The principle of operation of the digital substation. Digital substation. Approaches to implementation. High-tech style

V.M. Zinin (OJSC "NIPOM")
A.M. Podolenny (LLC "Insat")
V.G. Quarantayev (OJSC "Infotex")

The technological solutions of the Unified Energy Network (UES), created more than 60 years ago, are suitable for many parameters to the border of operational capabilities. According to the Development Concept of the UES, developed in 2011, the next step can be an intellectual system with an active adaptive network (AAS), in foreign terminology - Smart Grid. The process of increasing the level of automation of the EEC facilities is already underway, bringing new technologies, the use of which generates not only all sorts of complexity of purely technological implementation, but also the risks of information security.

One of the most important components of the SMART Grid concept is a digital substation (CPS). Under the CPS is a substation with a high level of control automation, in which almost all processes of information exchange both between the elements of the CPC and the external systems, as well as the management of the CPS, are carried out in digital form on the basis of the IEC protocols, in particular on an open object-oriented standard IEC 61850. In accordance with this standard, the device must support (Fig. 1): the ability to receive instantal values \u200b\u200b(SimpleD values), analog current / voltage signals, the ability to publish / subscribe to goose-messages, the possibility of information exchange for technology "client Server "on the MMS protocol. MMS runs on top of the TCP stack, which affects the data transfer rate, so MMS is often used to solve problems for transmitting not critical to data delays, for example, the transmission of telecommunication commands, collecting telecase data and television signalization and transmission to the top level - SCADA system. Unlike the MMS protocol, Goose, on the contrary, can be used to transmit "fast signals", for example, a switch off command from protection, due to the fact that the data in this protocol is assigned directly into the Ethernet frame bypassing the TCP stack.

Newly created software and hardware complexes, such as a digital substation, must comply with the current regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, as well as take into account the best global practices for building cyberscore systems.

Satisfying the formulated requirements of the CPS should have high-tech anti-cyber protection agents, since it is primarily an object of a critical information infrastructure (KII), as evidenced by the draft federal law No. 47571-7 "On Security CIA of the Russian Federation", recommended by the Committee of the State Duma for Energy And adopted in the first reading on January 27, 2017. This bill defines the basic principles of state regulation in the field of protection of the CIA in order to its sustainable functioning in computer attacks. It was designed to implement the "Information Security doctrine
The Russian Federation ", approved by the Russian President on December 5, 2016, within which the protection of the CI is defined as one of the strategic goals. According to the draft law, "the critical infrastructure includes information systems and telecommunication networks of government agencies, automated technological management systems operating in the defense industry, the field of health, transport, communications, credit and financial sector, energy, fuel, atomic, rocket and mining, mining, metallurgical and chemical Industry.

Detailing the specified requirements created by the CPS must have the following characteristics providing the object cyberscore:

  • created on a Russian trusted hardware and software platform with basic components (operating system, microprocessor, peripheral interface controller, basic I / O system) developed in the Russian Federation by Russian specialists and having
  • full design documentation;
  • take into account the provisions of the standards developed by the IEC TC57: IEC 61850, IEC60870, IEC 61850, IEC60870, IEC 62351, in terms of the security of communication protocols, as well as the requirements of the INL Cyber \u200b\u200bSecurity ProCurement Language 2008, Series of ISO / IEC 27000 standards in terms of general principles
  • ensuring the safety of digital management systems and GOST-R IEC 62443-3-2013;
  • use Russian hotbed cryptographic algorithms that are embedded in each element or each subsystem of a digital substation.

Another distinctive feature of the construction of technological control systems in the power industry is that the use of cryptographic means of information protection (SCJ) in them should not reduce performance, since the duration of transient (emergency) processes is dozens of microseconds. In many microcontrollers used today, the embedding of cybersecurity elements is either initially not provided by the developer, or it is impossible, since their embedding will not allow the required speed.

Relying on many years of experience and knowledge in its subject areas, specialists of OJSC NIPOM, LLC "Insat", OJSC "Infotex" and PJSC "Ineum them. I.S. Brooka "developed a digital substation that meets all the specified requirements. The "Lower" level of the CPS is based on innovative relay protection terminals (RZ) of the company NIPOM. The developed Rza Terminal (Fig. 2) is made in the form of a block design cassette with the rear connection of external wires and is equipped with a test control system serving
To verify the performance of the main nodes and blocks.

