Labor standards and their classification. Classification of labor standards. All labor standards (time, production, maintenance, numbers and manageability), depending on the methods of their development, are divided into two groups of labor standards and their classification

1.1 Classification of labor standards

2.6 Workers' conditions


The level of labor productivity at the enterprise is characterized by the amount of time spent on performing this work. The less, the more productivity of labor. Saving labor costs with high quality products is an indicator of perfect technology, technology and production organization. Therefore, the technical provisions of labor becomes important. Under technical rationing means the process of establishing labor cost measures (for specific organizations of organizational and technical conditions) for the manufacture of a unit of products or perform a given amount of work for a certain period, taking into account the effective use of produced tools and the use of advanced techniques and working methods.

The rational use of the working time and equipment fund means eliminating the native and intraspecific losses. Therefore, it is necessary to study and analyze the use of working time in enterprises, because This allows you to identify the state of organizing and servicing jobs, labor discipline, the feasibility of the workers' alignment and the degree of synchronization of their labor, the impact of working conditions on the incidence of workers and schedule measures to eliminate the loss of not rational costs of working time.

In this course, it is proposed an analysis of the use of working time, working conditions in the store "Children's World".

1. Norms and classification of labor costs

1.1 Classification of labor standards

The main type of labor costs are time standards for operation. When normalizing labor, operations are divided into labor elements: movements, actions, techniques and receptions complexes.

Labor movement is an initial element of the labor process and represents a single workshop action, for example: to stretch the hand, take the workpiece, bring the workpiece to the cartridge, etc.

Reception is a group of labor movements related to one target destination. Receptions can be the main, with the help of which the technological purpose of this operation is achieved, and the auxiliary, ensuring the implementation of the main techniques.

The reception complex is a group of techniques, combined according to the technological basis (for example, remove the processed part and install the workpiece).

The degree of dismemberment of the operation on the components of its elements depends on the purpose of the study and type of production.

Also, labor norms include the costs of costs and labor results, characteristics of the regulatory organization of labor, conditions and wages.

There are the following costs of costs there: time, generation, maintenance, numbers and normalized task.

The rate rate (laboriousness of the operation) is the necessary time spent on the performance of a production operation by one or group of working relevant qualifications in the most rational organizational and technical conditions for this enterprise. The amount of time is influenced by the nature of the equipment used, the form and physico-chemical properties of the object of labor, the organization of labor and production, etc.

Based on the time rate, the rate of development is calculated. The production rate is determined by the amount of work that must be performed per unit of time (hour, shift, etc.) by one or group of workers.

Service rate is the number of units of equipment, production areas, etc., which is fixed for service for one working or group of workers.

The rate of time is the amount of time required in the specified organizational and technical conditions for servicing the unit of equipment for one calendar period (one shift, month).

The rate of number is the number of employees for servicing an object or performing a certain amount of work.

By time, the rules are divided into permanent and temporary . Under permanent Understand the standards for recurring operations established for relatively sustainable production and valid for a long period to relevant changes to the working conditions. Under teemlessunderstand the norms on the operations established for the period of development of new products or new technological processes (usually for 3-4 months).

The time and rules of production must be technically reasonable. Under the technically reasonable norm, the time established for certain organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of this work (operation) based on the rational use of the production capabilities of equipment and the workplace, taking into account the advanced production experience. The application of such rules contributes to the identification and use of production reserves, the rational use of workers and equipment, the growth of labor productivity.

In the establishment of technically reasonable rules, it should be processed from the rational technological process and the scientific organization of labor corresponding to the peculiarities of specific production, as well as from the performance of work due qualifications, the level of labor productivity workers engaged in similar works, and meets sustainable performance of advanced workers (but not Separate record achievements).

1.2 Organization and maintenance of jobs

The workplace is the area of \u200b\u200blabor activity of one or more performers equipped with the necessary means to perform a production task.

Under the organization of the workplace, it is understood to equip, rational planning and maintenance of jobs that promote the use of advanced techniques and methods of labor, an increase in labor productivity and the most complete use of the technical capabilities of the equipment.

An important prerequisite for organizing jobs is the accounting of the main anthropometric indicators, i.e. The main sizes of the human body. When organizing a workplace, it is necessary to provide for a rational working posture, under which the coordinated position of the corps, head, hands and foot of the contractor relative to weapons and objects of labor is understood.

Pose is considered rational if the worker performs movements with maximum production performance, while spending the smallest amount of muscle and nervous energy, has the ability to perform quick and accurate movements with optimal development of muscle efforts.

Productivity in the workplace is largely determined by its technical armed. The technical armament of the workplace also affects the quality of the product, the degree of fatigue of the worker and the attractiveness of labor.

The technological equipment includes the necessary devices and tools, organizational - equipment for storing and placing technological equipment, materials, semi-finished products and spare parts.

Under the service of the workplace, they understand the system of regulated providing it with all necessary (technical documentation, tool, materials, etc.) in an amount sufficient to maintain continuity and given intensity of the labor process. The rational service of jobs is designed to provide modern preparations for the performance of the production task and uninterrupted operation during its implementation. Service functions include:

Production and preparatory (providing technical documentation, conducting a production instruction, issuance of a production task);

Repair (periodic inspection, repair, equipment lubrication);

Instrumental (repair, sharpening tools, storage and delivery on the workplaces of tools and fixtures);

Setting (commissioning and laying of equipment and technological equipment);

Material support (receipt, storage, equipment and delivery on workplaces of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products);

Transport - warehouse (moving materials, parts and products, acceptance, labeling, accounting and issuance of material values);

Control (analysis and warning of marriage, quality control and acceptance of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products, maintenance and repair of the measurement tool);

Repair and construction (timely production of the current repair of industrial buildings and organizational equipment);

Energy maintenance (providing the workplace by all types of energy - electricity, steam, compressed air, etc.);

Economical - household (maintenance of roads, cleaning of work premises and territories, cultural and domestic service, gardening of the territory).

Maintenance of jobs can be duty, planned - warning and standard.

On duty service is on the call of the main worker; Planned - preventive - on the basis of calendar plans - graphs of launch of parties of parts, charts of reference equipment and its preventive inspection. It is usually carried out in the non-working time of the main workers; Standard - in strictly regulated on rigid standard schedules in accordance with the rhythm of production.

1.3 Working Cost Classification

To identify the productivity reserves, it is necessary to investigate the costs of working time during a shift or some time segment. For the purpose of a single approach to the study and analysis of the actual costs of working time at all printing enterprises, classification of working time costs is applied but categories (see Appendix 1). For this classification, all costs, working time throughout the working day (shift) are divided during operation and break times.

The time of work consists of the costs of working time for the implementation of the production task (time of productive work) and the cost of time for the performance of work that is not determined by the performance of the production task.

Productive time is divided into preparatory and final, operational and workplace service .

Preparatory work time (PZ) - the cost of working time in connection with the transition to the manufacture of a new order (circulation), i.e. Making, facilitating printed forms, targeting machines to another format, volume, etc. The peculiarity of the final time is that it, as a rule, does not depend on the amount of work performed on this order, and is not repeated in each shift .

