What is a home broom made of? Growing Sorghum for a Broom

Any person with a small plot of land will be able to grow an unusual culture of Sorghum, or as it is also called, brooms, Sorochinskoye millet. This plant in appearance resembles corn, especially leaves. But here are the fruits of it - grain harvested on peculiar panicles.

Grain is most often used for pet food. But the remaining stalks of grass are used to make brooms. Although modern inhabitants are increasingly switching to vacuum cleaners, brooms are still in demand today.

How much can you earn on this

In order to grow high-quality raw materials, it is necessary to follow the agricultural technique of growing sorghum. Thickened plantings will give thin twigs that are not suitable for knitting: they will break when pulled by wire or the bark of a young tree. For high-quality brooms with a thin handle and a lush base, you need to choose varieties of millet of a branchy group.

Sorghum is sown in the first half of May, when the earth is still wet. Leave between 15-20 cm between plants, row-spacings should allow free passage to weed seedlings in a timely manner, remove weeds (this is about 35 cm). Sown to a depth of 4-5 centimeters. With this method of planting, raw materials grow from weaving the earth for the manufacture of 25-30 finished magnificent brooms. In order for the twigs to become flexible and not break, they are steamed in salt water before binding. Sorghum is harvested in September, and mating is started in free time, when the main crop in the fields is harvested.

They usually knit from three parts-bundles, connecting them into a common one. To do this, use a trunk wire or bast strips cut from young tree branches. The quality and durability of the product depend on the strength of the ligament fixation. Here you should already try to ensure that buyers return back next season.

Selling products at a price of $ 0.9, we get an income of $ 22.5-27. Having 10 acres of free land (often in a village or town), a pensioner can receive in addition to a pension of $ 225-270. The money is certainly small, but there is not much trouble: millet is not susceptible to disease, does not require watering, and grows well in all weather conditions.

Starting capital - from 200 thousand rubles.

The business of producing brooms and panicles for a bathhouse and household is an interesting enterprise, called in many forums as “one of the fastest-paying”. But there is one problem - the earth. Growing a broom sorghum is easy, but buying land in Russia is expensive and difficult. In this article we will consider a more affordable business project: the production of sorghum brooms for households, panicles and bath brooms. These industries are related to the fact that natural components having low cost go to their manufacture.

Household Broom

Sorghum is specially bred vegetation and the main raw material for our production. First you need:

  • 10-20 hectares of land for sowing;
  • Threads for knitting;
  • Labor, processing crops, collecting raw materials and knitting brooms;
  • 2 warehouses: for storage of sorghum and finished products.

In addition, consider the following nuances: cultivating the area before sowing and directly sowing. Naturally, specialized machinery and equipment are needed. Well, if you make contact with farmers nearby. Due to the specificity of this enterprise, it should be started by people living in villages or as close as possible to them. This is due to the fact that it is better to solve all the production nuances not by telephone, but directly by yourself.


Consider the manufacturing process of brooms and panicles in stages.

Sorghum planted at the end of spring, pre-sifting seeds. This process can be replaced by soaking for half an hour: unsuitable seeds will pop up, after which they are easy to remove. They begin to plant in the second decade of May, the sowing depth is 5-6 cm, the distance between the rows is 25-35 cm.

The first shoots will be in the first decade of June, at the same time, the first weeding is mandatory to thin out the rows so that the distance between them becomes 8-14 cm. The second weeding is after 10-15 days. After loosening the soil. Sorghum ripens in the last days of summer; it is harvested in the early to mid-autumn. Unfortunately, this is the only crop. The more they grew up, the more you will tie the products.

The following is a knitting process. There is no need to buy expensive equipment or equip huge workshops - only manual labor. This process is rather laborious. Another reason to start production as close to the villages as possible is cheaper labor.

It makes no sense to describe in detail the process of knitting brooms, we only note that the average person knits about 10-20 brooms per day. Yes, this is not very much, but the salary will be contractual, and your profit depends only on your oratory skills.

Expenses and income

Consider each article of finance.

Let's start with the costs. We estimate the costs for 1 season in accordance with the minimum indicators for 20 hectares of land and with a price of 20 rubles for 1 broom:

  • Land lease. The primary issue. Two options: rent from private entrepreneurs or from the state.

The second option is cheaper, but first you need:

  1. Find an official;
  2. Give him a “paw” (yes, you heard right);
  3. Take part in the auction;
  4. Win a victory.

The second paragraph is necessary for the successful implementation of the fourth paragraph. Yes, this is a lengthy and expensive process.

The first option is much more affordable. In many villages and villages you can find land owners who earn money on land leases. They have their own stock system: free (!) The first year, after - 3 thousand rubles / year for 1 hectare. But this is with one condition: at least 20 hectares of land. We believe that at this stage we did not spend anything.

  • Grain purchase - average prices of 1 kg of sorghum - 30-40 rubles. Sowing standards - 7-12 kg of seeds per 1 hectare of land. On 20 hectares - 150-240 kg of seeds. The minimum price is 270 rubles per 1 hectare. For 20 hectares - 5400 rubles. A little, but you can save even more. Sorghum is a bushy culture, and if you give 1 spikelet a lot of free territory and air-saturated soil, you will get excellent productivity. In the “flea market”, the sprouts will be affected by a deficit in lighting and nutrients, and productivity will drop significantly. According to experts, the best tillering is achieved by sowing 4 spikelets per 1 square meter (just!). For 1 hectare, 40 thousand seeds will be required. The weight of a thousand sorghum seeds is 20-25 g. As a result, we get about 850 g of seeds per 1 hectare instead of 9-12 kg of advised ones. 850 g * 20 \u003d 17 kg. Feel the difference? You need only 17 kg instead of 160 kg. It turns out about 600 rubles. Compare with the first number - 5400. Impressive, isn't it? Do not worry, this is a proven method. Dense sowing is recommended in the case of animal feed, but not in our case. The total amount: 600 rubles.
  • Agricultural work - average collective farm prices for plowing in the spring: 1 thousand rubles / 1 hectare. These include: cultivating and cultivating the land. You will save in case of agreement with a private trader. The prices for sowing and collecting sorghum will be affected by the fuel consumption of the respective machines. For sowing work - 45-55 rubles / hectare, for assembly work - 55-65 rubles / hectare. Plus extra charge from private traders. Weeding, thinning - manual work. But, if you follow our past recommendations, these works can be thrown back. Total, 1000/20 + 50/20 + 60/20 \u003d 22.2 thousand rubles minimum.
  • Warehouse rental - prices are affected by their location, condition, security. Prices - 50-250 rubles per square meter. Most often, warehouses are built far from the city limits. Approximate area of \u200b\u200b1 thousand square meters. Total, 60 * 1000 \u003d 60 thousand rubles per month.
  • Buying threads - to make brooms, you will need durable materials or loose wire. Total costs - 3-5 rubles per meter. 1 broom picks up 1.2-1.8 m of thread or wire. A maximum of 5 thousand rubles will be released for the first 5 thousand products.
  • Remuneration of labor - work by agreement (for example, 20 rubles - the average price). For 5 thousand brooms - 5000 * 20 \u003d 100 thousand rubles.

Total: 600 + 22200 + 60000 + 10000 + 100000 \u003d 192.8 thousand rubles. Taking into account the cost of transportation, round up this amount to 200 thousand.

Now about income. The average price of 1 broom is 75-175 rubles. For particularly high-quality - 200-250 rubles. But we are interested in the wholesale of our products. The average price is 120 rubles apiece. For 5 thousand products - 600 thousand rubles. If we divide the price by 2 and load the brooms at 60 rubles apiece, we get 300 thousand rubles.

Good payback turned out. Even taking into account many other factors, you are left with a good profit. The problem here is the market: to whom to sell so many brooms? Therefore, take a larger warehouse and be patient: you will have to sell in small quantities.

Look: sorghum is gathered, brooms are tied, outside the window the end of autumn, winter is approaching, you need to wait for the end of spring again. How to pass so much time? We suggest you start knitting brooms for a bath and panicle.


The primary question is who should sell them? The answer is simple: the same ones that bought bath brooms. That is, people who have cottages and country houses with their own baths, or urban people who regularly visit bathhouses. They are well aware of the beneficial properties of tree branches. In addition, for many, especially for people over 40-45 years old, the bathhouse is the holiest place to maintain health. Therefore, they are unlikely to want to use brooms or panicles of “harmful” plastic that are electrostatic. The second part of our customer base is the new trendy summer residents. Yes, in this context, because such “sissies” are not able to pick up branches to tie a broom or whisk, but they will gladly lay out a tidy sum for our products. These products are used to sweep the territory of a summer house or a country house, paths and so on.

The sale of panicles is far from a wholesale and, especially, not a mass enterprise. This is only a small item of our income. The price range is 20-175 rubles apiece, the price is influenced by the quality of the panicle and the presence / absence of a strong handle. But there is one point that plays into our hands: beautiful panicles are in great demand, and this is just perfect for us. The costs here are very small: all the same materials: soft wire to bind panicles, and labor under the contract. Range of materials used for the production of panicles:

  • Birch branches;
  • Alder branches;
  • Aspen branches.

Harvesting of these rods is worth doing in the spring season - at this time they have enough flexibility for us. Another caveat: with relatively low retail prices, there is a huge plus for us manufacturers - the service life of panicles is a month, a maximum of two. They become unusable very quickly, and people go to the store for new ones. Got our hint?

Bath broom

Potential customer base? The entire population of our vast country! Today, every second or third person over the age of forty regularly visits bath houses with great pleasure at least 1 time per week and knows the price of high-quality brooms. That is why the potential number of customers is so large. Let us add here people who earn on the maintenance and servicing of this type of institution - brooms are spent there in the mountains. The price for our products in this area is 35-225 rubles apiece, the price is affected by: the material of the product and your pricing policy, as well as your level of competitiveness. Now, we highlight the main materials for the production of brooms:

  • Birch;
  • Oak
  • Linden;
  • Cherry
  • Rowan;
  • Maple;
  • Bird cherry;
  • Currant;
  • Eucalyptus;
  • Juniper;
  • And fir materials.

In addition, you can and even need to add herbal mixtures: mint, wormwood, St. John's wort, nettle. A huge variety, as you can see. It all depends on your preferences, it remains only to establish the production process. The only nuance that you should not forget about is the presence of dry storage facilities for drying your products, as this is a key point in the process. Only finally connected products are sent for drying. The room should be well ventilated. Your income depends on 100% of the quality of products and the range of products. The wider the range of products - the greater your profit.

We will make the final calculations. To obtain branches that will be used for the production of panicles and brooms for baths and households, you need to buy: garden scissors and a car. Secateurs on average cost around 450-550 rubles apiece. Fuel costs - depend on the frequency of trips, the wages of the knitting team - if you round very much, then 10 rubles from one broom. Count. cost item: 500 + 500 (transportation costs) +50000 (expenses for the first batch of 5 thousand brooms) \u003d 51 thousand rubles. Article of income: 40 (at the lowest price) * 5000 \u003d 200 thousand rubles. Your profit: 200-51 \u003d 149 thousand rubles only from the first 5-thousandth batch! The main advantage of this production is the fact that there is no need to sow and plow. All you need to do is collect the “gifts of nature,” growing right under your nose. As simple and affordable as possible.

And finally, if you are a “layman” in business and do not have much ingenuity, and your warehouse is packed to the top with unsold brooms and panicles, then you should try yourself in the production of amulets from brooms. Such a contraption on average costs 150-250 rubles in a hardware store. There is always a demand for such products among superstitious housewives. And as a pleasant decorative element, it is also not bad.

Video: Growing and selling brooms as a business idea

The demand for household goods in the domestic market is constantly growing. And this is due to high consumer demand. Consequently, the profit from the production of such products at enterprises also increases significantly. And today we will consider how you can make money from producing such a primitive household item as brooms (brooms).

We make a business plan

The production of brooms seems at first glance a primitive affair. But you can really get benefits from it only if the business plan is created correctly. So, what points should you pay attention to when planning such a business?

Firstly, you should take care of renting several hectares of land on which raw materials for your products will be grown. Secondly, you need to find a permanent supplier of knitting threads. Thirdly, all this work requires a small working staff who will be engaged in sowing, harvesting grain crops (sorghum is the main raw material for making brooms), as well as knitting and supplying them.

And finally - for such a business, you should rent not only land, but also a warehouse where equipment for the production of brooms and finished products will be stored until the time of sale. Below we will consider all these nuances separately.

About household equipment

For sowing and harvesting, of course, you need at least one piece of equipment. Yes, for such a thing as the production of brooms, it makes no sense to purchase an expensive tractor. A more reasonable solution would be to rent it, and already with the employee together.

Almost every small village has its own farm. You ask: “And what does it have to do with brooms?” The answer is very simple - instead of buying special equipment in your own fleet, you can borrow it from a local farmer. At the same time, you need to take care of the work team. It can also be assembled in a short time, because the work will not go year-round, but seasonally.

By the way, if this is the production of plastic brooms, you don’t even have to grow sorghum. But at the same time you can not do with one machine. Raw materials for their production will have to be purchased from larger manufacturers, and this is much more expensive than growing your own raw materials.

Talik broom - production and collection of sorghum

Now in more detail about the manufacture. As we said earlier, the main raw material for their production is sorghum. This grain crop is planted in the spring, sifting seeds before it. The latter are pre-soaked in water for 30-35 minutes (this is necessary in order to extract low-quality seeds that have surfaced). The planting of sorghum itself is made in mid-May, in a continuous row. The distance between the rows should be about 25-30 centimeters. The sowing depth of grain crops is 5 centimeters.

The first weeding is done around the beginning of June. Here you should thin out the rows so that the distance between the plants is about 10 centimeters. The next weeding and loosening of the soil is done after 10-14 days. Sorghum ripens in August, and already in September you can start general cleaning.

Knitting and manufacturing equipment

Next is the knitting and production of finished products from raw materials. It is worth noting that the production of brooms can be either manual or mechanized. In the first case, you will have to hire labor. As practice shows, one worker can bind about 15 brooms per day.

However, large enterprises have long trusted this business with specialized equipment. Broom knitting machines are capable of producing up to 15 brooms per hour, that is, up to 120-150 units of the finished product per day. The cost of such tools is about 300 thousand rubles.

The machines operate from a 220 Volt network, so the warehouse you rent must be connected to the mains.


Now consider the production of brooms from a financial point of view. Land lease is the main expense item. In order to collect a normal crop of sorghum, you need about 20 hectares. If this is a lease from the state, then on average it will cost about 3 thousand rubles (for 1 year).

It is worth noting that leasing land from private firms will be much more expensive. Taking land from the state is much more profitable. Next comes the purchase of grain. One kilogram of sorghum costs about 35 rubles. At least 1.5 centners of sorghum will have to be procured for the entire rented area. For finance, it will come out at 5-5.5 thousand rubles.

Rent of agricultural equipment for weeding, sowing and harvesting will cost 20 thousand rubles (for 1 year). Well, the storage room plays an important role. This is perhaps the most expensive “pleasure” for such a business. In a month, his rent will be 30 thousand rubles (if you take an area of \u200b\u200b500 square meters). It will cost 360 thousand rubles a year. For the purchase of threads for the first batch of brooms (5 thousand units) will have to pay another 10 thousand rubles.

As for the manufacturing itself, acquiring machines instead of the usual workforce at first glance seems like an expensive pleasure. But on the other hand, up to 100 thousand rubles will have to be paid for labor, that is, the machine will pay off its cost in about 3-6 months of the first work (if we take into account its 10-fold productivity). With the manual work of such volumes of production, and accordingly, you will never achieve profit. The very last moment is transportation costs, which will cost you 150-200 thousand rubles.


Now about income. To date, the cost of a broom can reach 150-200 rubles per unit. A little more expensive is a polypropylene broom. Its production, of course, is more expensive. Therefore, the price for them is appropriate. The production of plastic brooms does not require the cultivation of sorghum, but the cost of polyurethane and machine tools will be even greater. Classic brooms are much more primitive in manufacturing, and besides, they are always relevant in our markets and household stores.

Price policy

Yes, asking for their products for 200 rubles is simply pointless. First you need to recommend it in the market and crowd out competitors. To do this, reduce the price to 60 rubles per unit. The cost of making a broom is 10-20 rubles, so the benefit is obvious. The first batch of 5 thousand pieces made on the machine in a month will cost 300 thousand rubles. The net profit from sales is up to 250 thousand per month! This more than covers all the expenses that went into growing, weeding sorghum, renting a warehouse and land.

Sales market

The most difficult part in the production of brooms is to find buyers who will be interested in buying such large quantities of goods. Indeed, at retail you can sell such a large number of brooms forever. In this regard, even during weeding and collecting sorghum, you need to find wholesalers who will buy your products in batches. Otherwise, the entire warehouse will be filled with unsold brooms, and the business will lose.

That is why in the price category we reduced the price of products by more than 3 times. If this is not done, then in the pursuit of big money you will be left without profit. Therefore, as they say, a bird in the hand is better than a crane in the sky (all the more so since the annual net profit even with 60-ruble brooms will amount to several hundred thousand rubles, and sometimes a million).


How to tie a broom yourself

Everyone knows that you can’t do without an ordinary broom in any house or apartment. He, so to speak, is our first necessity. For those who have a plot of land, it is not difficult to plant a small area - such a useful plant - like sorghum. Of course, it's easier to go and buy this attribute for cleaning, wherever in the market or in the store. But self-made things are always better, especially since it is not so difficult to master the technology of knitting brooms. The main thing is to start.

So here we go! First of all, you need to prepare the source material, i.e., raw materials. Sorghum is harvested - coronet usually in late autumn - in October, early November. After the seeds have fully ripened, the stems are cut just above the roots (about 12-15 cm from the ground). Each stalk will need to be cleaned of leaves and seeds. It is best to clean the panicles like this: take the stem closer to the panicle with your left hand, and hold the panicle several times with your right hand from top to bottom until the seeds are completely shed. Or, you can use a wooden block using it as a comb.

Stalks so cleaned must be sorted by diameter, dividing them into thin, medium and thick, then tied in sheaves and hung for storage in any non-moist, ventilated room where not in a barn, summer kitchen, or in the attic. Let them dry for a while.

Before proceeding directly to knitting the broom itself, you should prepare a place for work and the necessary tools. For this you will need: a thick rope with a loop at one end of about 2.5-3 meters long (Fig. 1), the rope itself must be strong and elastic (usually use linen in a smooth shell or the like); two planks measuring 350 x 40 x 15 mm, interconnected by a piece of thick rubber or leather, strong threads, soft copper wire, twine. The length of each thread (wire, tape) should be 40-50 cm.

Also, you will need two "needles" made of hard wire in order to sew parts of a broom (you can use a thick boot awl instead), as well as a sharp knife to cut the stems. You can work both outdoors and indoors (depending on the weather). The main thing is that you have the opportunity to fasten the rope to the ceiling (beams), to the upper door of the door frame, or to any tree with thick and strong branches.

In order to tie a broom, it is best to use not dried stalks of sorghum, then they will break less. If, during long storage, the stems are very dry, then before knitting a broom they should be soaked briefly in water.

Now we can start knitting a broom.

Securely attach the end of the rope (to the ceiling, to a branch, etc.) so that its lower end with a loop does not reach the floor level by about 25-30 cm. In this loop we set a kind of pedal - a pipe trim, a plank, etc. .

We take the required number of stems with a thickness of about 10 - 14 cm, align them with panicles, the main thing is to collect the throwing part itself so that it is not very thick, but at the same time, not rare. Then, the resulting bunch - divide into 3 equal parts. Now each of these parts needs to be connected, for this - we take one of them in the left hand, and at about chest level we wrap it with a rope, in a place just above the base of the panicles (as shown in the photo).

Then we press the pedal with the foot: the rope tightly tightens and tightens the stems in the bundle. Having clasped the bunch with our hands and slowly turning it, we move the bunch along the rope up and down, thus forcing the stems to become even denser. When we reach the stop, we wrap this bundle with pre-prepared harnesses. We do the same with the second and third bundles.

Having performed this operation, it is necessary to reduce the diameter of the broom handle, for this we cut the stems of two side bunches. We do this at a slight angle, stepping back from the trim up the handle for about 4-5 cm. You should trim a little, just a few stems from each bunch.

Then we collect all three bundles together, so that the clippings “look” in the middle of the broom and are inside the common bundle, and at the same time they must fit snugly together. We tie this place, and already do all the following linkages, departing from each extreme about 10 cm, up the handle.

After the last strapping, we trim the remains of the stems with a knife from all sides to make a small bevel.

And the last thing to do is to form the lower (throwing) part.

To do this, put a panicle at a distance of about 8 cm from the beginning of the first strapping of each of the three bundles, put it on one of the boards connected by rubber so that the board lies across the panicles. We straighten the panicles and cover with a second board, after which we tighten the boards with wire.

On one edge of the boards, whisk the whisk with twine, or a strong thick thread. You can see how to learn how to flash here, although the article is about shoes, but the meaning of the firmware is the same.


Anyone in the house, except for a new invention, such as a vacuum cleaner or a broom, has an indispensable sorghum broom on the farm. Overhaul is not always required, therefore, using it, you can quickly and without much difficulty sweep in the apartment. We do not change them so often, since most often it is capitally made and it is not often necessary to buy it.

Growing Sorghum for a Broom

But still, those who live in a suburban house or have their own plot, can try to grow sorghum, the plant from which they make a broom. Since the plant ripens in the fall, it must be planted in the spring. Seeds are soaked in water, unsuitable grains float to the surface, they are thrown away. Then they plant it (May), and in August stems grow about 2 meters, they mow them and leave them to dry in the sun, soon it will be a broom. After that, sorghum is cleaned of leaves and seeds. View other information on bath brooms here.

How to tie a sorghum broom

Let's move on to how to knit a broom from sorghum. For greater convenience, we will show you in the form of a listing of actions.

1. To begin with, we manufacture a fixture P - shaped 2-3 meters.

2. We attach bundles of sorghum in the form of panicles.

3. We attach a strong thread to the crossbar of the arch, and at the base there is a small piece of wood for weighting, on which we stand, when dressing the so-called "pupae", it will soon be a broom.

Ribbons from brushwood are also required (thin ribbons are cut with a knife), and in order to make them more elastic, they are soaked in water and slightly dried. And they are needed in order to use them and threads to pull bundles into a future broom of sorghum. More about bath brooms here.

4. After all the preparations, we take 8-9 stalks of sorghum and combine panicles with each other, binding them with a ribbon of brushwood.

5. Then apply panicles horizontally relative to the arch and make their revolution around the axis. In order to tighten the thread tighter we step on the board, thereby making a "doll". And last, we form a broom. We take three "dolls" and bind them in three places. For binding we use kapron threads. We put the ribbon from the brushwood into the place of the first tie at the base of the three bundles, bring the “pupa” to the threads and tighten by turning around the axis. Then, at a distance of 15 cm from the first puff, we do the second and so on. The ends of the ribbons are cut off, the handle of the product is cut off at a distance of 5 cm from the place of the last tightening. That’s it, the broom sorghum is ready!

Making brooms from sorghum may seem complicated, but if you try to make it once, you will only have a product of your own manufacturer in your house!

Bath brooms for a bath learn more.


We make a real broom.

I think everyone knows what a broom is. But I think few people know how, and most importantly, what it is made of. I myself did not know until I was explained. In this master class I will try to tell in detail and show how and from what you can make the most ordinary broom yourself.

Let's start with a short introduction. Namely, how do we get the material necessary for work. The plant from which brooms are made is scientifically called SORGO, and among the people just brooms. That's how it looks, somewhere in late August.

You can buy seeds now in the store (I recently saw it myself). But my friends brought the seeds to me. You need to plant when the frost has passed. My cottage is located in the Smolensk region and with us it is usually the beginning of June. We plant them on a warm bed (we put mowed grass in the bed), otherwise they grow weak and do not have time to release the "panicles" that we need for creativity. Rises for a long time, especially if there is no rain. Since this plant is of a warmer climate, during our short summer it does not quite manage to ripen. In those countries where it is planted, sorghum is harvested when the trunks become the color of straw, i.e. as if dry. We rarely succeed. For creativity, this is not a hindrance, but the seeds rarely ripen, and you have to buy in the store every year. Good brown seeds are shiny, without black dust. Therefore, I wait as long as possible: either to very severe frosts, or before heavy autumn rains begin. You can cut them off with a secateurs, choose the length taking into account the length of the future broom plus a little margin. After cutting, set the house in a warm, dry place to ripen. Preliminarily remove excess leaves. The sorghum trunk consists, as it were, of hollow tubes inside, interconnected by hard places - here they easily break. And only when the material is completely dry do we proceed to the manufacturing process itself.

We take dried plants and remove the remaining leaves so that we have only smooth trunks. In the end, we should get this.

Next, we need to remove seeds from them. Firstly, we need them for planting, and secondly, if we leave it on a broom, then they will remain on the floor when cleaning. It turns out this is not such an easy task. It turns out this is not such an easy task. What I just did not try with scissors and hands. Does not work. A friend suggested this way: take an iron bucket with a handle (the handle should fit snugly against the bucket), hold a bunch of sorghum between the handle and the bucket and pull it towards you. At the same time, part of the seeds falls into the bucket, and part scatters around. But I have not yet found a better way. On the left in the photo as it was before, and on the right after such cleaning

After the seeds are removed (if a little is normal), we divide all the plants into several bunches. This is best done depending on the length of the barrel. During the cleaning process, some trunks break, but it's nothing, just brooms will be different in size. The thickness of the beam should be such that it is convenient to hold in your hand - after all, this is the future broom, but do not forget about the density of the panicles themselves (so that it is thicker).

Carefully trim our bunches and start making the handle of the future broom. To do this, we need a wire flexible enough so that it can be bent into a ring, but so that it does not break. Instead of wire, you can take a strong rope (like synthetic twine), which I did this year. In two or three places, wrap the handle with wire and tighten it with enough pliers so that the brooms do not crumble. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can just pass it on. If we take the rope, then just pull it tightly, and on top you can wind the tape. Here is what should happen.

Now form a panicle. Take a broom and divide the part with panicles into three parts. We take the wire, bend it in half and put it on the middle part. Then we bend the edges in different directions and wrap them around the lateral bundles. Pass the ends in the opposite direction and twist. With synthetic twine, we do it differently. Starting from the edge of the bundle, take a little bastards, tie and tie a knot, take again and again a knot, and so on to the other edge. At the end, we knit on a knot and singe a match. Both options are pictured. Of course you can come up with your own way. The main task is for the broom to flatten a little - for the convenience of sweeping.

Remaining formalities:

1) with scissors we trim our broom where there are panicles so that the pieces do not stick out anywhere.

2) with a sharp knife or secateurs, cut off the ends of the handle so that they are the same length.

Our broom is ready. Now you can try it, removing all the garbage that turned out in the process

And small brooms are great for creativity. Do you want to make a housekeeper and give him such a broom in his hands. You want to use it as a panel. And you can just give as a souvenir.

I hope you enjoy my workshop

Completely forgot. Thanks to Alexander (see comments) for the reminder. Suddenly not everyone will read them. Before using the broom for its intended purpose, it must be steamed in salted boiling water for one to two hours, after which, dry and use. This procedure makes its branches more flexible, they break down a little, respectively, and the broom lasts longer. Thanks again for recalling


Business for the production of bath brooms  - one of the least expensive production niches. It has serious prospects, allows you to provide yourself with high profits with minimal investment.

The bathhouse is perhaps one of the favorite places for any Russian. The relevance of such a business is great, and the demand for bath complex services is not declining even at this time. And even if an analogue appeared in the sauna format, the bath nevertheless arouses greater interest among citizens.

It is impossible not to note the healing properties of the bath - improving overall health, relaxation, normalizing the emotional state. That is why the production of bath brooms as a business is not only profitable, but also a useful format of entrepreneurship.

If an entrepreneur has never been engaged in the manufacture of brooms, then his first question will be - where to start his business, what nuances to pay attention to? Starting a business is better in the summer, because it is at this time that the trees turn green. Warm weather is the time to harvest in the form of leaves and twigs for future brooms. Billets have been made since the beginning of June.

It is important not only to collect fresh and green leaves, but also to prevent them from drying out. If you want to collect as much “harvest” as possible, then you should involve hired employees in the work.

It is important to properly prepare the room for drying. It should be spacious, with a special temperature and humidity, have good ventilation. Compliance with storage conditions is the key to whether production will be profitable or not.

The uniformity of drying will also matter. To achieve the desired effect, you can go one of the following ways:

  1. hang brooms on the ropes;
  2. spread out on the floor, turning over with a certain frequency (then the broom will additionally take the form of a fan).

After drying, the brooms are stacked in bags and placed in a room with hay. It is important that it is dark and cool.

If the entrepreneur still has not decided whether to open a business in this area or not, he should pay attention to the following positive aspects of the idea:

  • Minimum investment. A novice businessman will not have to look for funds to open a business, much less take a loan from a bank.
  • Demand. Due to the positive impact on health, the bathhouse becomes even more popular. In addition, this format of leisure allows you to have fun in a pleasant company.
  • Availability of life. This is especially true of large bath complexes, where brooms have to be changed at least 1 time per day. If a person goes to the bathhouse, he must buy a new broom for himself, and not use the old one.
  • The simplicity of the sphere. The entrepreneur will not need to receive special education or make incredible efforts. The production of brooms is simple and affordable not only for adults but also for adolescents.
  • High profitability and quick payback. Moreover, the value of income is impressive even with small sizes of production. Such an enterprise in itself cannot be unprofitable.
  • Availability.For the manufacture of brooms do not need any specific raw materials. You can find branches and leaves in any region of the country. And if you make brooms from nettles, then you can collect raw materials right at your summer cottage.
  • Minimum equipment purchase costs. No specialized tools at high cost are required. And brooms can be processed right on the spot or at home. Tools used in everyday life will be more than enough.
  • Short-term revenue generation. It takes no more than 1.5 weeks to dry the brooms, after which you can sell products and make a profit.

True, such a business has its drawbacks. The main disadvantage is that brooms can be made only for 1-3 months a year. All the rest of the time it will be possible to deal only with their sale.

What brooms to do?

Before starting your own business from scratch, you need to decide which brooms to make. Most in demand:

You can make other types of brooms - from fir, eucalyptus and even all kinds of healing herbs.

Purchase of necessary equipment

We figured out the room - it should be well-ventilated, dry, protected from sunlight. And what kind of equipment will a beginner have to purchase? If you plan small production volumes, then the following tools will be sufficient:

  • ax (it is better to choose a compact and lightweight model, convenient for work);
  • knife (it is important that it is as sharp as possible);
  • ropes or threads (for transporting raw materials to the place of drying, binding).

What else to consider when opening production?

The entrepreneur must not only prepare the premises and purchase equipment, but also study the features of work in this area. It will also be important which brooms will be made. Different types have their own time for collection, the nuances of collection and drying. Without this, producing quality products will not work, and it is precisely on this that customer loyalty will largely depend.

When choosing a storage room, it is important to find a place near the collection of raw materials so that it does not take a lot of money to transport it. And when working on a large scale, you will need a personal car to deliver products to consumers.

The quality of the brooms is undoubtedly a decisive factor. But we must not forget about other features of production. Even at the time of the collection of raw materials, you need to think to whom to sell their goods. The main consumers will be:

  • city \u200b\u200bbath complexes;
  • saunas;
  • wellness centers
  • tourist camps for recreation;
  • owners of cottages and private houses.

It is necessary to work with such clients targeted, offering their services. If you can’t attract consumers, you can sell brooms on the city market or on the highway.

The most effective ways to promote will be:

  1. placing ads on special boards on the Internet and in local newspapers;
  2. word of mouth (rumors will disperse very quickly if the quality of the brooms is really good);
  3. mailing and creating your own website (suitable for serious businessmen with large volumes of production).

Financial performance

The cost of one broom in a small city can vary from 100 to 150 rubles. The price will depend on the composition and quality. Even the sale of 30-40 brooms a day can bring about 90-180 thousand rubles per month. The costs will be negligible - in the range of 20-30 thousand rubles. And you can open your own business with capital of only several tens of thousands. So it turns out that you can recoup your investments already in the first month and actively begin to make a profit. The main thing is to pay attention to quality and work out sales channels.


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