Organizational management basics. Management functions The concept of the management function was first proposed by whom

Management functions - These are a variety of types of work that must be performed in the process of managing any object.

Performing functions can be considered in relation to position (employee function, official), division (department of department, service, etc.), management body (functions of the Ministry, State Committee, etc.). Management functions reflect the separation, specialization and cooperation of managerial labor as horizontally and vertically.

The ratio of the concepts "purpose", "task", "management functions". The goal and tasks are usually required to implement a number of functions. That is, the achievement of the target, the tasks are made up of the definition, which functions need to be performed, and their practical implementation (who and how it performs).

Types of functions. Functions are divided into two types - general (basic) and specific (specialized, special).

For the first time, the general functions allocated A. Fayan (1841-1925). Summarizing the practical experience of executives, he attributed to the overall functions of the foresight, organization, management, coordination and control. A. Fayol wrote: "Manage is to anticipate, organize, manage, coordinate and control. Anticipate - it means to explore the future and to throw a program of action. Organize - it means to create a double body of the enterprise, material and social. Lead means to force the personnel to function. Coordinate - it means to bind, unite, harmonize all the acts and all efforts. Control - it means that everything happened in accordance with the established rules and orders. "

Currently, general functions are as follows: forecasting (scientific and technical and socio-economic), planning (scientific and technical, socio-economic and organizational), organization (has several sense values), activation (stimulation, motivation), coordination, accounting and control.

The practical meaning of general functions is that they cover the entire management cycle (from the setting of goals, tasks in planning and subsequent accounting, control of actual results) and the diversity of specific functions is associated with the fulfillment of common.

Specific functions S. varying degrees of fragility (which is reflected in their wording) reflect the needs (current and promising) process of managing this object, part of it or element.

The main problems in the field of specific functions are as follows:

1) Determining the composition of the functions that must be performed when managing (manual) by this object. This uses analog approach, recommended sets (lists), modular principle (quantitative characteristics of objects and subject entities);

2) linking functions and organizational structure or definition of orgforms with which functions will be performed;

3) consolidation of functions with the help of regulations - provisions on divisions and job descriptions.

Exists organizational mechanism Distribution and consolidation of functions. This mechanism is considered organizational and performance system (OIC). Her appointment is to create a certainty in work: who, what and what time should do. OIS elements are:

Goals, tasks (what needs to be achieved, execute);

Participants (who performs work);

Functions, duties (what to do);

Rights (what can be done);

Responsibility (assessment of actions and inaction, warranty of work);

Time (how long is the work).

Ois is used both in the formation, clarification of the organizational structure and in everyday activity in organizing the implementation of certain objectives.

OIC is created using such regulatory facilities as provisions on divisions and job descriptions.

Position - This is an organizational and legal document regulating the activities of the divisions. As a rule, it consists of sections:

a common part - determining the status of the unit in the management system; instructions about who it is headed to whom submits; degree of independence; participation (if necessary) in the implementation of the target program;

main goals- the areas of the unit are determined, for the implementation of which it is responsible;

functions (duties) - a list of the functions of the unit with the specification of work for each function;

rights - the rights of the division are indicated, as well as (there is such an option) of his leader;

office management - the organizational structure of the division is described;

relationships with other units- is developed on the basis of incoming and outgoing documentation with the definition of basic relationships;

a responsibility - The responsibility of the division and its head for the tasks and the implementation of functions is established. This section is the most complicated for development, as it is necessary to specify the application of sanctions for failure to fulfill or poor-quality tasks, functions, as well as determine the conditions under which one or more responsibility comes. It is more often recorded: "The unit is responsible for the fulfillment of functions and tasks assigned to it."

When developing provisions on divisions, typical positions can be used, which, if necessary, make changes and clarifications (Table 1).

Another common regulations, with which the place and activities of employees are determined, are official instructions. There are typical and individual job descriptions.

One of the main laws of human activity is the need for division and specialization of labor, since they determine the reason for the "function" category in the management.

The emergence of management functions are associated with a horizontal separation of managerial labor, as well as with the professional specialization of management workers.