The operation time (OP) is spent on the direct performance of the production task. It consists of the main and auxiliary time.

The main time (o) is the time spent on the direct change in the object of labor, such as the time for printing products, sewing blocks, inserting blocks into binding covers, etc. It determines number of manufactured products.

The auxiliary time (B) - the time required to ensure the conditions when performing the main work, for example, charging the self-stick and unloading an acceptance on a flat printing machine, refueling the threads on the nitkoshwea machines, etc.

The time of service of the workplace (OM) is the constant costs of working time during a shift aimed at maintaining the workplace in a working condition. It is divided during the maintenance and time of the organizational service. During maintenance, workers produce adjustment of equipment support, eliminate paper breaks, braids, and the like.

The organizational maintenance of the workplace includes the costs of care for the workplace and the equipment within its composition at the beginning and at the end of the shift, i.e. Inspection and lubrication of the machine, familiarization with the work, cleaning the workplace, the change of shift.

While working on machine-automatic and hardware operations, the worker actively or passively monitors the operation of the equipment. During active observation of the equipment of the equipment, the worker should follow the serviceability of the equipment, for compliance with technological modes for ensuring high quality products, and although it does not fulfill physical work, but its presence is required. With passive observation, the work has no need to follow the work of the equipment or the progress of the technological process.

When studying and analyzing the cost of working time, it is distinguished overlapping and untielded time. The time of work is considered overlapped during the automatic stroke of the machine. The non-executable time of work requires stopping equipment.

Operational time, the non-recoverable time of the auxiliary work and maintenance of the workplace belongs to the normalized time. The time of operation, not due to the performance of the production task, includes the time of non-production and random work.

The time of unproductive work (HP) is spent on non-technology and labor organization work, such as the correction of their marriage, searching for instruments, etc.

Random work time (Wed) - the cost of time to perform work not included in the duties of the worker, for example, withdrawing an ambitrate with a roll of paper, the use of materials. These works must be performed by auxiliary workers.

Break time during which the worker does not take part in the labor process, divide into the following categories:

time for rest and personal need (from) is governed by working conditions and is established by workers to maintain normal performance, as well as for personal hygiene and natural need;

time of interruptions for organizational and technical reasons (software) - loss of working time, independent of the worker (lack of work, electricity, vehicle breakdown, waiting for the master, etc.);

break time due to disruption of labor discipline (PR) - these loss of working time include finding work, care from the workplace, foreign conversations, premature ending work.

The time of unproductive and random work, as well as the time of interruptions for organizational and technical reasons and due to the violation of labor disciplines refer to the non-normalized working time.

The costs of working time are studied by observing the workplace at the work of the equipment and for all the actions of performers using various methods of observation.

To establish technically reasonable norms, use the method of direct measurements of working time.

The method of direct measurements belongs to the photograph of working time, timing and photo timing.

1.4 Methods for studying the cost of working time

1.4.1 Timber

The timing is used to verify the norms established by the calculated way, mainly in mass and large-scale production. In addition, timekeeping enjoyed when studying advanced working methods with target.

The timing process includes: the dismemberment of the investigated operation on the components of its elements; measurement of these elements in time in order of their execution; analysis of observation results and elements selection for inclusion in the rational composition of operations; Determining the normal duration of each element.

The timing can be solid and selective. With solid continuously, all operations of operation in their technological sequence are measured; Upon sample - during the execution of the operation, only individual methods are measured regardless of their sequence, but so that, ultimately, the duration of all operations of the operation was determined.

The timing consists of the following steps: - Preparation for observation, - observation, - processing of historical observations, - analysis of the results, - conclusions - the establishment of rules and design of operational time standards.

Preparation for the occupation of the timing observation is to dismember the operations on complexes of receptions, techniques or movement (depending on the purpose of chronometry), the design of the rational structure of the operation, familiarization with the equipment, the working conditions, the work factories and the correspondence of its working qualifications.

In order of preparation for observation, the front side of the timing and observation sheet (chronokarts) is filled, where the following source data is recorded: the name and characteristics of the manufactured product; name of the observed operation;

the number of products in the party; discharge of work; Information about Mage Rial, Equipment, Tool, Fixtures; Information about the working (surname, qualification, experience, production characteristic). Here the product sketch is drawn here, and other information is given that fully characterize this operation.

The observer must ensure that all noticeable problems are eliminated, and the necessary pace and the uninterrupted job of work was provided. In addition, it must determine the most rational dismissal of the operation on the component elements, eliminating the unnecessary movement. The establishment of the rational composition and structure of the operation is made by an observer, both on the basis of personal experience and through the study of the techniques for innovators on similar operations.

For timekeeping, a working or a group of workers who know the mechanism, tools and devices used to perform this operation can be rational to use their working day, corresponding to their qualifications performed, which have manufacturing experience and skills in operation.

Typically, the timing observations are carried out at work of advanced workers performing and over-fulfilling scheduled tasks and providing a high level of productivity. These workers should be warned about the observations carried out, their goals and are instructed so that the work went on a projected optimal regime.

Preparation for observation ends in a supervisory sheet of elements of the surrounding operation in their technological sequence and the establishment of fixtures. Under the fixed point is meant the moment in which the end of the last movement of the previous reception (complex) with the beginning of the first movement of the subsequent reception of the operation. Installing fixtures is necessary to correctly measure the duration of the receptions. In addition, in the process of preparation for observation, the graph "Technical characteristic" is filled, where indicators characterizing the technical conditions for the implementation of the surrounding operation are given.

During the observation process, the duration of each normalized element of the operation (motion, reception or reception complex) is measured and recorded. For measuring duration, stopwalls are used, chronometers to special time recorders (multi-estate arrow and digital instruments), information devices for special forms or punched and film equipment. The duration of the operation elements is determined by the current time or by separate references.

When recording for the current time, the observational sheet includes data that record the end of the first and starting the subsequent elements of the operation without stopping the chronometer or stopwatch. The duration of the elements of the operation necessary to obtain the timing rows is detected later in the process of processing the historical observation data.

In selective timing, during the execution of the operation, the duration of only individual normalized elements is fixed. In this case, the stopwatch or chronometer is allowed to move with the beginning of this element of the operation and turn off simultaneously with its end.

The first method (definition for the current time) is more convenient. Hardware observations should be started with the steady rational pace of work, when all the conditions provided formed and mastered the techniques of labor are observed. The observer records the duration of the normalized elements of the operation, as well as in a special column chronokart, notes the duration of the interruptions and various deviations that occurred during timing. As a result of the timing observations, for each element of operation, repeatedly recorded data on the duration of its execution, forming a timekeeping series, accumulate. Each element of the operation corresponds to one timekeeping series. The number of members of this series is equal to the number of time measurements done. In case of timekeeping, special attention is paid to manual and machine-manual techniques of operation, the machine techniques are determined by the calculation.

The number of measurements constituting a crane must be sufficient to obtain a reliable standard. The minimum required number of measurements is recommended to choose the table in Appendix 1.

cost working time fund

The timing rows obtained in the process of observation are analyzed and subjected to statistical processing. Analysis and processing of timing rows are performed in the following order: a) make up rows with a sufficient number of measurements;

b) establish the degree of resistance of the series; c) calculate the regulatory duration of each element; d) reveal the possibilities of combining the elements of the operation; e) set the rate of operational time.

In the normization practice, the degree of sustainability of the series is taken to measure the resistance coefficient K y, i.e. The ratio of the maximum value of the timing series T Max to the minimum T min:

k Y \u003d T Max / T Min

The closer to the unit the value of the coefficient, the morestable row. The practice of technical rationing, for various types of production, the permissible coefficients of the stability of the timing rows were developed. With a stable timing series, the time standard for each element of the operation is defined as the average arithmetic value of all the measurements of the timing row.

After establishing the normal duration of individual elements of the operation, analysis of the results obtained is carried out, the data of which is used in the form of a time or primary material to develop time standards for auxiliary and main work.

The results of the observation are analyzed from the point of view of rationalizing the operation and reduce the time for individual elements of the operation.

Crowded data are used for: development of time standards for manual and machine-manual elements;

setting the rules of time into separate operations, mainly under conditions of mass and large-scale production, checking and clarifying the rules of time established by the method of technical calculation according to regulations; Studying methods and techniques for the work of advanced workers for their widespread.

The timing method used in serial and large-scale production makes it possible to determine the elements of the employment process using the stopwatch with an accuracy of 0.5-0.6 c. .

1.4.2 Working Time Photography (FRV)

Another time photo is a way to study the employment process in order to identify the costs of working time during the studied period (as a rule, over one or more shift). At the same time, the method, the main attention is paid to the identification of loss of working time, as well as the study of the costs of the preparatory and final time, the time of service of the workplace and the time required for rest. This is the main difference in the photograph of the working day from the timekeeping of the operation, the task of which is to study the elements of the time of operational work. The photo of the working day is carried out with the goal:

drawing up the actual balance of working time shifts by identifying all its costs for this period, grouping them by category of time (preparatory and final, basic, auxiliary, time of breaks, etc.);

Identifying the causes of losses and unproductive costs of time with the subsequent development of measures to eliminate them;

Designing a normal working time balance,

providing for improving the use of working time by eliminating losses;

obtaining data required for the normalization of the final time, the time of service of the workplace and interruptions, to compile regulatory tables for these time categories;

definitions of the number of workers required for servicing individual units, or the number of equipment units served by one worker.

When conducting photography of the working day, monitoring the work of the mechanisms and serving their workers with the corresponding marks in the observation sheet of the photo of the working day with an accuracy of 1 min. At the end of the observation, the received data is processed: make up a time summary by category of working time costs; Develop organizational and technical measures; Projeit working time balance; We systematize the data necessary for compiling the standards of preparatory and final time, time to maintain the workplace, time to rest.

The degree of detailing records depends on the purpose of the photo and from the type of production. In conditions of single and small-scale production, smaller detail is allowed than in large-scale and mass production, where more accurate analysis of time cost analysis is needed, but always fix all breaks in operation with an indication of their reasons. Results of the working day photos for analysis purposes are grouped by working time categories.

To facilitate the processing of observation results, the conditional designations of the time categories are used - indices developed in accordance with the classification of time costs, the example of which is given in Table 2 (Ap.).

The following types of working day photos are distinguished: individual When the object of observation serves one worker; group When the object of observation is a group of workers performing the same or different operations independently of each other; brigade When the object of observation is a group of workers interconnected by the unity of the production task.

The working day's photo is carried out in the following order:

preparation for observation, consisting in a detailed study and description of the object of observation and production situation; Direct photo of working time by registering everyone, without exception, time spent elements; Processing the data obtained. Processing includes: determining the duration of certain types of time; drawing up the actual balance of working time in groups; Analysis of the cost of time and designing a new, normal working day balance. When designing a normal balance, it is envisaged to combine individual elements in time, the elimination of unnecessary elements, the elimination of non-elected breaks, conducting organizational and technical measures that ensure troubleshooting. As a result, the development rate is increasing due to the sealing of the working day.

According to the observation technique, the working day photo can be: continuous, when time measurements are carried out during the entire observation period continuously, and interrupted (route), at which time measurements are made through certain, relatively small intervals; Such a working day photo is used for workers (or brigades) that have no permanent jobs, for example, for transport brigades, etc.

There are two types of data recording of the working day photos in the observation sheet: digital when these observations are fixed only in numbers; graphic , When the duration of the observed actions graphically (on scale) is noted in the rows of the corresponding categories (by indexes) of time.

The working day's photograph is the process of time consuming, requiring the attraction of a large number of normalizers for objective judgment on time reserves in all areas of production. The loss of working time is fully and easier to be identified by self-faith working day . She received wide distribution in recent years, but only as a way to analyze the loss of working time, and not normalizing the operation.

The term "self-photograph" suggests that all records are made directly by the performer himself, which registers only the causes and duration of time loss. By setting losses in time and the causes of their occurrence, the worker makes specific suggestions for their elimination, as well as rationalization proposals for improving the organization of production.

Unlike the usual photography of the working day, self-photographs can be simultaneously covered by a large number of workers of various specialties and qualifications engaged in various work.

2. Analysis of the state and organization of labor at JSC "Children's World"

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

JSC "Children's World" was established in the process of privatizing state and municipal enterprises. The founder of OJSC "Children's World" spoke. Committee on State Property Management.

g. Pavlodar Overlooking the Company by the authorized capital in the amount of 228 thousand tons., which can be increased by the profit of the enterprises that remain at the disposal of the enterprises of the additional contributions of founders or other arrival.

The Company is a legal entity on the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. His assets and their sources society takes into account on an independent balance sheet. As a legal entity, the Company has the appropriate attributes: a round seal containing a full brand name. Societies and instructions on his location of the stamps of forms with their name their own emblem other means of visual identification.

For settlements. The society in the prescribed manner opens up settlement and currency accounts in bank institutions.

Society To achieve the goals of its activities have the right to make transactions to acquire property and non-property rights, carry duties, to be the plaintiff and the defendant in court.

The society has the right to ownership with respect to property taken into account on its independent balance, including the property transferred to him by the founder when creating. Societies, as well as property transferred to the Company to pay shares.

The Company is responsible for its obligations within the assets belonging to it and property rights, which, according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, may be recovery. Shareholders are not responsible for the obligations of the Company and carry the risk of losses associated with its activities within the value of the shares belonging to them. The Company does not respond to the obligations of the state and its shareholders.

The main activity of the Company is retail, but possessing overall legal capacity. The Company has civil rights and is responsible for the implementation of any activities that are not prohibited by the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The company was established for an unlimited term.


The highest governing body of the Company is the general meeting of shareholders.

Supervisory Board of JSC. Its competence includes solving issues of general management activities. Societies with the exception of issues related to the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

The Director General of the JSC manages the current activities. Societies solely make decisions on all issues, not referred to the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Supervisory Board of the Company.

Technologically, the department store consists of 9 sections, 2 kiosks, cafeteria and 2 warehouses.

In addition to traditionally components for the trade of structural divisions, they are created and operate: repair - construction service, security and security service, dining room.

The company has a linearly functional management structure.

The number of employees in the enterprise is 122 people. Personal policy planning is aimed at attracting high-class specialists and the disclosure of their creative potential, which is achieved through the selection, training, promotion. The selection of employees is based on the probationary period. Promotions include both material payments and moral measures.

All employees pay wages depending on the post. The payment of labor is based on official salary and depends on the value of the actual spent time and the achievement of the final results of the enterprise.

The department store implements a wide range of product groups with a very deep assortment. In the total volume of goods, the goods of the children's assortment occupy more than 50%. Trade is carried out on two floors with a total area of \u200b\u200b2300 m square. The daily passability of the department store 1000-1200 buyers during seasonality periods preparation for school for the New Year holidays this figure increases 2 - 3 times.

According to accounting policies in OJSC "Children's World", the method of implementation is applied.

The company has a fairly stable financial condition. The size of the company's trade allowance is about 35%, it is formed taking into account the costs of delivered, storage, the sale of goods, the norms of profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise. In pricing, the company adheres to the policies of the average prices of the city's trading market

The profitability of the implemented groups fluctuates in its meaning depending on the product group, the saturation of its presence in the market, qualitative characteristics. In general, on the enterprise, profitability at various periods of activity is 5 - 8%.

Consider the main technical and economic indicators of JSC "Children's World" in the form of table 1.

The value of the work is to the table, per working, calculated by the following formula:

Development \u003d Product Sales / Number of Working

Development (2008) \u003d 480.41 / 79 \u003d 6.08 thousand tons.

The average SP in the table is calculated by the formula:

Average zp \u003d photos / number of employees

The average zp (2008) \u003d 2765/79 \u003d 35 thousand tons.

The following conclusions can be drawn from the table: the number of permanent personnel in the store is 79 people. The volume of products sold, compared with 2007, in 2008 increased by 42.5%, which amounted to 143.19 thousand tons., Which is associated with an increase in the development of one employee, which is respectively 42.5%. Also increased phot in 2008 by 22.9% or 516.9 thousand tons. The size of the SP of trade and operational workers increased by 6.54 thousand tons. or by 22.9%.

Table 1

Characteristics of the activity of the Children's World store for the main technical and economic indicators.


Growth rate,

Number of trade operational personnel, people

The volume of products sold, thousand TN.

Development per working,

Fot workers, thousand tn.

Middle zp working

2.2 Organization and maintenance of jobs

Consider the organization and maintenance of jobs in at JSC "Children's World" using tables 2 and 3.

table 2

Service place maintenance

Service functions


Time spent, min.

Obtaining goods and documentation

Getting Product and Check Certificates


Adjustment and Laying of Equipment

Elimination of equipment failures

Specialists in repair of this type of equipment

Repair of equipment

Elimination of breakdowns

Until complete elimination breakage

Packaging of goods received

Distribution, packaging


Cleaning waste and not high-quality products


Delivery of money collectors

Filling a cash book and passing money in accounting

Seller - Cashier.

According to the data given in the table, the following conclusions can be drawn: equipment breakdown leads to the greatest loss of working time, as it can serve as the impossibility of continuing the employment process. At JSC "Children's World" there are backup equipment, which replaces the main problems during the repair and elimination of problems in its work (spare cash registers, racks, showcases). The organization of the workplace is a system of measures to equip it with means and subjects placement in a certain order. The organization of the workplace service means its provision of funds, objects and services necessary for the implementation of the employment process. Consider equipping jobs at JSC "Children's World" using data table 3. Where the workplace equipment will be considered in the cafeteria of JSC "Children's World"

Table 3.

Equipment of the workplace with technological equipment, tool, fixtures



Number of units

Deviations (+, -)

According to the standard



food cutting knives

confectionery tongs

disposable tableware

Technological equipment, fixtures


showcases, shelves

refrigerated Cabinets - Showcases

control and cash equipment

Lifting - vehicles


It can be seen from the table that there are deviations from the norm, this suggests that the workplace is not fully equipped with the necessary tool and equipment, which makes the work of sellers not qualitative and not operational. Consequently, there are loss of working time due to the organization of jobs in the cafeteria of OJSC "Children's World".

2.3 Using working time

In order to eliminate the loss of working time and its rational use, it is necessary to study its possible losses and ways to eliminate them. There are both native and intraspecific losses of working time. Their study is possible when holding timekeeping and photographs of working time, as well as on the basis of data on the tablet. Consider the loss of time at JSC "Children's World" using the photo of the Seller's working day (the data are shown in Table 4)

Table 4.

Photography of the Seller's Day

The name of the cost of working time

Current time

clock and minutes

Duration, min.

Came to work

Acceptance of goods

Item layout on shop windows

Preparation of workplace

Turning on the box office

Introduced data to the cashier

Started work

Buyer service

Income from work on personal need

Talking on the phone

Buyer service

Replaced the cash register

Buyer service

The separation of the work on personal need

Buyer service

Started work

Cleaning tables in cafeteria

Buyer service

Brought a disposable dishes

Buyer service

Removing testimony from the cashier

Cleaning workplace and tables in cafeteria

Care home

In order to find out rationally whether the work time is used, the seller in the cafeteria will look at its balance.

Table 5.

Balance of the cost of working time seller

The amount of actual costs, min.

Preparatory - Final Time

Time of operational work

Time for rest and personal need

Labor discipline time

Stopping time for organizational reasons

Time service place

The following conclusions can be drawn on the tables:

The operation time is 329 minutes from 480 minutes of work shift. This suggests that it is used not rationally and requires improvement.

Place service time takes 52 minutes means the seller works not operational.

Time for rest and personal need takes 67 minutes 60 of them Dining time. So it does not represent large losses.

The time of not planned breaks is 29 minutes (talking on the phone and stop in the work on organizationally technical reasons), which is 6.04% of the time of work shift (8 hours).

Calculate the working time utilization ratio, it is located according to the following formula:

KISP. \u003d (OP + PZ + OM + FIV) / Working shift * 100%

KISP. \u003d (329+ 3 + 52 + 67) / 480 * 100% \u003d 93.96%

The working time loss factor is located on the following formula:

KPOTER \u003d (PO + PR) / Working shift * 100%

KPOTER \u003d (22 + 7) / 480 * 100% \u003d 6.04%

The working time utilization rate is 93.96%, and its loss coefficient - 6.04% this can be drawn up with the following conclusion that 29 minutes from working time is not rational. Consider the value of the loss coefficient relative to its use, the loss factor is considerable importance, this suggests that it is necessary to take measures to eliminate unplanned breaks in the seller's work in this department in order to ensure the operational customer service.

2.4 Organization of the Labor Process

The labor process is a set of labor actions carried out in a certain order.

Optimization of the structure of the labor process is achieved by reducing the number of labor movements and improving the methods of their implementation. Consequently, an important factor in building a rational labor process is the classification of labor movements (see Appendix 3).

The choice of rational labor movements, taking into account their classification, should be reduced to the following: when designing an employment process, you should give preference to short movements, as they are less tedious. Horizontal hands movement faster and less tedious than vertical.

Combining work movements (hands and legs), in addition to saving time, reduces the fatigue of employees.

To follow the labor process for servicing buyers will conduct its graphical analysis.

Table 6.

Graphic analysis of the labor process for customer service

Duration of actions, min.

Left hand

Right hand

Took confectionery tongs

Took a plate

Come to the shop window

Pyro-wife took

Put the tongs and put the plate

Took a glass

Poured tea

Put sugar

Put a purchase on the counter

Beat off check buyer

Took money

Got a purchase

Gave delivery

From this table, the number of movements performed by the hull, legs and hands of the seller, as well as the time spent on their execution.

So, the buyer's service process takes 1 minute 6 seconds. The seller's body, practically, is standing throughout the entire process (out of 12 receptions, 8 standing standing, 4 bent, which is associated with the packing of sugar).

Seller's legs are involved in walking, or make a simple, which is necessary to fulfill any reception. Unplanned downtime is not. As for the hands, you can trace the following: Most techniques are performed with the right hand (packing, packaging, holding, transportation of sugar, calculation with buyers), i.e. It is involved in all receptions. The left hand makes fewer movements that are mainly auxiliary (deliver goods, keep with packing, etc.), or makes simple.

Of all the above techniques, in my opinion, it is to improve the packing of sugar, because in order to weigh the required amount of sugar from the seller takes 0.6 minutes, which is 45.11% of the time of the whole sale process. To create the operational service of buyers, it is necessary to introduce an event to eliminate working time loss, for example. Take to work the second seller.

2.5 Organization and payment of labor at OJSC "Children's World"

At JSC "Children's World" there are the following norms: numbers, maintenance, working time rate.

The number of personnel in the store is 122 people. Each seller works in the appropriate department. The seller's working day is 8 hours. The production rate per seller is 6080 tenge in shift, depending on it is charged by the employee's salary, the average size of which is 10909.03 tenge per month. With an increase in the production will be increased and the salaries of the seller will be increased. Consequently, a piecework of labor is applied at OJSC "Children's World", i.e. Earnings of the seller is determined based on the amount of products sold and rates for its unit. The rest of the employees are charged timeless salary, i.e. Failure depends on the number of time worked by an employee.

2.6 Workers' conditions

The improvement of the working conditions of the employee plays a major role in the labor organization system. The working conditions are a production environment in which human activity occurs during labor, the human performance depends on their state, the ratio of his work, his state of health. Consider the working conditions of workers at OJSC "Children's World".

If we talk about production conditions, you can select the following: the optimization of labor and recreation modes is used, modern equipment with minimal noise effects. Also, the temperature, humidity and speed of air movement in the workplace has much attention. At JSC "Children's World", the values \u200b\u200bof these factors correspond to sanitary - hygienic standards: air humidity does not exceed 75%, the temperature is not more than 30 degrees, when air moves from 0 to 0.2 m / s. To maintain such values \u200b\u200bin the store, air conditioners and ventilation are used. The glazing of windows protects against the invasion of air and wind streams. Lighting is played a major role in the labor process. It should be borne in mind that natural light stimulates the life of the body, this suggests that artificial lighting should be minimal and used only if necessary. In this store, artificial lighting is used if necessary in the morning and in the evening, as well as partially throughout the entire working day (showcase lighting). Aesthetic factors, such as the use of color, form and music in human labor activities at OJSC "Children's World" are absent.

3. Calculation of the effectiveness of the proposed measures to eliminate the loss of working time at JSC "Children's World"

Summing up this course work, the following measures can be allocated to eliminate the loss of working time in the cafeteria of JSC "Children's World".

1. Events to improve jobs, ensuring their necessary inventory.

2. From the graphics method in Chapter 2 it is clear that the seller spends a significant amount of time for servicing one buyer. Because of this, the service time is distributed not rational and it is necessary to reduce the cost of serving one client to make the seller's work more operational.

Working together, sellers will be able to serve customers at the same time.

This will lead to the maintenance of more customers at a constant work shift time. Calculate efficiency from the introduction of this event.

Table 7.

Initial data



Meaning of indicators

The number of employees covered by the event

Reducing the loss of working time for one employee in shift

Annual working time

Middle Beasion Fund

Regulatory coefficient of comparative economic organizational events

One-time costs

Let's calculate the possible savings of time, in the person, by the formula:

EVR. \u003d N * chokhv. * F / 60,

where n is a reduction in the loss of working time at one employee in shift, min.; CHAV - the number of workers covered by the event; F - Annual Effective Time Fund in the Days.

EVR. \u003d 126 * 1 * 262/60 \u003d 550.2 people

Calculate the cost savings, man, by the formula:

Ech. \u003d EVR. / Fish.,

where are Fish. - Workstation Foundation in the clock.

Ech. \u003d 550.2 / 2096 \u003d 0.26 people.

Let's calculate the increase in labor productivity,%, by the formula:

PTR. \u003d EC. * 100 / (Chokhv. - Ech.), PTR. \u003d 0.26 * 100 / (1 - 0.26) \u003d 19.24%

Calculate savings by wages, thousand tn., By the formula:

EZP. \u003d EC. * FSZP,

where FSP is an average annual wage fund, thousand TN.

EZP. \u003d 0.26 * 230.42 \u003d 59.9 thousand tons.

Calculate savings on deductions to extrabudgetary funds:

EUN. \u003d EZP. * 3.58.

EUN. \u003d 59.9 * 3.58 \u003d 214.44 thousand tons.

Calculate savings to reduce cost, thousand TN.:

Ess \u003d EZP. + EUN.

Ess \u003d 59.9+ 214.44 \u003d 274.34 thousand tons.

With the help of higher computed values, we calculate the annual economic effect of the proposed event by the formula:

EG. \u003d Ess. * Zed.,

Where en. - the normative coefficient of the comparative economic efficiency of organizational measures; Zed. - The costs are one-time (the cost of introducing the event).

The normative coefficient is calculated by the formula:

EN. \u003d 1 / t.,

Where TN. - Regulatory payback period of the event, years.

For OJSC "Children's World" Payback period (TN) will be 0.08 years, because To carry out this event, cash costs will amount to the SP of a new employee, they will be equal to 16.63 thousand tons., Consequently, the annual economic effect will be equal to:

EG. \u003d 274.34 - 1 / 0.08 * 16.63 \u003d 66.465 thousand tons.


In this course, it was detected and studying the cost of working time, an analysis of the rational use of it, the possibility of carrying out activities to eliminate the loss of working time (based on photography of working time), as well as the annual economic effect of a possible event was calculated.

Annual economic effect is 66,465 thousand tons. At the same time, the introduction of this event of JSC "Children's World" will spend 16.63 thousand tons. This suggests that the introduction of this event will be beneficial to the enterprise, as well as reduce the loss of working hours from the seller, which will make customer service more operational.

Thus, engaging in the normization of the enterprise, enterprises organize the effectiveness of their work, in order to organize an operational labor process with the smallest material costs and make profits from production.


1. Adamchuk V.V., Romanov O.V., Sorokina M.S. Economy and Sociology of Labor: Textbook for universities. - M.: Uniti, 2000. - 407c.

2. B.Z. Zeldovich, N.I. Safonova, MA Pavlova. Organization and planning of printing production. - M.: Book, 1990. - 401С.

3. Scientific Organization of Labor and Labor Regulation in Mechanical Engineering: Textbook for Engineering and Economic Universities and Faculties / A.P. Stepanov, I.M. Razumov, S.V. Smirnov et al. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1984. - 464С.: IL.

4. Labor rationing in industry: a teaching manual for a system for improving the qualifications of management workers and industry specialists. - M.: Economics, 1982. - 296c.

5. Labor rationing. / Ed. S.F. Novozhilova. - M.: Economics, 1989. - 419c.

6. Organization, planning and management of engineering enterprise: Tutorial for students of machine-building specialties of universities. / THEM. Razumov, L.A. Glagolev, M.I. Ipatov, V.P. Ermilov. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1982. - 544С.: IL.

7. Organization, planning and management of the enterprise of mass engineering: Tutorial for students of machine-building specialties of universities. / B. Vlasov, GB Katz, V.I. Kozyrev et al. - M.: Spade. Shk., 1985. - 432c.: Il.

8. Organization and planning of radio engineering production. Management of the company's radio industry: a textbook for the radio specialties of universities. / DD Military, L.G. Head, T.A. Gorskaya et al. - M.: Higher. Shk., 1987. - 351С. :: IL.

9. Sociology of Labor: Textbook / Ed. N.I. Diryakhlova, A.I. Kravchenko. - M.: Publisher of Moscow University, 1993. - 368c.

10. Shapiro I.I. Scientific organization of labor workers in mechanical engineering. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1987. - 256C.: IL.

Attachment 1

The required number of observations during timekeeping and the permissible coefficients of the stability of the timing rows

Type of production

The duration of the element, with

Permissible stability coefficient

Number of observations

For machine work

For manual work

Machine work

Hand work

With the accuracy of observations,%





Appendix 2.

Classification of labor movements

Signs of classification of labor movements

A variety of work movements


Long, short


Horizontal, children's peaceful, radial, straightforward


Separate (single), combined (parallel)


Drangial, decisive


Continuous, intermittent with constant or variable direction

Functional purpose

Required, extra, correction, emergency

Physical severity

Lightweight, tense

The following types of labor standards are distinguished: time standards, mining standards, service time standards, service standards, numerous norms, normalized tasks to volunteers. In a broad sense, the norms of manageability still include the norms of manageability (regulated by the number of persons directly subordinate to one leader), labor complexity (qualification discharges of workers, categories of labor complexity of specialists), labor wages (tariff rates, salaries), norms of working conditions ( Sanitary and hygienic, safety, etc.). We will reveal the content of the norms directly expressing the measure of labor.

The rate of time is the reasonable time spent on the execution of a unit of work (one production operation, one piece, one product, one type of service, work of a certain volume, etc.) by one employee or a group of established number and qualifications in specific production (organizational technical) conditions. Time norms are calculated in man-minutes and man-hours. Nap-286

measures, the norm for the manufacture of the product "A" is 16 people-hours, the norm for the production of 1 m fabric "K * - - 38 people-minutes.

Output rate- this is the number of work units (production operations, parts, products, scope of work, services, etc.), which must be performed per unit of time (hour, shift, month, etc.) by one employee or a group of established numbers and Qualifications in specific "production (organizational and technical) conditions. For example, the production of products" B "is 260 pcs. per shift, the material of material production" C "- 85 m per hour.

Between the time of time (N KP)and the norm of production (l g T1YR) there is a reverse proportional dependence:

where T? -the time for which the output rate is established, h. min;

p -the number of workers employed on the performance of this work, a person.

The rate of production is more convenient to apply where the rate of time has a relatively small value. So, if the rate of time on the production of the details "d" is 12 s / pc. And, accordingly, the norm of producing this part is 300 pcs / h, then it is more expedient to bring to the performer of the production rate.

Service rate~ these are reasonable time spent on servicing equipment, industrial space or other production units with one employee or a group of established number and qualifications. inspecific production (organizational and technical) conditions. Service time standards are a variety of time standards. They are calculated in man-minutes and man-hours and are mainly used in the normalization of labor of the auxiliary workers. For example, the set of single machine setup is 20 minutes.

Service rate- this is a reasonable number of objects (machines, mechanisms, jobs, etc.), which an employee or a group of workers must serve per unit of working time (hour, shift, month, etc.). For example, machine maintenance rate of machine tools for one adjuster - 24 shift machine. Essentially, the service rate is a kind of production standards and are used, as well as the service time norms, mainly when the labor is normalized by the auxiliary workers.

There is also a reverse proportional dependence between the service rate and the service rate.

Normal rate- This is the necessary number of employees of certain professions and qualifications for the implementation of specific work during the specified time (shift, month, etc.). Such norms are set to perform work, unstable in composition and repeatability, or to maintain any objects (jobs, devices, aggregates, etc.).

Normated taskthis is the established amount of work, which must be performed by a person being paid by a paid employee or their fuipe for a certain time (shift, month, etc.).

The composition of labor norm

Normated elements of working time costs are used to form labor standards.

The composition of the time rate can be represented as follows:

L g "p \u003d l", + l / - "+ l" in + N *+ LH "_, + AU

where N h- the norm of preparatory and final time; L "" - the norm of the main time; N B -auxiliary time rate;

AU - the rate of time of the technological and organizational service of the workplace;

NF, T. l - the rate of time on vacation and personal need;

L ", - the rate of time of the faint breaks, provided for by technology and the organization of the production process.

If the production of products is carried out by individual parties (series), the preparatory and final time is set to the entire batch of homogeneous products and called the norm of preparatory-concluded time.In this case, the time rate on the manufacture of a unit of products is established without preparatory and final time, called norm of piece of timeand determined by the following formula:

where IV VN is the rate of operational time.

If it is necessary to determine the rate of full time of time per unit of production, then such a normal is called piece-calculatingand find according to the formula

N im. K \u003d n + - ** -,(13.2)

where t.- the number of products in the party (series).

The time for servicing the workplace and time for rest and personal need is counting on a direct account, but for manual and machine-manual works, they can be determined both in the form of interest to operational time. In this case, the calculation of the norm of pieces is carried out but the following formula:

LG 1 PT \u003d A

where LH "d - the time of service of the workplace, as a percentage of operational time;

N HT -time of unreassed interruptions provided for by technology and organization of the production process, as a percentage of operational time;

N MJL- Time for rest and personal need, as a percentage of operational time.

In machine and automated processes with mass production, maintenance time can be expressed as a percentage of the main time. The norm of pieces for these conditions is calculated by the formula

N (n + n T + JV.

^ (C + Acy "Rg ^") (13.4)

where N kx -maintenance time, as a percentage of operational time

N OPR - organizational service time, as a percentage of operational time.

Development standards are calculated based on time standards and are expressed in natural performance indicators (pieces, square, tons, etc.).

System of labor standards used in enterprises. The relationship between them. Classification of labor standards according to the degree of validity (by the establishment method), the period of action, the degree of consgument. Structure of time standards. Methods for calculating the rules of production.

Labor standards are a set of prescriptions, rules established by measures regulating labor activities. The enterprises use a system of labor standards reflecting various parties to work. The most widely used norms of time, production, maintenance, numbers, manageability, normalized tasks.

Rate of time (N BP) is the value of the cost of working time for the execution of a unit of work, established by an employee or a group of employees (brigade) of relevant qualifications in certain organizational and technical conditions.

Output rate (H VYR) is the established amount of work, which a worker or a group of employees of relevant qualifications is obliged to perform per unit of working time in certain organizational and technical conditions.

Service rate (N O) is the number of production facilities (equipment units, jobs, etc.), which worker or a group of employees of relevant qualifications are required to serve during a unit of working time in certain organizational and technical conditions.

Service rate (N BR.O. ) - This is the amount of time required in certain organizational and technical conditions for maintenance during the change of unit of equipment, square meter of production area, etc.

Normal rate (H H) is the established number of employees of a certain professional qualification composition necessary to perform specific production functions or work in certain organizational and technical conditions.

Control rate (N of UE) - determines the number of workers, which should be directly subordinate to one leader.

The use of one or another type of norms depends on the conditions of production, the nature of labor and other factors. However, the main species of the norms are the norms of time, since working hours is a universal meter of the amount of labor being spent. The costs of working time are based on the basis for calculating the norms of production, maintenance and numbers.

Depending on the methods of justification and the establishment of the norms, they are customary to divide on pilot-statistical and technically reasonable.

Norms defined on the basis of the experience of a normizer or master, as well as based on similar works, i.e. established on the operation as a whole, without studying and analyzing production capabilities, technical and economic calculations belong to experimental statistical.

Under technically reasonable norm it is understood by the norm established by the engineering and economic calculation based on the design of the rational technological process and the organization of labor and involving the effective use of means of production and labor itself.

Technically sound norm, determining the cost of time for certain work under optimal conditions, is a standard of high-organized production. With technically reasonable norms, the labor process is organized and planned in unity with equipment and technology. Such norms are justified not only from the technical side, but also from the economic, psychophysiological and social. Technically reasonable norms reflect:

    rational technical process;

    the right organization of labor;

    performance by performers of relevant qualifications, the level of performance of which is higher than the average performance of workers engaged in similar works, but below by individual work recordable performance;

    optimal working conditions in the workplace;

The organizing and mobilizing role of the norm can be performed only when they are comprehensively and comprehensively substantiated and take into account the actual possibilities of technology, advanced production experience, psycho-physiological and social factors.

Time normally includes the necessary costs, which include the preparatory-final time (T PZ), operational time (T OP), the time of service of the workplace (T OTC), the resting time and personal need (ton) and the time of regulated interruptions caused by technology and organization of the manufacturing process (T Fri). The structure of the time standards is presented in the figure.

All components of the time norm are defined in the same time units:

General estimated formula for piece-time:

When producing products with separate series (parties), the final time is established to the entire batch, as it does not depend on the number of homogeneous products manufactured by a specific task. In this case, as a complete time of time on the manufacture of a unit of the product, the norm of the board-calculation time is established:

where p- The number of products in the party.

When determining the duration of individual elements of the time rate, factors affecting the methodology for their calculation are taken into account. Such factors are: the type of production, the nature of the state of the technological and labor process, the number of machines serviced by one worker, the number of parts processed in one cycle (operation), the frequency of repetition and the duration of the production process.

Depending on the type of production, the calculated formula for piece-time differentiation of elements can be expressed as follows:

1) in conditions of mass and large-scale production in the rationing of machine and manual works:

where and the Org, and the Deposit, respectively, the time of organizational service of the workplace, time for rest and personal need, expressed as a percentage of operational time; BUT PT. time of interruptions due to technology and the organization of production, expressed as a percentage of operational time; And those - the time of maintenance of the workplace, expressed in% to the main time;

2) under the conditions of serial (small-suraling) industries when producing machine and manual work:

where A. OSCE - total service time defined as a percentage of operational time, A. OSCE \u003d A. Org + and those;

3) in conditions of single production:

where To -the amount of time for maintenance of the workplace, rest and personal need, expressed as a percentage of operational time.

The cost of labor costs, pronounced by the number of products made per unit of working time, called norm of production ki determined by the formula

In those production, where the preparatory-final time, the time for servicing the workplace, rest and personal need is normalized by replacing, the rate of development is calculated as


The rate of time and the development rate are related to the inverse dependence - with a decrease in the time rate increases the rate of production. It should be noted that the production rate increases in large sizes than the rate of time decreases. Dependence between these norms is determined by formulas


where h.- percentage of time reduction; w.- percentage of increasing the norm

Labor standard determines the amount and cost structure of the working time required to perform this work, and is the benchmark with which the actual time costs are compared in order to establish their rationality. When normalizing the labor of workers and employees, the following types of labor norms are applied: time standards, rules of production, maintenance, numbers, controllability, normalized tasks. Since working time is served by a universal labor meter, all labor standards are derived from the time rate.

Time rate - This is the amount of working time required to perform a single work unit (operation) by one working or group of working relevant numbers and qualifications in the most rational organizational, technical and economic conditions for this enterprise, taking into account the advanced production experience. The rate of time is calculated in man-hours, man-minutes or man-seconds.

To set the time rate, it is necessary to find out the composition of the cost of working time and their specific values \u200b\u200bto perform this work.

The composition of the time rate can be represented in the form of the following formula

where n BP is the norm of time;

T PZ - preparatory and final time;

T OP - operational time;

T OS - the main time;

T Sun - auxiliary time;

T ODM - time to maintain the workplace;

Ton - time for rest and personal need;

T PT - breaks caused by technology and production organization.

Depending on the nature of individual elements of time, the rationing technique changes each of them.

Preparatory and final timefor example, it is installed on a party of identical products or as a whole to all task. It does not depend on the size of the part of the part, but depends on the type and characteristics of the organization of production and labor, as well as on the nature of the work. In conditions of single and small-sector production, the final work is performed by the work itself. In mass production, many of these works perform special workers (adjusting equipment, etc.). The required amount of preparatory and final time is determined based on data of photography of working time and time standards.

Main and auxiliary time For all processes, besides manual, it is set separately. The main time depends on the volume of work performed and from the modes of the equipment used. It can be reduced by combining work techniques, the use of multiple devices, group processing, etc.

The composition of the workplace maintenance work and the necessary time spent on their implementation depends on the type and organization of production, the nature of the work being performed, the type of equipment, etc. Some of these works can be performed during machine-automatic time (lubrication and cleaning of equipment, inxication of chips), and the other is transferred to the production service.

Workplace service time Determined by standards or according to the photo of working time.

Value time to rest It depends on many factors that determine the fatigue of the working: physical effort, the pace of work, vibration of the workplace, working poses, etc. The rest time is determined as a percentage of operational time.

Time for personal need It is set in minutes to shift or in the amount of 2% of the operational time and is included in the time rate.

All the costs of working time (except for the final) are installed on the operation or a unit (piece) of the product and in the amount of norm of piece of time (T pcs). It includes the following elements:

Therefore, the rate of time consists of two main parts: the norms of preparatory and final time and the norm of piece-time.

For manual and machine-manual works, where time to maintain the workplace, as well as on vacation and personal need is normalized as a percentage of operational time, the formula of the standard time is taking the following form


where by - time to maintain the workplace, rest and personal need, in% of the operational time.

In enterprises, it is often necessary to know the full time of time on the production of products or performing the operation, i.e. Calculation of all costs. To this end, determine piece-calculating, time, In which, besides piece, part of the preparatory and final time, which comes per unit of products. This is the most accurate and complete time rate. It is calculated by the formula


where p - The number of products in the party.

Development rate - These are the amount of natural (pieces, meters, UNN.) or conditional units of production (melting, removals, etc.), which should be made per unit time (shift, month) in certain organizational and technical conditions in one or group of working relevant qualifications .

To calculate the rules of production, several formulas are applied. The most general formula has the following form


where H VYR is the norm of production;

T SM - a replaceable working time fund;

N BP - a set time rate per unit of product. In those production, where the preparatory-final time, the time for servicing the workplace, on personal need and rest are normalized to shift, the production rate is calculated by such formulas:



Between the time of time and the norm of development there is an inverse dependence, i.e. With a decrease in time, the rate of development increases. However, these values \u200b\u200bare changed not to the same extent: the rate of development increases to a greater extent than the rate of time decreases.

There are the following relations between changes in the time of time and the norm of development:

On certain types of work time and

installation standards are quite difficult to install. Under these conditions, the norm of labor is in the form of service standards and the norms of the number, which, as the mechanization and automation of production, are increasingly used in industry.

Service rate - This is a set number of equipment units (number of jobs, square meters of area, etc.), which must be served by one working or group of workers relevant qualifications under certain organizational and technical conditions during the shift. It is derived from the norm of time. To calculate the service rate, it is necessary to determine the service time rate.

Service time rate - This is the amount of time required in certain organizational and technical conditions for maintenance during the change of unit of equipment, square meter of production area, etc.

Having determined the service rate for maintenance on regulations or with the help of timekeeping, you can calculate the service rate for the following formula:


where n h is the service rate;

N BR.O - the rate of time for servicing equipment unit, units of production

squares, etc.;

N BP - the rate of time per unit volume of work on the function being performed;

p - the number of units of work performed for a certain period (shift, month);

K is a coefficient that takes into account the execution of additional functions, not taken into account the time of time (the function of accounting, briefing, monitoring the process), as well as on vacation and personal need.

A variety of service standards is handling rate The determining number of employees or the number of structural divisions per leader. These norms are used in cases where time norms are impractical.

Under normal norm Understand the number of employees of a certain vocational qualification composition required to perform a production task. The necessary number of workers engaged in production service is determined by the formulas:

or (2.10)

where n h is the number of numbers;

O - total number of equipment services serviced, square meters of production area, etc.;

N O - service rate.

In order to increase the labor efficiency of the time-paid employees, they establish normalized tasks based on the above rules of labor.

Normated task - This is the established amount of work that an employee or a group of workers must fulfill for a certain period in compliance with certain product quality requirements.

Normated tasks can be installed apart, and in the necessary cases - apply in combination with service or numbers.

Taking into account the specifics of production, the amount of work set by the normalized task may be expressed in labor (normalized man-hours) or natural indicators (pcs., M 3, etc.).

Depending on the organization of the production and nature of the work performed, the normalized tasks may be established for a shift, month or for the period of complete implementation of the specified amount of work.

The norms used to normalize labor are classified as follows:

    for its intended purpose - at the time of time, the rules of development, service standards and the norms of the number of employees;

    in terms of justification - on scientific and sound and experimental statistical;

    according to the degree of consolidation - on individual and complex;

    in prevalence - on uniform, industry and local;

    under the period of action - on constant, temporary and seasonal.

Rate of timeit is the amount of working time set on the manufacture of a unit of products in certain organizational and technical conditions by the employee of the appropriate profession and qualifications. Development rate -this is the amount of work (in pieces, weight, volumetric, etc. Natural units), which must be performed per unit of time (shift) in certain organizational and technical conditions by the employee of the relevant profession and qualifications. Service standardsexpress the regulated costs of working time for maintenance of a group of equipment, jobs, production teams, etc. Normal normsdetermine the number of employees (workers, engineers, technicians, employees) required to perform a given amount of work or functions in relevant production conditions. Time norms and standards are intended for the rationalization of labor workers in the works paid partly. Service standards and norms of the number of employees are established for workers employed by servicing workers, as well as workers employed in the fields of management and maintenance of production processes, the work of which is paid on the timeless form of wages.

Scientific substantiated labor standardsthe norms are considered to be, in the development of which the following types of rationale were made: organizational and technical, economic, psychophysiological and social (about it, see in paragraph 4.6). Along with scientifically based norms, the use of so-called pilot statistical norms. These norms are established by personal experience of the normalizer or on the basis of reporting data on the actual work hours on the implementation of certain works. Experimental statistical norms should be replaced by scientifically based norms.

Time norms and rules are divided into individual and complex. TO Individualthere is a time rate per unit of work (products) performed by one worker (for example, a machine room, a welder, etc.) or its work out per unit of time. Comprehensiveit is called the rate of production (time), determined by the final enlarged meter of work, including a complex of interrelated work of one technological purpose, for each of which an individual arrangement of production (time) can be installed. A comprehensive outage rate is expressed in the adopted units of work for a working shift to the entire complex brigade that performs all works that are in the norm (or per working integrated brigade). A comprehensive time rate is a common normalized labor-intensity of work (all works performed by a complex brigade) and is established in man-hours or normo hours (i.e., brigado-hours) per unit of work.

Uniformnormamandatory for use in all sectors (or group of industries) of the national economy. They are developing in a centralized manner and are established on technologically homogeneous work performed at the enterprises of various sectors of the national economy with the same organizational and technical conditions. Unified norms perform an important role in the organization of production and labor, as they provide for the typing of the composition of work and labor costs for the implementation of homogeneous work, serve as an effective means of spreading progressive technology and advanced work methods, ensure the unity of rationing and wages in homogeneous works in various sectors of the national farms.

Industry (departmental) normsused in the industry of the national economy for which they are developed. They are installed on technologically homogeneous work performed at the enterprises of this industry. Development of them are engaged in sectoral research and design and technological organizations; These norms are approved by the relevant ministry or department in coordination with the trade union workers and employees of this industry.

Local(factory, port) normadetermined for work that are not covered by unified and sectoral (departmental) standards, as well as in cases where the organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of this work at the enterprise provide higher productivity compared to uniform or sectoral norms. Local standards are developing in the enterprise; They are approved by the head of the enterprise in coordination with the local trade union committee.

Permanent norms- These are the rules acting before changing the organizational and technical conditions in relation to which they were originally developed. Most existing norms are permanent.

Temporary normsusually installed for the period of development of new products (no more than three months). After this period, if the administration did not revise them, they adopt the legal status of "permanent". When approved and introduced into action, the term "temporary" is used necessarily, the term "permanent" is not used.

Seasonal normsrepresent a type of "permanent", only valid within a certain season.


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