Lesson crafts from origami with a presentation. Presentation "Magic Art - Origami" presentation on the topic. Origami in elementary school

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Origami -Istemes of folding paper, without scissors and glue. "ORI" translated from the Japanese "fold", "Kami" - "paper".

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Origami history

The art of origami is rooted in the ancient China, where the paper was opened.

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Opening paper

The manufacture of paper is usually associated with the name of the Chinese Tsai Luna and refer to 105 of our era. Gradually, the paper got to Japan.

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Master Origami Akira Yoshizawa

He was born on March 14, 1911 in a large family. Since childhood, origami was seriously fond of origami. He often visited other countries where lecture read and gave Origami lessons. His exhibition in 1955 in Amsterdam introduced Europeans with origami and became the beginning of the spread of this art in Europe. The master visited our country in 1978, was in Moscow, Leningrad, Nakhodka. He was the president of the International Origami Center.

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Akira Yoshizawa

Akira Yoshizawa left our world on March 14, 2005 in a hospital in a roast, in his 94th birthday. He left behind the great heritage in the field of origami and students in Japan. In Russia, the only student of the Great Sensei is Zoya Mikhailovna Chashchikhina - President of the Moscow Children's Origami Center

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Akira Yoshizawa and Zoya Mikhailovna Chashchikina

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    Origami signs

    Akira Yoshizawa was put into practice most of the conditional signs in the middle of the XX, but they still enjoy.

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    Basic forms

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    Origami value for child development

    Teaches children to various techniques for working with paper, such as bending, multiple folding, cutting, bonding. Develops in children in children the ability to work with their hands, tears to the exact movements of the fingers, they are improved by the small motorcycle of the hands, the development of the eyelaver. He teaches the concentration of attention, as it makes focus on the process of making crafts, teaches to follow oral instructions. Stimulates the development of memory, since the child to make a craft must remember the sequence of its manufacture, techniques and methods of folding.

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    He introduces children with basic geometric concepts: a square, triangle, angle, side, top, etc., while enriching the child's dictionary with special terms. Develops spatial imagination - teaches reading drawings for which the figures fold and represent the products in the volume, it helps the development of drawing skills, since the schemes of the products of the products need to be sketched. Develops the artistic taste and creative abilities of children, activates their imagination and fantasy.

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    Promotes the creation of play situations, expands the communicative abilities of children. Improves work skills, forms labor culture, teaches accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use the material, keep working in the order. Much attention in teaching origami is given to the creation of plot-thematic compositions in which products made in Origami technique are used.

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    Children's work

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    Origami - Giants

    On October 30, 1995, a Japanese crane from a square with a side of 33 meters was folded in the town of Maibashi Gunma Prefecture.

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    The most compact zhuravlik

    Another famous Japanese Zhuravlik was complicated by Dr. Watanaba from Nagat's Japanese. His tiny size shakes: the square went the square with a side of only 1 millimeter! When working, needles and microscope were used.

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    Quantitative records

    There are records whose scale is striking. In December 1994, Eveline Gerard from Canada folded three thousand paper butterflies. An ordinary macquulature was used as the material. In 1995, there was exactly half a century after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. On this day, 200 thousand cranes were folded by Japanese origamists, on each of which the author's name was applied and the wish of the world.

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    Japanese Zhuravlik

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    Japanese legend

    Ancient Japanese legend says that if folded from paper a thousand cranes, a desire will be fulfilled. Some people do it - they buy special squares of paper squares and birds are doing clock. Are there really wishes to be fulfilled? The secret of ancient legend is to fold figures not yourself, but to give them around others and get a thousand smiles in response. Then new friends will appear, and with their help really and wishes are often executed!

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    Sokolova S.V. "Origami for senior preschoolers" S.-Petersburg "Childhood-Press" Sergeantova T.B. "366 Origami models" Moscow "Irispress" pictures http://images.yandex.ru/ http://www.origami.kulichki.ru/modules.

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    Presentation by the composite of MOU "SOSH №1 R.P. New Brouots Novobuhasky District of Saratov Region »Kirsanova G.A.

    See all slides

    "The Magic World - Origami"

    Amounted to:

    primary school teacher

    Brecheova Julia Stanislavovna

    MBOU "School №38" (branch)

    "Stop in amazement before beauty,

    and in your heart will also bloom beauty. " Sukhomlinsky V.A.

    Mysterious world of paper converting. Here are all the sizes, wizards, magicians. They create fairy tales with their own hands, and the world is wonderful name origami.

    Literal translation of the word. Origami - "To fold paper" . Professional craftsmen are called origamistami .

    Their products can be called a real work of art.

    Creating paper figures resembles this magic - gradually an ordinary sheet of paper turns into a beautiful figure.

    This art has long stepped over the boundaries of its

    motherland - Japan, having gained widespread

    in many countries,

    where various representative exhibitions are held, organized

    Origami centers.

    The art of origami is developing imagination, spatial thinking, attention, fantasy, patience.

    The masters say that if a person once joined the amazing Origami world, he will remain his fan forever.

    Origami - one of the most affordable arts,

    after all, in order to fold the figure required

    only a piece of paper.

    Classic (Simple) Origami

    This kind of origami is the easiest performed. It is usually familiar with the techniques of folding paper figures, classic origami can rightly be considered origami for beginners.

    Modular origami

    This type of origami is distinguished by the fact that

    will be made not from one or two sheets

    paper, and from individual identical triangular elements (modules).

    It turned out that small paper triangles pay fiction capabilities.

    Origami Pattern

    Pattern is a very unusual technique for folding figures from a sheet of paper.

    The pattern is one of the most complex origami species.

    "What is origami?"

    "What is origami?" I asked the question my mom. And she replied: "This is a whole country!" There are wonderfully born birds, beasts and flowers. There mysteriously, as in the fairy tale, all the dreams come true. And then I decided: this is a miracle - I will always love origami!

    You are in the fabulous kingdom of paper figurines you will learn to know good, confident And many different gifts of pleasant You can give native and friends.

    Dear Guys!

    Surprise your friends and close to simple and complex beautiful souvenirs-crafts in Origami technique.

    This is the joy of creativity, which elevates the soul of man.

    I have long been looking in love with my eyes.

    On the ancient art - origami. It does not need wizards and magicians,

    There is nothing to wise here,

    And you just need to take a piece of paper

    And try to fold something. Dolido TA


    • Relevance The origami use in the educational process is primarily of course related to the possibility of using it as a means of developing small motility hands. The use of origami provides a good finger training, contributes to the development of movements of the brush, develops accuracy, coordination of small finger movements. As you know, all this stimulates the development of speech in children.
    • Much should know and be able to children entering school life. Prepare a child to this important point in life will help Origami. It is not only an exciting way to leisure, but also a means of solving many pedagogical problems.

    • As an educator I see the relevance of this topic at the present stage in the preparation of a schoolboy to a letter. In school at the first stage of training, children often experience difficulties with a letter: quickly tired hand is lost working line, it does not work correctly writing letters. These difficulties are determined by the undeveloped shallow motors of the fingers and the insufficient formation of visual motor coordination. All this can lead to a negative attitude towards studying, an alarming state of a child at school. Therefore, in preschool age, it is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering the letter, to create conditions for the accumulation of motor and practical experience, developing handmade skills.
    • I believe that the art of origami is buried great opportunities for the development of creative abilities of children.

    • 1. Developing in children with small motors of the fingers of hand, which has a positive effect on the speech zones of the cerebral cortex, sensory perception, eyelace, logical thinking, imagination.
    • 2. To know the children with basic formations origami.
    • 3. To learn technical techniques and methods for creating various crafts.
    • 4. Form the ability to follow oral instructions, work on the scheme.
    • 5. Education of volitional qualities: perfection, patience, diligence, ability to bring work to the end.
    • 6. Rail interest in designing paper.

    Organization of work circle

    • Conduct 1 time per week
    • Duration: 25-30 min
    • Children: 12
    • The form of organizing children's activities at the classroom: front-axis-one with all children.

    The necessary conditions of the circle work is:

    • a) the creation of opening schemes;
    • b) the possibility of demonstrating children's work;
    • c) Material for work: colored paper, scissors, glue;
    • e) literature, illustrations.

    Methods and techniques:

    • In the process of occupying, various methods and techniques are used: a verbal (conversation, story), showing a sample of a sequence of work, considering illustrations, practical (execution of work on instruction cards, schemes), providing individual aid.

    Origami history

    • Origami is the Japanese art of creating models of various objects, animals, birds, colors by flexing a sheet of paper. The only working material is paper. The only tool is hands. This unique occupation folded beautiful toys and geometric shapes with your own hands.
    • Origami was born in Japan many centuries ago. The word "origami" translated from the Japanese language means "folded paper" in the second half of the 19th century origami passed the border of Japan. Currently, origami is distributed in many countries of the world.
    • "ABC origami" is understandable to any person. Origami alphabet is a sequence of pictures with stages of folding figures.

    Estimated result:

    • In order to proceed with the first lesson, almost nothing is required - paper sheets. It is the availability of paper as a material and simplicity of its processing attract children, because if the figure does not work the first time, nothing should take another sheet and try again.
    • From the very beginning I introduced children with the concept of "basic form."
    • The manufacture of any origami figures begins with a certain billet - base form. Based on the knowledge of the basic formations of origami, all consistent work is to be built. Each form has its name-"Site, the door, a book, an envelope, a cake, sweetie, and others. The folding of each figure is devoted to a separate occupation, which begins with the definition of the motive and the goal of classes in the form of riddles, poems, question, conversations. The second part of the classes is the folding of the figure, and the third is the belling, the evaluation of the result.

    Basic Form Air Snake

    Basic triangle shape

    • Still origami primarily - the art designed to give people joy. Folding figures from paper turned out to be incredibly fascinating. Excellent lesson for everyone. Listed pluses of such hobbies for a long time. This is the development of motility, abstract thinking, prettiness, attention, concentration and coordination. And it's just interesting! Try - you will not regret!


    Slides: 40 Words: 1457 Sounds: 0 Effects: 75

    Origami - Japanese art of folding various figures of very thin paper. In mathematics there is its own beauty, as in painting and poetry. Acquaintance with modern science - Origameria. A little story. The history of origami is inextricably linked with the invention of paper. Humanity during its development invented many different materials for the letter. The Chinese made paper from bamboo stems. The secret of paper manufacturing has become known in Japan. The Japanese improved production technology. The best paper in Japan was done from the cortex of a silk tree. Ori and Kami: Ori - Paper, Kama - Folding. - origami.ppt.

    Origami in the world

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    Gallery of world masterpieces origami. Akira Yoshizawa (Japan). At sixteen, the first own work came. I took ideas for origami then, and now, from the surrounding world. So plants, people, musical instruments, ships, cars, animals have arisen. The mastery of a young origamist is growing rapidly. Alfredo Junta (Italy). Most Alfredo likes to fold and insect insects. Alfredo models are surprisingly alive, full of plastics and grace. Dave Brill (England). "I began to engage in the origami a little boy when I was six or seven years old. At that time, for every Christmas I received a new book of comics about the adventures of Rupert's bear. - Origami in the world.ppt

    Project Origami

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    Original about the world around us !!! In the interior of the class still there is no raisin ... Does the art have a nationality? Issues for independent student research: research results: presentation of a website booklet. Stages and work on the project, the timing of the conduct. 1 lesson. Formulation of the topic of the project and issues within the framework of independent student research - 10 minutes. Explanation of the requirements for work, viewing examples. 2 lesson. Search for information on the Internet on the topic of the project. Preparation of presentations. Protection of the results and conclusions. - Project Origami.ppt.

    Origami products

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    Master class "Modular origami". Purpose: Improving the professional level and exchange of experience in modular origami. 1.Cagini rectangle in half. 2. Sun and disintegration to schedule the middle line. Turn the mountain to yourself. 3. The edges of the edge to the middle. . 4. Transfer. 5. Raise the edges up. 7.Magnetic. 8.The showing small triangles on the outlined lines and raise the edges up. 9. Sognent in half. The resulting module has two corners and two pockets. How to connect modules with each other. Here is one of the possible examples of the connection: - Origami products.PPT

    Development of paper origami

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    Art origami. The goal of the work is to determine the value of origami for human development. Tasks: to get acquainted with the history of origami development; Master the technical techniques of origami. Origami is an ancient art of folding paper figures. Acquaintance with Origami should begin with ancient China. The first sheets of paper, folded in unusual figures appear first in the monasteries. Otherwise, I could not. Indeed, in the Japanese language, the concept of "God" and "paper" sounds the same, although they are designated by different hieroglyphs. It was Yoshidzawa that created the fact that today is called "Origaman ABC". - Development of origami.ppt.

    Art origami

    Slides: 17 words: 727 Sounds: 2 Effects: 34

    Origami. State educational institution Secondary school №858. Tasks. Purpose of work. Links and resources. Table of contents. What is origami? Origami history. Legend. Types of origami. Photo gallery. Exhibition of my work. Master class: "Origami - Frog." Conclusions. There are wonderfully born birds, beasts and flowers. The word origami is folded from two hieroglyphs: Ori - "Paper" and Kami - "Folding". At the dawn origami was used in temple rites. Some noble families even used origami as coat of arms and print. Lines and arrows. Specifying signs. - Art origami.ppt.

    Origami as art

    Slides: 9 Words: 305 Sounds: 0 Effects: 85

    Origami. Optional lesson in mathematics in grade 5. A little about the history of the occurrence. Origami - Japanese art of folding paper. Origami arose in the Heian era (794-1185). Origami appeared as ceremonial art. Europe met Origami in 1853. Origami today. Modular origami is the manufacture of models from a certain number of uniform modules. Legend. Lines of previous folds. Sefibery. Bend and break. Disconnect paper layers. Extreme points to reduce one (central). Frog. Grasshopper. Turn over. Flashlight. Cut two identical squares. - origami as art.ppt

    Origami for children

    Slides: 10 Words: 138 Sounds: 0 Effects: 7

    Working with paper in Origami technology. Denisova Anna Aleksandrovna, primary school teacher №30. What we will make sure. Bear. Analysis of the sample work. What technology did all the work and figurines of animals are made? Symmetrical cutting. Topping. Origami. Applique. - origami for children.ppt

    Origami classes

    Slides: 27 Words: 891 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    "Fascinating game with paper and Japanese art origami." Purpose: develop curiosity to the environment. Improve the coordination of thin fingers. Stimulate the development of speech and mental processes. To acquaint with basic geometric concepts, form spatial orientation skills. Educating prudence and attentiveness. Develop creativity. Manual labor is a huge factor in the mental development of the child. Blonsky. Tasks: introductory lesson "Journey to the fairy tale of the cardboard kingdom, a paper state." Block number 3, November "Pets". - Origami classes.ppt

    Origami and geometry

    Slides: 15 words: 373 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Geometry and origami. Geometry is one of the most complex items at school. Origami - an ancient art of folding figures. Studying the conversion of a square sheet of paper. Some problems and objectives of modern geometry, such as gold. How to split a segment to equal parts. Origami encourages to study geometry along with arithmetic. The world of origami is extremely wide and diverse. Box. Basic forms. The creators of paper figures drew their own models from nature. Zhuravlik. - origami and geometry.ppt

    Origami for grade 3

    Slides: 15 words: 422 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Origami. How paper is used in art. Origami history. Origami was used in temple rites. Entertainment of the Japanese. Get acquainted with simple figures. Box. Boat. Questions. Dove. Crane. Frog. - origami for grade 3.PPT

    Origami in elementary school

    Slides: 28 Words: 757 Sounds: 1 Effects: 9

    Art origami. Origami. Origami history. Opening paper. Master Origami Akira Yoshizawa. Akira Yoshizawa. Akira Yoshizawa and Zoya Mikhailovna Chashichina. Origami signs. Basic forms. Legend. Origami value for the development of a child. He introduces children with basic geometric concepts. Promotes the creation of game situations. Children's work. Origami - Giants. The most compact crane. Quantitative records. Japanese crane. Japanese legend. - origami in elementary school.ppt

    Origami forms

    Slides: 16 Words: 256 Sounds: 0 Effects: 18

    What can be made from origami? Objectives: to master the technique of folding the main elements of origami. Teach the schemes with the help of conventional signs. Teach to fold the basic form origami. Tips for skillful handles. Exercises for the development of the main elements of folding. Exercise 1. Fold the square diagonally. Exercise 2. Fold square in half. Basic form origami. Pattern door. 3. Air Snake 4. Envelope. 5. Double triangle 6. Double square. 7. Fish 8. Catamaran. 9. Bird 10. Frog. Table 12. The turntable. Conclusion: classic figures. Water barrel turntable box steamer butterfly. - Origami form.ppt

    Origami Paper Schemes

    Slides: 33 words: 345 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Origami - work with paper in technology lessons. Origami is an amazing art of paper plastic born in Japan. Paper is one of the greatest inventions of humanity. The paper was born in the east, and it was there that the first paper figures appeared. Fire line "Valley", "on yourself". Fire line "From myself." Invisible, hidden line. Legend. Equal angles, equal segments, straight angle. Fold harmonica. Boat. Plane. Frog. Glass. Steamer. Butterfly. Water bombs. Turntable. Box. Dove. Zhuravlik. - Origami schemes.ppt.

    Origami clothing

    Slides: 13 Words: 249 Sounds: 0 Effects: 74

    Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity. Center for art education. Studio "Fashion Theater" Vasilisa ". Educational module "Basics of technology". Open occupation. The purpose of the lesson. Create a clothing model in Origami from colored paper. Types of casual wear. Special. Top. Lower. Workwear (jumpsuit, apron, bathrobe, etc.). Sports. Rest clothing. Special clothing for performances. Plant clothes. Porcelain clothing. Clothes made of paper. What is origami? Examples of work performed in paper origami. Is it possible to make costumes of paper in full size? - clothing origami.ppt.

    Origami dress

    Slides: 24 Words: 871 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Decorative card in Origami technique. Origami - the history of appearance. The history of the development and distribution of origami. Legends about origami. Origami in modern life. We will get acquainted with the technique of folding dresses. Square. Fold the square in half vertically and horizontally. Fold two vertical sides to the center from the wrong side. Turn over paper. Create a lines of the neck of the dress. We draw up the neck of the dress. Fold both sides. Expand the upper layers. Fold the paper in half. Take the top of the dress. We draw up the waist line. We draw up the sides line. Ready-made origami dress. -


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    Magic Art - Origami Educator GBDOU D / C No. 52 Lobacheva Yu.I.

    Origami- an ancient art of folding paper figures. "Ori" translated from Japanese to "fold", "Kami" - paper. The art of origami is rooted in ancient China, where the paper was invented. Originally, origami was used in religious rites. For a long time, this type of art was available only to representatives of higher estates, where a sign of good tone was the ownership of a folding technique from paper. ORIGAMI

    A little story Two thousand years ago, the Chinese invented the paper. At about the same, the art of origami appeared. But it is believed that the art of origami originated in Japan and it is even older than paper. The first origami figures arose from the art of drapery tissue in the manufacture of traditional Japanese clothing.

    The famous Japanese master origami Akira Yoshizawa came up with the "ABC origami". These are conditional signs and basic forms

    Basic forms

    Conditional signs

    Origami species

    Simple origami

    Modular origami

    Wet folding


    Origami from money

    Iron Origami Models

    Interesting facts The smallest Japanese crane was made of a square of only 1 mm. Giant crane made of square with sides of 33 meters!

    The value of origami - origami is developing fine motility hands. - Strengthens the attention and progress. - Origami classes are safe, because it does not need anything other than paper. - Developing creativity (you can show a whole theater with the help of Origami crafts) - develops memory, thinking, spatial imagination, intelligence - origami, harmoniously develops both hemispheres of the brain, the movement of the fingers becomes more accurate. After all, to get a beautiful figure, you need accuracy, attention, focus. (This is very important for those who study to write)

    What gives the child the origami classes to improve the coordination of fine movements of the fingers; patience and attentiveness; The development of the ability to clearly formulate the thought; learning elements of logical and abstract thinking; Development of ambitiousness, observation, memory and spatial design

    Production of crafts from paper: fascinates preschoolers; wakes baby imagination; brings joy to children, because in the hands of a child, the paper comes to life and in a matter of minutes turns into flowers, animals, birds, affecting the likelihood of their forms and intricateness of silhouettes; Developing creativity.

    Using origami in the modern world in architecture. In choreography. In artherapy. In the interior design. In theatrical activity. In various games. In the development of the child.

    Artistically - the aesthetic development of the child of the model made of colored paper give pleasure to their appearance, please the eye of the creator and the viewer.

    The acquisition of the child to the universal estimates of origami gives the opportunity to express their feelings close in the form of a gift made by hand

    The development of the speech of preschoolers origami contributes to the development of the speech of the child. After following him, he needs to tell her mother, grandmother, dad, friend, etc. The child repeatedly tells how he did, uses familiar terms. Children love to play with crafts, beating familiar works. Toys - origami provoke children to keep a dialogue, which serves as a stimulating factor for the development of dialogical speech.

    The development of spatial imagination, eyelasor, attention, memory in origami classes is automatically. Each action requires the participation of the eye, requires the participation of memory (remember how we did ...?), Attention (skipping the operation, do not know what to do next) and so on every lesson. But it is important that all this is hidden from the child, he just makes the crawl.

    Acquaintance with basic geometric concepts. Origami introduces children in practice with basic geometric concepts (angle, side, square, triangle, etc.), at the same time there is a vocabulary of the dictionary with special terms. Children learn to read the drawings, remember the conditional notation.

    Self-education stimulation The entrance of origami stimulates children to independent classes, searching together with parents on origami books, performing unfamiliar models or repetition of the home of interesting crafts. Often, children are carried away by origami, begin to engage in other types of creativity.

    Thanks for attention!


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