The discrete inputs / outputs are arranged in the RZ terminal case, the analog inputs for feeding the measured currents and voltages, a cross-plate, which serves to match the cable part of universal boards (AI, DO / DI), a power supply and a computer in an industrial version with the Elbrus microprocessor Since the functioning of the KSZI ELBRUS provides the required level of information security from unauthorized access (NSD) and does not affect the speed of the system. Each DO / DI card contains 11 DI channels and 10 DO channels. Thus

In one case, you can perform from 33 to 66 di channels and from 30 to 60 DO channels, which allows the use of refrigerated raza terminals both on objects with a small number of signals and complex, with a large number of connections. To implement the transmission features of differential current longitudinal protection of the line (DZL) using the SV protocol (IEC 61850), the number of Ethernet ports can be increased by adding a standard Ethernet card to an industrial computer without changing its design. The full separation of the logic of the terminal and its hardware execution made it possible to provide ample opportunities for freely configurable logic of protection schemes. The features of the terminal that increase its cyberscurity can be attributed to the mechanisms of strict two-factor authentication, implemented by NIPOM, together with JSC Infotex.

"Upper" level of the developed system, as mentioned earlier, is a server based on the domestic ELBRUS processor with the operating system of the same name, which can be reserved if necessary. In addition, depending on the requirements of one or another object, the solution can also be used by ASTRALINUX. The Russian SCADA system of MASTERSCADA 4D manufactured by LLC "Insat" is used as a data collection and processing environment. Masterscada 4D is a cross-platform, vertical-non-projected software platform with object-oriented programming methods, including in the Languages \u200b\u200bof IEC 61131-3, and the only SCADA system operating on EL KRUS OS. Masterscada 4D collects information from the RZ terminal through the built-in MEC 61850 protocol driver (MMS) and provides data in the form of mnemoshem, reports and trends on the automated workplace of the substation operator. On the starting (main) mnemonichem of the operator (Fig. 3) displays a single-line diagram of substation, attachment and the state of primary equipment.

In addition, the operator always has information on the performance of the network topology of the CPS in the form of status alarm (including arms, SCADA servers and secondary communication equipment) with the fixation of the full alarm list in the event log. Built-in MASTERSCADA 4D protection mechanisms provide authentication and identification of users in the system, as well as the delimitation of their access rights to a predetermined developer of the role model, registration of all user actions from the moment of identification before exiting the system.

In order to protect the electronic perimeter of the substation and the implementation of the principle of multi-level protection, the safety gateways of the company Infotex, VIPNetCoordinator HW 1000, was used. The locally computing substation network was divided / segmented into several security domains, i.e. substation zones with different requirements By providing IB.

Thus, using the VIPNetCordinator IG industrial security gateway were delimited by the rights of access
Station level and connection levels and process bus, which demonstrates a functional diagram in Fig. five.

The implementation of the principle of multi-level protection with the use of firewalls is not only possible, but also the necessary measure of the protection of information on substations in operation and subjected to partial modernization in accordance with the requirements of the order of FSTEC of Russia dated March 14, 2014 No. 31.

The use of imposed funds in both newly created substations and substations subjected to deep modernization would be incorrectly recognized as sufficient, as the high risks of the implementation of computer attacks on unprotected telecommunication protocols: MMS, GOOSE, SV.

In the conditions of need to meet the set of requirements for functional reliability, safety, speed of telecommunication protocols, as well as on the optimal costs, the implementation of the concept of integration of cryptographic information protection to each element or in each subsystem of a digital substation looks like the most promising.

OJSC NIPOM, OOO "Insat", OJSC "Infotex" and PJSC "Ineum them. I.S. Brooks "do not stop on the achieved and continue to improve the developed CPS using domestic solutions that allow you to implement CPP cyberscocracy to improve the reliability of high-voltage electrical networks.


