The concept of key competencies of the organization. Cheat Sheet: root competence of the enterprise What is unique competencies of the organization

Model (profile) of competencies

To date, the approach K, based on the concept of competence, is the most common.

Competence There are personal characteristics of a person, its ability to perform certain functions, types of behavior and social roles, such as the orientation of the client's interests, the ability to work in the group.

Competence Measure both individually personal characteristics (for example, the ability to work in a team, creativity, sociability) and skills (for example, the ability to negotiate or the ability to draw up business plans).

The latter definition further discloses the concept of competence from the point of view of recruiting measures, because, as a rule, the assessment is made in two directions:

  1. personal characteristics (behavioral competencies);
  2. assessment of knowledge and skills in the professional field.

Such a distribution should not be considered as a classification of competencies, because Each organization formulates its staff requirements and grows competences, depending on the specifics of a particular position. Development (definition and formulation) competencies for employees of the organization is carried out on the basis of the organization's strategy. In this case, it is customary to talk about Key competencies of the company.

Key competencies - These are the competences developed at the level of the organization used to characterize and evaluate its employees, in particular for candidates for vacancies.

1. Present value for consumers. When trying to identify key competencies, the organization should evaluate whether a specific skill contributes to the value perceived by the Client, in other words, allows this competence to improve the quality and / or reduce the cost of the services provided / manufactured products.

2. Be distinctive That is, unique in its kind, difficult to reproduce competitors.

3. Provide transition to tomorrow's markets. When determining key competencies, it is important to abstract from the quality parameters of the product and determine how you can use the competence for production.

The process of forming an organization's competencies model can be represented as a scheme shown in Fig. 17. As can be seen from the figure, the formation of a key competency profile is one of the tasks of strategic planning and management of the organization. The content of key competencies follows from the organization's development strategy.

Fig. 17. Scheme of the formation of key competencies of the organization

The number of key competencies for different companies may vary. At the same time, excessive detailing leads to difficulties in the assessment and selection of personnel (for example, in the presence of 50-100 competencies). Each designed competence must be maximum specifically formulated Because The same words, phrases, terms can be interpreted differently in different conditions.

For example, it is often found to have such a requirement for candidates as sociable. However, this term has many parameters.

An example of parameters of claims for candidates:


  • Ability to quickly establish contact with unfamiliar people
  • Polite, relaxing
  • The ability to convince
  • The ability to publicly perform
  • Constant desire to communicate with people
  • Good speech
  • Grammatically correct speech

We present another article for owners and managers (not HR), revealing another aspect of staff assessment. In it we will stop:

  • on what competencies are;
  • types of competencies;
  • on the use of the competence approach in;
  • stages of implementation of competencies;
  • the advantages that the company finds the competence is obtained.

What is competence?

Clear criteria are needed to implement systemic personnel assessment. Most methods reduce the effectiveness of the effectiveness of the employee and the set of his personal qualities. One of the leaders is a competent approach.

Competence - integral characteristic / criterion describing the quality of human behavior in certain activities. As a rule, this certain ideal model of behavioral manifestations, allowing it to achieve a result, be effective in this activity.

It is clear that human behavior in each situation is determined by many factors: internal installations and motivation, skills, understanding of technology, knowledge. And even genetic predisposition.

For example, a sales manager operating in the marketB2.B (large corporate sales), developed communicative communication skills are important to communicate with various specialists and decision makers. And all this can be called "negotiating":

  • flexibility of behavior, the ability to consciously adapt to the style of the interlocutor;
  • variability in the proposal of alternatives;
  • developed argument skills, etc.

Simultaneously with these qualities, the "seller" should have perseverance in achieving the goal, the ability to plan and control their activities, the ability to work under pressure. And this is another competence - "Orientation on the result."

And thus we can say that every activity can be described by the cloud criteria - a model of competencies. Moreover, for each business competence will be unique reflecting its specificity. That is why we recommend developing our own competencies.

You can be useful for our services.

Behavioral indicators of competence

As already revealed above in the example with "negotiating", competence consists of simple components - specific items containing a description of the action. And these components are called behavioral indicators. It is on the basis of behavioral indicators that the staff assessment is being built using or structured interviews.

But this is not all, the levels of manifestation of competencies are needed.

Scale of development competencies

In order to describe the quality of the employee's action, set the reference values \u200b\u200band be able to compare the manifested behavior with it, there is a scale of competency. These are levels describing the quality of behavior. And the scale on the levels can be different. For example, 4 levels (intermediate values \u200b\u200bare also possible - "halves"):

  • 0 - the competence is not manifested / absent;
  • 1 - the level of basic development;
  • 2 - the level of confident possession of competence in standard situations;
  • 3 - level of skill (standard, ability to broadcast).

Roughly speaking, the scale of the development of competencies can be represented in the form of a thermometer "Bad-good". In accordance with this, the "thermometer", an employee is evaluated.

