Commercial Wow Guild. Historical precursors of joint-stock companies. The historical role of the securities market

The spirit of commerce, which sooner or later ceases every people, is what is incompatible with the war. Immanuel Kant

Coat of arms of the Trade Guild


The trading guild is the youngest Guild of Numenora, based on the order of the Aldarion king about 150 years ago.

The guild was created with two goals.

First, in order to effectively dispose of the resources and production of the island of Numenor, in order to provide the opportunity to send the expeditions in the Mediterranema.

Secondly, to establish trade and economic relations with the people of Mediterranean, to give them all the assistance and to bring them peaceful way.

Over the years, the first task of the guild was almost fully fulfilled, and now its masters only support the established order.

But the achievement of the second goal is in full swing. The Masters and Pupils of the Guild diligently associate peoples inhabiting Mediterranese, trading unions, learn to resolve the world, and not the war, as they help the Embassy service in establishing contacts with junior people.


The trading guild is a structure designed to solve a very wide range of tasks. This is the establishment of economic relations, and negotiating, and the search for new sources of prosperity of the Mediterranean and Numenora, and systematization and analysis of the current situation, and the optimization of any production processes.

The shopping guild teach the breadth of thinking, the system approach and the ability to find mutual interest.

Each member of the guild during his training is learning both communicative skills and the principles of logic, analysis, effective management.

Each member of the guild is absolutely universal - it can with one or another effectiveness to perform any of the tasks facing the guild.


The chapter of the guild is worth Keeper keys.

Masters are engaged in learning students and the management of individual guild projects. The pupils of the Guild learn and try to help masters in the implementation of projects.

The student becomes a full member of the guild, when successfully executes 3 tasks set by him by his master. These are the tasks of the ability to negotiate, make sure solutions and analytically think. After that, the student can undergo a test and join the guild.

All guild issues solves her chapter and council of masters. At the congregions of the Guild, students have the status of observers. All operational solutions, when there is no possibility to assemble the Council of Masters, takes the head of the guild.


The permanent head of the trading guild, keeper of keys - Farazrogen from the genus Fortar (Ivan Kuzmin)

Masters Guild

  1. "Master of Numen" - (Alveron)
  2. "Master Mediterranean" - (Saruyashi)
  3. (Torgrim)
  4. (Chakhlik)
  5. (Yarik)
  6. (Manasov M.D.)

MMORPG game Collective by definition. In addition to temporary embodiments of the type of groups for the fulfillment of quests and the passage of instances, players are combined into the permanent communities - guilds. The question of whether to be nailed to some gang in MMORPG sooner or later becomes before each player. So is it worth it? For a beginner in the game definitely - yes. The membership in the guild gives a lot of advantages that can make the game process more pleasant and comfortable. Maybe, because with the wrong choice of the guild, you will find yourself in the position of the "White Crow" and the minuses will be enough.

Awards related to the Guild level and the player's reputation in the Guild:

Inherited armor (for level characters 1-85)
Required reputation level With Guild: respect

Sateurian satellites and driving animals

Golden Leo reins /The reins of the Kor'kronsky shredder
The player's reputation level with the guild: example
Guild Level 25

The organizational and legal basis for the development of joint-stock companies was the experience of joint cases, which developed various types of entrepreneurial associations in their centuries-old activities that existed in many European countries.

The main predecessors of modern joint-stock companies are considered:

    medieval flourous partnerships of France;

    mountain partnerships in Germany;

    marine partnerships;

    trade guilds and other similar associations.

Each of the medieval forms of uniting entrepreneurs and their capital laid its part of the invaluable experience in a common piggy bank, on the basis of which, evolving, the modern design of the joint-stock company appeared.

The historical role of the securities market

If various types of commercial partnerships gave the organizational and legal frameworks of the corporate device, the securities market proposed the mechanism of sharing of shares and shares for cash and back, thereby creating conditions for the free circulation of private capital with simultaneous combined involvement in the process of production. The contradiction between the production and treatment of capital received its permission thanks to the securities market, since capital was divided into capital, constantly engaged in production, and capital, constantly located in the field of circulation.

The securities market itself developed from its simplest forms, which were activities of bill markets, medieval bills of exchange fairs, and later - the emergence of professional intermediaries of the securities market and the first exchanges, where transactions with goods and bills were made. The market of debt financial instruments and banking services by this time has prepared the necessary conditions for the functioning of the stock market.

The securities market received its true development only as a stock market, i.e., with the emergence of joint-stock companies based on the shares issued by them.

Trade Guilds

Trading guilds are considered one of the initial origins of the emergence of corporations. They laid the foundations of commercial affairs together. The trade guilds begin the process of developing relationships on the combination of personal labor and capital and their management methods.

Trade capital arises earlier than industrial, but precisely because the forms of merger of commercial capital are the first.

Trade guilds arising in the Middle Ages had various types and forms of organization:

    associations of merchants who had exceptional trade rights on a certain territory;

    associations of merchants for conducting joint cases of trade with other states;

    combining trade guilds (ganza).

If the first were created mostly to obtain monopolistic rights to conduct trading operations on controlled territories, then for the second, the need to associate was dictated by the risks and difficulties that the merchants had to face during the long movements of trading caravans. Conduct alone with their hazardous hazards there was no possibility. Therefore, the joint activity was aimed at protecting goods on the road and in places of their storage, carrying out a single pricing policy and establishing uniform rules for the members of the Guild.

The guilds of merchants in trade transactions did not participate and trade affairs did not behave. Their total costs were covered by membership contributions made by the participants. The trade guilds of foreign trade had a common property in the form of warehouses or representative offices, but the total capital has not yet been and each of the participants led the case at their own expense, at their own risk. In some cases, members of the Guild carried a collective responsibility for the obligations of its individual members. Trading Guild - Association, which had in almost all countries the same management structure, submitted by the head and council from the members of the Guild, who solved the most important issues, organized the general meetings of the Guild members.

Trade guilds as associations of merchants are not a prototype of joint-stock companies, since they represented a largest union of merchants than a legally independent organization.

Trading guilds have the basis on which the first colonial companies are subsequently arising, which are already direct predecessors of joint-stock companies.

Guild "Keepers" opens a set of players.

The guild is focused on actual raids of heroic complexity in format 10 and 25 players.

Raid Time:

  • 25ka - Wednesday, Thursday, Monday 20.30 MSK - 23.00 (24.00) MSK. On the development of a new raid compulsory visit DURINGall 3 days, on the farm of 1-2 days.
  • 10Ka - for the most thorough players (for 10 is hardcore), at 13-15 PAP depending on the boss. Time is negotiated separately.

Current Guild Progress:

  • PMS 10 and 25 Heroic 6/6
  • SS 10 and 25 Heroic 6/6
  • TVV 10 and 25 Heroic 4/4
  • PG 25 about 6/12

The guild tasks include quick closure of content, while nice to spend time. The guild does not seek at any cost to become the first on the server. This is due to the lack of experience of most raiders in Panda. And the fact that people work (some in shift - which is also possible).

We also actively participate in the PVP life of the server. In addition to standard BG and arena, evening hiking on MSCs on the capital of the Alliance in Pandaria and the Old World. Sowing in discard, Achiffka and other wow suffering.


Hidden text

  • Knowing your SPECA and understanding that there is always a place to improve.
  • The desire to learn something new and time for it.
  • Play what they tell you and immediately react. If you were told to run, or change the goal, you run, or change the goal. Immediately. Not after the caste. Not after something else there. Immediately. And do not care that you have a plan. Or handed over bl. Dead do not allow / hibilad.
  • You must know all the tactics on the nearest bosses in the trifles. The best knowledge of tactics is less than Wipes because of nonsense. Try to learn maximum information. Pandaria raids for 5 years. Information is in the open source. For example sites and
  • The ability to speak when it takes - a microphone. Radim in discard.
  • Punctuality. The beginning of the raid means it is the beginning of the raid, and not the beginning of the collection. Therefore, be kind to be online and ready to clean Tresh, at least in 10 minutes. Appreciate others and their time.
  • If you are in the raid once and fall in two months - you do not need anyone. Yes, there are force majeure situations. Yes, I understand that sometimes you want to walk. Some work in shift.
  • Always be prepared for replacements (the composition of 25 PPL raid is 35-40 players).

Useful addons:

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  • DBM / BIGWIGS. - Nobody will announce the main bosses abyloves. For this there are addons with inscriptions in the middle of the screen, voice acting and timers of bosses.
  • Pts useful wang, as they say, for advanced raiders. For example, the environment of a huge number of possibilities of this addon can be seen by the raid CD of other participants of the raid (and not only saves).

Lute distribution:

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We have Consul Lut. In priority, it is always utility for a raid, and not any friends / relatives / mistresses and other crap, which only prevents progress. I always try to distribute Lut as it will be better for the progress of the guild, and not for someone separately. For above progress \u003d more top quality shmot for everyone. Priorities for stable players (not necessarily proven months). For players who survive until the end of the battle, tactics observe and give HPS / DPS, respectively, their guide. Also, landmarks for the general situation of Static - Hila, Tanks, DD: Who is clearly not dressed for the nearest bosses / raids.


Hidden text

  • Srach between members of the guild. If there are any problems, it is possible to solve them without sneak in personal correspondence or separate channel of the discord.
  • Bargaining inside the guild. If you need crafting gear, or what else, then provide reagents and you will do it if possible.
  • All that is not prohibited, oddly enough - allowed.

And now after so many horrors a little positive. We can explain where to farm 20k Gold + a week and various reagents of prof. We have a master class for all newcomers of the server. Even if you are a Professional Off - there are nuances on the server.

I understand that players with relevant experience of the heroes of Pandaria on Offeff is an exception. Therefore, the help will be - for those who want to develop himself.

On subatalogs from 15.00 Moscow time, raids will be raids with allied guilds in the throne of the thunderstorm of complexity of 25 rg / gear.

We recruit everyone who wants Hilles and Damaggers, even only those who came to the server if you are aimed at progress and want development, or are already top raiders with Lica, other Panda servers or the official WOW server. Dressed and devoid of very interested people is not a problem. But no one will be nursing with you and car.

Guild is not a training center. We are looking for people / orcs with skills of skills of spectures / tactics. Either self-independently in a short time is to learn everything.

Write in the game of Kimgri, Murmurmu, Kolkreft, Milk, Ike, Valnuna, Skilled.


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