What are the Montere paths. Profession Montior path. General Requirements for labor protection

Railway for Russia is the most important infrastructure object from the very moment of its appearance in the XIX century. To maintain all this extensive farm in order, a whole army of workers are required, whose people called the paths.

What are the routes of the path?

Actually, who are the paths such (paths)? These are people who fulfill the most difficult and routine work. Their main task is the current maintenance and preventive repair of railway tracks.

The specialty pathway naturally undertakes it when the railway network began to actively develop in the Russian Empire. It is characteristic that despite the broad mechanization, the work pathway is still manual.

The essence of the responsibilities of the Montter path:

    replacing rail and sleepers;

    exciration paths;

    luxury rail;

    speed \u200b\u200bstraightened;

    adjustment of the arrow mechanisms;

    fitting the profiles of shooting transfers;

    correction of the path on the pancakes (swears of the soil);

    assembling rail links on special pickling line machines.

With the planned repair, the passages, as well as a hundred years ago, operates mainly by a hand tool: sledgehammers, lows, legs for pulling crutches. Sleeps and pieces of rail often also have to drag a manually (where the installation of the cranes is impossible), or with the help of special carts - modeers.

At the same time, the work occurs almost at any time of the day and with any weather: in the heat, in the rain, in the cold or blizzard.

It is characteristic that such low-qualified work does not disappear anywhere and is still in demand in Russian Railways and its subsidiaries.

Requirements for the qualifications of the road

Candidate of the paths must first have a good physical fitness and endurance, so young men pretend to this position.

At the same time, the requirements for qualifications are already secondary. Even students of universities are often arranged to travel brigades. True, they trust them the very rough work: twist and unscrew the bolts when dismantling rail, loading and unloading operations, destruction of garbage, cleaning pathways from snow, etc.

But for career growth, it is still nice to get some kind of education. In general, this specialty does not apply to the number of the most qualified.

Where to take training on Montere

In Russia, there are many colleges where workers' construction workers are being prepared. The set is conducted after graduating from 9 or 11 class. For graduates 9 grades, training takes 4 years. Full secondary education will have to learn 3 years.

Nevertheless, the path of the path can be performed with a different basic professional education. There is a wide network of training centers that are preparing such specialists.

Qualification discharges of the specialty Monter path by ETKS

Currently, there are five stages of the preparation of monterers of the path - from 2 to 6th.

Monter Path 2 category

Least qualified specialist. Performs only applied auxiliary operations.

Monter Path 3 categories

It can replace individual parts of the paths (sleepers and rails), to carry out drilling, maintain a grinding agent.

Monter Path 4 Discharge

Performs a wide range of works from installation / disassembly rails before replacing single parts on shooting transfers. Also, the duties include the content in the health of the railway chain of the automatic blocking, replacing the elements of the rail grille on areas with reinforced concrete spats, plates and blocks.

Monter Path 5 category

It is able to carry out complex repair, including installation and dismantling of the upper structure of the path. It can lay rails on the coal and templates, engaged in Promper and driven paths along the width of the gauge, engage in laying rail with a shameless method.

Monter Path 6 discharge

Engaged in particularly complex installation work and dismantling paths, including the installation of rail transfers, froze the paths of the path along arrows of the deflection, etc.

How much does the route in Russia earn

The employee's salary directly depends on the qualifications. At the initial stage, without experience, he can count on 20 thousand rubles at best.

A specialist with experiences up to 3 years and the 3rd category will offer about 25 thousand rubles. The maximum salary ceiling that meets on the search sites is 40 thousand rubles. However, on average, the amount fluctuates in the region of 25 - 30 thousand.

At the same time, the employer may indicate in working conditions as a full eight-hour working day and a seamless work. In some cases, the Watchwork will be indicated (if it comes to the construction or reconstruction of the paths away from settlements).

Minuses and advantages profession Montera Path

pros specialties:

    official employment;

    real estate in the labor market;

    possibility of career growth;

    it is possible to work without appropriate qualifications.


    low labor payment at the initial stage;

    physically hard work outdoors;

    health restrictions;

    risk of accidents and injuries.

Characteristic of work. The performance of the simplest work during installation, dismantling and repairing the design structures of the path. Ballast replenishment in paddle boxes up to normal. The replacement of the ballast in the paddle boxes to the soles sleepers. Removal of weeds from under the side of the rail. Magnification of wooden sleepers. Coloring travel and signal signs. Sorting and laying of old wooden sleepers in the stack. Numbering rail links. Fastening bolts and screws in spat stuffed key. Packing mortgage and terminal bolts. Removal and laying of snow protection fence shields. Bringing stakes when breaking and running the path. Loading, transportation and unloading of bondings. Cleaning the way from snow manually. Laying sleepers and bonds manually. Antisepting sleepers and bars manually. Installation and permutation of travel signs and snow protection fences on the distance. Cleaning cuvettes, drainage and Nagorno channels. Cleaning fastenings and rails from dirt and fuel oil. Cleaning paths from garbage. Removal of vegetation from paths.

Must know: travel signs and signals; types of basic materials for the upper structure of the path; General provisions on the device of the upper structure of the path and earth canvas and the requirements for their operation; the name of the main elements of the upper structure of the path and earth canvas; Methods and techniques to perform the simplest work when installing and dismantling the design structures of the path.

§ 39. Monter Paths (3rd category)

Characteristic of work. Making simple installation work, dismantling and repairing the design structures of the path. Lubrication and pulling the butt bolts. Loading, unloading and layout sleepers, bars, rails and rails of the rail grid with cranes. Laying sleepers on the scene. Drilling holes in sweeps of power tools. Single replacement of rail grid elements. Unloading ballast from dongle. Adjusting rail gaps by hydraulic dispersal appliances. Adjustment of the rail lattice in terms of hydraulic non-fermentation devices. Starting the path in the width of the track and the level. Installation of rail jacks. Fencing places of production of work signals. Finishing ballast prism. Fixing bolts. Digging of crutches on the distance. Repair sleepers in the way and in places of storage. The device of slots and slag pads. Replacing ballast below the soles sleepers. Laying the links of the rail grille on the earth canvas with the help of overlayers. Maintenance of a chipper chipboard.

Must know: types of materials for the upper structure of the path; The standards of maintenance of the path with wooden spats; rules for regulating the position of the construction of the upper structure of the path (except for high-speed sites and sections on reinforced concrete base); Methods and techniques for the production of work using a manual electrified, pneumatic tool for general purpose and hydraulic instruments; rules for the content of hydraulic devices; The procedure for fencing the places of production of works by installed signals; Methods and techniques for performing work in the construction of an earth canvas using manual tools and devices; Methods of slinging rails, packages, sleepers, bars and bonding containers.

§ 40. Monter Path (4th category)

Characteristic of work. Performance of the work of the average difficulty on the installation, dismantling and repairing the design structures of the path. Fastening rails to sleepers and bars manually and crutches. Fastening rails to linings with terminal bolts with separate bonding. Cutting rails with electric power machines. Drilling holes in rails by electrical operators. Fastening lining to reinforced concrete strips by screwdrivers and electric ships. Adjusting rail gaps by hydraulic dispersal devices in areas of the path with reinforced concrete spats, plates and blocks. Adjustment of the position of the rail grille in terms of hydraulic non-rotating devices in areas of the path with reinforced concrete spats. Promper and expanding the paths in the width of the rut and the level on areas with reinforced concrete spats, plates and blocks using hydraulic and electrical tools and on areas with wooden spats using an electric tool. Single replacement of elements of a rail lattice on areas with reinforced concrete spats, plates and blocks. Contents in the serviceability and repair of the rail chain of the automotive. Assembly and disassembly of intermediate and butt rails with a power tool. Installation and dismantling of reinforced concrete flooring, isolated rails and drainage reinforced concrete tray. Inspection and content of shooting transfers. Single replacement of defective fastening details on shooting transfers.

Must know: standards of maintenance of the path on areas with reinforced concrete spats, plates and blocks; Device and requirements for the content of the path in areas with rail chains and automotive control; Rules for the production of installation work, dismantling and regulating the position of the construction of the upper structure of the path with the use of electric and pneumatic tools and mechanisms; device, rules of operation of electric power, electrical engineers and travel electrical and pneumatic tools; Rules for adjusting the position of the design structures of the path in areas with reinforced concrete base.

§ 41. Monter Path (5th category)

Characteristic of work. Perform complex work on the installation, dismantling and repairing the design structures of the path. Selection of rails in length and checking them in the coal and templates. Adjustment of the positions of the ends of welded rails of a shameless path. Replacing the defective section of the railcloth of a shameless path. Adjusting the rail grille in terms of hydraulic devices in areas of the path with reinforced concrete slabs and blocks. Promper and shifting paths in the width of the track and the level in the sections of the path with reinforced concrete slabs and blocks. Adjusting the path on the bunched places. Entering rails on the estimated temperature range on a shameless way. Correction of drawings of the path by subfolder. Installation and installation of counter-rubrels. Installation and disassembly of equalizing devices. Installation of anti-theft devices. Single replacement of elements of a rail grille on the sectoral path sections.

Must know: construction, standards for the content of the adolescent path and shooting transfers; Rules for the production of installation of a neutal path; Requirements for the quality of laying the upper structure of the path.

§ 42. Monter Paths (6th category)

Characteristic of work. Performing particularly complex installation work, dismantling and repairing the design of the upper structure of the path. Installation and disassembly of shooting transfers and fastening them to sleepers and bars. Calculation of the move for setting the way to the project position. Adjusting the arrow translation and translation mechanism during operation. Selection of rails along the length and checking them on the carbon on the bridge bars of artificial structures. Focused curves of the path along the arrows of the deflection. Visiting and breakdown of circular and transitional curves of railway tracks when setting in the project position. Adjusting the profiles of switching transfers when height and sediment of the pulp. Calculation and selection of shortened rails for curves of the path. Installing a device for replacing inventory rails with welded weaves and adjusting the junction junctions. Correction of the path on the pancakes using an optical device. Assembling links on assembly machine assembly line.

Must know: Rules for the production of installation and dismantling of shooting transfers; rules for the production of work when replacing and adjusting the shooting transfers; Methods of measuring the curves of the path along the arrows of the deflection; Methods for selecting shortened rails for the curves of the paths of the path; Device and principle of the operation of assembly storage equipment.

Note. Monterrea paths occupied by the content and repair of ways, artificial structures and earthlings in the sections of translated, having a complex engineering geology (Marie, karst, swamps, buried ice, landslides, etc.), sections with recuperative braking, and also occupied by the service of the hurder and the subgrade paths of sorting railway stations are charged by one digit higher.

Organization Name Approve Working Instructions Name of the Organization Head of the Organization _________ N ___________ Signature Decoding Signatures Place of drawing up Date Monteer path (3rd category)


1. Monter the path is taken to work and leave the work by order of the head of the Organization on the Representation of __________________________________.

2. Monter the path is subordinate to ___________________________________________.

3. In its activities, Monter the path is guided by:

Charter of the organization;

Rules of labor regulations;

Orders and orders of the head of the organization (direct supervisor);

This Work Instructions.

4. Monter the path should know:

Types and properties of materials for the device of the upper structure of the railway track;

Rules for regulating the position of the construction of the upper structure of the path (except for high-speed sites and sections on reinforced concrete base);

Ways to work with the use of manual electric and pneumatic instrument of general purpose and hydraulic instruments;

Methods and techniques for performing work in the construction of an earth canvas using manual tools and devices;

Methods of lines of rails, sleepers, bars.

2. Professional duties

5. Monteer the path is entrusted:

5.1. Dismantling of anti-theft devices and contacts of the contact rail of the metro.

5.2. Reinforcement of butt, terminal and mortgage bolts.

5.3. Lubrication of terminal and mortgage bolts manually.

5.4. Loading, unloading and layout of sleepers, bars, rails, rails of rail grilles and shooting transfers with cranes.

5.5. Laying sleepers on the scene.

5.6. Drilling holes in sweeps of power tools.

5.7. Single replacement of rail grid elements.

5.8. Uploading sleepers and ballast from donutagons.

5.9. Adjustment of rail gaps by hydraulic dispersing devices and a rail grille in terms of hydraulic non-recycling devices.

5.10. Promper and straightening rails in the width of the track and the level.

5.11. Installation and disassembly of paired sleepers, rail joints, shooting transfers and bars.

5.12. Finishing ballast prism.

5.13. Fixing bolts.

5.14. Digging of crutches on distillation and stations.

5.15. Repair sleepers on the way.

5.16. The device of slots and slag pads.

5.17. Replacing ballast below the soles sleepers.

5.18. Laying links on the earthly canvas with the help of overlayers.

5.19. Maintenance of a chipper chipboard.

5.20. The current content of the arrow transfers.

3. Rights

6. Monter the path has the right:

6.1. Require the passage of periodic scoring on labor protection.

6.2. Have the necessary instructions, tools, individual means of protection and demand from administration with them.

6.3. Get acquainted with the rules of the internal labor schedule and collective agreement.

6.4. Make proposals for improving the work technology.

6.5. ________________________________________________________. (Other rights taking into account the specifics of the organization)

4. Responsibility

7. Monter the path is responsible:

7.1. For non-performance (improper performance) of its work, within the limits defined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

7.2. For the offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities - within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Republic of Belarus.

7.3. For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor, criminal and civil law of the Republic of Belarus.

Name of the position of the head of the structural unit _________ _______________________ Signature Decryption of the signature of a visa with a working manual _________ _______________________ Announced Signature Reference to Signature _______________________ Date

This job instruction is translated automatically. Note, the automatic translation does not give 100% accuracy, so there may be minor translation errors in the text.

Instructions for position " Monter of the 4th category", presented on the site, meets the requirements of the document -" Certificate of Qualification Characteristics of Professions of Workers. Issue 64. Construction, assembly and repair and construction work. (Taking into account the additions approved by: by order of the State Committee on Construction and Architecture N 25 of 08.08.2002, N 218 dated December 22, 2003, N 149 of 29.08.2003, the letter of the State Committee for Construction and Architecture N 8 / 7-1216 dated December 15, 2004, by order of the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services No. 9 dated 02.12.2005, N 163 of 10.05.2006 N 399 dated December 5, 2006, Order of the Ministry of Regional Development , construction and housing and communal services of Ukraine N 558, 12/28/2010) ", which was approved by the Order of the State Committee for Construction, Architecture and Housing Policy of Ukraine 13.10.1999 N 249. Activated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine. Entered into force with 1 January 2000
The status of the document is "acting".

Preface to the job instruction

0.1. The document comes into force from the date of approval.

0.2. Document Developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document is agreed: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is made with an interval not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Monter of the 4th category" refers to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualification requirements - full or basic general secondary education. Vocational and technical education. Training. Work experience in the montter of 3 discharge of at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies in activities:
- standards of maintenance of the path in areas with reinforced concrete spats, plates and blocks, railway chain;
- rules for carrying out installation work, dismantling and adjusting the position of the construction of the upper structure of the path with the use of electric and pneumatic tools and mechanisms;
- rules for performing work on the rail chain of the automotive
- device, rules of operation of electrode-sized, electrical engineers and travel electric and pneumatic tools;
- methods of lines of rails, packages, sleepers, bars and bonding containers;
- Rules for regulating the position of the construction of the upper structure of paths in areas with reinforced concrete base.

1.4. The Monter of the 4th category of the 4th category is appointed and dismissed by the order for the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. The montter of the 4th discharge paths obeys directly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.6. The 4th category of the 4th category manages the work _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.7. Monter of the 4th category during the absence, is replaced by the face appointed in the prescribed manner, which acquires relevant rights and is responsible for the proper fulfillment of responsibilities assigned to it.

2. Characteristics of works, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Performs the work of the average difficulty on the installation, dismantling and repairing the construction of the upper structure of the path and ground lines of the metro.

2.2. He knows, understands and applies existing regulatory documents relating to its activities.

2.3. He knows and fulfills the requirements of regulations on labor protection and the environment, complies with norms, methods and techniques for safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The 4th category of the 4th category has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. Monter of the 4th category of the 4th category has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. Monter of the 4th category of the 4th category has the right to demand assistance in the performance of their official duties and the implementation of rights.

3.4. Monter of the 4th category of the 4th category has the right to demand the creation of the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The Monter of the 4th category of the 4th category has the right to get acquainted with draft documents relating to its activities.

3.6. Monter of the 4th category of the 4th category has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill their job duties and managing orders.

3.7. Monter of the 4th category of the 4th category has the right to increase its professional qualifications.

3.8. Monter of the 4th category has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the process and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. Monter of the 4th category of the 4th category has the right to be familiar with the documents defining the rights and obligations of the post, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The 4th category of the 4th category is responsible for non-fulfillment or late fulfillment of the obligations assigned to this official instruction and (or) non-use of the rights provided.

4.2. The 4th category of the 4th category is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of the internal labor regulation, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The 4th category Monter of the 4th discharge is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise / institution) relating to a commercial secret.

4.4. Monter of the 4th category of the 4th category is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the Organization (enterprise / institution) and legitimate managing orders.

4.5. The 4th category of the 4th category is responsible for the offenses committed in the process of its activities within the limits established by applicable administrative, criminal and civil law.

4.6. The 4th category of the 4th category is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise / institution) within the limits established by applicable administrative, criminal and civil law.

4.7. The 4th category of the 4th category is responsible for the illegal use of the official authority provided, as well as their use for personal purposes.

5. Examples of work

5.1. Fastening rails to sleepers and bars manually and crutches.

5.2. Fastening rails to substrate terminal bolts during separate bonding.

5.3. Cutting rails with electroregative machines.

5.4. Drilling holes in rails by electrical operators.

5.5. Fastening substrates to reinforced concrete strips with screwdrivers accurately and electroculums.

5.6. Regulation of rail gaps by hydraulic rugged devices in areas of the path with reinforced concrete spats, stoves and blocks.

5.7. Adjustment of the position of the rail grille in terms of hydraulic richtuvalny devices in areas of the path with reinforced concrete spats.

5.8. Measurements of the position and correction of rail threads with a rut width and levels in areas with reinforced concrete spats, plates and blocks using a hydraulic and electric tool and on areas with wooden sleepers using an electrical tool.

5.9. Replacing individual elements of the rail-padded grille on areas with reinforced concrete spats, plates and blocks.

5.11. Assembly and disassembly of intermediate and butt rails with a power tool.

5.12. Replacing individual elements of the upper structure of the path on the main ways.

5.13. Installation of contact rail nodes.

5.14. Installation and disassembly of reinforced concrete flooring, isolated rails and drainage reinforced concrete trays.

5.15. Review and the content of shooting transfers.

5.16. Replacing individual defective fasteners on shooting transfers.

5.17. Disassembly of a wooden flooring of moving with removal of counterparts.

Official instructions for the 6th category route (for organizations performing construction, assembly and repair and construction work)
Head "___________"
___________ (____________)
"__" __________ _____

Official instructions for the 6th category route (for organizations performing construction, assembly and repair and construction work)
1.1. This official instruction determines the functional duties, the rights and responsibility of the Montter of the 6th category of the 6th category "______________" (hereinafter - "Organization").
1.2. Monter of the 6th category route is appointed and exempted from the position in the order of the organization's head of the organization's established labor legislation.
1.3. Monter of the 6th category subordinate directly ________________.
1.4. A person who has ________ vocational education and work experience in the specialty ____ years old is appointed to the position of Monter of the 6th category of the 6th category (without presentation of work requirements).
1.5. Monter of the 6th category should know:
- rules for the production of installation and dismantling of shooting transfers;
- rules for the production of work when replacing and adjusting flight transfers;
- methods of measuring the curves of the path of the way along arrows of the deflection;
- methods for selecting shortened rails for the curves of the paths of the path;
- Device and principle of the operation of assembly storage lines.
1.6. In its activities, the Montter path of the 6th category is guided:
- regulatory acts on the work performed;
- the rules of the internal labor regulation;
- orders and orders of the head of the organization, direct supervisor;
- this official instruction;
- Rules for labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
1.7. During the temporary lack of a montera of the 6th category of its duties assigned to ___________________________.

2. Functional duties
The Monter of the 6th category paths performs particularly complex installation, dismantling and repairing the construction of the upper structure of the path and ground lines of the metro.
Sample types of work:
Installation and disassembly of shooting transfers and fastening them to sleepers and bars.
Calculation of the move for setting the way to the project position.
Adjusting the arrow translation and translation mechanism during operation.
Selection of rails along the length and checking them on the carbon on the bridge bars of artificial structures.
Focused curves of the path along the arrows of the deflection.
Visiting and breakdown of circular and transitional curves of railway tracks and ground lines of the metro when setting in the design position for the calculation.
Adjusting the profiles of switching transfers when height and sediment of the pulp.
Installation and disassembly of contact rails.
Calculation and selection of shortened rails for curves of the path.
Installation and adjustment of carts for replacing inventory rails with welded weaves.
Adjusting gaps in contact rail joints.
Measurement and adjustment of rail threads on railway plates and blocks in the width of the rut and level.
Assembling links on assembly machine assembly line.

3. Rights
Monter of the 6th category path has the right:
3.1. Require from the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties.
3.2. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the Organization regarding its activities.
3.3. Submit proposals to the head of the organization and direct leader on its activities.
3.4. Receive the service information necessary to fulfill their duties.

4. Responsibility
Monter of the 6th category route is responsible:
4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper performance of their duties stipulated by this official instruction, in accordance with the current labor legislation.
4.2. For offenses committed during the period of their activities, in accordance with current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.
4.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law.

5. Working conditions
5.1. The mode of operation of the montter of the 6th discharge path is determined in accordance with the rules of the internal labor regulations established in the organization.
5.2. In connection with the production necessity, the Montter of the 6th discharge route is obliged to go to office business trips (including local values).

_______________________________ ___________ _____________________
(position of person who has developed (signature) (Full name)

"__" __________ ___


Head of the legal department
(legal adviser) ___________ _____________________
(signature) (Full name)
"__" __________ ___

The instruction is familiar with: ___________ _____________________
(signature) (Full name)
"___" __________ ___


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