Lectures on the technological equipment of food industries. Food production equipment. Lectures, Practical Classes, SRSS, Consultation

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1. Classification of equipment of food industries and requirements for it

All technological machines and devices can be classified according to the type of processes occurring in raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products during technological processing. In this case, technological machines and devices can be combined into the following groups:

technological machines and apparatus for the implementation of hydromechanical processes (equipment for precipitation, filtering, pseudo-fiction, mixing, washing, cleaning, cutting, wipes);

technological machines and apparatus for the implementation of heat exchange and mass transfer processes (equipment for thermal processing, extraction, drying and baking);

technological machines and devices for performing mechanical processes (equipment for grinding, weighing, dosing, pressing, sieving, calibration, molding, packing).

Requirements for appliances

An appropriately built apparatus must meet the operational, constructive, aesthetic, economic requirements and safety requirements.

Operational requirements

Compliance with the apparatus to the target purpose. The purpose of the apparatus is to create conditions optimal for the process. These conditions are determined by the type of process, the aggregate state of the machined masses, their chemical composition and physical properties (viscosity, elasticity, plasticity, etc.). The device should be given a form that would ensure the necessary technological conditions for the process of proceeding process (the pressure under which the process is passed; the speed of movement and the degree of turbulization of the process being processed; the creation of the necessary contact of the phases; mechanical, thermal, electrical and magnetic effects). Consider an elementary example. It is required to warm and mix a viscous solution containing suspended particles of the thermal resistant substance (for example, a sugar solution containing sugar crystals). For this purpose, two devices can be applied. In the apparatus shown in Fig. 1, inevitably precipitated particles of solid at the bottom and in the corners. In these places, the burning and destruction of the product will occur. Consequently, the form of this device but creates the conditions necessary for the flow process. To a greater extent, it satisfies the target apparatus shown in Fig. 2. The device has a spherical bottom, a conjugate cylindrical body, and an anchor-type stirrer. All ego prevents the formation of precipitation and burn it on the walls of the bottom. From the above example, it can be seen that in order to construct the device, you need to know and take into account the properties of the processed system. Neglecting technological requirements leads to product damage.

High intensity of the device. One of the main characteristics of the apparatus is its productivity - the amount of raw material processed in the devices per unit of time, or the amount of the finished product issued by the device per unit of time. When working out piece products, the performance is expressed by the number of pieces of the product per unit of time. When developing mass production, performance is expressed in mass or volume units per unit of time. The intensity of the device is its productivity, attributed to any basic unit characterizing this unit. Thus, the intensity of the dryer is expressed by the amount of water removed from the material for 1 hour, referred to 1 m 3 of the dryer volume; The intensity of the operation of evaporators - the amount of water evaporated for 1 hour, assigned to 1 m 2 of the heating surfaces.

Obviously, to achieve great performance with small overall sizes of devices, the intensification of the process is the main task of production. The paths with which it is achieved is different for different types of devices. However, you can set some general methods to increase the intensity of the operation of the devices that are independent of their device.

Intensification can be achieved, for example, by replacing periodic processes in continuous: while the costs of the auxiliary operations are eliminated, automation of management becomes possible. In some cases, the intensity of the device can be increased by increasing the speed of the movement of its working bodies.

Stability of the material of the corrosion apparatus. The material from which the device is built should be resistant when exposed to its processed media, in turn, medium interaction products and material should not have harmful properties if the product is used to power.

Small energy consumption. The energy intensity of the apparatus is characterized by energy consumption per unit of processed raw materials or manufactured products. Upon other things being equal, the device is considered to be more perfect, the less energy is consumed per unit of raw materials or products.

Availability for inspection, cleaning and repair. To properly operate the device, it is subjected to systematic inspections, cleaning and current repairs. The design of the device should provide the ability to produce these operations without long stops.

Reliability. The reliability of the device and the machine is the ability to perform the specified functions, save their operational performance at specified limits for the desired period of time.

The reliability of the apparatus is determined by its reliability, maintenance, durability. Reliability and durability are indicators that are of great importance and determining the expediency of the device of the device.

Safety requirements. Ergonomics

Socialist enterprises to the devices are subject to security requirements for convenience of service. The device should be designed and coated with a proper storage margin, equipped with fender devices for moving parts, safety valves, automatic switches and other devices to prevent explosions and accidents. Operations for loading raw materials and unloading finished products must be convenient and secure for working personnel. This is ensured by the appropriate design of hatches and valves. The most secure hermetically closed devices of continuous action with a continuous stream of materials.

For convenience of maintenance, the device must be controlled from one item where the control panel is installed. This is especially easy to implement if remote control and remote control of the device are organized. The highest form is the full control and management automation. The control of the device should not require significant costs of physical labor.

Large inconveniences in maintenance and danger to workers gives the use of belt transmission for the apparatus. From this point of view, it is necessary to prefer an individual electric drive.

In the conditions of the technical revolution, ergonomics were great importance - the science of adapting the condition for labor to a person. Ergonomics considers practical issues arising from the organization of human work, on the one hand, and the mechanism and elements of the material environment - on the other

In modern conditions, when a person manager deals with rapid intensive processes, there is an urgent need to adapt them to. Physiological and psychological capabilities of a person, the length of the conditions of the most efficient work that does not create a threat to human health and is performed by them at a lower cost of strength. When building devices, the requirements of ergonomics are to ensure that the labor process of the hardware is adapted to its physical and mental capabilities. It should ensure maximum labor efficiency and eliminate a possible threat to health.

Another important requirement, specific for food industries, follows from the appointment of food enterprises. In food production, high sanitary and hygienic conditions should be provided, preventing the possibility of infection of products or pollution by its product effects of the medium and material from which the buildings are built. This is ensured by the tightness of the devices, constructive forms that allow to make careful cleaning, automation, which gives the opportunity to conduct a process without touching human hands, selection of the appropriate material for the construction of the device.

Constructive and aesthetic requirements

These and the group include the requirements associated with the design, transportation and installation of the apparatus. The main ones are as follows: the standard and replaceability of the parts of the device; the smallest complexity when assembling; convenience of transportation, disassembly and repair; The minimum mass of both the entire apparatus and its individual parts.

Consider the requirements for the mass of the device. Reducing the mass of the apparatus reduces its cost. It can be achieved by eliminating excessive strength reserves, as well as when changing the shape of the device. So, when designing a cylindrical form apparatus, if it seems the possibility, such a ratio of height to the diameter should be chosen, in which the ratio of the surface area to the volume will be minimal. It is known that the surface area of \u200b\u200bcylindrical vessels with flat lids is minimal at H / D \u003d 2. With this respect, the mass of metal consumed to build a cylindrical apparatus. Metal consumption can also be reduced by replacing flat covers with convex. In many cases, a significant reduction in the mass of the apparatus provides a transition from riveted structures to welded, rationalization of the device of individual nodes, the use of high strength and plastic materials (textolite, viniplast, etc.).

When designing devices, it is also necessary to pay attention to the manufacturability of the equipment. Technician (from the point of view of mechanical engineering) is called such a construction that can be made with the lowest time and labor time.

The device must have a pleasant shape and coloring opportunity.

Economic requirements

The concept of optimization during design. Economic requirements for apparatuses can be divided into two categories: Requirements for designing and building apparatus and requirements for the built machine in operation.

From the point of view of these requirements, the cost of designing, construction and operation of the machine should be able to be lower.

The devices that meet operational and constructive requirements inevitably meet the economic requirements. When introducing new equipment and more modern devices, it may happen that a more modern device will be more expensive. However, in this case, as rules, the cost of operation of the devices is reduced, and the quality of products is improved, and thus the introduction of a new apparatus becomes appropriate. Economic requirements are discussed in more detail in the courses of the organization and economics industry.

When designing the apparatus, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the process flowing into it is carried out in the optimal version. The optimization problem is to choose this option in which the value characterizing the operation of the apparatus (optimality criterion) was the optimal value. As a criterion of optimality, the cost of products is most often choosing. In this case, the task is set before the designer - to design the device with such data, which will ensure the minimum cost of products.

The main optimization step is the choice of optimization criteria and the compilation of the mathematical model of the device. Using this model, with the help of electronic computing machines, find the optimal solution.

polishing Food grinding

2 . Me.hanic processes


Grinding and polishing are used in the processing of millet, oats and corn (grinding), rice, pea, barley and wheat (grinding and polishing).

When grinding from the surface of the peeling grain, fruit and seed shells are removed, partly alarium layer and germ.

Grinding improves appearance, persistence and culinary properties of crepe. However, grinding reduces the biological value of the cereals, since a significant part of the vitamins, full proteins, mineral substances in the embryo, alaron layer and the outer parts of the milded kernel are removed with the fiber and pentosamas.

Equipment for grain grinding and cereals

Valcelated machine SVU- 2 (Fig.) Designed for the peeling of buckwheat and millet. It has one deck. The grain is peeling between the abrasive drum and a fixed abrasive or rubber deck.

Valceled Machine SVU-2

From the receiving bunker 7 by means of a supply roll 2 and a hinged flap 3 grain, distributed along the length of the rotating drum 4 and decks 5, it falls into the working area 6. The base of the drum is a cylinder of sheet steel with coal stations 7, located in the formulating. To control the size and shape of the working area, the mechanism consisting of a decoder holder 8 and the movable part 9 of the caliper, which can be moved by caliper 12. Turning the screw by steering 14, you can change the size and shape of the machine working area 14. This is necessary, for example, for peeling buckwheat, when it is required to give the working area of \u200b\u200bthe sickle form.

At the bottom of the decoer holder, the pins 18 are installed on both sides, connected to the screw load 19. Turning the flywheel 20, you can change the position of the deck and to give the work area a wedge-shaped form is optimal for peeling millet. Peeling products are removed from the machine through the nozzle 17. The machine is driven from the electric motor 15 through the clinorem transmission 16. In order to remove the deck, the caliper 12 along with the deck turns to the appropriate angle around the axis 13. Source high technological indicators are achieved by applying buckwheat Sandstone drum and deck, and for peeling millet - an abrasive drum and an elastic deck made of special rubber-smelter plates of the RTD brand.

For the peeling of buckwheat, it is necessary after 24 ... 36 hours to take a sandstone drum and a deck with a depth of 1.0 ... 1.2 mm with a slope of 4 ... 5 ° to forming. The number of grooves take 4 ... 6 per 1 cm of the drum circle depending on the size of the treated grains. When peeling, millet needs every 3 ... 4 days to restore the rough surface of the abrasive drum and rub the rubberized decoup to the roll.