The function is the content of management activities for which 2 main features are characterized:

  1. A temporary logical sequence of execution of management work, objectively arising from the essence of the corresponding activity.
  2. The specificity of the control object defining its character and industry affiliation.

Management functions are a specialized management work in a temporary logical sequence. The time sequence is fixed in the first type of functions called common.

General and specific management functions

The separation into common (universal, basic) and specific control functions are due to the emergence of a process approach in the field of management of management technology.

The process approach was initially offered adherents of the school of administrative management, which attempted to determine the functions of management. The followers of this direction considered management functions independently of each other. The process approach considered the management functions as interconnected functions.

Composition of control functions

Five control functions were allocated by Henri Filem, which determined the control as prediction, planning, organization, orders, coordination and control.

In the review of modern literature, several similar features can be distinguished:

  1. planning,
  2. organization and regulation,
  3. motivation,
  4. guide and control,
  5. coordination and regulation,
  6. communication,
  7. research, assessment and decision-making.

Most often, the management process is represented from basic functions: planning, organization, motivation and control. These control functions are combined through connecting communication and decision-making processes. At the same time, management is considered as an independent activity involving the possibility of influencing individual employees and the team in such a way that they work in the direction of achieving goals.

Planning and organization as management functions

Planning as a control function characterizes the production and adoption of a certain decree (in writing or oral form), in which a certain task or purpose is set to the object of management. Planning is considered to ensure the unified direction of the efforts of all members of the organization to achieve its common goals. This function begins the control process, so the success of operations depends on its quality.

The organization as a function involves a certain set of specialized managerial work, which are aimed at combining people to carry out joint activities. The function of organizing the implementation of the decision-making includes ensuring the implementation of decisions from the Organizational Party, that is, the creation of management relations that can provide the most effective links of all elements of the managed system.

Motivation and control

The motivating function is to perform the work of the staff of the enterprise, depending on the rights and obligations delegated to him, at the same time they must comply with the adopted management decisions. Motivation is the process of impulse itself and others to activities.

Using the control function, you can prevent the occurrence of crisis situations. Control is a control characteristic that allows you to identify problems and adjust the company's activities until the transformation of these problems into the crisis.

Any enterprise must have the ability to timely fix its mistakes, correcting them before they can damage the achievement of goals. At the same time, control contributes to the fight against uncertain situations of internal and external nature (changes in legislation, social values, the emergence of new competitors, etc.).

In general, the area of \u200b\u200bactivity, called the management of the company, can be divided into separate functions that are concentrated in three main groups:

General management (establishment of regulatory requirements and policies of management, innovation policies, planning, organization of work, motivation, coordination, control, responsibility);

Management of the structure of the enterprise (its creation, subject of activity, legal forms, links with other enterprises, territorial issues, organization, reconstruction, liquidation);

Specific areas of management (marketing, R & D, production, personnel, finance, fixed assets).

If the structural sides of the enterprise are determined, then all control functions are divided into common and specific.

The control function is a type of activity based on the separation and cooperation of management and characterized by a certain homogeneity, complexity and stability of impacts on the object by the subject of the management subject.

Management functions and the establishment of the scope of each function are the basis for the formation of the structure of the control system and the interaction of its components.

Common functions are allocated in stages (stages) of management. In accordance with GOST 24525.0-80, they include:

Forecasting and planning;

Work organization;


Coordination and regulation;

Control, accounting, analysis.

Functions allocated by the field of activity are called specific. GOST recommends their typical composition:

Promising and current economic and social planning;

Organization of work on standardization;

Accounting and reporting;

Economic analysis;

Technical preparation of production;

Organization of production;

Technological management;

Operational management of production;

Metrological support;

Technological control and testing;

Sales products;

Organization of work with personnel;

Organization of labor and wages;

Material and technical supply;

Capital construction;

Financial activities.

10. Surprise, principles and methods of planning

The principle of planning is a fundamental rule, on the basis of which the planning process is carried out.

For the first time, the general principles of planning were formulated by A. Fiolem. As the main requirements for the development of a program of action or plans of the enterprise, five principles were named:






The principle of the need for planning means the ubiquitous and mandatory application of plans when performing any type of employment.

Every work, as you know, is expedient activities aimed at converting natural resources into finished products or services and meeting the needs of people. A. Faila also noted that no one disputes the use of the program: before acting, we need to know what we want and what we can.

The lack of a plan or program is accompanied by oscillations, erroneous maneuvers, untimely alternate orientation, which are causes of a bad state, if not collapse, cases. The question of the need for a plan at each enterprise is apparently not to be set: the program of the upcoming actions is definitely necessary.

Plans can be different: simple or complex, short or very detailed, for a long or short term, carefully considered or accepted, good, mediocre or bad.

The principle of necessity or obligation of planning is especially important in conditions of free market relations, since its compliance complies with the modern economic requirements of the rational use of limited resources in all enterprises.

The principle of unity of plans provides for the development of a general or consolidated plan of socio-economic development of the enterprise.

In domestic enterprises, along with the so-called technical industry, there are separate production plans and sales plans, cost plans and income, as well as plans for the technical, organizational and financial development of the entire enterprise or partial plans of production units and functional services. However, all these plans should be closely linked to a single comprehensive plan for the socio-economic development of the enterprise in such a way that any modification of various sections of the plan or scheduled indicators immediately transferred or reflected in the overall plan of the enterprise.

The unity of plans implies the generality of economic goals and the interaction of various enterprise divisions on the horizontal and at the vertical levels of planning and management. Interfirm planning is in its appointment the basis for compliance with the unity of plans at the enterprise level (firm).

The principle of continuity of plans is that at each enterprise, planning, organizing and management management processes, as well as labor activity, are interrelated and must be carried out constantly and without stopping.

In order for no interruptions or stops in production activities, not only the continuity of planning, but also the corresponding substantiation of products and work performed is necessary. This suggests that one plan has been replaced by one production plan: one product is replaced in a timely manner at the request of the market to others.

In addition, the continuity of planning means a gradual transition from strategic plans to tactical, and from them to operational, as well as the necessary interaction between short-term and long-term plans.

In most domestic enterprises in the conditions of the market, there are mainly annual plans. All other programs of programs are both greater and less duration should be strictly agreed with annual plans and can exist at the same time. The continuity of planning makes it possible to make permanent control, analysis and modification of plans when the internal and external environment changes.

In the process of continuous planning, there is a noticeable approach of the actual and planned indicators of production and economic activity at each enterprise.

The principle of flexibility of plans is closely related to the continuity of planning and involves the possibility of adjusting the established indicators and coordinating the planning and economic activity of the enterprise.

Constant changes in the technique, technology and organization of production leads to a decrease in the consumption of planned resources and to the need to clarify the initial plans.

In market conditions, significant fluctuations in the demand, changes in the current prices and tariffs, which also lead to relevant amendments in various plans are possible. Therefore, all plans in our enterprises, as is customary in world practice, must contain reserves. If this requirement, it is also necessary to plan the amount of such reserves, because their unreasonable application affects the results of planning.

The principle of accuracy of plans is determined by many of both intra-profit factors and its external environment.

The high degree of accuracy of plans is apparently submitted to generally not very necessary to our enterprises in the conditions of free market relations. Therefore, every plan should be drawn up with such an accuracy that the enterprise itself wants to achieve, taking into account its financial condition and the situation in the market and many other factors. In other words, any accuracy of plans is possible any, but when providing permissible production efficiency. It is mainly determined by the applicable systems and planning methods. With operational or short-term planning, a higher degree of accuracy of planned indicators is required, with strategic or long-term - it is possible to limit the choice of common goal and the preparation of approximate calculations.

In central planning conditions, Leninist planning principles were used, some of them retain the relevance and are currently applied.

one). The principle of highlighting the leading link in the plan.

The use of this principle focuses on the allocation of the most priority goals, problems, for which programs or special sections of the plan can be developed.

2). The principle of scheduling.

The plan will be developed on a scientific basis if it is based on quality, which means reliable, complete, timely information. Also, when using modern planning methods, the system of planned indicators, standards, norms apply. And if the development of plans will behave qualified specialists.

3). Principle of Directive.

