to remove food residues from teeth. Than just people did not clean the teeth before the appearance of the toothpaste and brush. For oral hygiene, ash used, mounted in powder stones, poured glass, wool, soaked in honey, charcoal, plaster, plant roots, resin, cocoa grains, salt and many other exotic in the view of a modern man components.

    The first toothpaste recipes are 1500 BC. The famous healer Hippocrates (460-377 BC) made the first description of dental diseases and recommended using toothpastes. In the second millennium BC. e. It was already used tooth powder prepared from pembassal with the addition of natural acids into it - wine vinegar or wine-acid.

    Special attention was paid to such moments as freshness of breathing, to maintain which was recommended to use the goat milk. But the effectiveness of some of the recommendations for teeth care, such as rubbing the ashes of the burned parts of animals (mice, rabbits, wolves, bulls and goats) in gums, rinse teeth with blood turtles three times a year, carrying necklaces from wolf bone as a talisman from dental pain, there would be big doubts today

    Slide number 15. Using Coca-Cola in everyday life

    1. If you burned a saucepan, then the number of cola and bringing it to a boil, you can get the initial state of the pan.

    2. If you painted your hair, and they turned out too saturated color, then the Cola will help you make them a little lighter.

    3. Pour Coca-Cola into your kettle and leave it there for the whole day. She will remove the whole scale, and the kettle will be inside as a new one.

    4. If old coins are soaked in the cola, it will make them more shiny.

    5. Coca-Cola is a good hair conditioner. Pour it on your hair, rinse them and dry

    6. If you pour a cola into a toilet, then it will make it noticeably cleaned.

    7. If you can not unscrew the bolt due to what he rusted, then try to do this: Take a rag. Spent it in Coca-Cola and wrap around the bolt. Leave all this for several hours. After that, you will be much easier to unscrew this bolt.

    8. Clean your jewelry. Just place them in a glass of cola, and then gently walk on it with a brush. Just do not do it if you have any stones on your jewelry. For them it is very harmful!


    Slide №16 d \\ s Prepare a message about chips, hot-diet, chups, etc.

    Salted salt - sodium chloride NaCl No wonder serves as an important component of food. This substance in a dissolved state is included in the blood and intercellular fluid. With severe bleeding, the volume of circulating blood is filled with the so-called isotonic solution - 0.9% solution of sodium chloride.

    All known manganese (permanganate potassium KMNO 4) is one of these "mysterious natures". Those who first meet this substance, it presents a lot of surprises: permanganate potassium in solid form is well-soluble in water black and purple crystals. In medicine, aqueous solutions of potassium permanganate of different concentrations are used. For rinsing and washing of the stomach during poisoning - 0.01-0.1% of pale pink solutions, for washing the wounds - 0.1-0.5% - E (pink), for processing ulcers and burns - 2- 5% - E (purple). Potassium permanganate solutions are used to process burns. Hargantwomen will help with snake bite.

    Iodine. The name of the new element was assigned in 1813 by the French chemist Joseph - Louis Gay-Loussak () for the purple color of his vapor ("iodos" in Greet, "purple"). Sodium iodide from algae, interacting with sulfuric acid, allocate iodine (I) ; Sulfur sulfur dioxide SO2: 2NAI + 2H2SO4 \u003d I2 + SO2 + 2H2SO4 \u003d IO2O + SO2 + 2H2SO4 + 2H2O forms a long time iodine. Only in 1904, Russian Military Physician Physicians introduced in practice 5-10% iodine alcohol solutions for Processing wounds.

    Drinking soda. For the first time, this compound of the composition of NaHCO 3 (sodium bicarbonate) was in its pure form a French scientist Henri Louis Duhamel de Monscil (). Later, the chemists of different countries were obtained by this substance, flowing carbon dioxide through an aqueous solution of sodium-sodium carbonate. Alkaline solutions of drinking soda softening alive fabrics, so soda rinsing throats and oral cavity contribute to mechanical removal of infection. It is even better to use soda - salt solutions with an additive of iodine. Soda baths (1 tablespoon of drinking soda on 1 liter of warm water) are good for softening corns in their hands and on the legs. They can be made 2-3 times a week. Dry drinking soda handle fresh burns.

    Summer alcohol is an aqueous solution of ammonia. The name "Ammonia" happened from the name of Oasis Amonmon and secured behind this substance after 1787. Ammonia, released from the ammonic alcohol, causes the excitation of the respiratory centers. However, a large amount of ammonia can cause a respiratory stop. The ammonia alcohol is used as a means of first aid in order to bring a person from a trimmed state.

    Proteins in the metabolic processes between the external environment and the body the leading place occupies the exchange of proteins. Proteins enter the human and animal organism with various food products, in which the protein content varies widely. Protein molecules have large dimensions, so they are called macromolecules. In addition to carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen into proteins, sulfur, phosphorus and iron can be included. Proteins differ from each other by the number, composition and sequence of monomers. Monomers proteins are amino acids.

    Carbohydrates Carbohydrates (sugar) is one of the most important and common groups of natural organic compounds. They constitute 80% of the mass of the dry matter of plants and about 2% of the dry matter of animal organisms. Animals and people are not able to synthesize sugars and get them with various food products of plant origin. In plants, carbohydrates are formed from carbon dioxide and water in the process of a complex reaction of photosynthesis, carried out by solar energy involving the green pigment of plants - chlorophyll.

    Fat fats constitute a substantial part of our food. They are contained in meat, fish, dairy products, grain. In any natural fat, there are: phosphatides, sterols, vitamins, pigments and smell carriers. Usually, only a small part of the fat is postponed to the reserve, but due to the wrong lifestyle, the balance between the admission of substances and their spending is disturbed, this leads to obesity.

    Cosmetic products Today's cosmetic "products" are in great demand in women. Any kind of cosmetics has a very complex composition. Despite the fact that these products make girls and women are even more beautiful, all are chemicals that adversely affect the body! Natural beauty is better.

    Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry 11 class M. Drop, 2004. BB% D0% Ba% D0% B8 & LR \u003d 194 & STPAR2 \u003d% 2FH1% 2FTM5% 2F S3 & STPAR4 \u003d% 2FS3 & STPAR1 \u003d% 2FU0HTTP: // Text \u003d% D0% B1% D0% B5% D0% BB% D0 % Ba% D0% B8 & LR \u003d 194 & STPAR2 \u003d% 2FH1% 2FTM5% 2F S3 & STPAR4 \u003d% 2FS3 & STPAR1 \u003d% 2FU

    Slide 1.

    Clade 2.

    Slide 3.

    Every day we make ordinary at first point: Solim food, we write on a chalk board, boil water. But in fact we produce chemical actions with various chemicals!

    Slide 4.

    Salted salt - sodium chloride NaCl No wonder serves as an important component of food. This substance in a dissolved state is included in the blood and intercellular fluid. With severe bleeding, the volume of circulating blood is filled with the so-called isotonic solution - 0.9% solution of sodium chloride.

    Slide 5.

    All known manganese (permanganate potassium KMNO4) is one of these "mysterious natures". Those who first meet this substance, it presents a lot of surprises: permanganate potassium in solid form is well-soluble in water black and purple crystals. In medicine, aqueous solutions of potassium permanganate of different concentrations are used. For rinsing and washing of the stomach during poisoning - 0.01-0.1% of pale pink solutions, for washing the wounds - 0.1-0.5% - E (pink), for processing ulcers and burns - 2- 5% - E (purple). Potassium permanganate solutions are used to process burns. Hargantwomen will help with snake bite.

    Slide 6.

    Iodine. The name of the new element was assigned in 1813 by the French chemist Joseph - Louis Gay-Lussaq (1778-1850) for the purple color of his vapor ("Iodos" in Greet, it means "violet"). Sodium iodide from algae, interacting with sulfuric acid, eating iodine (I); simultaneously sulfur gas - sulfur dioxide SO2: 2NAI + 2H2SO4 \u003d I2 + SO2 + Na2SO4 + 2H2O forms a long time iodine did not find applications in medicine. Only in 1904, the Russian military doctor of Philonechikov introduced 5-10% alcohol into practice Iodine solutions for processing wounds.

    Slide 7.

    Drinking soda. For the first time, this compound of the composition of NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate) was in its pure form a French scientist Henri-Louis Duhasel de Monscil (1700-1781). Later, the chemists of different countries were obtained by this substance, flowing carbon dioxide through an aqueous solution of sodium-sodium carbonate. Alkaline solutions of drinking soda softening alive fabrics, so soda rinsing throats and oral cavity contribute to mechanical removal of infection. It is even better to use soda - salt solutions with an additive of iodine. Soda baths (1 tablespoon of drinking soda on 1 liter of warm water) are good for softening corns in their hands and on the legs. They can be made 2-3 times a week. Dry drinking soda handle fresh burns.

    Slide 8.

    Summer alcohol is an aqueous solution of ammonia. The name "Ammonia" happened from the name of Oasis Amonmon and secured behind this substance after 1787. Ammonia, released from the ammonic alcohol, causes the excitation of the respiratory centers. However, a large amount of ammonia can cause a respiratory stop. The ammonia alcohol is used as a means of first aid in order to bring a person from a trimmed state.

    Slide 9.

    All these substances have every person in the first-aid kit. Chemical compounds are also in the body of each of us, and they play a huge role for human life and human health.

    Clade 10.

    Proteins in the metabolic processes between the external environment and the body the leading place occupies the exchange of proteins. Proteins enter the human and animal organism with various food products, in which the protein content varies widely. Protein molecules have large dimensions, so they are called macromolecules. In addition to carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen into proteins, sulfur, phosphorus and iron can be included. Proteins differ from each other by the number, composition and sequence of monomers. Monomers proteins are amino acids.

    Clade 11.

    Carbohydrates Carbohydrates (sugar) is one of the most important and common groups of natural organic compounds. They constitute 80% of the mass of the dry matter of plants and about 2% of the dry matter of animal organisms. Animals and people are not able to synthesize sugars and get them with various food products of plant origin. In plants, carbohydrates are formed from carbon dioxide and water in the process of a complex reaction of photosynthesis, carried out by solar energy involving the green pigment of plants - chlorophyll.

    Slide 12.

    Fat fats constitute a substantial part of our food. They are contained in meat, fish, dairy products, grain. In any natural fat, there are: phosphatides, sterols, vitamins, pigments and smell carriers. Usually, only a small part of the fat is postponed to the reserve, but due to the wrong lifestyle, the balance between the admission of substances and their spending is disturbed, this leads to obesity.


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