The state of the bakery industry. Evaluation of the level of development of the bakery industry. Is it possible to bargain with retailers

1. General characteristics of the bakery industry

1.1 History of Development of Bakery Industry

Bakery industry is one of the largest industries. Mechanized bakery production in our country was created during the years of Soviet power. Only under the conditions of the socialist method of production it was possible to radically reorganize the established handicraft bakery production to the centuries and bring it to the path of industrial development. The construction of bakeries equipped with mechanical equipment was first conducted in the largest cities of Moscow and Leningrad.
In 1925, the first Moscow bakery for five furnaces was put into effect, equipped with some types of mechanical equipment: metal depths, test mixes and ductivative machines, sifter vehicles, etc.
In the same year, the first Kharkiv bakery was put into operation in Ukraine, equipped with ten domestic furnaces with retractable feeds, bakeries in Kiev (for ten stoves), Donetsk (for six furnaces) and Dnepropetrovsk. On these bakeries, the test of the test was performed on spelling machines with a capacity of 600 liters.
The widespread construction of bakeries turned out from 1930-1933. By this time, plants manufacturing mechanical equipment for the bakery industry were created ("Melstroy", "Glavprodmash", etc.).
Until 1928, 74 bakeries were built throughout the country. From 1929 to 1940, 280 new bakeries with a daily design capacity of 17 thousand tons were introduced into operation.
In 1927-1928. The Soviet designer G. P. Marsakov began developing a new type of bakery with a rigid ring conveyor. First of all, such an experienced plant was built in Moscow in 1929. In 1931, in Moscow, a ring bakery was built with a rings with a capacity of 250 tons of bread per day, which, in terms of technical equipment, much exceeded all the existing plants in Europe and America. At this time, the motion and innovatives of production, which appeared to the inexhaustible source of creative initiative, aimed at improving bakery production began to be widely deployed on the bakeries.
During the Great Patriotic War of the Bakery Industry, significant damage was inflicted; Most enterprises in temporarily occupied territory were destroyed.
In the post-war years, the bakery industry after recovery began to develop rapidly. The new bakery technique made it possible to organize a continuous test receptional and proceed to the creation of continuous-flow lines.
In the past two years, there is a steady increase in bread production. Exactly ten years ago - in a sufficiently prosperous 1990 year - the volume of production and consumption of bread amounted to 18.0 million tons. Then there was a general decline in production, and in 1995 12.4 million tons were developed. The decline continued until 1998, reaching the level 8.3 million tons, or 45.6% to the 1990 volumes. In 1999, the growth of bread production in the country in comparison with 1998 increased by 8%, and in certain regions much more. In the Northern region, for example, production increase for the year amounted to 16.5%, in the Volga region - 11.0%, in the Urals - 12.0%, and in the North Caucasus region reached 24.5%. Over 20% of the volume increased the production of bakery products in Lipetsk, Belgorod, Kaluga and Chelyabinsk regions, in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, in Kabardino-Balkaria. The increase in bread production occurred in 78 regions, and only in 11 regions the decline continued.

2.2 Types and values \u200b\u200bof the bakery industry in the Russian Food Complex
Breadmaker is one of the leading sectors of the food industry. Bread as the main food product is able to satisfy up to 30% of human needs in calories, serves as a source of proteins, vitamins, dietary fibers and minerals. About 18 thousand enterprises operate in this industry, among which more than 50% are small bakeries. Today, large bakeries are able to almost everywhere to meet the needs of the population in bread, since today their power is not fully involved. However, the increasing demand of the population on freshly created products, the products of dietary and therapeutic and prophylactic causes the need and feasibility of building small shops and bakeries with a small radius of the disposal of products.

