Workstation of the station shunting dispatcher. Who is a shunting dispatcher on the railway and what are his duties. From locomotives to movers

Table 5.1 List of units of operating personnel

The workplace of the DNTs is located at the location of the railway administration - in Sosnogorsk, the workplaces of the DNTSO, DNTSV - at the location of the branch of the road - in Sosnogorsk, the rest of the workplaces are located on the territory of the station. To service and maintain funds and itself information technology at the station in the building of the dispatch center, a group of the ACS department of the road ITC stations is organized. The sector includes a duty engineer, programmer, automated control system technologist.

5.2 Operational subordination

Organizational structure operational subordination of staff units is shown in Fig. 5.2. Relationships between personnel units reflect the relationships of operational command, determined by the functions of each unit in the conditions automated control.

The senior operational worker in the shift is DNCO. However, DSZG and DSZO determine its work, because it plans for a longer term.

The station manager and his deputies are responsible for the profitability of the station as the manager of the road section. As control actions, they use the opportunity to participate in the establishment for a long period (ten days, a month) of the indicators of the technical plan of the station's work, and on a daily basis - to participate in the adoption of the work plan for the coming day. During the day, he monitors the progress of the daily plan according to operational control data. In addition, he is engaged in the operational analysis of the work of the station at the end of the shift, determines the measures necessary to prevent or eliminate difficulties encountered in the work.

DNTSO is responsible for the implementation of the established indicators of the daily work plan of the road department and specific stations as well. To organize the work of each shift brigade of the road department, the first shift DNTSO forms a shift plan for the work of the stations of its road department on the basis of the daily plan. As control actions, he uses the choice of the most profitable jobs in his shift with the subsequent issuance of tasks. In addition, he sets special tasks for heavy trains and trains for more distant purposes, restrictions on the departure of trains, and plans to use locomotives. The DNTSO of the second shift draws up a shift plan based on the current state of the daily plan.

DNTSV is responsible for organizing local work at the road section. He participates in the preparation of the daily and shift work plan and monitors their implementation. Enters information about the local trains originating within the boundaries of the department, sent to the marshalling yard.

DSC is responsible for the implementation of the indicators of the daily work plan of its station and operational plans received from the DSCO. As control actions, he uses the possibilities of operational planning of the processes of receiving trains, organizing the preparation of tanks for loading, supplying them to the loading and dispatching front of loaded trains, shunting movements for a three-hour period., Communicating plans to the chipboard, DSPG, TChD, roller coaster operator, trainer , monitoring the progress of their implementation. The DCS is directly subordinate to particle board, particle board, tchd

TCHD is responsible for the implementation of the plan for providing locomotives to the schedule lines. To do this, he uses the nominal work schedule of the brigades and receives every 1.5 hours an application for locomotives not covered by the nominal schedule.

5.3 Rights and responsibilities of personnel involved in planning

The planning professions fall into three categories in terms of new information technology:

Executing the received plans by planning the work of their subordinates (DSC);

Executing the received plans by performing work operations (DSP);

Ensuring the functioning of planning tasks (DNTSO, DNTSV, TCHD);

Execute plans received from higher (in structure) commanders, regardless of how they were obtained (with or without a computer);

Draw up work plans for subordinates;

Bring the plans to the performers;

Monitor the implementation of the issued plans;

They have a right:

Plan the work of subordinates using a computer;

In case of disagreement with the work plans of subordinates received from the computer, cancel them or correct or recalculate them according to new data;

Control the implementation of the received or issued plans using a computer;

Determine the need to recalculate plans;

Require subordinates to force the implementation of the plans issued to them;

Persons of professions of the second category are obliged:

Execute plans received from higher-ranking commanders, regardless of how they were received (with or without a computer)

They have a right:

Contact a superior commander with a request to change the received plan (if it is impossible to fulfill it);

Request any information in the computer for the scope of their duties.

Persons of professions of the third category are obliged:

Timely and efficiently prepare and enter into the computer input information in accordance with the instructions;

Analyze the reasons for not using a computer for operational planning and cases of personnel disagreement with the computer's recommendations;

Organize and control the technological process of maintenance and improvement of planning tasks.

They have a right:

Use a computer to analyze the reasons for not using it in operational planning and cases of staff disagreement with the recommendations;

Agree (approve) changes in the form of input and output information.

Structure operational management the work of the Minsk-Sortirovochny station is shown in Figure 3.1. The shift manager at the station is station dispatcher (DSCS). He is promptly subordinated to: chipboard, chipboard, chipboard, chipboard, workers of PTO, PKO, STC, shunting and composing teams, workers of the commodity office.

Station dispatcher (DSCS) provides:

  • - development of current plans for train and cargo operation of the station for 3-hour periods in accordance with the train formation forecasts issued by the SS ACS;
  • - organization of the implementation of the shift plan for the reception and departure of trains and freight work;
  • - coordination of actions of employees of other farms, ensuring the operation of the station;
  • efficient use technical means station, carriage and locomotive fleet;
  • - Operational management of the work of humps and shunting locomotives, rational distribution of sorting work;
  • - well-coordinated work between DSP, DSPG in matters of priority of reception, departure, disbandment of trains and transfers, admission of locomotives;
  • - timely organization of local cargo delivery;
  • - control over the implementation by employees of changes in the requirements of PTE and IDP, as well as safety rules;
  • - performance of adjustment tasks;
  • - monitoring the implementation of the plan for the formation and schedule of trains;
  • - control of the state of labor and technological discipline in the shift;
  • - provision of "windows" for repair, replacement, preventive inspection of technical equipment;
  • - adjusting the specialization of the tracks of the sorting yard;
  • - keeping records of the implementation of the shift and current work plans using the data of the GIR;
  • - presentation of the trains of local transfer trains in SP-2 for commercial inspection (PKO-2);
  • - informing workers of PTO-3, PTO-4 about the completion of the formation of a local transfer train on the tracks of SP-2;

In the process of work, the DSTSS in the software module of the schedule of work performed (GIR) is obliged to record all delays in the movement of car traffic, indicating the reasons:

  • - failure to meet the schedule of passenger trains;
  • - untimely export of trains;
  • - delays in the circulation of transmissions in the node;
  • - difficulties in the operation of the hump;
  • - delays of train locomotives;
  • - Failure to meet the prescribed idle time standards for cars;
  • - identification of inappropriateness of centers of car coupler axles in the departure fleets.

At the end of the watch, the DSTsS reports on the work to the station manager or his deputy with a call, if necessary, of the station workers or other farms guilty of non-fulfillment of the shift work plan or violation of discipline.

The management of reception, departure, passage of trains, shunting work and handling of trains in parks is carried out by DSCS through DSP, DSPG, DSPP, DSPO. The orders of the DSTsS on ensuring timely and safe reception, departure and passage of trains, the performance of maneuvers, as well as the uninterrupted operation of the station's technical facilities are mandatory for employees of all farms associated with the processing, reception and departure of trains.

DSCS is responsible for the tasks and functions assigned to it, ensuring traffic safety and safety of transported goods, organizing the reception, departure, passage of trains according to the train schedule, ensuring labor discipline subordinates.

The operation technology of the Minsk-Sortirovochny station is based on the method of dispatcher management of disbandment and formation of trains and local work, which ensures the best use of technical means and the shortest time spent by cars at the station. The method is based on a dynamic model of the station's operation, implemented on an ACS SS computer and providing a numbered account of the presence and location of cars on the station tracks.

Guided by current plan work, information about the approach of trains, the presence and location of wagons on the tracks and points of the station, as well as the recommendations of the SS ACS DSTsS sets the sequence of disbandment and formation of trains, rationally distributing work at the end of the formation between sorting devices.

To reduce the time spent at the station for cars that require accelerated delivery to their destination, a priority mode of their processing can be applied, which provides for priority maintenance, disbandment, formation and dispatch of trains containing such cars, as well as (until the forthcoming arrival of such cars at the station) the accumulation of a group of passing wagons in such a way that the arriving express delivery wagons complete the accumulation of the train.

For the unimpeded passage and processing of car flows, DSCS carries out adjusting measures for the processing and dispatch of trains, the redistribution of work between individual sorting devices, shunting areas and parks.

The most effective measures are:

  • - timely processing of trains, determination of the rational sequence of their disbandment, taking into account the completion of the accumulation of trains in different beams of the sorting fleet, the maximum reduction in interoperation intervals;
  • - timely release of tracks for receiving trains by combining short trains on one track;
  • - release of a medium-power slide from processing local cars, cars from repair, etc .;
  • - liberation of hump locomotives from carrying out operations on upsetting wagons due to the maximum use of locomotives operating on exhaust tracks to pull up wagons in the depths of the sorting yard;
  • - redistribution of shunting facilities with the allocation of an additional locomotive for work on the hill;
  • - organization of work of 2 hill locomotives by the flow-ring method with the organization of parallel thrust of trains on the hill;
  • - early preparation of the tracks of the shipping yard for rearrangement of the accumulated trains in the sorting yard.

By the end of the duty, the DSCS must create conditions for the incoming shift for normal operation, including:

  • - ensure the availability of free tracks for unimpeded reception of trains;
  • - prepare trains for dissolution;
  • - prepare the ways of the sorting yard for the dissolution of the next trains;
  • - prepare trains for departure at the beginning of the next shift in accordance with the operational plan and traffic schedule.

To carry out effective operational control over the work of the main areas of the station workplace DSCS is located in the control room of the Central Control Post in front of the information board. It is equipped with the following devices:

  • - a personal computer connected to the ACS SS network;
  • - direct telephone communication with DNTSU, DSPP-3, DSPP-4, DSPTs-4, PTO-1, PTO-3, PTO-4;
  • - radio communication with the drivers of shunting locomotives, train designers and workers of the PKO;
  • - two-way park communication.

Station attendants (DSP).

Acceptance, departure and passage of trains, performance of shunting work within their area with ensuring the safety of traffic and safety of transported goods, as well as the passage of train locomotives are carried out solely by DSP-1 and DSP-2 in their area in accordance with the TPA station. To ensure the assigned tasks, the EAF must:

  • - negotiate the movement of trains with the DSC MCC, EAF of neighboring stations and TChD;
  • - manage the reception and departure of trains, prepare routes for the reception, departure of trains;
  • - to carry out the passage of locomotives from the depot and to the depot.
  • - to carry out intra-station rearrangements of trains from park to park;
  • - transfer centralized switches (for DSP-2) to the local control of the operator MP-3;
  • - keep a log of inspection of tracks, turnouts, signaling devices, communications and contact network (forms DU-46);
  • - when switching to telephone means of communication, control the issuance of DSPP-3, DSPP-4, DSPO-3 permits for the passage of prohibiting indications of exit (route) traffic lights and the occupation of the haul;
  • - control the issuance of DSPP-3, DSPP-3, DSPP-4 warnings on trains sent to the stations Baranovichi, Brest, Molodechno, Osipovichi, Gomel, Orsha and Minsk-Passenger;
  • - control the presentation of cars and trains for maintenance and commercial inspection DSPP-3, DSPO-3, DSPP-4;
  • - to control the work of the operator at the EAF for keeping a train traffic log (form DU-3), a train telegram log (form DU-47 when switching to telephone means of communication), a journal of dispatching orders (form DU-58), books for recording train warnings (form DU-60);
  • - notify the operator of the centralization post about the arrival of trains at BCP-1, operators MP-2 and MP-6 about the arrival of locomotives on the way at the direction of the DSPG;
  • - turn on and off the disconnectors of the contact network with motor drives from the control panel;
  • - to control the securing of trains and wagons on the tracks PP-1, POP-3, POP-4 according to the report of the fleet attendants and the operator of the centralization post;
  • - transmit the registered orders to the park attendants for the issuance of permits to occupy the stretch or passage of the route (exit) traffic light.
  • - when performing track work at the station, notify workers of adjacent farms about the movement of trains, locomotives, etc.

Chipboard workplaces are located in the central office building.

Operators at the chipboard.

Timely and reliable input and transmission of information related to train work in the SS ACS and the maintenance of the established forms of accounting and reporting are performed by operators at the EAF.

To perform the functions assigned to them, the operator at the EAF must:

  • - keep a train traffic log in the AWS (forms DU-3);
  • - to accept dispatching orders with their recording in the dispatching order log (forms DU-58);
  • - before the arrival of each train, receive information about arriving trains from train dispatchers;
  • - notify the station worker about the time of arrival of the train, about the route of train locomotives from arriving trains and the need to deliver documents;
  • - after the train departs, enter information on the dispatched train into the ACUSS.
  • - to negotiate about the movement of trains (on reception, proceeding and departure with the attendants of neighboring stations);
  • - keep a book on uncoupling cars from trains of its own formation in the POP-3 and POP-4 parks;
  • - in case of a malfunction of the automatic blocking action and switching to telephone means of communication, keep a log of train telephone messages (f. DU-47);
  • - timely enter information into the software module for forming the schedule of the work performed, in accordance with existing orders and instructions;
  • - keep track of the idle time of train locomotives at the station upon arrival, departure and turnover using GIR or manually;
  • - negotiate with the DNTsU and the depot officer on duty about the binding of locomotives to the departing trains;
  • - receive telegrams about warnings through the ETEL software;
  • - based on telegrams, verify and enter warnings in AWP Pred in accordance with the requirements of PTE and IDP;
  • - to display the forecast of composition formation for DSCS;
  • - enter the text of telegrams into the ETEL software and transmit them as directed by the station management and DSCS;
  • - timely enter information into the ACS SS about the arrival, departure and proceeding of trains;
  • - at the direction of the chipboard, issue warnings to train and locomotive drivers.

Hill attendant (DSPG).

DSPG provides the disbandment and formation of trains based on sorting sheets issued by the ACS SS. When organizing the disbandment of trains, he is guided by the orders of the DSTsS issued on the basis of the recommendations of the ACS SS. To fulfill the assigned tasks, the DSLG performs the following duties:

  • - supervises the mountain operators and organizes the work of the shift on the timely fulfillment of tasks for the disbandment and formation of trains while ensuring the safety of train traffic, shunting work and the safety of rolling stock;
  • - ensures efficient use of the hump and shunting locomotives;
  • - monitors the observance by the hump workers of the safety and traffic safety rules.
  • - keeps a log of inspection of tracks, turnouts, signaling devices and communication form DU-46;
  • - controls the correctness of the formation of trains in accordance with the PTE;
  • - controls the securing and fencing of local transfer trains in SP-2;
  • - keeps records of the work of the hump according to the journal of the form DU-31.

Centralization post duty officer (DSPTs-4).

Dispatching supervision of the local work of the station is carried out by the duty officer of the station MG-4 DSPTs-4, who, based on the data of the number registration of the location of local cars in the parks of the station, at the loading and unloading fronts, the forecast of the arrival of local points of the station, and also manages the work of a low-power slide, a local locomotive and a train compiler for the formation of modular trains, sub-formation of the supply of local cars, and also supervises the work of a compiler of VChD-1 trains and a VChD-1 locomotive during maneuvers in the PMR-5 area ...

The duties of DSPTs-4 also include:

  • - provide effective work low-power slides for the formation of modular trains and a local shunting locomotive;
  • - to keep the number accumulation of cars on the tracks of the PMR-5 fleet using the ACS SS;
  • - to perform rearrangement of local wagons from the SP-2 tracks to the POP-4 track to the SS ACS;
  • - enter data into the SS ACS about finding a shunting locomotive of local work;
  • - to control the local work on the GIR;
  • - to control the fastening of cars by the trainer on the tracks of the PMR-5 fleet.
  • - accounting for the arrival of faulty cars for repair, maintaining a special book for number accounting of finding faulty cars on the VChD-1 tracks
  • - notifying customers about the delivery of wagons and the closing of crossings during the busy period of cargo and baggage receivers;
  • - move the arrows with a cursor in case of a signaling system malfunction (in case of loss of position control).

Park attendants (DSPP, DSPO).

To ensure technological operations for securing, presenting for maintenance and commercial inspection, station document flow in the station parks, there are workplaces of those on duty in the park. The duties of DSPP-3, DSPP-3, DSPP-4 include:

  • - presentation of trains and wagons for maintenance and commercial inspection;
  • - keeping a book of presentation of freight wagons for maintenance (form VU-14);
  • - keeping a book of combined inspection of the transfer train "on the go"
  • - delivery of shipping documents to the train locomotive driver. The driver confirms the acceptance of documents with his signature in Book of acceptance and delivery of carriage documents(GU-48 or DU-40).
  • - requesting ready-made warnings from AWP Pred and issuing them to all freight and passenger trains sent from the station parks and from the stop points (Institute of Culture and Stolichny);
  • - in case of disruption of the normal operation of the signaling devices, at the direction of the EAF, prepare a route, check the free paths and the correctness of the route preparation;
  • - according to the telephone message of the DSP, the issuance of permits for trains to engage in the haul and travel prohibiting indications of weekend and route traffic lights;
  • - after receiving the order for the departure of the train, which includes wagons with dangerous goods, copying the order and handing it over to the driver along with the shipping documents;
  • - maintenance of pneumatic mail devices for receiving and sending shipping documents;
  • - transmission of information to VChD about the composition of the train (weight, axles);
  • - securing the rolling stock on the tracks of the park with brake shoes, removing the securing means;
  • - report to the chipboard on securing trains and cars, removing brake shoes on the station tracks.

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Train station shunting dispatcher

10 - 11 digits

Job responsibilities. Carries out planning, organization and operational management of shunting work on disbandment and formation of trains, supply and cleaning of local wagons, fulfillment of adjustment tasks for the departure of empty wagons in accordance with the current plan of the station, the schedule and the plan for the formation of trains. Communicates the plan and procedure for the production of work to the direct executors, informs employees about the presence of cars with special categories of goods on the station's tracks. Coordinates the work of shunting areas and sorting devices (slides, exhaust tracks), access roads, loading and unloading units, ensuring the effective use of technical means, track development of the station and access roads, shunting locomotives. Supervises the work of the station technological center for processing train information and transportation documents. Establishes the sequence and procedure for disbanding trains, makes adjustments to the sorting list, monitors the accumulation of cars according to the appointments of the train formation plan. Determines the order of preparation of transportation documents for formed trains. Provides timely exhibition of trains to the departure park. Supervises and enforces the technical standards for the presence of wagons at the station. Supervises the work of a complex shift team, evaluates the quality of work of each employee. Requests and receives information about the decomposition of trains upon arrival, the presence of trains and cars on the tracks of the station and other information from the road computing center and the station's automated control system. Keeps a dispatch schedule for the implementation of shunting work, accounting for the work of shunting brigades. Analyzes the performance of shift tasks of shunting work. Carries out the operational management of a single station shift, conducts the current planning of the station's work in 4-6 hour periods, organizes the implementation of the plan in the absence of a station dispatcher on the staff. Controls compliance by employees with traffic safety rules and shunting work established by the Rules technical operation railways Russian Federation, Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation, Instruction for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation, the requirements of orders, orders and instructions of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, the railway, the railway department for organizing traffic and shunting work, traffic safety and rules for labor protection and safety. Instructs shift workers on safety precautions, monitors compliance with labor and technological discipline.

Should know: Rules of technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation; Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation; Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation; Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic during the performance of maintenance and repair of signaling devices; Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic during track works; Safety rules and liquidation procedure emergency situations with dangerous goods during transportation by the railways of the Russian Federation; orders and instructions of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, the railway, the branch of the railway; methodological, normative and other guidance materials on the terms of reference; technical and administrative act and technological process of the station; train schedule and plan of formation; Cargo transportation rules; rules and regulations on labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation; Fire safety rules for railway transport; fundamentals of economics and production management; Employee discipline regulation rail transport Russian Federation; Regulation on working hours and rest hours of railway transport workers; the principle and rules for using dispatcher communication devices and microprocessor equipment in the conditions of ACUSS operation; indicators of operational work of the railway station.

Requirements for qualification in the ranks of the payment. Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in positions related to train traffic, at least 1 year, or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in positions related to train traffic, at least 3 years.

10th category: when working as a shunting dispatcher at class II stations;

11th category: when working as a shunting dispatcher at out-of-class stations and class I stations.

Stationmaster supervises the work of the plant and bears full responsibility for the implementation of the plant performance indicators and established targets. Freight and commercial operations are managed by deputy Head of the Station for Cargo and Commercial Work (DSZM or DSM). Directly in public places, work is supervised chiefs (managers) of cargo areas (yards). With small amounts of work in non-public places, this work is performed by senior receivers... With a significant amount of work in non-public places, a position may be introduced deputy station manager for access roads.

Large (out-of-class) freight stations have chief engineer (DSG), whose responsibilities include development, updating and implementation technological process, development and implementation of measures to ensure traffic safety, labor protection and safety of workers. He is responsible for the rational use of technical means and devices, analyzes the operation of the station. In the absence of the post of chief engineer, his functions are performed by the deputy head of the station.

The management of the operational work of the station is entrusted to deputy Head of the Station for Operational Work (DSZD)... He monitors the implementation of daily and shift plans, compliance with the technological process, ensuring traffic safety. Direct management of operational work is carried out by shift workers: DSC, shift engineer for cargo and commercial work, station attendant (chipboard)... Each of them performs duties in accordance with job descriptions.

DSC - shunting dispatcher(in everyday life, a shunting dispatcher), manages all the work on the implementation of the shift plan of the cargo station. When he goes on duty, he gets acquainted with the operational orders, the daily plan for loading and unloading cargo, examines the applications of shippers for the shipment of cargo, the position of the car fleet at the station, access roads and approaches to the station. At the beginning of the shift, the DCS communicates the work plan to the performers, and in the process of duty adjusts it in four-hour periods, depending on the operational situation at the station.

During its duty, the DCS conducts schedule of work performed (GIR), necessary for operational planning and management of shunting, cargo and train operations, qualitative analysis of work per shift, which records the occupation of tracks at cargo points, the progress of loading and unloading, the time of supply and removal of wagons, the number of wagons waiting for loading or unloading.

Cargo operator - maintains an operational record of the sorting of goods on the sorting platform, the work of the container point and vehicles for the delivery and removal of goods, the numbered account of the availability and location of local wagons.

Monitoring the progress of loading and unloading wagons is carried out transceiverusing a portable terminal to communicate with the shunting dispatcher, shippers, consignees and commodity office.

In the process of dispatch management, information is used about the approach of trains and cargo, the progress of cargo operations, the availability, purpose and location of wagons on station tracks, loading and unloading fronts and access roads, etc.

The workplaces of the DCS and shift engineer (senior technician) for cargo and commercial work are equipped with the necessary communication means, information boards, industrial television installations, and computer equipment.

Shift engineer (senior technician) for cargo and commercial work ensures the implementation of the shift plan of cargo work in public places, carries out current planning, accounting for the availability of free spaces in warehouses and operational control over the implementation of the plan for loading and unloading and sorting small shipments in public places. He agrees the work plan with DSC, the head of the production site mechanized distance of loading and unloading operations (MCH) and the dispatcher of the automobile enterprise, and also monitors the timely preparation for loading, supply, placement and cleaning of wagons from the cargo fronts of common areas, keeps an operational record of cargo work.

Station attendant (DSP) - directly supervises the acceptance, disbandment, formation and departure of trains, control over the commercial and technical inspection of trains.

Head of the Agency for Corporate Transport Services (ATF) - monitors the fulfillment of the plan for loading and unloading cargo, processing cargo shipping documents, settlements with consignors and consignees, maintaining established forms of accounting and reporting.

Head of the cargo area, - ensures the fulfillment of loading plans for cargo work in public places and access roads, monitors the timely delivery and placement of wagons on the cargo fronts, organizes the implementation of loading and unloading operations.

The efficiency of the operational management and interaction of all divisions of the cargo station largely depends on the means of information transmission, which constitute an organic part of the station operation technology.

In addition to the already mentioned types of communication, the "Strop" system is used at cargo stations, which provides mutual call and negotiation between pick-ups, crane operators, senior pick-up workers, checkpoint workers and a car dispatcher.

DSC manages a single station shift, consisting of employees of transportation services, freight and commercial work, locomotive, carriage, signaling and communications, access roads, ports and road transport. The organization of a single shift allows to ensure consistency in the work of the cargo station, fulfillment of government orders and contractual obligations. The DSTS is directly subordinate to train compilers, shunting locomotive drivers, and a commercial agent.

Depending on local conditions and the scope of work, the distribution of responsibilities between the DCC, shift engineer for cargo and commercial work and the EAF may vary. In particular, in the absence of a shift engineer at the station, his duties are performed by the DSC, and if there is no DSC position, the DSP will manage the shunting and cargo work at the station.

In the process of managing cargo operations, information interaction with the clientele, which is carried out on a contractual basis, is of great importance. Preliminary cargo information is transmitted to consignees by teletype or telephone in accordance with concluded contracts.

A railroad is a large organism with many locations, tracks and positions. Have you ever thought about where the formation of trains from individual cars takes place and who is in charge of this? In this article, you can get acquainted with the principles of organizing work at marshalling yards and find out who is the person who controls everything that happens.

What is a sorting station

The essence of the work of marshalling yards is that the wagons are sorted there depending on such parameters as:

  • types of cargo;
  • who is the sender and recipient;
  • which direction is chosen.

In order to be able to carry out all the work, the station has slides (varying in power), exhaust routes and sorting yards.

What is the advantage for Russian railways of having sorting stations? The train (through) train formed there quietly passes a large number of station points on the way to a certain destination, significantly increasing the speed of cargo transportation. In addition, this maneuver helps to reduce freight traffic in terms of their cost.

Organization of shunting works at the station

Complex shunting brigades are organized for the work carried out. This means that in addition to the main representatives of such a brigade (locomotive driver and train builder), this includes technical workers.

An indicator such as the speed with which the cars are dismantled at marshalling yards depends on the power of the braking means. In accordance with this, it is adjusted. It is also important what the state of the train is in technical terms, the characteristics of the track development and the presence of favorable weather conditions. Setting the correct speed for such a process will be a significant indicator in increasing the level of safety in a complex team.

Specificity of the work of the shunting dispatcher

All these complex operations related to the organization of the process of forming and distributing trains are carried out under the guidance of one person. So who is a railroad shunting controller? This is a specialist who controls the movement of maneuvering trains, is engaged in sending a shunting brigade to various access roads for the purpose of cleaning or supplying cars. He also distributes tasks between the performers of this difficult business, the trainers.

The dispatcher concentrates all sorts of data related to the operation of the station: information about arriving trains, about planned detachments and connections, about technical and commercial defects, and so on. The shunting supervisor himself is subordinate to the train dispatcher, who is in charge of managing the movement of trains on a section with not one, but several stations.

Requirements for appointment

To get this job, you need to match not only your inner qualitiesbut also meet the official selection criteria. This includes having a higher (specialist) or secondary (vocational) education. In the first case, one year of work experience is required in the organization for the operation of railway transport. In the second, work experience in a similar place is at least 3 years.

There are also special conditions in order to obtain admission to this work:

  • It is required to undergo training related to occupational safety, industrial and fire safety.
  • It is necessary to undergo a medical examination (primary, regular and unscheduled if necessary).

Knowledge and skills required in the work of the station shunting dispatcher

Since one person supervises a large number of people and teams, he must also possess a considerable amount of knowledge and skills. Here are the most important of the long list:

  • Knowledge of the set of rules for loading, as well as the conditions for its implementation.
  • Possession of the rules for the use of railways in technical terms.
  • Having an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the plan of necessary measures for stopping and eliminating the consequences of accidents looks like.
  • Possession of instructions related to the movement of trains and shunting work;
  • The ability to correctly assess the effectiveness of the implementation of transport links that occur between workshops and production areas.

The main responsibilities of the dispatcher

The duties of a shunting dispatcher are many, since control and regulation are required in several directions at once:

  1. Analysis and evaluation of the work performed by the staff.
  2. Carrying out planning for cargo operations.
  3. Drawing up effective schemes for direct shunting work.
  4. Creation of a clear list of work that needs to be done to disband and form the teams.
  5. Maintaining the necessary internal documentation.
  6. Development of measures related to strict adherence to the schedule for the supply and cleaning of cars.
  7. Preparation and execution of works related to the transfer of wagons from the freight fleet of an industrial organization.


In the operation of a marshalling yard, the shunting dispatcher performs very important role... He forms the general mood of the team, is responsible for the productivity of the entire shift, controls the time and movement of his subordinates. It is also very important that the dispatcher creates the right mood for work: if there are dissatisfied or insufficiently motivated employees, coordinated actions will not work. And this is a key link in the chain leading to the achievement of a harmoniously and productively operating system.

It is necessary that the person holding this position be a specialist in his field. He must know the station perfectly, have the ability and the necessary skills in order to help solve the problem at any time at the right time. And this knowledge should be not only theoretical, but also be supported by practice. After all, the best bosses are those who started from the bottom and went all the way through career ladder... To plan and control work, it is not enough just to read the instructions - you need to know the essence of the matter from the inside.

In addition to technical skills, a shunting dispatcher must be able to find the right approach to work with his team and higher management: if there is no well-coordinated communication and understanding between people, then the work of everything sorting center will not be clear and competent. As a result, the end result will not be satisfactory either. Therefore, one cannot fail to note the great importance of the person working in this position, his role in organizing and controlling the entire marshalling yard.


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