Factors and trends in logistics development. Factors contributing to the development of logistics to the main factors for the development of logistics

The objective development of market economic systems in the 20th century has led to the need for the emergence of a logistics approach to enterprises management. Consider the main factors (prerequisites) that caused the emergence and development of logistics.

By scale, these factors should be classified on globaland subglobal.

Consider globalifactors:

- the development of competition caused by the transition from the seller's market to the buyer's market

Until the early 60s of the 20th century, countries with a developed market economy had a fast-growing market. For example, in the US, it was characterized by the introduction of new manufacturing technologies, a high level of specialization, abundance of natural resources, minimal government regulation of the economy. The demand of buyers for goods mainly exceeded the proposal of sellers, i.e. Based market seller. Under these conditions, the focus was directed to how to saturate the market, i.e. Search for reserves in the production of products.

Released goods, one way or another, fell into finite consumption, production, wholesale and retail trade worked without closely linking with each other. Therefore, manufacturers sought to increase their competitiveness primarily through the issue of new goods, expansion and improving production. And operations such as transportation and storage of goods, the organization of various forms of service for the consumer, post-dealerization service, were considered as technical and not deserving a lot of attention.

But by the beginning of the 60s began to form buyer marketcharacterized by a redundant offer, in which sellers experience difficulties with the sale of their products on the expected prices. Consumers have become more educated, demanded higher quality, low prices, convenient and diverse maintenance. This led to the need to search for new ways to create competitive advantages.

Entrepreneurs began to pay more attention not to the goods itself, but the quality of its delivery. Improving work in the distribution of goods did not require such large additional investments as, for example, the development of the release of the new product, and at the same time provided the highest competitiveness of the supplier by reducing the cost, reducing the time of the order, compliance with the agreed delivery schedule. The cash invested in the distribution scope began to influence the position of the supplier in the market much more than the same funds in the sphere of production. Under these conditions, high competitiveness depended not from the magnitude of capital investments, but on the ability to properly organize the logistic process.

Thus, suppliers paying particular attention to the effective organization of the distribution of goods have achieved a decrease in the cost and time of the order and at the same time guaranteed the consumer supply to the goods exactly during the time required quantity, quality and range, which was a significant advantage in the competitive struggle;

- complication of the system of market relations and increasing the quality of product distribution processes

Increasing the requirements for the quality of the processes for the sale of finished products (the quality of goods, the timing of orders, charts of supplies, the range, cost, etc.) caused by rigid competition, led the same requirements from manufacturers to suppliers of raw materials, materials, components, semi-finished products. As a result, a complex linking system was formed between different market entities, which demanded the improvements to the existing models of the organization of supply and sales. Due to this, the methods and models of the optimal placement of warehouses began to be developed actively developed, determining optimal batches of supply, optimal schemes of transport routes, etc.;

- energy crisis of the 70s of the XX century

Increased energy costs forced entrepreneurs to look for new methods for improving the economy of transportation. The traditional approach was a rational organization of transport, but this was not enough in the conditions of the energy crisis. More efficiency of solving this task could be achieved by coordinating the actions of all participants in the logistics process, which was a new step in the practice of managing the material flow in enterprises;

- scientific and technical progress in creating flexible automated production

Replacing traditional conveyors by automated production lines led to the creation of flexible industrial structures that made profitable production of products with small parties. Work on the principle of "small parties" entailed the corresponding changes in the system to ensure the production of material resources and the sales of finished products. In this regard, there was no need to have large warehouse containers in enterprises, the need for the supply of goods in small batches, but in a more stringent time. All this attracted attention to the methods of solving the problem of the effective organization of the logistics process;

- scientific and technical progress in the field of communications and computer science

The most important achievements of NTP in the field of communications and informatics, which allowed to implement logistics management ideas in practice include:

1) Computerization of logistic processes management, namely:

Creation and mass use of computer;

Creating application software systems that automate planning processes, forecasting, making decisions, maintain databases, solving optimization tasks, etc.;

2) Development of data transfer means:

Development of information transfer standards;

Creating information transfer tools (fax devices, EDI - electronic data exchange, computer networks, etc.), including high-speed (satellite telecommunication systems, etc.).

This made it possible to track all the stages of the movement of raw materials, details, finished products, which made it possible to clearly identify huge losses in existing management schemes for material flows. Therefore, there was a need to develop new, effective ways to organize and manage all types of streams in enterprises. In addition, there were fundamentally new opportunities:

Automatic tracking of the presence of semi-finished products, the production of finished products, the state of production reserves, the volume of material resources, the location of goods on the way from the manufacturer to the consumer;

Operational transfer of information on details of transported goods (especially in international communication);

Implementation of monitoring and management in real time by all product movement phases - from the primary source of raw materials through intermediate production, warehouse and transport processes up to the end user;

Operational receipt, processing and analysis of information about markets, about the activities of the company, evaluating its competitive position;

The use of "paperless" technologies: electronic signature, electronic payment systems, transmission of electronic accompanying documentation when making bank accounts, conclude contracts, transportation of goods, etc.;

Creating e-commerce systems.

The use of information technologies made it possible to raise the efficiency of managing material flows to a fundamentally new level. For this, enterprises began to be created information Systems (both at the level of individual enterprises and covering large territories) and information servicesoperating all information flows (IP) and responsible for the activities of the enterprise information systems;

- development of the theory of systems and theory of compromise

The theory of systems made it possible from a scientific point of view to consider the problem of shipholding as complex, and various enterprises involved in the product fraud represents in the form of a single system. This led to an understanding of the need to take into account and coordinate the characteristics, interests, internal and external relationships of all participants in the logistics chain.