Currently, industry produces about 5 thousand confectionery items.
Flour confectionery products in terms of production occupy second place. In addition, they are largely produced by the bakery industry. The assortment of flour confectionery products is extremely diverse. So, cakes and cakes industry produces more than 400 items.
An increase in production, change and improvement of the range is ensured by the appropriate increase in capacity, which is envisaged primarily as a result of the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, renewal and modernization of equipment, accelerating the replacement of morally outdated equipment, which quickly introduce into the production of recent achievements of science and technology, construction New large enterprises.
The confectionery industry workers did a lot to create and implement advanced modern technology and technology that ensure the creation of complex-mechanized streams, which are the most advanced form of production organization and provide conditions for creating automated enterprises.
The further production of confectionery products should be associated with the regime of saving raw materials, material and fuel and energy resources. Saving community resources in turn is aimed at reducing the sugar content of flour confectionery as a result of revising the recipes towards reducing the losses of raw materials, reducing the production of sugar products, the use of local and non-traditional raw materials.

2. Activities of the enterprise CJSC "Tractorozavodsky Bread Barbinder No. 8"

2.1 Location of the enterprise and the brief description of its activities

CJSC "Tractorozavod Bread Bakery" combines two bakery in its composition. Bakery No. 4 was built in 1931, in 1942 destroyed during the aviation plates of the fascists. Restored in 1943 by the bakery team. Located in the Trektorozavodsky district of Volgograd.

Bakery No. 8 was built in 1963 and is also located in the Tractor-water area.

Since 2002, ZAO "Tractorozavod bakery" is part of CJSC CJSC Volga-Don-Bread.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe land plot of the bakery No. 4 - 819 sq.m. On the territory there is a production building with an area of \u200b\u200b2593 sq.m., garages and repair boxes - the total area of \u200b\u200b391 sq.m., warehouse and utility rooms with a total area - 483 sq.m., plant building with an area of \u200b\u200b230 sq.m. The plant was focused on the production of baton, small products and undercurrent rye bread.

Breadroom 8 Total land plot 15846 sq.m. On the territory there are a production building with a total area of \u200b\u200b3009 sq.m., shop for the manufacture of corn products with a total area of \u200b\u200b458.9 sq.m., straws and flour confectionery products with a total area. 297 sq.m., warehouse and utility building with a total area of \u200b\u200b576 sq.m., garages of 139 sq.m. and separate storage rooms with a total area of \u200b\u200b739 sq.m., a shelter of 94 sq.m. Equipment: 4th furnaces of FTL-2, 3-and furnaces "Musson - Rotor", one furnace for the production of straw type peak-8, one furnace - A2-ShPZ, one PKE-9 furnace. The plant was focused on the production of shape varieties of bread, extruded products, straws, cookies and gingerbread.
In 2004, the reconstruction of production was launched. Bakery No. 4 was stopped, part of the equipment was transported to the bakery No. 8. The 1st line on the basis of the FTL-2 furnace for the production of Baton, with a capacity of 5 tons, was launched on the bakery No. 8. The production of small products is organized on the basis of 2 stoves "Musson-Rotor 99" with a capacity of up to 2.5 tons. Per day. All this made it possible to produce competitively capable products in demand from the consumer.

The main task facing CJSC "Tractorozavodsky Bakery" is the expansion of the sales market and strengthen the conquered positions through the expansion of the range and quality of products. Thus, in order to follow the development strategy of the enterprise for 2006-2007, the plan of the necessary events is as follows:
Increase production and quality of bakery products.
The reduction of energy consumption due to the replacement of the electric furnace in the workshop of the straw on the gas furnace and an increase in the volume of straws to zt. Per day.
Organization of gingerbread production, cookies and drinkers on bakery №4 up to 10 tons per day.
Use the brand packaging of finished products.