  1. Maintenance the provisions of the concept of the intellectual power system with an active adaptive network.
  2. International Electrotechnical Commission. Communication Networks and Systems for Power Utility Automation - Part 8-1: Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) -mappings to MMS (ISO 9506-1 and ISO 9506-2) and to ISO / IEC 8802-3; IEC 61850-8-1-2011; INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION (IEC): GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 2011.
  3. Order FSTEC of Russia of March 142014 No. 31.

Zinin Vladimir Mikhailovich - Director of the Office of the Prospective Development of OJSC NIPOM,
Inhibited Andrei Mikhailovich - Head of the Sales Department of Software LLC "Insat",
Karantayev Vladimir Gennadevich - Head of Business Development of JSC Infotex.

Today there are many conversations about the technology "Digital substation". Once this theme in Russia has developed under the auspices of FGC UES for large substations for ultra-high voltage classes (220 kV and higher), but now it can be found on more modest objects. Moreover, the most advanced, in terms of the use of digital technologies, are several experimental 110 kV substations, such as the Olympic PS in Tyumenenergo. In part, this is due to an attempt to reduce the costs of experienced polygons, partly an attempt to reduce the damage from the possible improper work of the new equipment in the real power system.

However, it is not always clear what kind of substation can be considered completely digital? The introduction of digital technologies in the energy sector began more than 20 years ago with the arrival of the first microprocessor blocks of the RZ, which had the possibility of integrating into the ACS system on digital communication channels.

But today, under the digital substation, a few other object is usually understood.

With exit this year, the modified norms of technological design of PS 35-750 kV FGC (from 25.08.2017) can be dealt with this issue in more detail. I think the article will be useful not only to interested communication technologies, but also easy to relaxes, many of which will have to face similar objects in the future.

Let's start with the definitions of NTP FGC 2017 (here and further cuts from the document with explanations)

As we can see, according to the FSK position, only those substations are applied to the equipment that supports IEC-61850 standards.

It is worth noting that the IEC-61850 standards were initially developed for work inside a single substation, so the issuance of information on the dispatching point is made by other protocols (usually IEC-60870-5-104), which apparently does not contradict the term "digital substation"

The most important determination is because it contains the requirement of using optical TT and electronic TN, as the most advanced technologies from the IEC-61850 (SV) set. It turns out if the substation does not contain these elements, it cannot be considered digital. Thus, in Russia, there is no single digital substation because to all existing OTT and ETN connected relay protection operating only on a signal (for example, a digital RusHidro polygon on the Nizhny Novgorod hydroelectric station).

Thus, the digital substation is the technology of the future.

Same way. All devices must maintain an exchange for IEC-61850-8-1 (MMS, GOOSE). The MMS technology is designed to exchange with top-level devices (to a Specific substation ACU server), and Goose - for horizontal exchange between RZE terminals and connections controllers. Thus, discrete inputs and relays of microprocessor devices must remain in the past. Good news for those who are tired of stretching terminals

But this is a very interesting news for designers - now not only to build, but also design digital substations needed according to IEC-61850 standards.

In essence, this means that you must design not on paper or in autocadging, followed by paper transfer, but immediately in digital form. Those. At the output of the designer, a ready-made task on the RZa and ACU is in digital form (file in the SCL description language format). This will significantly reduce the time for adjustment, but it will be possible to increase the design time. In order for the time to develop a project, it is not necessary to create typical projects for each substation attachment. This is now engaged in the FGC UES in the framework of the development of the National Profile of IEC-61850.

Another point is now in order to ensure the performance of the RZ system, you need to calculate the parameters of the locally and computing network (LAN). Those. Rza get rid of discrete chains, but will depend on the substation's communications network.

All the functions of the RZA and ACS on the substation will be rigidly standardized and implemented on the totality of logical nodes (Logical Node). Read once again the paragraph above - I think, in the energy sector will soon begin to grow demand for programmers and special technologies) How are you doing with English and abstract thinking?

Now it will be necessary to closely monitor the information security substation. Standardization has the opposite direction because the viruses and other malware are written under the most popular operating systems.

"Outdated" data transmission protocols will be applied, but only with a serious substantiation.

What conclusions can be made from this document?

Perhaps, this time I will not make any conclusions because I am not an expert in these technologies.

What do you think? Will the digital substation "in the mass" go?

From the train I met Dmitry Afanasyev, head of the department of public relations and advertising in IC Bresler. We were walking to the office of IC Bresler. The first impression that has happened when we approached the entrance to the office was about this: "Wow, what a big building, and Iz Bresler is a small porch". As it turned out later, it was erroneous. It becomes clear immediately after passing by the guard, you get to the second floor, where the corridor with the cabinets to the right and left goes far away. The administrative part of the office in all companies is more or less the same: Accounting is sitting in its cabinets, sales managers and pationers in OpenPsey. I immediately drew attention to a large conference room on the right. For translucent stalks, I learned the silhouette of Ivan Golikov, he head of the IEC 61850 in IC Bresler, and we have already known for a long time. Ivan conducted a seminar for employees of the company on the topic of IEC 61850, there was a person 30-40 in the hall, probably. It seemed to me that it was very cool. In general, internal corporate seminars are a useful thing: it is obvious that it is not always possible to understand everything, and when someone, having understood, ready to tell about it to others - it is extremely useful for the development of the company. Later, I talked to Ivan, he said that this was no longer the first lecture on the standard he spent in the company - their whole cycle.

From the second floor we immediately went to the fourth, where the production and warehouse of finished products is located. Actually, on this floor, miracles are made: a set of boards, metal constructions and wires turns into terminals and raza raza. Here we passed throughout the production chain, except, however, installing components on printed circuit boards - it is produced in a separate workshop.

In the left wing of the fourth floor, the relay protection terminals are assembled: ready-made fees with components placed on them are collected on frames and installed in the housing along with power supplies, controls and indication elements, and all electrical installation is performed.

It also tests. The finished terminals are placed in the "stoves", where they are under load at a temperature of 55 degrees during the day. This allows you to identify all hidden defects that have not been detected in the early stages. After the "stove", all terminals are again passing through performance test.

In the right wing of the same floor there are rare protection cabinets. In the prepared metal structures, ready-made RZA terminals are installed, all electrical installation is performed in accordance with the working projects and at the end - testing the finished cabinet.

As Dmitry told, the cabinets buy only Rittal. There was an experience of interaction with other manufacturers, but the quality failed - as a result, we decided not to save and make a bet on quality. Along with standard raza cabinets for large objects, I noticed and removable relay sinks of Circular Circuits.

At one time I was interviewed with one of the ideologues of this Circle - Yuri Ivanovich Ivanovich - so I learned the removable relay compartment at once. Then this idea seemed to me strange, but seeing them along with the raza cabinets for the "big" objects, the meaning of the idea was clearer.

Ready cabinets and relay compartments are sent to the package site, where they are placed in packaging in accordance with the requirements of GOST. Here Dmitry told about one case when the car with finished products came into an accident, turned over and lay down on the roof.

All cabinets returned to the plant to conduct inspections. When the entire package was revealed found that only one cabinet had a glass. With a pass-through check, no malfunctions were found in terms of performance.

Part of the fourth floor is occupied by the Software Development Division for Substation Automation. Products "Bresler Mikra" and the Energy Process ACS comes from here. As it turned out later, it is only a small part of the company's developers.

From the fourth floor, we descended into the Holy Saints IC Bresler - to the Development Department, which occupies almost the entire third floor. Developers are sitting in a huge openspec.

On the painted columns in the center, different abstract images hang. I did not specify their history, but almost confident that the situation was created here in order to create, and, in my opinion, she really has it.

Almost every employee next to the table is a relay protection terminal, and not one. In addition to the terminal, some have test installations, oscilloscopes and any other equipment - which is not only. As Dmitry told me, the cost of the developer's workplace may exceed a million rubles, and even more ...

The developers are very young - and this is a separate pride of IC Bresler, about whom I later told the technical director of the company Vladimir Sergeevich Shevelov. Many students take part in the development, but even the developers constantly working in the company. It brought me to the idea that, of course, IC Bresler We were still in all our glory: years after 5 - 10 young people will be closely within the traditional protection, which they at that time, everything will be in excellence, then it will be quite interesting.

IC Bresler, of course, can be attributed to pioneers in terms of the development of equipment and solutions for digital substations, and I am sure that it is largely due to the presence of a large number of young developers. At the same time, it seemed to me that the introduction of various innovations was done here very weigly and deliberately: In IC Bresler, they understand what the technological technique is being introduced, which effect on it will be.

We went through the OpenPays there and back, I was really affected by scale: 10 blocks in each side from the corridor, in every block of jobs a person for 5-6. Very many developers.

From the third floor, we went down again on the second, whereby the Bresler training center is located among other things. Compared with how much space developers are occupied, it has sufficiently modest sizes, nevertheless, equipped with everything necessary: \u200b\u200bboards, projectors, terminals and cabinets protection, of course.

I was somewhat surprised when I saw on the information stands placed on the walls, a description of the various principles of relay protection: remote, differential, maximum current even. I was told that when teaching modern technique, it is often necessary to start with the very basics, which usually already thoroughly forgot. Recently, the Bresler training center received a license to exercise educational activities, so that energy companies can pass through qualification courses, while receiving all the necessary documents. It is impossible to say that this is something unique, rather, it is a necessary condition for the work of a modern relay protection company.

From the training center, we went to the first floor, where the line for the installation of printed circuit boards is located. This line was launched in the company about 2.5 years ago, before installation was done on request in other organizations. Small components on the scheme "stuffing" automatic. Boards are fed automatically, all components are from rolls. Next, the fee "moves" into the soldering machine.

It is impossible to close to this equipment - on the floor, the yellow line, for which the "simple mortal" goes not to go, as it is clear: chips are thin: an excess dust - increasing the probability of failure. After automatic soldering, the installation line and solders of large enclosures are located.

They are traditionally installed by manual specialists. After all the components are installed and soldered on the automatic line, the boards are sent to the wash - in the machine, similar to a large dishwasher. Next - thermal cycling and output control.

Product quality control in IC Bresler, by the way, is very tough and done at each stage of production. Components are purchased only from official suppliers and is made full-through input control. After installing the printed circuit boards, a continuous test of their performance is performed. At the next stage, the assembled relay protection terminal is checked. In the end, the finished cabinet is checked. In order to detect counterfeit components in IC Bresler, the procedure of manufacture first of several samples based on a new component batch is also adopted. Made samples check "with addiction" and only after they are convinced as the products obtained on the basis of these components launch a series. This approach allows you to minimize the amount of marriage in the product, and even if some problems happen, then the Bresler is not shy of them to recognize them. As Vladimir Sergeevich told me, IC Bresler was one of the first commercial Rza manufacturers who introduced the practice of sending information letters about potential faults in the equipment. If a malfunction is detected in one of the batch devices, then customers who received devices from the same batch goes the information letter and is offered at the expense of the manufacturer to replace the "risky" blocks. Such situations, however, due to the quality control system, they rarely happen.

From the workshop on the installation of printed circuit boards, I went to Vladimir Sergeyevich Shevelev, who told me about the past, present and the future of the company, about the successes and hopes, and he also told about his beloved sport and about why he does not like to be photographed. It was a rich interview that we will publish soon.

According to the standards of the market for electrical equipment, IC Bresler is still a completely young company, but I think no one will argue with the fact that she has already seriously declared itself. After this trip, I had confidence that it was worth seeing closely: I think we will see a lot of interesting things in their performance.

Digital substation - an important element of the Intellectual Energy System of OJSC NTC Electric Power Engineering OJSC "Institute" Energosetproekt "CJSC Continuum Plus CJSC Speaker: Morzhor Yuri Ivanovich, Director for Information - Managing Systems and System Modeling D.T.N. OJSC NTC Electric Power Products

Digital substation 3 Currently in the industry there are a wide variety of points of view and approaches to what to understand the term "digital substation". For the successful development of automation of transfers, transformation and distribution of electricity across ENA, the overall concept of a digital substation software and hardware complex is now being developed. Since the start of development in the domestic power industry, the projects of ACS TP PS occurred a significant development of hardware and software management systems for use on electrical substations. High-voltage digital current and voltage transformers appeared; Primary and secondary power grid equipment with built-in communication ports is being developed; Microprocessor controllers are produced, equipped with development tools, on the basis of which it is possible to create a reliable software and hardware complex of the PS; The International Standard of IEC 61850 is adopted, which regulates the submission of data on the PS as an automation object, as well as a digital data exchange protocols between microprocessor intelligent electronic devices (IED) PS, including controls and control devices, relay protection and automation (PZA), anti-emergency automation (PA) , Telemechanics, electricity meters, etc. All this creates prerequisites for building a new generation substation - a digital substation (CPS), in which the organization of all information flows in solving monitoring, analysis and management tasks is carried out in digital form.

