Download the project of the alpine slide. Research project "alpine slide near my yard". School forestry "Dubok"

A spectacular element in the landscape is an alpine slide created with his own hand. A rock garden is called a small area in the garden, decorated in the form of a natural natural corner.

Many owners of home gardens are interested in how to make an alpine slide with their own hands?

In order to create this corner of wildlife on your site, you need to get acquainted with the intricacies of landscape design.

Usually this masterpiece is located in the most conspicuous place. In addition, the rock garden needs a sunny place, so this corner is usually located in an open area.

Since the alpine slide has a pacifying effect on a person, it is best to place it near the resting place.

Do not discount the quality of the earth cover, as the most favorable soil for a rock garden is sandstone, but if the earth has a clay base, then drainage will need to be done.

When is it better to create a rock garden

An alpine slide can be created at any time of the year, except for winter, since it is impossible to plant plants or prepare the soil during the winter cold. However, experts consider autumn to be the most optimal for creating a rock garden.

Since the natural shrinkage of an alpine slide can take several months, then, according to landscape designers, you need to prepare for an autumn planting from spring.

Creating an alpine slide

Landscape designers, answering the question of how to make an alpine slide, offer universal schemes and projects for arranging this natural corner, taking into account all the subtleties and scope of work.

However, knowing the basic rules for creating a rock garden, you can organize it yourself.

The first thing to pay attention to is the location. So, the rock garden should be clearly visible. The most optimal option is to create an alpine slide in the form of a pyramid, in which the maximum height is concentrated in the center.

In addition, all elements of the rock garden should be located freely, symmetry is inappropriate here. In the event that it is possible to organize a rock garden on a natural slope, then its elements are best marked at the same level.

From the point of view of parameters, the height of the alpine slide should be proportional to its size, that is, 1 meter of the area corresponds to a height of 0.2 m, thus, a flower bed of 4 m² in height will be 80 cm, as in the photo of the alpine slide.

Preparatory work

Even the simplest alpine slide requires careful preparation. So when creating a rock garden, it is required to do drainage, the fact is that the use of stones makes the soil sink, which means that you cannot do without drainage.

Drainage material can be fine gravel, pieces of red or white bricks, small stones or rubble.

Before laying the drainage, it is necessary to dig a hole 1 m deep on a flower bed with an area of \u200b\u200b8-9 m². Then drainage is laid out and the soil is filled with water. Next, a layer of earth is poured.

As a soil for a rock garden, it is best to use a soil composition of ordinary earthy soil, peat and river sand. All soil constituents should be in equal proportions.



The basic element of any rock garden is stones. Usually these are large stones of an original shape.

Most often, pieces of granite, sandstone, limestone are used to create an alpine slide, you can use both wild stone and tuff.

When decorating a rock garden with stones, you must follow the following rules:

  • It is best if the size of all stones is the same;
  • The stones must be of the same variety;
  • The stones must be uneven in structure and shape;
  • You need to arrange the stones so that they are asymmetrical.

You can arrange the stones to your liking, but experienced designers can suggest several designs that suit you. Recently, a scheme has been in vogue, when massive stones are scattered on the site, and between them small stones.

An alpine slide looks interesting when the most spectacular stone is set in the center, especially if the rock garden is located on a slope.


When laying out stones, especially massive ones, you need to make sure that they are stable, for this some of them can even be fixed with cement or they can be buried a little.

A properly organized alpine slide in the country can become a favorite vacation spot for the whole family.

Green spaces

2 months after the preparatory work, you can start planting green spaces. The most convenient for decorating a rock garden are such plants as undersized spruce, thuja, mountain pine and juniper.

A small alpine slide is an excellent landscape solution for a small area. When creating such a rock garden, it is best to use undersized, herbaceous plants such as wild carnations, low velvet, nasturtiums, pansies and bells.

If desired, an alpine slide can be combined with a small reservoir in the form of a small pond, but in this case the process of creating a rock garden will be even more laborious, but it will be a real work of landscape art.

Diy photo of an alpine slide


Elena Malyshkina
Project "Alpine Hill"

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Kamyshlovsky urban district

Social project:

« Alpine slide»

Malyshkina E. V.,

Khairetdinova O. F.


1. Information card project .... 3

2. Statement of the problem…. 4

3. Purpose project .... 5

4. Tasks project .... 5

6. Implementation plan project ....11

7. Anticipated results project .... …12

8. Financial support project .... 12

9. Plan-diagram… .13

10. Literature ... 14

11. Appendix 1…. 15

1. Information card the project.

1. Full name project Project« Alpine slide» .

2. Purpose the project Improve on the territory of the preschool educational institution alpine slide.

6. Participants project Educators, parents.

4. Customer Organizers the project"Ecological trail" MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 4".

5. Organization address Sverdlovsk region, Kamyshlov,

st. Karlovy Vary, 1V.

6. Dates July 2016

2. Statement of the problem.

“If every person on a piece of land did everything,

what he can, how beautiful our Earth would be ”.

By the joint efforts of educators and parents on the territory of the preschool educational institution, wonderful flower beds are broken every year, which are the decoration of the kindergarten. Children, parents and guests of our kindergarten can appreciate the beauty and fragrance of flowers.

Being engaged in landscaping and laying out flower beds, we decided to take part in preschool project"Ecological trail", chose an empty, rocky area. Digging this area is difficult. It is with difficulty that plants take root in this area. We offered to equip this difficult-to-work area alpine slide... She will give a brand new, modern look the territory of the preschool educational institution.

3. Purpose the project

Improve on the territory of the kindergarten alpine slide.

4. Tasks the project

To get this job done necessary:

Study the necessary literature on the arrangement rock gardens

a) types and elements rock gardens;

b) choice of stone - building material for slides;

c) selection and placement of plants on alpine slide;

d) design and construction of an alpine slide;

Collect and lift stones

Equip alpine slide

Plant flowers, provide care for her and survival

1. Intended outcome

The result design activities will be arrangement on the territory of the preschool educational institution alpine slide in accordance with the construction technology, the selection of recommended plants, adherence to the planting schemes and rules.

2. Formulation of the problem

On one of the sites on the territory of the preschool educational institution, the soil is difficult to cultivate, plants do not take root well.

The design of the territory of the preschool educational institution requires new, modern solutions.

Having built alpine slide on a difficult-to-cultivate area, in the future we will significantly save time and energy on tillage before planting plants, and equipped rock garden organically blending into the local landscape, it will give a new modern look to the kindergarten area and provide unlimited opportunities for creativity.

After studying the literature, we learned that alpine slide is a landscape-style flower garden, a fragment of a mountain landscape. For creating alpine slide choose a natural or artificially created hill on a site with a slope to the south or southwest, well-lit by the sun. Stones in the form of a stepped mountain slope are placed on it, ornamental plants are grown between them. For safety reasons, the stones are slightly deepened into the soil for stability. The stones are grouped, avoiding symmetry, so that the composition appears natural.

Each site has its own characteristics. That is why it is necessary to choose the right type rock garden, which will be in harmony with the rest of the elements and organically fit into the surrounding landscape. Considering all these factors, you can choose the best option rock gardenthat will delight the eye for many years.

3. Design and construction of an alpine slide

Construction stage alpine slide preceded by the choice of location and style rock garden... We found out that the best place for blooming alpine slide(and this is exactly what we planned to equip) - open, well-viewed area in a sunny place, because alpine plants prefer sun over shade.

And when choosing sizes slides it is recommended to adhere to the ratio of height to length 1 : 10, that is, if the height is assumed to be 0.5 m, then the length or diameter is preferable to make 5 m. It should be noted that slide shouldn't be too high.

After evaluating the size and relief chosen for the arrangement rock garden sitewhich has no hill or steep slope, and matching the varieties rock gardens we came to the conclusionthat the most correct solution would be to arrange "Rocky slides» (the most popular and affordable option rock garden in the garden, which is a low hill, on the surface of which stones are scattered in a chaotic manner. Stony slide will harmoniously fit into any, no matter what size it will be.

4. The choice of stone - building material for slides

We also found out that the leading role in rock gardens are assigned to stones... They improve drainage and, as a rule, alkalize the soil, accumulate moisture for the roots, create coolness for the aboveground part of the plant, protect from the wind and improve illumination. The main advantage of the stone for rock garden - its naturalness. Now we know that when choosing a stone, it is advisable to use for the whole slides stones of the same type... Any stone must be carefully examined before putting it into the ground, choosing its most characteristic and specific feature. (shape, color)... It is also recommended to use stones with at least one flat side.

Of course, planning rock garden, we were convinced that as important as the stones in the structure alpine slide, but we will still create it for the sake of flowers. It is the brightness and colorfulness alpine landscape during the period of exuberant flowering of plants, will give our flower garden a special look. Therefore, we spent a lot of time studying the literature on plants.

5. Selection and placement of plants on slide

Now we know that plants - alpines - these are grasses and shrubs, which are native to mountainous regions (Alps, Himalayas, rocky mountains, etc.)... Strong winds blow there, the soil is scarce - in such conditions, the plants are forced to nestle to the ground, and remain stunted. In an ordinary flower bed, the plants would most likely be lost, not impressed. However, appropriately positioned plants alpines reveal their discreet natural beauty. It is also necessary to select plant species for planting, which alternately replacing each other, will bloom almost all year round.

It turns out to be of particular value in rock gardens are deciduous shrubs (Japanese quince, barberry, euonymus, wolf, jasmine, willow, cotoneaster, rhododendron, lilac, spirea) and dwarf conifers (spruce, cypress, juniper, fir, pine, Japanese thuyevik, western thuja). Cleverly selected, they blend perfectly with each other, retaining their appeal throughout the year, and help to tie together the changing variegated palette of the landscape.

We also learned that with special care it is necessary to select flowering plants for rock gardens... So, for example, for sunny areas slides are recommended: beetroot, mountain cornflower, iberis, carnation, swing, lavender, fescue, young, thyme, tulips, edelweiss. For the south side slides fit: anaphalis, armeria, aster, cinquefoil, liatris, sunflower, obrietta, stonecrop, wormwood, purslane, lumbago, phlox, purse.

On the western and eastern sides, you can plant a crocus, common heather, heuchera, gentian, dryad, saxifrage, muscari bell, primrose, spit, breakthrough, violet, laskolka.

Thus, having received information about the plants recommended for growing on alpine coaster, at first we were very upset - where do we get the recommended shrubs, let alone dwarf conifers? And there is a problem with the seeds of the offered flowering plants. But we decided to choose for rock garden plants of thosewhose seeds are more readily available and whose seedlings are grown in our region.

Kuril tea


Dwarf chamomile


Garlic decorative

Two-source reed

6. Preparation of stone - building material

Now you can start preparing the building material. Thinking over the plan of creation rock garden, we thought about where to get the stones. We knew that for the construction alpine slide a fairly large number of stones will be required, and we have no money to buy stones. The parents of the pupils kindly agreed to help us, and we were very glad.

7. Construction alpine slide

We started work on the construction roller coasters with form markings... For this, it is not necessary to use pegs and a construction cord, a strip of sand around the perimeter of the site is enough. After the marking, the earthworks began.

1. Prepared a site for alpine slide:

Weeds were removed from the soil with roots (this operation is absolutely necessary, since weeds can subsequently nullify all our work)

They poured an earthen hill, as they built slide on completely flat terrain

2. The stones were laid:

The stones were placed steadily, deepening them 2/3 into the soil (placing stones is very laborious and, so that we did not have to redo everything, we first laid out the stones next to the building under construction slide.

At the base slides placed the largest stones.

3. Poured soil mixture between stones, watered, tamped.

4. We planted the plants in the soil mixture between the stones in accordance with a preliminary drawn up diagram of plants at different flowering times.

6. Implementation plan the project.

No. Actions Responsible Start End

1 Creation of the initiative group Malyshkina E.V. 07/18/16 07/18/16

2 Sketching alpine slide Malyshkina E... B. 07/18/16 07/20/16

3 Planting and growing flowers Malyshkina E.V. 04/25/16

4 Preparation of the stone. Collection of stones and their transportation to the territory of the preschool educational institution Parents 07/18/16 07/21/16

5 Construction alpine slide... Planting flowers. Malyshkina E.V., Khairetdinova O.F. 07/23/16 07/23/16

6 Provide flower care for alpine slide and survival rate Malyshkina E.V., Khairetdinova O.F. For the entire period of plant growth

7 Presentation of the site Malyshkin E.V., Khairetdinova O.F.

7. Anticipated results the project,

its social effect.