The theory of compromises allowed to choose solutions that reduce general Costs or boosts total Profit, despite damage individual divisions of the company or individual enterprises participating in the general logistics process;

- unification of the rules and norms of foreign economic activity, standardization of technical parameters in various countries

Until the 1980s, international range became complicated by the following factors: differences in national standards for products, excessively increasing volume of documentation on international operations with goods and financial calculations, the availability of imported quotas and export restrictions, strict requirements for packaging and labeling of goods, a variety in technical parameters of transport Means and ways of communication, etc. Therefore, measures were taken to unify the rules of foreign economic activity, to simplify the passage of customs barriers, control and technological procedures on border crossings. International distribution centers (RC) have been created, there was a concentration of overload and warehousing items in the integration of the economies of Western European countries, the containers, the rolling stock and technical parameters of the communication routes were unified, new transportation technologies were introduced (for example, intermodal) and information processing, automatic Reading systems and addressing cargo.

TO subgloballogistics factors include the increase in production volumes and the associated increase in the costs of the sphere of circulation .

Obtaining products and services is associated with tremendous material costs. So, in the industry, they average amount to 50% of all expenses, and in some industries the proportion of material costs increases to 80 - 90%. The costs associated with the storage of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, finished products in warehouses, are an average of 10 - 15% for Western European countries and 20-28% for the CIS countries. And, for example, in Ukraine, according to the results of the calculation of specialists, in most sectors of the economy in the mid-90s. Xx in. The specific costs of the production of products and services were higher than in Japan, 2.8 times than in the United States - at 2.7 and in Germany - 2.3 times. One of the main reasons for such exceeding was to ignore the principles of logistics.

In Western countries, about 93% of the time of movement of goods from the source of raw materials to the end user is spent on its passage on various supply channels, sales and, mainly for storage, that is, on logistics operations. The reduction in this component allows you to accelerate the turnover of capital, accordingly increase profits obtained per unit of time, reduce the cost of production. And actually the production of goods, as evidenced by statistics, takes only 2% of the total cycle time of the production and commercial activity process. On external transportation takes up to 5% of the total time spent. In the same countries, the share of gross domestic product production by industries carrying out the range is about 20%. At the same time, in the structure of the costs of these industries on the costs of the maintenance of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products account for about 44%, in warehousing and forwarding - 16%, main and technological transportation of goods - respectively, 23 and 9%. The remaining 8% fall on costs to ensure the sales of finished products.

Operations for the movement of goods within the world market are more expensive and complex than in national markets. The costs of global markets are 25 - 35% of the value of sales of export-imported products, compared with 8 - 10% of the cost of goods intended for consumption in the domestic market.

The study of the material flow production cycle conducted in the UK, including its delivery to the final consumer, has shown that in the cost of a product that has fallen to the consumer, more than 70% is the costs associated with storage, transportation, packaging and other operations providing the promotion of the material flow.

A very high proportion of logistics costs in the final price of goods shows which reserves of improving economic indicators of business entities contains optimization of material flow management by improving specific logistics operations. This toolkit is very effective in competitive struggle for sustainable positions in the market.

Development factors Logistics

The development of logistics in addition to the desire of firms to reduce the temporary and cash costs associated with the shareholder, determined the following two factors:

. the complication of the system of market relations and increasing the requirements for the qualitative characteristics of the distribution process;

. creating flexible production systems.

Factors were accompanied by the following influences:

There was a transition from the seller's market to the buyer's market,

accompanying substantial changes in the production strategy and broadcast systems. Previously, sales adjusted to production, now production depends on demand;

. the quality of service has improved, the time of execution of orders has decreased and the delivery schedule was respected. Thus, the time factor along with the price and quality of products began to determine the success of the enterprise in the modern market;

Completed the implementation problems with simultaneous growth of distribution quality requirements. This caused a similar reaction from manufacturers to manufacturers relative to their suppliers of raw materials and materials. As a result, a complex system of ties between market entities was formed, which demanded the modification of the organization's models in the field of supply and sales;

Problems were solved on the optimal placement of warehouses, determining the optimal value of the batch of supply of goods, optimal schemes for transport routes, etc.;

. replacing traditional conveyors robots led to a significant savings of living labor and the creation of flexible production structures that have made work on the manufacture of small batches of products profitable;

. the transition from mass production to a small-seater with minimal cost increased flexibility and competitiveness;

. production with small parties led to a change in the production system of manufacturing material resources and sales of finished products;

. there was no need to have large warehouses and there was a need for transportation of products in small batches, but in a tighter time. The cost of transportation was covered by reducing warehouse costs.

In addition to the above factors that directly identifying the development of logistics, it is necessary to note the factors contributing to the creation of opportunities for this:

The use of systems and compromise theory for solving economic problems;

. acceleration of scientific and technological progress in communications, the introduction of recent generations in the economic practice of the recent generations used in the field of broadcast;

Unification of rules and standards for the supply of goods in foreign economic activity, elimination of various types of imported and export restrictions, standardization of technical parameters of routes of moving composition and loading and unloading agents in countries carrying out intense world-economic relations among themselves.

The current trends in logistics are as follows:

1. Expanding the range of proposed logistics services:

delaythe consistent in the fact that almost finished products (GP) are transferred to the distribution system, while its modification or accounting of the latest consumer requirements is postponed until the very last possible moment, which significantly reduces the level of stocks;

. transshipment, the use of direct shipments that reduce to zero stocks and appropriate costs in distribution centers;

. mass production to order, which combines the benefits of mass production with the flexibility of products to order (B2C);

. direct delivery through electronic data networks, through courier services, express delivery services;

. the inventory management service, which lies in the fact that suppliers are controlled by both their own stocks and reserves stored in the lower links of the supply chain, which reduces total costs;

. synchronized moving materialsin which information on the MP movement is communicated to all participants in the supply chain at the same time, which allows you to quickly coordinate the movement of MR and PR.

    Outsourcing - transfer of control functions to the distribution of GP from manufacturers to specialized firms. This allows them, firstly, to use greater experience in specialized logistics firms in the distribution of products, secondly, to a greater degree in its main activity - production, development and promotion of their products, and, thirdly, to reduce their overhead costs.

    Reducing the number of suppliers and the formation of long-term cooperation with logistics firms. In the past, the firms had a large number of suppliers who competed with each other relationship, which helped to make profitable transactions. Currently, logistics firms are increasingly attracted to the management of all processes in the supply chain, and customers' firms increasingly familiarize them with their long-term goals in order to jointly develop mutually acceptable solutions. Customers increasingly appreciate their time and are increasingly trusted by the logistics professionals with which they collaborate, seek to limit their number, but to develop long-term cooperation with those who have chosen into partners.

    Improving logistic processes management methods. New and enhanced existing logistic processes management methods designed to solve well-known logistics purposes: to reduce warehouse reserves, respond quickly to changes in demand, reduce production costs, optimize traffic flows, coordinate the activities of all LCD elements, etc.

Global Logistics Global Logistics- Strategy and tactics of the creation of sustainable macarological systems connecting the business structures of various countries of the world based on the division of labor, partnership and cooperation in the form of contracts, agreements, general plans supported at the interstate level.

According to leading Western specialists in the field of logistics management, the main driving forces of modern globalization are:

. continuing growth of the global economy;

The latest technology;

. development and integration of macro-regional economic structures;

New opportunities for the formation of global logistics chains (channels);

. implementing deregulation procedures conducted by many countries to speed up and cheapening the promotion of material flows (Fig. 2).

Currently, there is an active exchange of the latest technological advances (know-how), the results of effective scientific developments, inventions, which contributes to the rapprochement of economic levels of different countries, their social and economic integration. Examples of the successful formation of macarologistic regional structures and systems in the EU countries, Southeast Asia, North America are known. Their experience confirms the natural desire of countries to regional integration. This contributes to:

. similarity of political systems;

. similarity of the lifestyle of the population;

. similarity of traditions;

The proximity of historical roots;

. practice of using single sources of energy and commodity resources;

. communication conjugacy;

. lack of trading and customs barriers.

Search for new growth reserves and competition exacerbationthey cause the desire of many companies and firms to look for new sales markets, cheap sources of raw materials and labor resources outside the national borders of their countries. International division of labor and cooperationthey led to the creation of a large number of transnational companies using global logistics chains and channels. The prospects for their development are associated with a possible increase in the return on invested capital, lower tariffs of logistics intermediaries in other countries, the best financial conditions. Creating logistics channelslarge international transport and forwarding firms contribute to insurance companies using global telecommunication networks. Of essential importance for the implementation of global logistics have procedures deregulationheld by many countries to relieve trade, customs, transport and financial barriers to the development of international trade, socio-political and economic relations. These procedures facilitate capital, goods and information through national borders.

12th World Congress on Logistics called " Logistics combines people, markets and continents"Received reflected in the subject of the main reports and in the final documents of the Congress. The problems of global logistics were considered in two aspects. The first concerned the creation and further development of interstate, transnational

macroloistic systems for more free movement across the borders of goods, capital and information. The second aspect is associated with the development of management in the global logistics channels of transnational corporations, such as IBM, Digital Equipment, Nestle, Procter& Gamble, Volvo,Electroluxetc. The reports reviewed issues of further reduction in the logistics costs of corporations through the rational placement of production units in countries with cheap raw materials and labor, optimizing the transportation of raw materials, components and finished products, organization of supply of spare parts and logistics services.

The Congress has noted factors that have a strong impact on the globalization of logistics, namely: the need to reduce the logistics costs and improving the logistics service; the need to increase sales by the development of new markets, in particular, abroad; The emergence of international logistics intermediaries with a developed global infrastructure, including the latest technical means and information technology; Development of companies with a wide international division of labor and modern information and computer

technologies that are the basis for integration in global logistics circuits; Further development of international trade processes, deregulation of transport, reduction of environmental load and introducing innovation into the infrastructure of global logistics systems.

Studies have shown that these companies have achieved the best results in global logistics due to four conceptual factors: positioning, integration, flexibility, measurability.

Concept positioningit is an add-in global logistics strategy of the company. It defines the distinguishing features of the company in comparison with competitors, relations with suppliers and customers, the organization of information flows and physical distribution operations.

Integrationit is achieved by introducing modern information technologies to share the necessary information by all partners of global logistics chains and channels. It involves a high degree of partner relationships, data exchange between them in standardized formats (for example, Edifact.), as a rule, in a real time mode (on line).

Flexibility- The third main factor detected in the process of the above study. The firm capable of responding to specific consumer requests is adequately in accordance with their requirements, making changes, both in production and distribution, will always function more successful than competitors.

Measlenessit characterizes the level of achievements of the company of logistics management and the possibility of further improving its activities in the global market.

Basic principles of efficient use of logisticsThe principle of systemic approach . Approach to research objects as systems is one of the main features of logistics. The maximum effect can be obtained only in the case when MP is optimized throughout the primary source of raw materials up to the end user, and not within a separate enterprise or unit. At the same time, all LC links should work as a single coordinated mechanism. Therefore, they must be considered as a holistic system to coordinate the economic interests of its individual elements, technical issues, technological processes, etc.

The principle of total costs . One of the main tasks of logistics is the minimization of total logistics costs throughout the entire LC from the primary source of raw materials to the end user. A prerequisite for the effective solution of this task is the ability to accurately measure logistic costs, but this is possible only if the system of accounting for production and treatment costs allows

on logistics. Therefore, it is necessary to separately allocate and analyze the costs of implementing the exercise, to determine the most significant costs, to identify their interdependence and so on.

Principle of global optimization . In the process of optimizing the structure or control of drugs, it is necessary to coordinate the private objectives of the functioning of individual elements of the system to achieve a global optimum.

Principle of logistics coordination and integration . In the process of logistic management, it is necessary to achieve the agreed, integral participation of all LS or LC links from its beginning and to the end in the management of all types of streams when implementing the target function.

Using the theory of compromises for the redistribution of costs . Under compromiseit means the harmonization of the economic interests of the participants in the logistics process. At the beginning of the formation of a logistic approach in the formation of a logistics system, a criterion of a minimum of total costs for the material distribution was used. This, on the one hand, opened up new opportunities in decision-making, but at the same time limited the effectiveness of the decisions obtained. Therefore, in the future, an understanding of the fact that the criterion should be the maximum profit from the logs of all participating firms. Thus, a decline in profits (increase in costs) in one of the LS links is permissible and necessary, provided that it will entail an increase in profits (cost reduction) of the entire drug as a whole.

Refusal to issue universal technological and lifting transport equipment . The meaning of this situation is to use overseas, which is mainly concrete. The optimization of streaming processes through the use of specialized equipment is possible only under the conditions of mass production and the use of a wide range of a variety of means of production. This means that the embodiment of this principle requires a high level of scientific and technical development of society.

Principle of Logistics Service . Compared to the higher quality of the quality of goods or the release of the new product, there is a much less costly way to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise, namely: the achievement of the modern level of logistics service and its development (provision of flexibility, reliability and high quality: timely delivery, convenient packaging, acceptable parties, Selected assortment, etc.).

Principle of modeling and information and computer support . When analyzing, synthesis and optimization of objects and processes in drugs, various models are widely used: mathematical, graphic, physical, imitation, etc. Implementation of logistical management in

currently impossible without relevant information and computer support.

The principle of developing the required complex subsystems providing a logistic management process: technical, economic, organizational, legal, personnel, ecological, etc.

Principle TQM (Total Quality Management) - Universal management quality . Ensuring the reliability of the functioning and high quality of each element of the LAN to ensure the overall quality of goods and services supplied by end users.

The principle of humanization of all functions and technological solutions in the LAN . All decisions must comply with the environmental requirements for environmental protection, ergonomic, social, ethical staff requirements, etc. For example, one of the most important elements of the LS are personnel capable of carrying out their functions. To attract disciplined, qualified personnel in the MP control area, modern working conditions are needed, career prospects, an increase in the prestige of such work, etc.

Principle of sustainability and adaptability . The external environment of enterprises is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty and fluctuations in market demand for goods and services, sharp fluctuations in prices for raw materials, transport services, fluctuations in the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of MP, change in the terms of supply and procurement, etc. . Under these conditions, drugs should be able to rebuild, changing goals, parameters, optimization criteria, functioning program, i.e. adapt to new external environmental conditions. This is a significant factor in a sustainable market position.

The development of logistics is primarily due to the causes of an economic nature, first of all, with the transition from the manufacturer's market to the consumer market. Logistics has become the most important link between market participants.

The growth of production and expansion of international relations led to an increase in the costs of the sphere of treatment (non-productive sphere), therefore the attention of entrepreneurs focused on finding new forms of optimizing market activities and reduce costs in this field. In the structure of expenditures on the sphere of appeal on average, only 8-10% occupy costs to ensure the sales of finished products, while the costs of main transportation - 25-30%, the costs associated with the creation and content of stocks of raw materials and finished products can reach 50 %. Operations for the movement of goods on the world market are expensive and complex. The cost of such an operation is 25-35% of the cost of export-imported products.

The above factors gave impetus to the development of logistics. In addition to these factors, which stimulated the desire of companies to reduce monetary and temporary costs, 2 more factor determined the development of logistics:

    complication of a system of market relations, increasing the requirements for the qualitative characteristics of the distribution process;

    creating flexible production systems.

As noted earlier, a significant impact on the development of logistics was transmitted from the seller's market to the buyer's market, which was accompanied by significant changes in the production strategy and in broadcast systems. Increasing competition required from producers of a rapid response to a change in market conditions, the result was improved service quality, first of all reducing the time for orders and compliance with delivery schedule. The time factor, along with the price and quality, began to determine the success of the enterprise on the market. Logistics has become the most important means of ensuring the company's competitive advantage.

In addition, at the same time there was a complication of the problems of implementation while growing demands on the quality of the distribution process. This caused producers a similar reaction in relation to the quality of the supplied materials and raw materials. As a result, a complex system of links in the areas of supply and distribution was formed, which demanded the optimization of individual directions of the ship. Problems were solved on the optimal placement of warehouses, determining the optimal magnitude of batches of supply of goods, optimal schemes for transport routes.

The supply of large batches of raw materials and materials is considered uneconomical, as they require significant investments of working capital. In this regard, there was a need for transportation of goods in small batches, but in a tighter time. Increased transportation costs are covered by reducing warehouse costs.

Before the early 1960s In countries with a developed market economy, manufacturers and consumers of products did not give serious importance to creating special systems that allow optimizing the management of material flows. The distribution system, as a rule, was not planned. Manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade worked without tightly linking with each other. Such inattention to the scope of management of material flows was due to the fact that the main potential of competitiveness was created during this period by expanding and improving production.

However, by the beginning of the 1960s, reserves of increasing this potential were significantly exhausted directly in production. This caused the need to search for non-traditional ways to create competitive advantages. Entrepreneurs began to pay more attention not to the goods itself, but the quality of its delivery. Improving the work in the field of distribution, without requiring additional capital investments, it turned out to be able to ensure high competitiveness of the supplier by reducing the cost and at the same time improving the reliability of supplies. The cash invested in the distribution scope began to influence the position of the supplier in the market much more than the same funds in the sphere of production.

In logisticly organized materials conducting circuits, the cost of goods delivered to the final consumer turned out to be below the cost of the same product that has passed through the traditional path. The emerging difference provides participants competitive advantages, depending not from the magnitude of capital investments, and on the ability to properly organize the logistics process. In addition, suppliers using logistic principles could guarantee delivery exactly during the desired amount of goods of the required quality and represented a greater value for the consumer than suppliers who have not provided such guarantees of reliability. Thus, the competitiveness of companies applying the logistics principle of the organization of broadcasts began to be provided at the expense of:

    sharp reduction in the cost of goods;

    Songs of the reliability and quality of delivery (guaranteed deadlines, the possibility of supplying small batches).

Consider global factors.

1. International expansion industry. This factor encourages all major companies to participate in business outside their country. In this regard, organizations are now in constant search, within the sushi and water of the globe, the best delivery options, storage, distribution and sales of their products. And the logistics helps them in this.

2. Growth of international trade. This fact was recorded by the Agenda for the Agenda for the XXI Age (Agenda 21), approved by the UN Convention on the Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro (Planet Earth Summit, 1992). This document states that "in recent years, world trade continued to grow more intensively than global production. Open, fair, reliable, non-discriminatory multilateral trading system, consistent with the goals of continuous development, leads to the optimal distribution of global production in accordance with competitiveness and is profitable for all trading partners. " This benefit is largely intensified by the logistics that integrates international firms and companies to achieve the highest results.

3. International division of labor and cooperation. On the global market space today there is an intensive process for the formation of new transnational companies that are forced to use global logistics channels and chains in business, which is associated with the possibilities of increasing returns for invested capital, using a logistics mediator in other countries of lower tariffs, as well as favorable financial conditions.

4. The need to ensure competitive advantages in the global market for products. In the Agenda of the Agenda for the 21st Century (Agenda 21), it is indicated that "... increasing attention is paid to raising the role of enterprises and market competitiveness on the basis of policies involving competition." This can be achieved, first of all, due to the rapid adaptation of commodity producers to the ever-changing conditions of the market environment and demand for products. Success in achieving a strong competitive position in the market is possible subject to the use of logistics.

5. Changing the market philosophy. Today, the global economy is experiencing the next phase of the market transformation, namely the transition from the "market market" to the "buyer's market". It entails:

the complication of the system of market relations and increasing the requirements for the qualitative characteristics of the distribution process;

the growth of the "consumer dictate" in relation to the manufacturers and their business partners.

6. The growing economic power of the regions. This process represents the wider possibilities of moving materials due to an increase in product consumption. A stronger economy has more efficient logistics thanks to a more advanced infrastructure. This was noted in 1776 by Adam Smith: "Roads, Channels and Shipping Rivers are the strongest factors contributing to improvements."

7. The increasing deficit of resources. This is a global character problem one. The results of its discussion were reflected in the program of action "Agenda for the XXI Century (Agenda 21)": "... the use of humanity, water, water and other resources is increasing both in the gross volume and per capita, and their lack may arise in many parts. Sveta…". In the same document, it is emphasized that the International Commonwealth should strive:

to ensure better management of natural resources, in which the needs of development takes into account;

the introduction of more efficient production processes leading to the absence of waste or the amount of their volume to a minimum;

improving production systems by introducing such technologies and processes in which resources are used more efficiently and, at the same time, less waste is created, that is, obtaining a larger effect at less costs is one of the most important ways to achieve consistency in the field of business and industry;

development of science: It must continue to play an increasingly important role in improving the efficiency of resource use, in finding new methods and alternatives to development. It must constantly engage in revaluation and favorable the development of less intensive trends in the use of resources, including the intensive use of energy resources in industry, agriculture and transport.

The specified documents are recommended as needed by international organizations to "develop, apply and implement economic approaches and new and improved structures that stimulate more rational use of resources."

As can be seen, the logistics appears at least in an implicit form, almost in each specified paragraph. Today, the fact that in the field of saving resources logistics has quite ample opportunities, to implement that are "new and improved structures" - services and logistics departments.

The subglobal factors for the development of logistics include the increase in production volumes and the associated increase in the costs of the sphere of treatment.

We comment on this factor using the materials of the Economic and Social Council of the UN, published by the UN Committee on the Inland Transport of the United Nations Economic Commission, as well as the results of the research of famous American (A. Kirney and Donald Waters) and Russian scientists (A. Gajinsky, etc.).

Obtaining products and services is associated with tremendous material costs. So, in the industry, they average amount to 50% of all expenses, and in some industries the proportion of material costs increases to 80 - 90%. The costs associated with the storage of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, finished products in warehouses, are an average of 10 - 15% for Western European countries and 20-28% for the CIS countries. And, for example, in Ukraine, according to the results of the calculation of specialists, in most sectors of the economy in the mid-90s. Xx in. The specific costs of the production of products and services were higher than in Japan, 2.8 times than in the United States - at 2.7 and in Germany - 2.3 times. One of the main reasons for such exceeding was to ignore the principles of logistics.

In Western countries, about 93% of the time of movement of goods from the source of raw materials to the end user is spent on its passage on various supply channels, sales and, mainly for storage, that is, on logistics operations. The reduction in this component allows you to accelerate the turnover of capital, accordingly increase profits obtained per unit of time, reduce the cost of production. And actually the production of goods, as evidenced by statistics, takes only 2% of the total cycle time of the production and commercial activity process. On external transportation takes up to 5% of the total time spent. In the same countries, the share of gross domestic product production by industries carrying out the range is about 20%. At the same time, in the structure of the expenditures of these industries on the costs of maintaining stocks of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products account for about 44%, on warehousing and forwarding - 16, main and technological transportation of goods - respectively, 23 and 9%. The remaining 8% fall on costs to ensure the sales of finished products.

Operations for the movement of goods within the world market are more expensive and complex than in national markets. The costs of global markets are 25 - 35% of the value of sales of export-imported products, compared with 8 - 10% of the cost of goods intended for consumption in the domestic market.

The study of the material flow production cycle conducted in the UK, including its delivery to the final consumer, has shown that in the cost of a product that has fallen to the consumer, more than 70% is the costs associated with storage, transportation, packaging and other operations providing the promotion of the material flow.

A very high proportion of logistics costs in the final price of goods shows which reserves of improving economic indicators of business entities contains optimization of material flow management by improving specific logistics operations. This toolkit is very effective in competitive struggle for sustainable positions in the market.


Logistics is the science of planning, management, control and regulation of material and information flows in space and time from their primary source to the end user.

The object of studying the discipline "Logistics" is material and related information flows. The relevance of discipline and increasing interest in its study are due to the potential opportunities to improve the efficiency of the material conducting systems that opens the use of a logistics approach. Logistics allows you to significantly reduce the time interval between the acquisition of raw materials and semi-finished products and the supply of the finished product to the consumer, contributes to a sharp reduction in material reserves, speeds up the process of obtaining information, increases the level of service.

The management of material flows has always been a significant side of economic activities. However, only relatively recently it has acquired the position of one of the most important functions of economic life. The main reason is the transition from the seller's market to the buyer's market, which caused the need for a flexible response of production and trading systems to rapidly changing consumer priorities.

Development factors Logistics

The objective development of market economic systems in the 20th century has led to the need for the emergence of a logistics approach to enterprises management. Consider the main factors (prerequisites) that caused the emergence and development of logistics.

I. Development of competition caused by the transition from the seller's market to the buyer's market.

Until the early 60s of the 20th century, countries with a developed market economy had a fast-growing market. For example, in the US, it was characterized by the introduction of new manufacturing technologies, a high level of specialization, abundance of natural resources, minimal government regulation of the economy. The demand of buyers for goods mainly exceeded the proposal of sellers, i.e. There was a seller's market. Under these conditions, the main attention of the management was directed to how to saturate the market, i.e. Search for reserves in the production of products.

Released goods, one way or another, fell into finite consumption, production, wholesale and retail trade worked without closely linking with each other. Therefore, manufacturers sought to increase their competitiveness primarily through the issue of new goods, expansion and improving production. And operations such as transportation and storage of goods, the organization of various forms of service for the consumer, post-dealerization service, were considered as technical and not deserving a lot of attention.

But by the beginning of the 1960s, the buyer's market began to be formed, characterized by a redundant offer, in which the sellers experience difficulties with the sale of their products on the expected prices. Consumers have become more educated, demanded higher quality, low prices, convenient and diverse maintenance. This led to the need to search for new ways to create competitive advantages.

Entrepreneurs began to pay more attention not to the goods itself, but the quality of its delivery. Improving work in the distribution of goods did not require such large additional investments as, for example, the development of the release of the new product, and at the same time provided the highest competitiveness of the supplier by reducing the cost, reducing the time of the order, compliance with the agreed delivery schedule. The cash invested in the distribution scope began to influence the position of the supplier in the market much more than the same funds in the sphere of production. Under these conditions, high competitiveness depended not from the magnitude of capital investments, but on the ability to properly organize the logistic process.

Thus, suppliers paying particular attention to an effective organization of distribution of goods achieved a decrease in the cost and time of the order and at the same time guaranteed the consumer delivery of goods exactly during the time required quantity, quality and range, which was a significant advantage in competition.

II. Complication of the system of market relations and increasing the requirements for the quality of product distribution processes.

Improving the requirements for the quality of the processes of the implementation of GP (quality of goods, the timing of orders, delivery schedules, the range, cost, etc.) caused by tough competition led the same requirements from manufacturers to suppliers of raw materials, materials, components, semi-finished products. As a result, a complex linking system was formed between different market entities, which demanded the improvements to the existing models of the organization of supply and sales. Due to this, the methods and models of the optimal placement of warehouses began to be developed actively, determining the optimal batches of supply, optimal schemes of transport routes, etc.

III. The energy crisis of the 70s of the XX century.

Increased energy costs forced entrepreneurs to look for new methods for improving the economy of transportation. The traditional approach was a rational organization of transport, but this was not enough in the conditions of the energy crisis. More efficiency of solving this task could be achieved by coordinating the actions of all participants in the logistics process, which was a new step in the practice of MP management in enterprises.

IV. Scientific and technical progress in creating flexible automated production.

Replacing traditional conveyors by automated production lines led to the creation of flexible industrial structures that made profitable production of products with small parties. Work on the principle of "small parties" entailed the corresponding changes in the system of ensuring the production of MR and the sale of GP. In this regard, there was no need to have large warehouse containers in enterprises, the need for the supply of goods in small batches, but in a more stringent time. All this attracted attention to methods for solving the problem of the effective organization of the logistics process.

V. Scientific and technical progress in the field of communications and computer science.

The most important achievements of NTP in the field of communications and informatics, which allowed to implement logistics management ideas in practice include:

1) computerization of logistics management processes, namely:

Creation and mass use of computer;

  • - the creation of application software systems that automate the processes of planning, forecasting, making decisions, maintain databases, solving optimization tasks, etc.;
  • 2) Development of data transfer means:
    • - development of information transfer standards;
    • - creation of information transfer tools (fax devices, EDI - electronic data exchange, computer networks, etc.), including high-speed (satellite telecommunication systems, etc.).

This made it possible to track all the stages of the movement of raw materials, details, GP, which made it possible to clearly identify huge losses in existing MP control schemes. Therefore, there was a need to develop new, effective ways to organize and manage all types of streams in enterprises. In addition, there were fundamentally new opportunities:

  • - automatic tracking of the presence of semi-finished products, the production of GP, the state of production reserves, the volume of supplies of MR, the location of goods on the way from the manufacturer to the consumer;
  • - operational transfer of information on the details of transported goods (especially in international communication);
  • - implementing monitoring and management in real time by all phases of the movement of the product - from the primary source of raw materials through intermediate production, warehouse and transport processes up to the end user;
  • - operational receipt, processing and analysis of information about sales markets, on the activities of the company, assessing its competitive position;
  • - The use of "paperless" technologies: electronic signatures, electronic payment systems, transmission of electronic accompanying documentation when making bank accounts, conclusion of contracts, cargo transportation, etc.;
  • - creating e-commerce systems.

The use of information technologies made it possible to raise the effectiveness of the MP management on a fundamentally new level. For this purpose, information systems (both at the level of individual enterprises and encompassing large territories) and information services that operate with all information flows (PI) have become created (both at the level of individual enterprises, and responsible for the activities of the enterprise information systems.

Vi. Development of the theory of systems and the theory of compromises.

The theory of systems made it possible from a scientific point of view to consider the problem of shipholding as complex, and various enterprises involved in the product fraud represents in the form of a single system. This led to an understanding of the need to take into account and harmonize the characteristics, interests, internal and external relationships of all participants of the LC.

The theory of compromises made it possible to choose solutions that reduce total costs or increasing the total profit, despite the damage to the activities of individual divisions of the company or individual participating enterprises of the general logistics process.

VII. Unification of rules and norms of foreign economic activity, standardization of technical means in various countries.

Until the 1980s, international range became complicated by the following factors: differences in national standards for products, excessively increasing volume of documentation on international operations with goods and financial calculations, the availability of imported quotas and export restrictions, strict requirements for packaging and labeling of goods, a variety in technical parameters of transport Means and ways of communication, etc. Therefore, measures were taken to unify the rules of foreign economic activity, to simplify the passage of customs barriers, control and technological procedures on border crossings. International distribution centers (RC) have been created, there was a concentration of overload and warehousing items in the integration of the economies of Western European countries, the containers, the rolling stock and technical parameters of the communication routes were unified, new transportation technologies were introduced (for example, intermodal) and information processing, automatic Reading systems and addressing cargo.

Table 1 shows data on the delivery dates and volumes of the supplied batches of the material resource (Q). Calculate for its variant the magnitude of the insurance stock by the formula:

  • a) the weighted average interval of late;
  • b) Inyutina, taking a risk coefficient equal to 1.5.

Table 1. Original data

date of delivery

but). I will define the intervals between the next supplies and bring data in the Count 4. The first date of delivery refers to the end of the previous year, it is necessary for calculating the first supply interval and in the future calculation of the amount of the insurance reserve does not participate.

Table 2 - Initial data and calculations


date of delivery

Supplies (Qi), tons

Delivery interval (TI), days

Interval of desets (TI - T S.V.), days

To do this, I first calculate the weighted average supply interval using the middle arithmetic formula.

11.30 days? 11 days.

Comparing the actual supply intervals (TI) with a weighted average interval we see that the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th delivery came with a delay (highlighted in the table). They are involved in further calculation.

According to the formula, I will find the magnitude of the insurance stock, determining the average daily need for material by the formula

p \u003d \u003d \u003d 10 tons,

where t KV - the length of the quarter, 91 days (took a high year 2012). Then the magnitude of the insurance stock will determine by the formula.

S p \u003d 10 \u003d 10 \u003d 23.3 tons.

b) Determining the amounts of intervals and supply volumes, calculating them the average quadratic deviation (?) according to the formula.

The weighted average supply interval (TS.V.) was designed earlier and amounted to 11 days.

2.7days? 3 days

I will find a weighted range of delivery (QC.V.)

QC.V. \u003d \u003d 118.35? 118 tons.

Because ? T and? Q have different dimensions, it is impossible to compare them. Calculate the coefficients of variation of indicators T and Q using the formula.

v T \u003d 100% \u003d 100? 27%; V Q \u003d 100% \u003d 100? 41%.

Thus, the supply interval is a more conductive sign, so in the formula of the building we substitute the value? T.

S p \u003d? ? T,

where? - Risk coefficient. Its value is made in the range from 1 to 3, depending on the significance of the material resource.

S p \u003d? ? T \u003d 1.5? 3 \u003d 4.5 days

Received the amount of insurance stock in days. Then in tons of the insurance margin will be

Z Page (NAT. Used.) \u003d S page (dn) p \u003d 4.5 8 \u003d 36 tons.

Thus, the calculation of the formula of the Inyutina gave the result, almost 1.5 times greater than the amount of the insurance reserve, calculated using the formula of the weighted average of the deoxy interval (23.3 tons).

logistics delivery manufacturing

Table P-1 (applications) provides data on the planned, actual and actually timely supplied volumes of material resources according to 8 typearcoators (TMR), which together make up the kit. Calculate the reliability of deliveries for each I-MODE of the material resource and in the whole kit.

The results of calculations are submitted to the table

Table 1. Original data

First, for each TMR, I calculate the coefficients by formulas and bring results to the columns from 5 to 8.

Table 2. Source data and calculation results

Planned delivery volume, TN quill

Actually delivered, tn

including timely QF.Sv

For the i-th type of resource on a specific supplier, the average delivery ratio is determined by the formula

where ki (OB) is the completeness coefficient of execution of a supply plan. It is calculated as the attitude of the actual supply volume (QF) to the planned (QLD):

I put in this formula value from table 2 for each TMR

1) ki (about) \u003d \u003d 0.98 5) qi (about) \u003d\u003d 1

2) ki (about) \u003d\u003d 0.93 6) qi (about) \u003d\u003d 0.84

3) ki (about) \u003d\u003d 1.05 7) ki (v) \u003d\u003d 1.6

4) ki (about) \u003d\u003d 1 8) ki (v) \u003d\u003d 0.88

TOTAL: KI (OB) \u003d\u003d 0.98

Now it can be seen that the reversal was not in the 1st and 2nd, 6th and 7th and total TMR. Qi (OB)? 1, means the coefficient of the coefficient Ki (PP) \u003d 1.

And on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th TMR had a reversal place, because Ki (OB)\u003e 1, therefore, for them, the coefficients of the coefficient ki (PP)< 1.

In this case, I define the coefficient of the coefficient Ki (PP) by the formula:

The degree n on the 8th TMR will be equal to 1, because Ki (OB)\u003e 1,2, and the degree of N 3rd TMR will be 0.2, so on to. 1< Кi(об) ? 1,1, степень n 4-го и 5-го будет равна 1, т.к. Кi(об) ? 1.

Now these values \u200b\u200bsubstitute in the formula.

8) ki (PP) \u003d \u003d 0.4

3) ki (PP) \u003d \u003d 0.99

  • 4) ki (PP) \u003d \u003d 1
  • 5) Ki (PP) \u003d \u003d 1

Ki (SV) - the coefficient of timeliness of the supply (excluding the duration of the late) is defined as the ratio of the actual volume of the received i-th type of material resource (QF.SV.) to the whole actually received the amount of this resource (QF):

1) ki (s) \u003d \u003d 15) ki (sv) \u003d \u003d 0.86

2) qi (s) \u003d \u003d 0.946) ki (sv) \u003d \u003d 0.96

3) ki (s) \u003d \u003d 0.547) ki (sv) \u003d \u003d 1

4) ki (sv) \u003d \u003d 1 8) ki (s) \u003d \u003d 0.56

Total) qi (sv) \u003d \u003d 0.87

Now all the values \u200b\u200bobtained can be substituted into the formula and find the average supply reliability factor,

1) KISR \u003d \u003d 0.9935) KISR \u003d \u003d 0,951

2) KISR \u003d \u003d 0.9556) KISR \u003d \u003d 0.932

3) KISR \u003d \u003d 0,8247) KISR \u003d \u003d 0.958

4) KISR \u003d \u003d 18) KISR \u003d \u003d 0.707

TOTAL) KISR \u003d \u003d 0.947

To determine the Group's reliability coefficient of supply, the coefficient of structure by the formula is first calculated.

KGR (page) \u003d

KGR (p) \u003d \u003d 0.98

Since for the period there was a delivery of all TMR, then kGR (PR) \u003d 1. then

KGr \u003d \u003d 0.949.

Thus, the reliability of deliveries for this supplier is 94.9%. This means that the risk of late or incomplete in terms of supply as a whole on a set of material resources is

100 - 94.9 = 5.1%.


Currently, the economy is functioning under the laws of the market. Each enterprise in such conditions leads absolutely independent policies and only on it is responsible for the results of its activities.

In modern conditions, the market places rather stringent requirements for each subject of financial and economic activities, and problems in the economy only exacerbate the already difficult position of many enterprises. To survive and function in such conditions, the enterprise is not enough to simply produce products as much as possible, fulfilling their internal plans, it is also important to implement this product. But in the face of a tough competition only the enterprise survives, which will be able to offer the market with high-quality products at a lower price than competitors.

If we consider in the aggregate a range of problems that Logistics considers, then the general issues will be the issues of managing material and the corresponding information flows.

In the domestic and foreign literature, you can find a wide interpretation of the concept of logistics in which the logistics entity is not limited to the material flow. Today, logistics include managing human, energy, information and other streams that have a place in economic systems. There were such terms as bank logistics, information logistics and a number of others. The term logistics begins to be used in situations related to clear planning of the agreed sequence of actions.

Expansion of the scope of logistics, which was observed in the 80s and 90s, and especially now is explained, first of all, the development of methods for managing material flows. Naturally, the idea and method of logistics are beginning to go beyond the management of material flows and applied in a wider plan. However, the main potential of logistics is laid in rationalization of control of the material flows.


  • 1. T.V. Alessinskaya "Logistics Fundamentals", Taganrog, 2005.
  • 2. A.M. Gadzhinsky "Basics of Logistics", Moscow, 2003.
  • 3. M.E. Zalmanova "Logistics, Tutorial, Saratov, 2005.
  • 4. O.V. Lavrov "Material flows in Logistics", Saratov, 2004.
  • 5. I.A. Lenshin, Yu.I. Smolyakov "Logistics", Tutorial, Moscow, 1996.
  • 6. P.P. Goncharov "Basics of Logistics", Tutorial, Orenburg, 2003.
  • 5. Stepanov V.I. Logistics: studies. - M.: TK Velby, Publishing House Prospekt, 2006. - 488c.
  • 6. Rodnikov A.N. Logistics: Terminological dictionary. - M.: Economy, 2000. - 251c.
  • 7. Gadzhinsky A.M. Logistics: Tutorial for higher and secondary special educational institutions. - M.: Information and introduction center "Marketing", 2000. - 288c.
  • 8. Logistics: Tutorial / Ed. B.A. Anikina: 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Infra-M, 2001. - 352 p. - (Series "Higher Education").
  • 9. Kishina M. Commercial Logistics. M., 2003. - 268 p.
  • 10 Sergeev V.I. Logistics in business: tutorial. M.: Infra - M, 2002. - 233c.


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