Currently, the policy makes it can be considered as the obligation to fulfill the plan developed by a separate independent firm.

four). The principle of the unity of politics and business management.

Currently, with the existence of a multi-party system, the party standing in power, implementing political ideas, conduct a certain economic policy.

five). The principle of the optimal combination of industry, territorial interests.

In the market conditions, the solution of the problem of industry and territorial planning is based on the development of legislatively base, financial regulation, lending, a system of penalties and other control levers.

Relatively new principles of planning.

6). The principle of strictly targeted orientation formulates the goals of economic development, their division on the creation of an increasingly fractional nature and identify resources, necessary for their agreed implementation.

7). The principle of integrated orientation.

Comprehensive plan comprehensively, fully describes all aspects of the expected activity of the enterprise. The main methodological principle is adjustment and interconnectedness, the interdependence of the plans.

At each enterprise, the results of the economic activity of various divisions are largely dependent on: the level of development of technology, technology and organization of production; used personnel management systems, motivation and wages; use of existing material, labor and financial resources, indicators of productivity, profitability and solvency, etc. All listed factors form a holistic integrated system of planned indicators, so that any quantitative or qualitative change in at least one of them leads, as a rule, to the appropriate change in many other economic indicators. In addition, in production, any scheduled solution affects not only economic results, but also on social, technical, organizational, etc. Therefore, it is necessary that the planned and managerial solutions are comprehensive to ensure the consideration of changes in both individual objects and in the final results. Total enterprises.

eight). Principle of participation.

Each member of the economic organization becomes a participant in the planned activity, regardless of the position and the functions performed by it. That is, the planning process should attract all those whom he directly affects.

nine). The principle of multivariate.

Currently, any problem can be solved in various ways. Already during the decision, the conditions for achieving the goal may be changed, therefore other events should be applied. To account for these objective circumstances, during the development of a draft plan, it is advisable to form alternative options. Each alternative embodies the entire set of measures to solve this problem in specific conditions. The task of the project developers is the search for these alternatives. Such work increases the likelihood of better use of resources.

10). The principle of optimality consists in the right and case of the formulation and detailing of the goals of the socio-economic system as a whole and each of its link, the selection of optimality criteria for the entire complex of planning tasks and solutions of each task separately is optimal, i.e. The only proper solution is found taking into account the elected optimality criteria based on solving problems of mathematical programming, economic and mathematical modeling. The criterion for optimality of various plans can be minimal laboriousness, material intensity or cost of production under the existing production conditions and resource constraints, as well as maximum profits and other final results, the value of which is pre-determined in the intra-renovative planning process at each enterprise.

eleven). The principle of continuity is ensured by the relationship and technology for the development of long-term, medium-term, current, operational plans.

12). The principle of hierarchy.

The prerequisite is hierarchy in the management of the lower structure. The principles of hierarchy are subject to the subordinate nature of the plans of higher levels. Associated with the probabilistic nature of the economic system, allow you to "extinguish" minor deviations from plans within individual units of the socio-economic system. The principles of hierarchyism are a compromise between the total centralization and decentralization of management.

13). Principle of efficiency.

This principle requires the development of such a variant of the production of goods and services, which, with existing limitations of resources used, ensures the greatest economic effect. Any planned effect shows the degree of achievement of some scheduled result: how work in the production of a product or service will be performed, whether it will satisfy the needs of the consumer, which is possible a total profit, etc. When evaluating the effect in the planning process, it usually compares the expected indicators with a predetermined target established by the ratio of profitability and other comparative data. Assessing the real effect at the stage of development of the plan is practically not always possible, nevertheless it is necessary to plan it. It is known that every effect in the end is to save various resources on the production of a unit of products. The first indicator of the planned effect can be the excess of the results over costs.

Planning methods are ways to develop a plan or its partition. Depending on the main goals or basic approaches used by the source information, the regulatory framework used by ways of obtaining and coordinating certain final planning indicators, it is customary to distinguish between the following planning methods: scientific, experimental, regulatory, balance, system-analytical, program-targeted, economically -Mathematical, engineering and economic, design and variant, etc. Each of these methods have several prevailing signs, or priority requirements, to the main planned result. For example, a scientific method is based on a wide use of deep knowledge about the planning, experimental - on the analysis and synthesis of experienced data, regulatory - on the application of source standards, etc.

11. Strategic and tactical plans in the management system.

Management strategy is the direction of development of the organization (company, enterprises, etc.) in accordance with the goal, tactics and stages of the movement within the framework of this direction.

The management strategy is manifested not only in the development programs of the company, but also in the special quality of management functions and management decisions, management personnel and management management.

Management strategy finds its real incarnation in the development program, goals and mission, practical management principles, staff requirements, in methods for developing management decisions.

Under the strategy, you can understand the set of landmarks and restrictions that determine the direction of the development of the company in accordance with the goal. The strategy is a kind of "corridor" of using various tactics.

First, the concept of strategy should always be correlated with the concept of development. There is no strategy without development. In this regard, the strategy has a combination of changes that determine the company's vitality and increasing the likelihood of its survival or survival potential in a changing medium.

Secondly, the concept of a strategy is inseparable from the concept of a goal, which in development acts as a lighthouse, the main landmark of development, reflects the trends in the interests of the interests that determine the human activity. The goal focuses the problems, allowing you to allocate from them the main and build management tactics.

Thirdly, the concept of the strategy cannot be separated from the concept of forecasting. The strategy acts as a result of meaningful and analytical, more precisely to say scientific, foresight of the future, the reality of its achievement, understanding the necessary.

Fourth, the concept of the strategy cannot be taken off from the concept of "mission", which characterizes the appointment of the company and its role in general trends in human development, society, civilization and humanity.

The strategy is also like tactics, the selection category and the subject of development. Strategies may be different. They are blurred and clear, calculated (planned) and in the form of a general presentation, the strategy may reflect the economic, social, organizational, technological or scientific and technical development, can be a strategy of production and marketing strategy, internal and external development strategy, a strategy of competition, strategy Quality, strategy of innovation, strategy in working with personnel.

Development of management strategy. In modern terms, no solid organization can develop without strategic or plans. The strategy requires careful development. The key points in the development of the strategy are the following.

1. Analysis of the external environment, its state and development trends. Here the focus is on the behavior of consumers and competitors, demand for products and services, social and political situation, connections with suppliers and intermediaries, strengths and weak positions of the organization in the external environment, determining competitive advantages.

2. Analysis of the internal situation, resources and the possibilities of their use, changes in the structure, their distribution, placement and concentration.

3. Development and formulation of the goal and mission of the organization.

4. Choosing a strategy for achieving a goal in support to the mission and use of advantages.

5. Determination of priorities, landmarks, restrictions, stages of development of the organization, its movement towards the goal.

6. Estimate critical success factors, possible risks, permissible and unacceptable deviations.

7. To form a strategic plan in the form of consistently solved tasks, phased results and achievements.

Tactics are also one of the characteristics of the management, which is associated with the strategy and is its necessary supplement. Without a certain tactics, the implementation of the strategy is impossible. Tactics involves the consideration of the circumstances that, it is impossible to take into account when developing a strategy, are circumstances related to specific management conditions, sudden accuracy that life is rich in unexpected contradictions. The real trajectory of movement towards the goal, pleasure zigzags and inevitable losses find its expression.

Management tactics are a combination of management decisions that reflect the best embodiment of strategic objectives in specific conditions of functioning of the firm. Tactics This is the art of the possible implementation of the strategic design.

Tactics can be different: wait, carefulness, aggressiveness (there is a concept of aggressive marketing), shock therapy, caution, non-interference, sequence, jump, cyclicity, maneuvering, manipulation (fraudulent movement), pressure (continuous pressure), double-measure tactics, decisiveness, persistence. Ornate a variety of tactics. But this wealth must know and use, you need to be able to choose tactics, be able to build it. Much of this depends on the strategy, although within the same strategy it is possible to use various tactics.

Topic 2.1 Planning as a management function

Lecture 7.

Purpose: Disclose the essence of planning as management functions.

1. The concept of control functions and the value of the allocation of functions for theory and management practices.

2. Classification of control functions: General and specific functions.

3. Planning: concept, types, principles, stages.

4. Planning as the process of determining the objectives of the organization and ways to achieve them.

1. Vesnin V. R. Management: Textbook for universities / V. R. Vesnin. - 3rd ed, recreation. and add. - M.: TK Velby. - 2006. - 504 p.

2. Meson M. H. Basics of Management / M. H. Meson, M. Albert, F. Hedryry; Per. from English - M.: Case, 2005. - 720 p.

3. Basics of management theory: Textbook for universities / ed. V.N. Parachina, L. I. Ushwitsky - M.: Finance and Statistics. - 2004. - 560 p.

4. Management Theory: Textbook for universities / ed. A. L. Gaponenko, A. P. Pankrukhina. - 2nd ed. - M.: Publishing House Rags, 2005. - 558 p.

The study of the management process from the point of view of its functions is the key to disclosure of management activities. In the general form, the "Management Function" category expresses the content (direction) of the management impact on the control object, managed by the system.

General recognition in the theory of management received the following main provisions:

· The selection in the management of individual functions is an objective process due to the development of production and the complication of its management;

· The natural science basis for the formation and development of management functions is the division of social labor in general and in the field of management activities in particular;

· The driving force of transformation of control functions at all stages of social development was the need to increase the efficiency of managerial labor and the managed system.

For the first time, the Department of Management Functions from the actual performance of the work was made by the School of Science. A. File identified five independent control functions: "Manage, then predicted and plan, organize, dispose, coordinate and control."

It is important to note that the management functions are objectively due to the managed (control object) and the control (management subject) subsystems that are currently operating the laws of management science used by the principles of management and the relationship in the relationship management system.

Control functions - These are specific types of management activities that are addressed in the process of separation of management work, expressing its content in action and aimed at achieving the goal.

Control function - Direction or type of management activities characterized by a separate task complex and carried out by special techniques and methods.

The main characteristics of control functions:

· The homogeneity of the contents of the work performed within the same control function;

· Target orientation of these works;

· Separate complex of tasks performed.

The control function should have a clearly pronounced content (a set of actions in the framework of functions), the implementation process (logical sequence carried out within the framework of action functions) and the structure, within which its organizational separation is completed.

The value of the allocation of control functions:

· The distribution of management functions according to the contractors determines the structure and state of the organization, enshrines the vertical division of labor;

· Any impact on a managed system can only be implemented through control functions;

· Management functions help improve management process, enrichment and transfer of management experience;

· Study of management functions gives an understanding of the essence of management activities.

Analysis of management functions makes it possible to systematize knowledge about the dynamics, pace and directions of development, causing connections and relationships of functions, reserves of improving their organization. The analysis results are the basis for improving the existing management system.

2. Classification of control functions: General and specific functions.

In determining the management functions, the universal distribution has received an approach based on the selection general (mandatory execution in any organizational system) and specific or special (reflecting the specifics of the activities of a particular organizational system) functions.

The composition of general control functions does not depend on the control object, these functions are performed relative to all control objects.

You can select the following features of general management functions:

· Always apply comprehensively and across the entire spectrum of management action - in this regard, it is impossible to talk about the greater or less importance of certain control functions, since in different situations the various functions can acquire a dominant nature;

· Do not depend on its object, as they apply: to any socio-economic processes or systems; to the management functions themselves as specialized activities; to the control process itself (the management process can be considered as the process of implementing management functions and as a process for implementing a management decision), and to the management system;

· There are no hard, unambiguous borders between control functions - the same type of management activity can detect the signs of two or even several control functions, their close interconnection.

Taking into account the listed features, it is possible to identify as the most reasonable classification according to which the management process consists of functions planning, organization, coordination, motivation and control.

Figure 3 - Relationship of general management functions.

Planning (In a narrow sense) is an activity on the development of a system of measures aimed at achieving goals, including answers to questions: What should be done? To which deadlines? What resources to be used? What should be obtained as a result? Who is responsible for it?

Planning (In the broad sense of the word) - these are managerial activities that integrates the functions of goals, forecasting (including analysis), decision-making.

Organization -these are managerial activities that ensure a clear streamlining of the management process as a whole, the distribution of both management solutions and control functions and actually control functions. The organization provides the basis for the rational construction of each specific management body, determining the competence of its structural divisions.

Coordination - These are managerial activities consisting in ensuring the relationship and coherence of subjects, objects and labor processes in time and in space. Coordination creates conditions for proportional and continuous operation of the management system by establishing continuous links between individual units of the organization and performers.

Motivation (and stimulation) - Management activities carrying out targeted impact on the structure of motifs (needs, interests) of the participants in the process of performing and managerial activities and using adequate motives encouraging creatively solving the tasks to achieve the best end results.

Control - Management activities that make it possible to identify, correct and prevent deviations of the results achieved from the planned parameters, goals. Control is monitoring the object and processes in order to verify the compliance of the observed state of the facility to the desired and necessary state provided for by laws, other regulatory acts, as well as programs, plans.

Specific control functions are associated with the specifics of the control object. The allocation of specific control functions is necessary for the organization of management, formation of states and organizational structure.

Specific functions arise as a result of overlapping common control functions to the specifics of control objects, therefore the list of such functions depends on the list of control objects (resources, processes and results) and the level of decomposition of the functions themselves.

The classification of specific control functions can be made by various criteria:

According to the organizational role function: Integration (association) functions, differentiation functions (separation, separation, specialization).

In the area of \u200b\u200bactivity: intrafunctions and infractions (focus on the external environment).

In the stages of the production process: Managing Production Preparation, Production Process Management, Production Support Management, Product Sales Process Management.

According to production: Functions for managing various blocks of diversification production.

By time scale: Strategic management, current (tactical) management, operational management.

At the stages of the management process: Goaling, identifying the situation, determining the problem, solution.

By the main factors of the production process: Product Management, Personnel Management, Information Management.

According to control objects:

· Resource management functions. INspecific functions: stock management; financial management; Personnel management, etc.

· Process management functions. In accordance with this, specific control functions are distinguished: logistics management; main production management; management of auxiliary production; service management; improving management; Sales management; Marketing management, etc.

· Result management functions. The results include: profits, profitability, production volumes and sales, costs, product quality. Accordingly, specific functions are distinguished: quality management; Performance management; cost management, etc.

Topic 6.

Control functions

In this topic, the interested reader will find answers to the following questions:

    the concept and value of the management function;

    place of management functions among management categories;

    types of control functions;

    general (main) management functions;

    specific (specific) management functions;

    special control functions;

    planning as a control function;

    organization as a management function;

    manual as a control function;

    motivation as a control function;

    control as a control function;

    media of general and specific control functions;

    relationship of control functions;

    the role of a specific management function when creating an control authority;

    control function as an object of economic analysis of the control system.

In production and business practices (and in economic literature) we often meet expressions: such a specialist performs its functions well, the specialist does not cope with the performance of official duties, the personnel department performs functions (the development of current and promising plans for the company's staff, study of business qualities The company's specialists in order to select personnel to replace vacant positions of managers, issuing certificates about the present and past work activities of employees, etc.).

It turns out that the specialist and the department performs certain functions. In addition, in one case, the employee of the control apparatus performs functions, and in another case, official duties. What is this, inaccuracy of expression or some contradiction? Let's try to figure out why we consider the conceptual apparatus of the studied category.

6.1. The concept and value of the management function

Before moving to the concept of the management function, consider the concept of function at all.

Function (from Lat Functio - execution, implementation) has a number of values

    activities, duty, work;

    work produced by the organ, organism (liver function, salivary gland);

    duty, circle of activity (official duties of economist in labor);

    assignment, role of a particular design element (aircraft chassis function, car transmission change box);

    the role that a certain social institution is performed in relation to a whole (state function, family in society);

    dependent variable (in mathematics, physics).

From consideration of the concept of function, it follows that any work performed by a separate employee or unit can be called a function quite reasonable. But due to the established rules and rules, when issuing organizational documents (provisions on divisions and job descriptions of employees), a list of works performed by a division, call funks, and a list of works performed by an employee - official duties were adopted. In the latter case, emphasizes the empowerment of the responsibilities, for the implementation of which the employee is responsible, since the job instruction defines the legal status of the employee.

Now about the management function as a special studied category, the overall concept of which we have already given. It remains only to emphasize the specifics of managerial labor, where management functions are implemented.

Control function - The type of management activity, with which the management entity affects the managed object.

All functions performed by employees of the enterprise are divided into two groups (Fig. 6.1.1.):

Fig. 6.1.1.

Otherwise, the control functions are performed in the control system, and the production functions are in the managed system.

The control feature answers the question of who does what or should do in the production management system.

Production functions - This is the activities of production personnel for the production of products and services.

The value of the control function. In the theory of management of production, the management of management functions is one of the central. It discloses the essence and content of management activities at all levels of management.

The emergence of control functions is the result of the differentiation of targeted influences, separation and specialization of labor in the field of management. The control content is associated with the content of production, is determined by them and flows out of it.

The place of management function in a number of the main categories of management science is determined by the following scheme (Fig. 6.1.2.):

Figure 6.1.1

Judging by the distribution scheme (see Fig. 6.1.1.) The control function occupies a key place among the main categories of science management. This suggests that the development of the structure, the application of methods and controls, selection and placement of frames, etc., should be carried out taking into account the composition and content of the management functions and the effectiveness of their implementation, i.e., the use of most categories of management implies linking them with Control functions.

The control function is a special type of activity expressing the directions of the purpose of targeted impact on the managed object.

Two directions for implementing the control function. The formation of the control system and the impact on the controlled system is two directions for implementing the control function.

Fig. 6.2.1.

These two directions are in permanent communication and interaction, their interaction characterizes the stability and correlation of the production process and the management process.

Defining the control object.In the general video entry, any specific joint production and economic activity can serve. But since the activities in a separate production system are very diverse, and their number is great, then only structurally isolated production links are advisable to allocate as an object of management.

The control object is a structurally separable production and extension, carrying out one of the stages or part of the stage of production of the economic process and is a receiver of a targeted control influence.

The production and economic activity of the enterprise can be divided into three stages and eight stages (objects):

1. Preparatory stage contains three stages (object):

1) scientific and technical preparation of production;

2) economic preparation;

3) social preparation of production;

2. Production stage contains three stages (object):

1) basic production;

2) auxiliary production;

3) servicing production.

3. The final stage contains two stages (object):

1) product sales;

2) Financial activities.

Stages of production activities are structurally isolated and are control objects.

In turn, each of the stages can be able to smallest structurally isolated control objects in accordance with different levels of the control system.

For example, at the stage of scientific and technical preparation of production, the following control objects can be distinguished:

Research and design and design work;

Development of product manufacturing technology;

Experienced production.

6.3. Classification of control functions

All control functions are divided into three groups (Fig. 6.3.1.):

Fig. 6.3.1.

General (basic) management functions.These include:

1) planning;

2) organization;

3) manual;

4) motivation;

5) control.

In the literature on management, there is no uniform classification of general (basic) management functions. Different authors call these functions in different ways and numbered them from four to seven. Thus, the "Guide" function is called coordination and regulation, and the "motivation" function is incentive. In addition, the general functions often include accounting and analysis. But accounting, as we further make sure there is a specific function, and the analysis is one of the methods of researching economic processes.

All five common (basic) control functions are located in a logical sequence.

General management functions are performed by the heads of management units (departments, services) along with their subordinates, as well as managers of production units with their headquarters. In other words, without exception, managers and managerial units perform common (basic) management functions.

Specific (specific) control functions. The content of specific control functions in various enterprises reflects the specifics of production (type, complexity of production and products, specialization, scales, etc.).

Each specific function is closely related to the dedicated control object. Therefore, the establishment of the quantitative composition of the control objects is the basis for determining specific control functions corresponding to each dedicated control object.

Specific functions and authorities given by them are formed by the following logical chain (6.3.2.):

Fig. 6.3.2.

The number of specific control functions in the enterprise will be as much as spheres (species) of production and economic activity, which serve as management facilities. To manage this or that sphere of activity, a management authority is created (department, service, bureau).


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