In implementation Of the project educators and parents of pupils are involved. The result will be:

a) aesthetic condition alpine slide on the territory of the preschool educational institution;

b) the acquisition of practical skills in planting, flower care, skills in working with building materials;

8. Financial support the project.

The preschool educational institution provides tools for gardening.

It is planned to attract pupils' parents to cooperation.


No. Purpose of financing Amount Sources of financing

1. Purchase of seeds and plants 0 rubles Charity (parents, teachers, etc.)

3. A curb for a flower bed. 0 rubles Charitable assistance (parents, teachers, etc.)

Total: 0 rubles

We will send the material to you by e-mail

An alpine slide with your own hands will help to create an original landscape design on a site of a suburban structure. Step-by-step photos, diagrams and drawings will help you complete a high-quality project even in a day. Such structures are made using wild stones and unusual flowering crops. Qualitatively conduct assembly work certain rules will help, the observance of which will prevent alteration and disassembly of the created composition.

When installing the slide, you will need different stone blocks, sand mass, crushed stone and different variants of perennial plants

First of all, you need to choose a suitable place for future alpine slides in the country with your own hands, photos of which can be viewed on the website. The best solution may be to choose a site on the southwest or south side. A good option is considered a place on a slope where among the stones you can plant low-growing crops.

The basis for a small-sized site can be a slope along the border of the territory or even along the edge. When choosing a downhill space, consider the following factors:

  • the slide should be visible from all sides, so this place should be open;
  • the structure should be placed in a sunny and bright area where there are no tall trees;
  • the structure is placed in a place isolated from the wind.

Useful information!When starting the construction of a structure, it is worth considering suitable style design. Various landscape solutions involve the use of rocky gardens, ponds or bridges, which must be combined with a slide.

What time of year is right for creating a flower garden?

The work performed on the installation of the slide practically does not depend on the season. It is not recommended to start work in the winter. The best period is autumn, when there is time before cleaning the area for the winter. A stony structure after installation requires time for a certain shrinkage. After that, you can only start planting plants. If the plants will be planted in the fall, then the construction of the main structure can be started in the spring. A high-quality alpine slide is created with your own hands using step-by-step photos and diagrams.

Features and rules when performing a rock garden

The rock garden is a stylish decor for the summer cottage. For its design, perennial plants are selected that have different flowering time intervals.

When creating an alpine structure, the following tips should be followed:

  • the structure is erected according to the project, which indicates the number of tiers and the placement of stones;
  • a certain type of stones and their placement are selected;
  • flowers are selected taking into account the time of their flowering, microclimate and color palette.
For your information!Alpine slide is a small model of a real massif with undulating transitions from rocky top to more flat areas. It is important to observe the style of the structure, the size of its tiers, as well as the recreation of all conditions for mountain plants.

Related article:

Alpine slide with your own hands: step by step photos, diagrams and construction features

Before starting work, landscape design is thought out. DIY alpine slides, photos of which can be seen in the photo gallery, require a special approach and a well-planned project. When choosing a suitable site for a construction, the proximity of the passage of groundwater is important. When they are located close together, the strength and durability of the structure are threatened. The groundwater level is influenced by special drainage.

Soil preparation and drainage

To get a beautiful alpine slide with your own hands, step-by-step photo instructions and diagrams will help you complete the installation.

First of all, a drainage system is performed:

  • for this, a pit is dug out in size larger than the site;
  • before this stage, the terrain is marked, which is performed using a coil of wire and special wedges;
  • the height of the trench should not be less than 0.9 meters;
  • the created recess is filled with gravel;
  • the resulting layer is filled with water;
  • then the sand and gravel composition is laid, which is compacted;
  • the extracted soil layer is cleaned and added on top of the structure made.

You can start laying the stone after the structure has shrunk. This can take about four months.

Useful advice!Crushed stone can be added to the garden soil, and sand should be mixed into clay soil.

How to arrange stones?

An alpine slide is made of stones with your own hands. Step-by-step photos, diagrams and drawings will help you choose best project clearance. Before laying stones, it is worth preparing a special mixture. In this case, coarse sand, loam from the garden and compost are used. Crushed gravel is also used.

A similar composition can be distributed over the drain. After that, the mixture is moistened and trampled. Large stones are mounted first, and then smaller ones. When building, it is worth using the following recommendations:

  • layers of stones should be laid in parallel;
  • the upper stones must be installed on the lower blocks, but not on the ground, as this will provoke a skew of the statue;
  • if you plan to plant plants with a powerful root system, then it is worth leaving space for them between the blocks;
  • voids should be filled with soil.

Stones should be laid so that the soil between them is not washed out during heavy rainfall. In the construction of this structure, sandstones, limestones and basalt with granite are used. Experts do not recommend using shell rock or tuff.

Useful information!To preserve moisture for plants, the surface of the rock garden can be sprinkled with gravel or stone chips.

Compaction of the soil is a mandatory step before laying stones

Video: building a rock garden with your own hands

Do-it-yourself alpine slides in the country: photos of the best compositions

Mountain structures can be used in various ways. From the photo, you can choose the most interesting options:

  • the composition of the valley in the highlands reflects the view of a high plateau, while large stones are buried in the soil by two-thirds and are complemented by bushes of different heights and winding paths;

  • large blocks are required when creating a rocky cliff, in this case a dwarf fern, mountain pine and juniper are planted;

  • if there is a slope, you can equip a mountain slope, which is made out with the help of dwarf pines and heather;

  • the composition in the form of a gorge is characterized by complexity, while a landscape of different heights is used and the hills are lined with boulders;

  • when constructing a ravine in the forest, a fontanel and perennial plants are more suitable;

  • if the site is constantly moistened, then you can apply the composition to the swamp, which is made out with the help of a reservoir;

  • the original solution is considered a cascade stream, along the banks of which primroses, ferns and irises are planted.

Useful information!The classic solution is a centric structure, in which bright flowers plants are combined with stony elements. A site with a natural elevation is taken as a basis.

DIY alpine slide: step by step photo, the schemes of which are presented in this review, can be constructed using the following recommendations:

  • humpbacked area is ideal for creating an unusual design;
  • if cement is not used during construction, then the structure can be reconstructed in the future;
  • suitable height from 0.5 to 1.5 meters;
  • limestone or sandstone is suitable for plants;
  • it is worth considering additional lighting.

With the help of a reservoir, you can decorate any rock garden. Compliance with all the rules will allow you to create a stylish and original structure that will last for many years.

Voronina K, Kolobova K, Usova A




Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Gorodetsky District Administration


Head teacher___________________

T.A. Gubanikhina

Social project

"Alpine slide"

Voronina Ekaterina,

Kolobova Ekaterina,

Usova Alisa,

8th grade students

Project Manager:


Svetlana Borisovna

p. Aksentis


  1. Project Information Card ………………. ………………………… .3
  2. Statement of the problem …………………………… .. ……………………… .4
  3. The purpose of the project… .. ………………………………… .. ……………………… ..5
  4. Project objectives ……………………………………… .. …………………… .6
  5. Content and implementation mechanism of the project ……. ………………… ..7
  6. Project Implementation Plan ………………………………………………… 13
  7. Assessment of the effectiveness of the project …………………………………… ..... 14
  8. Estimated results of the project, its social effect .............. 15
  9. Financial support of the project ……………………………… ..... …… .16
  1. Project information card.

1. Full name of the project

Project "Alpine Hill"

  1. Nomination


3.Purpose of the project

Creation and work of an ecological squad for the improvement of a school flower garden

Voronina E., Kolobova E., Usova A., grade 8 students

6. Project manager

Poletueva Svetlana Borisovna - class teacher

7. Name of the conducting organization

MBOU "Aksentis basic secondary school"

8. Organization address

Gorodetsky district, Aksentis settlement, 53

9. Phone, fax, email


[email protected]

10.Geography of the project

MBOU "Aksentis basic secondary school"

11. Number of project participants

12. Geography of project participants

Grade 8 students

13. Dates

June 2014

14. Staffing

Classroom teacher

15. Accommodation conditions for participants

Technology cabinet

2. Statement of the problem.

“If every person on a piece of land

His did everything he can, how beautiful

The Earth would be ours ”.

Every year, by the joint efforts of the students and the team of teachers, a magnificent flower garden is broken near the school building, which is the decoration of the school. Children, parents and guests of our school can appreciate the beauty and fragrance of flowers.

While digging the soil and laying out flower beds together with the other children, we noticed that next to the concrete path near the school building, there is a rocky area, almost half of which consists of fine gravel. Digging this area is difficult. It was with difficulty that the plants took root in this area. Therefore, next winter, when the school once again held a competition for the best design of a school flower garden, we proposed to equip an alpine slide on this difficult-to-work area. She will also give a completely new, modern look to our flower garden. Our proposal was supported.

3. Purpose of the project

Improve an alpine slide on the territory of the school flower garden.

4. Project objectives

To do this work you need:

  • Study the necessary literature on the arrangement of rock gardens

a) types and elements of rock gardens

b) the choice of stone - building material for the slide

c) selection and placement of plants on an alpine slide

d) design and construction of an alpine slide

  • If possible, purchase seeds of plants recommended for growing on alpine slides
  • Grow seedlings
  • Collect and lift stones
  • Arrange an alpine slide
  • Plant flower seedlings, provide care and survival

5. Content and mechanism of project implementation

1. What idea should be implemented

The result project activities there will be an arrangement of an alpine slide on the territory of the school flower garden in accordance with the nature of the landscape, the technology of the construction, the selection of recommended plants, compliance with the planting schemes and rules.

  1. Formulation of the problem. What is? What question (s) are to be answered?
  • In one of the sections of the flower garden, the soil is almost half of gravel, it is difficult to cultivate, the plants do not take root well
  • The design of a school flower garden requires new, modern solutions

Having built an alpine slide on a difficult-to-work area of \u200b\u200ba flower garden, in the future we will significantly save time and energy on tillage before planting seedlings, and an equipped rock garden, organically blending into the local landscape, will give a new modern look to the school flower garden and provide unlimited opportunities for creativity. Thanks to the rock garden, the flower garden will not lose its decorative qualities much longer, since alpine plants bloom long time or have decorative foliage, and sometimes combine the above-mentioned advantages.

  1. Types and elements of rock gardens

It turned out that there is practically no special literature on arranging rock gardens in libraries (school and rural). I had to seek help from a technology teacher and the Internet. So together we started the project.

After studying the literature, I learned thatand lpiyskaya slide (rockery) is a landscape-style flower garden, a fragment of a mountain landscape. To create an alpine slide, a natural or artificially created hill is chosen on an area with a slope to the south or southwest, well-lit by the sun. Stones in the form of a stepped mountain slope are placed on it, ornamental plants are grown between them. For safety reasons, the stones are slightly deepened into the soil for stability. The stones are grouped, avoiding symmetry, so that the composition appears natural.

Each site has its own characteristics. That is why it is necessary to choose the right type of rock garden that will be in harmony with the rest of the elements and organically fit into the surrounding landscape. Gardens differ in style, size of territory, already available assortment of plants, climatic conditions... Considering all these factors, you can choose the best option for a rock garden that will delight the eye for many years.

I learned that there are two types of rock garden layouts - natural and geometric (terraced).

When constructing a natural rocky area, it is necessary to create harmony with the landscape, using the local relief - a hill, slope, wall, ravine, etc. Most often, so-called alpine slides are arranged, using natural or artificially created elevations for this purpose. Depending on the taste of the gardener, they represent either a hill with stones laid out on it, or a fragment of a mountain area. The main requirement is maximum naturalness.

It turns out that there are several types of rock gardens:

  • Rock garden in the form of rocks or cliffs. When constructing rocks, the decoration is the stone itself, and not the plants growing on it. Such a rock garden should be built only if there is a steep slope.
  • A mountain slope is a very complex type of rock garden, conditionally simulating the alpine highlands. It is a rock talus, fixed by groups of dwarf pines. It is recommended to place such a rock garden on a large sloping slope.
  • Mountain Valley - imitates the image of a high mountain valley. Most often, this is an artistic composition that can be created on a long, sloping slope, on an area with gentle hills.
  • An alpine lawn is an element of a rock garden, which should give the impression of an alpine meadow, located between stones on a scree.
  • Rock garden in the form of a gorge - is created between the slopes of the hills.
  • A mountain stream (cascade) is an element of a rock garden or an independent composition, which naturally looks only on the slope of a large rock garden.
  • Mini-rock garden is a type of modular flower garden that appeared in Europe and was created in abandoned stone troughs for feeding livestock and poultry. At present, the industrial production of containers for mini-rock garden made of artificial stone and ceramics has been launched.
  • Terraced (geometric) rock garden - is built by creating a system of retaining walls of different heights, shapes and lengths.
  1. Design and construction of an alpine slide

The stage of the construction of the alpine slide is preceded by the choice of the location and style of the rock garden. I found out that the best place for a blooming alpine slide (and this is exactly what I planned to equip) is an open, well-viewed area in a sunny place, since alpine plants prefer the sun, not shade.

And when choosing the size of the slide, it is recommended to adhere to the ratio of height to length 1:10, i.e. if the height is assumed to be 0.5 m, then the length or diameter is preferable to make 5 m Please note that the slide should not be too high.

After evaluating the size and relief of the flower garden area selected for arranging the rock garden, on which there is no hill or steep slope, and comparing it with the varieties of rock gardens, I came to the conclusion that the arrangement would be the most correct solutionterraced (geometric) rock garden.

  1. The choice of stone - building material for the slide

I also found out that stones play the leading role in rock gardens. They improve drainage and, as a rule, alkalize the soil, accumulate moisture for the roots, create coolness for the aboveground part of the plant, protect from the wind and improve illumination. The main advantage of a stone for a rock garden is its naturalness, "wildness". For this reason, freshly mined stone is valued much lower than processed - by winds, water, overgrown with mosses and lichens. Now I know that when choosing a stone, it is advisable to use stones of the same type for the entire slide. Any stone must be carefully inspected before placing it in the ground, choosing its most characteristic and specific feature (shape, color). It is also recommended to use stones with at least one flat side.

Of course, when planning a rock garden, I was convinced that no matter how important the stones in the structure of the alpine slide are, I will still create it for the sake of flowers. It is the brightness and colorfulness of the alpine landscape during the period of lush flowering of plants that will give our flower garden a special look. Therefore, I spent a lot of time studying the literature on plants - Alpines.

  1. Selection and placement of plants on the slide

Now I know that Alpine plants are such grasses and shrubs, native to mountainous regions (Alps, Himalayas, rocky mountains, etc.). Strong winds blow there, the soil is scarce - in such conditions the plants are forced to nestle on the ground and remain stunted. In an ordinary flower bed, plants would most likely be lost, not impressed. However, appropriately positioned alpine plants reveal their subtle natural beauty. It is also necessary to select plant species for planting, which alternately replacing each other, will bloom all year round.

It turns out that deciduous shrubs (Japanese quince, barberry, euonymus, wolf, jasmine, willow, cotoneaster, rhododendron, lilac, spirea) and dwarf conifers (spruce, cypress, juniper, fir, Japanese, thuja western). Cleverly selected, they blend perfectly with each other, retaining their appeal throughout the year, and help to tie together the changing variegated palette of the landscape.

I also learned that it is necessary to select flowering plants for rock gardens with special care. So, for example, for sunny areas the slides are recommended: beetroot, mountain cornflower, iberis, cloves, swing, lavender, fescue, young, thyme, tulips, edelweiss. For the southern side of the hill, the following are suitable: anaphalis, armeria, aster, cinquefoil, liatris, sunflower, obrietta, sedum, wormwood, purslane, lumbago, phlox, purse.

On the western and eastern sides, you can plant a crocus, common heather, geychera, gentian, dryad, saxifrage, muscari bell, primrose, spyline, breakthrough, violet, laskolka.

But for the northern shadow side, the following are recommended: waldsteinia, anemone, dronicum, tenacious, pushkinia, rezuha, hosta, corydalis, cyclamen.

Having thus received information about the plants recommended for growing on alpine slides, I was at first very upset - where can I get the recommended shrubs, and even more so dwarf conifers? And there is a problem with the seeds of the offered flowering plants. But the technology teacher suggested that I choose plants for the rock garden from those whose seeds are more accessible and whose seedlings we grow annually in April-May during technology lessons. Having carefully studied the features of all flowers, the seeds of which had already been purchased and sown, I decided to plant on my rock garden in the first year:

  • Alyssum white and pink

Low-growing, profusely flowering bushes with small creeping shoots, completely covered with tiny flowers with a honey aroma.

A place : sunny, tolerates frost, drought, partial shade.

Popular undersizedgroundcover for edging flower beds and ridges, for decorating borders, garden vases,rock gardens, windowsill boxes and pots,rocky gardens.

  • Purslane

Drought-resistant and sun-loving purslaneblooms throughout the summer.

ideal for rockeries. They are good in curbs, in groups on the lawn, in mixed low ridges, vases, pots and balcony boxes, for creating flowering carpets and onstony placers.

  • Iberis

One of the most picky annuals. Planted along the leading edge of a curb or along a path, or inrocky gardens a creeping plant with numerous caps of fragrant white, pink or red flowers.

Using: in small groups in flower beds, in border plantings, inas a ground cover plant in rocky gardens.

  • Mesembriantemum

Creeping plant with thick, fleshy leaves, stems (height 10cm) and large flowers 4-5cm in diameter. Differs in strong growth, forms creeping shoots. A gorgeous colored carpet, looks effectively in the sun, as if there are many small crystal drops on it.

Using: rabatki, flower beds,rock gardens, rocky hills, rockeries

  • Lobelia ampelous (blue and mixture)

Lobelia is great for decorating balconies. Blue and light blue, rarely red, lobelia lace can be seen from a distance on the well-kept balcony.Beautiful on rocky areas

Bloom: from the second half of June to September.

  • Pansies

Pansy flowers of various colors are loved by everyone: from bright and saturated to pastel colors. The rounded shape and bright spots in the center make the flower look like a face. Depending on the variety and sowing time, these biennial plants bloom either in late autumn or only next spring. Plants are used to decorate flower beds, borders, window boxes,as ground cover.

Alpine slides also rarely do without "Anyutok".

  • Aescholzia california

The short plant is very elegant and bright with golden yellow flowers. Grows well onrocky hills, in Moorish lawns, rabatkas, pots.

Flowering: from June to frost.

And also in early June I managed to get three varietiesstonecrops (in general, there are about 500 known species).

  • Sedum (sedum)

Low-growing species look great on rocky and rocky areas, while both the leaves of the plant and its flowers are decorative.

At the very bottom I decided to landcineraria.

  • Cineraria

Decorative from the moment of disembarkation until frost.

Use: in borders, mixborders,rock gardens, garden vases, containers, cut.

And in the future we will try, whenever possible, to acquire recommended plants, bringing our rock garden to perfection.

After I decided on the size and location of the alpine slide, I decided

the problem of choosing plants for a rock garden, I drew rough plan future structure. This turned out to be difficult too.

  1. Preparation of stone - building material

Now you can start preparing the building material.Even in winter, thinking over a plan for creating a rock garden, I thought about where I could get the stones. I knew that for the construction of an alpine slide, a fairly large number of stones would be required, and we did not have money to buy stones. But the history teacher kindly agreed to bring stones from the village of Pobedy to us, and we were very glad.

  1. Alpine slide construction

We began work on the construction of the slide by marking the form. For this, it is not necessary to use pegs and a construction cord, a strip of sand around the perimeter of the site is enough. After the marking, the earthworks began.

1. Prepared a site for an alpine slide:

Weeds were removed from the soil with roots (this operation is absolutely necessary, since weeds can subsequently nullify all our work)

They poured an earthen hill, as they built a hill on a completely flat terrain

2. Stones were laid:

The stones were positioned steadily, deepening them by 2/3 into the soil (placing stones is a very laborious process and, so that we do not have to redo everything, we first laid out the stones next to the hill under construction “for fitting”.

The largest stones were placed at the base of the hill.

3. Poured soil mixture between stones, watered, tamped.

4. We planted the plants in the soil mixture between the stones in accordance with the previously drawn up scheme of plants at different flowering times.

6. Project implementation plan.





Creation of an initiative group

Poletueva S.B.



Alpine slide sketching

Voronina E,

Kolobova E,

Usova A.



Collection of waste paper

Poletueva S.B.

(all students of the school)



Planting and growing flower seedlings

Poletueva S. B.

(in technology lessons)



Stone preparation. Collect stones and transport them from field to school

Poletueva S.B.

Kopaeva A.N.

(project participants)



Alpine slide construction. Planting flowers.

Poletueva S.B.

(project participants)



Provide care for flowers on an alpine slide and survival

Gorbunova N.L.

Kharitonova S.A.

(students who work on the school site during the summer)



Site presentation

Poletueva S.B.

(project participants)



8. Assessment of the effectiveness of the project.

  1. Control checks to organize the implementation of project activities.
  2. Creative and statistical reports on the results of the project.
  3. Information about the work of the detachment in the form of wall newspapers, newspapers-lightning.

9. Estimated results of the project,

its social effect.

Students of the 8th grade are involved in the implementation of the Project. The result will be:

a) the aesthetic state of the flower bed in front of the school;

b) the formation of an active civic position of schoolchildren, an increase in their social status among students, an increase in self-esteem of adolescents;

c) the formation of students' interest in public life at school, in the village, district, country and the desire to improve it;

d) willingness to respect the environment;

e) the acquisition of practical skills in planting, flower care, skills in working with building material;

Financial support of the project.

The school provides office equipment for the press center in the form of a computer and a printer, and equipment for gardening.

It is planned to involve the village community, school administration, parents and students in cooperation.


Flower seeds 8 bags x 30 rubles. \u003d 240 rubles.

Gasoline for transportation of stones 35 rubles. x 10 liters. \u003d 350 rubles.

A curtain fence for a flower bed 600 rubles. x 6 m. \u003d 3600 rubles.

Funding purpose


Sources of financing

Purchase of seeds.

240 rubles

Beneficial help from society (parents, teachers, villagers, etc.)

Gasoline for transportation of stones

300 rubles

Will allocate transport Nikolo-Pogostinskaya administration

Flower-bed curtain fence.

3600 rubles

Collection of waste paper


4140 rubles

Irina Kachinskaya
Project on environmental education in preparatory group "Alpine slide"

Alpine slide - one of the most interesting viewpoints ecological trail... Stony or alpine slide, rock garden, rockery - all this is the name of a flower garden in which stones and plants are whimsically combined.

Alpine slide Is a kind of miniature model of a mountain landscape.

Alpine slide considered as an independent object for observation, has a cognitive and aesthetic value. Plants alpine slides are unpretentious, most of them naturally grow on rocky areas or on sand. Using the example of the characteristics of these plants, one can consider their adaptability to various conditions. environment, teach children to care for plants. Uncommon alpine slide is of particular interest to the guys. Rock garden will help to visually show the connections between plants and the insects that visit them. On the alpine slide usually, objects of animate and inanimate nature are successfully combined, so it can be used to conduct classes in any block of the program. Finally, general form rock garden, the beauty of plants, the combination of various colors - all this contributes to the development of aesthetic taste in children and parents.


In the spring we have mimosas

But not enough corner

For a short flower.

Let's build a hill of stones

We will plant flowers on it.

Look here

Garden flowers grow.

Relevance of the topic:

The modern design of parks, squares and personal plots requires modern approach to its design. One of the modern trends is to use for their design Alpine slides... So in our group"Fidgets" there was a desire to do alpine slide on our site, to please not only us, but also those around us. This will give a completely new, modern look to our flower garden.

purpose the project: introduce children to one of the ways to decorate

landscape - alpine slide... Strengthen the knowledge of children about primroses,

their structure and distinctive features. To acquaint children with the properties of stones, soil;

Educational area: environmental education.

Tasks the project.

Educational tasks:

Introduce the device alpine slide, a variety of stones used.

Strengthen children's ideas about stones: size, their formation in nature, stones as an object of accumulation of various insects.

Clarify knowledge about the methods of correct transplantation and care of plants.

Developmental tasks: Develop imagination, memory, thinking.

Educational tasks:Educate the ability to create beauty, notice it and protect it. Form teamwork skills, the ability and desire to coordinate their views, proposals with other children.

Preliminary work:

View slides « Alpine slides» , illustrations, photo with image Alpine slides.

View the project: cognitive - informational.

Duration the project: long-term, from 01.06 to 30.08.2016

Participants the project: children, educators, parents.

Intended outcome:

1. Enrich experience on environmental education.

2. The participation of children in activities within their power of caring for plants, protecting and protecting nature.

3. Creation of attributes to the viewpoint « Alpine point» .

4. Consolidated children's knowledge about primroses, their structure and distinctive features.

5. Introduced children to the properties of stones, soil;

Implementation stages the project:

1. Preparatory:.

Stage I: Search and Research

Development of the project

Drawing up a passport « Alpine slide» ;

Search work on the selection of illustrative material on the topic " Alpine slides"

Search for information about the landscape and plants that grow on the rocks.

Consideration Alpine slide, gaining knowledge about plant care, cutting dry flowers.

2. Main (practical) stage:

Educational areas:

Cognitive development

Conversations: « Alpine slide or rock garden» ,

"What is modern Alpine slide» .

"What is soil for?"

"The soil - "Living earth"

"These mysterious stones"

« Alpine slide and its inhabitants»

Didactic games: "What's extra"

"Find what I will describe"

“Guess what kind of plant

"Each plant in its place"

"Find your stone"

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Drawing with paints, pencils, crayons of plants growing on Alpine slide;

Magic transformation of stones " (drawing by design).

Molding "Multi-colored stones from plasticine".

Designing flowers from plastic cups.

Viewed magazines "Home flowers", "Floriculture", about the landscape and plants that grow on rocks.

Writing stories and fairy tales.

Read a poem

E. Serova "Gardener".

“What does a gardener dream about?

In his dreams, the whole world blooms.

And people, looking at flowers, become kinder.

May these glorious dreams come true sooner. "

Conducted finger gymnastics "Flower":

Grew up on the window in the spring morning.

Opened the petals.

All petals have beauty and nourishment.

Together they give roots underground.


Experimentation (conducting experiments).

Show that there is water in the soil.

Show that there is air in the soil.

Show that when a lump of earth is squeezed, air seems to leave it.

An outdoor game "There is a mountain-old woman", "Mountain and pebbles"

Chatting with children.

"Alpine slide and its inhabitants"

purpose: to introduce children to one of the ways to decorate the landscape - alpine slide; show a combination of different shades of greenery, bright colors and gray stones, help to see the beauty of the surrounding world.

Observation progress

1. Monitoring alpine slide in autumn.

Educator: - Guys, let's bypass our alpine slide, let's count,

how many corners are there

Children: Four.

Educator: - Why do you think it is called slide, not just

Children: Do not have elevation.

Educator: - Why on slide large stones laid out?

(children's assumptions).

Educator: -The stones are laid so that the composition looks beautiful.

Large stones warm up well, retain heat for a long time, therefore

thermophilic plants live well near them. Alpine slide

very well warmed up by the sun, so the snow does not melt in the first

turn, and we are waiting for the first flowers to appear.

Educator: -Guys, when you go to kindergarten in the morning, many of you

lead parents to alpine slide, go around e several times,

showing your mom beautiful flowers. Do you like to admire alpine


Children: Yes.

Educator: -But it's not enough to admire the beauty of plants, you still need to know them, be able to

take care of them and take care of them.

Pay attention to the graceful shape of a stone rose or rejuvenated - a succulent from the genus tolstyanka, an absolutely unpretentious plant, which will not be difficult to care for either on the site or at home. Due to its ability to adapt to any conditions, it is also called "tenacious".

This is a resident on our slides... See how delicate this flower is against the background of stones.

Following the young, the WOOL PURE blooms - this is a perennial plant with thick oblong leaves that taper towards the base. They seem to be covered with light gray down, which makes them especially attractive and decorative. No wonder the perennial is popularly called "hare ears".

The flowers are small, lilac or lilac-pink, in dense spike-shaped inflorescences located on long peduncles. The woolly Chisel blooms in June-September. Because the peduncles are long, they often lie down from the rain. To make the plant look decorative, it is better to cut the peduncles in advance, at the stage of budding.

Indispensable for woolly cleaners Alpine roller coaster... This gray and fluffy perennial is a godsend when creating borders. In addition, the woolly chisel serves as an excellent background for other plants.

At the end of May, against the background of brown earth, the PETUNIA bush looks very gentle. We love the multicolored color of the flower and the bright green of the leaves. Petunia is thermophilic, especially during the young period. When watering, they grow well, but they do not tolerate stagnant water in the soil

In the cracks between the stones, the SEDUM FLOWING comfortably settled down.

Creeping sedum is a short, herbaceous plant that forms a dense carpet on the surface of the earth thanks to its short stems, which are covered with tiled, ovoid, ciliate leaves at the edges, which are green at a young age, and later become with a noticeable reddish tint. In April, light yellow flowers appear, which are visible on the plant until mid-June.

The flowering and development of these perennial plants will occur much better if a little crushed limestone, gravel, sand and peat are added to the planting soil. When planting saxifrage, provide them with a good drainage system, as a large amount of moisture can cause plant death.

Also on our slides located MOLOCHAY KIPARISOVY

Cypress spurge is a perennial herb; Grows in pine forests, on slopes, hills, fallow lands, fields, weedy places and sandy soils. Perennial plant 15-30 cm tall, grayish green. The flowers are fragrant, the leaves are yellowish with a purple tinge. Blooms in May-June, in autumn - again. Location: grows well in open or slightly shaded areas. If planted in a shady place, there will be many shoots, but flowering will be poor.


"THESE Mysterious Stones"

purpose: To develop the cognitive activity of children by the method of experimentation in the process of getting to know stones for alpine slide.

Course of the lesson:


Guys guess the riddle

In mom's earrings, he burns with fire.

In the dust on the road lies unnecessary.

It changes shape, it changes color,

And in construction it is good for a thousand years.

It can be small -

lie in the palm.

Heavy, big -

one cannot lift.

Who, children, guessed my riddle?

Who recognized this subject by signs?

Children. A rock

Educator... That's right guys. I want to introduce you to the stones that are on our alpine slide... See how many stones are on it. They are all so different. Each is good in its own way. What stones do you see?

Children: Stones are smooth, different shapes - oval and round, hard, cold.

Educator... Do you think stone is harder than wood? How can we check this. (maybe some items from the table will help us) - an experiment is carried out - to drive a nail into a stone and a block of wood. What happened? (The nail went into the wood, but it is impossible to drive into the stone.) Well, could we drive a nail into the stone? What's wrong with the nail? How did the stone behave? (Answers) What conclusion can be drawn?

Children. Stone is harder than wood.

Educator... Cobblestone is a common natural stone. This stone is most often oval in shape, which is acquired under the influence natural conditions and mechanical stress. Cobblestone is called boulder stone. This is a non-metallic material. Most often, cobblestone is used as a decorative element in landscape design... The pavements paved with this stone are beautiful and durable.

Cobblestone application

The decorative properties of the cobblestone are appreciated by the designers. Paths in the courtyard, the walls of a pool or an artificial reservoir, paved with cobblestones, will delight with their beauty and practicality for many years.

This stone can be used to decorate fences, wells, large terrariums and aquariums, stairs. In combination with other types of natural stones, you can create unique mosaics. Cobblestone is strong and durable in use. Stones of the correct rounded shape, as a rule, are in great demand.

Educator: I wonder how stone and wood will behave in water? (In front of the children a vessel with water, the opportunity is given to lower the tree into the water. Then lower the stone into the water. What happened? (A stone sinks, it is heavier than water; A tree floats, it is lighter than water)

Now let's get the stone out of the water. What has he become? (Wet) Compare with the stone on the napkin. What is the difference? (Color. Wet stone is darker)

Do you think where else besides the sea and the river can you see stones? (on the road, in the forest, in the aquarium, in the mountains)

Do you think a person needs a stone? Does a person use a stone for his needs? How? (Answers-assumptions)

physical minutes

We went along the path and found a lot of stones.

So we went to the right, we found gray stones,

So we went to the left, found colorful pebbles,

And under slide let's go - they found white stones,

They all brought them with them.

Educator: Here's how many interesting things we learned about the cobblestone.

Guys, there are still a lot of other interesting stones on earth, which you can learn about from your parents, educators, from educational books and TV shows.


Educator: Today we will go to visit the inhabitants of the underground country.

Trains don't go to this country

And the plane doesn't fly there.

How do we get to this country?

A country to reach by hand!

Soil is the topmost, fertile layer of the earth.

How is the soil renewed? Where does she get the strength to "Feed" so many different plants? Who helps her to stay fertile?

A slice of the earth's surface.

It turns out that under our feet, in the soil, an enormous number of various animals live. They all work to create a fertile layer of the earth. Some recycle the remains of living organisms that enter the soil - they grind, crush, oxidize, decompose into constituent substances and create new compounds. Others mix the incoming substances with the soil. Still others lay collector passages that provide water and air to the soil.

Earthworm. A very important job for the worm. He makes the soil!

Earthworms carry the earth out of the lower soil layers, constantly mixing humus with mineral particles. Moves of earthworms make it easier for plant roots to penetrate deep into the soil.

Eating dead plants, worms process them into a product fertile for the earth.

The work of earthworms in nature is very important!

But not only worms make the soil, other inhabitants of the underground country help them ...

Ants play a large role in soil life.

Building anthills, they mix different layers of soil, loosen it.

For 8 - 10 years in the area of \u200b\u200btheir activity ants completely replace the topsoil

Mole. He spends almost his entire life underground. The head, immediately passing into the body, resembles a wedge, with which the mole expands its moves, pushes the earth loosened on the sides, loosened by its paws, which have turned into a kind of shoulder blades. The short, soft coat allows it to move forward and backward with ease. The mole-galleries, laid by him, stretch for hundreds of meters. For the winter, moles go deep into the depths, where the ground does not freeze, following their prey - earthworms, larvae and other invertebrate inhabitants of the soil.


Burrows of burrowing rodents - marmots, mole voles, mole rats, ground squirrels, jerboas, voles - also contribute to a change in the composition of the soil.

On fertile soils, there is always bright and abundant vegetation.

The fields give rich harvests.

Nothing living can live without mother earth, it's not for nothing that our planet, our common home is called Earth

Educator - That's how many new and interesting things we learned today.


ONCE - and I will become the Earth, -

Look at what I am.

Very strong, very strong

Very kind and great.

Two - and in a moment I will become clay,

On your boots to the pier,

If it's raining in the yard -

Do not walk on me!

Three - now I'm a quick hill

Very yellow and free flowing

Careful people, be

If you are not on a camel!

And four - we are stones,

Strong guys.

And to throw us in the window, Nobody needs it.

Five - I am the soil - the top layer,

All herbs are friends with me

Both trees and bushes

Worms, beetles, moles.

I say to everyone living:

"Honor your mother!"

Our round planet is called EARTH,

All living under the sun

We are brothers and we are friends!

Didactic games to introduce children to plants alpine slide.


Purpose of the game: name the plant after its description.

Game action: search for plants by description of distinctive features.

The rule: you can name a plant only by description.

Equipment: 3-4 plants growing on the territory of the kindergarten, eg: petunia, pansies, tradescantia, etc.

Game progress: educator describes plants so that children can clearly see the features of each of them. Children listen carefully to the story educator... Then he invites one of the guys to show the plant and name it.


Purpose of the game

Game actions: guessing and guessing riddles about plants.

rules: you can name a plant only after describing its distinctive features. Describe in the accepted order.

Game progress: Plants stand in their usual places. Educator invites one of the children to choose one of them and describe it in such a way that all the children know and can say what kind of plant it is. The teacher reminds preschoolers the sequence descriptions: First of all, it must be said whether there is a trunk and branches. Then remember what they are (stand upright, curl, hang down, thin or thick, describe the leaves, their shape, surface (smooth, not smooth, color (dark, light green, variegated, with stripes, specks)... Next, you need to dwell on whether there are flowers, how many of them are on the pedicel, how they are painted. When the children guess the plant, you can invite them to find in group room of representatives of plants of this species.


Purpose of the game: a competition to find a plant by name faster.


rules: having found a plant, you need to explain how you recognized it.

Game progress: plants (several species of the same family) stand in their permanent places. The teacher tells all children: “I will name a houseplant, and you have to find it, show it and tell on what basis you have identified it. Whoever does it faster will get a chip. At the end of the game, we assign to the one who scores more chips rank: "Nature Connoisseur".

Note: This game is familiar to older preschoolers (they played in middle group) ... Then the game included 3-4 plants with sharply distinctive features. In senior and preparatory group for school the child is asked to find a plant from 8-10 and indicate the characteristic feature by which he identified it.


purpose: exercise in knowledge of the growing conditions of indoor plants.

Material: pictures of indoor plants, illustrations of different growing conditions (jungle, swamp, desert).

Game progress: the teacher remindsthat in nature, different plants grow in different conditions: in a hot jungle, near water, in dry deserts, and offers to put pictures of indoor plants to pictures with their places of growth.


purpose: Develop tactile sensations, attention, memory.

Methodology: Each child chooses the stone he likes best from the collection (if this game is played on the street, he finds it, carefully examines it, remembers the color, touches the surface. Then all the stones are put into one pile and mixed. The task is to find your stone.


It might be useful to read: