Top management how to become one. How to find a CEO in a playground. Look inside yourself and evaluate the chances

Currently, agriculture, of course, is not at the peak of its development, but at least at the beginning of the rise. Contributes to this, in particular, the increased attention of the state, which promised to allocate to farmers to raise billions of rubles. Well, of course, no matter what the crisis has struck, people will always want to eat, which means agriculture is a profitable business regardless of external conditions. And farming as a business idea will always be relevant.

It is logical that in this regard, many Russians have recently paid attention to the village and to those associated with it. Someone decided to sow wheat, someone planned to provide the country with domestic vegetables and potatoes, still others were engaged in cattle breeding. It is the latter type of business that is developing most intensively today. It is enough to recall that in dozens of regions new mini-farms are constantly being opened and the state in every possible way supports their owners. It is about how to open dairy mini farm, we will tell, and experts of the Agromoltekhnika company, which is a leading supplier of agricultural equipment, will help us in this.

Dairy equipment from the catalog

What kind of beast?

First, we will understand what a mini-farm is and how it differs from the usual one.

Firstly, the mini-farm is much smaller than the classic one, which follows from the name. In our case, this is not only the farm area, but also the number of cattle (cattle) heads.

Secondly, as a rule, additional staff is not required to service the mini-farm. Usually, all work is performed by the forces of one family, which owns the farm.

Thirdly, the cost of opening a mini-farm is much lower than usual. At the same time, it is a springboard to big business. Judge for yourself: on such a farm, you can run all technologies with minimal risk, so that by the time you enter   a different level of business for you there were no blind spots in the industry.

What and how much?

So what do you need to open a mini farm? This, of course, is desire. In addition, you need a plot of land of sufficient area, preferably with utilities. Well, of course, money is needed. We will talk about how much later.

For greater detail and clarity, we consider the project of a mini-farm for 50 goals, which offers to implement company "Agromoltekhnika". For the construction of such an object will require a land area of \u200b\u200bat least a thousand square meters. It is necessary to build a large hangar on it, where animals will be kept. If desired, several additional office buildings can be built next to the hangar, although such premises are provided inside the hangar.

If we talk about the exact size of the hangar in which the animals and all equipment will be placed, then this is a width of 15 meters, a length of 65 meters, a step between the arches of the frame - three meters. The height of this structure in accordance with the project of the Agromoltekhnika company is six meters, the floor area is 975 square meters.

What is important, the whole dairy mini-farm is essentially located in this hangar. This is the feed department, sectors for calves of different ages, the sector of dry cows, a milking parlor and a service room. The cost of such a hangar farm, supplied by the Agromoltekhnika company on a turn-key basis, is 5.8 million rubles, including the installation of a foundation and floor.

Naturally, the matter is not limited to one hangar. After all, you won’t let the cows into empty rooms! Therefore, in addition, the farmer needs to purchase many special equipment. These are stall places, rubber carpeting, drinking bowls, various fences, brushes, ventilation curtains, a milk cooler tank, a maternity ward and so on.

Fortunately, all this is in the Agromoltekhnika company. Therefore, opening a mini-farm, you do not need to run around several suppliers, ordering the necessary equipment in different places. After all, everything can be taken in one place, at the same time at very affordable prices and with a guarantee.

As a result, a complete set of equipment for opening a mini-dairy farm will cost 5,400,000 rubles. Together with the hangar, the cost of launching a mini-dairy farm is 11.2 million rubles.

The amount, of course, is rather big. But it's worth it. And now it will become clear why.

Count the profit

So, on average, one cow produces 5,000 liters of milk per year. However, in advanced farms, the annual volume of milk per cow is 9,000 liters of milk per year. Thus, it turns out that on average 50 cows will produce 250,000 liters of milk per year. Naturally, if the owner shows himself well and reaches a higher level of productivity, the volumes will grow, but we will focus on the average.

On average, a Russian farmer delivers milk to wholesalers at a price of 14 rubles, but this figure varies depending on the region and time of year. But even if we take the "average temperature in the hospital", we get the annual revenue of the dairy mini-farm in no way less than 3,500,000 rubles.

The cost of the annual maintenance of one cow in Russia in 2010 was 15,000 rubles. If we take the mini-farm described by us, then its owner will spend 750,000 rubles a year on keeping animals.

Using simple mathematical calculations, we get that a dairy mini-farm will pay off in four years. But it must be borne in mind that the owner of such an enterprise can not only donate milk to factories, but also process it himself, sell and produce other dairy products, the production of which does not require large expenses. In this case, the company pays off faster.

  As you can see, the opening of a dairy mini-farm is a very attractive and interesting business, albeit requiring significant initial investments. But keep in mind that not all companies with the same starting capital can boast a 4-year payback period, and do not forget about the support that owners of mini-farms receive everywhere from the state.

Dear readers, this article was written and published in 2011. The information presented in it could be outdated

The path to the top of Russian business is thorny, but not as long as in most Western countries. For example, in Germany, according to statistics, it takes no less than 12-15 years to climb the career ladder from a graduate of a prestigious economics department to the director of a large bank. In Russia, it is quite possible to run for less than ten.

Twenty-odd years after birth, our capitalism is still not very structured. For the country as a whole, this creates a lot of problems, but it gives us at least one advantage: a whole series of roundabout, not yet closed paths along which you can slip to the top.

If in the West, to head a large bank, you have to willy-nilly have to acquire an MBA degree, and preferably some London business school, in Russia you can still be hired for a prestigious position without this economic super-education. Therefore, it is not surprising that among the Russian tops who are turning billions of dollars, there are those who are barely thirty.

Who is a top manager, how does he differ from “not a top”? Usually, the annual turnover of the company, as well as the number of employees subordinate, are taken as a classification feature. True, the significance of the last year decreases from year to year, and it is understandable why. In the same high-tech companies of Silicon Valley, fifty, forty, and even thirty people can work, and the annual turnover in this case will reach many hundreds of millions, or even billions of dollars. And so, the person who directs all this is not the top? Especially considering that there, just contrary to popular wisdom, there are irreplaceable people.

Each person contributes a considerable share to the added value - which means that managing a team requires even more subtle skills than managing thousands of companies in which an individual employee can really be likened to a small screw in a large mechanism. As the American economic journalist Ludwig Bachstein writes, “a top manager is not about the number of people in the subordination, but about the level of responsibility.”

In Russia, the tradition of top management is even older than capitalism itself: what were not the top managers of those ministers who in Soviet times controlled entire sectors of the national economy? It is clear that they worked under different conditions than the general directors of modern corporations, but the tasks they faced were exactly the same.

The paradox is that with the advent of a market economy and private companies in the country, the population of top managers not only did not expand, but even declined. The fact is that the first Russian capitalists preferred to conduct business independently, even if they had a dozen or more businesses.

There were good reasons for that. Romantic: the young excitement of the first sharks of capitalism, whose plans did not include just resting on the laurels of their success. Pragmatic, not to say cynical: in the blessed times of the initial accumulation of capital, trusting someone in property was fraught with the risk of parting with it forever.

Today the situation has changed, the market has more or less stabilized, has become professional, it has become impossible to do everything at once. If we are talking about an established business, then the storm and onslaught of the first years of capitalism were replaced by daily meetings, papers, scheduled negotiations, consistent growth step by step - in a word, routine. For her, she needs a top manager who knows a particular business to the last squiggle, a “professional bore” according to one of the Western classifications. And if a business grows quickly and opens up new directions - on the contrary, we need someone who is able to offer a non-standard look and is independent in developing new directions.

I have never had problems in relations with the owner. - Victor Nikitin, director of the Mikron Velikoluksky pilot plant, has been managing the company for a decade and a half. - The principle is simple: it does not interfere in production at all, only in strategic planning and finance.

This is perhaps the most progressive, best for business option, and it is characteristic that we found it hundreds of kilometers from Moscow. In the capital, to this day, from top managers, it happens, they are waiting for almost daily reports on the work done - the situation in the West is almost unimaginable.

This is a constant headache, one of our interlocutors admits, which is typical, on condition of anonymity. - That is, it seems like all the ranks by rank, but the control is felt constant. Letters in the style of “No, of course I don’t interfere, but can we do this?” Come almost every week.

Didn’t you think about leaving?

As far as I know, in the field that I deal with, this is, in general, a common practice, so I don’t see much point.

How to find a CEO in a playground

High-level managers, of course, are not born, but become much earlier than is commonly thought. - The English headhunter, in Russian speaking, the personnel officer, Richard Whitmer believes that a significant part of the skills that will subsequently be useful in management are formed almost in the lower grades of the school. - After sitting in the lessons, I can hardly tell you something about the future of children, but if you and I look at how they behave during breaks, and even better - during the game of football for the school championship, there will already be a lot clear. First of all - who is the real leader, who seems to be in the shadows, but from there steers the process, who reads and drags the blanket over himself to everyone, and who joyfully and fervently carries out the will of others ...

Sounds like popular psychology in a bad way, to be honest ...

Well, I didn’t tell you which of them will be who. It is important to understand the potential of the child. It can be a spark, a soul, a star of a children's collective, but at the same time skip from one to another, from another to third. Then, in the best case for business, he can become a successful startup, but most likely, business is not for him at all. But if the boy at the first, second and even third glance is completely invisible, but very stubborn and consistent in his own actions, then I would advise the gentlemen from General Electric to tear them off with arms and legs right now. Especially if they argue with him, swear, call names, and he know himself oppresses his line. Typically, in a children's team, such children become outcasts, "weird", but this can both break down and even temper the will. Because the main thing that a top should be able to do is organize itself, and the team will adapt to it. This is an important feature of the work of the general director: not a person, so to speak, paints a place, but a place - a person. The position is so high that the rest work under it, and not vice versa.

Of course, no one suggests making top training the main educational goal - it’s both utopian and inhumane in relation to the child: after all, the work of the top manager goes not only in beautiful high-tech decorations, but also in the ongoing stress that someone likes, but someone will be taken to a clinic for the mentally ill. Nevertheless, to teach a child to defend his opinion is both real and useful, wherever he goes. With one important clarification: he must explain why his opinion is more correct for everyone.

Let's say your daughter categorically refuses to go to her grandmother, demanding a zoo. Okay, you say, let's discuss: why is the zoo better? And if she can tell how great you are to eat cotton candy, look at elephants and flamingos, the key word here is “together,” my congratulations: you are growing the future of transnational business.

Where to go to study

Higher education is, of course, a key point, ”thinks business consultant Stanislav Krause of the Russian Adizes Institute, one of the country's most famous headhunting offices. - But, you know, I would definitely not follow the newfangled path and did not try to get a business education as the main one.

Russian management education was one and a half decades old, and each of the consultants, businessmen and top managers we interviewed regretted that, at least until the Skolkovo business school, it definitely left much to be desired. But the business school itself is designed for people with a serious base. Where is it best to get it?

I myself graduated from the physics department of Saratov University and, you know, I’m not complaining. - Krause is clearly a hot apologist for the good old Soviet technical education. - You see, it teaches you to think and solve problems. And what kind of task is it - to calculate some kind of heat generating unit or to bring your product to a new market is a secondary issue.

Ashkhen Hovsepyan leads a very young, but already well-known company specializing in the sale of 3D printers in Russia, on which, for example, a model of new ultramodern sneakers can be printed. By her first education, she is also a physicist, Moscow State University. And he also scolds Russian business education - his second, obtained there at the main Russian university.

Fizfak taught me that there are no unsolvable problems. This is very important, especially if you are opening a business like us in the midst of a crisis. Much does not work, one to one does not cling and - voila! - in the end, the problem is solved. And solved beautifully.

And what did the faculty of management not please you?

You see, they teach there fundamentally and beautiful words, only when you really immerse yourself in work, it turns out that you simply do not know how to apply your technical skills. I strongly advise getting a degree in the West. I see the difference when I look at my own colleagues: they had a case study, and they know not only the theory, but also how to act in real-life situations. Ultimately, most of them are solved literally algorithmically, you only need to know these algorithms.

Sergey Kolesnikov, the founder and owner of the TechnoNIKOL company, Europe’s largest producer of roofing materials, has not been thrilled with business in Western business schools for a long time, and unlike Hovsepyan.

You are taught to cut, plan, drill your teeth, and when it comes to a real business illness, you don’t even know what to get - a plane or a drill.

Kolesnikov does not look to the West, but to the East. After a trip to Japan, he said, he began to understand in what situations each of the hundreds and thousands of methods that are taught in MBA courses should be applied.

