Distribute products that meets everything. Promotion of goods and distribution of goods in the market. Main types of promotion of goods and services and their means

Since we are a small company (limited funds and production capabilities) and go to the market with an existing product, then there is no need to create a chain of stores for selling our goods. It is most advisable to distribute our goods through already existing stores (we have already held negotiations with the stores "Children's World" and various big and not very shops specializing in children's clothes, and they, looking at our samples, agreed to take them to implement with minimal volume Parties 10-50 pcs. and extra charge of 10%). Thus, we will have a single-level distribution channel - through retail trade. In the future, we plan to distribute our goods not only in the city of Khabarovsk, but also in the nearby areas, expanding our distribution channel.

Since we have a small amount of production and to quickly increase it, we cannot, we need the most rapid turnover of money. To do this, we will first first carry out trial sales (in small batches as a larger number of shops as possible) to find out where to disperse faster, it is possible to get some soft data on customer preferences, to adjust your distribution policy. As for shops, taking into account our price policy, choose better than universal and specialized, with an average or low price level.

The volume of production reserves should be at the level required to ensure uninterrupted operation. As for the storage places (both finished products and production reserves), then in this capacity, in the first time the director's country can use, and then, in the event of a significant increase in production, it will be necessary to rent warehouse space. Regarding the transportation of goods: our company has two minibuses that can be used as a means of delivery.

In principle, clothing refers to goods that diverge not very quickly. And if our children's clothing will be soldered too slowly, in the future you can use a different scheme of product distribution (however, if you take it as the main one, then it is necessary to compose this to the other marketing plan). The essence of this scheme is as follows: We implement part of the goods through the trading network (see above) to have money for current expenses, and the rest let's "in a circle" to ensure production. That is, on the barter we exchange clothes on raw materials for her (for example, cotton in Birobijan), then we give it to spinning (hereinafter referred to as the weaving) factory for processing (we do not pay them anything for it, because raw materials will be daval for them They just leave themselves as payment part of the raw materials). Then we take the fabric and let it go to the production of your children's clothing. In favor of this scheme, the following says:

  • a) manufacturers of raw materials do not buy raw materials (there are no money from processing enterprises), it is cheaper than finished products, manufacturers are ready for barter supplies with clothing, i.e. There is a real agreement;
  • b) there will be no delays with raw materials, production will be stable and it can be expanded, the problem of non-payment is excluded;
  • c) the problem of selling a certain part of the goods is solved;
  • d) working capital in the form of goods it does not depreciate how much money.

Basic disadvantages:

  • a) you need time in order to conclude contracts with all the participants of the scheme;
  • b) It will be necessary to control the entire chain itself.


An essential place in the system of marketing complex is occupied by the policy of organizing channel channels, or sales (distribution) policies. Purpose of it - the organization of the optimal sales network for efficient sales of products, including the creation of a network of wholesale and retail stores, intermediate storage warehouses, maintenance points and exhibition halls, definition of transfer routes, organization of supply system, transportation, work on shipping and loading, logistics issues, ensuring the effectiveness of the range, etc.

From the marketing positions, the role of wholesale trade is to maximize the needs of retailers, delivering them the necessary goods in certain volumes and within the time limit. Provided usually in large settlements (cities), wholesale companies also know the needs of the ultimate buyers. Therefore, they independently or with the help of a producer of goods are able to organize powerful marketing support for retail trade.

As the modern experience shows, wholesale companies in most cases carry out sales functions better than the manufacturer, since they have established relations with retailers, as well as a good warehouse and transport base. Today, wholesalers provide their customers not only products, but also a wide range of related services: advertising at the place of sale, organization of measures to stimulate sales, delivery of goods, pre-sale preparation, including packaging and packaging of goods under the trademark of the retail or retail network. In the market of technically complex goods, wholesale companies are organized with the support of manufacturers, service centers.

The study of the methods of distribution of goods, and in particular wholesale trade is very important in modern conditions. In this control work, we will look at the types of wholesalers, the types of concluded agreements, the classification of wholesale trade, its shape and marketing solutions

1. Products distribution methods: Wholesale

1.1. What is wholesale

Wholesale - Trade in large batches of goods, sale wholesale buyers consuming goods in significant quantities or selling them then retail. Wholesale trade is carried out through a network of wholesale and small-winding intermediary buyers (dealers) at prices providing for dealer discounts.

Wholesale - According to GOST R 51303-99 - trade in goods with subsequent resale or professional use.

Wholesale trade enterprise - a trade enterprise that carries out the sale of goods for the purpose of their subsequent resale, as well as providing services for the organization of wholesale turnover of goods.
Wholesale trading network - Trade network represented by wholesale businesses.

Wholesaler - Firm that acquires significant amounts of goods from various manufacturers and organizing their movement into retail trade, or direct sales to the consumer. Wholesale merchants differ from retail. First, wholesaler pays less attention to stimulation, atmosphere and location of its trading enterprise, because It deals mainly with professional clients, and not with end users. Secondly, in terms of wholesale transactions larger than retailers, and the wholesaler trade area is usually more than that of the retail merchant. Thirdly, in relation to law and taxes, the government is suitable for wholesale and retail merchants from different positions.

Firms - manufacturers benefit from the services of wholesalers, because even possessing sufficient capital, it is preferable to send funds to the development of production, and not on the organization of wholesale trade. And in turn, the wholesale merchants are beneficial to maintain good relations with all firms at least on the grounds that it provides them with the most important wholesale efficiency weapons - a wide range of goods. The indigenous difference of wholesaler from the sales service of the company is that it receives income and profit from the sale of goods of any company, and not just its own. But the tastes and preferences of consumers are different. Accordingly, the greater choice of goods will be wholesaler, the higher its income and profit. Of course, marketing problems are standing in front of him: this is the decision on the target market, about prices, about the methods of stimulating, about the place of placement of the enterprise. But wholesalers are significantly more connected with the selection of the range. Wholesalers have strong pressure to offer a full range and supported sufficient stocks of goods for immediate delivery. But it can adversely affect profits. Today, wholesalers are selected only by the most profitable commodity groups. Preventing "internal" competition, wholesalers prefer, on the one hand, to refuse commercial advertising, and on the other hand, they retain a traditional network of commruises that support personal contacts with the company's clientele.

Almost all wholesale deals use a loan. For example, a firm A has the same good product, as well as B. B. Both have a good reputation, high readiness for the service service, equally well-established sales links. Who will prefer the wholesale merchant when all chances are equal? Of course, the firm that will offer him a more acceptable price for a similar product. Well, and if everything is the same here, then who will give the buyer the best credit conditions, he will win. The inverse situation, of course, is also not uncommon in business practice. Credit support from major trading firms often enjoy beginners, but promising industrial firms.

Wholesale price - price for products when selling its large batches of enterprises, firms, sales, commercial and intermediary organizations, wholesale trade companies.
Wholesale price - according to GOST R 51303-99 - the price of goods implemented by the seller or supplier to the buyer in order to subsequent resale or commercial use.
In international trade, operations carried out on export (imported) wholesale prices are dominated by the level of which are somewhat lower than internal wholesale prices.
Wholesaler-Consignant - Wholesale intermediary, which carries out the supply of goods (non-hospital range), their placement in the shopping halls of groceries, confectionery stores, etc.
Transit turnover - The form of wholesale turnover, in which the wholesale firm sells goods by shipping it from the supplier directly to the commander, bypassing its warehouses.

1.2. Types of wholesalers

Any transaction between the manufacturer and the buyer purchasing products for the purpose of its subsequent resale is usually a wholesale transaction. Consequently, wholesale is to sell goods to any persons or organizations that are not finite consumers. Wholesale intermediaries include wholesalers and trading agents. Wholesalers are called trading intermediaries, buying large batch of goods and then spreading them through sales channels. Trade agents, unlike wholesalers, do not buy goods themselves, but perform a number of important and various functions that ensure the promotion of goods to the final consumer.

Wholesalers - These are usually private independent companies. They are divided into two groups: full-service wholesalers and wholesalers with limited functions. Full service wholesalers are wide-profile (traded a large spectrum of goods) and offer almost all types of services related to wholesale trade (purchase of goods, its sale, transportation, storage and financing). Wholesalers of narrow-profile are on sale a few or even one line of products. They do not play such a role in the process of distribution of goods, like wholesalers of full service, but still occupy their niche in the markets of various goods. There are five major types of wholesalers with limited functions:

1) Wholesalers working on the principle of "Pay and Ulunas", sell goods to retailers, but do not deliver them;

2) wholesalers distributing orders between retailers, without becoming owners of goods, most often
operate with large batches of cargo, such as coal or forest;

3) wholesalers engaged in selling trucks (or from wagons); typically specialize in perishable goods, such as tobacco or confectionery;

4) postal wholesalers are similar to retail firms trading
by postal orders, and serve buyers, sending catalogs to enterprises of retailers, industrial firms and
institutions; They offer jewelry, cosmetics, specific food, etc.;

5) "Bench" wholesalers are engaged in the supply of non-food products for sale in supermarkets, such as personal hygiene, cosmetics and household supplies.

1.3. Work with sellers and intermediaries

Important factors in hiring staff working with buyers serve professional qualities and wages.

Decent payment of the work of representatives and sales agents allows you to attract highly qualified specialists. Usually mediators under the contract concluded receive a certain percentage from revenue from the transaction conducted or commission for each sold product. In modern world trade practice, the amount of such remuneration, depending on the complexity of the services provided and the total value of the export operation ranges from 3% to 80% of its amount.

It should be noted that the agency firms are usually interested not to increasing the efficiency of sales of each type of product, but in obtaining a greater mass of profits in the smallest costs of circulation. Therefore, it is not necessary to put the wages in direct dependence only on the value of the goods sold, since in this case only easily implemented goods will be sold, and not those that bring more profits to the manufacturer. It will be more correct to establish earnings to the intermediary, given its additional efforts spent on working with clients. For this, advanced firms apply various systems of additional incentives, the implementation of which orients sellers to sell precisely for the production of goods. Thus, the mediator can receive a certain fixed minimum, regardless of sales, which was able to achieve with its help, as well as additional remuneration from the company received in connection with this. Sometimes an increase in commission per 1/3 or even half of its settlement value is practiced in order to interest the agent in working with certain types of goods.

In addition to the monetary remuneration under the contract, intermediaries may be provided on preferentially special equipment for pre-sale and after-sales service, equipped service points, specialized workshops, etc. For appropriate orientation and motivation of sellers, indirect benefits are also widespread, such as valuable gifts, payment of selling routes, Entertainment trips at the expense of the company, widely advertised moral impact forms, etc.

Consequently, working with sellers and intermediaries provides for commercial and non-commercial activities directly stimulating the potential consumer to the acquisition of this product (services). As a rule, the manufacturer and the mediator at the conclusion of the contract establish the duties of each of the parties. It is very important when concluding such a transaction, especially with an unknown earlier firm, not to be mistaken in the choice of a trading mediator, since many unscrupulous agents (protected by the legislation of their countries from unwanted gaps of agreements) conclude a deliberately impossible number of agreements, and in the future only work with most self-profitable.

Sometimes such agents, concluding an agreement with a competing firm, can specifically block the market, not fulfilling the terms of the mediation agreement. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken, comprehensive information is needed ("translucent") about the applicant to mediators, including such data:

Financial situation and communication;

Creditworthiness and ability to carry risks;

The ability to realize large volumes of goods;

Organizational composition of the intermediary organization (number of trading offices);

Principles and methods of working with the consumer;

Reviews of former and real customers of this intermediary, etc.
A possible final solution does not exclude the establishment of a challenger of the test period in joint activities during which the most optimal form of interaction is produced. Usually agreements are concluded for the period from one to three years, and the probationary period lasts no more than three months.

1.4. Types of agreements concluded

The concluded agreements are divided into three categories in accordance with the differences mentioned above in the rights of trading intermediaries:

1) an agreement on exceptional (monopoly) right of the mediator deprives the manufacturer of the right to sell specified in the contract
goods at the agreed territory independently or through others
organizations (persons);

2) the agreement on preferential law obliges exporter in
the first and foremost to offer the goods to the agreement with a specific distributor and only if it refuses the supplier, the possibility of selling goods on other sales channels appears;

3) The Agreement on Simple Agency provides for the plurality of sales channels.

The use of intermediaries gives numerous benefits associated with their specialization and experience in the selected market, as well as finding and adapted to this region, the absence of a language barrier, etc. The negative side (except the above-mentioned, associated with the allocation of the part of the profits from the sale of products) is The fact that the market control is largely lost.

1.5. Wholesale classification

Since the activities of any intermediary increases the cost of the goods, the task of the wholesale link of the sales system is to form a minimum wholesale mark-up (due to the rationalization of trade and logistics operations) or in the product of additional values \u200b\u200bfor the buyer who will perceive the specified price as fair.

Solving the problem of meeting the interests of manufacturers, on the one hand, retailers and finite buyers, on the other hand, led to the manifold of methods and forms of wholesale trade.

by latitude of the range

  • the range is wide (1-100 thousand items);
  • the range is limited (< 1000 наименований);
  • assortment is narrow (< 200 наименований);
  • assortment specialized;

by delivery method

  • delivery to its transport;
  • sale from a warehouse (pickup);
  • by the degree of cooperation
  • horizontal cooperation for joint purchases and organization of wholesale markets;
  • vertical cooperation for sales targets and competition for the finite consumer market;

in relation to the sales system

  • exclusive sales system: The manufacturer provides a license to trade under franchise conditions;
  • selective sales system: distribution and dealer agreements between the manufacturer and the wholesale companies chosen by them;
  • intensive sales system: work simultaneously with all intermediaries;

in terms of turn

  • large wholesalers;
  • medium wholesalers;
  • small wholesalers;

From the point of view of wholesale organization there are three general categories:

  • wholesale manufacturers;
  • wholesale trade of intermediary enterprises;
  • wholesale trade carried out by agents and brokers.

Wholesale trade is carried out by manufacturers using their own sales bodies, for which a subsidiary is being created. However, the activity of such a company will be justified in the case of sufficiency of volumes and range of products. Otherwise, the wholesale function is advisable to transfer to independent companies.

Independent wholesalers are organized in accordance with the above classification, depending on the requirements of retailers and their own capabilities.

The choice of a wholesale trade form depends on the specific product, its position on the market (in demand; demand is not great, the degree of market saturation), from a particular transaction wholesale company with the seller of goods.

There are two main forms of wholesale:



In transit form, the goods are delivered from the manufacturer in the retail network or another wholesale company (smaller or in another city), bypassing the mediator wholesalers. This form has the advantage that the turnover is accelerated, logistics costs are reduced, the safety of the goods increases.

Transit delivery applies if the intermediate preparation of goods in quality, packaging, bulkhead, etc. is not required. In this case, the intermediary wholesaler does not have the ability to form an assortment, except that shipped the manufacturer.

Two types of transit delivery to manufacturers are used:

With payment of a transit party of goods;

Without its own funds by receiving a mediation percentage (commission).

In the second case, the wholesale company performs organizational functions and the owner of the goods is not.

When a warehouse form of a batch of goods from the manufacturer enters the wholesale company's warehouse, and then distributed over different sales channels to retail. Despite the increased logistics costs, in this case the needs of trade in pre-sale preparation are better than satisfied.

The rhythm of the supply of stores is also improved, including small parties, which is convenient for them. The possibility of forming the product range required for each store is opened.

The most common types of wholesale trade from the warehouse is:

a) Personal selection of goods in stock;

b) on a written application (for example, expulsion of fax) or oral application on the phone on the part of the store;

c) through departure sales representatives (sales managers, sales managers);

d) with the help of active calls from the dispatch;

e) trade in wholesale exhibitions and fairs.

The choice of the type of trade for wholesaler is determined taking into account the desire and size (power) of the retail enterprise.

Wholesale trade with personal selection is suitable when the retail company wants to quickly make purchasing (warehouse stocks end), it counts on the spot to form an assortment, choose products news, get discounts for self-delivery.

Personal selection is often used when purchasing fabrics, sewing and knitwear, vintage wines, fur products, etc.

To demonstrate some products, new products, a wholesale enterprise equips a demo or exhibition hall.

With the personal selection, the marketers of the wholesale company can conduct a survey of visitors, test goods, consider comments from both the retail enterprise and buyers.

For many standard goods, personal selection is organized using self-service. To move the selected goods, the means of small mechanization are used: cargo trucks, roller transporters, stackers, etc.

Wholesale trade in a written application or by phone is made on the basis of a pre-signed agreement between the buyer and the seller. There are also negotiated the terms of payment of each order. Delivery of goods to the store can be carried out by transporting wholesaler or store. In the first case, the time of the store employee will save, which is not necessary to go beyond the goods to wholesaler, but may increase the delivery time of the ordered goods to the store.

Wholesale trade with traveling sales agents and managers has gained widespread as the most active form of sales.

To do this, the wholesale company organizes an agency network to search for buyers - legal entities (smaller wholesalers and shops). Travel agents support contacts with their customers, follow the availability of goods in the store's shopping hall, controls the timeliness of the calculations for goods, etc.

For better coordination of sales agents, the latter can be secured for a certain territory, for a client group or sell only certain goods.

Wholesale trade with active (emerging) calls from office or sales department. For this, the dispatching is organized, where specially trained sellers work. The obtained information about potential buyers dispatchers sellers transmit sales managers. The dispatching service can also receive orders from old buyers, perform marketing telephone polls, to keep sales statistics.

Wholesale trade in exhibitions and fairs allows you to enter into contracts for the supply during a visit to the exhibition by the buyer's representatives or hold preliminary negotiations. Exhibitions and fairs attract a large number of professional market leaders (manufacturers, intermediaries, consumers), so here you can spend a large amount of marketing research, get the latest information about the products - new products. At the exhibition must be attended by the Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Sales Service, responsible for the effectiveness of work on it.

Tasks (functions) wholesale marketing are presented in the table.

Marketing tasks Content
Development of marketing strategies

retention and increasing market share;

design channels;

development of competitive behavior.

Carrying out marketing research

study of the professional sales market: competitors, small-winding and retail network;

consumer research;

research of the market suppliers.

Segmentation of market sales

segmentation of professional intermediary buyers;

consumer segmentation;

selection of target segments.

Marketing procurement

determining the connection between the nature of commodity demand and the requirements for procurement;

marketing assessment of suppliers;

development of procurement policies.

Marketing Logistics

determination of customer requirements for the logistics structure of the wholesale market;

search for competitive advantages in sales logistics.

Marketing sales solutions

pricing policy wholesale company;

commodity and assortment policy;

sales policy;

service policy;

communicative policy.

Organization of merchandising

organization of merchandising on the initiative of the manufacturer;

organization of merchandising on the initiative of the wholesale company.

Marketing Audit Sales Systems

organization of work with customer claims;

development of sales marketing program.

In sales activities, the company inevitably faces competitors, and sometimes it specifically provides for competition between its own sales channels (horizontal or vertical types).

In relation to external competitors, a competition strategy or cooperation strategy is being developed. In the case of a choice of rivalry strategy, the company determines the type of competition (price, insensitive) and predicts the behavior of competitors.

The scale of competitive rivalry can spread to the global market, the market of a particular country, within one city, in one or several segments. Finally, there may be a struggle for possession of any niche.


From the position of the manufacturer's enterprise, wholesale trade is an important distribution link that can and solves its marketing tasks.

From the marketing positions, the role of wholesale trade is to maximize the needs of retailers, delivering them the necessary goods in certain volumes and within the time limit.

Firms - manufacturers benefit from the services of wholesalers, because, even possessing sufficient capital, it is preferable to send funds to the development of production, and not on the organization of wholesale trade. And in turn, the wholesale merchants are beneficial to maintain good relations with all firms at least on the grounds that it provides them with the most important wholesale efficiency weapons - a wide range of goods.

The use of intermediaries gives numerous benefits associated with their specialization and experience in the selected market, as well as finding and adaptability to this region, the absence of a language barrier, etc.

The choice of a wholesale trade form depends on the specific product, its position on the market, from a particular transaction of the wholesale company with the seller of goods. The choice of the type of trade for wholesaler is determined taking into account the desire and size (power) of the retail enterprise.

The position of the wholesale company or the manufacturer's manufacturing enterprise, which is engaged in the wholesale trade, significantly depends on the selected marketing strategy, marketing policies and the nature of marketing solutions.

Marketing strategies in the field of sales activities are developed in the event of a sales expansion in the old market, access to new markets, while designing new sales channels, for example, when the old sales system has ceased to be effective.

The implementation of marketing strategies in sales requires a long time, significant financial costs, since, as a rule, investment investments in sales are required.


The task: Which of the questions of segmentation comes to you in memory when you get acquainted with such information: the largest Japanese manufacturer of Construction and Road Machines "Komatsu" has created a joint venture in the United States for the production of excavators, nodes and details for which will be supplied from Japan

Decision: When familiarizing with this memory information comes to the question of the segmentation of the market for geographical basis, which includes the division of the market to various geographic units (variables): region, region, area, city size, density. After such segmentation, the company must decide where its marketing efforts will be most effective.

"John Deer" is a world-class company, its enterprises are engaged in the production and implementation of equipment, the introduction of new technologies, the supply of services. These enterprises closely interact, providing growth prospects and other benefits from collaboration.

John Deere is the world leader in the production of agricultural equipment, the largest manufacturer of construction and logging techniques, as well as commercial equipment for parking and lawns with annual turnover of more than 20 billion dollars.

John Deer is located in the United States, she has a powerful sales network and this alliance with the largest Japanese manufacturer of construction and road vehicles "Komatsu" increases its capabilities.

Excavators on the territory of the United States is more profitable, given the proximity of the consumer. Taking care of the quality of its products manufacturers deliver components from Japan.

Evaluation of marketing activities of the enterprise "Post of Russia"

On the eve of the new 2009, FSUE "Post of Russia" announced a total change of image and business ideology.

In December 2008, FSUE "Post of Russia" submitted to the court of millions of customers their new image: an updated logo, a modified concept of mailing offices, a unified style of advertising posters. Customers will be interested in a new set of services of "Post of Russia", which has the largest branch network in the country, and their cost.

The company has long been working both over the increase in the number of services offered and above the change in the image. In 2003, an association of 84 postal enterprises previously existed separately in each region began. In the process of restructuring, the "zero-level" measures were taken - the premises were repaired, recommendations were developed on the use of single color solutions during their design and an intermediate logo was created, which was important for combining all 40 thousand offices. The company wanted to demonstrate that he was united, changing and becomes a unified state corporation. " That modernization was carried out mainly on their own, the current package of visual communications is the result of almost three years of work, begun in 2004 together with marketers and designers from the Fitch London Agency. Development of a visual series, design of offices and brandbook cost mail in 250 thousand dollars. Introduce new standards in all our FSUE branches calculates until 2012.

Multimillion client army mail is waiting for real changes in the quality of work and introducing new, demanded services. And the mail enters them. For example, the "Cyberdengi" service is remittances for the population with a delivery period of 72 hours. Or EMS - Express Mail Service, express delivery of shipments in Russia and other countries. "Departures of the first class" appeared - accelerated postal departments in Russia, the delivery time of which is about a third less than traditional.

Russian post is different from most of its analogues in other countries by their multiservice. In addition to the traditional postal service, it works in commercial and financial segments, providing advertising and trading services, transferring pensions by taking utilities, payments for communication services, Internet and television, implementing the mandatory and voluntary insurance policies, working with a subscription and selling lottery tickets. .. Recently, the Mail takes even payment of consumer loans, working with a number of banks, such as Bank Russian Bank, Renaissance Capital, Delta Bank, City Bank, "Home Credit End Finance Bank", and by many others.

From 01.10.2009 in the departments of the "Post of Russia" can also be paid for the rent and telephone.

Russian Post positions itself as a multifunctional service supermarket. So multifunctional that basic mail services - sending letters, parcels and parcels - in the business of FSUE, according to some data, less than a quarter of turnover (for comparison: Austrian Mail, this segment brings more than 60% of income).

Today, post offices can provide the population not only by brands and envelopes, but sometimes with food and household goods, construction materials.

One of the long-lasting partners is a Kodak photographic supplier, with which the post has been working since 1997. Communication branches have now become simultaneously both photomagazines, where you can buy photos, cameras, batteries and Kodak accessories. And of course, in the mail you can take advantage of photo services: to show, print photos from digital media. Orders from post offices come to the Kodak regional service centers, and, according to representatives of the company, the mail transport delivers orders to service centers and back to the mail several times a day.

List of used literature

1. Schehchertov V.A., Taran V.A. Marketing: Textbook for universities / ed. V.A. Schehoegtskova. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2005.- p. 153-168

2. Marketing: textbook, workshop and teaching complex on marketing / R. B. Zdreva, GD. Krylova, M.I. Sokolova, V.Yu.Grenkov. - M.: Lawyer, 2002.- 165-176 pp.

4. Fedko V.P., Fedko N.G., Shampo O.A. Marketing for technical universities. Series "Tutorials for technical universities." Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2001. - 324-339 pp.

A special type of human activity, accompanying it over the centuries, is called advertising. Translation of this word - "scream". It is not possible to determine the true nature of advertising, since it includes psychology, art, sociology, statistics, logic and several other sciences. Advertising is one of the marketing tools.

History advertising

The prototype of modern advertising can be considered rocky pictures. More than 2,500 years ago, the following content was discovered in ancient Egypt: "I - Reno from Crete, on the command of God's gods." The first printed machine was invented and embodied in life in 1450 in Germany. Twenty-seven years later, the first advertisement was published in England, and in Russia - in 1703, in the first Russian newspaper. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, posters appear, radio advertising sounds, group interviews are conducted. The 90s are characterized by the arrival of outdoor and political advertising. The leading position in this industry from the mid-nineteenth century is occupied by the United States. Currently, the development of this type of activity is successfully occurring in England, France, Italy, Germany and Japan. Requirements for the distribution of advertising in each country are established by legislative acts.

Development of advertising in Russia

The first mentions of the need for advertising can be attributed to the sixteenth century. The end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century is the period of successful development of Russian advertising. And the outdoor has a history of more than one hundred years. Due to the peculiarities of the mentality of the Russian people, namely, sentimentality, compassion, spirituality, loyalty, there were no aggressive moments in advertising. Russian advertising is distinctive. In Soviet times, it practically did not exist. And only from the end of the eighties began restoration, revival of advertising. With the adoption in 1995, the promotional business was reborn in civilized and for the present period has a great future. Statistical data on advertising volumes in the means of distribution: television, printed publications, the Internet, etc., are collected with a certain regularity and analyze.

Advertising activity

American Professor International Marketing Kotler F. gave the following definition. Advertising is non-derive forms of communication, which are carried out through paid funds for information dissemination and have a clearly specified financial source. Advertising activities and means of distribution of advertising are the possibility of influence on the consumer with the aim of coercion to acquire products or services. Distinguish the following types of advertising:

  • trading;
  • commodity;
  • corporate;
  • political.

One of the first tasks of the manufacturer is to bring product information. The second is to be able to convince you. At all stages, a different type of advertising is used:

  • informative - for the output of the product or market services;
  • exhortatory - in the interval when the product has gained popularity;
  • resembling - in the period when the product is firmly strengthened in the market;
  • reinforcing - in the form of various promotions for the purchase of this product or service.

Classification of advertising distribution:

  1. Straight - Personally personally promotional prospectuses, letters, flyers or mail.
  2. Printed - posters, booklets, flyers, calendars, postcards, catalogs and many other types of printed materials.
  3. Screen - Television, cinema, slide projection.
  4. In press - in journals, reference books, phone books, newspapers, in special journals, branded ballots.
  5. Outdoor - Placing large sizes on structures, running strings, specially installed display cases.
  6. On public transport - Printed ads or leaflets, inscriptions and pictures outside or inside the vehicle, all sorts of showcases with products in the halls of the airport, at the metro station and stations.
  7. In place of sale - decorated shop windows, signs, signs, packaging with logos deposited on them.
  8. Small forms - Souvenir products, including packages, handles, rules, notebooks.

These are the most common ways to transfer advertising information. Advertising activities must comply with certain rules. A complete list of advertising requirements is set forth in federal law governing this type of activity.

Responsibility of the participants of the advertising process

In this process, three participants take part and each carry a certain degree of responsibility:

  • advertiser - for the substantive part of the information material;
  • advertiser - in case of violation of the law in its preparation, production, as well as registration;
  • distributor - in terms of the placement of advertising product, place and time.

Thus, the responsibility for the distribution of advertising is provided for all participants and is presented in the most detailed in the relevant federal law. Citizens, whose interests and rights were violated due to unfair advertising, can contact the judicial authorities with relevant requirements, including compensation for moral damage, compensation for lost profits, etc.

In addition, it is liable for the distribution of advertising on narcotic, psychotropic means and their precursors. Violation of the legislation on advertising by the participants of the process is fraught with administrative fines, the magnitude of which depends on whom it is specifically superimposed: on legal entities, to citizens or an official.

Advertising means

With the help of sources of advertising, the advertiser has an impact on potential buyers and strive to encourage them to acquire advertised goods. From how correctly the means of transmitting the transcendent will be chosen, success will depend on. All advertising tools affect consumer consciousness in different ways, have drawbacks and dignity. For the effectiveness of the advertising campaign, various methods and techniques of psychological nature are used when exposed to the audience. According to statistics, about 15 percent of budget funds allocated for advertising is spent on the manufacture of advertising information. The remaining finances go to their placement in the selected sources. In the conditions of severe competition, the promotion of goods spurs its producers and merchants to choose the most effective and advanced methods of exposure to consumers and methods for supplying promotional products.

Advertising information dissemination

At the planning stage of the advertising campaign, it is possible to choose its means of distribution. There are a huge amount of transmission of the necessary information. Among the main methods of distribution of advertising on the Russian market are distinguished:

  • a television;
  • printed publications;
  • radio;
  • directories of specialized orientation;
  • notifications, leaflets about sales, coupons, brochures, i.e. Direct Mail;
  • publications in journals, newspapers, business meetings, interviews, membership in clubs;
  • telephone marketing, questionnaires (questionnaires);
  • discounts, coupons;
  • promotional pages, facilities;
  • presentation material, personal letters;
  • souvenir advertising products.

Of course, each advertising means performs its task and has a certain specificity. When choosing a means of distribution of advertising, it is evaluated by certain criteria: this is the time of exposure, the audience coverage, the cost, quality of the provision of information material.

In order for the finished goods from the manufacturer to get to the final consumer, you need to spend certain efforts and needs a certain time. All this is called distribution of goods and is carried out by the so-called distribution channels.

Distribution channel - This is a collection of legal entities and individuals who carry the costs associated with the movement of the goods from the manufacturer to the final consumer. The choice of distribution channel may have a serious impact on the success of the manufacturer. Therefore, the issues of the organization's sales organization and, in particular, the choice of distribution channel are always subject to the subjects of careful development from the manufacturer and constitute the essence of it sales policies, that is, the aggregate of the actions of the manufacturer, providing an effective movement of goods to the final consumer and their implementation. There are three main types of sales policies based on the selection of the distribution channel and the implementation method:

· extensive distributionwhich is to accommodate and implement products in any retail sales company that is ready to do this; Such a distribution is suitable for simple, small and inexpensive products of mass demand (food, detergents, finishing materials, stationery, etc.);

· exceptional distributionwhich consists in choosing a single distributor in this geographic area; Such a distribution is suitable for products or unique and expensive, or products manufactured by order only (mainly industrial projects and industrial equipment);

· selective distributionwhich is cooperating with several retail enterprises receiving the exclusive right to sell products on this geographic area, but in contrast to the previous case forced to compete with each other; Such a distribution is suitable for products of expensive, vintage and requiring certain maintenance (cars and tractors, machines, etc.).

In general, the distribution of goods is influenced by many factors and the distribution channel must function with their account. As a rule, the following factors are significantly affected:

· Type of goods and conditions for its use;

· Services that must accompany the process of acquiring it by buyers;

· Completion frequency;

· The time spent by the buyer for each purchase;

· The number of potential buyers in this area;

· The magnitude of the territory on which the distribution of goods is planned;

· Concentration of buyers at sales points;

· Presence of competitors (which, how many);

· Transport delivery of goods.

Participants in the distribution channel perform a number of important functionswithout which the provision of consumer goods would be very difficult:

1. Researching According to the information support of the distribution of goods, which allows them to plan and optimize.

2. Sales promotion Through the creation and dissemination of positive information about the product.

3. Establishment and maintenance of long-term contacts With potential buyers.

4. Fixture For customer requirements (sorting, party formation, installation, packaging and packaging, color, design, etc.).

5. Conduct of negotiations Under the terms of delivery (coordination of prices, the volume of parties, timing, methods of transportation, payment conditions, etc.).

6. Organization of execution (see below).

7. Financing - Coating costs for the functioning of the channel.

8. Riskassociated with the functioning of the channel (financial, commercial, transport, etc.).

Obviously, the fulfillment of the first five functions contributes to the conclusion of transactions, and the remaining three - the completion of the transactions already prisoners.

All listed distribution channel features are inherent in three common properties:

· They absorb resources;

· Can be performed better due to specialization and unification;

· Can be performed by different channel participants in parallel.

If the manufacturer performs them, its costs are respectively growing and selling prices should be higher. When transmitting part of the functions of the costs of costs and, accordingly, the producer prices are reduced. However, at the same time, intermediaries should charge an additional fee from buyers to cover their costs for the organization of work.

The distribution channel is characterized by such a parameter as its level. Distribution channel level Determined by the number of intermediaries that stand between the manufacturer and the end user. For example, if the consumer acquires the goods directly from the manufacturer, that is, there are no intermediaries at all, then the channel of the zero-level distribution canal or the direct distribution channel. If the manufacturer gives his goods to the realization in a retail store, where it acquires a consumer, then there is a channel of the first level. If the manufacturer first sells his product to the wholesale intermediary, which in turn distributes the goods through retail stores, where the consumer acquires it, then the second level canal takes place, etc. Channels of the first, second and subsequent levels are called indirect distribution channels.

Grade - The process of physical movement of goods from the manufacturer to the final consumer. Obviously, all participants in the distribution channel are engaged by product fraud. The part of the destroyment includes the following groups of processes:

· Reception and processing of orders (approximately 3% of the total cost of product);

· Formation of parties of goods, their packaging and containing (approximately 5% of the total cost of product);

· Getting and shipping goods (approximately 6% of the total cost of product);

· Storage (approximately 26% of the total cost of product);

· Maintain warranty reserves in warehouses (approximately 10% of the total cost of product);

· Transportation of goods (approximately 46% of the total cost of product);

· Weching and reporting management (approximately 4% of the total cost of product).


Retailing includes all entrepreneurial activities related to the sale of goods and services to end users for personal, family or home use. This is the final stage of distribution channels. Manufacturers, importers and wholesalers act as retailers when they sell products directly to finite consumers.

In general, retail trade performs four different functions. She is participates in the process of sorting, collecting the range of goods and services from a large number of suppliers, and offers them for sale; The width and depth of the assortment depend on the strategy of a particular retail merchant. It provides information consumers through advertising, shop windows and inscriptions, as well as staff; Other sales channels are assisted in marketing research; stores goods, sets the price for them, has in retail premises and performs others operations with goods; It is usually paying suppliers for products to its sale to end consumers; completes the transactionUsing the appropriate location of the stores and the time of their work, credit policies and providing other services (for example, delivery).

Retailing deals with two broad categories of suppliers - selling goods or services for the use of trading and those who sell what will continue to resell.

Suppliers should be aware of the goals of retail trade, its strategies and methods of commercial activity in order to successfully serve it. Often retail and its suppliers have different points of view that should be linked.

Retailing can be classified by property, store strategy structure and non-mazny trade. Within one classification, a retail store can get immediately into several categories. Retail analysis allows you to obtain information about its qualities, relative magnitude and importance, various strategies and exposure to external factors.

Classification of property forms.

Independent retail merchant It has only one store and offers personal service, convenient location and direct contact with the consumer. Almost 80% of all retail organizations are independent, including many hairdressers, dry cleaning, furniture stores, gas station stations and auto service, etc. There are so many of them because this activity is easy to start, it often requires small investments and low qualifications.

Chain. It implies joint possession of a number of retail points. It typically uses a system of central purchases and decision-making. If independent merchants have a simple organization, the network is characterized by specialization, standardization and complex management systems. As a result, they can serve a large scattered market and maintain a well-known brand name.

Retail franchisescontract agreements between the manufacturer, wholesale or service organization and retail points. They allow the latter to implement a certain economic activity under a well-known brand and in accordance with a specific set of rules.

Rental Department- This is a department in the retail store (usually a versatile, or specialized store, or a reduced price store), which is surrendered to a third party. The managing leased department is responsible for all parties to its activities and pays the share of sales in the form of rent.

Cooperative Created retailers or consumers. In the first case, independent retailers have joint purchasing and transport services, warehouses, jointly lead advertising, planning and carry out other functions.

It should be noted that recently there have been a number of trends characteristic of retail:

The aging population of the country, changes in the population structure and the saturation of many major markets cause retail to look for new strategies.

The interest of consumers is growing as goods and service level.

More and more retailers are concerned about the problem of reducing costs.

Widespread use of the latest scientific and technical achievements, and first of all, the latest computer technologies.


Wholesale includes any activity selling goods or services to those who acquire them for the purpose of resale or professional use.

Wholesale merchants differ from retailers for a number of characteristics. First, wholesaler pays less attention to stimulate, atmosphere and location of its trading enterprise, since it deals mainly with professional clients, and not with end users. Secondly, in terms of volume, wholesale transactions are usually larger than retail, and the trading area of \u200b\u200bwholesaler is usually more than a retailer. Thirdly, the government comes to wholesale and retail merchants with respect to legal deposits and taxes.

Wholesalers use when using them can be more efficiently executed one or more of the following functions:

Sales and its stimulation. Wholesalers have merchant personnel, which helps the manufacturer cover many small customers at relatively low costs. Wholesaler has more business contacts, and often the buyer believes him stronger than a distant manufacturer.

Procurement and formation of a commodity range. Wholesaler is able to choose products and form the necessary commodity assortment, thus relieving the client from significant trouble.

Fragment of large batches of goods on small. Wholesalers provide customers with savings by purchasing goods by cars and breaking large batches into small.

Storage. Wholesalers store commodity reserves, thereby contributing to the reduction of the corresponding costs of the supplier and consumers.

Transportation. Wholesalers provide more operational delivery of goods, as they are closer to customers than manufacturers.

Financing. Wholesalers finance their customers, providing them with a loan, and at the same time they finance and suppliers, issuing orders in advance and in time paying for accounts.

Risk acceptance. Taking the ownership of the goods and carrying expenses in connection with its predation, damage, damage and obsolescence, the wholesalers take part of the risk.

Providing information about the market. Wholesalers provide information about the activities of competitors, new products, price dynamics, etc., and clients.

Management and consulting services. Wholesaler It often helps retailers to improve activities, teaching their sellers, taking part in the development of a store and an exposure scheme, as well as in organizing accounting and stock management systems.

In recent years, several significant trends in the economy contributed to the growth of wholesale trade: 1) the growth of mass production at large enterprises remote from the main users of finished products; 2) an increase in the production volume of the future, and not to perform already received specific orders; 3) an increase in the number of levels of intermediate producers and users and 4) the exacerbation of the need to adapt the goods to the needs of intermediate and end users in terms of quantity, packaging and varieties.

Wholesale includes any activity selling goods or services to those who acquire them for the purpose of resale or professional use. Wholesalers help manufacturers effectively deliver goods to many retailers and industrial consumers in any part of the country. Wholesalers perform many different functions, including sales and stimulation activities, purchases and formation of a commodity range, a breakdown of large batches of goods for small, warehousing, transportation, financing, risk, providing information about the market and management and consulting services services. All wholesalers can be divided into four groups. Wholesalers of merchants acquire ownership of the goods. They can be additionally subdivided into wholesalers with a full service cycle (Merchants in bulk, distributors of industrial goods) and wholesalers with a limited service cycle (wholesalers selling in cash without delivering goods, wholesalers - Commowers, wholesalers, organizers, wholesalers - Consignants, Agricultural industrial cooperatives and packaging wholesalers). Agents and brokers do not acquire ownership of the goods, but receive a commission for the promotion of purchase and sale. Wholesale compartments and manufacturers' office are units of non-companies in wholesale trade, divisions created in order to do without attracting professional wholesalers. The number of specialized wholesalers include wholesalers of agricultural products, wholesale refuses and wholesalers of auctioneers. Wholesale - independent branch of the economy. Progressively thinking wholesalers permanently adapt their services to specific needs of target consumers and seek ways and ways to reduce costs of doing business.


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