2.2 Production capacity CJSC "Tractorozavodsky Bakery Processing Plant No. 8"

Production capacity is the highest possible output of products for the year (day, shift), which can be achieved with the most complete use of the warehousing facilities in accordance with the established specialization and the work regime. Production capacity is also determined by separate workshops, aggregates, lines, installations. Production capacity is calculated throughout the entire product range in the planned period. For each type of product, power is determined in natural units of measurement, according to certain types of products - in natural and value terms. Production capacity is determined by the capacity of the leading workshops of the main production, where the main technological processes are carried out and which are crucial to ensure the production of finished products.
The presence of bottlenecks, i.e. shops, sites, equipment groups, the bandwidth of which does not correspond to the power of the leading links of production, is not the basis for reducing the production capacity of the enterprise. It must be developed and measures to eliminate bottlenecks. In the calculation of production capacity, all equipment of the enterprise, except for the reserve and equipment of experimental and experimental sites, is included. Power reserves facilitate timely preparation of production and development of new types of products, increase production flexibility, contribute to the elimination of imbalances arising during the implementation of the plan.
For enterprises with a continuous production process, power is calculated on the basis of the number of calendar days a year and 24 working hours per day (minus the normalized time for all types of repair). For enterprises, the main goals of which are working in two shifts or less than in two shifts, power is determined based on the two-month mode of operation of the equipment, and the unique - from three-chamber.
The material incentives for workers also has a significant impact. For improving the use of production capacity.


on the topic:

"Bakery Industry"

Student of the 4th year of the absentee faculty

economic specialty 060808

Kolyada V. A.

cIFR 4834 K.

S. Petersburg 2002

Bakery industry.

The place of the bakery industry in the structure of the economy.

The structure of the industry and the main range of products.

Bakery industry, a food industry industry that produces various varieties of bread, bakery and beam products, medical and dietary breads, baked and simple superstars. Products of the bakery industry is highly varied. In the total volume of gross food industry, the share of bakery industry is more than 15%; The proportion of its production base funds in the essential foundations of the food industry - 8%. The bakery industry is characterized by high transportability of the main raw materials - flour, low transportability of finished products: the impossibility of long-term storage of most types of bread products (due to their coherence) and as a result - work on the daily (changing in size and assortment) to order trading organizations.

Bakery industry occupies one of the leading places in the APK system, because Performs the task of production for the population traditionally important products of essential. The industry is engaged in the production of bread, bakery, laboratory products, sugar. However, along with this main product, in order to improve production efficiency by diversifying production, products are produced close by technology and main raw materials. These are mainly some milded confectionery, such as cakes, cakes, pieces, gingerbread cookies, as well as pasta products. The industry produces products on more than 300 nomenclature positions. A varieties of bakery products more than 800. Group nomenclature of the industry includes 13 basic names:

1. Flour bread with rye wallpaper.

2. Rye bread made of flour sprinkled.

3. Bread from rye-wheat flour, wheat-rye.

4. Bread from wheat flour 2store.

5. Wheat flour bread 1 variety.

6. Bread from the flour of wheat higher grade.

7. Boil products from flour 2 varieties.

8. Bulk products made of flour 1 variety.

9. Boil products from the top of the highest grade.

10. Banquish.

11. Feed bakery products.

12. Sukhari, crispy loaves, croutons ...

13. Pies, pies, donuts.

Baking enterprises of the bakery industry are very different in magnitude (scale). In Soviet times, gigantic bakeries were built, breadcruberties with a capacity of up to 500 tons of products per day. At the same time, there are a large number of medium and small bakeries producing several dozen or simply tons per day. In recent years, many small bakeries have appeared with very small production volumes that are focused on local sales markets. The share of the bakery industry in gross products in the entire food industry is 15%. The proportion of its production base funds in the main foundations of the food industry - 8%.

Bread is high, well absorbed, it is easily prepared, well stored, relatively inexpensive. This explains its popularity in many countries with the average and below the average lowest population. The bread contains: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, fiber, vitamins (mainly vitamin B). However, few amino acids, little calcium, sodium, but a lot of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur. As it is known that potassium is needed for better work of the heart, which in large quantities is contained in wheat bread. Also in wheat bread contains the greatest amount of calcium, potassium and iron than in other bread varieties. The daily need of the human body in 1/3 proteins provide 500 grams of bread.

The bakery industry of Russia is represented by about 18 thousand enterprises with a total capacity of 54.4 thousand tons / day, including more than 10 thousand bakeries of low power.
The demand for bread and bakery products satisfied everywhere. The power utilization factor in 1999 is approximately 55%.


The development of industrial production of bread in Russia is constantly accompanied by scientific developments, taking into account national traditions, professional and demographic population. Such an approach to the development of the industry in our country predetermined a high modern level of bread accumulation and created a serious bore to the future.

