Registration of a research program on yogurt. Marketing research of the yogurt of the trademark "Activia. Development of a questionnaire for survey

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The purpose of our study is: to identify information on which trademark and taste preferences about yogurt most uses consumer demand in N.Novgorod Tasks: to study the most popular brand of yogurt among the respondents to explore the preferences of buyers regarding packaging, taste additives find out the impact on the specific choice of yogurt, where And how often it is acquired

The subject of the study is the questionnaires with a list of questions about yogurt. The object object is the proposed options for answers about yogurt. The respondentarispondants of the marketing research are men and women aged 15 to 65 years - the nearest environment, 109 people. Research method for research - Questioning. Part of the questionnaire is common to respondents, the other part is posted on the Internet.

Yogurt yogurt is an fervent product similar to consistency and taste with low-fat sour cream and with specific yoghurt bacteria. It is considered a traditional Bulgarian drink, which is part of many first and second dishes.

With there is a legend, according to which the Lord God opened the secret of yogurt and his miraculous properties of Prawsa Abraham, who has argued, as claimed, is 175 years old. Even in prehistoric times used the worried milk. In antiquity in the east in the tribes of shepherd-nomads, milk, which they received from their cows, sheep, goats, horses and camels were kept in vessels made of skins and stomachs of these animals. The legend states that yogurt is obliged to be the appearance of a shepherd, who for a while forgot that he left a little milk in one of these vessels. When he remembered this and looked at that vessel, he saw that the milk had turned into something thick and tasty.

In Europe, yogurt became popular in the first half of the 20th century, thanks to the company Dunon, but later their products began to differ from the standard yoghurt and, in fact, turned into yoghurt products. The Yogurt was produced in the USSR in the USSR. He was sold in pharmacies like a medical remedy called Yagurt.SSR pharmacies in the explanatory dictionary of Ushakov (1935) there is a word "yogurt" (and, as an option for pronunciation, "Yagurt") with an interpretation: "Bulgarian sour milk." In the 1980s began to produce fruit kefir, on which the labels of the fruit yogurt began to glue. But very soon this amateur was discontinued by the Western giants who came to the domestic market. Founder of Danone - Isaac Karasso from Greece

Not flavored, this natural product does not contain anything except the two main ingredients - milk and frivors, thanks to which the yoghurt acquires an acidic taste. Aromatized, such yogurt has a fruit or vanilla taste, to create which it can be used both natural puree or extracts and chemical flavors. With pieces of fruit (berries) - these ingredients make up about 30% of the volume of one portion of thick yogurt, which gives the product a saturated fruit or berry taste. Species of yogurts

In order to identify consumer preferences about Yogurt, please answer the following questionnaire questions. 1. Do you get yogurt? Yes, often we rarely do not 2. Wash the floor? W m 3. I have an age? More than 55. What yogurt do you get more often? Drinking ordinary (in a plastic cup)

5. What makes the brand (mark) give preference? "Activia" "Miracle" "Frutis" "Gentle" "Hermigurt" "Danissimo" "Rostishka" "Bio-Max" "Immunile" Other ______________ 6. With what taste do you prefer yogurt? With berry with fruit with dry filler (flakes, balls) with jam without additives and sugar 7. What is the use of your opinion from the use of this product? Improving digestion elimination of toxins Strengthening immunity Nourishing function 8. Does your choice of packaging design? Yes no anyway

9. What kind of yogurt packing do you prefer? Plastic cup bottle package cardboard box 10. What affect your choice of yogurt? Price quality Packaging and design of promotions and suggestions 11.Where do you most often get yogurt? In large supermarkets in grocery stores on the market, another ______________ 12. How often do you use yogurt? Every day several times a week several times a month several times a year almost never make sure to answer thanks for the time spent!

With the development of the yogurt market in Russia, almost all segments of the population, all ages and various levels of income, have become consumers of yogurt. Consumers have a high level of commitment to brands and manufacturers presented in the market. But still the yoghurt market has significant growth prospects.

The purpose of our study is to identify information on which trademark and taste preferences about yogurt most uses consumers in the city of Ulan-Ude.

  • - explore the most popular brand of yogurt among the respondents;
  • - to explore the preferences of buyers regarding packaging, taste additives;
  • - find out the impact on the specific choice of yogurt, where and how often it is acquired;

The subject of the research is the questionnaires with a list of questions about yogurts.

The object is the proposed options for answers about yogurt.

The method of research is a survey.

In order to analyze the demand for which yogurts in the city of Ulan-Ude, it is necessary to study consumer preferences. The main points that needed to be affected in the framework of the study were set forth in the questionnaire [see Appendix 2]. This questionnaire consists of 17 questions regarding customer preferences about stores, brands, manufacturers, flavoring yogurt preferences.

According to the sample, which was established, 60 people participated in the survey (42 women and 18 men). Also installed a sample by age, which is presented in Table 23.

Table 23 - Selection by age

Before talking about the frequency of buying yogurt, you need to find out what kind of packaging is the most popular, because when answering "1-3 times a week" a person can buy packages with a volume of 125 grams and 1 liter, and this is already completely different values.

We give Figure 1 of the dependence of the preferred package from the floor of the respondent.

Figure 1 - Consumer preference Depending on the package

The diagram shows that men prefer a larger packaging volume (500 grams) in contrast to women who mostly prefer packaging in size of 250 grams. It is also interesting to note that none of the women chose a 1 liter response, and from men as many as 22% prefer to buy this volume. This is largely due to the fact that men spend very little time for buying. Therefore, for them it is better to buy a big packaging once than two times small. Packaging more volume is more expensive, but during the choice of a particular thing a man pays less attention to the price of the product. The woman can psychologically affect the type of higher price.

Now consider Figure 2, where the purchase frequency is clearly represented.

Figure 2 - Preference of consumers depending on the frequency of purchase.

Here, preferences of men and women are almost equal, although male respondents buy yogurts a little more often, but still an average of 1-3 yogurt a week. From here we can conclude that the majority of respondents eat yogurt in the day. This can be explained by the fact that when the yogurt consumption every day, it can quickly get bored, but on the other hand, it is believed that this product is delicious, useful and easy to use, so 1-3 times a week is the optimal consumption option.

According to the results of marketing research, it is possible to understand that most often consumers buy drinking yogurts and preference is given to yogurts with pieces of fruit, outsiders here, right, you can call yogurts with cereals and bio-yogurts (without any additives).

That the choice of the drinking yoghurts is determined by the rapid rhythm of the life of a modern person who often does not provide for a full lunch of the house during the working day. Therefore, drinking yogurt is one of the most optimal options for snacking on the go, which will most likely benefit than the harm, in contrast to the alternative - Fast Food, especially the yoghurt quickly removes the feeling of hunger, like most ferocular products, besides, he brings pleasure Your taste characteristics.

The most important question that was asked to respondents than they are guided by buying yogurts. It was a question with a multiple response, which is presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Criteria for yoghurt evaluation when buying

Thus, two main criteria can be distinguished, which are guided by buying yogurts: 1. Taste (with a noticeable advantage). 2. Usefulness.

Commitment to the brand is the attachment of customers to a specific brand, even if it is more expensive than brands of competitors. Commitment to the brand is the purpose of all marketers. It is very difficult to achieve and very easy to lose. If the brand loses its relationship with its identity, he betrays its values \u200b\u200bor is too expanding, it violates this contract and loses consumer loyalty. The consumer follows the re-purchase scheme, because it is this brand that best suits his needs or because it is formed by a personal commitment to the brand. The brand commitment may also be a consequence of its emotional influence on the consumer or its influence on the self-esteem of the consumer.

The study analyzed the commitment of consumers to a certain brand / manufacturer. At the same time, the respondents were asked about what brand yogurts they prefer to buy.

Figure 4 shows the commitment of consumers to a specific brand.

Figure 4 - Consumer commitment to a certain brand

The largest number of adherents among women has a brand "Activa" - it is chosen by 35% of the surveyed women (Table 25). Among men, a greater preference is given to the yoghurts of the brand "Miracle". The Dunon brand and "tenderness" scored the smallest percentage, both in men and women.

A large role in analyzing the buyer's commitment to a certain brand of yoghurts plays the definition of whether the consumer knows in advance which brand of yogurt will buy, or he buys, directly coming to the store.

Figure 5 shows the choice of the brand of yogurt when buying consumers.

Figure 5 - "Choosing a brand of yoghurt when buying"

63% of customers make a decision to buy yogurt directly in the store: try the goods if possible (tasting, for example), study packaging, talk with sellers, read flyers on the counters, posters on the walls, etc. Absolutely opposite situation in men: 69% of men know in advance what brand of yogurt will buy. Therefore, he confidently and quickly goes to a certain section of the store, takes the right thing and almost immediately goes to pay for it.

In order to fully assess the commitment to certain brands of yogurts, we suggested that the respondents submit that they did not find the brand in the store, which they regularly buy.

Figure 6 shows the reaction to the absence of a favorite brand.

Figure 6 - "Reaction to the absence of a favorite brand"

Most women 54% will buy any other yogurt similar to the usual. 34% of men will postpone the purchase before the next store visit, another 34% will buy any other yogurt similar to the usual. Also, men were offered an answer option - buy for a funny name, which once again proves the impulsiveness of purchases made by men.

Different studies have revealed that when buying most goods, the differences between alternative purchasing places are more significant than between the brands of one product group. Higher significance of the place of purchase compared to the purchases itself creates quite large problems for manufacturers, since the positions of stores become the key factor in the brand's success in modern markets. This is due to the fact that consumers are much more loyal to their purchase places and are ready to agree with the restriction of choice and overpay than with additional time spent on finding a particular brand of a specific product.

This feature of consumer behavior affects all markets, including the yoghurt market.

Table 22 shows the place of buying yogurt by buyers.

Table 22 - Shopping Places

Most men and women prefer to acquire yogurts in supermarkets. This is a consumer segment who want to have a bigger assortment and can pay more for it.

Thus, from the above analysis and data it can be seen that it is not only a low price, but also the taste properties of yoghurts, as well as the usefulness of the product.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution
Higher Professional Education
"Omsk State Agrarian University
them. P.A. Stolypin ยป

Department of Economics and Management
Agricultural production

Product "Yoghurt"
In the discipline "Marketing research"

Performed: Student 52 gr.
Lapova Yu.S.
Checked: Zharova V.V.

Omsk 2013.
Introduction .................................................................. ............ .3
1 Product Description ................................................................ four
2 Questionnaire "Detection of preferences of buyers of yogurt" ............... 6
3 Analysis of the collected data ...................................................... .9
Conclusion ........................................................................... 12

The traditions of the consumption of fermented milk products, actively promoted "healthy food" provide in the market the steady demand for such products, in particular - on yogurts. The product range is constantly expanding, all new types of yogurt are being developed with different levels of acidity, viscosity, various taste and biologically active additives. Change and packaging requirements. Finally, it is advisable to take into account the tastes and preferences of the main target group of consumers - children and adolescents. Yogurt emerged many centuries ago in the Middle East, today firmly entered the daily diet of millions of people. Products that could hardly imagine yesterday are already sold in supermarkets in a wide range. Today, yoghurt is not only a finished product, as it was 10-15 years ago, it was based on beautiful food additives, with aloe vera, carbonated drinks, breakfasts containing muesli and vitamins, ice cream and even yogurt oil. With an increase in the number of yoghurt products, their quality will improve. The most famous and popular among foreign countries is yogurt - a representative of the class of fermented (fermented or dusty) products in one decade.

1 Product Description

Yoghurt is an acidic product with an increased content of dry low fatty substances milk produced using a mixture of start-up microorganisms.
The word "yoghurt" is Turkish, and means "condensed". Turks and their nomadic peoples have long passed milk in Burdyuki on the backs of horses and donkeys. Bacteria got out of the air and wool into the product, fermentation took place at the heat, and the permanent shaking tried the case, turning the milk into a thick acidic drink, which did not spoke long and retained all the beneficial properties.
In general, the popularization of yogurt a lot contributed to the following case - in 1510, the King of France Francois I was fatally ill. A court doctor, a native of Turkey, tried all the methods of treatment, but to no avail. Recovery the king was managed only after he began to regularly eat yogurt. At the royal yard even kept a special flock of goats, so that the fresh milk was always at hand.
In the world, yogurt became popular thanks to Dunon Yogurt. The founder of Dunon, Isaac Karasso, developed a yogurt trade in Europe in the 1930s. And in 1942, Dunon began producing yogurt in the United States to New York City, and it was from this date that the history of the company who marked its 60-year-old anniversary in 2002 and became a symbol of high-quality and unusually delicious yogurts.
Yogurts depending on the used raw materials are divided into the following groups:

    From natural milk
    from normalized milk or normalized cream
    From the restored (or partially restored) milk
    Of the recombined (or partially recombined) milk.
Yogurts depending on the use of taste additives are divided into:
    fruit or vegetable yogurt
    Aromatized yogurt.
    with pieces of fruit.
    without additives.

2 Profile
"Detection of preferences of yoghurt buyers"
The purpose of our study:
- Study of consumer behavior in the ferocular product market - yogurt.

    Learn what brand buyers prefer;
    Explore the preferences of buyers regarding packaging;
    Explore customer preferences regarding taste additives.
1. Do you like yogurt?
2. Wash gender:
3.What Age:
    before 18
    Older 45.
4. How often do you buy yogurt?
    1 30 days
    Once a week
    Once a month
    Less frequent
5. What kind of packing for yogurt do you prefer?
6. In packing what volume do you buy yogurt?
    100 gr
7. What kind of yogurt do you prefer to buy?
    With pieces of fruit
    Without additives
8. With which mass fraction of fat do you acquire yogurt?
    Low-fat up to 0.5%
    Bold from 0.5% to 2.7%
    More than 2.7%
9. Okurt What brand Do you prefer?

10. Do you make attention to the composition?

11. Do you even look at the date of manufacture?
12. Puts on your choice of yogurt advertising with the media?
40 people were surveyed!

3 Analysis of the collected data

    Do you buy yogurt?
Yes: 40 100%
    How often do you buy yogurt?
    Every day: 20%
    1 time in 3 days: 25%
    Once a week: 30%
    Once a month: 15%
    Less: 10%

3. What kind of packing for yogurt do you prefer?

    Plastic bottle: 20%
    Polyethylene packages: 5%
    Cardboard packaging: 10%
    Plastic Cookies: 65%
4. What kind of yogurt do you prefer to buy?
    Fruit (vegetable): 25%
    Aromatized: 15%
    With pieces of fruits: 35%
    Without additives: 25%

5. How do you prefer the yogurt brand?

    Campina: 20%
    Danone: 20%
    Bio-Max: 15%
    Neo: 5%
    Ermann: 15%
    Activia: 25%
6. Are you always looking at the date of manufacture?
    Yes: 90%
    No: 10%
    Yes: 65%
    No: 35%

Conclusions and survey results

After analyzing our questionnaire, it can be concluded that the purpose of our study is to study consumer behavior in the ferocular product - yogurt market, has been achieved. Our main tasks were also solved: the study of customer preferences relative to the brand, packaging and flavoring additives. The most popular packaging is a plastic cup (65%). The most beloved brand of yogurt is activism (25%). Well, the most preferred taste additive is to add pieces of fruit (35%).


To date, yoghurt production in Russia is one of the common types of food industry. The technical re-equipment and equipping of enterprises of the Milk industry of the country with modern technological equipment, the latest technique, are comprehensively mechanized and manufactured by production. Computing equipment is increasingly used. A lot of work is carried out to improve the quality, improvement and enrichment of the range of dairy products, as quality is one of the most important criteria for the competitiveness of goods. However, this awareness has come far away from all manufacturers, which has a negative impact on the image of Russian goods as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to better improve and upgrade the production of dairy products.
Yoghurts have many useful substances, they have a beneficial effect on the digestive activities of the human body.
Yoghurt quickly removes the feeling of hunger, quenching thirst. Like most fermented milk products, it is useful to people of all ages, especially elderly, as well as pregnant and nursing mothers. Increased protein and fat content allows you to recommend
The release of therapeutic yogurts without additives, but containing medicinal vegetable raw materials, which is a healing component, is particularly convenient and practical for children's, dietary, diabetic and special nutrition of people. However, the release of this product is also restrained by a disadvantage of financial resources in processing enterprises.
With high-quality development, the introduction of new developments in the technical and technological sphere of yogurt production is possible broad prospects for promoting products to foreign markets, where there is a high purchasing power of the population.


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