Best photos of the year exhibition winery

On February 15, one of the main annual projects of the Center, the Best of Russia exhibition (“ the best photos Russia "). Almost 300 photographs depicting the life of Russia in 2016. The exhibition consists of five sections - "Nature", "People. Events. Everyday Life ”,“ Architecture ”,“ Style ”and the special theme“ Take care of happiness ”.

Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky © Dmitry Verteshin / WORLDPICS

The exhibition was opened by the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Minister of the Moscow Government, the head of the Moscow Department of Culture Alexander Kibovsky, President of the Foundation for Support of Contemporary Art WINZAVOD Sophia Trotsenko, curator of the project "The Best Photos of Russia" executive Director Foundation for the Support of Contemporary Art WINZAVOD Lina Krasnyanskaya.

“In the 19th century, when people were just learning to take pictures, it was so difficult, laborious, demanding special knowledge process that best photographers accepted on a par with artists to the Academy of Arts. Since then, the process has become easier, any of us can press the shutter button, but the ability to capture the moment, convey a full sense of life, character, capture an event - this is still an art ”.

Sophia Trotsenko noted that more than 25 thousand photographs were sent to the competition, about 300 photographs were included in the exposition. “The project unites the whole of our country through the love of photography, all regions of Russia are involved in it,” added Sofya Trotsenko.

Lina Krasnyanskaya thanked the Best of Russia jury for the tremendous work done in choosing the best pictures from tens of thousands of applicants, all project participants and partners: the official partner of S7 Airlines, the Pro Lab photo holding, the Natalya Udartseva School of Visual Arts, the Arbeitskollektiv design bureau, as well as information partners: TASS, newspaper Metro, magazines Geo, SNC, Profil, radio Kommersant FM, TV channel MIR.

Among the guests of the exhibition were the Deputy Minister of Culture Alexander Zhuravsky, Deputy Head of the Department of Culture Vladimir Filippov, chief architect of Moscow Sergey Kuznetsov, Director of the State Museum and Exhibition Association "ROSIZO" Sergey Perov, Director of the Multimedia Art Museum Olga Sviblova, executive director of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art Vasily Tsereteli, co-owner of the Triumph gallery Dmitry Khankin, Head of the Department of Contemporary Art of the State Heritage Dmitry Ozerkov, Director of the Rodchenko Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia Elena Lungina and Irina Uspenskaya, general director Jewish Museum Alexander Boroda, Pulitzer Prize and Prize Winner World Press Photo, photographer James hill, Pulitzer Prize and World Press Photo laureate Sergey Ponomarev, publicist Alexander Budberg.

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White Workshop / Red Workshop
February 16 - March 26, 2017

On February 16, 2017 in two spaces of the WINZAVOD Center for Contemporary Art - the White Workshop and the Red Workshop - one of the main annual projects of WINZAVOD will open - the Best of Russia exhibition. The exposition will feature photographs of the winners from different cities of Russia in five sections: “People. Events. Everyday life "," Nature "," Architecture "," Style "and a special theme of 2016 from the official partner of the project, airline S 7 Airlines - "Take care of happiness."

Andrey Sidorov. Cold welcome, but warm welcome. Ust-Barguzin. 2016

The Best of Russia exhibition is filled with emotions, stories, plots, which form a full story about the life of our country over the past year. Among the winners are both young authors and famous photographers: every year, the project provides an opportunity for everyone who loves the art of photography to show their pictures to the viewer and an authoritative community, thereby contributing to personal professional growth authors and the development of contemporary Russian photography in general.

Vitaly Novikov. Polar night. Teriberka. 2016

Best of Russia is a photographic project that also performs a very important function - it creates a psychological portrait of society. What worries the population of our country? What is inspiring? What's in the frame? How people evaluate their life and the life of society.

Maria Pleshkova, Self-portrait with black ink

Lina Krasnyanskaya, head of the Best of Russia project, executive director of the WINZAVOD Foundation for the Support of Contemporary Art:

“The project has existed since 2008 and is approaching its culmination - a decade. From the very beginning, we wanted to capture in photographs a decade of the life of our country - a huge period of time that will not only describe, but help analyze social trends, because the fact that the project participants shoot, select and send to the competition, you can understand a lot about the mood in society ".

Maria Nebieva. Mirage. Moscow. 2016

Jury of the project

Alexander Budberg - publicist, journalist; Polina Grigoryan - Senior Photo Editor of the Journal Vogue Russia; Igor Gurovich - designer, poster artist, art director Ostengruppe, Arbeitskollektiv; Nikolay Kanavin - chairman of the board of directors of the photo holding Pro Lab; Konstantin Leifer - head of the TASS photo information editorial office; Tatiana Panova - photographer, art director, teacher; Sofia Trotsenko - President of the WINZAVOD Foundation for the Support of Contemporary Art; Vasily Tsereteli - Executive Director of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art; James Hill - photographer, photojournalist; Evgeny Chebotarev is the founder of 500px.

Yesterday evening, leaving the Chkalovskaya metro station (Kurskaya in the same place), I automatically went along the railway tracks and almost passed the required turn. This is what the habit of following a known route means. Suddenly I caught myself thinking that this is my first time at the Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art. There were so many events, but I only came here yesterday.

It is at Winzavod that the Best of Russia exhibition with the best photos of 2016 will be open from today until March 26.

1. This exhibition features works by both professionals and amateurs of photography. It was nice to see the faces of people who were happy to be "on the same wall with the best."

2. Some reportage photos I was pleasantly surprised. I would not have thought that a photograph from the subway could be selected for the exhibition. But this is a topic in which I could try to take part.

3. Besides classical genres, Happiness was also presented. S7 Airlines, which will bring this exhibition to other Russian cities, invited people to tell about their happiness. It turned out very interesting.

5. Proteins of Vadim Trunov, in my opinion, over the past couple of years are the most positive. Be sure to search the net for the entire series of his photos! Recommend!

6. Kievsky railway station, Aeroexpress. Maybe our railway workers will stop reacting negatively to photographers? How many excellent exhibitions were there, but without railroad nowhere.

7. If suddenly someone does not know (or how I have never reached Winzavod), this place is located next to the Kursk railway station in Moscow. The photographs are exhibited in two halls: the White Shop and the Red Shop.

8. Last night I was very pleasantly surprised by the number of people who attended the event.

9. But there is always a dissatisfied person. I do not even doubt. Everyone. who disagree with something, contact these people.

Will you go to a photo exhibition?

Thanks for your attention! Stay in touch!

The center of contemporary art "Winzavod" on February 16 will open the ninth. It will feature nearly 300 photographs about the life of Russia in 2016.

The exposition has five sections: "Nature", "People. Events. Everyday life "," Architecture "," Style "and" Make yourself happy. "

“The project has been exploring both the development of Russian photography and changes in the mood of society for many years. Despite the fact that the sections of the exhibition and the locations of the shooting remain unchanged, every year we get a special one, not similar to the previous exposition. And not only because new plots and names appear - even familiar landscapes and city skylines are shown every time by photographers from new angles, angles, points of view, ”said the curator of the project, executive director of the Winzavod Foundation for the Support of Contemporary Art Lina Krasnyanskaya.

According to Sophia Trotsenko, President of the Foundation, in 2008, when the project was just beginning, modern photography seemed to be something high-tech and many experts separated it from classical art... “Today, when technologies in the field of visual culture are rapidly developing and new ones appear almost every day, for me personally photography has become the purest, almost academic form of capturing moments and emotions, to which technical progress in most cases no longer has anything to do, which it is not can neither add more meaning nor affect it as a whole. And the project “The Best Photos of Russia” is a vivid confirmation of this, ”she said.

The special theme Best of Russia 2016 was named “Make Happiness”. The photographers were asked to capture a single moment in which a whole life is focused.

The jury of the project included publicist, journalist Alexander Budberg, senior photo editor of Vogue Russia magazine Polina Grigoryan, designer, poster artist Igor Gurovich, chairman of the board of directors of the ProLab photo holding Nikolai Kanavin, head of the TASS photo information editorial office Konstantin Leifer, photographer, teacher of British high school design Tatyana Panova, President of the Winzavod Foundation for the Support of Contemporary Art Sofya Trotsenko, Executive Director of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art Vasily Tsereteli, photojournalist for The New York Times James Hill, founder of the resource Evgeny Chebotarev.

On February 16, the WINZAVOD Center for Contemporary Art will present the ninth exhibition of the annual projectBestofRussia - almost 300 photographs about the life of Russia in 2016. One of the main projects of WINZAVOD,BestofRussia brings together amateur and professional photographers, personal stories and generally significant events, and, of course, a very different viewer. Photos in five sections of the exhibition - "Nature", "People. Events. Everyday life ”,“ Architecture ”,“ Style ”and the special theme“ Take care of happiness ”- are devoted to everything that surrounds us and is inextricably linked with our life, worries, inspires and delights.

Lina Krasnyanskaya, Curator of the Best Photos of Russia project, Executive Director of the WINZAVOD Foundation for Support of Contemporary Art:

“The project has been exploring both the development of Russian photography and changes in the mood of society for many years. Despite the fact that the sections of the exhibition and the locations of the shooting remain unchanged, every year we have a special, different from the previous one, exhibition. In addition to the natural appearance of new subjects and new names, even familiar landscapes and city skylines are shown every time by photographers from different angles, angles and points of view. "

Sophia Trotsenko, President of the Foundation for the Support of Contemporary Art WINZAVOD:

“In 2008, when we launched the Best Photos of Russia project, contemporary photography seemed to us something very high-tech, and many experts separated it from classical art. Today, when technologies in the field of visual culture are rapidly developing and new ones appear almost every day, for me personally photography has become that very pure, almost academic form of capturing moments and emotions, to which technical progress in most cases no longer has anything to do, which it cannot neither add more meaning, nor influence in general - and the project "The Best Photos of Russia" is a vivid confirmation of this. "

The special theme of the 2016 project is “Make Happiness”, created together with a friend of the project and an official partner for many years - S7 Airlines. The photographers were asked to capture in their photographs, perhaps, the most difficult feeling to formulate. One moment in which the whole life is focused, which is very important to capture - and very difficult to capture in a photograph.

Jury of the project

Jury members: publicist, journalist Alexander Budberg, Senior Photo Editor, Vogue Russia Magazine Polina Grigoryan, designer, poster artist, art director Ostengruppe, Arbeitskollektiv Igor Gurovich, chairman of the board of directors of the photo holding Pro Lab Nikolay Kanavin, head of the TASS photo information editorial office Konstantin Leifer, photographer, teacher of BHSAD Tatiana Panova, President of the Foundation for Support of Contemporary Art WINZAVOD Sophia Trotsenko, executive director of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art Vasily Tsereteli, photojournalist for The New York Times James hill, founder of the resource 500px Evgeny Chebotarev.

Parallel program Best of Russia "16

Lecture by Alexander Budberg "Ethics and photography: can photography be evil?"
23 March 19:00 / Vintage hall (entrance 15)

Lecture by Vladimir Song "Photography and sport: sport as an engine of progress for photography"
21 March 19:00 / Vintage hall (entrance 15)

Lecture by Alexey Loginov "Photography and Literature"
March 15 19:00 / Vintage Hall (entrance 15)

Lecture by Boris Barabanov "Storm Thorgerson - Rock Designer"
March 1 19:00 / Vintage hall (entrance 15)

Admission to all events of the parallel program is free with prior registration


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