Modern science of bread is based on the systemic analysis of bakery production, which allows you to determine the optimal technologies to generate bakery products wide range, high and stable quality. Based on such an assessment, in the development strategy in the first place in modern conditions, the problem of raw materials, which, becomes a key factor in the formation of quality, assortment and actually all technological systems are put forward.

Among the latest developments recommended for implementation should be called new improvers that prevent the disease of the bread "potato disease", which has been widespread due to violations of technologies in flourishing production. Existing methods of combating grain damage by bacteria, first of all the seal of grain before grinding, as a rule, as a rule, are not used, and enterprises are forced to fight pollution in the process of preparation of the test and throughout the cycle of bakery production.

No less significant for the practice of bakery are studies aimed at improving the biotechnological properties of bakery yeast, the quality that does not fully meet the requirements of the bread machine.

Recently, consumers have an increased interest in the organization of dietary nutrition, and medical science makes certain requirements for the industry, having a type of increasing the nutritional value of bakery products and the use of special additives in bread.

Of the scientific research conducted in this direction, the creation of bakery technologies on the basis of germinated and dispersed grain, in particular wheat, rye, legume crops should be considered the most promising. New and upgraded technologies using non-traditional raw materials as a new order system discover wide potential opportunities for updating the range, first of all, create conditions for the production of dietary products, production volumes in the country are clearly insufficient.

Thus, the use of new solutions, basic Surveyed on scientific developments, allowed the GOSNNIKP only in recent years to create and implement 58 new technologies and more than 180 new types of bakery and pasta.

Among the important technological solutions of recent time, it should be noted the creation of new compact sources of compressed air of the system of the mucovying system and the system of transporting bulk species of raw materials with a complex trajectory. Such systems received approval in the industry and are successfully operated in enterprises.

1.2. Brief description of the enterprise, development prospects

OJSC "Khlebodar" (former bakery No. 4) is the largest bakery enterprise of the city of Omsk. Located at the address: st., 19 Parts No. 34. At the beginning of the 50s, due to the rapid growth and expansion of the village of oilmen, the problem of providing residents of bakery products was acute. The decision of the city and the region on the territory of the village of oilmen began the construction of the bakery. The customer and the developer was an Omsk oil refinery. Already by the fall of 1955, the plant began production output.

In this regard, the oldest employees of the enterprise are considered the foundation of the plant on November 25, 1955. But officially, the act of the State Commission on Acceptance of Industrial Operations of the Boeking Republic was approved by the Executive Committee of the Omsk State Council of State Council of "Workers" on July 20, 1956 (decision No. 20/43 from July 31, 1956). In May 1998, the company was renamed Khlebodar OJSC, which was registered by the city registration chamber of the city of Omsk (certificate of state registration No. 38002342168 from 26.05.98).

The range of products is wide, it is constantly updated. Until 1996, OJSC "Khlebodar" was engaged in the production of only one variety of bread - "yield" mixed rolls and kvass dry "new". In 1996, the enterprise began to produce bread "wheat from the flour of the first grade." In 1997, the production of Borodino bread was mastered.

Now the bakery produces several varieties of bread: "Harvest", "Wheat from flour 1 grade", "Borodinsky", "malt", "Belgorod with seaweed", "Wheat bread with bran", "Suvorovsky", "Life", " Ramensky, "toast".

In Khlebodar OJSC, organizational changes took place simultaneously with the expansion of activities. The release of new products was carried out. The production of bakery products has been engaged since 1999. OJSC "Khlebodar" produces baton, horns, puff products. The production of Sweet, Salted crackers.

Currently, the production of confectionery products on the basis of the bankrupt enterprise of OJSC Lakuka was developed in 1999.

There were several reasons for the purchase of an enterprise. First, the plant's production facilities were not big - there was no opportunity to expand. Secondly, it was necessary to master a new type of activity, expand the range of products.

The confectionery shop began work on April 2, 2001, the new products were already represented by Omsk at the "Hot-Expo-2001" exhibition, are now sold in many stores of the city and the region.

The quality of products of OJSC Khlebodar is known to Omich and recognized as one of the highest not only in Omsk and the Omsk region, but also on the scale of the country. This is confirmed as numerous award-winning exhibitions held within the framework of the Omsk Region and the Award of the Competition "One hundred of the Best Goods of Russia - 2001". As well as the preference of buyers, the opinion of which is studied regularly as our specialists and independent experts in the field of marketing research.

The importance of the enterprise for the region says the fact that OJSC Khlebodar for several years since 1998, he falls to the top ten most effective enterprises of the Omsk region. According to the results of 2000, Khlebodar OJSC is recognized as the second among industrial enterprises in our field on production efficiency.

Products of the company are sold in more than 1,300 outlets of Omsk, as well as the area. Basic clients of "Kholodar" - food stores of the city. About 220 customers are implemented by Khafodar confectionery. Products are presented in the largest stores of the city: Omsk shopping center, our store network, "dozen", universities "North", Networks "Omsk Shopping Alliance" and other and small rural stores, deleted by more than 300 km from cities. The farthest flights make customers who deliver products (Borodinsky bread, confectionery, crackers) in Noyabrsk, Kurgan, Salekhard. Khlebodarovsky Bread wins tenders for the supply of products for healthcare facilities, children's institutions.

Brand trade in Khlebodar OJSC in 38 outlets of Omsk is represented by 4 shops, trading places in the markets, mini markets of the city, corporate kiosks.

Thus, a wide range and high quality products of the enterprise have a well-developed sales network.

Buyer's trust allows Khabodar OJSC to speak one of the leading enterprises in the Omsk market for confectionery and bakery products.

Products are delivered by 58 specialized machines. The volume of production has currently exceeded 60 tons daily. Shipment of bread has practically reached 50 tons, bakery products exceeded the mark 10 tons, the implementation of confectionery products over 1.5 tons, sugar products also exceed 1 ton.

The team of OJSC "Khlebodar" has more than 800 people, most of which are occupied in the production of products. The company constantly cares about the well-being of its employees and veterans: retained social benefits and constantly increases the number of jobs for our countrymen.

Khlebodarovtsy are known not only by their professional skills achievements, but also are famous for sports success. The team of Khlebodar OJSC invariably occupies prizes in the Olympics held between the enterprises of the food and processing industry of the Omsk region.

The bakery industry of Kazakhstan has been established entirely during the years of Soviet power. At the initial stage of development in the industry, minor enterprises with a production capacity of up to 3 tons prevailed, which, making up 78.3% in the total number of enterprises, produced only 14.1% of all bakery products. The growth of the urban population of the republic required the transformation of bakery production from handicraft to the mechanized industry. In the context of the transition to a market economy in the bakery industry, compared with other food sectors, there was a rapid growth of small enterprises, caused by a number of reasons. First of all, the consumption of bread and bakery products grew as the most affordable product in terms of low solvency of the population, which required an increase in the production of bikeroduks. According to statistical data, the consumption of bread products per capita by 2005 increased to 200 kg with a significant reduction in the consumption of other food products (meat, dairy, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits). In 2000 There was a decrease in the level of baker's consumption, which is not a progressive trend, since it did not occur simultaneous increase in the consumption of other food products. In 2005-2011, there is an increase in consumption of most of the most important foods, as a result of which in 2011, the consumption of bread products per capita amounted to 10.4 kg per month (1.2 kg or 13% more regulatory level), oils and fats - 1.6 kg (0.85 kg or 113.3% more than the standard), meat and meat products - 5.5 kg (1.3 kg or 19.1% less than the standard), fish and seafood - 0 , 6 kg (0.7 kg or 40% less than the standard), milk and dairy products - 19 kg (14.75 kg or 43.7% less than the standard), eggs - 12.5 pcs. (by 11.8 pcs. or 48.6% less than the standard), fruit - 4.5 kg (5.4 kg or 47.8% less than the standard), vegetables - 7.3 kg (by 4.9 kg or 40.2% less than the standard), potatoes - 4 kg (4.1 kg or 50.6% less than the standard), sugar, jam, chocolate, confectionery - 3.2 kg (0.1 kg Or 3.2% less than the standard). In a way, only two of the ten most important foods had the excess of consumption standards, which indicates the availability of serious food security issues in the republic.

Table 1 - Food Consumption by the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2000-2011, on average per month, kg




meat products


milk products

eggs (pieces)

oils and fats


sugar, Jam, Chocolate, Confectionery

The difficult economic situation of large bread enterprises led to the emergence of small enterprises as more mobiles that are able to respond to a change in the market situation. A simple technology for manufacturing products used in the bakery industry has become one of the incentives for the development of small entrepreneurship. Since a significant proportion of products is made by small enterprises, most of which cannot provide the appropriate level of quality of the produced bread products, the problem of improving the quality of baking products is particularly relevant. For example, in 2005. Bread products manufactured by small enterprises increased by 28%, which contributed to the growth of their specific gravity in the total production volume from 55.8 to 64.7%. In general, the production of fresh bread in the republic was declined from 1290.6 thousand tons in 2000 to 569.3 thousand tons B2002, or 55.6%. Under these conditions, an increase (almost 2 times) of the import of bakery and flour confectionery products was observed, which was carried out at high prices, especially at the initial stage from foreign countries. Importing products is economically unfounded, since it can be made by domestic enterprises. In addition, this product is perishable, and its long-distance carriage can be explained by the use of preservatives during its manufacture. Therefore, the strengthening of state control is required for the quality of imported bakery and flour confectionery products, and other flour fracturing products, especially for the use of preservatives and their number. Along with a decrease in the production of bread and bakery products, it is necessary to note the narrowness of their assortment. Diabetic bread is not produced (on sorbitol or other sugar substitutes), ahloride (without salt), grain (reinforcing intestinal peristalsis) and other medical species. A little produced bread products from rye flour, as well as wheat with a high bran content, adding vitamins, mineral elements and other enrichders, increasing the biological value of finished products. In the conceptual program for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the need to develop and implement improvers - complex enzyme preparations for regulating the bakery properties of wheat flour and mastering the technology of baking wheat bread on liquid yeast prepared on the basis of new strains of microorganisms and biological activators is noted. This program identifies the expediency of organizing the production of dry gluten and introducing it into bakery products to increase their protein value, as well as the implementation of deep flour processing under the action of enzymes, hydrolyzing starch to glucose, and the use of glucose-fruit syrups, powders, inulin and other sugars with The purpose of reducing the shortage of sugar in the production of bakery products. Improving the nutritional and biological value of bread and bakery products is possible in the following directions:

  • - Using food additives (dietary supplements and bava), which allow you to enrich the bread with food fibers, vitamins, minerals;
  • -The technological production of bread from a whole grain, enriching it by natural vitamins and minerals, adding protein enrichments (legumes, dry dairy products, cottage cheese whey); addition of carbohydrate enrichders (potato, corn starch, rice flour, malt, dry wheat gluten), introduction of lactic acid bacteria;
  • -The technologies for the production of dietary products and functional types of bread, for a certain category of persons in need of medical nutrition.

Perspective is the use of fruit-berry powders obtained from whole apples, apple and grape seals and vegetable powders from cabbage, carrots, etc. Powders - sources of sugar-containing raw materials are rich in fiber, pectin, mineral substances (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium ) and vitamins.

Introduction to the recipe for bakery products of wheat germinal flakes allows you to enrich the bread with essential amino acids: lysine, methionine, tryptophan, in which the germ protein is similar to the squirrel of eggs, macro-trace elements, including calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, vitamins: tocopherol, thiamine , Riboflavin.

The use of flour from the grain of non-bakery and leguminous crops (rice metle, corn, pea and bean flour) allows to obtain low calorie bread, with an increased content of ballast substances, macro- and microelements, vitamins, and also contributes to saving of fixed raw materials.

In this regard, various bread production technologies are developed, which are able to increase the nutritional value of bread.

Modern studies show that bread from flour containing all parts of the grain undoubtedly has a much higher nutritional value than bread from the flour of the highest grade.

In this regard, enhanced wheat grinding scheme for obtaining high-pressure flour. Since it was shown that a vitamin in 1 is especially rich in the shield and germ, mucomars sought to construct the grinding grain grinding scheme in such a way that, if possible, the maximum number of these parts of the grain fell into flour.

Also proposed method of processing bran. It consists in brewing and precipitation of bran and the subsequent frustrating the resulting congestion. This test method has obvious advantages, which is manifested in the appearance of bread and in a significant increase in the digestion of pepsin proteins of bread. One of the effective methods of enrichment of bread is the preparation of welding. Making parts of flour (3--5%) in the form of borrowers is particularly effective when using flour with reduced gas and sharac-forming ability. The use of rods significantly improves the quality of bread, but also contributes to longer conservation of freshness.

In order to expand the range and improve the quality of bakery products, a technology for the preparation of welding was proposed, which was further undergoing precipitated, in bread recipe also included the introduction of buckwheat flour, nefermented malt. The developed technology provided for the following: Welding prepared by mixing flour, malt and water with a temperature of 95-97 ° C, cooling to a temperature of 63-65 ° C was carried out, part of flour from the total mass of flour, which goes on the preparation of welding, welding precipitation, dough preparation By mixing the finished start-up, rye-wheat flour, a seamy welding, salt and water by recipe, changing the test, dividing into pieces, laying test billets in shape, proofing and baking. To prepare welding mix buckwheat flour and nefermented malt, brewed with stirring with water with a temperature of 95-97 ° C. Rye flour is added at a temperature of 63-65 ° C. The new technology of bread production allows to achieve improving the rheological properties of a custard rye-wheat test, increasing the physicochemical indicators of quality, food, biological value, an increase in the time of preservation of freshness, expanding the range, raw materials base and the use of unconventional raw materials in the production of welded bakery products from a rusty mixture and Wheat flour.

The increase in the nutritional value of bread is also carried out by germs of cereals and gluten preparations.

The embryos of cereals can be used not only for enrichment with vitamins and bread proteins in the diet of healthy people, but also as an extremely valuable source of additional nutrition factors in the diet of people suffering from various exchange violations.

The nutritional value of wheat germs is exceptionally large. They contain 33-39% protein (in terms of dry weight), 21-30% of sugars, 13-19% of lipids, 4.6-6.7% mineral substances and a significant amount of vitamins B1, B2, B6, RR and group E - 6.2 respectively; 1.45; 2.5; 7.5 and 15.8mg%.

Preliminary soaking of embryos in water for several hours makes it possible to then get bread containing up to 10% of wheat germs and at the same time very good in color, volume, porosity and the structure of the ball.

Currently, many foreign and domestic firms offer additives to bread containing wheat embryos. The Belgian firm MultiGerm produces a concentrated mixture for the production of bread with natural components of BiogenM ("Biogerm") - this is a wheat germs obtained by the method of cold presses. As a result of cold press technology, the embryo fully retains its nutrients and activity, as well as a high concentration of vitamin E. The mixture also includes wheat gluten, ascorbic acid and alpha-amylase enzyme. Positive influence of the embryo: gives bread a nice color, keeps fresh bread for a long time, improves taste quality, and for dough it is a uniform distribution of pores, plasticity and convenience for machining

Known technology of bread production using germinated wheat sprouts. This technology turns on the flushing of whole grain of wheat, soaking the grain in water, germinating to the appearance of sprouts with a height of 3-5 cm, grinding, the addition of water into the ground mass with a ratio of 1: 2-1: 5, separating the aqueous extract from the crushed mass. The dough knead on the resulting aqueous extract with the introduction of flour, salt, yeast, dry wheat gluten 10-20% of the mass of flour, serum protein concentrate 5-10% of the mass of flour. Then make out, cutting, molding, proofing and pasting. This method of bread production allows you to improve the quality of bread, increase the content in it protein, and also enrich the bread with food fibers, without worsening quality.

Of the promising directions in the bakery industry, it wanted to present to your attention the use of dry wheat gluten in bakery products.

Russia's bakery industry belongs to the leading food industry apk. The production base of the bakery industry of the Russian Federation includes about 1,500 bread plants and more than 5,000 mini-bakeries, which provide an annual production of approximately 21 million tons of bread products, including about 12.7 million tons are produced on large bakeries.

In recent years, the working conditions of the bakery industry have changed, and above all, organizationally. Almost all bakeries and bakeries have become privatized joint-stock enterprises. There are market relations on bakeries, the laws of competition begin to act.

The level of middle-rival bread in Russia is 120-125 kg per year (325-345 g per day), including for the urban population of 98-100 kg per year (245-278 g per day), for rural 195-205 kg in Year (490-540 g per day). These norms depend on the age, gender, the degree of physical and mental load, the climatic features of the place of residence.

At the same time, the analysis shows that since 1991 there was a decrease in the production of bread, the annual consumption of bread per person by 1995 fell to 70 kg. Consumption of bread is already significantly lower than the rational nutritional rate, which will undoubtedly affect the health of the population.

Such a situation causes irreversible processes in the bakery industry: bakeries are forced to preserve technological lines, reduce jobs, increasing the cost of manufacturing and selling products, to discontinue investment.

In the new conditions of the bakery industry, new approaches are required to develop an assortment of products whose role in organizing consumption should increase significantly. If earlier the range was determined mainly by the terms of production and dictatorship of mechanized lines, now the conditions of production and the composition of the equipment are determined by the range and demand. It follows more than before, take into account the demand and needs of different groups of the population.

The task of increasing the volume of bread consumption requires special attention and studying the problems of improving its quality.

In the new economic conditions there are prerequisites for the introduction of bakeries that produce a wide range of bakery and flour confectionery products. Currently, the release of domestic equipment for bakeries with a capacity of 0.2-5.0 tons per day is based. These enterprises allow us to produce a wide range of bakery products and sell them in fresh form directly in stores with these bakeries. To ensure this production, equipment has developed new machines that entered the A2-CPO equipment kits, L4-HPM-500 and others for bakeries of low power.

Some of the most important areas for improving the efficiency of production and improving the quality of the products of the bakery industry - the creation of the rational structure of enterprises of the industry, mechanization and automation of production processes on the basis of the latest technologies.

The solution of the main tasks of scientific and technological progress in the bakery industry is closely related to the development of brightened packaging technologies and automated devices for monitoring the properties of raw materials, semi-finished products and quality of finished products.

According to modern dietary tendencies, the assortment of bakery products should be expanded by the release of high quality products and nutritional value, preventive and therapeutic purposes.

The amount of production of dietary products is insignificant, the need for them is satisfied only by 10-20%. Low production production of preventive products for the population in the zones of ecological disadvantage, long-term storage bread (from 3 to 30 days) for people living in hard-to-reach and remote areas, under man-made disasters, emergencies, special recordings, etc.

The solution to the problem of balanced nutrition of the population, which is of state importance, is possible only under the condition of developing and implementing technologies in the production, with the help of which will be implemented:

  • ensuring the safety of agricultural and food raw materials, food products;
  • reducing the incidence of children due to incomplete nutrition and environmental pollution;
  • reducing the food and raw material dependence of Russia from foreign countries;
  • environmental protection in the production of food products;
  • environmentally friendly foods of the new generation of mass and dietary purposes, taking into account modern hygienic requirements;
  • fundamentally new technologies based on the use of non-traditional methods that contribute to the acceleration of the process;
  • scientific basis for the creation of technological processes for the production of new generation baby food products.

The creation of the range of bread products "Health" group is conducted in two directions:

  • simulation of the rational range of bread products for individual regions, taking into account their climatic, demographic, etc. features;
  • development of a variety of range of products for prophylactic and medical nutrition.

To produce such products, special composite flour mixtures with bran, germinal flour, crushed and stiff grain, vitamin-mineral components, etc. carry out the production of these mixtures.

In the new conditions, garbage packaging is of great importance and development. Bread packing protects it from premature drying, retains its consumer freshness, increases the sanitary and hygienic conditions of its storage and increases the implementation time. The following packaging machines of foreign and domestic production are used on bakery enterprises: HARTMANN, IBONHART, RSE, FINPAK, TAYRAC, "Terminal", "Laura" and others.


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