Features of taxation of telecommunication services (Fine N.). Telecommunication services Concept of telecommunication services

The use of information and telecommunication technologies and the Internet is currently gained in business practice. Novelty and complexity of relations related to the Internet are significantly affected by their legal regulation. In this publication, we will consider current issues of taxation of telecommunication services.

The concept of telecommunication services

First of all, it is necessary to decide on the concepts. None in any regulatory document currently clearly the concept of "telecommunication services" has not been deciphered.
There is a judicial interpretation of this term. In particular, in some court decisions it is indicated that telecommunication services can be viewed as communication services (see, for example, the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court of 12.07.2010 No. A40-36263 / 10-140-241). However, as we will see below, it is actually not quite the case, since the concept of "telecommunication services" is somewhat wider by the concept of "communication services".
In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2007 No. 575 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of telematic communication services", a technological system is understood under the information and telecommunications network, which is intended for transmitting information on the communication lines, access to which is carried out using computing equipment. A similar definition is contained in paragraph 4 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 N 149-FZ. The use of the definition of "information and telecommunication" says that such a network is related to both communications and information.
Quite often, in fact, the information and telecommunications network without services of operators (having links) is not available for network users. Classic example - Internet.
From the above definition of information and telecommunication networks, it is possible to transfer the main signs of telecommunication services as services related to the functioning of information and telecommunication networks:
1) These are services related to the operation of information and telecommunication networks and (or)
2) Services in receiving, processing, storage, transmission, delivery of telecommunication messages.
As you know, Russia has been ratified a protocol on accession to the WTO, part of which are the list of obligations on goods and a list of obligations for services. After ratification, these texts became part of the international agreements of our country and are currently even greater legal force than Russian regulatory acts. This follows from the rules of h. 4 tbsp. 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
This document presents a specific list of telecommunication services to which:
- Community telephone communication services: local communications, long-distance and international communications, mobile telephony;
- data transfer services on packet-switched networks;
- data transfer services on channel switches;
- services of private leased networks;
- email services;
- voicemail services;
- access in ON-LINE mode and search for information in databases;
- electronic data exchange;
- value-added / extended faxes, including storage and search;
- encoding and converting protocols;
- access in ON-LINE mode and / or data processing (including transaction processing);
- Others.
Legal regulation of telephone services has a number of peculiar features, especially on the issue of increasing income tax. By itself, this question deserves separate consideration. Therefore, it will not be the subject of this article.
In this publication, we consider other telecommunication services.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. The following operations are recognized as the following operations as the following operations:
1) the sale of goods (works, services) in Russia;
2) the transfer of goods in Russia (performance, provision of services) for their own needs, the costs of which are not accepted to deduct (including through depreciation) when calculating the income tax of organizations;
3) carrying out construction and installation work for its own consumption;
4) imports of goods into the territory of Russia and other territories under its jurisdiction.
The implementation of telecommunication services is completely falling under paragraph 1 of the specified list. Consequently, the artist of these services in the general case arises a duty to calculate and pay the tax.
According to these types of services, it is not provided for the use of any rates of 0%, no rates of 10%. Therefore, the general rule applies to the taxation of VAT services with the application of the rate of 18%. Of course, those organizations that use the exemption from the execution of the obligations of the VAT taxpayer in the procedure provided for by law (Article 145 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) is not concerned.
The question is: how is the responsibility for calculating and pay VAT, if one of the parties is a foreign organization? Only the implementation of services in Russia is subject to VAT. Therefore, for an answer to the assigned question, it is necessary to determine where the place of implementation of telecommunication services is the territory of Russia.
The procedure for determining the place of implementation of work (services) in order to use VAT is established by the norms of Art. 148 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. According to PP. 5 p. 1 Art. 148 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the place of implementation of work (services) not provided for by paragraphs. 1 - 4.1, 4.3 of paragraph 1 of this article is determined at the place of implementation of the organization's activities providing such works (services). At the same time, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 148 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a venue for the activities of the Organization, which performs these works (providing services), recognizes the territory of Russia in the case of the presence of this organization in Russia based on state registration.
The place of implementation of telecommunication services is determined on the basis of the above rule at the location of the service performer. That is, if the Russian organization provides telecommunication services to a foreign customer, the duty to calculate VAT arises, if the performer is a foreign counterparty, VAT does not pay. For a Russian organization - customer services this means that there is no need to fulfill the duties of the tax agent.
Similar explanations of the Ministry of Finance of Russia leads in the letters of a private nature (see, for example, a letter from 06.02.2014 No. 03-07-14 / 4654).
On this issue, I would also like to note the following. The main directions of the Tax Policy of the Russian Federation for 2014 and on the planning period of 2015 and 2016, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation 30.05.2013, provides for consideration of the issue of amending the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in terms of determining the place of implementation on telecommunication services, including reception services, processing, Storage, transmission, delivery of telecommunication messages, according to which the place of implementation of such services will be recognized as a service of the buyer's activities, and not the Seller, as established at the present time. However, so far amendments to tax legislation are still under discussion.
Consider several examples related to the need for the need to pay VAT.

Example 1. The Russian organization pays access to the site pages on the Internet. The site belongs to a foreign organization.
In this case, the site of the implementation of such services, the territory of the Russian Federation does not recognize these services to the object of inclusion of VAT are not.

The practice of economic relations is so diverse that such "clean" samples of contracts for the provision of telecommunication services are not always found. Regardless of the name of the contract, when solving the issue of the need to pay VAT, it is necessary to take into account its content.

Example 2. The Russian company for remuneration provides paid access services to users (third parties) to the site pages containing audiovisual works, phonograms, videograms and other objects, whose copyright holder is a foreign company.
In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the subject of the services provided causes only partially assigning them to the category of telecommunication services. The purpose of the Customer of the Service is not to purchase communication services, but to obtain access to works for which a special legal protection mechanism is provided.
For income tax purposes, such income is treated as royalty of return (see, for example, a letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 26, 2013 No. 03-08-05 / 9447). In our opinion, there is no reason to apply a different legal approach for the purpose of calculating VAT.
According to PP. 4 p. 1 Art. 148 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the territory of the Russian Federation is recognized by the territory of the Russian Federation if the buyer of works (services) operates in Russia. This norm is applied when transmitting, providing patents, licenses, trademarks, copyright or other similar rights.
Thus, to address the issue of the need to pay VAT, it is necessary to take into account who is a buyer of services. Only if the contract is concluded with a foreign counterparty, no duties arise to calculate VAT.

The total approach to the taxation of telecommunication services should be applied in those situations when the third party is involved in the contractual relationship. For example: if services are rendered through an intermediary.

Example 3. A foreign organization provides services for providing access to the site pages on the Internet owned by a foreign organization. Services turn out to population through the Russian organization - agent.
In this situation, we are talking about the general case of the provision of telecommunication services. The performer is a foreign organization. Therefore, the site of the implementation of such services, the territory of the Russian Federation does not recognize these services to the object of inclusion of VAT are not.
As for the actual agency services provided by the Russian Organization within the Agency Agreement with a foreign organization, the territory of these services is recognized as the territory of the Russian Federation and they are subject to VAT at a rate of 18 percent (clause 3 of Article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 148 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in case the organization or individual entrepreneur is carried out (it turns out) several types of work (services) and the implementation of some works (services) is auxiliary in relation to the implementation of other works (services), the place of implementation of auxiliary work (services) is recognized basic works (services).
Currently, neither legislation, nor in materials of judicial practice there is no clear answer to the question of which services can be auxiliary in relation to telecommunication services. Therefore, it is necessary to show extreme caution in solving the question of the classification of certain services under the same contract for subsidiary or independent services.
The main criterion for assigning services to auxiliary is their provision on one contract with basic services. This follows from the private explanations of the financial department (see, for example, the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 31, 2008 No. 03-07-15 / 201). However, this criterion is not the only one, especially since the current Russian legislation does not prohibit the conclusion of mixed contracts containing elements of several treaties (clause 3 of Art. 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Example 4. The Russian organization concluded a settlement service agreement with a foreign company. According to the contract, the organization pays the following types of services and fees:
- fee for transferring reports on calculations and operations on the electronic communication system;
- entrance fees for connecting to the transmission system of settlements and operations;
- license payments for the use of foreign company software and its support (royalties);
- Payments for the training of Russian personnel;
- Payments for installation and maintenance services and computer equipment.
In this case, the fee for transferring reports on calculations and operations on the electronic communication system is unambiguously attributed to settlements on telecommunication services. The transfer of an entry fee for this service directly with it is connected and may be regarded as a subsidiary service. Provides these services a foreign organization. Consequently, the obligation to calculate VAT as a tax agent does not arise from the Russian organization.
All other services cannot be regarded as auxiliary in relation to telecommunication, since they are independent in terms of the subject of the contract.

Profit Tax

For the purpose of calculating the income tax, telecommunication services can be divided into three groups:
- telecommunication services that can be qualified as a capital's work;
- telecommunication services that have features of advertising expenses;
- All other telecommunication services.
As mentioned above, the information and telecommunications network is understood as a technological system intended for transmission over the communication lines of information, access to which is carried out using computing equipment. In practice, the communication line may be owned by the organization, and as part of telecommunication costs can be allocated, for example, the costs of cable laying.
The author adheres to a more cautious position on the tax accounting of the data of expenses, fully relevant to the position of controlling agencies, and proposes to recognize the costs of the cable laying as capital expenditures. Accordingly, the write-off of these costs should be made by means of depreciation.
Thus, in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 1, 2006 No. 03-03-04 / 2/162, it is clear that the costs of paying for work on the cable laying and the installation of additional equipment are capital expenses that cannot be taken into account for taxation goals The composition of current expenses.
For the sake of fairness it is worth noting that there are several court decisions confirming that such costs can be taken into account at the same time (see, for example, the resolutions of the FAS of the Moscow District of 11.04.2011 N Ka-A40 / 1664-11-2, the Ural District of 10/22/2008 N f09-7701 / 08-C3 in case No. А07-14523 / 07).
Regarding the second group of telecommunication services, it is necessary to note the following. Subparagraph 28 of paragraph 1 of Art. 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation it was established that in other expenses related to production and implementation include the costs of advertising (acquired) and (or) sold goods (works, services), the taxpayer, trademark, and service sign, including participation in exhibitions and fairs, taking into account the provisions of paragraph 4 of Art. 264 NK RF.
According to paragraph 4 of Art. 264 of the Tax Code of the Organization's expenses for advertising for income tax purposes include including expenses for promotional activities through the media and telecommunication networks. Therefore, in some cases, telecommunication costs may be normalized.
Recall that expenses for the types of advertising not specified in the para. 2 - 4 p. 4 tbsp. 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, are recognized in the amount not exceeding 1 percent of revenue from the implementation determined in accordance with Art. 249 Tax Code.
In all other cases, telecommunication service costs the taxpayer may take into account other expenses related to production and implementation (PP. 25 of paragraph 1 of Art. 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
These costs can be taken into account when calculating income tax under the overall conditions for the recognition of costs. So, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 252 Tax Code of the Russian Federation expenses are recognized as reasonable and documented costs carried out (incurred) by the taxpayer. Under reasonable expenditures are the cost-effective costs, whose assessment is expressed in cash. When calculating the costs of the third group of telecommunication services reduce the tax base at the calculation date in accordance with the terms of the concluded contracts or the date of the taxpayer of documents that serve as a basis for the work of settlements, or in the last number of reporting (tax) period. This follows from PP. 3 p. 7 tbsp. 272 Tax Code. At the cash management method, the fundamental service is fundamental. The question of the classification of certain types of communication services to one of the three above groups is solved on the basis of their content.

Example 5. The Russian organization pays for the promotion of sites on the Internet, optimizing sites for search engines, excluding sites to high positions in search engines (TOP-10), properly and configure sites for indexing search engines.
Site promotion services are aimed at an increase in the attendance of the company's website and, accordingly, to attract new customers.
In accordance with Art. 3 of the Federal Law of March 13, 2006 N 38-FZ "On Advertising" under the advertisement is understood as information common in any way, in any form and using any means addressed to an undefined circle of persons and aimed at drawing attention to the object of advertising, forming or maintaining interest. To him and its promotion on the market.
Thus, the cost of services aimed at attracting the attention of an indefinite circle of persons to the organization's site, refers to the purpose of calculating the income tax to advertising spending.

In practice, taxpayers are extremely reluctant to apply the rules relating to the classification of telecommunication services to advertising, since, as mentioned above, in this case it can be about normalization of costs. However, I would like to warn readers from some arbitrary interpretation of legislation, since such actions are fraught with tax sanctions.
If the Russian organization pays for telecommunication services to a foreign partner, a question may arise: is it necessary in this situation to carry out the duties of the tax agent for income tax?
This question should be answered negatively and that's why.
First, these revenues are usually not related to the entrepreneurial activity of a foreign company in the Russian Federation. This is due to the character of telecommunication services. Since in this case it is most often about the transfer of information on networks using computers, the Contractor provides services in its state.
Secondly, the types of income received by a foreign organization, which are not related to its entrepreneurial activities in the Russian Federation, but relate to the income of a foreign organization from sources in the Russian Federation and are subject to taxation held by the source of income payments listed in paragraph 1 of Art. 309 Tax Code. These are dividends, interest income, revenue from the sale, lease of real estate, etc. This list does not contain such types of services as telecommunication or communication services. Theoretically, you can simulate the situation when telecommunication services will be provided by a foreign organization in Russia. If this happens on an ongoing basis, such activities can lead to the formation of a permanent representation of a foreign firm for tax purposes.
However, in this case, the Russian buyer the duties of the income tax agent will not arise. Based on the norms of Art. 246 Tax Code Foreign executive is an independent payer of income tax in the budget of the Russian Federation.

Salary taxes and contributions

The question of the accrual and payment of salary taxes and contributions arises in those situations where telecommunication services are provided by an individual who are not an individual entrepreneur under a civil law agreement.
First of all, it should be noted that the remuneration for the rendered service is the income of the individual, which is included in the object of taxation of personal income tax (PP. 6 of paragraph 3 of Art. 208, paragraph 1 of Art. 209, paragraph 1 of Art. 210 NK RF) . At the same time, the organization, as a result of the relationship with which the taxpayer received income in the form of fees for the services rendered, is recognized as tax agents that are obliged to calculate, keep the taxpayer and pay the amount of NFFL (clause 1 of Art. 226 of the Russian Federation).
From the incomes of residents of the Russian Federation, the tax must be kept at a rate of 13%, the tax from the income of non-residents - at a rate of 30%. The Company is obliged to list the NDFL, no later than the day of actual receipt at the Bank of cash on income payment (clause 6 of Art. 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
About who such tax residents say in paragraph 2 of Art. 207 NK RF. These are individuals who are actually in the Russian Federation at least 183 calendar days within 12 months in a row. The period of finding an individual in the Russian Federation is not interrupted for periods of its departure beyond the territory of the Russian Federation for short-term (less than six months) treatment or learning.
Recall that according to paragraph 2 of Art. 221 Tax Code Tax Resident has the right to a professional tax deduction in the amount of actually incurred and documented costs. The right to receive professional tax deductions, an individual implements by filing a written application to the Tax Agent (Art. 221 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
Payments to a physical person under civil law agreements, the subject of which is the work of work (provision of services), are recognized as the object of taxing by insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance and compulsory medical insurance (Part 1 of Art. 7, Part 1 of Art. 8, . 2 h. 3, Art. 9 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-ФЗ).
If the contract is concluded with a foreigner, it is necessary to consider the following. Payments in favor of a citizen temporarily staying on the territory of the Russian Federation are not subject to any kind of mandatory insurance premiums established by the Federal Law N 212-FZ. Temporarily staying on the territory of Russia is a foreigner, who has no residence permit, no permission for temporary accommodation.
Most often with the remuneration to the Contractor for a civil law agreement, there is no need to pay contributions for insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. The legislation states that only if the contract for the compensated provision of the Services provides for the obligation of the organization to pay insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance against accidents at the production and occupational diseases, for payments to the physical person, the organization is obliged to charge the above contributions (paragraph 1 of Art. 5, paragraph 1 of Art. 20.1 of the Federal Law of 24.07.1998 N 125-FZ).
It should be borne in mind that in the performance of the duties on the payment of insurance contributions from accidents in production and the tradeablabory, it does not matter with whom the civil-law contract is concluded: with a citizen of Russia or with a foreigner. On all individuals, the same rules are applied.

(Codes 752, 753, 754) are included: Transfer of sound information, images and other information flows through cable, radio broadcasting, relay or satellite communications systems, including telephone, telegraph communications and telex, communication lines lease services, sound transmission networks, images and data. This type of service includes the services of organizations providing the Internet ... "

A source:

Russia dated 12.11.2009 N 2332-y (ed. From 24.08.2012) "On the list, forms and procedures for the preparation and submission of the reporting forms of credit institutions in the Central Russian Federation" (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 12/16/2009 N 15615)

Official terminology. Academician. 2012.

Watch what is "telecommunication services" in other dictionaries:

    Telecommunication services - 1. Provided by current legislation or not prohibited by this Law, a collection of specialized communication services provided on contractual or other legal grounds is used in document: No. 2 of 28.01.98 ... Telecommunication Dictionary

    main telecommunication services - Basic telecommunication services Basic communication services Telecommunication services both in common use and private, which suggest the transfer of information provided by the Customer from one point in another telecommunication topic, ... ... Technical translator directory

    additional telecommunication services - Additional communication services Telecommunication services with value-added, i.e. To services, in the implementation of which the supplier adds the cost to the information provided by the client by increasing its shape or content or by ... ... Technical translator directory

    services with prepaid - Charge scheme at which the subscriber can make incoming and outgoing calls until its account has a certain amount. Control over the expenditure of funds is carried out automatically in real time (often operator ... ... Technical translator directory

    telematic services - Telecommunication services for access and data processing regarding management and measurement of parameters of executive or other systems, mechanisms, devices and equipment. Telecommunication topics, main ... ... Technical translator directory

    tropic services - Telecommunication services for the delivery of interactive and multimedia services, as a rule, broadcasting, combined with three components: data, voice and video. Telecommunication topics, main ... ... Technical translator directory

    R 50.1.048-2004: Information and telecommunication gaming systems. Terms and Definitions - Terminology R 50.1.048 2004: Information Telecommunication Gaming Systems. Terms and definitions: 2.3.25 Adaptive support: Changing the software product after delivery, providing its working condition in the modified ... ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    interactive services - A common term for a wide class of services initiated by the user and provided by servers and application systems in real time (for example, viewing websites, Internet Peying, search in databases, etc.). [L.M. Nevdyaev. ... ... Technical translator directory

    Advanced technology and communication services - (R & D program, carried out in Europe in 1994, 1998.) See www.cordis.lu/acts/home.html [L.M. Nevdyaev Telecommunication technologies. Anglo Russian Explanatory Dictionary Directory. Edited by Yu.M. Gornostayev. Moscow, 2002] Themes ... ... Technical translator directory


  • Marketing services. Personnel, technology, strategy, Lavlock Christopher. In this book you will find a description of a carefully selected set of basic techniques and marketing methods, often used in the service sector of service managers. The service sector got into ... to buy for 5186 rubles.
  • Marketing services: staff, technology, strategy. 4th ed. / Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy, Christopher Lavlock / Christopher H. LoveLock. 1008 pages. The services of the services fell into the field of vision of academic circles in the early 1970s. However, almost 20 years have passed before marketing and service management courses have taken a worthy place in ...

Network. the Internet

Computer network - Many computers connected by information transfer lines for sharing resources and exchange data.

Assigning any network: access to information resources; Sharing hardware and software resources.

Distinguish local and global computer networks. Currently, you can additionally allocate regional and corporate networks.

Regionalnetworks combine computers within one region (city, country, continent).

Corporate Networks combine enterprises of one industry or corporation (for example, military, banking, etc.).

Globalthe network covers the entire modern information world (Internet).

Localnetwork (LS) combines several dozen computers installed in the same room (for example, a school computer class) or in one building (for example, all computers in the school building can be combined into a local network.

Currently, a large distribution of the network, uniting enterprises and users within the region.

The local network allows users to get joint access to computer resources, as well as peripheral devices (printers, plotters, disks, modems, etc.) connected to the network.

LANs are peer and with a dedicated server.

Server - This is a computer or program providing some services to other computers or programs. On one computer, several servers providing various services can simultaneously operate.

Client - This is a computer or program using server resources. As in the case of a server, on one computer can simultaneously work (and usually work) several customers.

Technical requirements.

Each computer connected to the local network must have a special fee ( network adapter ). Its function is the transmission and reception of signals distributed by communication cables. In addition, the computer must be equipped with network operating system .

The most important characteristics of local networks - information transfer rate On the network, it is usually located in the range from 10 to 100 Mbps.

Under topology computer network usually understand the physical location of the network computers relative to each other and the method of connecting their lines.

Main topology.

a) Linear topology

b) "Star"

d) Ring

Information transfer rate - this is the amount of information transmitted per unit of time (bit / s \u003d 1 bod)

Methods for connecting computers

1. Cables (Cable Systems). They differ in physical device, and therefore, the speed of information transmission

Ø coaxial cable. Allows you to transfer information to a distance of up to 2000 m at a speed of 2-44 Mbps (in the Ethernet10 Mbps network);

Ø fiber optic cable speed up to 10 Gbps

Ø twisted para The data transfer rate can be 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps in the Ethernet network (depends on the network equipment used) or up to 155 Mbps in ATM;

2. For connecting machines that are far from each other, often used telephone network and modems ) -Mimal exit.

Modem- This is a device designed to convert a digital signal used in the computer to analog (modulation) (a telephone network operates on it) and back (demodulation).

3. Can be used satellite connection(Channel Speed \u200b\u200b- up to 100 Mbps)

Radio(Channel transmission rate - 2 Mbps). Advantages: Communication does not require construction work and cable laying.

the Internet

The global computer network Internet includes more 150 million servers(Server - This is a computer or program that provides some services to other computers or programs.) where billions of Web pages are posted. Web pages using hyperlinks are related to each other and form World Wide Web.

Special programs are used for World Wide Web Travel - browsers. The browser loads the Web page and displays it in accordance with the tags hypertext marking language (HTML).Web pages have expansion .Htm.. Browsers exist for all operating systems, for example, for MS-DOS - ARACHNE, for Windows - Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator, Neoplanet, Opera, etc.

To view a specific Web page in the browser, you must enter the Web page address in the text field Address: (URL - Universal Resourse Locator). URL Includes the access protocol, the domain name or IP address of the server and the path to the Web page. For example, the URL for the initial page of the Informatics 2000 site can be written in the following forms:


URL addressconsists of three parts :

1. First on the left, the applied applied protocol . For WWW service it is always http: //.

2. The second element defines the address of the computer on the Internet. Here may be specified IP address ( or, domain name Computer - schools.keldysh.ru..

Domain name Computer consists of several parts (usually from three). It is analyzed from right to left . The most eldest part of the domain name is called the domain name of the first level. It determines the network of geographic location or the type of organization (for Russia, the domain name of the first level is .ru). The next part of the domain name identifies a specific network and is called the domain name of the second level. The domain names of the second level are not "purchased" and not " appointed", but renoze At the time of the organization owning the domain name of the first level.

The next part of the domain name indicates a specific computer on the network. His name assigns Owner (tenant) of the second level domain name.

3. The last part of the URL - this is the path to the file and the name itself File on the specified computer. On the Internet, the directories are separated by a symbol / (oblique line). This part of the address may be sensitive to the register of characters.

A group of interrelated web pages located on one server are called Web nodes, Web site or just site. The term site can be represented as an information platform. Web pages of one web site (site) are usually combined thematically and belong to one owner.

Main types of telecommunication services

Exchange protocol - This is a set of rules (agreement, standard) information transfer in the network. Protocols are conventionally divided into basic (lower levels) responsible for transmitting any type of information, and applied (higher levels) that are responsible for the operation of specialized services. The internet protocol system allows you to establish a connection between any computers connected to the Internet. There are many online network Servicesboth specialized and intended for the mass user. Here is the most popular of them:


Ø E-mail Email Service E-mail address it is written in a certain form and consists of two parts separated by the @ symbol: [Email Protected] Server_Name.

The first part of the address has an arbitrary character and is set by the user. The second part is the domain name of the mail server on which the user has registered its mailbox

Ø FTP file transfer service

Ø Teleconferencing service

Ø the Internet- the shops.

Ø Interactive communication. (Shat'y, ICQ).

Modern electronic telephone systems help hotel employees improve work efficiency, provide a high level of customer service and expand a set of additional services.

During residence, guests of high-class hotels can enjoy all sorts of telecommunications services. For the convenience of access to information sources and hotel services, there are special buttons with symbols (pictograms), indicating a certain service (reception service, restaurant, concierge, room service, etc.) (Fig. 2.13).

Fig. 2.13.

The guest just click on the corresponding phone button in the room, and immediately connects to the required service. Electronic telephone systems of the last generation help the hotel providing individual customer service. For example, in some major departments of the hotel can be installed television

backgrounds with displays, and if the guest is calling from the room, the number of the room is displayed on the telephone display, but also the guest name. This allows the hotel to always call the guest by name. Or another example - voice mail services ( Voice Mail). Customers have the opportunity to listen to the members of the incoming subscribers left by them in the language they prefer. The processing and transmission system of voice messages allows you to automate many services, for example, the traditional transmission of information by accepting and delivering a telephone message. If the subscriber is busy or for several beeps, the handset was not removed, the call is automatically transmitted to the guest's mailbox in voice mail. About the message The client will find out on the light signal on the display of its telephone. All left messages The guest can listen to several times, freely move inside the mailbox (go to the next message, go back to the previous one), take a pause while listening, etc. After leaving all messages and personal greeting (if it was recorded by the guest) automatically erased.

With the help of telephone systems, guests will also learn about the receipt of telefax for them. In this case, the corresponding entry appears on the display of the guest telephone. In a number of hotels, in addition to the stationary (desktop) telephone, guests have been provided with cordless telephones (mobile or radiotelephones) with the room for their stay with the room for customers to reach anywhere in the hotel. It is possible to switch the conversation from one phone to the other.

Service "Do not disturb the guest" (Do Not Disturb)

If the guest wants to be distracted from affairs and relax to relax, it can independently use the "Do not disturb" function, the system forwards the call from the telephone in the guest's room to a specific line where you can leave a text or voice message. The guest may ask the telephone operator that it is not disturbed until a certain hour. For this service respond to telephone operators. After pressing the DND key (do not disturb) on the corresponding machine, the operator at the request of the system enters the guest room number and time to which no call should enter the specified number. The system fully blocks the phone in the room. Even if employees of other hotel services are needed to contact the guest, they will not be able to do it. Call the DND number when installing DNDs can only telephone operators. When time expires, the system automatically unlock the phone.

The external sensor allows you to display a different data on the display, for example, an outdoor air temperature or a water temperature in the pool.

Modern telecommunication technologies enable guests to work with their personal computer in the room, use Internet and email services.

At the request of the guest in the room can be installed facsimile.

During the residence, guests enjoy a long-distance, international telephone connection in Moscow and the intra-resident telephone connection. Intra-residential communication is free. In order to call the number to the room, you must first type the numbers of the floor, and then the number numbers. For example, for hotels having greater floors, phone numbers are numbers:

  • 03028 - for room 28 on the 3rd floor;
  • 12005 - for room 5 on the 12th floor;
  • 17104 - for room 104 on the 17th floor.

Thus, telephone numbers coincide with room numbers.

External calls are paid, and each hotel has its own rates (rates) for telephone calls. Modern telephone systems automatically record the duration and cost of telephone conversations. Telephone systems are connected to a computer system and automatically make accrual on general guest accounts.

In different hotels, the telephone service can be referred to in different ways: telephone exchange, switch, switching department, or PBC (Private Branch Exchange, Switchboard). At the telephone service operator (TELEPHONE OPERATOR) Many job duties. The PBX operator is the "Hotel Communication Center". As a rule, the first contact of the client with the hotel occurs precisely when it is mediated. The impression of the hotel begins to form the client after the first communication with the staff of the telephone station. This requires from the receiving calls of the operator of certain skills called telemarketing. The professionalism of the employee of the telephone exchange can in many ways can affect the choice by the client of this particular hotel. The work of PBX operators is inextricably linked with telephone etiquette (Telephone etiquette). Telephone service staff should have a well-supplied or just a pleasant voice, have patience, tranquility and benevolence. In this service, only female faces work.

The main responsibility of the PBX operator is politely and qualified to respond to phone calls. It is necessary to remove the tube for three calls (thereby not forcing the client to wait a long time and at the same time has time to tune in to the conversation). Before lifting the phone, the operator should smile, - this will help voice sound more confident and friendly, express a positive attitude. (It is important to remember that the guest can not see the operator, but he needs to "hear a" smile.) The voice of the telephonist, her smile, goodwill, as well as the ability to quickly and accurately perform requests are a visiting card of the hotel for callers from different countries of the world. The center of communication works around the clock. After removing the phone, the telephone operator thanks the caller for the appeal (call) to the hotel, welcomes the client, it seems and offers help. On external incoming calls ( Incoming Calls) It should be answered as follows: "Good morning / den / evening (depending on the time of day). Thank you for, what did you call the hotel ... this ... (present), how can I help you?" or: "Good morning / den / evening, hotel ... says telephone operator ... (introduce yourself). I'm at your service". In domestic hotels with foreign management, where a large percentage of foreign citizens is located, this phrase is pronounced first in English, and then in Russian: " Good Morning / Good Afternoon / Good Evening. Thank You for Calling ... this is ... How May I Help You? " or: " Good Morning ... Hotel, telephone Operator ... Speaking, how MAY I Assist You? ". For a guest greeting in the interval from 07.00 to 12.00, it is better to pronounce good Morning, from 12.00 to 18.00 - good afternoon, from 18.00 and further - good evering, and quite deep at night - Good Night.

For internal calls, you can use the following phrase: "Good morning / den / evening (depending on the time of day). Telephone operator (name ). Than i can help you?"; "Good Morning, telephone operator ... Speaking. How MAY I Help You? " After greetings, it is necessary to clearly define, in which language will be sought with a guest. If the speech of the caller is not clear to you or you cannot fully communicate in the proposed language, it is necessary to extremely politely ask English: "/ am Sorry Sir / Madame, May I Speak English to You? " Next to act in terms of the situation. If the guest speaks only in Russian, it is necessary, appreciating the situation, go in a conversation to Russian.

It should be remembered that the language of communication in a hotel with a foreign guest international management has been approved English, so all greetings and standard phrases of telephone communication in the reception and placement service are pronounced, first of all, in English, and then, if necessary, in Russian, French or other languages.

In the event that if you receive an incoming call after your greeting, the subscriber is not heard, diplomatic and politely ask the subscriber to call back: " Unfortunately, You can not be heard. You are welcome, call no back. Thank you"; "Excuse those, I Can Not Hear You. Please, Call Us Hack. Thank You".

If you did not hear the phrase delivered by the Subscriber, in polite form ask to repeat: "Sorry, could you repeat again? Thank you"; "/ am Sorry, Would You Mind Repeating Again, Please? Thank you ".

If the guest did not introduce himself at the beginning of the conversation, it is allowed to contact him with the question: "Can I find out what your name is? / How to contact you? / Can I find out your name?"; "Excuse Those, Could You Introduce Your Self? " If you learned the name of the caller, please contact him only by name.

It is necessary to mention the name of the guest at least three times: at the beginning, the middle and at the end of the conversation. Use the ascending intonation of your voice when talking. When communicating with clients, it is necessary to comply with some rules that will help correctly and confidently negotiate on the phone and create a positive impression of the hotel. Recommended:

  • breathe deeply, straight sit;
  • When talking on the phone to use the same body language, as in personal communication;
  • create a visual image of the client during a conversation with him;
  • Never talk, sticking the tube with hand;
  • try to minimize the background noise, do not make extra movements;
  • talk clearly without hurrying;
  • Avoid special terms or explain it in detail;
  • Before explaining anything, it is necessary to specify the needs of the client, asking the leading issues;
  • Make pauses for answers, listen carefully to the interlocutor;
  • Check the correctness of understanding by the interlocutor of your explanations, using the technique of reformulation of the issue;
  • talk only to what you are confident;
  • concentrate on a conversation with the client, do not talk with two clients at the same time;
  • Estate the client from the need to repeat what he has already said if you have to forward a call; You need to briefly state the essence of the question of the person you have forwarded the call.

If you need a re-call, then employees of the company must call back, and not a client. It often happens that the telephone lines are occupied, so the problem of the dialing is necessary from the client to remove. In addition, if you call back, thereby demonstrating your interest. The first puts the phone called; The telephone operator should never put the phone before the client. If the conversation broke, then calls the one who called. If the call was intended to be an employee that is missing, you should record information, promising the client to call back. Complete the conversation before putting the handset, in this way: "Have a nice day! Goodbye. Thank you, what they called our hotel ";" Have a Nice Day! / Good bye. Thank You for Colling to Our Hotel.

One of the difficulties in the work of the telephone operator is to communicate with different people and temperament in humans. Very often, the hotel staff faced with power, irritated, and sometimes with hysterical clients. It is always necessary to keep a positive attitude and respond to any customer issues. Operators, as experienced psychologists, when communicating with clients, can identify their types of character and in accordance with this to build a conversation.

So, for example, distinctive features " chatty" client There will be: Fast speech, intermittent breathing, frequent quick transitions from one topic to another, the desire to talk to foreign topics during a business conversation. Based on this, telephone operators behave as follows: Specify "closed" questions, apply the methods of control over pauses (reduce the time of the pauses and gaps between statements, retain politeness and do not rush), are limited to minimal responses (avoid extraneous topics, they answer briefly), Help "see things" in real light (clearly repeat the request or problem client, call a solution that will help eliminate the problem or fulfill the request, call a specific time when this problem is solved).

Distinctive features "authority" client They are considered: the desire to always win, the requirement of immediate action, the transition in a conversation right to the essence of the case, a clear wording of his thoughts; The conversation is characterized by brevity, it is not always in polite form. When communicating with this type of client, the staff adhere to the following rules: demonstrate the same degree of self-confidence as the interlocutor (employees of the telephone station speak a calm, imperturbable tone, use accurate, brief wording, do not speak for foreign topics); Carefully listen in order to make sure they understand what the problem is or requesting; ask questions requiring a single response (this allows you to limit the amount of incoming information or complete the conversation); The following keywords use in the conversation: I did, I have, I do, I will, I will become, for example: "Have you already appealed to the economic service and you could not assist? I can help you." With such a client, it is always necessary to be friendly and considerable, but at the same time concrete and straightforward.

For " passive "customer Characteristic: discreet, slow speech, soft intonation, he is undemanding in its essence, needs to accelerate the counterpart. When communicating with such a client, it is recommended: to ask open questions (this makes it possible to learn more about the client); Use such keywords as: why, when, who, what, where; Request a customer about feedback, for example: "Mr. Ivanov, if something does not suit you or there will be a problem, you are welcome, call telephone operators. "

For "irritable" client Inherent: Fast and emotionally painted speech, complaints, accusing tone. The rules that are guided by the staff of the telephone exchange in relation to such customers, the following: listen carefully; find out what the interlocutor became so angry; show concern about this Do not interrupt and do not try to hurry this person; stay calm; encourage the client to independently search for solutions; offer solutions and negotiate specific steps on their embodiment; Always save courtship.

In independence on the nature of the client and on the degree of his irritation in the hotel business, there is one important rule that helps to successfully solve the guest's problem. This rule is called the Learn principle.

L - LISTEN - Listen.

E - EMPATHIZE - Assure.

A - Apologize - apologize.

R - REACT - react, suggest a solution to the problem.

N - Notify - report what happened.

All the above rules, tips, principles are very helpful in work. The ability to understand the characters of customers helps not only when communicating on the phone, software and applicable in personal contact, and Learn rules help to properly build an action plan for solving any problem. Depending on the issue or request of the caller, the operator independently gives the answer or redirects the client to the appropriate service or competent in this matter employee of the hotel. The high professionalism of the PBX operator lies in the ability and ability to independently respond to customer questions and seek as much as possible for help from other services and employees. While there is a connection with any division of the hotel or a specific person (if there is still a need for this), the calling should not hear foreign sounds or a service conversation of the hotel staff. This provides for connecting melodic (classic) music. After one minute, in the event that no one takes the phone in the required department or service of the hotel, the operator should ask whether the calling will expect further, call back later or leave a voice or text message. In no case cannot leave the caller client without attention, "put on the expectation" more than one minute. Returning to the conversation, it should be said: "Thanks for waiting"; "Thank You for Holding!" or: "Mr. / Madam (name), sorry that you had to wait. Could you leave your phone number? I will solve this question and call you back. Thank you"; " Mr./MRS. (Name) Thank You for Holding. Do You Mind To Leave Your Phone Number? Til Take Care ABOUT This Matter and Call You Back. Thank you ". You need to be helpful, to offer assistance, without waiting for a request. Five minutes later, this is the maximum period - you need to call the guest and inform it about the result or on the course of solving it issue.

It is forbidden to connect with the services in which the receipt of external calls is unacceptable.

If you are talking on the phone and in your queue another call, then you should ask the guest to wait: "Sorry, could you wait on the line?"; "Excuse those May I Put You on Hold for Awhile?" Next, listen to the content of the question or requests of the next caller. If the solution to the issue does not take a long time, you should answer. In the event that it is not possible, you need to apologize, ask to wait and return to the first call.

If the caller asks to connect it with the number of the hotel's guest, and there is currently no in place, the operator can also offer the caller to leave a voice or text message using, for example, such phrases like: "Unfortunately, no one answers in the room. Sorry, You would you like to leave a message or call back later? ";" I am Sorry, But There Is No Answer in The Room at the Moment. Excuse Me, Would You Like to Leave A Message or Call Later? " When receiving text information for the guest, special forms are used (Fig. 2.14). Each telephone message must necessarily contain the following information: date, phone call time; surname and name of the caller; surname and name, to whom the message is intended; Room room or service name; Persistent signature of the person who adopted information. Often there are the most typical options for transmitted information on the letter for transmitting information: "URGENT!", I wanted to appoint a meeting, "I asked (-A) to call back", "call back", "personally searched for", "very important!", "You wanted to see" etc. In such cases, the telephonist notes the necessary phrase, and the reception time of the telephone program is significantly reduced. The forms are filled in two copies: the first instance - for the client, the second remains in the telephone service. This is recommended for two reasons:

  • a) in case of loss by the client of its instance of the telephone message can always be restored;
  • b) In case of unreasonable client accusations, the information was not transferred to it or was transferred to late.

Messages should be handed to the client in a closed form. For this, the forms have special adhesive strips or the hotel provides branded envelopes (Fig. 2.15).

Fig. 2.14.

Fig. 2.15.

All messages for the guest should be delivered to him in the room for 15-20 minutes. Such work, as a rule, put pressure-messenger, luggage pans. Prepare the transfer of message to the guest follows the phrase: "For you there is a message / package"; "I Have a Message / A Package for You".

Very often, the hotel is requested to give a certificate of living a person, give the room phone number or connect with guests living in the hotel. Telephone station operators must maintain the confidentiality of the accommodation of the hotel's clients. Like all hotel staff, PBX operators are responsible for the security of customers. Telephoners should not disclose rooms and guest phone numbers. In high-class hotels, telephone communications with guests are possible with direct contact with the telephone exchange operator. At the same time, the telephone request asks the caller to introduce and wait a bit. Next, it is associated with a guest living in the room and finds out whether this phone call is desirable or not. The connection occurs only with a positive response of the residence. Before translating the call, the telephonist informs about what it does, for example: " Mr ... Connect you with my lord .... / Please, connect you with ... ";" I "T Connecting You ίί ..." or: "Mr. / Mrs. (name), please do not hang up. I connect you with a department (room). Thank you"; "Mr./mrs. (Pat), I" T Connecting You To ... Department (Room). Please, Hold The Line. Thank you ".

The telephone operator has no right to disclose confidential information about department staff: schedules of managers and personnel, home addresses and phones, etc.

Service service from the infocommunicationSetage is carried out by providing services and applications.

Service ( Service.) - This is what is offered by the user to the user in order to meet his infocommunication needs. The service is characterized by one-time consumption and cost depending on its type and quality.

application (Application) Like the concept of the service, but, unlike the latter, the user is provided in the form of a final product that can be repeatedly used. For example, the acquisition, a special package of programs required to implement multimedia services with their installation on a computer included in the network, are examples of application purchase.

An infocommunication service is multi-metering, which ensures the satisfaction of telecommunications or information, or those and others at the same time user needs.

Telecommunication service - this is:

· The result of interaction on a contractual basis of the telecom operator and customer of the telecommunications service;

· The result of its own activity of the operator to meet with the help of technical telecommunication means needs of the user's services in carrying out communication or in providing such an opportunity;

· Providing access to reference, emergency and emergency services and to databases;

· Providing a user of various amenities for communication.

Providing telecommunication services - Activity operator required to ensure the execution of telecommunication services.

Information service (Information Service) - Satisfying the user's information query formed as a result of a targeted search for information in a distributed system of information resources, by delivering telecommunications in demand copies of content.

Communication operator It is a physical or legal person who has the right to provide telecommunication services on the basis of a license issued by him. Communication operator - provider of telecommunication services.

The provision platform is called a set of combined network resources involved in manufacturing and providing services.

When forming a platform for the provision of services, resources of public networks and private networks can be involved.

When organizing a platform of services, network resources of several operators who concluded commercial agreements can be used. In addition, the network resources belonging to the same operator can be involved in various service provision platforms.

For the provision of services, users are organized by special network services.

The network service is called the organizational and technical complex that implements the form of communication, which is required to provide a specific type of service.

Telecommunication service - organizational and technical structure on the telecommunications network, providing telecommunication services.

At the discretion of telecommunication networks, there was the possibility of providing various services based on a single integrated network as a common telecommunications environment for transmitting any information messages presented in digital code. This entailed the integration and services themselves, and, as a result, the appearance of digital networks with maintenance integration (CSIO). In tab. 1.2 presents existing and promising services and telecommunication network services.

Table 1.2.

Existing and promising services and telecommunication network services

Service name Services Used telecommunication networks
Telephone communication, including moving objects Installation of a telephone Local telephone conversation Long-distance telephone conversation International telephone conversation Telephone conversation Network Network network Conversation or data transmission through CSIO Additional services TFE, mobile network, general use, departmental telephone network, departmental CSIO
Telegraph, Telex, Subscriber Telegraph (AT), United AT / Telex Service Telegrams Negotiations on AT, Teleku Additional services Telegraph network, Telex network, AT network, United Network AT / Telex
Transferring data packets for telephone networks, data transmission by CSIO, data transfer via rented channels Connection on the data network connection to transmit data by TFP connection to transmit data on the CSIO transfer channels for rental transmission additional services Package Switching Data Network, TFE, Departmental Networks, CSIO, Uncommunicable Network
Telematics Facsimograx-3 Facsimix-4 Mixed Back Mode Teletext VideoTector Message Processing PSTN, departmental networks, packet switching network, CSIO, video modex centers, message processing nodes
Teleconferencing Teleconference audiographic and video CSIO, network dispatch services
Multimedia Multimedia (sound, text, movable and motionless images) Broadband CSSIO

Ending table. 1.2.

The emergence of the CSIO integral network demanded large work on standardization and international agreements. International recommendations in this area are developed by the Standardization Standardization Standardization Sector of ITU-T Telecommunications (INU-T), previously referred to as the International Advisory Committee on Telegraph and Telephony MKTT (CCITT). ICCTT recommended classifying services in an integrated network into two groups that do not depend on the forms of communication based on the degree of completeness coverage of the functions of services: the transfer and television service.

Transmission Services Provide transportation of information in compliance with the established rules only between the support points of the integral network (dots of the subscriber's connectivity) and are not responsible for the compatibility of the communication function of the user's terminal devices. Responsibility in this case is entirely on users who acquire these devices.

Television shop Designed to organize communication, the user with maintaining the functions of the terminal devices, providing their compatibility. Telephony, Teletex, Facsilex, video music are examples of television stores in the classification under consideration.

There is another classification of services that does not depend on the form of communication and the functions of the terminal devices. MKTT allocates two categories of services in this regard: interactive and distribution (with an extensive mode of operation or broadcast) service.

Interactive Services Encompass the following services classes: dialog services, services with accumulation and service on request.

Dialog services Provide a bilateral exchange of real-time information (without intermediate accumulation) between users or between a user and computer. In the dialogue can be provided with services and, if necessary, telephony, telelax, telefax, data transfer.

Services with accumulation Designed for indirect communication between users using intermediate storage of information messages. Intermediate storage is performed in network central devices. Accumulation services can be used when transmitting audio, video communications, text, data transmitted in email mode.

Services on request Enable the user to receive information from data banks. An example is the provision of video sext services and its varieties.

Distribution services Provide the distribution of messages from one central source of information to an unlimited number of subscribers eligible for reception. With the help of these services, the work of media communication is being implemented. The user can take the flow of messages at any time, but it cannot affect the temporary course of it or on the content. Classical examples of providing such services are sound and television broadcasting, teletext, but it does not exclude the possibility of using this mode and for other types of messages, such as facsimile data, data.

Interactive and distribution services, depending on compatibility requirements, can be offered by administrations and network operators as television and as a transfer service.

1.6 Model of interaction of open systems (OSI model).
Structure and basic principles of construction

Interaction in modern infocommunication networks is organized in accordance with the reference model of interaction of open systems (OPEN System InterConnection Reference Model - OSI) developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO - International Organization for Standartisation) In 1980, this model defines the concept and methodology for creating transmission networks data. It describes the standard rules for the operation of devices and software when exchanging data between nodes in the open system.

Open Customs systems using standard interaction protocols.

With reference to telecommunication systems, the OSI model serves to clearly define the structure of a plurality of functions supporting the information exchange between users of the telecommunications system, which, in general, contains telecommunication network. The approach used in the OSI model provides for the separation of the set of processing and data transmission functions on a network of seven hierarchical " layers"(Layers) or" levels"One over the other. Each level is implemented with certain processing and data transmission functions using hardware and / or network software. Each level serves the above level and, in turn, uses the services of the underlying level. The relationship between the objects of the adjacent levels of one system is regulated by the inter-level interface.

From the point of view of any level, all underlying levels provide him with a "information transportation service" having certain characteristics. How the underlying levels are implemented are not values \u200b\u200bfor overlying levels. On the other hand, for the lower levels, it is indifferent as the meaning of the information coming from the upper levels, and the one for what purpose is it transmitted.

This approach provides for the standardization of interfaces between adjacent levels, thanks to which the implementation of any level becomes independent of how other levels are implemented.

1.6.1 Process and Protocol. Hierarchy protocols.
Interfaces and services

In accordance with the ideology laid in the OSI model, the functioning of telecommunication networks is presented in terms of the processes implemented by network systems. As systems in the model, computational tools of subscriber systems and switching sites are performed.

Process - This is a dynamic object, which is a targeted data processing certificate. The process is generated by the program or user and is associated with the input or output data and the necessary computing resources.

Processes are divided into:

1) applied - data processing in terminal equipment, as well as data transmission in data transfer systems;

2) systemic - ensuring application processes (activation of the terminal for the application process, organization of communication between processes, etc.).

Enter and output data from the process is made in the form of messages.

Message - This is a sequence of data having a complete semantic value. Entering messages to the process and output from the process are made through logical (software-organized) points, referred to as input and output ports.

The time interval during which the processes interact are called a session or session.

In each data processing node, several independent application processes can be performed simultaneously. These processes by exchanging messages through the appropriate ports can interact with application processes flowing in other nodes of the network.

The organization of interaction between the same levels of various systems is determined by the corresponding protocol(Fig. 1.4) .

Protocolit is a set of formalized rules regulating the sequence and format of messages that are exchanged by processes lying on the same level, but belonging to different systems.

Protocol description involves the task:

1) logical characteristics of the protocoldefining structure (format) and content (semantics) messages by listing the types of messages and their meaning;

2) procedural characteristics of the protocol,representing rules for performing actions prescribed by the interaction protocol and specified in formalized form (operator schemes of algorithms, automatic models, etc.)

The network protocol defines a set of rules that allow connecting and sharing information between two elements (nodes) of the network.

Most protocols are built as a hierarchical level of levels (Layers), each subsequent of which is introduced over the previous one. The underlying level provides some set of services (services) for the overlying, hiding the details of the implementation of the services provided.

Service Or a service (Service) is a set of primitives that are provided by the overlying level of the underlying. The service determines which operations level will perform on behalf of their users, but does not stipulate how these operations should be implemented. The service describes the interface between the two levels in which the underlying level is a service provider, and the overriding consumer.

Interface Presents formalized rules that determine the data structure and method (algorithm) of data exchange between the adjacent levels of one system.

Interfaces are divided into:

- circuit - A combination of interface tires;

- software - The combination of procedures implementing the procedure for interaction between levels.

1.6.2 Levels OSI-models and their appointment

In general, in the OSI model, any telecommunications system seems to be a seven-level hierarchical structure. (Fig. 1.4).

Each level is put in line with some processes, hardware and software (level objects) that implement the processing and data transmission functions. Each level serves an adjacent senior level. Each level of the OSI model is responsible for individual specific functions in communications and is implemented by the relevant technical and network software.

The OSI model does not include means of interaction of end-user applications, describing only system interaction tools. The application implements its own interaction protocols, referring to the system tools, the application can take on the functions of a number of several upper levels of the OSI model.

Fig. 1.4. OSI-Model Structure

Consider the levels of the OSI model, starting from the lowest level.

Level 1 - Physical (Physical Layer) Provides the transmission of bitflows without any changes between the logical objects of the level of data on the physical communication channel, organized between the adjacent network nodes using a transmitting medium, and generates an interface with this environment.

At this level, the basic coding mechanisms and the decoding of binary data in physical media are determined, as well as connectors, but not the data transmission medium itself. Data transfer medium, according to the reference model, is considered as something underlying the physical layer. The bitstream in the carrier must be independent of the type of data transmission medium.

Physical levelimplements communication channel management:

· Connection and disable communication channel;

· Formation of transmitted signals, etc.

Physical level data There are a bits (sequence of zeros or units) encoded in the form of electrical, optical or radio signals.

Functions of the physical layer are implemented in all devices connected to the network.

It should be remembered that the physical layer includes: synchronization, information encoding, generating signals and transmit bits on physical communication channels, modulation. The physical layer is implemented hardware. When transmitting data at the physical level, the employment of the physical data transmission environment is not monitored, checking the availability of data transmission medium is assigned to a higher level.

Level 2 - Channel Level (Data Link Layer)also wearing names data Transmission Control Level (DATA Link Control, DLC)or data link level.

The channel level generates a two-way communication channel (that is, a direct link link between adjacent network nodes), using two digital channels with opposite transmission directions, which are provided to the level 1. The most important functions of level 2 - detection and error correction that may occur at level 1 What makes independent quality of this level from the quality of the bits received "below".

The channel level provides the following services or services of the network layer service:

· Channel connection;

· Channel data service blocks;

· Identifiers of the terminal connection connection point;

· Implements the ordering of data blocks;

· Makes an error notification;

· Manages data stream;

· Determines service quality settings.

The following functions are performed on the channel level:

· Setting and breaking the connection of the channel level;

· Displays channel-level data service;

· Calving channel connection splitting;

· Remuneration and synchronization;

· Streamlining data blocks;

· Error detection;

· Recovery in errors;

· Data flow control;

· Identification and exchange of parameters;

· Data channel switching;

· Administrative control of the channel level.

The data block transmitted at the channel level is called a frame (FRAME).

Channel data

To detect errors when transferring data, the transmitted bits are grouped. Bit groups are called frames (Frames). To identify a frame, to the top and end of the frame, a special set of bits is placed. The frame includes a bit sequence called the checksum. Before sending a frame, the checksum is calculated for the data transmitted in the frame. After receiving a frame, the receiving party calculates the checksum on the same algorithm itself, and then compares it with the checksum value recorded in the frame. If the checksum values \u200b\u200bcoincided - the frame is transmitted without distortion, if not, the error is fixed for this frame. On the channel level it is possible to correct the errors found by re-transmitting failed frames. In some channel level protocols (for example, Ethernet), the error correction feature is missing, since the error correction function is not mandatory for the channel level. The channel level is implemented by software and hardware.

The channel layer procedures include:

· Adding relevant addresses to frames;

· Control errors;

· Repeated, if necessary, transfer of frames.

The channel level is designed to hide from the higher levels of the technical implementation of the network. Thus, the channel level provides the creation, transmission and reception of data frames, serving network-level queries using the physical layer service.

The channel level functions are implemented by network adapters of PCs and their drivers and various communication equipment - bridges, routers, switches.

Level 3 - Network Level ( Network Layer.), unlike the two previous ones, is responsible for transferring data to the network and forms so-called network services, routing and switching of compounds that translate through the entire network of information that users of open systems are exchanged in different (and, in general, non-negative ) Nodes of the network.

The network layer formats the transport level data and provides them with a network address of the recipient necessary for routing.

The network layer protocols are for the formation of a single transport system that combines several networks with various information transfer principles between end nodes, i.e. within the network data delivery is regulated by a channel level, data delivery between networks - network.

A data block transmitted on the network level is called Packet.

Network address is a specific identifier for each intermediate network between the source and the receiver of the information.

Network level implements:

· Error processing,

· Multiplex packages;

· Data flow management.

Network level replies For addressing (broadcast of physical and network addresses, ensuring firewalk), searching the way from the source to the recipient or between intermediate devices, establishing and maintaining a logical connection between network nodes.

Thus, on the network level, the broadcast of logical addresses and names in physical addresses is being broadcast, the shortest routes are defined, switching and routing, tracking problems and congestion on the network

Level 4 - transport level ( Transport Layer.) Controls through pass-through messages between the terminal nodes of the network, ensuring reliability and economic efficiency of data transmission regardless of the user. In this case, the terminal nodes of the network may interact through several nodes or even through several transit

At the transport level is implemented:

1) converting long messages to packages when transmitting them and reverse transformation;

2) control sequence of packets;

3) regulation of traffic on the network;

4) Recognition of duplicate packages and their destruction.

The transport level is used by the application or upper stack level application and session for data transfer with the required degree of reliability. The OSI models define five classes of service provided by the transport level. Types of service are distinguished by the quality of the services provided:

· Urgency;

· The possibility of restoring interrupted communication;

· The presence of multiplexing tools for multiple connections between different application protocols through a common transport protocol;

· Ability to detect and correct transmission errors.

To ensure a certain level of quality delivery, information may be required:

· Bufferization of received packages;

· Flow control;

· Fragment of a session level message on packages, their numbering;

· Ordering arriving packages;

· Addressing applied processes.

The transport level can provide data transmission without establishing a connection or with a preliminary connection. In the latter case, before sending data using special control packets, a connection to the transport level of the process is established to which the transmitted data is intended. After all the data is transmitted, the connection ends. When data transfer without connection, the transport level is used to transmit single packets, called datagram, without ensuring their reliable delivery. Transmission of data with connection establishment is used to reliably deliver data.

Level 5 - Session Level ( Session Layer.) Provides the maintenance of two "related" at the level of data submission of the network objects and manages the maintenance of the dialogue between them by synchronization, which consists in installing control points within the transmitted data sequence. Control points allow in the event of a failure during transmission, not starting the transmission from the very beginning of the sequence, and go back to the last checkpoint and resume the transfer from this place.

At the session level, the dialogue of application level objects is managed:

· Setting messaging method (duplex or half-duplex);

· Messaging synchronization;

· Organization of "control points" dialogue.

The session level is rarely implemented as separate protocols, the functions of this level are often combined with the functions of the application layer and implement in one protocol.

Level 6 - presentation level ( presentation Layer.) Provides a set of service operations that can be selected at the application level to interpret the transmitted and received data. These service operations include:

· Information exchange management;

· Conversion (transcoding) of data into the internal format of each process and back;

· Encryption and decryption of data in order to protect against unauthorized access;

· Data compression that allows you to reduce the amount of transmitted data, which is especially relevant when transferring multimedia data, such as audio and video.

Due to the view level, the information transmitted by the application layer of one system is clear to the application level of another system. With the help of representatives of the representative level, the protocols of application levels overcome syntactic differences in data presentation, including differences in symbol codes

Above this level of the data field, there is a clear semantic shape, and below its fields are treated as a transmission cargo, and their semantic value does not affect the processing.

Service operations of this level are the basis of the entire seven-level model and allow us to bind network equipment of various types and manufacturers.

Level 7 - Applied Level ( application Layer.) contains functions related to the nature of applied processes and necessary to meet those requirements that are essential from the point of view of interaction of application processes in systems A and B (Fig. 1.6), or, in otherwise, in terms of access of these processes to oSI environment. Since this is the topmost level of the OSI model, it does not have the upper border.

A unit of data that operates the application level is commonly called message (message).

The application layer is engaged in supporting the application application process and deals with semantics of data. It is the boundary between network processes and application (user) processes. At this level, computing, information and reference work are performed, a logical user transformation is carried out.

Thus, the levels of levels 1-3 ensure the transportation of information from one point of the territory to another (possibly more than one link, that is, with switching) and therefore are associated with individual elements of communication network and with its internal structure. Functions 4-7 levels include only the "end-to-end" communication between the end users and are defined in such a way that they do not depend on the internal structure of the network.

Since, due to certain specific characteristics of different levels, information blocks of various sizes can be processed in them, in most levels are provided, among other things, the functions of data blocks and / or their associations.

1989 . - P. 1294.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ. On information, information technologies and the protection of information.

GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99 (ISO / IEC 2382-1: 1993). Information technology. Vocabulary. Part 1. The main terms and definitions. (http://elib.sbras.ru:8080/jspui/bitstream/sbras/9193/1/iso-iec_2382-1.pdf)

GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99 (ISO / IEC 2382-1: 1993). Information technology. Vocabulary. Part 1. The main terms and definitions.

Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary: Ed. 4th, copy. and add. / Ch. ed. A.M.Prohorov. - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1989 . - P. 1294.

Information system - A combination of information contained in the databases and ensuring its processing information technology and technical means.


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