The working surface of the drum during processing: buckwheat - sandstone, millet - abrasive. The working surface of the deck during processing: buckwheat - sandstone, millet - rubber. The form of the working area of \u200b\u200bthe machine during peeling: buckwheat - sickle, millet - wedge-shaped.

Flashing-grinding machine A1- Z.SN- Z. (Fig. 4) is designed to peeling rye and wheat during wallpaper and rye varietal grooves on milling plants, grinding and polishing barley when producing a pearl cereal, barley peeling in the feed plants. The veil cylinder 4 is installed in the body 5 of the working chamber, the shaft 3 with abrasive circles 6 rotates in two bearing supports 8 and 12. In the upper part it is hollow and has six rows of holes, eight holes in each row.

Peeling-grinding machine AL-ZHN-Z

The car installed the receiving 7 and the outlet 1 pipe. The latter is equipped with a device for regulating the duration of product processing. The removal pipeline is fixed to the flange of the nozzle installed in the zone of the ring channel (for the output of the grid) of the housing 2. The drive of the machine is carried out from the electric motor 9 through the clinorem gear 11. The body 5 of the working chamber is attached to the housing 2, which in turn is installed on the bed 10.

The grain to be treated through the receiving nozzle enters the space between rotating abrasive circles and a fixed perforated cylinder. Here, due to intense friction, when moving the grain to the outlet, the shells are separated, the main mass of which through the holes of the perforated cylinder and then through the ring chamber is removed from the machine.

Using a valve device placed in an exhaust pipe, not only the amount of product produced from the machine, but at the same time its processing, machine performance, and technological efficiency of peeling, grinding and polishing process. Air is sucked through the hollow tree and the holes in it passes through the layer of the product being processed. Together with the shells and light impurities through the Sita Cylinder, it enters the ring chamber and further into the aspiration system.

One of the most common faults is an increased vibration of the machine, which occurs due to wear of abrasive circles. Great wear of circles also leads to a decrease in processing intensity. Therefore, the condition of the circles must be carefully monitored and to replace them in a timely manner. When replacing the perforated cylinder, it is necessary to release only one lid from the attachment, remove it, and then remove the cylinder from the resulting annular slot.

The peeling-grinding machines AL-ZHN-s are released in four versions with abrasive circles for various grain sizes (from 80 to 120).

Grinding machine A1.- B.Shm - 2,5 (Fig. 5) is designed for grinding rice-cereals.

Grinding machine A1-BSHM - 2.5

Grinding is exposed to peeling rice with the content of non-liberal grains no more than 2%. The grinding machine consists of two grinding sections 15 and 19 mounted in the housing, and frame 4. Each grinding section has a feeder 18, a receiving nozzle 12, a folding cover 16, a sieve drum 9, grinding drum 8, unloader and electric motor 20.

The machine is closed outside with walls 7 and 7. Under grinding sections 15 and 19, a hopper 2 is installed for collecting and outputting the grid of the machine. The drive has a protective fence 13 and a doors 14 for maintenance.

In the feeder 18, two flaps are installed, one of which opens or overlaps the product access to the machine, the second 11 is used to regulate the amount of product supplied to the machine. Sita drum 9 consists of two half-cylinders. A sieve is fixed to the frame of each cylinder with two rows of racing and screws. Both semi-cylinders are tightened with four ribbons.

Grinding drum 8 is dialed out of abrasive circles. From the receipt of the product, it has a screw feeder 10, and on the outlet side - impeller 5. Unloader 6 is a cast glass with a hole that overlaps with a cargo valve. On the lever of the valve on the thread moves the load.

Rice cereals through the feeder enters the grinding section and the screw is fed to the working area, where, passing between rotating grinding and sieve drums with races, grinding. The meal at the same time wakes up through the sieve in the bunker 2 and is derived from the car from the car. Grinding cereals, overcoming the force of the cargo valve, enters the pipe 3 and is also output from the machine.

The setting of the grinding machine consists in choosing the optimal duration of rice cereal processing. For this, as indicated above, the unloaders are equipped with cargo valves, allowing us by changing the position of cargoes on the levers to adjust the end of the subel in the working area. Watching visually through the luke of the discharge nozzle behind the exit product, as well as behind the load of the electric motor according to the ammeter reading, select the required gain of the cargo valve and the position of the lower feeder valve.

3. Hydromechanical processes

The main patterns of filtration

Due to the small size of the holes in the layer of precipitate and the filtering partition, as well as the low speed of the liquid phase in them, we can assume that the filtering takes place in the laminar region. At the same time, the filtering rate at each given moment is directly proportional to the pressure difference and inversely proportional to the viscosity of the phase fluid and the overall hydraulic resistance of the precipitate layer and the filter partition. Due to the fact that in general, in the process of filtering the value of the pressure difference and hydraulic resistance of the precipitate layer over time, the variable filtering rate variable w. (m / s) expressed in differential form, and the primary filtering equation has the form:

where V is the filtrate volume, m 3; S.- Filtering surface, m 2; - filtering duration, sec; - pressure difference, N / m 2; - viscosity of the liquid phase of the suspension, Nsec / m 2; R OC - resistance of the layer of precipitate, M -1; R F.P. - Resistance to the filter partition (it can be considered approximately constant).

The value of R OS as the thickness increases the layer of the precipitate varies from zero at the beginning of the filtering to the maximum value at the end of the process. To integrate equation (1), it is necessary to establish the relationship between R OS and the resulting filtrate. Given the proportionality of the volume of precipitate and the filtrate, we denote the ratio of the volume of precipitate V OS to the volume of the filtrate V through x 0. Then the volume of precipitate V OS \u003d x 0 V. At the same time, the size of the sediment can be expressed as V OS \u003d H OC S, where H OC is the height of the precipitate layer. Hence:

From here the thickness of the uniform sediment layer on the filter partition will be:

and its resistance

where R O is the resistivity of the precipitate layer, M -2.

Substituting the value of R OC from the expression (3) to the equation (1) we obtain:

. (4) .


1. Dragilev A.I., Drozdov V.S. Technological machines and food industries. - M.: Kolos, 1999, - 376 p.

2. Stabikov V.N., Lysinsky V.M., Popov V.D. Food processes and apparatus. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1985. - 503 s.

3. Food Products / R.Z. Grigorieva. Kemerovo Institute of Food Industry. - Kemerovo, 2004. - 116 p.

4. Machines for peeling and grinding grain crops. http://www.znaytovar.ru/s/mashiny_dlya_shelusheniya_i_shlifova.html.

5. Processes and apparatuses of food industries: Lectures in the course of pap Part 1. Ivanan V.N., Krokhalev A.A., Bakin I.A., Potapov A.N. Kemerovo Institute of Food Industry. - Kemerovo, 2002. - 128 p.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Almaty Technological University

Typical learning program for the discipline "Processes and apparatuses of food production" for students of day form of training

Lecturer: Tabayev Talgat Mukhazhanovich - Department "Mechanization and automation of production processes"

Semester 2009-2010 academic year

Specialty: 050727 - Food technology, 050728 - Processing technologies

Lifetime - 4 years

Academic degree - Bachelor

Name, number (code) of the course and the number of loans:

Food processes and devices

Number of loans - 3

Semester - 2,3.

Final Examination (Final Examination) - oral exam and testing.Olenexament conducts a teacher, testing - CT ATU.

2.Rextractions of the course (prerequisites):higher Mathematics, Physics

3. Constructed:food manufacturing equipment, food production technology.

4. The goal of the course:Creation of students from the foundations of theoretical training to master knowledge on special courses. Formation of scientific thinking students, understanding the physicochemical essence of the main processes, which are common to many sectors of the food industry, as well as mastering the knowledge of the principles of the device and methods for calculating the devices intended for these processes. Mastering students Methods of conducting experimental research, processing results obtained, evaluating the degree of their reliability and determination of measurement errors. By the end of the course, students should have a set of educational and practical materials (abstracts of lectures, practical and laboratory classes, reports on the SRS).

5. Schedule course description:A feature of the course is to study the general principles of all technological processes in order to know their internal laws, as well as the development of scientifically based methods for calculating processes and devices. The course consists of lectures, practical and, laboratory classes, independent work of students. The course of lectures consists of 6 sections (blocks): 1 - general information, classification and principles of processes and devices; 2 - Basics of hydraulics; 3 - hydromechanical processes; 4 - mechanical processes; 5 - thermal processes; 6 - Mass exchange processes. At lectures, students should receive theoretical knowledge of the OP studied subject. In practical classes, students receive skills to calculate technological processes and food industries: determination of material and thermal flows, geometric sizes and structural features of devices, their performance. Laboratory classes contribute to the acquisition of scientific research skills, experimenting and processing obtained results. The SRS contributes to the development of the ability to work with literary sources, consolidating skills in the calculation. The assessment of the assimilation of the material passed is carried out using the intermediate control - 3 test work in the form of tests, final exams: oral and testing.

6. Estimated information:

Intermediate types of control - 60 points (affixed teacher)

Final oral exam - 15 points (Lects teacher)

Final testing - 25 points (affixed TST ATU)

The maximum number of points affixed for the various types of work and the forms of control is given in Table 1. The maximum score is affixed by the student with the full task execution within the specified period, incomplete or late execution does not allow to obtain a maximum score and is estimated as a percentage of the maximum value (0, 25 , 50 and 75%).

Table 1

The final estimates are affixed in the score, letter and traditional form.

Terms of intermediate control:

Time of delivery of homework, reports on the SRS: Saturday 9.30-11.20.

Attention!With successful course mastering and timely execution of all tasks, the student has the right to receive a maximum evaluation of the final interface on the basis of its rating.

7. Yes on the teacher.

Teacher:Taubaev Talgat Mukhazhanovich - Teacher of the Department " Mechanization and automation of production processes»Atu.

Office:Almaty, ul. Tole Bi, 100, Corps No. 3, Cab. 303.

Telephone: 92-47-90 (internal - 215)

Duration: 9.00 - 17.00 - daily, except Saturday and Resurrection, on Saturday - 9.30 - 12.00.

2 course, Russian compartment:

Lectures, practical classes, SRSSP, consultation:

8. Policy and procedure:forbidden to be late, disrespectful passages of classes, late provision of work, lack of on the exam.

Student Requirements:

· Development of missed classes for valid reasons on Saturday 9.30-11.30;

· Actively participate in the educational process;

· On your own in the library, at home, in the Internet class.

Norms of academic ethics:Conflict situations should be discussed openly in academic groups.

9. Calendar and thematic plan of lectures, classes:

Topics lectures

Lecture (week) date Theme and content of the lecture Theme of the SRSP, SRS Literature (Sections, Pages)
29.01.2009 Introduction The purpose and objectives of the discipline. Basic concepts and definitions. General patterns of flowing technological processes, their classification. The main stages of the design of the devices. Elements of the theory of similarity and modeling. Requirements for apparatuses. Classification of processes by classes, groups and types
5.02.2009 Hydraulics. Properties of liquids. Basic laws of hydrostatics: Euler, Pascal, Archimedes. Euler equilibrium equation. Communicating vessels.
12.02.2009. Basics of hydrodynamics. Motion modes. The laws of hydrodynamics: continuity, Bernoulli. Hydrodynamic semblance. Distribution of fluid rates. Euler's movement equation.
19.02.2009 Embossing of liquids. Basics of rheology. Criteria for hydrodynamic similarity.
26.02.2009 Hydraulic machines. Pumps. Compressor machines. Characteristics of the centrifugal pump.
09.10.2009 Hydromechanical processes. Characteristics of dispersed systems. Stirring and dispersion. Foaming, whipping, fluidization. Spraying liquids. Sink processes.
7 - 1 rating 5.03.2009 Separation of heterogeneous liquid systems. Separation in the field of gravity and in the field of centrifugal forces. Separators.
12.03.2009 Filtering, membrane separation methods. Reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration. Gas cleaning. Gas cleaning.
19.03.2009. Mechanical processes. Basic concepts. Grinding materials. Basics of grinding theory. Cycles and shredding methods. Pressing. Essence and purpose of processes, their classification. The main factors affecting the pressing process. Hardware design processes. Mixing and sorting bulk materials.
26.03.2009 Thermal processes. General. Essence and methods of thermal processing. Theoretical basics of heat exchange. Thermal conductivity, heat transfer, heat transfer, thermal radiation, mixed heat exchange. The main criteria of thermal similarity. Criterial equations.
2.04.2009 Types of heat exchangers, classification, device, application. Basics calculations of thermal equipment. Intensification of thermal processes. Apparatuses with a shirt, with the inner surface of heat exchange, with radiant heat exchange.
9.04.2009 Specific general purpose processes. Pasteurization, sterilization, evaporation. Basics of calculation and devices. Processes of freezing and defrosting their types and essence, equations of thermal and material balances, devices. Cooking and frying processes.
16.04.2009 Mass exchange processes. Theoretical foundations of mass transfer processes. Molecular diffusion equation. Mass conduit, mass transfer, mass transfer. Classification of mass exchange processes. The output of the equation of molecular diffusion.
23.04.2009 Sorption processes. Absorption and adsorption. Basic concepts, phase equilibrium equation, material balance of processes, devices. Extraction. Essence and purpose of the process, equation of material balance, devices. Rectification and simple distillation. Essence of processes, material and thermal balance, devices. Desorption.
15 - 2 rating 30.04.2009 Drying. Physical essence of the process, moisture and thermal radiation. Drying kinetics, drying curves and drying speeds. Basics of calculating the process. Types of drying, devices. Dissolution and crystallization. Essence and purpose of processes. Kinetic equation and its analysis, hardware design. Physical, chemicals and electrophysical methods of food processing.

10. Calendar and thematic plan of laboratory classes.

List of laboratory work(Methodical instructions for laboratory work to get from the teacher at the Department of MAPP, Corp. №1, Aud. No. 609).

Semester 2.

Abstract lectures on the course "Processes and apparatuses of food production"

Lecture 1.

Common laws

All technological production is based on energy and mass conservation laws:

1. Thermal Balance

2. Material balance

Heat in isobaric conditions without changing the aggregate state:

Process - Sequential and natural changes in the system, resulting in new properties in it.

A car - Mechanism (their combination) intended for transforming mechanical energy to useful work.

Apparatus - A device for conducting a process.

Classification of processes:

1. Organizational and technical:

A) Periodic

B) continuous

C) Combined

2. With respect to time:

A) established P ≠ F (τ) P - process parameter

B) unidentified n \u003d f (τ)

3. According to kinetic laws:

The speed of the process is directly proportional to the moving strength and back resistance:

where x - driving force.

A) hydromechanical: x r \u003d Δp

B) mechanical: x m \u003d Δf

C) thermal: x t \u003d Δt

D) Mass exchange: x Mo \u003d ΔC

D) Chemicals

E) microbiological

G) electrophysical: x email \u003d ΔU

To describe the state and its changes in various bodies, physical quantities are used, for measuring them - units of SI system.

The development of new processes and devices consists of several stages:

1. Technical Development Development

2. Creating a sketch project

3. Creating a technical project

4. Creating design documentation

These stages include analytical and experimental studies - for this modeling theory:

1. Mathematical modeling:

1.1. The deterministic approach is the analysis of elementary phenomena.

1.2. Static - study the effect of input parameters for the weekend.

2. Physical modeling - study of processes on specific models.

Fundamentals of similarity theory:

1. The processes occurring in the model and the natural apparatus should be described by the same equations.

2. The model must be geometrically similar to a natural pattern.

3. The values \u200b\u200bof the initial and boundary conditions of the process, expressed in the form of criteria, should be the same.

4. All criteria and dimensionless components in all similar dots should be the same.

Requirements for apparatuses:

1. Technological - quality, short time, energy resource-saving.

2. Operational - simplicity of maintenance with minimal cost and time, availability for repair and cleaning.

3. Energy - energy saving.

4. Constructive - unification, standardization, decrease in material consumption, aesthetics, etc.

5. Economic

6. Environmental protection.

Lecture 2.

Basics of hydraulics

The liquid is considered as a continuously material environment.

Its properties:

1) density (kg / m 3)

2) Specific volume

3) elasticity (volume compression coefficient)

module of volumetric elasticity

4) Temperature Expansion Coefficient

5) Tension surface

6) Capillary

7) Viscosity

Where V - speed, H is a linear cross-sectional size

According to the Newton equation for the Newtonian liquid, the specific force of friction is determined:

Nengeton liquids (bingama) - dough, mince, cottage cheese. For them: (2)

s ut - the specific force of friction, pa

s PT is the limit value of the friction force (PA), over which the fluid comes into motion.


The main equation of hydrostatics Euler:



Law Pascal

Denote H \u003d Z 1 - Z 2 - immersion depth.

Then from equation (2):

The pressure at the depth of H increases by the size of the hydrostatic pressure GH.

Corollary: The pressure being created at any point is transmitted to all the points of the volume of the fluid.

Law Archimedes:

On the body, immersed in the liquid, the ejecting force equal to the weight of the displaced water acts.

Figure 2.2- to the Archimedes Act Figure 2.3 - Reporting vessels

dP 1 \u003d w gh 1 ds

p 2 \u003d w gh 2 ds

dP B \u003d DP 2 - DP 1 \u003d w GHDS

Gravity P B \u003d R T GV

Result: p R \u003d p T -P B \u003d V (R T -R G) G

If a r T\u003e R w, then (+ r) - the body is sinking.

If a r T. , then (- r) - the body pops up.

Communicating vessels

From here: if, then

Lecture 3.


Studies the patterns of fluid movement.

Basic concepts:

1. Current flow V \u003d V cf s

2. Mass flow M \u003d r v cp s

3. Emergency speed v with p \u003d

Hydraulic canal radius r guide \u003d., P - moistened perimeter

Equivalent diameter: d e \u003d 4r guide

Current modes

1. Laminar - layers of fluid move in parallel to each other without acceleration or equally.

2. Turbulent - layers are mixed, curvatures and ripples are observed.

Figure 2.4 - Distribution Figure 2.5 - to the speed equation

Reynolds Criterion:

RE \u003d.

Rec \u003d 2320

V. Max \u003d (P 1 -P 2) v. R \u003d. v. Max ()


V. = v. Wed S \u003d const

Volumetric flow through any liquid flow rate value is constant.

Euler's equations

- Acceleration

M - force causing M \u003d RDV

Figure 2.6 - to Euler's movement equations

The elementary volume is valid for pressure and severity:

In equilibrium equal to the forces of the causing movement. After converting:


Bernoulli equation

After prevailing and directlying (1), we obtain the Bernoulli equation for the perfect liquid (without friction):

Figure 2.7 - to the Bernoulli equation

In accordance with Figure 2.7, taking into account the loss of pressure on overcoming friction forces, you can write:

(for real liquid)

where, - full pressure n

Z 2. - geometric pressure

Static (piezometric) pressure

Speed \u200b\u200b(dynamic) pressure

h - pressure loss. Arises due to friction. Power loss coefficients in the length of the pipeline:

laminar, turbulent

Hydraulic resistance (friction and place of occurrence):

1. Introductory and transition nozzles 4. Turning pipe

2. Large volume vessel 5. Valves, cranes

3. Construction, expansion

The energy sense of the Bernoulli equation:

H - full energy;

Z - potential energy;

- Specific kinetic energy

Basics of hydrodynamic similarity

1. Geometric semblance

2. Hydrodynamic semblance - like fields of physical quantities characterizing the phenomenon

newton's criterion;

; Ne M. - model, Ne N. - Nature.

Frouda criterion: - the ratio of gravity and inertia;

Euler's criterion: - ratio of pressure and inertia;

Gallilee's criterion: - the ratio of viscous friction and severity;

Graolshaf's criterion: - the ratio of viscous friction and lifting force;

Criterion of homochronism: - unsteady nature of movement.

Calculation of diameters of pipelines

Important when designing

Volume flow equation: . Hence the diameter is determined:

1¸3 m / s (for drip liquids)

8 - 15 m / s (gas, air with a slight pressure)

15 - 20 m / s (gas, air at high pressure)

20 - 30 m / s (saturated pairs)

30 - 50 m / s (overheated pairs)

Lecture 4.

Embossing of fluid

Use Bernoulli equation. First, we investigate the expiration at a constant level:

N and - overpressure in a water column meters.

Nozzles are used to receive jets ( l./ D \u003d 3¸5)

1 - cylindrical (j and \u003d 0.8), 2 - conical: a - tousing (j and \u003d 0.9-0.95, for a long-range jet), b - expanding (j and \u003d 0.5-0.55 For a large consumption at low kinetic energy), 3 - cone (j \u003d 0.97).

Figure 2.9 - Nozzles

Structure strength:

On a flat wall: F \u003d RVU

On the convex wall: F \u003d RVU (1 - COS A)

On a concave wall: f \u003d 2rvu

Basics of rheology

Nengeton liquids (3 main groups):

1. The shear rate depends on the direction and does not depend on the duration of exposure - viscous:

a) bingamov s\u003e s cr - plastic viscosity coefficient (thick suspensions, pastes);

b) pseudoplastic small values \u200b\u200bof s cr - apparent viscosity H k, which decreases with an increase in the gradient of the speed (suspension with asymmetric particles);

c) dilanate - H to grows with an increase in speed gradient (suspension with a large number of solid phase);

a) thixotropic - over time the shear voltage falls (the structure is destroyed);

b) Reopectic - over time, shear stress grows.

3. Vyazkolagovy (Maxwell) - flow when the voltage is applied, and after the removal is restored in part (dough).

When calculating pipelines, the volume consumption is determined:

where M is a mass flow rate, kg / s.

Then - Diameter:

Lecture 5.


Technological processes require mixing, pumping, supplying and removal of liquids and gases.

For liquids - pumps;

For gases - compressor machines.

Determination of the pressure generated by the pump

Figure 2.10 - Determination of the required pump pressure

H G is the height of the geometric lifting of the fluid. Also called full pressure;

N - injection height;

N B is the height of suction.

H HSV - hydrosistant in the suction pipeline;

N GSN - hydrosistant in the pumping pipeline.

If the pressure in the tanks is different:

The theoretical height of suction may be equal to atmospheric pressure, but it strongly depends on the temperature (boiling).

So at t \u003d 0 o C ® H B \u003d 9 m, and at t \u003d 65 o C ® H B \u003d 0

Pumps are divided into:

1) piston (plunger): simple and double action, multi-vent

Figure 2.11 - Plunger Pump

Double action

2) Centrifugal: single and multistage - for mixing low-viscosity liquids. Before starting must be filled, therefore it is set below the fluid level (Figure 2.12)

B - screw pump in inkjet pump

A - Membrane Pump

Figure 2.14 - Pumps

2.Compressor machines

Used to move gases and divided depending on the ratio of pressures at the output P 2 and the input of P 1 to:

1) Fans: P 2 / P 1< 1,1

2) Fizvilk: P 2 / P 1< 3

3) Compressors: P 2 / P 1\u003e 3

Brief abstract module

The food industry satisfies the needs of the population in food. In size, it produces near the fifth of the gross industry in Belarus. In the food industry employs about 9% of the total industrial and industrial foundations of the country.

The large value of the food industry indicates that its products is more than 90% of the food consumed by the population.

The food industry includes many different production. With all the variety of technology, all these production unites, first of all the community of appointing their products. The most important sectors of the food industry are: flump, cereal, bakery, sugar, confectionery, meat, fish, canned, oil, damp, tea-coffee, winemaking, brewing, etc.

The food industry is characterized by extremely wide placement. A wide variety and prevalence of its raw materials contribute to the wide placement. However, its separate industries are very different from each other, and in this respect, the food industry can be divided into three groups of industries.

The same group consists of industries that process the non-transportable (or low-transportable) raw materials (beetroot, fruit industry, winemaking, distinguished industry). These industries are placed in raw materials production areas.

Another group consists of industries that process transportable raw materials and producing low-transport or perishable products (bakery, some confectionery production, drug, brewing industry, etc.) They are placed in product consumption areas.

The third group includes industries that can be placed both in commodities and in consumer areas (depending on the circumstances).

The didactic module "Basic Technological Processes of Food Production" is designed for independent study by students of the economic specialties of a number of issues of organizing technological processes of bakery production, meat processing and milk. Studying this topic, they should get a clear concept of technical and economic performance indicators of food production technologies.

Themed Plan

1. Technology bakery production.

2. Meat and meat products technology.

3. Milk processing technology.

1. Bakery production technology

The process of producing bread and bakery products is composed of 6 stages:

1. reception and storage of raw materials;

2. preparation for starting into production;

3. cooking test;

4. Cutting the test;

5. Baking;

6. Storage of baked products and sending them to the trading network.

The reception and storage of raw materials covers the period of reception, movement into warehouses, the subsequent storage of all types of main and additional raw materials entering bakery production. The main raw materials include flour, water, yeast and salt, and to additional - sugar, fatty products, eggs and other types of raw materials.

Each batch of raw materials takes an analysis for compliance with their regulations for the production of certain types of bakery products.

The preparation of raw materials to the start is that on the basis of these analyzes of individual batches of flour on bakery, the laboratory staff set it expediently with currents of the bakery properties, a mixture of individual pieces of flour. Mixing the flour of individual parties is carried out in mucosmers, of which the mixture is sent to the control screen and in the hopper, from which it will be supplied to the preparation of the test.

Water is stored in tanks - cold and hot water pots, of which enters the dispensers, providing its necessary temperature to prepare the test.

Salt is pre-dissolved in water, the solution is filtered, brought to the necessary concentration and is sent to prepare the test.

The extruded yeast is pre-crushed and in the stirrer are converted into a mixture with water into a suspension, then come to prepare the test.

Preparation of dough. In case of an unopened way, the preparation of the test consists of the following processes:

Dosing raw materials. Appropriate dosing devices are measured and dough the necessary amounts of flour, water of a given temperature, yeast suspension, salt and sugar solution are measured.

Cast dough. After filling out the decay, the necessary components include the test machine and produce a test of the test. The kneading must provide homogeneous dough on physical and mechanical composition.

Fermentation and windshield test. In the disheveled test, the process of alcohol fermentation caused by yeast. Carbon dioxide released during fermentation breaks the dough, due to which it increases in volume.

To improve physico-mechanical properties, the dough during fermentation is subjected to one or more voltage. The oven is that the dough in the balance is re-stirred 1 to 3 minutes. During the ovenness of the test, the excessive part of carbon dioxide is mechanically removed.

The total duration of the fermentation of the test is 2 -4 hours. After fermentation, a dejo with a finished test, with the help of a decomputer, is rotated to a position in which the dough is unloaded into the bunker - a testosk, located under a ductaratory machine.

Cutting test. Dental dough on pieces is carried out on a ductivative machine. Slices of dough from a dividing machine enter a testo rounder, then there are several operations to form the desired shape of a bakery product. The field of this test billets pass the final disorder at Tº 35 - 40º and the humidity of 80 - 85% for 30 - 55 minutes. In a special chamber. The correct definition of the optimal duration of the final disorder has a big impact on the quality of bakery products. The insufficient duration of the disorder reduces the volume of products, the tip of the upper crust, excessive - leads to the vague of the products.

Bakery products. Baking test billets weighing 500-700g. It occurs in a bakery chamber of a bakery furnace at a temperature of 240-280º for 20-24 minutes.

Storage of baked products and sending them to the trading network. Baked bakery products are sent to the bakery, which are stacked in trays that are loaded into transport and transported to the trading network.

For bakery products there are standards for which their quality is determined. The deviation from these standards may be caused by a number of defects and diseases of bread. Bread defects can be due to flour quality and deviations from the optimal modes of conducting separate technological processes of bread production, storage and transportation.

To defects of bread, caused by the quality of flour can be attributed:

Foreign smell

Crunch on the teeth caused by the presence of sand in the flour.

Bitter taste.

Stuffiness of the punching, if the flour of the resistance from the sprouted or frost grain.

Bread defects with improper technological processes include:

1. Empire cooking test.

2. Power cutting of the test (storing).

3. Equipment baking (disadvantage or excess baking time).

The most common bread diseases are potato disease and mold.

The potato disease of the bread is expressed in the fact that the crumb of bread under the action of microorganisms causing this disease is made to pull and becomes an unpleasant smell. The pathogens of this disease are disputes of microorganisms that are in any flour. The concentration of these microorganisms and bread baking temperature play an important role.

Molding bread is caused by the hit of mold mushrooms and their dispute on the already baked bread.

2. Meat and meat products technology

For the acceptance of a livestock part of the live weight, it is sorted by age groups and categories of fatness in accordance with the standards for live livestock. Cattle and youngs are divided into three categories: the highest, middle and below average. The same classification and in small horned cattle. Pigs are divided into categories: fatty, bacon, meat and skinny. Bird and rabbits are divided into 3 categories: 1, 2 and non-standard.

To create the necessary conditions for the preparation of animals to the fence in the meat processing plants, the premost content of livestock and birds are created. Preparation of animals and birds to the taste is to exempt their intestinal and gastric tract, cleaning and washing. For the liberation of the gastrointestinal tract, feeding cattle is stopped in 24 hours, pigs - 12 hours, birds - 8 hours. Pating animals and birds are not limited.

After precomply exposure, animals come to initial processing to obtain a meat carcass. The technological process of slaughter of the cattle and cutting of the carcass is carried out in the following sequence: stunning, blood flowing and collection, head separation and limbs, eat skins, extracting internal organs, cutting carcasses into two semi-adhesives.

There are several ways to stun: electric current, mechanical effects, testing with chemicals. The main method on meat processing plants is electric.

After stunning with a winch or elevator, animals are served in a slaughterhouse, where originally cut the carotid artery, the clamp overlap the esophagus. Then the blood is harvested (closed and open systems). After blood skewering from the carcass, they remove the skin, then separated the head and limb. Extraction of internal organs must be done immediately after slaughter no later than 30 minutes. without damage to the gastrointestinal tract. After extracting the internal organs of the carcass is cut into two halves. These semi-curtains come to implement or processing.

Sausages call products prepared on the basis of meat minced meat with salt, spices and additives with thermal treatment or without it. Salted products are products prepared from raw materials with a non-destructive or large-scale structure.

Depending on raw materials and processing methods, the following types of sausages are distinguished: boiled, semi-joint, smoked, stuffed, blood sausages, etc. etc.

Over the next years, scientists and specialists from different countries conduct research on the creation of combined meat products that combine traditional consumer properties in the use of protein of various origin.

The solution to the task of creating full combined meat products must be linked to the development of a new direction in food technology - food design.

Canned canned food - these are meat products, packaged in hermetic container and sterilized or pasteurized heating. By types of raw materials, canned food is divided into natural juice, with sauces and jelly.

For the purpose of canned food divide on the snacks, the first dish, the second dish, semi-finished products.

According to the method of preparing the preservation of canned food, they are divided into used without thermal treatment used in the heated state, in the chilled state.

The duration of the storage period is distinguished by canned long storage (3-5 years) and snack bars.

One of the main tasks of the technologists of the meat industry is the creation of waste-free processing technologies for raw materials. This can be achieved by improving existing technological schemes with rational use of the stock of raw materials, technological equipment, vehicles.

3. Milk Processing Technology

The main condition for obtaining benign dairy products - compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules in the milk and primary processing of milk, as well as feeding conditions and animal content. Special attention should be paid to the washing of udder and dairy equipment. Mechanical processing of milk includes cleaning from mechanical impurities and contaminants of biological origin, separation.

Cleaning milk from mechanical impurities can be carried out by filtering under pressure through cotton fabric. The most advanced method is the use of separators - milk chockers, in which milk and mechanical impurities are separated under the action of centrifugal force. For mechanical processing of milk, except centrifugal dairy separators are used. Separators - cream separators, universal separators.

Thermal processing is an important and obligatory operation in the technological process of producing dairy products. The main goal of heating is to neutralize the product in microbiological terms and in combination with cooling to protect against damage during the storage.

In the dairy industry, two main types of heat treatment of milk heating - pasteurization and sterilization are widely used.

Thermal processing of milk at temperatures below the boiling point is called pasteurization. The purpose of pasteurization is the destruction of vegetative forms of microorganisms in milk. In practice, short-term pasteurization is most common (74-76º C, 20 sec.) Milk passes through the heated plates.

Under sterilization means the thermal treatment of milk at temperatures above 100º C in order to complete the destruction of vegetative forms of bacteria and their dispute. Sterilized milk acquires a flavor of boiling.

In practice, the following sterilization regimes are used: I - sterilization in bottles at a temperature of 103-108º C for 14-18 min, II - sterilization in bottles and sterilizers at a temperature of 117-120ºС, III - instant sterilization at a temperature of 140-142 ºС with spill In paper bags.

After pasteurization, milk is immediately cooled to different temperatures depending on the technological process of producing a finished product.

Pasteurized milk is released in small packaging, as well as in tanks.

It is produced according to the following technological scheme: Acceptance of raw materials - high-quality assessment - milk cleaning (at 35-40ºС), Cooling pasteurization (74-76ºС) Cooling (4-6ºС), preparation of containers - capping and labeling - storage. The shelf life of pasteurized milk at a temperature of 8º from no more than 20 hours from the moment of release. The quality of pasteurized milk is monitored according to the following indicators: temperature, acidity, fat content, evaluation by smell and taste.

The process of production of pasteurized milk is carried out on two concepts: with one and two-stage sterilization mode. With single-stage sterilization mode, milk is subjected to heat treatment once - before or after spill in the bottle. At the same time, the first option is better. Technological scheme: Acceptance of raw materials - high-quality assessment - cleaning - heated (75-80ºС) - sterilization (135-150ºС) - cooling (15-20ºС) Preparation of containers, spill - quality check.

A more resistant product is obtained with two-stage sterilization. In this method, milk is sterilized twice: to spill (in the stream) and after spill (in bottles).

Boxed milk - pasteurized milk with long-term heat treatment (heating 3-4 hours., 95-99ºС).

Milk with fillers: coffee, cocoa, fruit-berry juices.

Vitaminized milk with the addition of vitamins A, D, S.

Cream: Battime - 8, 10, 20, 35%

For lactic acid products include: Prostokavasha various species, ryazhenka, kefir, koumiss, yogurt, etc. Drinks. General features of all lactic acid products are fermentation, which flows with milk bumps with pure crops of lactic acid bacteria.

There are two groups of fermented ferrous drinks: obtained only as a result of lactic acid fermentation and mixed fermentation - dairy and sour and alcohol.

The group includes Prostokvash, Ryazhenka.

KO 2 group - kefir, koumiss.

There are two ways to manufacture fermented fermentation drinks: tank and heat-resistant. The first method includes: milk roding in tanks - stirring - cooling in tanks - maturation - spill into bottles or packages. The second method consists of the following operations: spill into bottles - marking - cooling - maturation in the refrigeration chamber.

Cottage cheese is obtained by rolling milk with milk acid bacteria, followed by serum removal. There are cottage cheese from pasteurized milk designed to directly eating and producing various cottage cheese products, as well as from unpasteurized milk used for the production of various melted and other cheeses passing thermal processing.

Depending on the fat content, cottage cheese is divided into fat (18% fat), bold (9%) and low-fat. Cottage cheese is produced by acid and renewed acid. According to the first method of bunching in milk, it is formed as a result of lactic acid fermentation, however, with this method, the bumping of busty milk of the bunch is poorly given serum. Therefore, only degreased cottage cheese is obtained in this way. Fat and bold cottage cheese are made by a reaches with an acidic way ...

Sour cream is produced by rifling pasteurized cream. 10% (dietary), 20, 25, 30, 36 and 40% (amateur) are produced by sour cream.

The base cream is stirred, packaged, cooled to + 5-8 ° and leave for ripening for 24-48 hours.

The ice cream is produced by freezing and whipping dairy or fruit-berry mixes in the range of more than 50 items. The name of ice cream depends on the composition, taste and aromatic additives. Despite a significant variety of assortment The production of ice cream is carried out according to the process of the technological process: the reception of raw materials is the preparation of raw materials - the compilation of the mixture - pasteurization (68 ° C, 30 minutes) - the homogenization of the mixture (whipping) - cooling (2-6 ° C) - FRANERNATION ) - packaging and hardening (further cooling) - storage (18-25 ° C).

Federal Education Agency

Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

College of Service and Design

"Equipment for catering enterprises"

for specialties 260502.51

"Catering technology technology",

050501.52 Vocational training specialization

"Catering technology technology"

Vladivostok 2008.

Lecture number 6. Machines for cooking dough and creams

Lecture number 7. Weighing equipment

Lecture number 8. Cash

Lecture number 9. Basics of heat engineering. Heat generating devices

Lecture number 10. Hobs

Lecture №11. Heat-baked equipment

Lecture number 12. Cooking and frying and water heating equipment. Electric plates

Lecture №13. Equipment for distribution of food. Marmonies

Lecture №14. Fundamentals of refrigeration equipment. Compressors

Lecture №15. Commercial refrigeration equipment. Cameras and cabinets


Lecture №16. Occupational Safety and Health. Legal basis for labor protection


Lecture number 1. Introduction Classification of equipment

At the present stage, the public catering will occupy the prevailing place compared to the domestic power. In this regard, there is a need for further mechanization and automation of production processes as the main factor in productivity growth. The domestic industry creates a large number of various cars for the needs of catering. Annually mastered and introduced new, more modern machines and equipment that ensure the mechanization and automation of labor-intensive processes in production.

New machines, equipment that will work automatically without human participation are created and mastering.

Currently, one of the most important tasks in the country is a radical reform at the acceleration of scientific and technological progress in the national economy.

In public catering, it is especially acute, in enterprises so far the prevailing majority of production processes are performed manually. There are many types of work, where a large number of workers of unqualified labor are employed. Therefore, the root restructuring in this area of \u200b\u200bproduction implies the need for broad industrialization of production processes, the mass implementation of industrial methods for the preparation and supply of products to consumers.

A similar organization of production in public catering will allow not only to use new high-performance equipment, but also more effectively use it. The winning will be in win, the time costs are reduced, the service culture increases, and manual work and automation and automation of production increases, manual labor costs are sharply reduced, product performance increases and sanitation and sanitary conditions are improved.

The introduction of new equipment and a progressive organization of production makes it possible to significantly increase the economic efficiency of the work of catering catering by increasing labor productivity, reducing the costs of raw materials and energy.

Scientific and technical progress in public catering is not only in the development and improvement of used tools used, in creating new more efficient technical means, but also unthinkable without relevant improvement of technology and organization of production, introducing new working and management methods.

Improving the technique should ensure not only the increase in labor productivity and its relief, but also reduced labor costs per unit of products when using new machines and mechanisms. In other words, the new technique only in the case will be effective if the costs of social labor on its creation and use require less labor saved by the use of this new technique. In reducing costs per unit of production, produced using new techniques, ultimately consists of the economic essence of the improvement of machines and mechanisms.

To accelerate the pace of NTP in public nutrition, the improvement of thermal devices is of great importance, which allow to intensify the processes of thermal processing of raw materials by applying new methods of heating, automatically maintaining the specified modes, thermal process programming.

In the production of thermal equipment in our country over the past twenty years, indigenous changes occurred, which can be called technological restructuring. Three periods can be distinguished in it. The first consisted in the transition from the use of solid fuel equipment, to gas and electrical equipment. On the second, there was a transition from universal equipment (for example, a kitchen stove) to sectional, each type of which is designed to perform individual operations of thermal processing of products. The third period is currently happening. It consists in the production and implementation of equipment using new methods of thermal processing of products, dry steam or convective heating method.

For the development of thermal equipment, the most promising direction is to create new devices:

With new types of thermal processing of products (combined heating, processing of products dry steam and convective heating);

With automatic regulation and programming of the thermal process;

With a continuous action for cooking and frying products (transferants);

With devices and devices, mechanizing the processes of turning and mixing products (digestive boilers with a mechanical stirrer).

Unification and standardization of technological equipment make it possible to reduce its nomenclature and reduce the material intensity and create real prerequisites for reducing the laboriousness of products.

To increase the technical level of public catering enterprises, labor productivity growth and improving the organization of public service, it is important to improve dispensing equipment, the introduction of high-performance conveyor lines for the acquisition and implementation of complex dinners. The new direction of improving dispensing equipment is the creation of self-service shelving lines, including mobile warmeters, counters, cabinets and other types of handouts that meet sanitary and environmental standards.

Improving technological processes in public catering will be effective only if, their implementation is carried out on a new technical basis. At the same time, the new technique should be created in three directions. The main development and development of equipment corresponding to the modern level of development of science is. It is constantly working to create fundamentally new types of equipment. Along with this, much attention should be paid to the modernization of the existing technological equipment.

An important means of accelerating scientific and technological progress in catering is the timely modernization of equipment, replacing the morally obsolete technique on a modern, not inferior in quality, reliability, metal-intensity and energy intensity as the best achievements of science.

The low efficiency of the introduction of new equipment is often associated with the imperfection of constructive solutions of certain types of machines. Not enough quality and reliability of equipment used.

Thus, before the developer and the creator of the new technology, the task is to significantly improve the weight of the most important technical and economic parameters of machinery, equipment and various mechanisms in public catering:

The creation of machines and devices operating on the basis of electrophysical methods of heat treatment of food products (infrared rays and ultra-frequency heating and their use with traditional methods);

Development of means of integrated mechanization and automation of production processes for specialized and highly specialized catering facilities (pancakes, dumplings, pie, etc.);

Improving the quality of equipment manufactured - reliability, durability and maintenance, and having standard unified nodes and parts.

Creating high-performance universal machines and mechanisms that are convenient for use as in an individual form, as well as as part of mechanized or automated flow lines.

The solution of these tasks will allow intensify production processes at catering establishments, significantly improve the quality of products and reduce its cost.

Further expansion of a network of catering enterprises and an increase in their technical equipment requires the service personnel to increase technical literacy, special knowledge and advanced training.

Classification of machines

Depending on the purpose and type of products being processed, catering machines can be divided into several groups.

1. Machines for processing vegetables and potatoes - cleansing, sorting, washers, cutting, clean, etc.

2. Machines for processing meat and fish - meat grinders, minced meat, meat rippers, bolet-forming, etc.

3. Machines for processing flour and toast - sifters, dough mixing, whipping, etc.

4. Machines for cutting bread and gastronomic products - Harboring, sausage, oil producers, etc.

5. Universal drives - with a set of replaceable actuators.

6. Machines for washing subside tableware and appliances.

7. Lifting and transport vehicles.

The machine consists of three main mechanisms: motor, gear and executive, as well as control mechanisms, regulation, protection and blocking.

Motor mechanisms are mainly AC motors with a short-circuited rotor (closed, asynchronous, three-phase or single-phase). DC electric motors are used to work in restaurant wagons and on ships.

The transmitter mechanism is used to implement the relationship between motor and executive mechanisms. In the aggregate, the motor and transmission mechanisms are called the drive of the machines.

The executive mechanism determines the appointment and name of the machines. It depends on the structure of the working cycle and the nature of the technological process, as well as the form and physico-mechanical properties of the product being processed: the actuator's actuator includes a working chamber with loading and unloading devices, as well as tools for mechanical processing of products.

With the help of control mechanisms, start, stop and controlling the operation of the machine are carried out. Regulatory mechanisms are designed to configure the machine, and protection and locking mechanisms - to protect the machine from breakage and emergency shutdown.

All machines used at trade and catering enterprises can be classified according to the structure of the working cycle, the degree of mechanization and automation of processes and on the functional basis.

According to the structure of the working cycle, cars, periodic and continuous action differ. In the machines and periodic mechanisms, the product is processed for a certain time called processing time, and then removed from the working chamber. After loading a new product portion, the process is repeated. In continuous operation machines, the loading, processing and unloading processes occur simultaneously and continuously.

According to the degree of mechanization and automation, non-automatic, semi-automatic and automatic cars differ. In non-automatic machines, loading, unloading, control and auxiliary technological operations are performed by the operator. In semi-automatic machines, the main technological operations are performed by the machine; Only transport, control and some auxiliary processes remain manual. In automatic operation machines, all technological and auxiliary processes are performed by the machine.

According to the functional basis of the machine and the mechanisms of trade and public catering enterprises are divided into a number of groups due to their appointment: machines for separating bulk food; Machines for washing vegetables and dining rooms; Machines for cleaning products from exterior covers; machines for grinding products; Machines for mixing products; Machines manufacturing pressure products; Weighing devices and cash registers; Lifting and transport equipment.

Lecture number 2. General information about machines and mechanisms

The machine is a combination of mechanisms that perform a certain work or converting one type of energy in another. Depending on the purpose, the machines are distinguished - engines and work machines.

Depending on the assignment of work machines can perform a specific work on the change in shape, sizes, properties and states of labor objects. Objects of labor in catering facilities are food products subjected to various technological processing - cleaning, grinding, whipping, stirring, formation, etc.

According to the degree of automation and mechanization of the technological processes performed, non-automatic, semi-automatic, automatic, are distinguished. In automatic machines, loading, unloading, control and auxiliary technological operations are performed by a cook fixed for this machine. In semi-automatic machines, main technological operations are performed by the machine, manual remains only transport, control and some auxiliary processes. In automatic operation machines, the weight technological and auxiliary processes are performed by the machine. They are used in the composition of stream and flow-mechanized lines and completely replace human labor.

Basic requirements for machines and mechanisms.

Machines and mechanisms should satisfy the requirements of progressive technology for processing raw materials and products.

For this, it is necessary that the structural, kinematic and hydraulic parameters of the equipment ensure optimal modes of technological processes and high technical and economic indicators. Such parameters are: specific energy intensity, specific metal consumption, specific material consumption, specific water consumption occupied by equipment area, etc., i.e., the parameters of the machine referred to a unit of performance.

The design should ensure high reliability and durability of the machine, the fast replacement of worn and defective working bodies, tools, nodes and parts. The design should be technological, i.e., in the process of manufacturing and operating the machine, minimal means are spent. It is necessary that the machines and mechanisms have met the safety requirements of the safety sanitation (machines ground; workers organs, tools and elements of transmission are closed with covers, covers, safety rings, cladding or concluded in the case; in the design of many machines, various blocking devices and elements providing Disconnect them with raised fences).

Released machines are increasingly must meet the requirements of production aesthetics. The correct proportions of machines, simplicity of their shape, the convenient location of controls, boot and unloading devices, pleasant coloring helps to increase productivity and create safe working conditions.

When creating modern machines and mechanisms, they strive for standardization and unification of nodes, parts and components, which reduces the range of spare parts and facilitate the implementation of the repair work.

Workers and tools of machines and mechanisms must have high wear resistance. The quick-racing nodes and parts of the machines must be balanced to eliminate wear of bearings, shafts and cabinet parts.

Materials used in the manufacture of machines and mechanisms.

Details included in the machine are experiencing various loads, which is taken into account when choosing materials. The details of the housings (beds, racks, etc.) account for up to 75% of the mass of all parts of the machine, and although they experience minor loads, parts must meet the requirements of strength and rigidity. The details of the housings are performed by gray cast iron or aluminum and carbon steel welded steel stz and St5. The use of welded structures of covers and housings gives greater savings of metals. To reduce the mass of portable machines and mechanisms, the parts of their enclosures are made of aluminum alloys by casting or casting under pressure. In some cases, details of the housings can be made of reinforced plastics or fiberglass.

Shafts, gears, traction, axes, fingers are experiencing the greatest loads. Materials for their manufacture are carbonaceous and stainless steel. Most often, steel grades 45, 50, 40x, 65g, 15, 20x, etc. are used.

Gears, pulleys, gears, flywheels are made of cast iron, steel, aluminum alloys, as well as plastics, textolite, plastics, capron, etc.

The knives and grilles of meat grids are made of instrumental steel, as well as high chromium cast iron of the brand X28. Materials that are used for the production of tools and working chambers should not be corrosion as a result of contact with products, in addition, they should be easily cleaned from product residues and not collapse under the influence of detergents.

The selection of the brand and method of heat treatment of the material is determined by the calculation of it for strength or rigidity, taking into account technological, operational and economic requirements.

Marking of machines and mechanisms.

Currently, the labeling of machines and mechanisms are produced by industry instructions, which establishes a single order of designations, mandatory for all organizations and public catering enterprises.

The basis of the designation is the mixed alphanumeric system.

The left part of the designation is the letter - consists of three to four letters. The first letter corresponds to the name of the product (P - Privode, M - Mashin, etc.), the second one is appreciated the product (y - universal, o - cleansing, k - combined, in - whipping, T - dough mixing , Moznoy, and - chopping), the third letter corresponds to the name of the type of energy or the main technological process (e - electric, o - vegetable, M - meat, in - vibrating), etc.

The right side of the designation is digital--: serves as an indicator of the main parameter of the product (performance, capacity of the working chamber, etc.) and is separated from the left side with a hyphen. The main parameters of products indicate the top (maximum) limit. If the machine is produced in the upgraded version, after its main parameter, the cipher is affixed, denoting the modernization (m, ml, m2, etc.).

Examples of machine marking: MOC 250 - Machine for cleaning potatoes and corounelublodes with a capacity of 250 kg / h; MMU-1000-- Machine machine universal capacity of 1000 plates / h; MIM-500 - machine for grinding meat with a capacity of 500 kg / h.

Lecture number 3. Machine parts. Electric drives

Main parts and details of cars

Modern machines consist of a large number of details of various purposes. Connecting each other, the details form nodes. The main nodes of any machine used in catering establishments are: a bed, hull, work chamber, working bodies, transmitting mechanism and engine.

Stanna - serves to install and mount all the nodes of the machine. It is usually made by cast or welded and has holes for securing the machine in the workplace. The machine housing is designed to place the inner parts of the machine - the working chamber, the transfer mechanism, etc. Sometimes the bed and the case are manufactured as one.

The working chamber is a place in the car, where the product is processed by the working bodies.

Working bodies are nodes and details of machines directly affecting food in the process of their processing.

Transmission mechanism - transmits motion from the motor shaft to the working body of the machine, while simultaneously providing the required speed and direction of movement. As a rule, an electric motor is usually used as an engine

Concept of transmissions

The transmission is called a mechanical device transmitting rotational motion from the electric motor shaft to the shaft of the working bodies. At the same time, transmissions can change the rotation speed of the shaft, the direction of movement to the opposite and convert one type of movement to another.

In mechanical transmissions, the shaft with parts purchased on it transmitting rotation is called the lead, and the shaft with the details of rotation are driven.

All mechanical transmissions can be divided into belt, gear, worm, chains and friction.

Toggle is a mechanism consisting of 2 toothed wheels linked to each other. These transmissions were widely used in transmission mechanisms of machines.

Depending on the design and arrangement of gear wheels, gears are divided into cylindrical, conical and planetary. According to the method of engagement of teeth, gears are divided into transmission with external and internal gearing.

Depending on the location of the teeth, the wheels are divided into flat-faced, alcohol and chevron. For the transmission of complex rotational motion, the planetary gear mechanism is used (Fig. 1-2Pap), in which one gear wheel is motionless, the other performs a double rotation: around its axis and around the axis of the stationary wheel (whipper).

Belt transmission - is carried out with the help of two pulleys, fixed on the lead and driven shafts, and the belt for these pulleys. Rotation from one shaft to another is transmitted by friction that occurred between the pulley and the belt.

The cross section belt may have a rectangle shape - a flat belt transmission, trapezoids - a clinorem transmission, a circle - round transfer. Belts are performed from leather or cotton and rubberized fabric. Normal work depends on the correct belt tension. The belt transmission is silent in work, easy to design and protects the car from breakage in case of jamming, as the belt will slip. In catering enterprises, a wider use was widely used in potatoes, meat grids, refrigeration units, etc.

Worm gear is used to transmit traffic between shafts with intersecting axes. It consists of a screw with a special thread (worm) and a gear wheel with teeth of the corresponding form. These programs are compact, silent and significantly reduce the rotation speed of the shaft.

The chain transmission consists of 2 clips fixed on the shafts and a hinge flexible chain, which is put on the sprocket and serves for their connection. These transmissions are used in mechanisms and machines at large distances between the shafts and the parallel location of their axes. Chain transmissions provide a constant gear ratio and compared to belt transmission make it possible to transmit high power, in addition, one chain can be activated several shafts. The shortcomings of the chain transmission include a high cost of service, the complexity of manufacture and noise during operation.

The frictional transmission consists of 2 rinks planted on shafts and pressed one to another. Rotation from the driving rink will be translated from the friction force.

During the transmission of rotation between parallel shafts, cylindrical transmissions are used, between intersecting shafts - conical.

These programs are easy to design, silent in operation and self-configured from overloads, however have some drawbacks: low efficiency - 80-90%, non-permanent gear ratio and increased wear of rinks.

The crank-connecting mechanism is designed to convert the rotational movement into the reciprocating movement of the working tool. It consists of a crankshaft, connecting rod and piston. When rotating the crankshaft, the connecting rod inserts the piston to move returnable. This mechanism is used in refrigeration equipment compressors.

Concept of electric drive

The electric drive is called a machine device used to drive the machine. It consists of an electric motor, a transmission mechanism and control panel. In public catering enterprises, engines have the highest distribution, calculated on the voltage of 380/220 V. This means that the same engine can operate from the AC network with a frequency of 50 Hz and with a voltage of 380 or 220 V, you should only connect it correctly stator. Connecting them with a "triangle", the engine is connected to the network voltage of 220 V, connecting the star to the network voltage of 380 V.

Universal drives were widely used, which can alternately carry out various installed interchangeable working mechanisms - a stuffer bag, a meat grinder, whipped, etc. The use of universal drives in stops is very profitable. It is explained by the fact that replaceable working machines work in the dining room no more than an hour and therefore have a very small utility factor. In such cases, the electric drive to each machine is impractical due to the increase in its value and the root occupied. Currently, the industry produces universal drives of 2 types: general purpose that are used in several workshops, and special purposes that are used only in one workshop, for example, in meat. Universal general-purpose halt includes universal small-sized UMM-PR drives with an AC electric motor, UMM-PS with a DC motor, which are used on transport (vessels and restaurant vents). All universal drives have alphabetic designations. The first letter n denotes the drive, the second is the name of the workshop: M - meat, X is cold, g is hot, y - universal, for the cold workshop of PC-0,6, for the hot shop of PG-0,6 and for Meat shop PM-1,1. For general-purpose drives: PU-0,6 and P-11 are established interchangeable mechanisms that have alphabetic designations: the first letter M is the mechanism replaceable, the second M is a meat grinder, in - the mechanism of scouring, o - the mechanism is vegetable.

Universal drives

In factory societies, along with machines, universal drives with a set of interchangeable mechanisms that perform a number of products processing operations are applied to performing one operation.

Universal drives are used mainly in small catering establishments in meat, vegetable and confectionery shops.

An universal drive is a device consisting of an electric motor with a gearbox and having a device for alternating connection of various interchangeable mechanisms. It consists of an electric motor with a gearbox, which can also be consolidated and alternately to work with a variety of removable mechanisms: a meat grinder, a whip, vegetable cutter, a meat carrier and other machines. Hence the drive got its name - "Universal".

The use of universal drives significantly increases productivity, reduces capital costs, increases the efficiency of the equipment, etc.

Currently, the industry produces universal drives P-11 and PU-0.6 for various workshops, as well as special purpose actuators P-1.1 for a relatively small product range.

For work in small canteens, as well as in galley of river and sea vessels, universal small-sized privades Umm-Ps Go Umm-PR are used. The source of the energy of these drives layout is variable (PR) or permanent (PS) current.

The universal general purpose of the PU-0,6 is produced by two-speed with the frequency of rotation of the shaft 170 and 1,400 rpm and one-speed with a rotation frequency of 170 rpm and engine power of 0.6 kW. It has a set of replaceable mechanisms (Table 1), which can be used in small enterprises, where there is no workshop. Cooking is purified.

In large catering establishments, where there is a workshop division, specialized universal drives are used:

PM-1.1 drive Specialized for meat and fishing shop is produced in a single-speed or two-speed version, with a rates of rotation of a shaft 170 or 1400 rpm and engine capacity of 1.1 kW. It has a set of replaceable executive mechanisms that can be used only in meat and fish shops of enterprises.

PC-0,6 drive specialized for cold workshops. It consists of a single-speed drive of P-0.6 and a set of interchangeable actuators that can be used in cold shops.

The PG-0,6 drive specialized for hot shops consists of a full-speed drive of P-0.6 and a set of interchangeable actuators that can be used in hot shops.

The automatic drive consists of a two-stage gearbox, a two-speed engine. The rotational speed of the drive shaft is the software and 330 rpm. The neck of the drive is a handle with a cam for fastening replaceable executive mechanisms. The motor speed switch, the start button and the Return button of the Goes Relay are mounted on the control panel.

All manufactured drives and interchangeable mechanisms to them have alphabetic and digital designations.

Letter P - denotes the word drive, y - universal, M - meat shop, X is a cold shop, G is a hot shop. The numbers following the letter notation indicate the rated power of the drive motor in kilowatts.

Replaceable mechanisms (MO. Complete to universal or specialized drives, have a certain sequence number.

Room 2 - Meat Grinder, 3 - Juicer, 4 - Whipper, 5 - Potatochik, 6 - Morning, 7 - Squeezing mechanism, 8 - Mainshop, 9 - Cutter, 10 - Vegetable cutter, 11 - Trolley or Stand For drive, 12 - Flooring mechanism, 13 - knife and forks, 14 - sausage, 15 - koslaysk, 16 - sharpened, 17 - felt, IS - mechanism for figure cutting vegetables, 19 - Ripper Meat, 20 - Bearing Mechanism, 21 - Coteletformer Mechanism, 22 - Mechanism for cutting boiled vegetables, 24 - Sifter, 25 - Mechanism for mixing salads and vinegalets, 27 - Mechanism for cutting fresh vegetables, 28 - mechanism for cutting raw Vegetables by brooms.

The figure following the sequence number of the mechanism shows the magnitude of the average performance. In addition, some interchangeable mechanisms are designated two or more digits. For example, MS-4-7-8-20. This designation testifies to the multipurpose appointment of the mechanism: 4 - beat the prone-, 7 - wipe the product, 8 - mix mince, 20 - tank capacity.

Universal Drives Operation and Safety Rules

The preparation for the work of the universal drive is carried out by a cook, enshrined for this machine, which before starting work is obliged to fulfill the safety requirements and observe when working with the safety of labor.

That is why before starting the work, the correctness of the installation of the universal drive, the serviceability of the interchangeable mechanism and the correctness of its assembly and fastening using screws-clamps is checked. When installing the housing of the replacement mechanism in the neck of the drive, "the end of the working shaft of the mechanism is in the slot of the drive shaft drive of the universal drive. It is checked for enclosing devices, grounding or reassembly.

Making sure the condition of the interchangeable mechanism and the drive, produce a trial start to the idle go. The drive should work with a little noise. In the event of a malfunction, the drive stops and eliminating the cause of the fault. Adjust the speed of rotation during operation is allowed only with the presence of a variator in the machine design.

The prepared products are loaded into the interchangeable mechanisms only after turning on the universal drive, the exception is only a whipging mechanism, which is first loaded into the tank products, and then include a universal drive.

When working, it is prohibited to overload the replaceable mechanism with products, as this leads to a deterioration in quality or spurry products, as well as to break the car. Special attention should be paid to strict compliance with security rules when working with a universal drive, because negligence leads to injuries of the service personnel.

Inspection of a universal drive and a installed interchangeable mechanism, as well as troubleshooting is allowed only after turning off the universal drive motor and its complete stop.

After the work is completed, the universal drive is turned off and disconnected from the power supply. Only then you can shoot a replaceable mechanism for disassembling, washing and drying.

The preventive and current repair of the universal drive and interchangeable mechanisms are carried out by special workers under the contract concluded.

Lecture number 4. Vegetable processing machines


In enterprises there are several ways to clean vegetables from peel: alkaline, steam, combined, thermal and mechanical. With an alkaline method, potatoes and other vegetables are pre-heated in water, and then treated with an alkaline solution heated to 100 ° C, which softens the surface layer of tubers. Then, in the drum washing machine, the tubers are cleaned from the outer layer and wash off from alkali. In the vapor method, the potatoes are treated with a ferry under a pressure of 0.6 0.7 MPa for 1-2 minutes, then enters the roller woe-cleaning machine, where the softened layer with tubers is removed. In the combined method, potatoes are first treated with a 10% caustic soda solution at 75-80 ° C for 5-6 minutes, then steam for 1-2 minutes. After that, potatoes enters the washing machines usually drum type.

In the thermal method, the vegetables are burned in a cylindrical furnace with a rotating cylindrical rotor and reach the depth of the province not more than 1.5 mm. Then the vegetables are cleaned in a ware-cleaner machine. The duration of heat treatment for onions is 3-4 seconds, for carrots 5-7 seconds, for potatoes 10-12 seconds. Another cleaning method is mechanical.

Equipment for grinding and cutting vegetables.

Vegetable machines are: disk, rotor, punch and combined.

The MRO-200 desktop type machine is used for cutting raw vegetables circles, slices, straws, strokes. The machine drive consists of an electric motor and a clinorem. The working chamber is made in the form of a cylinder with windows for loading vegetables. The machine includes a disk knife, two cravings and two combined knives. The disk knife is used for cutting vegetables slices and chipping cabbage, combined - vegetable parsing cross sections 3 x 3 and 10 x 10 mm.


Machines for grinding raw materials can be divided into two groups: machines providing coarse grinding of raw materials and machines providing a subtle grinding. Modern machines for coarse grinding are: roll, knife, hammer, crushers - grapes for grapes, crushers - seed separators for tomatoes. Machines for cutting raw materials exist with fixed knives, with rotating disk knives; Combined machines for cutting vegetables by storage. For a fine grinding of raw materials and separation of seeds, sprocket machines are used, as well as homogenizers, colloid mills, disintegrators, microns, cutter, etc.


It has two horizontal shaft rotating in opposite directions. The shaft 1 rotates the drum, in the inner cavity of which the raw material comes. Val 2 leads to rotation disk knives, the number of revolutions of which is five times more than the rotation of the drum. The raw material entered into the drum under the action of centrifugal force is discarded by a blade to a fixed cylindrical body and is supplied to the effects of disk knives and a fixed flat knife. The shape of the blade ensures the jamming of the product during cutting. Therefore, the raw material is cut in two planes on the shelter and the groove is derived from the car. In the same kinner after the modernization, the main improvement is the use of a device that informs the flat knife to the oscillatory movement in the plane perpendicular to the cutting edge, which improves the quality of the cutting.

The performance of the machine can be determined by the formula:

where n is the number of drum revolutions per minute; D - the diameter of the casing in which the drum is located in m; h - the height of the product cutting with a horizontal knife; ? - Baraban blade width, m; P is the bulk weight of the product, kg / m3; ? - Coefficient of use of the cutting tool (? \u003d 0.3? \u003d 0.4).

The machine for cutting eggplants and zucchini circles cuts off the ends of fruits together with the fruit and inflorescence and cuts them on the mugs with a set of disk knives; The thickness of the circles is determined by remote beds ,.

Mostrochny cars

Rubbing is not only the process of grinding, but also separation, i.e. separation of the mass of fruit and vegetable raw materials from bones, seeds and peel on sines with a cell diameter of 0.8-5.0 mm. Finishing is an additional grinding of the rubbing mass through a sieve with a diameter of the holes 0.4-0.6 mm.

The main designs of the spacer machines differ in the interaction of sieves and scouring devices. The following signs are based on: the net drum is fixed, there are beech, "invertive" spacer machines, in which the sieve moves, and the beech is fixed, and the flashes. In them, the sieve commits a complex rotational movement around its own axis and the planetary. By the number of steps: single-stage, two-stage, three-stage, two dual machines. According to the design of the sieve: conical and cylindrical; Sectional and diameters of holes. By the design of the beech devices: flat; Wire and other software devices: screw, in combination with a paddle device, pipe loading.

Single-stage wipe machine consists of a bed, drive shaft, reinforced in 2 bearings with a screw, a blade and a scouring device, a boot hopper and a drive with a clinorem.

The operation of the machine is based on the power effects of the beach on the product being processed, pushing it through the sieve and at the expense of centrifugal force. The working machine is also regulated by changing the angle between the axis of the shaft and the scam, the change in the gap between the sieve and the scam and the diameter of the sieve holes. The rubbing mass is output through the pallets, and the waste from the cylinder is displayed through the tray.

Lecture number 5. Machines for processing meat and fish


Machines are used for treating meat and fish: Machines: meat grinders, meat makers, stuffling, fishery and fish-core machines, boiler-forming, padding and casting machines, for cutting in gastronomic goods, fire sieve.

Machines for meat processing.

Meat grinders

Meat grinders and wipes are designed for coarse grinding of raw materials.

In enterprises, the MM-82 meat grinders were widely distributed with a capacity of 250 kg / h and MM-105 with a capacity of 400 kg / h ,.

The MM-82 meat grinder is a desktop machine consisting of a housing, processing chamber, a boot device, auger, working bodies, drive mechanism. The working chamber of the machine on the inner surface has screw cuts that improve the flow of meat and exclude the rotation of it with the screw. On the top of the case there is a loading device with a safety ring, eliminating the possibility of accessing the hands to the screw, and the pusher.

The meat grinder is completed with three lattices with holes 3, 5, 9 mm, a cutting grille and two double-sided knives.

In the assembled form, knives and grilles are tightly pressed to each other with a stubborn ring and push nut.

Inside the working chamber is a screw with a variable step of turns, which decreases towards the cutting mechanism. Thanks to this design of the uniform worm-working screw - the product is compacted, which facilitates its cutting knives and pushing through the grilles. In the assembled form, knives and grilles are tightly pressed to each other with a stubborn ring and push nut. The auger serves to capture meat and feed it to knives and grilles. The installed lattices remain in the working chamber are fixed, and the knives rotate together with the screw.

The first is installed under the cutting grille, which has three jumpers with pointed edges outward. The second one is installed double-sided knife, cutting edges counterclockwise. The third sets a large lattice by any side. Next set the second double-sided knife, a shallow grid, a stubborn ring and a push nut. The diameter of the grilles of meat grinders 82; 105; 120; 160; 200 mm. Working bodies: MIM-105 knives and lattices are similar to the working bodies of the MIM-82, only the diameter of the working chamber (lattice diameter) is 23 mm more.

A cylindrical cavity of the housing with guide ribs and grooves that improve the product is served as a capacity of 400 kg / h to the processing chamber of the processing. In addition, they prevent the product scrolling along with the working screw.

The principle of the operation of meat grinders (wolfs) is the same. Product, falling into the cutting zone, i.e. Between the rotating cross-like knives and fixed lattices is ground to the degree corresponding to the diameter of the opening of the last lattice.

MP-160 wolf with a capacity of 3000 kg / h in the diameter of the cutting mechanism 160 mm differs from the 632th presence in the processing chamber of two parallel auks: receiving and worker.

The K6-FVZP-200 top has a capacity of 4500 kg / h and the diameter of the cutting mechanism 200 mm.

Main sackers and machines for loosening meat

The machines and mechanisms of the meat shop include: MRM-15 feeder with a capacity of 1800 pcs / h, mechanisms for loosening meat MRP11-1 (1500 pieces / h) and MS19-140 (1400 pieces / h); Mechanism for loosening meat for Beefstrogen MBP11-1 (100 pieces / h); Mascant MS8-150 and MVP11-1 (150 kg / h); Glowing mechanism MS 12-15 and mechanism for grinding fragile products MIP 11-1 (15 kg / h); Fishering machine RO-1M and fire sieve.

The stuffling are designed for stirring the minced meat and its components in a homogeneous mass and saturation of it.

The MS-150, Mas-150, consists of an aluminum cylindrical body, cast at the same time with the boot hopper. The shaft is inserted inside the working chamber, on which the blades mounted in an angle of 3000 are inserted. When the working shaft is rotated, the blades are stirred evenly with components.

In the FMM mixer FMM-300, the Mesal trough with a capacity of 300 liters has a heat shirt for heating the product when stirring it. Inside the trough there are workers in the form of two Z-shaped screw blades that rotate at different speeds (67 and 57 rpm) towards each other.

In the staineesmetel with a taking dejo, in the course of the operation, the depth is continuously rotated around the axis of the lower worm wheel, and the cam mixer also rotates and ensures uniform mixing of the product.

Two-blade stainless mixers with a tipping detection capacity of 340 and 650 liters consist of two mesal blades, rotating towards one another with different speeds (47.6 and 37.4 rpm) and two drives, the first of which leads to the movement of molel blades, and the second - Tilting to Dezh.

MRM-15 mealing machine is designed for loosening the surface of romstheks, shtithels, etc. Before their roast. The operator's working bodies serve disk knives with remote beds between them, located on the shafts and rotating when working one towards another.

In the carriage there are also two combs between milling mills, which protect from winding meat on the cutters. A piece of meat, passing between the cutters, is cut from two sides to the teeth, while the fibers and an increase in the surface occurs.

Fish processing machines.


Machine RO-1M, designed to clean fish from scales. Working tool of the fishery machine, scraper, made of cutter stainless steel in the form of cutters with longitudinal grooves, pointed on one side.

To protect against accidental touch and scattering the scales, the rotating scraper has a protective cover. The scraper is driven by means of a flexible shaft consisting of a rubber hose, inside the steel cable.

There is equipment for sorting fish, for the orientation and loading of fish and fish-core machines.

If the sieve is used to sort the fish, then this is a mechanical process. The sieve is a working body of the machine and is a plane made of wires, threads, plates, as well as mobile and fixed rods.

Technical ways of partial orientation of fish are different. The inclined, and especially widespread fluctuating plane received the greatest distribution.

Partial fish orientation, when all of them after orientation are arranged forward, sufficiently for loading into naplex machines, for example, in the line "Sprots in oil". For loading and operation of fish-core machines, you need a complete orientation of fish. For example, all fish, located head forward, should lie on the back or, on the contrary, back up and finally, to rest in some bar.

When developing the designs of fish-core machines, it is necessary in the future:

1) Reduce the name nomenclature by versatility.

2) Increase productivity due to the mechanization of fish loading into the cassette of fish-core machines.

This requires a universal machine for the cutting of medium fish.

Universal Masha ...........

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Lecture notes

In the course "General technology of food production and industry" in the direction of 6.090220 "Engineering Mechanics"

Topic 1. General nutrition information, food value of food, about the composition and properties of food raw materials.

1.1 Subject and content of the "Common Technology of Food Industries".

The classification of the enterprise of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine on the primary processing of vegetable and animal raw materials and fish (first group of enterprises) and production based on a variety of food products (second group of enterprises) is given. There is a list of questions that are included in the course program: general information about food products, the characteristic of the raw materials of plant and animal origin, the microbiology of canning food products, the principles of preserving raw materials and products from damage. In addition, the technology of preserving all types of listed raw cold, including cooling methods, the use of a modified gas atmosphere (MTA), freezing methods. As applied to the processing of fish raw materials, methods of ambulance, drying, smoking the production of canned food and feed fish flour will be studied.

In the section "The technology of preservation of raw materials" will be considered ways to prepare semi-finished products to preservation for all types of raw materials: vegetable, animal origin and fish.

1.2 Chemical composition of vegetable raw materials, animal, fish.

Vegetable raw materials.

It varies with a large variety. So oscillation in the moisture content in raw materials from 14 to 90 and more percent and in this regard, it is customary to share it into separate groups: Comnteaded, vegetables, fruits, berries. Vegetables in turn are divided into vegetative forms, fetal plants, stem, fruit, and fruit - on seed and bone.

The main component of the dry substances of plant raw materials are carbohydrates, their number reaches in most cases 70-75%, with a sharp fluctuine in a native state from 2% (cucumbers) to 65% (legume seeds) and 70-80% (cereals).

In addition, the composition of vegetation raw materials includes aroma-forming substances, organic acids, mineral elements, pigments, vitamins, which determines their nutritional value.

Chemical composition of milk,%: moisture - 85-88, lipids 3-5, protein - 3-4, lactone -5, mineral substances - 0.7, vitamins of group B, and also A, D, E. Milk protein is characterized by high Food value, competes with meat protein.

Chemical composition of the meat of warm-blooded animals,%:

Beef: moisture - 70-75, lipids - 4-8, protein - 20-22, mineral substances - 1-1.5.

Bird: moisture - 65-70, lipids - 9-11, protein - 20-23, mineral substances - 1-1.5.

Pork: moisture - 70-75, lipids - 4-7, protein - 19-20, mineral substances - 1-1.5.

Lamb: moisture - 72-74, lipids - 5-6, protein - 20, mineral substances - 1-1.5.

Proteins are in their composition a complete set of essential amino acids and therefore are full in food. Muscle tissue proteins are divided into water-soluble, precision and insoluble, the latter includes collagen and elastin. In the muscles of animals contain water-soluble vitamins.

Chicken eggs. The ratio of yolk to the protein is as 1: 3. The egg protein contains,%: moisture - 87-89, lipids - 0.03, protein - 9-10, mineral substances - 0.5. In the yolk, respectively, contains: 48; 32; 15; 1,1. Egg proteins are recognized more complete in food even in comparison with animal muscle proteins.

Chemical composition of fishes,%: moisture - 56-90, lipids - 2-35, protein - 10-26, mineral substances - 1-1,5. By the content of fat and protein are divided according to 4 groups, respectively. The muscle proteins are more contained non-protein nitrogen substances than in the proteins of warm-blooded animals, the fats are more unsaturated and therefore at room temperature are in a liquid state, in warm-blooded animals - in a solid state.


Perhaps it will be useful to read: