Presentation on the topic "modes of transport". Presentation on the topic "modes of transport" Modern modes of transport presentation

Svetlana Obukhova
Presentation for classes on the topic "Transport"

Good day, colleagues, who came to my page! I offer you visual material that can be successfully used on occupations to familiarize yourself with the world around, for the development of speech and thinking, in speech therapy games, for the development of logical thinking.

Kinds transport for children - a fascinating, interesting topic, introducing them to their classification, telling about the features and purpose of each variety. At the same time, the task of the teacher is not only to conduct a conversation, but also to consolidate the information received through various games.

The full development of babies is carried out through familiarity with the world around them. Children are interested in such questions as: what happens transportwhy people need it. Introducing preschoolers to transport classification forms in them new knowledge about various types, their characteristics, purpose, enriches vocabulary, consolidates the generic concept " transport". In addition, a detailed consideration of this topic allows you to learn the next:

Compare different species transport, because it is important for children to be able to find common and distinctive signs;

Combine them into groups based on common grounds, classify them.

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Purpose: To give children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe types of transport. Note the salient features of the transport. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the road and the rules of behavior on it. Develop attention, memory, thinking. To develop the speech of children, to activate the dictionary: nouns: pedestrian, crossing; adjectives: pedestrian; verbs: rides. Teach children through playful images of the rules of behavior in public transport. Objectives: Teach children to designate the word transport for various cars and name the main parts of transport. To form the ability to take on a role and perform role-playing actions in game activities. To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of conduct on the roadway. Material: Toy cars, pictures of vehicles and animals. Game situation "Bus for animals".

Cognitive - speech Social - personal Artistic - aesthetic Physical development Communication WalkCognitionReading art. letter. Social ization Labor Safety Hood. creative MusicPhysical culture.D.I. “Right - wrong about”, “Who will call you more”, “Collect cars”. S.r.i. "Auto bus". Observation of cargo and passenger transport, similarities and differences. Mobile game "Steam zik", "Tr amway". "Passengers rsky transport"; "Freight transport"; “Specialized transport”; “How transport helps us. Construction: "Car door". IN AND. Miryasov "Passenger car". B. Zakhoder "Chauffeur". V.I. Miryasov "Bus", "Trolley mustache". Memorizing a poem. Communication situation: “What do I know about transport”; "Fire truck". Imitation game: "I am a chauffeur"; S.r.i. "We are going to grandmother e". To foster interest in life and work of adults, to tell children about professions they understand (chauffeur), to expand and enrich about work activities. Imitation game "I am a machine". Communication situation “How I rode the bus.” D. and. "Children for a Walk." Drawing "Remove the wheels for the car", "Rail for a steam locomotive" Application "Wagon" .Le pka "Svetofor". M. Rauchverger era "Sparrow and the car". E. Tilichevoy, N. Found th "Airplane". Learn to start walking on a signal. To cultivate endurance in perfecting the ability to move in a certain direction. Hardened according to the scheme. Content of works on transport

Types of transport

Nadezhda Sergeevna Kopytova

Educator MKDOU kindergarten №4


There was a bright blue bus, they let everyone in and out,

He decorated the city with himself,

The townspeople charmed ...


The tram chimes loudly:

The month of May is outside the window.

I sit and compose

Ode to the May tram


Scheme metro looks a little like a multi-colored "centipede". Only, in truth, each "leg" - For an electric train, a rail is a track.


I am a trolleybus, transport is smart Fast and almost silent.

I don't knock on rails, I spin with wheels,

I do without gasoline, I work for you all day.

What a trouble!

The light is off, -

I can't move without light!


The truck is a serious guy!

More important, perhaps,

Than a car

Cargo is carried by a truck

He is not used to being lazy.

Dump truck

Once I looked into the yard

And suddenly I saw a dump truck!

Such a beautiful dump truck! Seryozha, a friend was holding him.

Here's another picture

And she has a car

But not a freight car.

Here is the trunk

here is the salon-

This is a small carriage.

Here is the hood, and there is the motor,

The chauffeur will start it.

Fire engine

The fire truck is red.

Come on, think, why do you need this? Then, so that everyone, seeing, run

To the side and go would not interfere with her.


Step aside! Make way! Make way! An ambulance car is flying to the rescue.

The sentry's order: “Stop! No move! Only for "Ambulance" Green light!

Post machine

Blue car with a white stripe. She delivers mail in summer and winter. There are many magazines, letters and newspapers in her. And she's lucky you a fiery "hello"!

Police car

The police car flashes a blue eye to us

And her siren sound can be heard far around.


Who is boldly raking the heaps over the torn up earth? This little bulldozer evens everything with its nose!


This tractor is very strong , Not afraid of pits and bumps. Today he helped us get home without roads.


Lived at a construction site Crane Lifting, Build a large concrete house. He lived very merrily. He did not get bored or grieve. Crane loved his job. In the morning he got up willingly! I washed, drank coffee And went to the construction site!


Rides, rides locomotive Past the trees and birches, Past the morning fields, Past the red bullfinches. Past oak and pine, Past summer and spring. Chukh, chukh, chukh, chukh, chukh puffs And knocks the wheels. Whistling loudly to-tu-tu, Disperse the kids. He carries passengers here and there through the cities.

Electric train

I ride on rails too, and I look like a train. only you can't go to sleep. a very short way! just sitting by the window, if tired take a little nap. but not for long, otherwise you will drive past the dacha! the train has a sister - a high-speed train ...


Thunder is heard from afar, there are no clouds in the sky yet. This is dispersing the fluff Train rushes: chug - chug - chug!


The sun is golden in the sky. A large bird flies upward, Covering the sun with its wing in the blue sky. This bird - plane He took flight


Rotary-winged bully, We got a hurricane. He raised such a storm that they flew straight to the clouds


In the sky fat between the clouds. The airship is passing by.

This is the best - the best. Guided ship.


Here, under the rainbow, the rocket Soared to the heavens. And I will build the same rocket myself.

A boat

It is a miracle if the raft across the Ocean, and, of course, for boats Better to choose the short path.


From the letters I assembled the word KATER. We can go for a ride, by the way: there is a RIVER in the word KATER. I hit the road: "Bye!"


Steam - steam steamer !!! He swam in the sea for a year, He glided boldly along the waves, Keeping skillfully on the water! He saw different countries, Both seas and oceans, Islands and shores, Palms, sun and snow.


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