There are several options for describing levels of competencies. In the examples below, the differences are visible. It can be assumed that they were created for different methods of assessment.

An example of a description of the competence: enumeration of all behavioral indicators and levels with values \u200b\u200bfor employee activities.

Formulates the vision of the ultimate goal. Organizes others / forms a group of "followers". Effectively motivates people in team and individual work. Encourages colleagues and subordinates to the nomination of initiatives and independence. Delegates authority and responsibility, taking into account the individual characteristics of subordinate and their career aspirations. Pay attention and time to the development of subordinates. Expresses and defends his own position on solved issues. Provides and requests feedback.
BUTExceptionally high level of competence (2)The competence is pronounced, the employee is a benchmark for applying this competence.

The level of development of competence allows employee to achieve results in most situations of high complexity, allow crises to be a translator of their own experience.

B.High level of development of competence (1.5)Strong level of competence.

The level of development of competence allows an employee to achieve results in complex, non-standard situations.

C.Standard Level of Competency Development (1)Required level of competence.

The level of competence development allows an employee to achieve results in all basic working situations.

D.The level of competence is lower than standard (0.5)The competence is partially manifested.

The level of development of competence allows an employee to achieve results only in well-known working situations, act according to existing algorithms and instructions.

E.Low level of development of competence / competence is not manifested (0)The competence is not manifested.

The level of competence development does not allow an employee to achieve results even in well-known working situations.

An example of competence with an extended description of behavioral indicators at each level.

Score Level Description of behavioral indicators
4 Strategic In addition to the level 3:

- establishes such rules for the work of the group under which it allows everyone to express themselves, while remaining the leader

- ensures the adoption of a group solution, which is focused not only on "here and now", but also for the future

3 Skill level In addition to the level 2:

- Motivates a group to fulfill the goal, inspires, affects the mood of the group

- orients other participants in the group to actively work in the group

- offers a solution that the group accepts

2 Base - takes the initiative on himself

- interacts with each team member, based on individual identity features

- aims a group to achieve the result, returns a group to the result

- organizes the work of the group, offers receptions and procedures for the work of the group

- takes responsibility for the result on yourself

- promotes conflict resolution

1 Limited - takes the initiative on himself at the request of other participants in the group, to indicate the most active member of the group

- manifests the initiative, but cannot seek participants

- organizes the work of individual members of the group

- it makes it difficult to justify your opinion while trying to organize the work of the group

0 Necrompetence level - it has an unconstructive impact on the team, interrupts, criticizes, depreciates the position of others.

- shows indifference to the results of group work

- it is self-confined from the organization of group work, only on instructions

- does not interact with the participants of the group

- provokes conflicts in the group

It is also accepted to apply the term "target indicator", which are set to the importance of competence for this target audience. For example, for the top-level leader, the competence "strategic thinking" should be manifested at the level "2". Whereas the value for the head of the division, the target indicator will be "1.5".

According to the evaluation, one can judge the potential of the employee, the need for development, suitability for this activity, etc.

Types of competence

I must say that this is a conditional classification. Rather, this is a separation for the designation "scope of application" of competencies. Indeed, in the process of its activities, a person uses many integrative qualities. For example, a manager who conducts a meeting "uses" at the same time several of its competencies - different species.

But sometimes you can sometimes find the division of competencies to clusters:

  • management
  • communicative
  • corporate (value)
  • professional (technical)

Management competencies

Management competencies describe the actions of managers in the decision-making process and communicate with subordinates. It is also competences that describe the quality of its behavior - often "leadership".

Examples of management competencies:

  • Strategic (or systematic) thinking
  • Planning (and organization or control)
  • Development subordinates
  • Motivation
  • Leadership

Communicative competences

This is a description of the quality of behavior in the process of communications within the company and with external partners.

Examples of communicative competencies:

  • Negotiation
  • Interpersonal understanding
  • Influence

Depending on the accents, in the description of the competence, you can see the specifics of the activities of employees and the welcomed styles of behavior (aggressiveness, associate or partnership).

Corporate competences

An important part of the competency model is valuable competencies. They reflect corporate philosophy - values \u200b\u200band standards of behavior welcomed in the company. That is why in some companies separately formulate corporate competencies.

Examples of corporate (value) competencies:

  • Referral orientation
  • Customer care (often, even internal)
  • Teamwork

Professional (technical) competences

Describe the knowledge, skills and behavior of any professional group of posts. For example, for the direction of IT or accountants.

It should be understood by the feasibility of developing professional competencies - whether this group of people are sufficiently represented in the company, as far as there are changes in their activities and technologies used by them.

Application of competencies - staff assessment

The most frequently used methods where competencies are used:

  • assasstence Center is the most effective way in the course of a specially developed business game;
  • evaluation "180/360 ° Feedback", where the employee's assessment is given from all sides - subordinates, managers, colleagues, customers.

Development of competencies

With the need to develop competencies, each company is found, which regularly conducts personnel assessment using a competence approach.

It must be recognized, the creation of a model of competencies is time-consuming (and often on the budget) undertaking. As a rule, internal specialists, sorry for the pun, do not possess sufficient competence for a qualitative description of competencies. The main mistakes can be called the fuzziness of the wording, intersecting behavioral indicators (found in different competencies). And spent on this job a lot of time.

Of course, you can use universal competencies. For example, many companies are taken as the basis of Leninger's work and some of them modify themselves. But, if it is worth the task of high-quality transmission of business specifics, without formulating your own model is not to do. And in this case it is better to contact the providers.

Development of a competency model. Main steps

The main stages of the project development project can be called:

  1. Definition of goal and tasks (for which we formulate and how to apply), development methodology.
  2. The formation of design (s) groups (s) with the involvement of the maximum possible number of participants. This will further reduce the resistance of employees. Groups can be completely different in the direction and time of existence.
  3. Directly the development of competencies.
  4. Testing with focus groups and estimated procedures.

Formation of competencies. Methods

The most famous methods for the development of competencies are considered:

  • Method of repertoire lattices - The behavior of the most effective employees is analyzed, a list of behavioral indicators is drawn up. It is carried out more often in the form of an interview with managers, as a result of which a table (lattice) is formed with the names of workers and their indicators.
  • Method of critical incidents It is built on the basis of an interview with employees (and leaders), during which they tell about critical situations, actions that led to success or, on the contrary, not allowed to resolve the situation.
  • Direct attribute method - The fastest and simple when key managers are making cards with a description of the prepared competencies. Supervisors are invited to choose from this set by those that are most significant for business.

Implementing the model of competencies

The implementation of the competency model occurs according to the classic change management. If you simplify the model, then the main zones of attention can be considered:

  • It is necessary to create motivation to use competencies. Show employees that this will be the instrument of their training and the ability to develop in the company. And managers will make it possible to more reasonably make decisions. And it may occur during the pilot estimated procedures on the example of standard (unadapted under the company) of competencies.

By the way, we offer our customers exactly such an option when there is no one model in the company - from something to start. Run the process. Show at least at the level of one group or target audience that the assessment of the staff for competencies is "not scary, but useful."

In this case, we implement, for example, Light Assasstence, based on the results of which participants receive recommendations for development.

  • Maximum informing employees and involvement in the process. And here, as mentioned almost above, it is necessary to work, both before the development and after the formulation of competencies.

This can occur in the form of mailings with a description of the task of implementing the model, describing all stages, asking feedback, etc. Of course, the most operating form can be considered the full-time working groups on developing and broadcasting.

Already during this preparatory period (which may be implemented even after the development of the model), feedback will be obtained, the most resisting employees or those on which can be relying in the introduction of innovations are revealed.

  • After the development of competencies, it is necessary to conduct the first episode of the assessment with their use and show the effectiveness of implementation. This most resolves the task of "propaganda" of innovations and the removal of resistance in part of the doubters (the sixth stage of the change model of the cotter).
  • Implementation of changes on a regular basis, consolidation of the competency model at regular management.

For example, one of the parts of the implementation of competencies in the "life of the company" may become their use of managers during regular feedback subordinates. Operating the terminology of the competence approach, sending to behavioral indicators of the corporate model forms the conceptual field in which employees live.

And this is not a complete list of areas of attention. For each company they are their own. But all of them should be aimed at creating a positive installation to an assessment for competencies. It is clear that the installation of the installation is a long process. What we meant, speaking of the possible duration of the project. So, the main zones of attention is motivation, informing, involvement, propaganda.

Model competencies. Benefits

The main advantages of the presence of a corporate competency model can be called:

  • criteria applied to employees reflect the specifics of the business, the activities of employees and corporate culture of the company;
  • competencies become for employees in peculiar beacons, which need to be focused - set standards of behavior, allowing to be successful in this activity;
  • the company forms a developing environment (of course, when conducting a regular assessment of personnel for competencies);
  • the decision-making process is simplified (in the field of career movement of employees);
  • significantly decreases the cost of searching, adaptation and staff development;
  • simplifies interaction with service providers in the field of assessment and development of personnel.

"Have or not to have?" - that is the question. And he solves every company. And we, the "Laboratory of Business Games" just help effectively implement the intended: to develop and implement a corporate competency model, evaluate employees and offer the program of their development.

The existing terms "competence" and "competence" somewhat repeat each other. Let's try to figure out.

Competence of the company- The combination of the characteristics of the company, which makes it professional at the level of competitors. Competence consists of individual competencies and is generally based on competitive and leading technologies. Each competencies are an element of common competence.

The term "competence" introduced in turnover of V. Mchellil in 1982. McElliva, competence - a circle of problems, the field of activity in which this person has knowledge and experience; A combination of powers, rights and obligations of an official, public organization.
Competence of the company (business competence) - a set of interrelated skills, abilities and technologies, providing a company to an effective solution to certain tasks, situations.

Standard competence of the company - a set of benefits, technologies, abilities, knowledge and skills, allowing the company to solve typical task for this segment, carry out operational processes at the level adopted as standard.
Since the majority of competitors have standard competencies, the lack of standard competence leads to the rapid disappearance of the company from the market.
Many standard competencies are confirmed by licenses, certificates.
Sometimes the competences are mistakenly called company resources.

For successful competition, it is necessary to formulate all the competencies of the company and allocate key.

Key (distinctive, basic, exceptional, basic, unique, business competence) competence of the company (The term "Critical Factor's Success", KFU) is also used - such a competence, the presence of which allows the company to solve problems, unbearable for most other market players, establishes a new standard of activity in the industry and thereby provides the owner competitive advantage.
According to Gamelu and S. K. Prokhalad, the company should be perceived not as a set of components of its business units, but as combining key competencies - skills, skills, technologies that allow companies to provide their consumers certain values.

Key competence is the strategic potential of the company. Operational management of the company (the ability to effectively conduct business) is a way to extract benefits from potential.
Signs of key competence:

· Significance for consumers, their willingness to pay for competence as a large part of acquired value;

· Ability to change and adapt to new market requirements;

· Uniqueness, a small probability of repetition of competitors;

· Based on knowledge, and not on the coincidence

· Connection with multiple activities or products;

· Relevance, compliance with the strategic aspirations of the market and the company;

· The possibility of partnership to create a new key competence;

· Clarity, accessibility of the wording of competence for a unambiguous interpretation.

Key competencies can be:

Knowledge of the needs of the market and the ability to regularly receive this knowledge;
- the ability to implement in practice the proposals necessary for the market;
- The ability to constantly increase and develop your key competence.

Creating an exceptional consumer value, which is a resulting element of the market orientation of the enterprise, involves the effective cooperation of all functional divisions of the enterprise. Market orientation is designed to eliminate traditional barriers between different functional units to create consumer value.

Consumer value is the benefits of minus costs for its acquisition. The benefits include: the goods itself, the accompanying service, the experience gained in the process of receiving the goods, and personal impressions of the goods. Costs are money spent on the purchase, spending of time and effort and moral costs (associated with risk). Exceptional consumer value is characterized by a high degree of superiority of favorable impressions related to the experience of consumption of goods, over the initial consumer expectations and consumer value offered by competitors. The most effective ways to create consumer value are determined based on the competencies of the enterprise. Events to improve consumer value contribute to the establishment of the market orientation of the enterprise and strengthening its key competencies

What is the corporate model of competencies? Personnel service staff, consultants who try to understand the meaning of competencies are faced with this problem, to use them in direct destination.

Major terms

To begin with, we will give the definition of the term. Corporate competences are the volume of professional skills and knowledge, personal attitudes and characteristics that manifest themselves in the behavior of employees require some official duties.

The competency model is a combination of certain competencies that employees need to achieve the goals set by the Company's management. Only if there are certain skills in employees, you can count on the successful development of the enterprise.

Corporate competences involve a system of skills and skills that the employee possesses, in order to successfully be realized in the professional sphere.

Composite parts of competence

Currently, it is customary to include several indicators that are their components. Corporate competencies suggest certain skills and skills. For example, the competence "Effective Communication" is characterized by:

  • listen to the ability to speak;
  • structured transfer information, argument arguments;
  • find out the position, check it;
  • use additional resources that promote understanding.

These indicators allow you to give a description of the person who will fulfill the duties. By ordering a ready-made model from the provider, it is necessary to clearly realize that it is necessary to business and the company within certain competencies.

Behantic indicator

The assessment of corporate competencies is associated with the manifestation of indicators in the behavior of employees. It can be both negative and positive, to have a serious impact on the efficiency of the enterprise.

For example, for the indicator, "finds out the position, checks the understanding" To describe the behavioral principle, you can use the following characteristics: Single responses to questions, listening to the interlocutor. The indicators of the behavioral plan are written by available words that are understandable to ordinary people. Each indicator should have a clear and clear wording. In any report on the results of the assessment of professional competencies, information should be not only about "what to do", but also "how to do". In the absence of detail in the report, it is difficult to get a holistic picture, to establish causal relationships.

Varieties of competence

Currently allocate various corporate competencies. For example, managerial competencies are managerial, possess which each company's head must. For example, "decision making", as well as "Execution Management". Technical or functional competencies are called those that are necessary for activities in a specific unit.

Account scale

The corporate competency model has a specific valuation scale. It consists of a level name. Depending on the fantasy of the compiler, they can be called differently: "initial", "advanced", "medium".

The level description should be consistent, to show an increase in development. If the company chose an insurgency model, in this case the description is limited only by the terms "makes" or "does not". As an application, the scale of the score can be considered. Each level of competence development receives a certain number of points. For example, when viewed in the form of numerical expressions, one score is chosen for each level.

Purpose of models of competencies

The development of corporate competencies is aimed at establishing certain standards imposed on employees. First of all, we are talking about the level of knowledge, skills, personal qualities that can become both an incentive for development and a brake for the company. The competency model can be considered an analogue that includes a spectrum of requirements in a transparent and open format. The model may vary depending on the company's goals, as well as the conditions that exist in the market.

Principles of definition

The development of corporate competencies allows the company to occupy a certain niche in its field of activity, to receive a stable profit from activities. Competences are determined, given the specifics of the organization's activities. They allow you to identify those business qualities and professional skills that employees should have to implement the company's ideas. The optimal is considered five to seven different behavioral skills.

Corporate competences of employees - customer-oriented, leadership, ability to make responsible decisions, loyalty in the organization, the ability to work in a team. Only with the possession of certain skills and skills, the employee can benefit from its organization.

This competence in corporate governance is an integral part of the work of absolutely any company.

Among behavioral indicators is particularly important orientation for the result. With the formulation of ambitious purposes, the achievement of planned results is possible only if employees have professional competencies. Corporate results can be achieved at the energetic, perseverance of each employee, the desire to achieve the planned result.

Submission of their actions to work on the planned result, targeted activities, independent adjustment and control of actions - all this can be called real professional competencies.

A qualified employee can overcome the difficulties that interfere with the achievement of the result. He knows how to evaluate its own efficiency on the result achieved, not the amount of effort.

Features of obtaining competencies

Corporate competences of the organization involve training on three components: knowledge, skills, skills.

Knowledge are information by profession. They are determined by polls and tests, check them on the exams.

The skills are aware of the things to make which a person can at the level of awareness.

Skills are indisputable skills used by man on an intuitive, semi-automatic level. A person who has certain skills is able to think through the "party" a few moves forward, therefore is an important employee for the company. It will not allow serious mistakes that will lead to a loss of profits.

Varieties of competence

Modern corporate competencies are a combination of various skills and skills. If a person speaks about a true professional, it is implied that he owns a unique system of competencies that turn it into this wizard in its field of action. Competence determines the ability of a person not only to analyze its skills and skills, but also to manage its professional growth, to set new creative tasks, to search for their permission.

A real professional is able to behave in a crisis situation, he "realizes" his abilities, corporate competencies. Examples of such skills: Personal, managerial, professional, general corporate.

The formation of the model of competencies of analytics is developed taking into account the specifics of the company's activities. This process is called the formation of a model of professional competencies. In order for the company to work efficiently, an individual system of competencies is drawn up for it, containing complete information about the qualities that the candidate for a certain position must have. This process is called post profiling.

In addition, the adopted profiles are evaluated by staff. Tests are created, a variety of polls, practical cases are being developed, thanks to which the skills and knowledge of employees are evaluated, real indicators are compared with the criteria that were initially presented for each position.

Evaluation of levels of formation of competences

There are several different ways to conduct such an assessment. There are alphabetic and digital models. The most common option is to evaluate competencies in the following indicators:

  • "0" suggests the complete absence of the manifestation of competence at the time of the assessment;
  • "1" indicates insufficient skills, weak skills;
  • "2" suggests the presence of skills formed at a minimum level;
  • "3" suggests the manifestation of the skill at a high level, understanding and motivation in activities.

Depending on the position of the head, a set of certain corporate competencies is being developed, while professional competencies are reduced. This does not mean that the leader will give up for professionalism with his subordinates, but special attention is paid to leadership, the ability to combine people into one team. The head must understand the specifics of the area in which it works to make the right and timely decisions.

Examples of competencies

Let's analyze for an example corporate and professional competence. For example, such quality as initiative is a manifestation of corporate competence. Many firms dream that their employees show initiative. But in what amount is it allowed?

One score indicates a weak manifestation of this competence. An employee is aware of the significance of his initiatives, but himself only sometimes within its own duties, with certain proposals.

Those initiatives that they are offered are related to the specifics of his professional activities. It can introduce innovative methods of work that are offered by his leader.

Two points for initiative is considered strong competence. In this situation, an employee comes up with new methods, schemes, work techniques, thanks to which you can count on a significant increase in production indicators.

Such an employee enriches, modests, develops those methods and approaches that are already used in production, is looking for their adaptation to a particular company. Such an employee is able to take the initiative, he brings interesting ideas to the company. Otherwise, those ideas that are offered by the leader will not receive development, the company will not be able to acquire profits.

From professional competence, you can cite as an example "game of chess". Company employees must be excellent "chess players" to show their creative and personal qualities. With weak competence, which can be represented as a single score, the employee understands the rules of the game, takes into account the strengths and weaknesses of "rivals", analyzes the actions of colleagues. Such an employee does not have sufficient experience in order to evenly distribute its skills and skills to get the optimal result.

For two points in this competence, awareness is assumed by an employee of the subtleties, an understanding of the importance of innovation for production. If the chess player is critical to own professional competence in order to win over the enemy, then it is important for a valuable employee to have corporate competences.


The total requirements that are presented to professional and corporate competencies in employees who move through the career staircase should have maximum values. When the head of a private company ask, what skills should the employee who plans to hire, he first allocate not the execution, but initiative, as well as the ability to self-development.

From the main managerial competencies that are required in modern business, we highlight the ability to plan your own activities, as well as coordinating the work of colleagues and subordinates. Only if there is a potential employee of the ability to set goals and objectives, the choice of how to achieve them can be discussed on the formation of corporate competence. An employee should not only see the situation, but also be able to resolve the problem, find a way out.

A professional is the person who demonstrates the skills and skills associated with its competence, can easily respond to any question. For example, the procurement manager should own information about all types of materials and their types, their main technical characteristics, purchase cost, manufacturers.

  • 39. The market factors and distribution of factor income.
  • 40. Costs and profits of the company. Classification, calculation methods.
  • Revenue (payments from buyers)
  • Resources costs, Normal Profit
  • 42 pricing on the production factors market. Price level. Price indices.
  • 43. Place and appointment of the consumer in a market economy
  • 3. Analytical
  • 44 Macroeconomics, its most important indicators. System of national accounts (SNA).
  • 45 models, factors and indicators of economic growth.
  • 46 Macroeconomic instability. Cyclic oscillations of the economy. Long waves in the economy.
  • 47 Labor Market: Employment and Unemployment.
  • 48 population incomes and social policy in economic instability.
  • 49 Inflation - multifactor process. Anti-inflation measures.
  • 50 Monetary policy. New trends and problems in the banking system of Russia.
  • 51. The securities market and its regulation. Stock market.
  • Financial system and its structure. Types of fiscal policy.
  • State budget, budget deficit and public debt. Ways overcoming the budget deficit and public debt.
  • International trade. Payment balance. The level of participation of Russia in world trade in modern conditions.
  • 08/05/2010 21:16:41 RF tightened position on meat quotas in negotiations with WTO - Medvedkov (RIA Novosti, 04.08.2010).
  • 07/23/2010 21:00:41. WTO: Russia leads in trade of commodities ("Voice of Russia", July 23, 2010).
  • Currency market. International currency systems. Currency intervention.
  • World Trade Organization (WTO): Positions, Consequences, Terms and Regional Aspects of Accession.
  • 57. International capital movement and consequences of capital leakage from Russia.
  • 58. Mixed economy and its models. The priorities of the socio-economic policy of Russia in the modern period.
  • 59. The concept of entrepreneurship and the main features of entrepreneurial activity. Types of business activities.
  • 60. GDP and methods for its measurement.
  • 61. Set, selection and staff staff
  • 62. Personnel policy of the organization.
  • 63. Personnel management system, its main subsystems.
  • 64. Objectives and functions of the personnel management system.
  • 65. Certification of staff, the main stages. Analysis of the results of certification.
  • 66. Career: Concepts and stages, types of business career. Planning a business career.
  • 67. Adaptation of staff, its directions. Adaptation management technology. Objectives and adaptation steps.
  • 68. Personnel training: personnel training, advanced training and retraining of personnel.
  • 69. Modern factors for the motivation of staff personnel. Stimulation system, main forms, functions
  • 70. Assessment of personnel service.
  • 71. The concept and main elements of the organization. External and internal environmental environment.
  • 72. The nature of managerial labor and the role of the manager in the organization. Requirements for professional competence managers.
  • 73. The main theories and concepts of the scientific and administrative school of management.
  • 74. The main theories and concepts of the school of human relations and behavioral sciences.
  • 75. Process, system and situational management approaches.
  • 76. Content of planning as a common management function. The main stages and principles of planning.
  • 77. The main tasks and components of the organization as a common function of management.
  • 78. Motivation content as a common management function. Basic methods of labor motivation.
  • Personnel motivation from the standpoint of procedural theories
  • 79. Control of control as a common management function. Types and tasks of control.
  • 80. Essence and classification of motivational theories.
  • 81. Mission and vision of the organization. Building a tree of the organization's goals. Basic requirements for goals.
  • 82. Basic competitive company strategies and basic prerequisites for their use. Competition matrix M. Trier.
  • 83. Company value chain and cost system. The main directions of use in the process of strategic planning.
  • 84. The main directions and tools for analyzing the external environment of the organization.
  • 85. Analysis of the driving forces of competition and key success factors in the industry.
  • 1. CFU based on scientific and technical superiority:
  • 2. CFU related to the organization of production:
  • 3. COP based on marketing:
  • 4. CFU based on the possession of knowledge and experience:
  • 5. CFU related to the organization and management:
  • 6. Allocation and other KFU is possible, for example:
  • 86. Concepts of the life cycle of the industry and the life cycle of the goods.
  • 87. The main directions and tools for analyzing the internal environment of the organization.
  • 88.The concept of key competencies of the organization. Methods for holding SWOT-analysis.
  • 89. Basic tools for portfolio analysis of the company's activities.
  • 90. Competitiveness of the goods: the essence of the concept and method of calculation
  • 91. Financial management as a management system.
  • 92. The system of accounting and reporting indicators used in financial management
  • 93. Financial Development Mechanism: Stages, sections; Plan and budget
  • 94. Investment management: goals, objectives, investment conditions
  • 95. Choosing a strategy for financing current assets
  • 96. Management of enterprise reserves and their optimization.
  • 97. Budgeting foundations. Features of the formation of the budget of capital investments
  • IRR More WACC (Weighted Capital Price)
  • 98. Management of receivables.
  • 99. Credit Policy Formation: Types, Development Stages
  • 100. Calculation of break-even point. Profitability threshold and financial strength
  • 88.The concept of key competencies of the organization. Methods for holding SWOT-analysis.

    Key competence - Such a set of abilities that make it possible to solve special tasks, atypical for most market participants. The presence of a key competence displays a company to market leaders and makes it very sustainable in case of fierce competition.

    Key competence criteria:

    Significance for consumers (Consumers are ready to pay for it, it creates most of the value perceived by the consumer) uniqueness (difficulty in achieving other companies).

    Ability to improve (With the emergence of new market requirements, competence can be used after a certain modification).

    Cooperation (The competence may be the result of a unique interaction of a number of partners, organizations and consumers ...).

    Competence is based on knowledge (and not a consequence of a unique coincidence).

    Evaluation of the internal environment of the company - its strength and weakness, as well as external opportunities and threats are usually called SWOT analysis. This is an easy-to-use tool to quickly evaluate the company's strategic position. SWOT analysis emphasizes that the strategy should combine the company's internal capabilities as much as possible. Force - This is what the company succeeded, or some feature that provides her extra opportunities. The strength can be in skills, significant experiences, valuable organizational resources or competitive opportunities, achievements that give the firm advantage in the market (for example, a better product, perfect technology, better customer service, and large recognition of the trademark). The force may also be the result of the creation of an alliance or a joint venture with a partner with experience or potential opportunities to strengthen the company's competitiveness. Weakness- This is the absence of something important for the functioning of the company or what it fails (in comparison with others), or something that is in unfavorable conditions. The weak side, depending on how important it is in a competitive struggle, can make a company vulnerable, and maybe not.

    When the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company have been identified, both of the list must be carefully studied and evaluated. Some strengths of the company are more important than others, as they play a more important role in the activities of the company, in a competitive struggle, in the formation of its strategy.

    SWOT analysis is very similar to the preparation of a strategic balance: the strengths are assets of the company in competition, and its weaknesses are liabilities.

    SWOT analysis (In Russian, it is sometimes called SMU-analysis - according to the first letters of key indicators) - qualitative analysis of perspectives, including the description:

    FROMelections ( S.trengThs) firm

    FROMlabies ( W.eakneses) firm

    INoptions ( O.pportUnities) provided by the external environment

    W.thunderstorm ( T.hREATS) provided by the external environment

    The strengths and weaknesses describe the internal environment of the company, and the possibilities and threats are the entire external environment in relation to the firm.

    In practice, several different forms of SWOT analysis are applied:

    1) Express SWOT analysis - The most common (due to the simplicity of the holding) is the type of quality analysis, which allows you to determine what strengths of our organization will help to fight threats and use the possibilities of the external environment, and what our weaknesses will prevent it. This type of analysis is like to show in some business schools, since the scheme of its holding has undoubted dignity: it is very visual and simple. However, in practice, this technique has drawbacks: only the most obvious factors fall into points of all cell cells, and even at the same time, part of these factors disappears in the cross matrix, since it cannot be used.

    2) Consolidated SWOT analysisIn which the main indicators should be presented, which characterize the activities of the company at the moment and outlines the prospects for future development. Therefore, it should be done not "to" and not "instead", but only after all other types of strategic analysis. The advantage of such a form of analysis is that it allows in a certain approximation to give a quantitative assessment of those factors that were identified (even in cases where there is no objective information about these factors). Another advantage is the ability (based on all types of strategic analysis) to immediately move to the development of the strategy and develop a set of measures necessary to achieve strategic goals. An obvious disadvantage is a more complex analysis procedure (in the course of strategic sessions in which the top management of the company is involved, it may take 1-2 days depending on the depth of the factors).

    3. Mixed SWOT analysis - This is an attempt to combine the first and second forms of analysis. For this, at least the main three types of strategic analysis are pre-conducted (usually it is STEP analysis, an analysis of the model "5 forces" of Porter and an analysis of the internal environment for one of the methods). Then all factors are combined into uniform tables, of which the cross matrix is \u200b\u200bformed (as in express form). Quantitative assessment of factors is usually not produced. The advantage of this form is the depth of analysis. The psychological factor should be attributed to the lack: in practice it is very often the case ends with the construction of a beautiful matrix and complacency ("Well, now we know what we have to wait and what to be afraid, so we don't need anything else"), or by the oblivion of all factors that included in Large SWOT table: only those factors that entered the matrix remain in front of the eyes and in memory.

    SWOT-analysis methodology

    The assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise in relation to the possibilities and threats of the external environment determines the availability of the company's strategic prospects and the possibilities of their implementation. It is clear that at the same time there will be obstacles (threats) that need to be overcome. From here it follows "... reorientation of the methods of managing the development of the enterprise from support for previously achieved results, developed goods and used technologies (internal factors), to study the restrictions imposed by an external market environment (external factors)."

    The methodology for constructing the primary strategic analysis matrix is \u200b\u200bto divide the environment into two parts - the external environment and the inner (company itself), and then events in each of these parts - for favorable and unfavorable. In general, the conducting of SWOT analysis is reduced to filling the matrix (Fig. 2).

    Fig. 2. Matrix of primary strategic analysis.

    In the appropriate matrix cells, the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise are needed, as well as market opportunities and threats:

    strengths of the company - What it succeeded or some feature providing him with additional opportunities. The power can be in your experience, access to unique resources, the presence of advanced technology and modern equipment, high personnel qualifications, high quality of products, trademark fame, etc.; -

    weaknesses of the company - This is the absence of some important for the functioning of the enterprise of a factor or what is not yet possible to make compared to other companies, which imposes you in an unfavorable position. As an example of weaknesses, a too narrow range of goods manufactured, poor reputation in the market, lack of financing, low level of service, etc.; -

    market threats - Events whose offensive can have adverse effects. Examples of market threats: entering the market of new competitors, increasing taxes, changing buyers' tastes, decline in fertility, etc.; -

    market features - Favorable circumstances that an enterprise can use to get advantage.

    As an example, it is possible to determine the positions of your competitors, a sharp increase in demand, the emergence of new technologies for the production of your products, an increase in the level of income of the population, etc. It should be noted that the possibilities from the point of view of SWOT analysis are not all favorable circumstances that exist on Market, but only those that your enterprise can use.

    Important moment: The same factor for different enterprises can be both a threat and the ability.

    SWOT-analysis rules

    Rule 1. Carefully define the sphere of each SWOT-analysis. Companies often conduct overall analysis covering all of their business. Most likely, it will be too generalized and will bring little benefit for those managers who are interested in opportunities in specific markets or segments. For example, focusing SWOT analysis on a specific segment, ensures the identification of the most important strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

    Rule 2. Understand the differences between the elements of SWOT: forces, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The strengths and weaknesses are internal traits of the company, therefore, it is controlled. Opportunities and threats are associated with the characteristics of the market environment and beyond the influence of the organization.

    Rule 3. The strengths and weaknesses can be considered as only if the buyers perceive them. It is necessary to include in the analysis only the most relevant advantage and weakness. Remember that they should be determined in the light of competitors' proposals. The strong side will be considered alone only if the market recognizes it. For example, the quality of the product will be a strong side, only if it is higher than that of competitors products. As a result, there can be a lot of such strengths and weaknesses, so it will be difficult to figure out which of them are the main. In order to avoid this, advantages and weaknesses should be running in accordance with their importance in the eyes of buyers.

    Rule 4.. Be objective and use versatile incoming information. It is clear that it is not always possible to analyze the results of extensive marketing research, but, on the other hand, it is impossible to charge it to one person, since it will not be so accurate and deep as an analysis conducted in the form of a group discussion and exchange ideas. It is important to understand that SWOT analysis is not just a listing of suspicion of managers. It should be based as to a greater degree on objective facts and research data.

    Rule 5. Avoid extensive and ambiguous applications. Too often, the quality of SWOT-analysis suffers from the availability of statements, which, most likely, mean nothing for most buyers. The more accurate the wording, the more useful will be the analysis.

    Important moment: Very often, SWOT analysis is considered by the managers as a declarative (or reportable) tool, designed to show the correctness of the selected path and the power of the company's potential. Although, the true task of SWOT analysis, as a deep internal instrument of a company operating in the market with dense competition, is to identify the problematic fields of the organization compared to competitors in the projection of opportunities and threats to the external environment. Therefore, the results of this analysis are not declared in general meetings and are not a report on the work done, and are primarily the base for the development of the company's interconnected complex of strategies, competitions for competition, optimizing business processes, etc.



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