Application of automated management systems in professional activities. Engineer ACS TP: Official Responsibilities of the Engineer of the Automated Technological Process Management System ACS Decryption Specialty


companies _________________

I. O.F.

"___" _________ 200__

Job description
but Automated Management Systems Department

I. General provisions

Specifications, design features, appointment and modes of operation of the main and component equipment, the rules of its technical operation, the technology of automated information processing;

Network technologies for the use of computing equipment and telecommunications;

Types of technical information carriers, rules for their storage and operation;

The procedure for the development of the regulatory and methodological base of information and computing systems;

Prospects and directions of development of computing equipment;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in using computing equipment, communications and communications;

II. Official duties

2.1. Participates in the preparation of proposals for the choice of the main composition of electronic computing equipment, in their substantiation and coordination with the heads of the relevant units.

2.2. Carries out installation, debugging, experienced verification and commissioning of automated control systems (ACS), to ensure uninterrupted functioning and maintenance of computer networks and communication equipment, accompanied by system software for computing and applied software.

2.3. In a timely manner, eliminates the malfunctions arising during the operation of computing equipment, maintenance of standard programs. In case of unsuitability of peripheral equipment, timely replaces it to the backup.

2.4. Analyzes the reasons for failures in the work of the system, develops measures to improve the reliability of the ACS, the expansion of its application, the modernization of the applied technical means and equipment ACS.

2.5. In a timely manner corrects the user errors in time when working with the database of this 1C: Enterprise.

2.6. Quarterly amounts to PC lists and peripheral equipment.

2.7. Daily executes regulatory work on database synchronization.

2.8. Promotional amendments and additions to existing LAN schemes.

2.9. Participates in conducting preventive work of network equipment.

2.10. Trains users to work on the network, archives; Responsible to questions of users associated with the work on the network.

2.11. This is instructions for working with network software and brings them to the attention of users, gives recommendations for training.

2.12. Performs orders, orders, one-time service orders of the higher management.

III. A responsibility

4.1. The system administrator is responsible for:

Improper performance or non-performance of their official duties stipulated by this official instruction, within the limits defined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

Offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities within the limits defined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

Causing material damage - within the limits defined by the labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.

4.2. The system administrator is personally responsible for:

Preservation of received and registered information;

Proper use of entrusted equipment;

Compliance with safety regulations, instructions for use of equipment and inventory.

Head of the Automated Control Systems Department:

____________________/AND. O.F. / "__" __________ 200__

I. General provisions

1. Engineer on automated production management systems refers to the category of specialists.

2. To position:

Engineer on automated production management systems is assigned a person with a higher professional (engineering and technical or technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary professional (engineering or technical) education and work experience in the post of category I of at least 3 years or Other posts replaced by experts with secondary professional (engineering and economic or technical) education, at least 5 years.

Engineer for automated production management systems Categories - a person having a higher professional (engineering and technical or technical) education and work experience in the office of automated production management systems or other engineering positions replaced by experts with higher professional (engineering and economic or technical) formation, not less than 3 years;

Engineer on automated production management systems Category I is a person having a higher professional (engineering and economic or technical) education and work experience as an engineer on automated production management systems of category II of at least 3 years.

3. Appointment as an engineer on automated production management systems and exemptions from it is made by order of the Director of the enterprise to submit the head of the department of the automated production management system.

4. Engineer for automated production management systems should know:

4.1. Resolutions, orders, orders, methodological and regulatory materials on the organization of automated production management systems.

4.2. Prospects for the development of the enterprise.

4.3. Organization of economic planning and operational production regulation.

4.4. The structure of the enterprise, production and functional relations between its divisions.

4.5. Tasks and content of ASUP.

4.6. The procedure for the development of projects of the ASUP and its subsystems, technical tasks, technical and working projects.

4.7. Economic and mathematical methods.

4.8. Basics of the theory of economic cybernetics.

4.9. Means of computing equipment, communications and communications.

4.10. The procedure for setting tasks, their algorithm.

4.11. Methods for determining the economic efficiency of the implementation of ASUP.

4.12. Standards of a unified system of organizational and administrative documentation.

4.13. The procedure for the development and design of technical documentation.

4.14. Basics of the economy, organization of production, labor and management.

4.15. Basics of labor legislation.

4.16. Rules and norms of labor protection.

5. Engineer on automated production management systems is subject to directly to the head of the automation and mechanization of production processes.

6. At the time of the absence of an engineer on automated production management systems (vacation, illness, pr.) His responsibilities performs the person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires relevant rights and is responsible for the proper execution of duties assigned to it.

II. Official duties

Engineer for automated production management systems:

1. Performs work on the design and implementation of automated production management systems (ASUP) based on the use of a combination of economic and mathematical methods, modern means of computing, communications and communications, elements of the theory of economic cybernetics.

2. Examines the system and methods of management and regulation of the activities of the enterprise, its production and functional units, determines the possibility of formalizing the elements of the current system and the expediency of the translation of the relevant processes on the automated mode.

3. Purses the preparation of the necessary data and participates in the design of the technical task for the design of the ASUP and its individual stages and subsystems, in the development of technical and work projects.

4. Formulates the setting of tasks, performs work on their algorithmization, identifies the possibility of typing solutions of individual elements of the system, prepares proposals for the application in the design of the aspect-style blocks and participates in their creation.

5. Exercises developed by project organizations and operating at other enterprises of the automated production management system in order to use best practices for the design and operation of the ASUP.

6. Takes part in the work on improving document management at the enterprise, formulates requirements for the content and construction of technical and organizational and administrative documentation used in the system of automated production management.

7. Develops technological schemes for processing information on established tasks ASUP, taking into account organizational and technical support for all subsystems.

8. Prepares projects of methodical materials, instructions and other technical documentation related to the creation and use of AsUP information use funds.

9. Participates in the work on debugging, experienced operation and phased enactment of the ASUP technical means complex.

11. Learns the causes of failures and violations in the system, develops proposals for their elimination and prevention, to improve the quality and reliability of ASUP.

12. Provides methodological assistance to enterprises in the preparation of data for ASUP, on the design of the necessary documents and decomposition of information treated with the means of computing.

III. Rights

Engineer for automated production management systems has the right:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise regarding its activities.

2. Submit to the leadership of the proposal to improve work related to the obligations provided for in these job descriptions.

3. To inform the direct supervisor about all the disadvantages in the production activities of the enterprise (its structural divisions) and make proposals to eliminate their official duties.

4. Request personally or on behalf of the direct supervisor from managers of enterprises and specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill its duties.

5. Attract specialists of all (individual) structural units to solve the tasks assigned to it (if it is provided for by the provisions on the structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the leadership).

6. Require from the leadership of the enterprise to assist in the execution of his official duties and rights.

IV. A responsibility

Engineer for automated production management systems is responsible:

1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of its official duties stipulated by this official instruction - within the limits defined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the process of carrying out its activities - within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.

The demand for engineers ACS TP in the labor market increases for a number of explanatory reasons. The Russian automation market is growing, automated systems are improved, the scope of the use of TP ACS is expanded. Today, an increasing number of technological and production processes is automated. It is noted that the depreciation of fixed assets of most Russian industrial enterprises is more than 60%. Obviously, outdated equipment is not able to compete with modern machines, so production needs to be upgraded and automation. Automation becomes a necessary condition for the growth of industrial enterprises, and IT technologies are increasingly implemented to the level of factory management of technological operations.

An increasing number of enterprise executives note positive changes associated with the implementation of ACS:

  • improving production efficiency;
  • increase production volumes;
  • growth of labor productivity;
  • increase in profitability;
  • enhance competitiveness.

To replace employees who manually performed most of the functions, automated technological lines come. Now the technological operations are performed faster and better, and the working conditions have become better. The safety of labor on production has increased, production risks have significantly decreased, because cars are hazardous and harmful types of work. Losses, downtime, mistakes and malfunctions are disappeared. In addition, the quality of products manufactured and the competitiveness of the enterprise is growing.

It is obvious that competent and highly qualified personnel are needed to modern enterprises using ACS TP. Highlight 3 staff groups: operational, operational and repair. Operational staff or users are operators, operators - technologists, dispatchers and other specialists that make decisions in the system management process. Operational or service personnel are engineers ACS TP, electronics engineers, IT specialists, technicians and other employees who provide the operation of the ACS. Repair personnel are repair engineers, electricians, workers and masters performing maintenance, repair, installation of electrical equipment.

The role of engineers ACS TP

The demand for engineers ACS TP is confirmed by the number of open vacancies on Russian labor exchanges. In May 2017, the average number of open vacancies by profession engineer ACS amounted to more than 350. This means that among employers' enterprises the need for highly qualified personnel competent in the field of ACS remains stable. In addition, the profession engineer ACS TP is considered highly paid, the highest salary of this specialist in Moscow, then Chelyabinsk and Ekaterinburg are followed. In open vacancies, employers indicated salary from 25,000 to 75,000 rubles.

Official duties engineer ACS TP:

  1. Technical decision making
  2. Software development
  3. Preparation of technical documentation
  4. Commissioning of the system,
  5. Technical support ACS.

Each enterprise establishes its qualifications, duties and experience of the ACS TP engineer. As a rule, an ACC engineer within its competence performs work on the design, implementation and operation of ACS TP, and also ensures the performance of the system. Conducts maintenance of the ACS TP, develops technical documentation, performs the preventive and current repair of instruments, is an application for the selection of equipment. Engineer ACS TP distinguishes general technical literacy, knowledge in the field of IT, regulatory and technical documentation, the main nomenclature of sensors, I / O systems, communication equipment, popular Linek equipment ACS TP.

The role of engineers ACS TP and operational personnel on automated production remains extremely high. Indeed, the correct and effective functioning of the ACS TP depends on the competence, experience and qualifications of employees. High technical specifications and a wide functionality of hardware and software will remain unclaimed if the staff cannot use all the possibilities of ACS TP.

We invite the engineer ACS TP to work in our company

If you were looking for a reliable employer for employment as an engineer ACS TP, then we suggest familiarizing yourself with the current offers of LLC Olaisis in the section "Vacancies". The main direction of our company is the development and implementation of modern automated technological control systems (ASUTP) for a wide range of production. At present, in connection with the expansion of the state, we invite professionals to our team, offering a worthy wage, good working conditions and the possibility of professional growth.

In LLC Olaisis you can:

  1. grow and develop in the field of ACS
  2. implement labor potential
  3. share professional experiences
  4. offer ideas and find solutions
  5. get a decent remuneration.

You are waiting for interesting work, new projects, professional growth and achievements. The main value of LLC Olaisis are competent specialists who can find solutions for non-standard and complex tasks. For more than 10 years, our company retains stable positions in the Russian industrial automation market. We have a successful experience of implementing large-scale and ambitious projects at enterprises of various industries. If our offer interests you and you want to know the details, we are waiting for your resume by mail

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Volgograd region

State budgetary educational institution

Secondary vocational education

"Volgograd College of Restaurant Service and Trade"


on the topic: "Application of automated control systems in professional activity"


student Group 1-T-173

Buz Irina



Volgograd, 2012.

Basic principles

The basis of the ACS

Functional part of the ACS.

Control automated system (ACS)

A combination of economic and mathematical methods, technical means (computer, communication tools, information display devices, data transmission, etc.) and organizational complexes that ensure rational management of a complex object (for example, an enterprise, technological process). The most important goal of building any ACS is a sharp increase in the efficiency of the object management (production, administrative, etc.) based on the growth in the performance of managerial labor and improving planning methods and flexible control of the managed process. The USSR ACS is created on the basis of state plans for the development of the national economy.

Basic principles

office Automated System Array

The principle of new tasks. The ACS must provide a solution to qualitatively new managerial problems, and not mechanize the management techniques implemented by non-automatic methods. In practice, this leads to the need to solve multivariate optimization tasks based on economic and mathematical models of large volume (scale). The specific composition of such tasks depends on the nature of the managed object. For example, for machine-building and instrument-making enterprises, the tasks of operational-calendar and volume and calendar planning are usually the most important. The decisive effect is achieved in the case when accurate matching in the time of all interchangeable tasks of both production and providing (for example, on logistics, etc.), the optimal volumes of product batches are determined and the equipment load optimization is optimized. Similar tasks occur in construction. In some cases, the tasks of the technician are put forward on the fore. Preparation of production, management of design work. In transport, it is essential for the optimization of routes and traffic schedules, as well as loading and unloading operations. In industry management systems, the optimal planning of the work of enterprises, the exact coordination of the terms of mutual supplies, as well as the problems of the prospective development of the industry and forecasting tasks are of paramount importance.

The basis of the ACS

The basis of the ACS is the information base, technical base, mathematical support, organizational and economic base. The basis is a general part for all tasks solved by ACS.

Information base ACS - a set of all data required to automate the control object or process. Usually, the information base is divided into three arrays: general, derivative and operational. The design of arrays and their fields (methods of placement on media, features of the interconnection of data inside the array, specific layout of data, etc.) is determined by the type of ACS and the general characteristics of the objects for which it is intended. However, it is advisable to maintain a typical constructive construction of an information base for a common class of objects (for example, for machine-building enterprises). The general array combines the data that are common to all tasks, the placement of which corresponds to a universal structure that is not oriented to perform any single control function. The general array for a large object contains hundreds of millions of characters, takes large volumes of storage devices and is not always convenient for use in each specific task requiring specialized information for its solution. This problem is complicated with multiprogram data processing and not enough target operational storage devices, which suggest storing many arrays in machine archives (tapes of edema, card files), functionally separated with processors. In this regard, in actually functioning ACS, there is a need to form derivatives reflecting the specifics of the structure of the object, the features of the functions performed in each period, the frequency of the repeatability of various tasks and a number of other factors associated with the current operation of the system. All derivative arrays are usually formed from the general array. Any sustainable change in the characteristics of the object being served must be reflected in the general array. The operational array covers current information, as well as intermediate results of calculations. It also hosts primary information about the state of the serviceable object, coming periodically through the communication channels or recorded on autonomous carriers (perforates, cards, magnetic tapes, etc.). Processed and generalized data can then be entered into a derivative and general arrays or directly issued to the consumer.

Functional part of the ACS.

The functional part of the ACS consists of a set of interrelated programs for the implementation of specific management functions (planning, financial and accounting activities, etc.). All tasks of the functional part are based on information arrays common to this ACU and in general technical means. The inclusion in the system of new tasks does not affect the framework of the framework and is carried out by means of a type of information format and a procedural scheme. The functional part of the ACS is customary to divide on the subsystem in accordance with the main object management functions. The subsystems in turn are divided into complexes containing sets of programs to solve specific management tasks in accordance with the overall concept of the system. The composition of the tasks of the functional part of the ACS is determined by the type of managed object, its condition and the type of tasks performed by it. For example, in the ACU, the enterprise often identifies the following subsystems: technical preparation of production; product quality management; technical and economic planning; operational planning; material and technical support; Product sales; financial and accounting activities; planning and placement of personnel; transport management; Management of support services. The division of the functional part of the ACS on the subsystem is very conditional, because The procedures of all subsystems are closely interrelated and in some cases it is impossible to carry out a clear boundary between the various functions of management (for example, between technical and economic planning, operational production planning and logistical support). The selection of subsystems is used for the convenience of the distribution of work on the creation of the system and for binding to the corresponding organizational links of the control object. The structure of the functional part of the ACS depends on the control procedures scheme, which determines the relationship of all controls and covering automated, partially mechanized and manual procedures. The functional part is more mobile than the base, and allows a change in the composition and setting tasks, subject to the standard interface with the basic elements of the system.

List of used literature

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Techniques for automated technological management systems (engineering engineering techniques)

Official duties. Participates in the design and implementation of automated control systems (ACS) and automated control systems (ASK) of various purposes under the methodological guide of the engineer-system engineer. Independently develops certain types of providing simple control systems or controls based on modern means of computing, instruments and automation tools. Compleumes and draws up the project documentation for ACS and ASK, collects source data on the surveyed management facilities and conducts their primary processing. On the task of the engineer-system engineering, performs the tested system tested and participates in the layout test. Makes changes to the project documentation and issues notifications of changes. Takes part in the adjustment of the components of the developed systems and conducting their experienced exploitation. Prepares and conducts reception and commissioning and metrological tests of developed systems with the design of test protocols.

Must know: the laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents relating to the design of automated information processing systems and technological proceedings; rules of operation of computing equipment, devices and automation tools used in control systems; Rules for the technical operation of a complex of technical means and technological equipment of the developed systems; standards and other regulatory documents governing the procedure for developing documentation for ACS and ASK; Basics of the economy and organization of labor; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety; Rules of internal labor regulations.

Requirements for qualifications.

Technician for automated technological management systems (technician-system engineering) I categories: secondary professional (technical) education and work experience as technician on automated technological management systems (designer-system technique) II category of at least 2 years.

Technician for automated technological management systems (techniques-system engineering) II Categories: secondary professional (technical) education and work experience as a technique for automated technological process management systems (designer-system engineering technique) for at least 2 years.

Technician according to automated technological management systems (techniques-system engineering): secondary professional (technical) education without presentation of work experience.


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