Digital substation 4 The transition to the transmission of signals in digital form at all levels of PS control will allow to obtain a number of advantages, including: significantly reduce the costs of cable secondary chains and channels of their gasket, bringing the sources of digital signals to primary equipment; Increase the electromagnetic compatibility of modern secondary equipment - microprocessor devices and secondary chains due to the transition to optical communications; Simplify and, ultimately, to reduce the design of microprocessor intelligent electronic devices by excluding the paths of entry analog signals; Unify IED devices interfaces, significantly simplify the interchangeability of these devices (including replacing the devices of one manufacturer on the device of another manufacturer), etc.

Creation objectives, basic principles of creating a reduction in capital costs - reducing the cost of cable products and cable structures - a decrease in the cost of terminals (unification of the hardware, replacing the input modules to digital interfaces) - reduction of land areas required for the PS arrangement (use of optical digital TT and TN, modern microprocessor secondary equipment will give the opportunity to reduce); - an increase in the service life of power electrical equipment (extended diagnostics); - Reducing the cost of design, installation and commissioning (decrease in the number of cables, reducing the number of equipment, expanding the possibilities for typing design solutions in terms of cabinet equipment and digital connections).

The objectives of the creation, the basic principles of creating a decrease in operating costs (maintenance) - simplify operation and maintenance (permanent expanded diagnostics in real time, including metrological characteristics; collection and display of comprehensive information on the status and operation of the PS); - an increase in the accuracy of measurements (especially at currents of less than 10-15% IH) and an increase due to this accuracy of electricity metering and the accuracy of the OMP; - reducing the possibility of the emergence of defects like "Earth in a DC network" (reduction of the dimension of the nozzles due to the use of digital optical connections); - reduction of the number of sudden failures of the main electrical equipment and related fines for the fear of electricity and industrial cycle disorders (expanded diagnosis of the entire complex of technical means of the CPP);

The objectives of the creation, the basic principles of the goal of creating a decrease in operating costs (for maintenance) - a decrease in the number of failures, improper work, refusals of the RZa (the use of optical cables instead of copper will increase the electromagnetic compatibility of modern secondary equipment - microprocessor DV and automation devices); - improving the algorithmic reliability of the functioning of the RZ (the absence of saturation and the possibility of measuring the aperiodic component in optical digital TT will make it possible to simplify and improve the RZA algorithms); - Reducing consumption by alternating current and voltage chains (as a result of the use of optical TT and TN)

Creation objects, basic principles Basic principles for creating a digital (mainly optical) technology of removal of information and transmit control commands - the ability to "replace on the go" of the signal source and thereby - improving the reliability of relay protection; - increasing speed (not required to protect "from the bounce", a decrease in the response time of the executive part - due to optical IGBT modules, reduce the time to detect the emergency mode *). - Improving the conditions in terms of safe production of works and electromagnetic compatibility (due to optical connections there is no potential carrying out of the engine) an increase in the intellectual component in the equipment of the CPP - the development of means and methods of continuous diagnostics (control of the degradation of characteristics, readiness to perform operations, metrological characteristics), - expansion of the number of functions implemented in each terminal; - transfer of part of the calculated and diagnostic tasks to interface modules (Smart-Ied).

Objectives of creating, basic principles Basic principles of creating a two-stroke of the CPS implementation: Step 1: - The use of existing basic equipment to which an interface digital intelligent module is added (usually placed indoors) based on IEC and IEC is possible to adjust the composition and type of sensors used. Operating experience. - Development of the entire range of RZa devices, Pa, measurements with IEC and IEC interfaces Stage 2: - a significant modernization of the main electrical equipment with the integration of specialized digital non-listed sensors, field controllers, solid-state executive modules into it. Expand the volume of tasks performed by the interface module. Refinement of all components of the CPC, taking into account the experience of operation.