The general advice to future captains of Russian business is one: do not be shy about decades of technical education, and look for places where theoretical knowledge is richly fertilized with practice.

Four ways of the Russian top

Having received all the available educational baggage, the young man makes the most important choice: he decides where to apply his knowledge, or rather, where to gain practical competence for his future career. You won’t get it in the western and eastern MBAs. The Moscow School of Management Skolkovo says that their approach is much more practical, down-to-earth, adapted to our conditions, but you can’t do without your own practice, even getting a Russian business education.

The first way is state-owned companies and government. The forge of very young managers, who now occupy fairly high positions in various companies, was at one time RAO UES. In the public sector, there are also many experienced top managers who have gone through all levels of the hierarchy, say, from a foreman at a drilling site or from a department head in a state bank to a director, and who have engineering and other practical, close to the ground competencies. But this also has its drawbacks: if young managers often do not know the “iron” of their industry, then managers who have grown “from the ground” do not see strategic prospects.

Enough depth, but not enough latitude. Hence the second way. The principle of cross-functional careers is traditionally practiced in Western companies, large and not very large: a person who grew up into a sales director, as a rule, on his career path, not so long, worked on one project, on another, in marketing, in logistics , in developing. He has better latitude, but the problem is with the depth of expert knowledge.

There are people among the tops who have correctly built their fast career. What does it mean? He hired and left the company, keeping in mind the idea: always go to a new level. He has an adequate education: business school, Moscow State University, MGIMO, Pleshka. The diploma itself works for him, he received it with an eye on his career. He comes, let's say, to McKinsey not to stay there, but in two years with the line “McKinsey” to go further into business. He knows what conferences to speak at, knows where to print, he knows how to work in his own name. He does not pursue money, but experience. Such people can rise to the vice president in five to seven years, in four to five steps. And finally, the fourth type: those who are lucky.

Is it just ours?

No, no, not only that. Your boss made a dizzying career. The boss goes on with the team, pulling you along. You yourself are not much, but the boss has become the CEO, he needs a team - and now you are already financial. He trusts you because you got into the right team.

And often it turns out in the long run that I myself am nothing?

Maybe never. This is already a question of what your leader appreciates. What is more important for him: fundamental loyalty or personal competence?

If loyalty is sad for the company, right?

Why? Not always. Sometimes you are needed not as a manager as such, but as a person who will not let you down and will be able to assemble a good team of people. That is, they do not buy your managerial competence, but your human qualities. True, you definitely will not learn them anywhere.

The class of Russian professional managers is only being formed. In this young population there are also careerists in the best sense of the word, burnt cynics, and even romance of the old regime. One thing unites them: the ability to make independent choices, the courage to move not along a given trajectory.

Obviously, we don’t have an overabundance of top managers, on the contrary, we don’t even have enough of them, ”says Stanislav Krause. - What is the top in the West? This is a man who is known not just for a line in a resume, but for a specific case: he did this and that, corrected the situation there and there, and effectively uses this or that method. Accordingly, it is taken for a specific task. We still have very few such people. Such people will appear en masse - there will be breakthroughs in the economy.

Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich / ITAR-TASS; press service archive; the press service of the Mikron Experimental Plant; from the personal archive A. Hovsepyan

A successful management career depends, for the most part, on a well-built strategy. Someone believes that you can become a good manager or director of a large company as early as 25 years old, but for most beginners this path seems thorny and incredibly long. Such complaints are often heard from young specialists: “I have been looking for a manager for a long time, but there are practically no decent vacancies.” In fact, many successful people started small. Having shown yourself on the advantageous side in a not very profitable position, you can count on an increase in a couple of years.

Field selection

There are several simple rules under which an ordinary manager can grow to a leader in less than ten years. The easiest way to achieve improvement is in dynamically developing industries. These include tourism, IT, marketing of everyday necessities, etc. Some retailers manage to take the director’s chair after 6 years of fruitful work. In the manufacturing and banking sectors, a boss position can be obtained, on average, in 9-10 years.

Keep in mind that rapid career growth is possible only in the area that interests you. Working as a sales manager requires inspiration and a steady burst of creativity. In the absence of excitement to business, this is hardly possible.

Growth conditions

It is not always necessary to work for one company for a long time to achieve top positions. Some organizations have a certain growth ceiling. If you understand that today's position is the maximum of what can be achieved in this place, feel free to start your search for a new job.

Only an ambitious, active and confident employee can become a top manager. However, these qualities are not enough to achieve such a goal. It is necessary to have the necessary knowledge in their field. And he is not limited to one higher education. The bosses highly appreciate the employees who take various training courses and attend various forums and seminars.

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Manager is a profession that requires dedication. We will tell you about how to become a good manager and everything connected with it. Also in this article we will talk about how to become a manager in the field of PR, tourism and trade, give basic tips on where to get an education and what qualities you need to have. Let's start the story with the most popular manager today.

Sales Manager

In the 90s, brisk young people were needed who could sell both cosmetics and wagons with aluminum. They undertook everything that is possible indiscriminately. Now it’s different times, and employers want to see a specialist, which means that you need to know a certain sphere of services, navigate it, be a specialist in a certain profile and devote yourself to all this type of sales. So how to become a sales manager?

It all starts with education. Employers of a mid-level organization will also take those with a secondary specialized education. A large company will give preference to an experienced person with experience in sales from one to two years. If you are going to build a career in this direction and devote yourself to the profession seriously and for a long time, then you just need a specialized education.

The best option for a career is to obtain a universal managerial education in the specialty of “organization management”. Such an education will be useful for both a novice sales specialist and a future leader. Higher education institutions that are considered the best in this field:

  • Moscow State University (Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov)
  • Moscow State University of International Relations
  • High School of Economics
  • Finance Academy under the Government of Moscow
  • GUU (State University of Management)
  • Institute of International Economic Relations

You can continue your education at trainings, special courses or MBA programs. In this case, it is advisable to choose programs related to the profile of the particular company in which you wish to work.

To advance on a career ladder, the manager will need various additional knowledge, including knowledge of foreign languages.

PR manager

How to become a pr-manager? The main qualities of a good PR manager are sociability, mobility and friendliness. The advantage of this profession is that, having the necessary personal qualities and knowledge, you can successfully and quickly make a career. This work is creative and interesting. Now many higher education institutions are training such specialists. A knowledge of the humanities is needed.

The work of a PR manager is not only creativity and creativity, but also a lot of routine work, too. These can be various issues, such as constant daily monitoring of the number of mentions of a brand or a company in the media, regular technical issues with an Internet resource, and writing a huge number of analytical reports.

How to become a tourism manager

To do this, it is desirable to have a higher education, and it does not matter which one. However, there is always a chance to find a company that they will take to without higher education - especially if you have the right personal qualities. Work experience is usually not required, but if you have one, you can claim the best place. It is advisable to know more or less geography, it is necessary to know the computer and office equipment. The specifics of the work is such that you most likely will need knowledge of foreign languages, at least English.

The preferred age of candidates for tourism managers is 20-45 years. The neat appearance also matters (as, in principle, in any other field of work interacting with clients).

Remember that work in the tourism business is seasonal. In summer, the volume of work increases, by winter it decreases significantly, which, of course, affects wages. It is necessary to be a stress-resistant person, to have knowledge about the countries in the direction of which the travel company works.

How to become a top manager

The program, which is able to accurately bring you to the level of top management - is an MBA. Graduates of Western business schools greatly improve their positions and salary levels. American and European systems vary, and much depends on the country. It is important to remember that this program was created for potential "top managers", that is, people who have the necessary personal qualities, abilities, knowledge, successes, so the requirements for admission may be very stringent.

So how to become a successful manager? It is necessary to have a whole set of personal qualities that will help to conduct business in this area of \u200b\u200bbusiness, have a higher education and always be aimed at improving the result. Practical experience, as well as various continuing education courses, will mean a lot. This profession is very complex, because it is inextricably linked with the constant dynamics of a changing world, which means it requires constant growth and self-development from employees. Now you know how to become a manager.

The position of a top manager for many is the pinnacle of a career, a cherished goal. Many want to achieve it, it turns out at units. What is the path to the "supreme" position?

Probably, each of us at least once in his life thought about how good it would be to climb to the very top of the career ladder and take a top position in some rather big company. To achieve such an ambitious goal, few manage. Talent, competent strategy, hard work and a bit of luck are the key to a successful career. Of course, someone is presented with the desired position on a silver platter, but still, those who made themselves, much more. Everybody has opportunities, they can be realized in units. How many years does it take to reach a top manager level? How many companies to change? And where can you make the fastest career today? "Agency" Contact "   in early 2011, conducted a study “Career path of a top manager”, asking similar questions to senior executives of various companies. The survey involved 200 respondents who occupy top positions in the market and work in almost all sectors.

The most important question that worries the newly made manager is how long should I go to my cherished goal? There is no universal answer, of course, but we can say for sure that not all my life. Career growth today is highly dependent on the industry in which you work. As the study revealed, in production, banking, real estate and the fashion industry, a manager will need about ten years to reach a top position. While in such industries as tourism, telecommunications and FMCG, the manager’s career path will take only about 4-6 years. Such differences are associated not only with the number of job levels that the applicant has to go through, but also with the pace of development of the industry itself and the specificity of the knowledge that will need to be acquired in order to occupy the post of senior manager. Moreover. Do not neglect the fact that the career growth rate may depend on how much the industry itself needs certain specialists at the moment.

“The main criterion by which to assess the differences in career paths in different industries is the number of positions, that is, the steps that must be completed in order to become a top manager. Of course, if the business is young and just starting to take shape, then it is much easier to achieve something in it, and the growth period to the top position will be quite short.

It is logical that the shortest way to a top position in the “communications and telecommunications” industry is a new and still very young industry in which, thanks to two or three promotions, you can achieve your desired top position. In addition, in the nascent company, the employee has the opportunity to participate in absolutely all the processes taking place inside her. So, he will be able to quickly take a top position, working in all blocks of the enterprise and gaining a sufficient amount of experience, ”- Maria Silina, Customer Relations Manager, Contact Agency.

“One of the industries in which today you can quickly make a career is retail chains. This is a new direction for Russia; it appeared only in 2001-2003 and is still actively developing. In hypermarkets such as Metro or Auchan, people who come to the position of seller or manager of a direction can quickly become the head of the store. And this is a top position, because the director of the hypermarket is responsible for 300 people, for $ 300 million in turnover and earns up to 5 million rubles a year. In the past few years, such a position could be achieved in 3-4 years, ”says Michael Germershausen, general manager of a recruiting company Antal russia.

As in the banking sector, in the manufacturing industry it is not so easy to reach a top position where vast experience and knowledge are required. The average age of such specialists is from 40 to 50 years.

“The fact is that for effective production management, it is necessary to clearly understand all the existing technologies, and to know the methods of their use, so you can’t do without significant experience. At the head of this business are people who either started it from scratch or came to production at a young age. Of course, innovation is good and innovative people are also needed in working with production technologies, but reality remains reality, and only experience can lead production to efficient functioning, ”- Elena Romanova

It is clear that the figures obtained are not applicable to every manager: you must be a careerist in the good sense of the word — have a desire to develop, grow and move forward, set goals and achieve them. Sitting and waiting for you to appreciate and offer a raise is pointless.

And one of the easiest ways to make a career is still the change of companies. You can certainly make a career and work for a single employer, but such cases are rare. Usually companies do not quickly advance their employees up the career ladder, even Western corporations with a clear plan for the development of employees cannot help you make a quick career, although the chances of achieving the goal there are slightly greater than those of Russian employers.

The study showed that only 12% of respondents have grown to a top position in first place. The reasons for such low numbers are as follows: the lack of a clear transparent scheme for career advancement in the organization’s internal politics; the appointment of expats to top positions in Western companies; the need to wait for an increase for a long time (about 10 years); the development of competition in the market and, as a result, the emergence of many companies where you can continue your career; desire to learn business in other industries. All this significantly slows down the growth of a specialist. By changing companies every two to three years each time with promotion or with a significant expansion of the range of responsibilities, you can take a top position in a relatively short period of time. And this is understandable - in many cases, ambitious employees are faced with the fact that their increase is hampered by the lack of free places. A specialist can do more and better, but his boss is competent, which means that the path to the top is blocked. If you set yourself the goal of making a career, then faced with a similar situation, you should not waste time, as soon as you realize that you have learned 100%, maybe look for a new place. And, of course, having the desire to take the position of a top manager, you should clearly think through your career strategy.

“Speaking of more stable, strengthened industries with a long history of development, it is worth noting that a career growth strategy here should be planned step by step, and it will take much more time. The main players in the banking market are large companies with a clear staffing table, a large number of divisions and employees. Each employee of such banks knows that in order to grow it is necessary to go through all the steps of the career ladder existing in the bank. However, employees do not have a clear understanding of the conditions under which and after what period of time they can go to the next stage. With such an internal structure of the organization, everything depends directly on the decision of the immediate supervisor, and if he does not see the effectiveness of your work, then the issue of promotion will be postponed. At the same time, there is practically no opportunity to become parallel with the current leader in one bank, people have to move from one place to another with a corresponding increase in position and salary. In reality, you can quickly grow in banks, where there is a transparent structure and a small number of people in one department. Many foreign banks with a Western management system provide great opportunities for their own career growth and development. On average, it will take at least 8-9 years to get to the highest level of a career, ”- Elena Romanova, Senior Consultant, Contact Agency.

According to experts, the average age of top managers today is 35-50 years old. If we talk about the heads of functional units, then on average it is 35-38 years. If we take the general and executive directors of companies, then there is a very wide spread, but on average it is 38-42 years. If we talk about foreign top managers, then they are always several years older than their Russian colleagues. And this is caused not only by the speed of development of the Russian market.

“The average age of a top manager varies by country. For example, in Germany you graduate from school at the age of 18-19, plus there used to be a year of compulsory military service, and then a university, which takes at least five to six years. Accordingly, people begin their careers in 27-28 years, and at this time a good candidate in Russia has already five years of experience. Therefore, on average, for German and French tops you need to add five years to the voiced data. For English candidates, the situation is slightly different: they will be 2-3 years older than Russian ones. In addition, people are growing very fast in Russia, they are generally more ambitious here. Here, leaders often face the fact that a person comes and says: “I have completed this project. Where is my next project and where is my promotion? ”And in Germany, the same person can sit on a position for about two years and only then think about a promotion,” comments Michael Germershausen.

However, you should not ignore the gender issue. Recently, not only in the West, but also in Russia, much has been said that it is much more difficult for women to make a career and achieve an appointment to a top position than men. Of course, there are prejudices in society and many companies do not represent women as top managers, they want and recognize their professionalism. And one of the obstacles of a woman on the way up is family and children. At least, leaders are sometimes afraid to even take mothers with young children to work, not to mention their promotion: many male leaders believe that eternal sick leave, the need to take children out of kindergarten or school will prevent the woman from giving herself completely to work and work problems , and the top positions imply a serious load and require a huge amount of time and great return. Moreover. Do not neglect another stereotype - female temperament, repeatedly conducted polls show that office workers prefer mostly male bosses, motivating them with the fact that they are more predictable, stable and emotionally balanced. However, everything is not so bad, the situation is changing and women, however, in the echelons of senior leaders is becoming more and more. “If we talk about the percentage of men and women in top positions, then everything depends on the direction. In marketing, the ratio is approximately the same, in the personnel management of women - the vast majority, and in sales and finance of male specialists is much more. Women, on average, need two to three years more than men to achieve the position of director of the direction. But this is not due to gender prejudices, but to the fact that women have to combine their family responsibilities and, above all, children with a career, ”says Michael Germershausen.

It is worth stopping at another sore spot for Russian business: not all of today's top managers have earned their high positions. And the point is not only that climbing the career ladder is sometimes facilitated not only and not so much by professional skills as by the skills of self-presentation and self-PR. Of course, they are useful and important - not being able to sell themselves, a career cannot be made, but if we recall the crisis, many top managers lost their positions precisely because of a lack of knowledge and skills, because they were unable to cope with the difficulties that arose. . In addition, many tops got their seats right away, without wasting effort on climbing the career ladder thanks to personal connections. Of course, often the competence of such managers leaves much to be desired, but in the current conditions in Russian society, such things are inevitable. According to experts, this is a growth disease that you just need to survive. It is worth noting that this happens mainly in Russian companies. Managers or owners take people to top positions not because they are good professionals, but by acquaintance or kinship. In fact, companies often don’t even need profit growth, they need stability, so their own is a guarantee that there will be no theft. If we take international companies, then they take people for merit, skills and knowledge. They value success and profit in the first place. And if the specialist was successful with competitors, then there is a chance that he will be successful in a new place.

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