Camera control in Trace Fashion Program. SCADA TRACE MODE. Download SCADA system. Window "Screen Arguments"

During the implementation of this laboratory work, the student must master the sequence of creating a project in the TRACE MODE SCADA system and create its own project on the individual task of the teacher. Let us turn directly to the creation of the Trace Mode project.

You can open the program window by double clicking on the appropriate icon on the Windows desktop or find the program in the Start menu.

To create a project, select the "File \\ New" item, in the window that appears, select the "Simple" project type and click the Create button (Figure 1).

  • Integrated Trace Mode 6 Development Environment

  • After this, the project navigator window will automatically be filled with the minimum necessary layers (Figure 2).

    To solve our problem, there will be enough only two layers - this is a "system" and "sources / receivers". The "System" layer has already created the "RTM" node (Real Time Machine - the real-time monitor), within which the "Channels" folder is located and a graphic screen.

  • Navigator project

  • Let's start with the creation of a signal source. To do this, click the right button on the "Sources / Receivers" layer, thereby calling the context menu in which we move along the path "Create a group \\ PLC" (Figure 3.). The folder with the name "plc_1" appears in this layer. You must right-click on this folder and create a group "Siemens_ppi_group" (Figure 4).

  • Creating a group in the "Sources / Receivers" layer

  • Creating a group "Siemens_ppi_group"

  • In the group "Siemens_ppi_group" will create three components:

    - "Siemens_ppi_mw2_r" - for reading 2 words from the Memory Word Memory Area;

    - "Siemens_ppi_mw2_w" - for recording 2 -go words of the Memory Word memory;

    - "siemens_ppi_dw0" - to read the zero word Discrete memory area.

    The appearance form of the "Siemens_ppi_group" components is shown in Figure 5.

  • Components of the group Siemens_ppi_group

  • Double-clicking on the "Siemens_ppi_mw2_r" component, open the properties window (Figure 6).

  • The properties window of the component "Siemens_ppi_mw1_r"

  • Fill the fields as follows:

    • name: Siemens_ppi_mw2_R;
    • port: 0 ("0" corresponds to COM1, "1" - COM2, etc.);
    • address: 2 (PLC address in PPI network);
    • offset: 0x2 (for reading the MW2 address);
    • area: MARKERS (Word);
    For the "siemens_ppi_mw2_w" component, the parameters are exactly the same. Only the direction changes - OUTPUT (i.e., record data in the PLC from the Trace Mode environment). Below are the parameters for the "Siemens_ppi_dw0" component:
    • name: Siemens_ppi_mw2_R;
    • port: 0;
    • address: 2;
    • offset: 0x0 (reading from zero address);
    • area: Discrete Input (Word);
    • direction: INPUT (i.e. reading data from the controller on the TRACE MODE environment).
    Next, create the appropriate channels for the components. To do this, open an optional navigator window (Figure 7).
  • Automatic creation of channels

    In the top window, open the "Channels" group, which belongs to the "RTM_1" node of the system "System", and in the lower group "Siemens_ppi_group_1" belonging to the "PLC_1" group "Sources / receiver". To automatically create channels, we use the DRAG-AND-DROP method, simply drag all the components except Siemens_ppi_mw2_w, in the "Channels" group.

    Double-click open Component "Screen # 1: 1", belonging to the "RTM_1" node of the "System" layer. The choice of a rich instrumental panel of work with graphics, including control elements, various types of lines and geometric shapes, as well as trends, diagrams and switch devices.

    You can also insert a project created by the user who, in turn, can perform control functions or indication.

    Create three text elements. To do this, click on the toolbar icon, click the left mouse button in the selected place of the graphic field and, without releasing, we crush the object to the desired size. In the same way, create a button and a light bulb (Figure 8).

  • Creating a graphical interface

  • In the first text field, we enter the name, for this call the properties window by double clicking the left mouse button on the text field. In the column "Text" we introduce "Data exchange from the PLC SIMATIC S7-200". With the help of the appropriate fields, we change the color and font of the text, as well as the color of the contour and fill (Figure 9).

  • Graphic element properties window

  • Call the "Screen Arguments" window from the Main View menu. Using the "Create Argument" button, create three arguments, by number of channels. The data type of all arguments will change to "int", and for the second argument, we change the type on Out. Argument names will be left unchanged (Figure 10).

  • Window "Screen Arguments"

  • Next, tie the screen arguments to graphic elements. To do this, drag-and-drop by dragging the first and third argument to text fields. After that, the properties of the graphic element features automatically, where the "Text" column appears in the text area - the value "and" Binding - the name of the corresponding argument "(Figure 11).

  • Binding screen argument to graphic element

  • Now create an event for pressing the "Change MW2" button. To do this, double-click the graphic element properties window and proceed to the "Events" tab (Figure 12). It is possible to set the reaction of the system into two types of events - pressing the mouse on the graphic element and releasing. Select pressing, right-click on MousePress and in the context menu that appears, select "Transfer the value".

    The sub-item with its properties appears. We choose: "The type of transmission is to enter and convey." In the "result" property, press the "Value" column graph. The screen arguments table appears. Select the second argument (arg_001) and click the "Finish" button.

  • Tab "Events" window properties of the graphic element

  • Call the properties menu of the graphic object "Light bulb" by double clicking the left mouse button on this object. Fill the values \u200b\u200bas follows (Figure 13): Binding:<2> Arg_002; Display type: Arg \u003d Const; Inversion: True; Constant: 256.

  • The properties window of the graphic element "Light Bulb"

  • At the initial moment, the light is turned off (red). When the binding value is equal to the constant value, the light bulb will light down (it will become green). The signal to the I0.0 controller input will set the value of the zero word Discrete Input memory area in 256, which will turn on the light bulb. Thus, the "I0.0" toggle switch on the front panel of the laboratory bench can be controlled by a light bulb on the computer screen.

    Now you need to create a screen argument binding to the channels and components of the sources \\ receiver layer. To do this, in the project navigator, we turn on the way the "System" layer, the "RTM_1" node, "screen # 1: 1". Right-click on the "screen # 1: 1" component and in the context menu that appears, select the "Properties" item (Figure 14).

  • Calling the "Screen Properties" window

  • In the opened screen properties window, we proceed to the "Arguments" tab (Figure 15).

  • Tab "Arguments" Window "Screen Properties"

  • To create a binding, it is necessary for each argument by double-clicking on an empty "Binding" column opposite the corresponding argument, call the communication configuration window (Figure 5.16). In this window, for the first and third argument, select the corresponding channels (system \\ RTM_1 \\ Channels), i.e. "Siemens_ppi_mw2_r" and "siemens_ppi_dw0".

    And for the second argument, select "Siemens_ppi_mw2_w", but already directly from the "Sources / Receivers" layer (\\ plc_1 \\ siemens_ppi_group_1 \\ siemens_ppi_mw2_w).

  • Window "Configuring Communication"

  • After each selection made, you need to press the Bind button. Save the created project: "File \\ Save". Let's go back to the project Navigator window, it can be called from the main menu "View". We select the "RTM_1" node of the "System" layer and press the "Save for MRV" button the main menu "Project". At the time of saving a project for a real-time monitor, a "RTM_1" node folder is created in the project folder.

    This creation of a graphical interface is completed, but before starting the execution environment, you must create a COM port configuration file for the driver's correct operation, which allows you to exchange data between Trace Mode and PLC SIMATIC S7-200. Open the COM port configuration file, which comes with the TRACE MODE 6 basic version and is located in the folder where it is SCADA system (C: \\ Program Files \\ Adastra ResearchGroup \\ Trace Mode IDE 6Base \\ DRIVERS_WITH_SETUP \\ SIEMENS \\ PPI \\ This directory is the executable file and the configuration file itself. Let's start the PPiconfig.exe executable file (Figure 17).

  • Ports Configuration Window

  • In the list of ports, each string consists of eight parameters:

    1. COM port number. Repeated declaration of the same port will be an error message when trying to save the configuration.

    2. Data Rate (BAUD RATE), from 300 BPS to 115200 BPS. For the default PPI network devices, 9600 BPS is accepted.

    3. Number of data bits (DATA BITS). The default 8 bits are installed.

    4. Transmission parity control may receive None, ODD or EVEN values. By default, Even is accepted for the PPI network devices.

    5. Number of stop bits (Stop Bits): 1 or 2. Default 1 Stop Bit.

    6. Time-out time for this serial port (in MS). Default - 1000 ms;

    7. Flow control. The converter used may require flow control. For its correct operation, you must correctly specify signals (RTS, DTR), which will be filed before each packet and removed after it is sent.

    8. TRACE MODE address on the PPI network. According to the principles of data exchange in the PPI network, each device must have a unique address.

    The specified serial port parameters must match the corresponding parameters of all other devices in this PPI segment. Otherwise, the driver will not be able to exchange data or the data obtained will not correspond to reality and may entail unpredictable failures in the system.

    To create a new entry, click the "Add" button, the Delete button will delete the record, the "Edit" button or double clicking the list item will call the recording parameter editing window (Figure 18).

  • The Option "Move the Event Log" provides the ability to convenient debugging system. On the specified path, 2 files will be created - ppimedia.log and ppiproto.log, in which the driver work protocol and messages and their possible reasons will be saved. The specified directory must exist before the TRACE MODE start. After successfully configuring the system, this option can be disabled by reducing the costs of time and disk space.

    So, the configuration file is created. Let's go back to the Trace Mode development environment window. In the project navigator, select the "RTM_1" node of the "System" layer and launch a profiler by pressing the button. The execution environment window opens. In this window, we see the graphical interface created by us and the execution media control buttons: "Open", "Run \\ Stop" and "Full Screen".

    Let's start our project by pressing the "Start \\ Stop" button or use the Ctrl + R key combination. If all settings have been made correctly, the appearance of the on-screen form will be fitted in Figure 19.

  • The final on-screen form of a data exchange project between PLC and Trace Mode

  • Switch the I0.0 toggle switch on the front panel and monitor the display - the color of the light bulb with red to green. Click on the "Change MW2" button and enter the new value in the window that appears, click Finish. Make sure the value in the text field has changed. You can use this value in your PLC program, and depending on it the controller will produce various control exposure.

    SCADA TRACE MODE.(Adastra, Moscow) - this is the most purchasedin Russia domesticsoftware system for automation of technological processes ( APCS), Telemechanics, dispatching, accounting for resources (ASKUE, ASCUG) and buildings automation.

    Trace Mode works under Windowsand Linuxused in more than 30 countries of the world, in 40-A industriesand has the greatest (53000 PC.) The number of installations in Russia.

    Free tool SCADA Trace Mode system on 64000 IO can be free downloadfrom .

    Benefits of SCADA Trace Mode

    • SCADA TRACE MODE - unconditional technological leader- Basic technologies used in SCADA for the first timeapplied to Trace Mode.
    • SCADA TRACE MODE has the largest number of implementationin Russia.
    • The program includes built-in driversfor more than 2588 PLCand USO. All drivers are shipped immediately for free. No need to buy an OPC server!
    • A single tool for programming controllers and automatic operators with the technology of the project.
    • Scalability from 16 to 1.000.000 I / O points. Special technology work with large projects.
    • Freeinstrumental system with unlimitedtime of use I. with driversfor more than 2588 PLCand the USO can be downloaded from the site. Download SCADA TRACE MODE.
    • System development tools telemechanics.
    • SAMI fastreal-time system.
    • The fastestDBMS of RV (over 1.000.000 entries per second).
    • High reliability. 100% redundancycontrollers, networks, interfaces, archives, AWP with unstressed restart.
    • The biggest librariesready-made components (more than 1000 pcs.).
    • Adaptiveself-tuning of PID regulators based on the original Russian proprietary technology.
    • Does not useoutdated OPC and DCOM standards as internal interfaces.
    • The biggest free library training films.
    • Made in Russia. Fully in Russian.

    SCADA TRACE MODE developed by Adastra (Moscow) - the only thing in Russia 100% Software Firmin the Scada area.


    Any project developed in the basic version may be convertedin professional.

    How to start working with Trace Mode?

    It's simple. Enough download Free TRACE MODE System Baseline with a set of ready driversfor more than 2588 PLCand USO. We recommend to watch training films for connecting controllers for beginners and connect to your PLC.

    Users of the free version of SCADA TRACE MODE and ask questions to our engineers.

    Work quietly in the free tool system of the baseline - you do not have to buy more expensive executive modules - a project developed in the free version of the baseline we convert into a professional format when buying a professional instrumental system.

    Attention!On the channel SCADA TRACE MODE on YouTube You will find more 140 video Tutorialsfor the development of SCADA TRACE MODE.

    Subscribe to TRACE MODE channel on YouTube!

    The article discusses the properties of SCADA TRACE MODE 6, which simplify the development of projects of ACS TP. Examples of automation of buildings and power unit ACS are given.

    Adastra Research Group, Ltd., Moscow

    Integrated SoftLogic-Scada-System Trace Mode 6 of the Russian company ADASTRA RESERARCH GROUP, LTD. For more than 15 years, software is the most sold on the territory of Russia and the CIS software to automate technological processes. The conceptual combination of the properties of the TRACE MODE system system makes it the basis of modern TP ACS for optimal control of technological processes.

    Integrated Trace Mode 6 production management platform consists of an integrated development environment in which the ACS projects and from a set of executive modules that ensure the functioning of a real-time system. The integrated environment includes a complete set of equipment for the development of automation systems of technological processes (ACS TP), namely the means of creation:

    Operator interface (SCADA / HMI);

    Distributed operator complexes;

    Industrial database of real-time;

    Programs for industrial controllers (SoftLogic).

    The enormous advantage of the Trace Mode 6 software package is a large library of built-in drivers, which comes free even with the basic version of the system. Support for a large number of equipment both domestic and foreign manufacturers allows you to create highly reliable ACS TP in a distributed architecture. An excellent example of this thesis is the Intel Office Building Building, which is developed on the basis of the SCADA-System Trace Mode 6 by the Protected Company, Nizhny Novgorod.

    Fig. Function that allows you to create both one and double reserve for the project node with one mouse click

    The Intel Office Building Automation System covers the following devices: chillers, driveculations, cold supply station, pump frequency converters, exhaust fans, central air conditioners, fan coils.

    The following equipment is used at the system hardware level:

    Advantech introduction / output modules;

    Temperature / humidity converters Sauter and S + S Regeltechnik;

    Sensors and the Jola fluid leak relays;

    Electric energy meters SET 4TM;

    Temperature sensors, humidity, pressure, electric drive valves, as well as controllers in the cooling system, ventilation and air conditioning system York;

    Schneider Electric Frequency Converters.

    According to the reviews of the company "Protekt": "The use of the SoftLogic-SCADA-System Trace Mode 6 with developed support for information exchange with the equipment of various brands made it possible to comprehensively solve the issue of building ADD and ensured the comfort operation of the building engineering systems."

    An important role in ensuring the reliability of ACS TPs is played by technical means that prevent emergency situations and minimizing losses from failures in the operation of TP ACS. These functions can be divided into several groups:

    Protection against random errors at the stage of development of ACS TP;

    Timely diagnosis of failures;

    Hot reservation of components and assemblies of ACS TP;

    Automatic recovery after failures;

    Protection against unauthorized access and unqualified actions of the user - the so-called human factor.

    From the list of these functions, the most important is the most important reservation of components and assemblies of ACS TP. The reservation of the elements of the components of the ACS TP systems is dictated by either the existing regulatory sectoral documents (for example, for objects of potentially dangerous to the environment and / or industrial personnel - atomic industry, chemistry, military-industrial complex, or the nature of the technological process, the violation of which may entail serious economic losses ( Electric power industry, metallurgy, etc.). The TRACE MODE 6 implements a unique feature that allows you to create both one and double reserve for the project node with one click of the mouse. Moreover, an identical node is created with the preservation of all internal and external links with data sources. TRACE MODE 6 is designed to meet all the requirements of reliability and supports various types of hardware and software backups at all levels - from a separate sensor to the archive archive server.

    Fig. Library of built-in drivers, which comes free even with the basic version

    The reliability and fault tolerance of the automation system depends on its hardware, software components, personnel disciplines, security policies, etc. Ways to increase the reliability of the ACS by hardware are more obvious and, as a rule, lead to the rise in the cost of the system. At the same time, the software affects the reliability of the TP ACS no less than the sensors, controllers or servers. At the same time, often the high cost of the SCADA system does not guarantee the presence of the necessary fault tolerance and redundancy functions in it.

    The solution of large-scale automation tasks in TRACE MODE 6 contributes to unique technologies that increase the productivity of developers. Among them:

    Integrated development environment;

    Single database distributed project;

    Group editing;

    Rich libraries of free drivers, algorithms and graphic objects;


    One of the projects where TRACE MODE technologies allow us to implement a project of highly reliable TP ACS in the shortest possible time (the start of the design is January 2007), was the ASU of the second power unit with a capacity of 215 MW of the Pskov GRES (branch of OGK-2 OJSC). Already in August 2007, the system was successfully introduced into the experienced operation of the Russian company Zebra Pic Specialists under the technical guidance of JSC Engineering Center of the UES - Firm Orgres (Moscow). At the hardware level, the ACS TP was used by the PTC Cruise of the company's production of ZAO Zebra Peak (magazine "ISUP" 2 (14) _2007).

    Work on the creation of ACS TP was carried out in the framework of the second stage of automation of control and control systems of power units at the Pskov GRES (Order of RAO "UES of Russia" of September 18, 2002 No. 824). The first stage was completed in December 2004, the commissioning of the ACS of the first power unit of the Pskov GRES, which also developed on the basis of the PTC Cruise and SCADA TRACE MODE.

    Objects of control and control of ACS TP were the main and auxiliary equipment of the power unit No. 2, as well as general-based heat equipment.

    In addition to directly ACS TP, the project of automation of the second power unit of the Pskov GRES (OGK 2) included the commissioning of a full-scale simulator of the power unit intended for effective training and training of OGK 2 personnel.

    A fundamentally new approach to automation of industry facilities was the creation of functional group management programs (FSU), which perform typical technological operations sets, which facilitates the work of the operational staff of GRES.

    The company Zebra Peak Peak has long and successfully applies technologies for the integrated and group development of large-scale ACS TPs implemented in TRACE MODE, which allows you to create projects using a single toolkit in a short time, and has a preferred status of an authorized system partner ADASTRA Research Group, Ltd.

    Laboratory work number 2.

    Creating an operator interface and management model in the instrumental environmentTRACE MODE 6.

    1. purpose of work

    Studying the principles of the development of the operator interface and modeling the control system of the objectSCADA Systems Trace Mode 6.

    1. Tasks

    Creating a draft dynamic object management system using an integrated development systemTrace Mode. 6, modeling the operation of the control system using the real-time debug monitor.

    1. Theoretical part

    Project development in the integrated medium TRACE MODE 6 (IP) includes the following procedures:

    • creating a project structure in the navigator;
      • configuration or development of structural components - for example, the development of templates of graphic screens of the operator, development of program templates, description of sources / receivers, etc.;
      • configuring information flows;
      • selection of hardware ACS (computers, controllers, etc.);
      • creating knots in layerSystem and their configuration;
      • distribution of channels created in different layers of structure, by nodes and configuring interfaces of component interaction in information flows;
      • saving a project into a single file for subsequent editing;
      • exports of nodes to file sets for the subsequent start running TRACE MODE monitors.

    The listed procedures (with the exception of two final) and the operations included in their composition can be performed in an arbitrary order. For example, you can start developing a project with the development of patterns of graphic screens of the operator, with the creation of nodes and their channels in the layerSystem (If the ACS hardware is known in advance), you can configure the channels and information flows after the channel distribution through nodes, etc.

    3.1. Classification of project structure objects.

    3.1.1. Classification of components.

    According to the functional purpose, the project components belong to one of the following types:

    • channels - Components that determine the project work algorithm. Channels can be created in different layers, but their final distribution by nodes in the layerSystem necessarily - otherwise they will not be exported for MRV;
    • templates - Components that when operating in real time can be called by channels with parameter transmission. Parameter transmission is configured when developing a project in an IC by binding the template arguments to channels or sources / receivers;
    • sources / receivers - Channel templates exchange with various devices and applications. Under devices, controllers are understood here, as well as external and internal modules / fees for various purposes, exchange with which are supported by Trace Mode monitors (including through drivers). TRACE MODE system variables and built-in generators are also created in IP as sources / receivers;
    • resource sets - sets of texts, images and video clips that can be used when developing graphic screens patterns;
    • graphic objects - Components, which are generally several graphic elements (from data available in the data editor), grouped into one. Graphic objects can be used when developing graphic screens patterns;
    • serial ports - parameters of COM ports;
    • message dictionaries - sets of messages generated when different events occur;
    • terminals - These components describing electrical contacts (for example, mounting cabinets) are elements of the circuit of electrical compounds ACS.

    3.1.2. Classification of layers.

    Predefined layers of the project structure have the following purpose:

    • Resources - to create user sets of texts, images and video clips, as well as graphic objects;
    • Program templates - to create program templates;
    • Templates of screens - to create patterns of graphic screens, graphic panels and mnemoshem;
    • DB connections templates - to create templates of bonds with databases;
    • Document templates - to create document templates (reports);
    • Channel base - This layer is the repository of all project channels. You can perform operations with channels (including creating them) in different layers, but in all cases these operations are actually implemented in the base base layer. In any other layer, where the command is performed to perform the operation with the channel, its result is only displayed - therefore, there are commands for removing and destroying channels;
    • System - to configure the nodes and their components (the node is created as the root group of this layer);
    • Sources / receivers - to create built-in generators, exchange channel templates with various devices and software applications, as well as to configure system variables TRACE MODE 6,
    • Technology - to develop a project from technology (i.e., with a grouping of components on the basis of their affiliation to the technological object). In this layer, the channel encoding is built automatically with the inheritance of the encoding of all objects of the superior level in which the channel enters. When debugging a project layer, the technology can play the role of the node - the team is defined for itSave node for MRV. In addition, for this layer, the commands of interaction with the technological database are identified;
    • Topology - to develop a project from topology (i.e. with grouping of components at the location);
    • Pig - to describe the electrical compounds ACS;
    • Component libraries - To create library objects - design solutions of individual tasks. This layer contains predefined system and user groups.

    3.1.3. Classification of nodes.

    Project nodes are created as root groups of the layer system. The predefined node name indicates a family of monitors for which this node is intended. The node can contain only those components that are supported by the monitors of the corresponding family.

    In the general case, the nodes can be performed under the control of various monitors.

    As a rule, the node is performed on a separate hardware. In case of launching two or more nodes on one hardware, it must be equipped with an appropriate number of network cards.

    Node parameters are specified in the corresponding node parameter editor.

    Note varieties:

    • RTM. . The RTM node is designed to run on a computer running the executive modules of the RTM family (MRV) - monitors with support for displaying graphic screens of the operator, support for the exchange of a serial interface and network with various equipment and performing the channels of all classes, except T-Factory channels.
    • T-Factory. . The T-Factory node is designed to run on a computer running the executive modules of the T-Factory family - monitors to solve the ASUP tasks.
    • Micrortm. . The Micrortm node is designed to run on a computer or in the controller running the executive modules of the Micro RTM family. The main difference between these monitors from the MRV is the lack of support for displaying graphic screens.
    • Logger. . The Logger node is designed to run on a computer running the logger executive module (recorder) - a monitor that can lead archives through the channels of all project nodes.
    • Embeddrtm. . The EmbedDedRTM node is designed to run on a computer or in the controller running the executive modules of the Embedded RTM family - monitors with graphic panel support, exchanging support with equipment on various protocols and transmitting channels.
    • Nanortm. . Nanortm node is designed to run in the controller running the actuator Nano RTM monitor, similar to Micro RTM, but designed to work with a small number of channels.
    • Console. . The Console node is designed to run on a computer running actuating modules, which, unlike MRV, do not recalculate channels designed to work with data. The consoles allow you to receive data from other project nodes over the network, display them on graphic screens and manage the technological process from the graphics. Consoles cannot interact with T-Factory nodes.
    • TFACTORY_CONSOLE . The TFactory_Console node is designed to run on a computer running executive modules similar to consoles, but, in addition, capable of interacting with T-Factory nodes.
    • Embeddedconsole . This node is performed running monitors that support only graphic panels.

    3.2. The principle of the monitor. TRACE MODE 6 channel.

    When starting the monitor reads the node parameters specified during the development of the project in the IP, as well as the parameters of other nodes for correct interaction with them.

    The work algorithm for any TRACE MODE monitor is to analyze channels - the structures of variables created both when developing a project in IP and in real time. Depending on the class and configuration of the channel, on the results of its analysis, the monitor performs one or another operation - recording the values \u200b\u200bof the channel variables to the archive, request the value of the data source values \u200b\u200bby the specified interface and record this value to the channel, call the graphics screen of the operator on the display, and the like .

    Under the record of the value in the channel in general, it is understood to assign the value of the variable (attribute)Input value of this channel.

    Two most important properties can be configured for the channel -Communication and challenge.

    The first property means the ability of the channel to receive data from sources and transmit data to receiver - in other words, using this property, you can configure the ACS information flows.

    The second property means the ability of the channel to call (implement) the template with the transmission of the necessary parameters to it (for the CALL class channel, the call property has advanced functions). Based on the property, the call is implemented, for example, the graphical interface of the operator, exchange with the database, etc.

    The combination of the node channels is called the base of the channels of this node.

    Channel class determines its general purpose. For example, the Float class channel is designed for operations with 4-byte real numbers, a class channel of the equipment unit - to take into account the equipment, planning and monitoring its maintenance. When developing a project, channels of only predefined classes can be created.

    Variables included in the channel are called its attributes. Channel attributes have different purposes and different data type. Booleans attributes and attributes that can only take two definite values \u200b\u200bare called flags. An example of a flag can serve as a channel type that takes two values \u200b\u200b- Input (Numeric Input channels is designed to receive data from sources) and OUTPUT (numeric channels such as OUTPUT are designed to transmit their values \u200b\u200bto receivers). Attributes that are used to transmit values \u200b\u200bwhen calling a template are called channel arguments. Attributes are equipped with numeric indexes (attribute indexing begins with 0, indexing arguments - from 1000). Attributes have a full name and short name (mnemonic designation). Attribute identifiers are its index and, in some cases, a short name.

    Channels contain predefined algorithms inside (some of them can be configured by the user), according to which some channel attributes are set or calculated by the monitor depending on the state or the values \u200b\u200bof other attributes. For example, for most channels in the attributeTime change The monitor writes the time to change the attributeThe actual value of the channel (According to the clock readings, the monitor is running).

    The execution of internal channel algorithms and the analysis of its attributes with a monitor is called channel recalciation.

    According to the analysis of attribute analysis, the monitor performs actions specified using the channel (for example, a template call), this procedure is called the Channel Development. Channel testing after its recalculation is performed under certain conditions. If the channels are recalculated, the transcision channel is also performed under certain conditions.

    Channels of the same class have an identical set of attributes and predefined algorithms for their processing. There are also attributes that all channels possess, regardless of their class (such attributes have the same indexes in all channels).

    The channel is a structure consisting of a set of variables and procedures that have settings to external data, identifiers and a period of recalculating its variables. Channel IDs are: Name, comment and encoding. For example, the name of the channel associated with the fifth channel of the analog input board, located in the first seat of the controller, will be AI_-PE01-0005. In addition, each channel has a numeric identifier used inside the system for links to this channel. Among the channel variables, four main values \u200b\u200bare allocated: input (IN), hardware (A), real (R) and output (q). Using the settings, the input channel value is associated with a data source, and the output with the receiver.

    Depending on the direction of information movement, i.e. From external sources (data from controllers, USO or system variables) to the channel or vice versa, the channels are divided into:

    • input (type INPUT) (Fig. 2.1),
    • output (type OUTPUT) (Fig. 2.2).

    Fig. 2.1. Type channelInput

    Input channel (Fig. 1.2) requests data from an external source (controller, other MRV, etc.) or the value of system variables (error counter, archive length, etc.). The resulting value enters the channel input and then recalculates into hardware and real values. The hardware value of the Input channels is formed by scaling (logical processing for discrete channels) input values. The procedures used provide primary data processing (correcting sensor errors, scaling, temperature correction of cold spa thermocouples, etc.). The output values \u200b\u200bin the Input type channels are not used.

    Fig. 2.2. Type channelOutput.

    Output channel (Fig.2.2) transmits data to the receiver. The receiver can be external (the value of the variable in the controller, in another MRV, etc.) or internal - one of the system variables (the number of the sound file, the screen number displayed on the monitor, etc.). And external, and internal data receivers are associated with the output values \u200b\u200bof the channels. The channels of type OUTPUT their input value is formed by one of the following ways:

    • procedure for the control of this channel;
    • procedures control or broadcast other channels;
    • metaProgram in Tekhno IL;
    • the channel of the remote node (for example, over the network);
    • operator using control graphic forms.

    Channels such as Output Hardware value is obtained from a real translation procedure. The hardware channels of the channels have such a name, since it is convenient to obtain the values \u200b\u200bof the unified signals, with which the I / O instruction works (4-20 mA, 0-10 V, etc.). Real values \u200b\u200bare designed to store values \u200b\u200bof controlled parameters or control signals in real units (for example, kg / hour,about C,%, etc.). The output value is defined only for OUTPUT channels. It is recalculated from the hardware value.

    Data from external devices is written to the channels, the data from the channels are sent to external devices. In the channels, the operator brings control signals. Values \u200b\u200bfrom channels are recorded in archives, operator reports, etc. Data conversion is transformed in the channels. Changing values \u200b\u200bon system channels, you can manage the information displayed on the screen, sound signals, etc., i.e. with the entire system.

    The input value of the channel is converted into a hardware, real and output using the procedures. Channel procedures are:

    • scaling (multiplication and offset),
    • filtration (peak suppression, aperture and smoothing),
    • logic processing (preset, inversion, combination control),
    • broadcast (call an external program),
    • control (calling an external program).

    The procedure and content of the procedures may vary depending on the type of channel (input or output, analog or discrete). The set of procedures in the channel depends on the data format. Channels operating with analog variables use the following procedures:scaling, broadcast, filtering and management . In channels processing discrete parameters, are usedlogic processing, broadcast and management.

    Procedure scalingused only in channels operating with analog variables. It includes two operations:multiplication and displacement . The sequence of these operations varies depending on the type of channel:

    • input Channelsthe input value is multiplied by the specified multiplier and the displacement value is added to the result. The result is assigned to the hardware value of the channel;
    • channels like OUTPUTthe displacement value is added to the hardware value, then this amount is multiplied by a given multiplier, and the result is assigned to the output value of the channel.

    Translation procedure it is defined for all channels regardless of their type and view of the presentation. Input channels, the broadcast procedure convertshardware value in real , And for the weekend, on the contrary. For this, the program is called. The called program is selected when setting up the procedure.

    When setting up the procedure, the input and output arguments of the selected program are associated with the attributes of the current channel, as well as any other channels from the current base. Therefore, the broadcast procedure of one channel can also be used to form the values \u200b\u200bof other channels.

    An example of using a broadcast procedure - integrating sensor readings.

    Filtration - A procedure that is present only at analog channels. The set of operations performed by it is different for the input and output channels. Input Channelsfiltering is performed after the transmission procedure before the formation of the real value. Filtration includes the following operations:

    • suppressing random bursts in the measurement path;
    • control of the scale - tracking the output of the real value of the channel for the locked scale limits.

    Channels like OUTPUTthis procedure generates a real value in the input value. The following operations are performed:

    • limiting the speed of change of the real value;
    • suppression of small oscillations of the channel value;
    • exponential smoothing;
    • control of the scale - cutting the magnitude of the control exposure to the boundaries of the channel scale.

    Control - A procedure that is defined for all channels. It implements the control function. With it, you can call a program in which you can program the required control algorithms. The values \u200b\u200band attributes of any channels from the current base can be transmitted as arguments of the program. These arguments can be both input and formable. Formally, the control procedure is associated with the channel only by the recalculation cycle. It may not at all participate in the formation of its values, but to control other channels. This situation is often observed when using the procedure.Control On Input type channels.

    The monitor is a multi-threaded process. Thread priorities are default, but they can be changed. The main stream that is performed cyclically is the flowCalc. . Each cycle of this stream includes the following sequential steps:

    • a consistent analysis of all connected node channels (ascending ID) and installing the SV flag (unavailable for the user) channels requiring recalculation;
    • recalculation of all channels (except Call channels) type INPUT, which must be recalculated in the main stream, and, in some cases, the development of these channels;
    • reset Flag SV;
    • recalculation and testing of Call channels of the main stream;
    • recalculation of OUTPUT channels, which must be recalculated in the main stream, and the analysis of their output value. Setting the flag Q channels whose output value has changed.

    The SV flag not discharged in the main thread is a sign of the need to recalculate the channel in the corresponding stream.

    Calc cycle time (time assigned to one-time execution of the main stream tasks) is configured using two parameters that are specified in the sectionRecalculation of the main tabs editor of the node. ParameterResolution Specifies the timer permission in seconds (valuetick), parameter period - recalculation period in unitstick. The product of these parameters determines the CALC cycle time in seconds.

    Timer resolution (tick. ) It may vary within the following limits:

    • in MS Windows - at least 0.01c;
    • in MS Windows CE - not less than 0.001c.

    By default, the timer resolution is 0.055 s, the period is 10.

    3.3 Development of a graphical interface.

    TRACE MODE 6 provides a graphical representation of the process of performing the process, as well as the control of the technical process using graphic agents.

    The graphical interface of the operator is implemented in several types:

    • in the form of a set of graphic screens, the templates of which are developed in the data representation editor (RPD), - for nodes that are performed by monitors on hardware having sufficient performance and other necessary characteristics (for example, when using volumetric graphics from the video system, OpenGL 1.1 support is required);
    • in the form of a set of graphic panels, the templates of which are developed in ERPD (modification of the RPD), - for nodes that are performed by monitors on hardware having limited performance (for example, in controllers with Windows CE).

    The project structure created in the channel editor is loaded into the RPD (ERPD). By selecting the desired project node, you can edit its graphics database. This base includes all graphic fragments that are displayed on the monitor of this operator station.

    RPD and ERPD contain a large number of built-in graphic elements (respectively, GE and EGE), which allow you to portray almost any process, to display all the necessary information about the progress of its execution, as well as manage the process. In addition, TRACE MODE 6 includes a large number of resources - texts, images, video clips, various graphic objects - which can be used when developing the graphical interface of the operator. Resources can be created by the user.

    The combination of all screens for presenting data and supervisor controls included in the graphics bases of the project nodes make up its graphic part. Screens in the graphic databases of the project nodes are divided into groups. Each group has its name. Grouping screens is convenient to use based on their functional purposes. For example, in one group you can collect the mightms, to another - the settings of the regulators, to the third - overview screens, etc. At the same time, only one screen can be displayed on the monitor, each of them is the graphical space of a fixed size, which contains static pattern and display form. It has its name and set of attributes (settings). Such attributes include: size, background color, wallpaper, access rights, the specification of the alarms report viewing window.

    Development of graphic screens is carried out by placing graphic elements on them. Distinguish static and dynamic elements. Static elements do not depend on the values \u200b\u200bof the controlled parameters, as well as any actions to manage the information displayed on the screen are not attached. These elements are used to develop a static part of graphic screens, for example, for the image of the filled tanks, boilers, motors, etc. Therefore, they are called drawing elements.

    Dynamic elements are called display forms. These elements are associated with the attributes of the channels to output their values \u200b\u200bon the screen. In addition, part of the display forms is used to control the values \u200b\u200bof the attributes of the channels or the information displayed on the screen. Some forms can also combine both functions.

    On the screens you can place complexes of static and dynamic elements, designed as graphics objects used to replicate ready-made solutions in the field of creating an operator interface.Graphic object Called a set of form mappings and drawing elements, which is framed as a single graphic element. Designed in the form of objects typical graphic fragments can be inserted into the screens of graphic databases of any projects.

    There are two types of graphic objects: "object" and "block". The first of these can refer to 256 channels, and the second is only one.

    To create and edit objects, the same windows are used as when working with screens. The development of objects is identical to the screen development process. The difference is only in setting the molding forms to channels. The display object object communicates with its internal channels. These channels when placing an object on the screen are configured to the actual channels of the editable node.

    Trace Mode allows you to carry out a number of operations with graphic objects: copying, saving and inserting into other projects or graphic bases of the same project, output to individual windows on other screens, etc.

    Graphic libraries are used to store graphic objects. Each library has a name and list of objects included in it. To further use the created library, it must be saved in the file. To access the previously saved library, you need to download it to the data submission editor.

    3.4. Programming algorithms.

    Any ACS requires mathematical data processing - as in measuringinformation flows (sensor \u003d\u003e Uso \u003d\u003e \u200b\u200bController \u003d\u003e Operator station) and in the controller (operator station \u003d\u003e Controller \u003d\u003e actuator).

    For mathematical data processing in TRACE MODE 6, the following means are provided:

    • internal numerical channel algorithms;
    • programs. Languages \u200b\u200bare built into IP programsTechno St, Techno SFC, Techno FBD, Techno LD and Techno IL The modifications of ST languages \u200b\u200b(SEQUENTIAL FUNCTION CHART), FBD (FUNCTION BLOCK DIAGRAM), LD (LADDER DIAGRAM) and IL (INSTRUCTION LIST) of IEC61131-3 standard are modifications. Programs developed in IP allow you to use functions from external libraries (DLL).

    These tools provide the ability to mathematical data processing in any information flow.

    Programs and some of their components (functions, steps and SFC transitions, etc.) can be developed on any of the built-in languages \u200b\u200bin the corresponding editor, while languages \u200b\u200bfor the program and its components are selected independently.

    To create and edit the properties of arguments, variables, functions and structural types of the program, as well as for use in the program of functions from external libraries to the integrated project development environment, special table editors are embedded.

    Trace Mode 6 also has means for debugging programs.

    The main programming language TRACE MODE 6 is techno ST. Programs developed in Tekhno LD, Techno SFC and Techno FBD techno, before compilation are broadcast to techno ST. IL programs before compilation are partially broadcast in ST, partly in assembler. From here it follows, for example, that the key words of the techno ST are those for all other languages.

    The use of the program is only possible after its successful compilation. To compile the program, you need to complete one of the following:

    • run the commandCompile from the program menu (or press the F7 key or press the LC on the iconCompilation (F 7) The debugger toolbar) - Only code is created for this command to debug the program in the IP. The debug code is saved in the subdirectory created in the directory of the% TRACE MODE 6 IDE% \\ TMP. If the compiler detects errors, it displays the corresponding messages in the window, which in this case opens automatically. If the compilation has passed successfully, the message window does not open;
    • perform project exports - on this command in the node folder containing a program call channel, both debug and executable code. If errors are detected in the program, a message is displayed about the impossibility of its exports.

    To fulfill a real-time program, a Call class channel must be created with a PROGRAM call type configured to call the program template.

    Such a Call channel type INPUT is being worked out with its recalculation period in the appropriate stream.

    A similar Call channel type OUTPUT is implemented, in particular, when using the control functionPerform Graphic element.

    1. Description of used software complexes

    Running the TRACE MODE 6 tool system is performed by double-clicking the left button (LC) mouse on Windows desktop icon or from the Start / All Programs menuTRACE MODE 6 / TRACE MODE IDE 6.

    The end result of the TRACE MODE 6 tool system is a set of files designed to perform ACS tasks in real-time monitors on Armia and in controllers. In laboratory work, a profiler with graphic screens will be used as a MRV for AWSrTC.exe. , Located in the Trace Mode Tool System Directory. The profiler allows you to run on a computer with an installed tool system one node of the designed project.

    IC shell has the main menu, including the menuFile, View, Window and Help , and toolbar.

    The editors embedded in IP have their own menus and toolbars, which when opening these editors are partially or completely added to the available. When you open the editor, it is also possible to modify the list of command menu.

    In the case of opening multiple editors, toolbars and the IP menu correspond to the editor, the window of which is currently active.

    The menu and the IP shell toolbar are available in all cases.

    Tools of all editors and windows are equipped with pop-up prompts.

    To set the general settings of IP and template editors, the dialog that opens by the commandSettings using the File menu.

    Saving a project for editing is performed by commandSave (Ctrl - S) or Save As (Ctrl - SHIFT - S) from the File menu . The project is stored in a binary file with the expansion of PRJ for subsequent editing in IP. When performing these commands, user libraries of the components are saved to the TMDEVENV.TMUL file (in the IP directory). The prepresentation of the previous version of PRJ and TMUL files is provided - when re-executing the commandSave Expansion of files stored earlier change accordingly on ~ PRJ and ~ TMUL.

    Saving a project to start running commandSave for MRV Menu File Or by pressing a similar button toolbar. All nodes are exported to file sets for their subsequent copying to the hardware on which they must be executed running TRACE MODE monitors. Before exporting nodes, the project must be saved to the prj file.

    When executing a teamSave for MRV In a directory containing the PRJ file, a subdirectory is created.<имя файла prj без расширения>In which a folder with a set of files is created for each node. The node folder has a name specified for the node when it is configured to IP (with the replacement of spaces with symbols "_"). Nodes that have the same names in IP are exported to one folder.

    A prerequisite for exporting a node is the presence of at least one channel in it.

    By team Save node for MRV From the project menu Or the context menu of the navigator The dedicated node is exported to an arbitrary folder, while re-exporting backups of the node are not created.

    1. Security measures

    During laboratory work, it is necessary:

    • comply with the rules for the inclusion and off of computing;
    • do not connect cables, connectors and other equipment toyu tear;
    • when the network is turned on, do not disable, do not connect and do not touch the cables connecting various devicesm Püther
    • in case of a detected malfunction in the work of the equipment or violation of the safety regulations, reportabout laboratory work to the driver;
    • do not try to independently eliminate malfunctions in the work of the equipment;
    • at the end of the work, put in order a workplace.

    ATTENTION! When working at the computer it is necessary tom. thread: Dangerous stress is lifted to each workplace. Therefore, during operation, it is necessary to be extremely attentive and comply with all the requirements of the equipment safe.about!

    1. The task

    6.1. Create an operator interface for a control system containing one AWA node, a control object model, PID controller, a comparison element for implementing a negative feedback, elements of setting the setpoint and parameters of the PID controller, as well as the items of displaying values \u200b\u200busing various means of the operator interface and graphic Elements.

    6.2. In the system, enter the program in the languageFBD. To implement the dynamic model of the control system.

    6.3. Implement the functioning of a real-time control system, remove the transitional characteristics of the control object as a reaction to the stepwise changing setpoint.

    6.4. Task options on the parameters of the control object are given in Table 1.

    Table 1. Options for tasks on the control object parameters

    Number option

    The transmission coefficientK.

    Constant timeT.

    Delay N.

    SNS interference

    adding to the output signal of a random variable in the range from 0 to 1%

    the formation of a peak of 25% of the output value with a probability of 0.01

    random increase in gain in the range from 0 to 2%

    random increase in time constant in the range from 0 to 2%

    random change to 1 delay

    adding to the output of a sinusoidal signal with an amplitude of 2% of the output value

    1. Method of execution of the task

    7.1. To execute clause 6.1. Tasks do the following.

    7.1.1. Create a new standard project.

    7.1.2. Explore the help section Quick Start - Part Two - Creating Arm Screens.

    7.1.3. In layer resources create a group of pictures. In this group, create a component of the election library and import several textures into it.

    7.1.4. In the layer resources create a group of graphic_Elements. In this group, create a graphic_tem. With the help of available graphics tools, create a conditional image of a control object, consisting of at least two volumetric figures with an applied texture.

    7.1.5. In the layer system create a nodeRTM. in which to create a component screen. Place on the screen graphic elements of the operator interface:

    • item elements of values \u200b\u200band display setpoint values,
    • image of the regulator,
    • image of the control object,
    • communication lines between them
    • elements of entering values \u200b\u200band display the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of the regulator,
    • the display elements of the control values \u200b\u200band the output coordinate object in numeric form and in the form of graphs.

    Create the necessary arguments and make auto-building channels. To follow the certificate section quick start - part of the first.

    7.2. To execute clause 6.2 of the tasks to do the following.

    7.2.1. In the RTM node Create a component program and install programming language for itFBD.

    7.2.2. Explore the Help section Programming Algorithms - EditingFBD. Program. View descriptionFBD. -blocks. Examine blocksPID and OBJ. (section "Regulation").

    7.2.3. Using the subtraction blocks,PID, OBJ. , make up the control system model. Create the necessary program arguments, bind them to the channels. Binding the input and output blocks of blocks. For blockOBJ. Parameters of the control object - the transmission coefficient, time constant, delay - set by constants in accordance with the task option. For the interference blockOBJ. Use a constant 0.

    7.3. To execute clause 6.3 of the task, do the following.

    7.3.1. Connect blocks according to the "Setpoint - object object" (without a regulator and without feedback).

    7.3.2. Compile the program, if you have errors to eliminate them. Run the project with MRV.

    7.3.3. Enter the non-zero setpoint value and obtain the transient characteristic of the control object. Make a screenshot of transitional characteristics.

    1. Requirements for the content and registration of the report

    Laboratory report report must contain:

    • short theoretical information;
    • wording of tasks for laboratory work;
    • description of the work sequence;
    • images of working windows obtained as a result of system modeling;
    • conclusions for laboratory work.
    1. Control questions

    9.1. What opportunities is providedSCADA System Trace Mode To create an operator interface?

    9.2. What basic resources can be used to create an operator interface in the systemTrace Mode?

    9.3. What is the programming languageFBD?

    9.4. What are the main blocks fromFBD. Can I use to simulate control systems?

    9.5. What parameters need to be set for the control object model?

    9.6. What parameters need to be set for the PID regulator model?

    9.7. How is the launch of the system in real time?

    1. Criteria for evaluating laboratory work

    Laboratory work is considered to be completed if:

    • the student fulfilled all tasks according toa methodology;
    • the results of the performance presented in the form of a liste. that correspond to the requirements submitted to them;
    • the student correctly answered all the control questions and can interpret the results obtained.
    1. Literature

    Analog (Float)

    A source












    Logic processing


    A source

    Discrete (Hex)




    Logic processing



    Discrete (Hex)









    Analog (Float)




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