Coupled inheritance signs Presentation. Coupled inheritance of signs - - the law of Thomas Morgan. VII. Homework

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

Slide description:

Survey homework. 1. What does the law of independent inheritance of signs + scheme explains the law? 2. What gamets form organisms with the Genotype of the Furniture, Furniture, V & Issons, VHSs? 3. What crossing is called dihybrid, polygibrid? 4. In what cases the law of independent inheritance of signs is fair?

2 Slide

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3 Slide

Slide description:

The Morgana-gene law in one chromosome, in the meyosis, fall into one Games, i.e. it is inherited. R A.. A × a. . B.. in c. . all R. Nor. Cher. Zac. gam. P A A A C in F1 A.. a. . B.. in c. . all R. Nor. Cher. Zac. . . . . . . Digibrid crossing of flies drosophyll. A - Gray Body A - Black Body in - Normal Wings in - The Effective Wings of the F1 hybrids look like parents.

4 Slide

Slide description:

Crossingrigner violates the cross inheritance of genes. Crossinchinger (cross-chromosome) is the mutual exchange of areas of homologous chromosomes, leading to the redistribution of gene localized in them. Crossingringer The farther from each other is the genes in the chromosome, the higher the probability of the crosslinker between them. . . . . . . . . . And in a in a and in in

5 Slide

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R a. . A. . B.. in × c. . all R. Nor. Cher. Zac. gam. R a. . A. IN. . in c. F1 a. . A A.. B.. in c. . In Cher. Nor. Ser. Zac. Individuals with recoming signs of 8.5%

6 Slide

Slide description:

Fastening. 1. When crossing a tomato with a purple stalk (a) and red fruits (B) and tomato with green stem and red fruits received 722 plants with purple stem and red fruits and 231 plants with purple stem and yellow fruits. Determine the genotypes and types of gaming parents, and in the first generation hybrids - the ratio of genotypes. 2. In flies, drosophyl genes that determine the color of the body and the shape of the wings are clips. Crossed the female with normal wings and a gray body with a male having a black body and reduced wings. In the first generation, all the offspring had a gray body and normal wings. Determine the genotypes of parents and offspring.

7 Slide

Slide description:

Homework. § 3.8 Questions of the problem: 1. Dogs have a black color of wool dominates brown. On the crossing of a black female with a brown male, 4 black and brown puppies were obtained. Determine the genotypes of parents and offspring. 3. In tomatoes genes, which determine the height of the stem and the shape of the fruit, are adhesive, and the high stem dominates the dwarfship, and the spherical shape of fruits over the pear-shaped. What offspring should be expected from crossing the heterozygous on both signs of a plant with a dwarf, having pear-like fruits. 2. A person has dark hair color (a) dominates light color (a), eye color eye (B) over blue (b). Write down the genotypes of parents, possible phenotypes and genotypes of children born from the marriage of a blond blue-eyed man and a heterozygous carbonisa of a blond woman.

Class: 9


  1. Form knowledge of adhesion inheritance, clutch groups, genetic mapping;
  2. Introduce students with the causes of the adhesive inheritance of genes and the mechanism of his violation;
  3. Form a system of knowledge about genetic floor definition and inheritance of signs adopted with floor;
  4. Secure the skill solving genetic tasks.

Equipment: Computer, software disks: "1C: Tutor. Biology + EEGEM.2006 options "," Virtual School "Kirill and Methodius", biology tutor ", multimedia presentation on the subject of lesson ( Attachment 1), the written survey cards, the circuit of the clutch inheritance, the scheme of the genealogical tree of Queen Victoria and the incidence of descendants of hemophilia.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Check of knowledge

In previous lessons, we have studied the fundamental laws of genetics - these are the three laws of Mendel and met with the cytological foundations of their action. Let's remember everything we studied on this topic.


  1. What are the three laws of Mendel?
    I law - the law of uniformity,II law - splitting law,III law - the law of independent inheritance.
  2. What rules adhered to the city of Mendel during his experiments?
    1. used to cross the plants of different self-polls - clean lines
    2. to get more material for analysis, used several parents of peas
    3. intentionally simplified the task, observing only one sign inheritance; The rest did not take into account
  3. Formulate the law of purity Games. Who owns the opening of this law?
    In the formation of Games, only one of two allelic genes falls into each of them.
  4. Is it always signs to be clearly divided into dominant and recessive?
    In some cases, the dominant gene does not fully suppress the recessive gene from the allelic pair. In this case, intermediate signs arise.
  5. What is the name of this phenomenon?
    This phenomenon was called incomplete domination.
  6. Is it always on a phenotype that you can determine which genes contains this particular? Give an example.
    Not always. The recessive sign is always manifested only in a homozygous state, i.e. aA. A dominant sign can manifest itself in individuals with homozygous or heterozygous genotype, i.e. AA or Aa.
  7. Is it possible to establish genotype of individuals that do not differ in the phenotype? What method is used for this?
    Yes, you can install. To do this, use the crossing of the investigated individuals with recessive homozygota aAaccording to the studied attribute, called the analyzing crossing.
  8. What features are the dihybrid crossing?
    Inheritance is considered and accurate quantitative accounting of offspring for two pairs of alternative features.
  9. The law of independent inheritance is always valid, i.e. III Law of Mendel?
    The law is fair only in cases where the genes of the signs under consideration are located in different non-homologous chromosomes.

III. Main part

Greeting class

So, the laws of Mendel have their limitations. After their discovery in science, the facts were gradually accumulated in science that in some cases the splitting of the signs does not occur according to the rules of Mendel. When analyzing this phenomenon it turned out that the genes of the studied signs were in the same chromosome and was inherited together. Today we will talk about the peculiarities of such an inheritance, will find out if there are cases of his violations. We also analyze the features of the definition of sex of various living organisms and the mechanism of inheritance of signs adopted with the floor.

Theme of today's lesson: "Captured inheritance. Genetics of the floor. "

Slide: "Captured inheritance. Genetics of the floor. "

Genes encoding various signs from any body a lot. For example, a person has about 100,000 genes, and the types of chromosomes only 23. Consequently, they all fit in these chromosomes. How do the genes in the same chromosome inherit?

This question gives the answer a modern chromosomal theory of heredity created by T. Morgan.

Slide: Thomas Hunt Morgan

The main object with which T. Morgan worked and his disciples was a fruit fly Drosophila. A dihybrid analyzing crossing on two features was carried out: the length of the wings and the color of the body. These experiments have shown that the splitting of the signs 1: 1 is obtained instead of the expected - 1: 1: 1: 1.

Slide: Experiment T. Morgana

Slide: T. Morgana law

During these studies, it was also proved that each gene has its own strictly defined location in the chromosome. Subsequently, this feature of the generation of genes will be practically used to compile genetic maps.

However, in the experiments of Morgana, it turned out that among the hybrids of the first generation for the extensions carried out, a small percentage of flies with recombination of signs in one chromosome appeared, i.e. Violation of adhesive inheritance.

Slide: Violation of adhesive inheritance

It turned out that during the opposity of the first division of MEIOS, homologous chromosomes can be broken at the point of contact and exchange allel genes. This phenomenon got a name - perekrest or crossinchiera.

Slide: Cross Hopeer

Most of the living organisms are represented by features of two species - male and female. How is the organism belonging to one or another floor?

Slide: Classification of chromosoma organism

At the beginning of the twentieth century T. Morgan found that males and females differ from each other with just one pair of chromosomes - genital chromosomes. Chromosome in this pair are different from each other. The remaining pairs of chromosomes are the same and got a name - autosomes. In the formation of Games in the female, one type of weights will be formed in the female: 3 autosomes + x chromosome, and the males have two types of weight: 3 autosomes + x chromosome or 3 autosomes + in chromosome. If there is a spermatozoa with a x-chromosome in fertilization with an egg, then the female will develop, if with a y-chromosome, then - the male.

Slide: From what gender is a homozygous or heterozygous depends on the floor of the future individual?

- from heterozygous, i.e. containing sex chromosomes of different types

This fact proves the following scheme.

Slide: The splitting scheme on the basis of the floor in Drosophila

In some species of living organisms, the chromosomal definition of the floor is completely different. Consider such cases.

Slide: Chromosomal floor definition

Slide: Are all genes in sex chromosomes determine signs related to the floor?

If genes that define any sign are located in autosomes, then the inheritance of the sign occurs, regardless of who his carrier is a man or a woman. If the generation genes are located in sex chromosomes, then its inheritance will be determined by its location in X or in the chromosome, and therefore belongs to a certain floor.

Slide: Inheritance captured with half

An example of such an inheritance is the inheritance of diseases of humanities as hemophilia and daltonism. Genes defining a healthy and sick feature are located in the x-chromosome of the pubic pair. In this case, the disease is manifested in men, even though the sick gene in recessive form.

Messages of students about hemophilia and daltonism

Slide: Hemophilia

Information: Hemophilia- Hereditary disease, transmitted according to a recessive adhesive with a X-chromosome, a type manifested with increased bleeding.
Transferred by inheritance through the offspring of the sisters and the daughters of the patient. Women carrier transmit hemophilia not only to their children, but through daughters - grandchildren and great-grandchildren, sometimes and later offspring. Boys are sick (hemophilia with meets and girls).

Three forms of hemophilia are isolated - A, B and C. with hemophilia A, there is no factor VIII, with hemophilia B - factor IX and with hemophilia C - Factor Xi blood coagulation.

Slide: Daltonm.

Information: Daltonism, color blindness - hereditary, less often acquired feature of the view, expressed in the inability to distinguish between one or more colors. Named in honor of John Dalton, who first described one of the types of color blindness, on the basis of his own sensations, in 1794. Dalton did not distinguate the red color, but did not know about his color blindness up to 26 years. He had three brothers and sister, and two of the brothers suffered from a red color film. Dalton described in detail his family defect in the small book. Thanks to its publication, the word "Daltonism" appeared, which for many years has become synonymous with not only the anomaly described by them in the Red region of the spectrum, but also any violation of color vision.

V. Fixing

And now, let's see how much you understand what was discussed in the lesson, and fulfill the prepared tasks.

Disk: Test questions on the topic studied. ("Virtual School" Kirill and Methodius ", Biology Tutor," Virtual School "Kirill and Methodius", Biology Tutor ") Questions No. 238, 226, 217, 222, 254, 256.

Vi. The results of the lesson

  1. The laws of Mendel have limitations
  2. The genes in the same chromosome are inherited together, i.e. Captured
  3. The phenomenon of the disruption of the lifting inheritance is called crossfield
  4. Belonging to the floor is determined by a pair of sex chromosomes.
  5. Genes that are in a gender pair of chromosomes are inherited adhesive with the floor

VII. Homework

Slide: learn §; To be able to answer questions after paragraphs.

Perform a written job task.

Prepare reports on the types of gene interaction.

Decide the task of a novice experimentator caught a mouse with an amazingly long crawled wool. He decided to bring the line such mice to sell them as pets and get rich. To do this, he crossed her with a male with a short straight wool, which he bought in a pet store. Unfortunately, among the six descendants received, everyone was with short straight wool. Knowing that the mice are allowed nearby crossing, he crossed the source mouse (long wavy wool) with one of its descendants. Among the descendants, two mouse possessed the desired signs, and the remaining six were similar to the Father. Help the experimental! Explain to him the results of his experiment and advise how to achieve the task.

Decide another task in frosophila melanogaster (Drosophila Melanogaster) The gray color of the body dominates black, and the gene that is responsible for the normal development of the wings dominates the genome of underdeveloped wings. From the crossing of flies with gray body and normal wings with a fluff having a dark body color and embossed wings, hybrids having a gray body and normal wings are obtained. The obtained hybrids cross with flies having two recessive signs. Among the offspring, about 50% of the flies were with two dominant signs and approximately 50% with two recessive signs. Make the crossing scheme, explain the results obtained.

Thomas Morgan first introduced a fruit flock of Drosophil as a genetic object of Drosophila Melanogaster Thomas Hunt Morgan about the experimental work of T. Morgan - the classic textbook "Genetics with the basics of selection", author S.G. Inge-Evenoms on the experimental work of T. Morgana are a classic textbook "Genetics with the basics of selection", author S.G. Inge-Eternal

Gene and gene in allelic genes are located in identical sites of homologous chromosomes. Clutch group - all genes located in one chromosome Homologous chromosome gene and gene B test for self-test - LNEKRASOVA.RU in the "Lessons of Biology" Test for self-test - in section "Biology lessons"

The main thoughts of the lesson gene - the chromosome portion of the genes are located in chromosomes linearly, each gene in its locus in identical mains of homologous chromosomes are allele gene genes localized in one chromosome, together, forming a clutch group Morgana The chromosomal heredity theory:

Resources: Ozof.htm - Ozof.htm Dical / Thomas_Morgan / - T. Morgan / Thomas_Morgan / - T. Morgan / \u003d Person & More \u003d Morgan - T. Morgan, Portrait \u003d Person & More \u003d Morgan - T. Morgan, quote

Summary of other presentations

"Interaction of nonallerant genes" - the presence of pigment. Rose comb. Split. The modifying effect of genes. Recessive epistasis on the example of inheritance of staining in mice. Types of interaction of nonallerant genes. Complementary interaction. Dominant epistasis on the example of the inheritance of suit in horses. Additive polymeria. The interaction of nonallerant genes. Polymer interaction of genes. Unadigital polymeria. Fenotype splitting.

"Third Mendel Law" - a plant. Round Fruit Shape. The law of independent combination. Results. Inheritance coloring. Red coloring. Solving tasks. Crossing. Signs. The probability of the emergence of one or another genotype. Plants with rounded red fruits. Genotypes of parents. Organisms. Analyzed genes. Rhow-positive boy. Crossing the heterozygous organisms. Probability of birth. Digibrid crossing.

"The law of independent inheritance" is the correct definition of all possible heats. If there is work, then will be successful. Black color. Decision. Digibrid crossing. The results of the experiments of Mendel. Justifications of the third law of Mendel. Plants have yellow smooth seeds. Good temper. Pennet's grille. Theoretical foundations of the third law of Mendel. The law of independent inheritance.

"Patterns of mono-librid crossing" - mono-librid crossing. Dominant feature. Inheritance painting of pea flowers. Inheritance staining berries. Saturing crossing. Return crossing. Incomplete dominance. Cytological (cytogenetic) basics of inheritance of signs. Analyzing crossing. The first generation hybrids. Inheritance painting pea seeds.

"Genetics Mendel" is a task using the 3rd State of Mendel. Conclusion. Gregor Mendel. Basics of genetics. Illustrations of the first and second laws of Mendel. Phenotype. The third law of Mendel. Atmosphere of cooperation. Digibrid crossing. Long-whiskers.

"Pedigree" - blood group. Inheritance of hair shape. Pedigree family. Hair color. Objectives and objectives of the study. Hair shape. The genealogical method of human genetics. In the pedigree, an autosomal-recessive type of inheritance is traced. Inheritance of blood groups in humans. Inability to distinguish separate colors. Analysis of pedigree. Pedigree.

Coupled inheritance of genes (presentation of the lesson of biology in the 10th grade using ICT) Tasks of the lesson: reveal the entity of the phenomenon of the adhering inheritance of genes to form knowledge about the basic provisions of the T. Mamargana to introduce the principle of the preparation of genetic maps to reveal the meaning of genetic maps for medicine and agriculture to develop logical thinking Students

Lesson Plan 1. Actualization of Knowledge 2. Heating of a new material 2.1 Universal nature of the laws of Mendel. Exceptions. 2.2 Hypothesis of chromosomal nature of heredity Opening of material carriers of heredity Experimental substantiation of chromosomal theory of heredity 2.3 Location of genes in chromosome Crossingsier and its genetic consequences of genetic maps of chromosomes 2.4 Summary: Basic provisions of the T. Morgan law 3. Reflowing of the material (testing) 4. Fully 4.1 Task Solving On the results of quantitative and qualitative accounting of splitting according to genotype and phenotype with adhesive inheritance 4.2 Solving tasks to compile a map of chromosomes

Think! 1. What are the genes to apply the law of independent inheritance of Mendel? Answer: For genes related to different alleles, placed in different pairs of homologous chromosomes. 2. What is the name of the chromosome plot, where is the gene? Answer: Locus 3. What phenomenon is shown in the diagram? Answer: Crossingringer, or gene recombination. 4. What is the essence of this phenomenon? Answer: Crossingrigner is the exchange of DNA sections in a pair of chromatide from homologous chromosomes in Profase I MEIOS.

Universal nature of the laws of G. Ventele year - the year of birth of the science of genetics GDe Fris - Dutch Botanist (work with Mac) K. Kornets - German botanist (work with corn) E. Chermak - Austrian Botanist (work with pea) Batson - English biologist (experiments with chics) Geno - French zoologist (experiments with mice) Exception: do not give independent splitting in F 2 following signs Form pollen and coloring flowers in fragrant peas red coloring flowers and dark stems and leaves in plants long neck and long limbs in animals (and vice versa) dark eyes and dark hair in humans (and on the contrary)

Hypotheses of the chromosomal theory of heredity 1903 - the assumption about finding many genes in the chromosome and their joint inheritance V.Setton, American biologist O. Gertun, German biologist 1909 - Experiments of American biologists with a fruit flock of Drosophilus T. Morgan and his staff: K.Bridgese G.J. Meller A. Svetaevant

The object of the study - Drozophil causes the choice: rapid reproduction (3 generation per month) Small chromosomes (4 pairs) Good noticeable external differences in mutants Drozofil in the structure of wings: a - with jeed wings, b - with underdeveloped wings, in - with curved wings, G - Bloomless

Clutch groups Coupled genes - genes located in one chromosome and inherited together. The number of genes in various clutch groups (that is, in different chromosomes) may differ from each other. The number of clutch groups is equal to the number of chromosomes in the haploid set: drosophila - 4 peas - 7 corn - 10 mouse - 20 people - 23 rainworm - 36 lizard - 38 rabbit - 44 cow -60

The crosslinker frequency and the distance between the genes of the recombination frequency is determined by the formula where N is the number of recombinants, N 0 is the total number of descendants. Morganide - a distance of a distance between the detachable genes, equal to 1% crosslinker. The frequency of gene recombination shows the relative location of the linked genes in the chromosome: the farther from each other are genes, the higher the frequency of recombination. This circumstance is used in the preparation of genetic maps.

Genetic maps Genetic Map - Diagram of the relative location of genes in one chromosome. Shows: 1. The sequence of the generation of genes in the chromosome 2. The production between the gene genes is a set of all the genes of the chromosome of the chromosome.

The principle of constructing a genetic map The triangulation method is determining the relative position (sequence) of the loci and more genes. Construction of a genetic card for genes A, B, C, frequencies of recombinations between which are a - b \u003d 6%, B - C \u003d 14%, A - C \u003d 8%.

The main provisions of the law of the adhesive inheritance of T. Mamargan genes located in one chromosome form a clutch group and inherited together. The clutch is full and incomplete. In case of incomplete adhesion, homologous chromosomes exchanged their sections, which ensures the possibility of new combinations of genes. For genes, the locuses of which are divided by large distances is characterized by a double cross hinge, when recombination occurs simultaneously at two points.

Testing Determine in the figure, between which genes most likely the likelihood of the cross: 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option a) Hell b) Sun B) AB) VD A) AB and AB b) Sun c) SD and SD d) Hell and AD A) AV and AB b) AC and AC c) VD and VD g) hell and hell a) hell b) AB c) Sun and Sun g) ac and ac

The solution of genetic tasks for the results of quantitative and high-quality accounting of the splitting of genotype and the phenotype Task: two breeds of rabbits are crossed: spotted normally sweepers and solid painted angoras. In F1, all the rabbits are spotted normally ashers. As a result of the analyzing crossing, 26 spotted angoras were obtained, 144 completely painted angoras, 157 spotted with normal wool and 23 completely painted with normal wool. Questions: 1. How many different phenotypes will come from such a crossing? 2. What percentage of hamet female contains at the same time Gena spotted and angora wool? 3. What percentage of hamet contains genes of solid color and normal length? 4. What percentage of descendants from this crossing will be phenotypically similar to the Father? 5. What percentage of descendants from this crossing will be digeterosigoten?

It is given: a - gene of spotted color A - gene of solid color B - gene of normal length in - gene of angora wool - genotype of females (for increasing descendants, which are more than 50%) - male genotype (because crossing analyzing) p × g f Answer: 1.4 phenotype 2.7.4% (26 ÷ 350100) 3.6.6% (23 ÷ 350100) 4.41.2% (144 ÷ 350100) 5.44.2% (157 ÷ 350100)

Solution of genetic tasks for drawing up a map of chromosomes Task: As a result of the analyzing crossing, the tomatoes turned out the following splitting: A-B-C-73 A-VVS- 2 A-B-SS 348 AA-VVS 96 AAAV-C-110 AAVS-306 AAA -s 2 AAVVSS Write a scheme of analyzing crossing. 2. Build a map for the indicated genes indicating the distance between them.

Dano: A-B-C-73 A-VVS- 2 A-in-SS 348 A-VSS 96 AAAV-C-110 AAAVS-306 AAAV-SS 2 AAVVSS 63 - Genotype of a female plant (for increasing descendants, which more than 50 %) - genotype of a male plant (because crossing analyzing) p × g f ignorate crossover


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