Digital substation components Digital measuring transformers Measuring harmonic components Advanced dynamic and frequency range The synchronicity of measurements The decrease in metrological loss is eliminated by the effect of electromagnetic effects (the effect of interference, residual magnetization, etc.) operation of operation, ease of maintenance Lack of ferroresonance phenomena. Improvement of measurement accuracy (especially at small currents), improving the accuracy of the OMP. Self-diagnosis Simplification of installation (less weight) below the cost (for the class of voltage kV)

Components of a digital substation (substation coordination center - PCC) PCC - software and hardware core core, coordinating the main information flows in the CPS and the automation processes of adopting and implementing solutions to manage PS equipment. To this end, the PCC must provide: maintaining the actualized model of the substation technological processes, as the foundation for constructing control algorithms, analysis, the dentation of information and management of the functioning of the PS; work subsystems for analyzing technological situations, incl. support for decision-making processes in complex / emergency situations based on the actual model; Organization and maintenance of the database of the state of the equipment of the CPS; tracking its pre-emergency conditions and the issuance of warning or alarms and messages; interaction with the centers of management as a "representative" of the CPS at the highest levels of the management hierarchy in the EES; TEMPERATION OF EQUIPMENT OF CPS With the provision of controlling its ability, admissibility and safety (taking into account the real state of the PS equipment), as well as the success of the management teams

Metrological support New quality measurements in secondary circuits (for all devices are different); Multiple AC transforms (in each device); Not synchronization of measurements; Great influence of EM effects; etc. Lack of information transmitting information; Unlimited information replication; Once of the AC transformation (primary measurement), etc. Traditional substationCiforous substation

Information support (Tools, ECCK) Instrumental software - support for the full life cycle of PAK CPS (when designing, commissioning, during operation) - support for a single information space (a single classification and coding system, following IEC international standards when working with data) - Support for "self-documenting" Pak TsPS (automated formation of documentation in electronic form, consistent forms of access to documents from the TSUS, MES, PMES); - Support for configuration and maintenance of Smart IED (technological software, current configuration files, operational documentation); - Permanent monitoring and diagnostics of data networks. Unified classification and encoding system - a single system of designations for all types of power grid objects; - a single designation of objects of classification and marking in designing, implementation (construction), operation and modernization (reconstruction) of power facilities; - decentralization of the equipment identification process; - the uniqueness of the identification code; - stability of identification code to the field of application; - the uniqueness and correctness of the execution of requests for various data and documents during machine processing (at the design stage and during operation); - the possibility of harmonization with other classification systems (in particular - CIM); - ensuring the ability to save the current local designation

Informational support (general information model - CIM) CIM representation is a single language description language and, accordingly, the interface in the overall integrated medium. CIM is a common language for applications when working in a single ASTA OJSC FGC UES. The source data for constructing an information model is: - electrical diagram of the normal PS mode; - classification tables and methods for constructing unique identifiers of objects, equipment, measurements, signals and documents; -Pilla model defining: 1) classes, attributes and relations between them in the information model scheme; 2) Standards in the field of information technology (with accuracy to versions), following which is mandatory in the process of designing, implementing and operating management system.
Ensuring reliability (diagnosis and testing) Hardware self-diagnostics: - Smart IED modules of the main electrical equipment - microprocessor terminals - digital networks External automatic diagnostics with specialized software - technical means: - without output from work (comparison of instantaneous currents of currents from different CTTs of one attachment, voltage comparison Electrically associated TN, control over the amount of currents / facilities in the node). - with short-term output from work (emulation of test signals for terminals and comparing the resulting terminal reaction with test)

Digital substation 20 OJSC NTC Electric Power Industry As part of the pilot project of OJSC FGC UES, the "Digital substation" coordinates the following areas: 1. Development "The concept of software and hardware complex" Digital substation "- December 2010 2. Reformation of a reconstructed substation of OJSC" NTC electric power industry "110/10 kV in" Digital substation "in composition: optical transformers of current and voltage; Station tire, process bus; Multifunctional electronic measurement devices and accounting; System to display information and substation management (SCADA); - 2010 in 2011 microprocessor protection substation. 3. Creation of an experimental polygon "Digital substation" in JSC "NTC electric power industry


Perhaps it will be useful to read: