Budgeting courses. Electronic courses: budgeting and management accounting. Analysis "Costs - Products - Profit"

you will receive a maximum benefit:

26 880p 33 600 p.


97 days for professionals

Management accounting courses for those who prefer to be ahead

You have been working in business for a long time and know what state is the company. To keep the brand of a specialist, you need to constantly improve the qualifications ...

For this, training courses of "management accounting and decision-making" of CIBEST have been created. Here you will receive a maximum benefit:

  • We will master in-depth knowledge in the field of accounting;
  • Can meet international profession standards;
  • Get an international diploma that is valued by employers.

During the passage of the program you light practical skills Budgeting, learn how to manage costs, calculate the break-even point, understand how to make management reporting, evaluate business efficiency and build it further strategy.

All knowledge applicable in practice. You will receive confirmation of your own qualifications and powerful perspectives in the career.

Distance learning management accounting and UCPM certification takes place under the guidance of specialists of our business academy. Test results are considered by British experts United Certified Professional Managers

During training you can:

  • master the program "Management Accounting and Adoption of Management Decisions"
  • receive support for practitioners with certificates, international certificates
  • learn global practices in Russian, without departure to the training center
  • get a diploma of the British Association of Certified Professional Managers

British diploma accounting diploma is:

Springboard for career growth.
Become those whom employers want to see in positions! Study at managerial accounting courses!

Applicable skills.
Get new knowledge to improve the efficiency of business processes,
Reflect the risk zones and distribute the company's resources to meet its goals.

Learning process

The candidate after payment fills the questionnaire that is credited to the course (information is transmitted to UCPM for certification). After enrollment, you can pass on management accounting at a convenient time, it is enough to have a computer and Internet access. We give the listeners of materials in electronic form, which remain after the development of the program and are used in professional activities.


Videos and lectures
The program is represented by video lectures and abstracts that successfully complement each other - the listeners are convenient to receive materials in various shapes.

Workers notebooks for practical skills
Workbooks prepared by CIBEST experts allow you to most effectively develop the course and prepare for certification. The notebook is broken into 3 parts: theory with practical examples, analysis of cases and tests. According to listeners, these developments are successfully applied in practice.

How to calculate indicators showing the competitive advantages of your company, on the basis of our approach to managerial financial accounting? What happens in each division and what are the results for the period? Does your management accounting then calculate 300-500 performance indicators and get accurate, structured, timely and reliable information? How to replace meetings and clarify situations with simple and understandable reports?

To do this, it is necessary to analyze the chain of the "primary reporting indicators" chain and bring order in those places where it historically did not arise. Our course will help financiers and economists to master the analytical techniques and reports to predict the financial condition of the company, planning financial flows, the adoption of the right financial and management decisions.

Bonus to each participant!
Full-time 1.5 hour consultation Serov MA and Ivanchenko E.S.

The target audience:

  • executives and employees of financial services;
  • chief accountants, deputy chief accountants, economic accountants, accountants on management reporting;
  • leaders of enterprises, deputy heads of financial and economic issues, general director, shareholders.

On the course you:

  • you will understand the full range of corporate management financial accounting;
  • light the methodology and principles of management reporting;
  • get practical skills to work with financial statements and analyzing the effectiveness of the enterprise;
  • learn to plan financial results and manage cash flow;
  • get the skills of making management decisions in the conditions of the uncertainty of the external environment;
  • learn to solve applied tasks through the parsing of practical situations and cases based on the materials of the consulting projects of the Course Authors.

Format holding:

  • The presentation of the material on the program is 50%.
  • Analysis of business situations, solving practical problems - 40%.
  • Practical advice, answers to questions - 10%.

Course program

Topic 1. Model of Management Financial Accounting (Serov MA)

How does management accounting increase business efficiency?

  • Bunch: Accounting is the management report system - KPI - information panels (Dashboard).
  • Evaluation of business success at 5 levels, technique.
  • Link the objectives of the organization with the tasks of the financial service.
  • Evaluation of business status through the company's cost.
  • Management Financial accounting in organizations of various scale: small, medium and large business.
  • Accounting and financial management: how they relate at various stages of the development of the organization.
  • Capital company and its cost.
  • Profitability management, cash flows and capital companies through three financial reports.
  • Methods of managerial financial accounting. Working with Case (file is sent to listeners by mail).

Financial service structure, its role and place in the company, functions and requirements for financial director / manager

  • The system of assessing financial competencies of each specialist and assessment of the cumulative level of competencies of the financial service.
  • Three levels of qualifications of financial specialists.
  • Basic job responsibilities of managers and employees of the financial and economic service.

Topic 2. Management accounting in the organization based on world business practices and standards (Ivanchenko E.I.)

International Corporate Accounting Standards

  • Objectives, objectives and principles of organizing corporate management accounting in the organization.
  • Management of information flows in the framework of management accounting.
  • Management accounting standards. What can and you need to navigate.
  • Structure and composition of management accounting (technological card for implementation).
  • What information is critical for general and financial directors.
  • Internal and external information - which is more important for the success of the company.
  • Why do business intelligence and why information is the most expensive resource.
  • What information uses top management of the best companies.
  • Management reporting levels (from operating reference to strategic analysis).
  • What is the "director version of" financial statements (why and for whom it is extremely necessary).
  • What is "visualization" of reporting? Why don't Russian directors understand their financiers? And what are Russian financiers mistaken?
  • Rules for the preparation of the "Director of the Director of Financial Reports on International Standards.
  • Requirements for management financial statements (differences from accounting reporting).
  • Regulation and management regulation in the company (how to develop and implement).
  • Basic and auxiliary reports in the management report system. How much should there be reports in the company?
  • Accounting policy for managerial accounting purposes. Differences and similarities with accounting policies.
  • "National" features of management accounting in Russian business.
  • Basic and auxiliary reports in the management report system. How to develop management reports?
  • What is the difference between management financial accounting from accounting? What is the difference between profit costs in accounting and management accounting?
  • How to build the interaction of accounting and management accounting in the company?
  • Reflection of the real financial state of business in four major financial reports.
  • Development and implementation of management accounting in the company. Problems and errors.
  • Approximate list of stages and deadlines for the implementation of the draft management accounting.
  • Practical advice for consultants on the methodology and implementation of management accounting.

Topic 3. Methodology of management financial accounting. Accounting for cash flows, costs, profits, property and obligations of the company (Ivanchenko E.I.)

Methodology of management financial accounting. Basic algorithms and reports

  • Methodology of management financial accounting: accounting policies, indicators, reports, reporting methods.
  • Full Management Reporting Regulations for Business Unit.
  • Accounting policy in management accounting.
  • Templates and design of basic financial reports.
  • Structure and form of a report on cash flow.
  • Accounting and monetary control of the enterprise. Practical recommendations.
  • Structure and form of income and expenses report.
  • Principles of efficient cost management. Classification, management and cost accounting.
  • Definition and classification of costs: variables, constant, direct and indirect.
  • Accounting costs by type, calculation articles, places of occurrence, products, processes.
  • Cost calculation methods: Direct and full cost ("Direct Costing", "Standard Costing", "Total Costing"), methods of methods, advantages and disadvantages of methods, comparative analysis and conditions of applicability.
  • Calculation and analysis of costs in places of occurrence, business units and cost carriers ("cost drivers").
  • The distribution of indirect costs is the goal, principles and methods.
  • The main databases of distribution of indirect costs.
  • Calculation and analysis of the break-even point and stock maneuver stock.
  • Errors in the calculation of costs and associated errors in pricing.
  • Economic model of optimal pricing.
  • Factors affecting pricing solutions.
  • Calculation of the operational lever and the assessment of the operational risk (risk of unmanaged costs).
  • Proper decision-making on cost management and profit decisions.
  • Methods for analyzing and optimizing costs. Recommendations of auditors and consultants to manage and control costs.
  • Communication management cost management.
  • How much can you spend on business development? Optimal growth rates of the company.
  • Strategic control of activities, projects, investments and costs.
  • 7 key business profitability management issues.
  • Management Balance is the main financial and investment report on business.
  • Building a management balance.
  • The main differences between the management balance from accounting.
  • Accounting and management of inventory and receivables.
  • Management reporting consolidation - techniques and methods.
  • The correct algorithms for analyzing the management reporting of the company (key points in financial reports).
  • KPI * and CFI * - Financial business coordinates. How to make effective KPI-based solutions?

Topic 4. Analysis of financial statements - how to read and understand your business (Ivanchenko E.I.)

The right algorithms for analyzing the company's management reporting:

  • Types of financial reporting analysis.
  • Control points of analysis and verification of basic reports.
  • Analysis of solvency, profitability, creditworthiness and investment attractiveness of the business.
  • The relationship of financial coefficients and business goals.
  • Basic errors in analytical reporting and recommendations for their elimination.
  • Assessment of business value on international standards.

Topic 5. How should management financial accounting for good business intelligence on its basis? (Schegolev A.V.)

  • Communication with regulatory information (NSI).
  • Communication with sales, forecast, plan, costs.
  • Typical mistakes in NSI, which lead to difficulties in managerial financial accounting.
  • Data structure in primary accounting.
  • Typical indicators, the calculation of which provides management accounting.
  • What does the right business analytics made on the basis of good accounting look like?
  • Analytical incision on sales channels.
  • Correspondence section.
  • Analysis: The dynamics of profits in relation to the same period last year.
  • Information panel "Plan / Fact".

Topic 6. How to automate management accounting in the company? (Serov MA)

  • System of regulatory information.
  • Development of a reference system when setting management accounting.
  • The correct model of the financial data structure.
  • Stages of implementing an automated management system management system.
  • Accounting of business specifics: production, trade, services, information technology.
  • How to minimize negative processes when implementing a large-scale project of comprehensive automation.
  • Assessment of the cost of the project to implement an automated accounting system.
  • Rating of automation systems of management financial accounting.

Cases (practical tasks):

  • Audit of the management financial statements in the enterprise, held before the implementation of a management financial accounting system.
  • Reflection of financial and economic operations in managerial financial reports (ODDS, ADR, BALANCE).
  • Building a system of key indicators in the organization.
  • Financial analysis and audit of a real company according to its management reporting.
  • Building BDD according to the EBIT / DA method.
  • Analysis of possible errors in making decisions based on incomplete management financial accounting.
  • Designing the treasury control system in the company.
  • Management Balance and Financial Business Strategy.
  • Development of corporate managerial reporting regulations.

This course combines all the best for advanced training: a student's personal account, a free schedule, training materials of different formats and the ability to independently regulate the term of their learning.

Testing skills

Before and after training, you will be tested in the Finassessment service.

This will allow:

  • see what knowledge and at what level you already own
  • look at your progress in learning
  • get a certificate confirmation of your professional skills

Webinars with experts

Educational materials

The course includes specially designed webinars, electronic handouts, aspect of lectures, tests, textbooks.

Tests and practical tasks are designed to control the mastering of the material. Electronic handouts are available for download and printout (you will remain after closing the course to the course).


Intermediate testing

Personal consultations with experts

If during the study of the course you will have questions on the topic, then you can always ask for clarification from the teacher. Consultive with him can be through the chat in the distance learning system, the entire period of study. You can also get additional enhanced consultation through a video link in a webinar format (this service can be ordered and paid separately).

Mock exam

Official exam

The official exam on the diploma IPFM passes monthly, on schedule, online. To participate in it requires a preliminary registration. The list of documents and the form of an exam entry are also in the distance learning system.

The exam consists of a test and practical part. The duration of the exam is 3 hours.

Passing point: 60.

An Exam for International Diploma IPFM accept administrators using the printer's system (monitoring the student and the screen of his computer). Examined exam tasks check and evaluate accredited IPFM teachers.

Exam results report candidates 2 weeks after passing an email exam. On the same mail, within 2 months from the date of the announcement of the results, an international diploma of IPFM is sent in electronic form if the candidate scored 60 or more points.


These 90 hours are the average time for the course of the course. For the allotted access period, it is necessary to have time to use everything that is included in the program: testing on Finassessment, training materials, control tests, tasks, abstracts, personal consultations with the tutor and the intensives for the preparation for the exam.

1moduleThe nature of management accounting. Classification costs for decision making

7 hours of theory, 2 hours of practice (7 webinars, 3 tasks, 2 tests)

  1. Nature of management accounting
  2. Theory:

  • Definition of management accounting
  • Fundamental differences between managerial and financial accounting
  • What includes management accounting
  • Essence of management accounting
  • Objectives of management accounting
  • Key management accounting users
  • Persons responsible for the formation of a management accounting system in the organization
  • Tasks of management accounting
  • The main components of the management accounting system in the organization
  • Basic processes ensuring the formation and functioning of the management accounting system
  • Factors affecting the organization of a management accounting system in organizations


  1. Classification costs for decision making
  • Determining costs. How to classify costs.
  • Costs: permanent, variables, medium, limit.
  • Other types of costs.
  • Models and methods for calculating the cost of production.


  • 3 tasks
  • 2 tests.

2moduleCost management concept. Cost behavior. Analysis "Costs - volume - profits". Breakeven point.

7 o'clock theory, 5 hours of practice (13 webinars, 4 tasks, 1 test)

  1. Cost management concept. Cost behavior
  2. Theory:

  • Separation of costs for permanent and variables.
  • Calculation of cost.
  • Analysis "Costs - volume - profits". Breakeven point.
  • Theory:

    • The essence of CVP analysis. Analysis of break-even
    • Firms with high constant and variable costs


    • 4 tasks
    • 1 test.

    3moduleManagement format for profit and loss report. Analysis of the structure of sales and profitability of individual types of products

    8 hours of theory, 5 hours of practice (7 webinars, 3 tasks, 1 test)

    1. Management Analysis: Profit Maximization Methods. Entities and loss report
    2. Theory:

    • Profit and loss statement for making management decisions. Possible embodiments
    • Algorithm for compiling an order for management purposes
  • Analysis of the structure of sales and profitability of individual types of products
  • Theory:

    • Sales analysis. ABC Sales Analysis
    • Xyz sales analysis
    • Analysis of sales profitability
    • Factor analysis of sales profitability


    • 3 tasks
    • 1 test.


    5 o'clock theory, 5 hours of practice (4 webinars, 4 tasks, 1 test)


    • Setting pricing tasks.
    • Types of costs
    • Pricing method cost pricing methods
    • Market methods of pricing
    • Conclusions for the analysis of pricing methods
    • Elasticity of demand for the price
    • Parametric methods of pricing


    • 4 tasks
    • 1 test.

    5moduleBudgeting; types of budgets; General budget. Centers of responsibility.

    6 hours of theory, 4 hours of practice (7 webinars, 2 tasks, 1 test)

    1. Budgeting, types of budgets, general budget.
    2. Theory:

    • Budgets and types of budgets.
    • What is budgeting
    • Factor analysis of costs for cost articles
  • Responsibility Centers
  • Theory:

    • The essence of the CFO, their role, dignity and disadvantages.
    • Centers of financial responsibility and their main indicators
    • Accounting for centers


    • 2 tasks
    • 1 Test

    6moduleFinancial control: Financial performance indicators. Financial Control Tools: Flexible Budget and Transfer Pricing

    6 hours of theory, 4 hours of practice (7 webinars, 3 tasks, 1 test)

    1. Financial control: Financial performance indicators.
    2. Theory:

    • The system of financial coefficients.
    • Indicators of operational analysis
    • Indicators of operating costs
    • Asset management performance indicators
    • Liquidity indicators
    • Profitability indicators (profitability)
    • Indicators of capital structure
    • Debt service indicators
    • Market indicators
    1. Financial Control Tools: Flexible Budget and Transfer Pricing
    2. Theory:

    • Flexible budgets and control.
    • Transfer pricing
    • Essence, necessity and purpose of transfer pricing
    • Factors affecting the establishment of transfer prices
    • Transfer pricing mechanism based on market price
    • Pricing based on market prices
    • Types of pricing based on full and margin costs
    • Other types of transfer pricing

    Practice: 3 tasks and 1 test.

    7moduleSegment reporting. Management control: non-financial performance indicators.

    6 hours of theory, 4 hours of practice (3 webinars, 2 tasks, 1 test)

    1. Segment reporting.
    2. Theory:

    • The role of segment reporting on the real example.
    • The procedure for the formation of segment management reporting
  • Management control: non-financial performance indicators.
  • Theory:

    • Internal non-financial indicators.
    • External non-financial indicators.
    • Relationship of financial and non-financial indicators


    • 2 tasks
    • 1 test.
    • 1 Task from the teacher.

    8moduleDevelopment of management control system: a balanced system of performance indicators.

    3 o'clock theory, 6 hours of practice (1 webinar, 6 tasks, 2 tests)


    • The objectives of the development of a balanced system indicators (Balanced Scorecard, BSC).
    • Contents of a balanced system of indicators
    • Typical project of developing a balanced system of indicators
    • Using financial analysis as part of a balanced system of indicators


    • 6 tasks
    • 2 tests.

    9moduleFinal test. Mock exam.

    • The module 9 is an analogue of the future online exam:
    • consists of a test (20 questions of 2 points each, the maximum score - 40 points is checked and evaluated automatically)
    • and tasks (4 tasks, the maximum total score - 60 is checked by a proctor).
    • Like the exam, you need to dial in the amount (for the test and task) 60 points out of 100 possible

    Leave your email and we will send you a deployed learning program so that you get a complete picture of what awaits you on the course!


    Each teacher of our courses is an expert practitioner in its field. Their knowledge and experience are in demand among family and respected customers and employers. Their qualifications confirm a lot of certificates, certificates, diplomas, as well as successful cases.

      Natalia Trofimova

      tutor of the Financial Academy "Active". Consultant on budgeting and managerial accounting. Diplomas: CIMA DIP PM (RUS).

    • Renata Korsikov

      tutor-Methodist of the Financial Academy "Active". Candidate of Economic Sciences An expert on financial management and strategic management of the IFA level. Accredited IPFM coach under the International Financial Reporting Standards Program. Accredited teacher Vaa. Program teacher according to P (C) Bu UFO and IFRS of the level of DIFPR-Rus.


      • accounting policy
      • accounting and Reporting on International Financial Reporting Standards and Accounting
      • management Accounting
      • conducting master classes and webinars on accounting, tax accounting, foreign trade, development of programs, methodical materials and presentations.
    • Julia Valitinny

      tutor of the Financial Academy "Active". Head of the Corporate Reporting Department in the company is done by Media Holding. Lecturer with experience in MSU Nomonosov, Moscow Business School, Association of Additional Vocational Education, International Finance Academy.


      • reporting preparation in accordance with IFRS
      • management audit audits on the general and tax audit of enterprises of various industries activities (production, construction, foreign trade, trade, services)
      • verification of the work of the participants of the audit group
      • writing reports on the results of inspections, the development of recommendations to eliminate the identified violations
      • preparation of audit conclusions
      • development, implementation, actualization of intrafyrna standards systems and general audit techniques, tax audit, Due Diligence
      • development of a methodological basis for special audit tasks
      • development and conduct of lectures and seminars for employees of the company and for third-party audit companies on issues of external and internal audit, accounting and tax accounting

    We trust us

    Paying training

    You can pay for training using a bank card in any electronic currency, mobile commerce services (MTS, MegaFon, Beeline), through Internet banking leading banks of the Russian Federation, through ATMs, instant payment terminals, and using the iPhone application for the Robokassa service link, Which you will receive from a personal consultant.
    Also pay the bill in any branch of the Bank of the Russian Federation.
    Training can be paid in parts. All conditions will be told by the Academy managers.

    Useful to know the answers to questions

    How do I find out that this course I exactly fits?

    Everything is simple. Sign up and follow the first term lesson lesson to find out how everything is arranged and is it suitable for such a learning format. If you like everything - conclude a training contract, pay for it and continue to learn. If not - ask for advice from our managers, they will help to find the best skill program.

    How do I prove that I am your student? Do you give any documents about your services?

    Before starting training, we conclude relevant treaties with all our students.
    At the end of the training, we issue acts of work performed (for legal entities), and for individuals - relevant diplomas and certificates.

    Is it possible after your courses to get the return ndfl?

    Each our student has the right to return the income tax on training, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, after receiving educational services. Pass learning at any course of the "Active" financial academy and return 13% of its cost. If you pay training on any of our online courses on your own, as an individual, you can reduce Ndfl calculus (in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The cost of your chosen course will be deducted from the total amount of your income taxable. To do this, you must provide a tax package of documents. Check out the details of the NDFL refinement from managers.

    What is a distance learning system?

    The distance learning system (DDO) is an educational environment where all learning materials are stored for courses, webinars and counseling with lecturers, test work and examinations are held. All students who registered for a trial lesson (limited access) have been accessing for a trial lesson (full access).

    What is the student's personal account?

    The student's personal office is the personal territory of the student who is only available to him and portal administrators. Cabinet contains training materials (webinars, electronic handouts, lectures, tests, tests, tasks, textbooks) and chat for consultation with the teacher.

    Is it possible to download the course materials?

    Students of courses can download and print workbooks and distribution material to webinars, as well as abstracts and tasks that send portal administrators to the mail to explore. They stay at the disposal and after closing access to the course. Webinars are the intellectual property of the financial academy "asset" and are not available for downloading and storing entries by students outside the distance learning system. Upon completion of the course, access to all educational materials, except the first courses module, is closed.

    What if I missed the online lesson?

    Is it possible to suspend training?

    Our listeners are practicing specialists, they also happen to avral at work, unplanned business trips and other unforeseen situations.
    Therefore, training at any our course, which includes online interaction between students and a teacher, can be suspended for 10-20-30 days (maximum time). To do this, you need to specify the reason and the period of suspending the training of portal administrators.

    What should I do if access to the course ended or ends, and I have already spent all the days of suspension?

    If access to the course comes to an end, and the days of suspension remained, then you can extend access to the course at any time. The service excess service is paid. To order it, you need to contact the administrators of the distance learning system or the personal manager.

    If I do not pass the IPFM exam, what to do?

    According to inexorable statistics, 80% of our students successfully pass the IPFM exams from the first time. This helps the IPFM trial exam at the end of the course and advice of teachers. If you still succeed, do not pass the official exam - repeated attempts are unlimited. To negate the exam, you will need to register for participation in it and pay a fee.

    1. I (Customer), I hereby express my consent to the processing of my personal data received from me during the departure of the application for information and consulting services / admission to educational programs.

    2. I confirm that the mobile phone number specified by me is my personal phone number allocated to me by the cellular operator, and is ready to be responsible for the negative consequences caused by the number of mobile phone numbers belonging to another person.

    The Group of Companies includes:
    1. MBS LLC, Legal Address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.
    2. ANO DPO Moscow Business School, Legal Address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.

    3. Under this Agreement under the "personal data" refers to:
    Personal data that the client gives itself consciously and independently when making an application for training / receiving information advisory services on the pages of the site group of companies
    (namely: surname, name, patronymic (if any), year of birth, client education level, chosen training program, city of residence, mobile phone number, email address).

    4. The client is an individual (a person who is a legal representative of an individual who has not reached 18 years old, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation), a filling out application for training / receiving information and consulting services to the site of the group of companies, thus expressed its intention to take advantage of educational / Information and consulting services of a group of companies.

    5. The group of companies in general does not check the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Client and does not monitor its capacity. However, the Group of Companies proceeds from the fact that the client provides reliable and sufficient personal information on the issues proposed in the registration form (application form), and supports this information up to date.

    6. The Group of Companies collects and stores only those personal data that is necessary for admission to training / receiving information and consulting services from a group of companies and organizing the provision of educational / information and consulting services (execution of agreements and contracts with the client).

    7. The collected information allows you to send to the email address and the number of the mobile phone specified by the client, information in the form of emails and SMS messages via communication channels (SMS-distribution) for the purpose of receiving a group of service companies, the organization of the educational process, sending Important notifications, such as changing the provisions, conditions and policies of the Group of Companies. Also, such information is necessary to promptly inform the client about all changes in the conditions for the provision of information and consulting services and the organization of the educational and admission process for training in a group of companies, informing the Client about the upcoming shares, the nearest events and other events of the Group of Companies, by sending him newsletters and information Messages, as well as in order to identify the parties under agreements and agreements with a group of companies, communication with the client, including the directions of notifications, requests and information related to the provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the client.

    8. When working with personal data of the Client, the Group of Companies is guided by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006. "On personal data."

    9. I am informed that at any time I can refuse to receive information on the email address by sending an email to the address :. Also, refuse to receive information to the email address is possible at any time by clicking on the link "Unsubscribe" below the letter.

    10. I am informed that at any time I can refuse to receive the SMS Mobile phone number specified by me, by sending an email to the address:

    11. The Group of Companies takes the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the client's personal data from unlawful or random access, destruction, changes, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as other illegal actions with third parties.

    12. To the present agreement and relations between the Client and the Group of Companies arising from the application of the Agreement shall be applied to the Russian Federation.

    13. This Agreement confirming that I am over 18 years old and accept the conditions designated by the text of this Agreement, as well as give its full voluntary consent to the processing of its personal data.

    14. This Agreement, regulating the client's relations and the Group of Companies, has been operating throughout the entire period of the provision of services and the client's access to personalized services of the Group of Companies.

    MBS LLC Legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.
    MBS Consulting LLC Legal address: 119331, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, d. 29, office 520.
    Miracle "Moscow Business School - Seminars", Legal Address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.

    Individual approach to listeners

    • managers help choose the audience a course of study, taking into account his wishes, experience and opportunities for professional development.
    • depending on the initial training of the listener, basic and advanced training courses are offered, allowing to gradually master disciplines.
    • for those who want to receive an in-depth professional education, managers offer individual training formats, taking into account temporary listeners restrictions.

    Technical equipment

    • training is carried out on a specialized educational portal HSE, which allows the listener to study at any time and anywhere with the use of any modern gadgets.

    Copyright chebno-methodical materials

    • contain full information necessary to study this discipline: lectures abstracts, examples and cases illustrating the features of the use of studied technologies in practice
    • each course provides video lessons on the most difficult topics.

    Accompanying the learning process

    • each rate leads an experienced practitioner, promptly consulting listeners for their questions.
    • the course administrator helps listeners to solve any technical issues on the organization of the educational process, provides operational contact with the teacher, draws up documentation for the learning process.

    Phased knowledge control

      each course of study is divided into topics, the study of which is carried out in accordance with the approved schedule,

      according to the results of the study of each topic to continue learning, you must perform control tasks,

    • the teacher gives detailed comments and recommendations to students of the responses received.

    Education document

    Certificate of improving the qualifications of the Sample HSE installed in the NEU.


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