Sverdlovsk region. Press service of the gu fsin for the sverdlovsk region

In Irbit, the investigation of the criminal case of Igor Kroshnyakov, who headed the local pre-trial detention center No. 2, continues. Let us remind you that this spring the Portal website reported that they were performing auxiliary work. Then the head of the pre-trial detention center became a defendant in a criminal case of abuse of power.

However, according to the sources of the Portal website, in the Kroshnyakov case appeared additional article accusations. Investigators found a working Shpagin submachine gun (PPSh) on a high-ranking FSIN officer. According to preliminary information, Kroshnyakov acquired it from unidentified persons in Yekaterinburg. Thus, the head of the pre-trial detention center became accused under the article on illegal arms trafficking.

Press service of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Sverdlovsk Region:

According to the portal site, Kroshnyakov kept a copy of the PPSh, which today can be purchased without any problems at specialized stores, equipped for firing cartridges.

Press service of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Sverdlovsk Region:

According to the portal site, at the moment Kroshnyakov is on sick leave and is actively collecting information about his numerous diseases.

It is noteworthy that the case of the head of the SIZO Irbit became a stage of the apparatus struggle that unfolded between the team of the retired ex-head of the Sverdlovsk Federal Penitentiary Service, Sergei Khudorozhkov, and his successor, the interim head of the department, Sergei Patronov. According to an insider of the Portal site, Kroshnyakov is considered close to the leader of the Khudorozhkov team - the deputy head of the Sverdlovsk Federal Penitentiary Service Vasily Shipitsin. Patronov is making efforts to replace most of the current employees of the head office of the Sverdlovsk Federal Penitentiary Service. However, for now I have to experience serious opposition from the old team. This, for example, explains the insider's protracted investigation into the Kroshnyakov case.

The activities of the security departments of the Russian penitentiary system dates back to the 90s of the last century. By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 455 of December 15, 1992, security departments were created in correctional colonies, which included a duty unit and a supervision group.

One of the most important tasks assigned to the employees of the security departments is to ensure reliable isolation of convicts, the functions of organizing constant supervision of convicts, preventing violations of the detention regime on their part, adherence to the daily routine and regime requirements.

Thanks to the work of the employees of the security department of IK-19 (Tavda) of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Sverdlovsk Region, the situation in the institution remains stable and controlled.

In a solemn atmosphere, the head of IK-19 congratulated the employees. Having wished health and well-being, Colonel of the Internal Service Nikolai Kryukov thanked all the employees who devoted their lives to such a difficult and sometimes dangerous work.

For exemplary service in the penal system, achieving high results in performance the employees of the security departments were given gratitude, and the most distinguished ones were awarded with jubilee medals "25 years to the security departments of the UIS" and certificates of honor.

On December 15, IK-47 (Kamensk-Uralsky) hosted a solemn event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the security departments of the penal system. Acting head of the institution, Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service Igor Batrakov and the Deputy Head of the colony, Major of the Internal Service Yuri Khabibulin, congratulated the security department employees on this anniversary date, thanked for the service, noting the particular importance of the activities of this unit in general structure penitentiary system. Also, a congratulatory telegram was read from the head of the GUFSIN of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region, Colonel of the Internal Service Alexander Vasilyevich Shek.

For his great contribution to the development of the penal system, Major of the Internal Service Yuri Khabibulin was awarded certificate of honor GUFSIN. Three more employees of the security department were marked with thanks from the leadership of the GUFSIN of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region. In addition, a number of employees are encouraged by the rights of the head of the institution. At the end of the event, employees of the security department of IK-47 were awarded commemorative medals dedicated to the anniversary date.

On December 15, a festive event was held in PKU KP-59 in honor of the 25th anniversary of the formation of the units of the UIS security department. The head of the institution congratulated the employees of the security department who distinguished themselves for 2017, handed Thanksgiving letters, and to the employees who served 10 years, he was awarded medals "For Distinction in Service" III degree. The PKU KP-59 employees were presented with a patriotic video about service in the penitentiary system, as well as a KVN video with the performance of the FSIN team.

On December 15, a solemn meeting was held at KP-66 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the creation of the security departments of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. In addition, on a holiday for all institutions of the penitentiary system, a young employee of an ordinary internal service, Gleb Vagin, who entered the service in KP-66, took the oath before the leadership and personnel of the institution.

After the solemn ceremony of taking the oath, the KP-66 employees were awarded. In a solemn atmosphere, the Acting Chief of KP-66, Major of the Internal Service Vladimir Anatolyevich Achkasov presented the best employees jubilee medals "25 years to the security departments of the UIS of Russia", badges, ceramic mugs with the UIS symbols. As Vladimir Achkasov noted: "in the institutions of the GUFSIN, regardless of the position held, the main task of each employee is to ensure safety, compliance with the procedure established by law."

After the solemn meeting, photographs of the employees took place.

In KP-45 (Kamyshlovsky municipal district) The GUFSIN of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region began preparations for the sowing campaign. It is planned to sow barley, wheat, oats, perennial herbs clover, alfalfa; the soil is also being prepared for planting vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage).

On May 9, a celebration of the Victory Day in Velikaya Patriotic War and celebration of the day of the UIS operative with the presentation of gifts, games and various other entertainments.

May 8 - a solemn event dedicated to the celebration of the 74th anniversary of the Day of the Great Victory of the Soviet people and the Great Patriotic War was held. The main guests of the holiday were the home front worker Sergey Georgievich Chudinov, pensioners and veterans of the UIS, Chairman of the Council of Veterans Alexander Mikhailovich Stupin. The employees of the institution prepared a festive concert. Warm words of gratitude and appreciation were addressed to the honored guests, and they were also presented with gifts and flowers. On May 9, employees of IK-55 took part in a solemn Parade, held under the leadership of the chairman of the Council of Veterans of IK-55, Colonel Alexander Mikhailovich Stupin. Before the Parade, employees of the institution traditionally laid a pine garland at the monument to the soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War.

On May 8, a solemn event dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War was held in IK-54 of the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service for the Sverdlovsk Region. Veterans of the institution, children of the war, as well as home front worker Valentina Vasilievna Derbeneva were invited to the solemn event.

According to the already established tradition in the Department for Escort (Pervouralsk) of the GUFSIN of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region, the employees of the Department put in order the burial place of the soldier Mikhail Tatarchenkov. Recall that the burial place of a soldier of the Great Patriotic War, private 375th rifle regiment Mikhail Vasilyevich Tatarchenkov, in the village of Treki, 60 kilometers from the city of Pervouralsk. Mikhail Tatarchenkov, along with his comrades in arms, died on February 2, 1942 in the village of Optyakhino, Rzhevsky district of the Tver region (during the war, Kalinin) during the assault on the German fortification. For two years in a row, the employees of the Criminal Code have been patronizing the burial place, visiting the grave of the previously "unknown soldier".

Victory Day - Day of Military Glory of Russia - is one of the most revered holidays in Russia, of which we are a part. Traditionally, in the village of Sosva celebrations dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day. In the park of Memory, enough residents of Sosva gathered to celebrate the 74th anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazi Germany, to pay tribute to those who survived the hardships and hardships of the Great Patriotic War. LIU-23 employees were also present at the celebration.

On May 10, an interesting event was organized for the children of employees and their families in the Kirovgrad educational colony of the GUFSIN of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region. First, the children were shown the standard armament of the security department employees, protective equipment - body armor. The staff of the canine group of the security department demonstrated the places of detention, care and equipment of the dog service in the service dog breeding town. The elements of the general training course are shown, and the children are given the opportunity, accompanied by the dog handler, to perform the elements of the OKD. The culmination of the day was a demonstration performance of firefighting equipment by employees of a separate post of the departmental fire department Kirovgrad VK. Watch the video

In the city of Pervouralsk, the best officers, warrant officers and sergeants of the Escort Department of the GUFSIN took part in a solemn procession on May 9 in the city of Pervouralsk on the square, solemn events took place in honor of the 74th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The solemn procession was attended by employees of the Escort Department of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Sverdlovsk Region. After the chiming clock on the central square of the city of Pervouralsk, the first to pass the Znamennaya group of the Criminal Code of the GUFSIN, headed by the captain of the internal service Skladnev Oleg. The parade crew of the Escort Department included 48 people - the best officers, warrant officers and sergeants. Also, the separately deployed 5th escort department (dislocation-g. Ivdel) became part of the parade crew of the employees of the penitentiary institutions in the city of Ivdel.

We express our gratitude to the team female colony, personally to the head of IK-16 in Krasnoturinsk, Sverdlovsk region, Colonel of the Internal Service Vladimir Dmitrievich Gorkin, Deputy Head of the institution supervising educational work, Shagelman Marina Valentinovna, Deputy Head of the institution in charge of operational safety issues, Esaulkov Yevgeny Viktorovich, Deputy Head of the institution supervising the service protection, to Sergey Vasilievich Smirnov for their work. Our female relatives with disabilities are serving their sentences in your colony. We have developed good impression about life in the colony. These are the stories of our loved ones, this is our personal impression. We were able to attend the open day and personally see how everything is organized for staying in the colony for the disabled. This is the merit of the head of the colony, who managed to organize his team so that women with disabilities do not feel deprived of attention. They are all different, everyone needs an individual approach, which could be provided by the head of the operational department Stenina Yekaterina Aleksandrovna, the head of the security department Aliyev Seymur Ayaz-oglu. There are employees in your department who show example, mercy and humanism. Under your leadership, the conditions of detention in a secure facility for disabled people have changed significantly. During the open day, we saw that conditions for comfortable living have been created for convicted women with disabilities - this is a separate block. We see how active work for the improvement of the territory, the leisure of convicts. We are grateful to the deputies of the DPNK Maria Anatolyevna Makhneva, Irina Aleksandrovna Degen, Yulia Sergeevna Gizyatova and Olesya Aleksandrovna Veyer, the head of detachment 2 for educational work where Olga Ivanovna Charykova is kept. Many thanks for the responsible execution of our job responsibilities, their tolerance and attention, an individual approach to each convict. Women with a serious illness are serving their sentences in the colony. And it turns out to be Special attention: the ability to pass the examination on time, receive medication and sanitary supervision. This is a great merit of the head of the health center, Marina Pavlovna Trishina. We are grateful to the staff of the CDS Irina Nikolaevna, Natalya Anatolyevna, inspectors Oksana Viktorovna, Dina Vladimirovna, Irina Sergeevna and Irina Aleksandrovna. Employees of the colony will always help relatives when handing over parcels, arranging short-term and long-term visits, not counting it as work, so as not to create long queues. Whenever we come, they are always at work: sometimes they have short dates, sometimes long ones, sometimes programs, sometimes open days. In general, they work tirelessly. The schedule is busy and it requires a lot of attention. They understand us well, so they are sympathetic. Yes, they are strict, but fair, because they observe law and order. On behalf of the relatives of convicted women with disabilities, we express our deep heartfelt gratitude to all employees for their objectivity in their work and their sensitivity to people in places of detention. We sincerely wish the staff of IK-16 health and success.


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