Participation in government contracts. Business on government procurement for small enterprises. Provide an application for participation

The Public Procurement Law has been in force for more than 10 years. However, many entrepreneurs are hesitant to apply for participation in competitions and auctions. These are unjustified fears. The demands of organizations are very diverse, and the volumes of supplies, taking into account the total focus on savings, are quite affordable for small businesses.

Many entrepreneurs successfully build a business on government procurement, but there are also many who consider the system of placing orders to be too complicated. He simply does not believe in the real possibility of getting a “piece of the state pie” - and in vain. Despite all its shortcomings, it is more transparent than many other commercial schemes, and you can master it if you wish. At the end of the article we will provide an interview with the owner of the MP, whose revenue is 80% provided by government contracts.

Government procurement and government orders, regulatory documents

Main regulatory documents:

  1. No. 44-FZ dated 04/05/2013 - “Law on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.”
  2. No. 223-FZ dated July 18, 2011 - “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities.”

All applicants for receiving a state or municipal order for the supply of goods, provision of services or performance of work are equal before the law. This is the essence of the current rules that govern the conclusion of such agreements.

The customers of services and goods in the system are state and municipal:

  1. executive agencies;
  2. companies, corporations, natural monopolies (for example, Gazprom);
  3. autonomous, unitary enterprises; budgetary institutions;
  4. enterprises providing water, gas, heat supplies;
  5. organizations with a share of state and municipal participation of more than 50%.

A supplier can be a legal entity of any form of ownership, an individual entrepreneur - regardless of location or registration (since 2015 - with the exception of those registered in offshore zones). Customers are required to use competitive methods for selecting performers (Fig. 1). The participant who offers the lowest price and the best conditions wins. The government procurement rules for small and medium-sized businesses establish significant benefits, which we will discuss below.

General requirements for suppliers of goods and service providers:

  1. compliance with legal requirements and restrictions;
  2. absence of suspension, bankruptcy, liquidation;
  3. tax debt is no more than 25% of the value of assets.

The entire procurement process, from drawing up plans to identifying suppliers and signing a contract, is carried out in the Unified Information System - UIS ( To be fair, it should be noted that customers complain about its complexity even more than business representatives. The requirements for them are strict, and such sanctions are established for violating the order that the expression “fine on credit” has appeared among civil service employees.

In 2015, the FAS of Russia initiated 22,063 cases under the Code of Administrative Offenses for violations of Law No. 44-FZ, issued 18,966 fines, and collected 158.3 million rubles. Of these, 6,425 cases were for approval of procurement documentation that does not meet the requirements (5,469 fines); 5,237 - for violation of the procedure for selecting suppliers (3,452 fines). Data from the report of the Ministry of Economic Development.

How the work of the EIS is organized

Now the EIS operates exclusively as a technical system, performing functions such as:

  1. formation, processing and storage of data on government orders;
  2. providing access to suppliers to submit applications;
  3. ensuring the exchange of electronic documents with digital signature.

Starting from 2017, it will perform control functions: check whether the procurement plan corresponds to the volume of allocated government funding, and the terms of the concluded contract - the documentation for the application and protocols. Government customers will be required to carry out purchases strictly according to schedule.

What information does the customer provide?

When making a specific purchase, he must enter the following information, including all subsequent changes:

  1. notice of purchase;
  2. documentation, explanations;
  3. draft agreement.

The period for making changes is 15 days, and when significant conditions change during the conclusion of the contract and during its execution: price, terms, volumes - 10 days. The information is kept up to date.

An example of searching for information about placed contracts

By opening the main page of the government procurement website (Fig. 2), by clicking the “Suppliers” button, you can view the full register of placed orders and purchases. Below on the right there is access to a list intended only for small businesses.

As an example, here are the search results for several randomly selected queries:

  1. stationery - 5200;
  2. spare parts for cars - 3;
  3. medical supplies - 43;
  4. repairs - 800,000;
  5. audit services - 243;
  6. refilling cartridges - 192;
  7. furniture - 74,000;
  8. repair of copying equipment - 703;
  9. IT services - 793;
  10. household goods - 2700;
  11. detergents - 3600;
  12. tools - 7600.

By selecting, for example, a specific order from the register - government procurement for small businesses, you can view full information about the conditions by clicking on the application number (Fig. 3).

Preferences for small and medium-sized businesses

The participation of small businesses in government procurement is regulated by Article 30 of Law No. 44-FZ. It sets the minimum share for SMEs and SONPOs at 15% of the total aggregate annual procurement volume. At the same time, they can enter any auctions and competitions, including closed ones and with limited participation, if they have a license or permit for a certain type of activity.

The customer can select applicants from among SMEs in two ways (No. 44-FZ):

  1. limit applicants directly in the notice, while the initial (aka maximum) contract price should not be more than 20 million rubles (part 3 of article 30, clause 4 of article 42).
  2. establish a requirement for a participant (anyone) to involve SMEs as a subcontractor, indicating the volume of participation as a percentage of the total cost; then the restrictions do not apply (Part 6, Article 30).

An enterprise or individual entrepreneur must comply with the conditions of Article 4, No. 209-FZ, July 24, 2007. Until August 1, 2016, the law is applied in the old version. After this date, all NSR subjects will be included in a single register, which will be posted on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. This will allow customers to receive reliable information about the supplier. Currently, the participant submitting the application provides only a declaration of conformity with the SMP.

According to the report of the Ministry of Economic Development, in 2015, 15% of the quota for participants - representatives of small and medium-sized businesses was fulfilled. Representatives of this segment received about 490 billion rubles from the budget only under direct contracts (without subcontracting). The head of the department himself (interview with the Kommersant newspaper) considers the figure to be overestimated, but according to him, it is no less than 400 billion rubles (Fig. 4).

The total number of applications in 2015 is 10% more than in 2014, and the average number of applicants for one order worth up to 10 million rubles increased from 2.6 to 3.5. The predominant method of determining the supplier (performer) is electronic auctions (56.6%).

Selection procedure for an electronic auction (EA)

The procedure for conducting EC is regulated by Articles 59 -71 of Law No. 44-FZ. When the customer selects using this method, the notice must include the following information:

  1. Internet address of the electronic platform;
  2. deadline until which applications are accepted;
  3. date of the auction;
  4. size and form of participation provision;
  5. restrictions on participants (SMP, subcontracting);
  6. conditions for the admission of foreign goods.

Currently there are 5 electronic platforms: Sberbank-AST CJSC (, Unified Electronic Trading Platform JSC (, State Unitary Enterprise State Order Agency (www.zakazrf. ru), ZAO Electronic Trading Systems (, LLC RTS-Tender. Below are three diagrams that clearly depict the process of conducting such auctions.

What do you need to take part in the auction?

Participation in the EU is free, but in order to have access to the auction, you must obtain accreditation at a specific site. To do this, the operator is sent a package of documents in electronic form, signed with an electronic digital signature (a separate one is required for each):

  1. standard form application;
  2. extract from the State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  3. a copy of the participant’s (individual) passport;
  4. copies of decisions, orders for the person receiving accreditation on behalf of the company;
  5. constituent documents of a legal entity (copies);
  6. TIN, email address;
  7. a document confirming the authority of the manager;
  8. decision on the right to carry out major transactions (if required).

To understand in more detail how the government procurement business works, here are interviews with real bidders.

Interview with Galina Mishina, LLC “KTsLR “Protex-Garant”, Novokuznetsk

Brief information. The Kuzbass Treatment and Rehabilitation Center has been operating since 1992. In all respects it corresponds to SMEs, the number of employees is 39 people. The main direction: the production of technical equipment for disabled children: supports, tables, chairs, as well as orthopedic products and devices for the development of fine motor skills.

Since a significant part of such equipment is purchased through the Social Insurance Fund (SIF), the company is actively involved in government procurement. Galina Borisovna answered several of our questions.

Hello, Galina. Please tell me what share of your business is government procurement? How long have you been working at EIS?

Government orders under contracts with customers account for 80-90% of all activities. The exact figure depends on the capabilities of the enterprise and federal funding for social programs. We have been working with them for a long time, from the day they were founded. Before the EIS, we also worked, but through paper media, which was very inconvenient and unreliable.

How is the work organized, how many people are involved in searching for orders? What are the main problems?

The work of drawing up an application (technical proposal) and submitting it to the site, participating in an auction (or quotation), as well as checking and signing a contract is carried out by specialists from the commercial department under the supervision of a lawyer. There are 4 people in the department, all of them have legal or economic education. Each specialist is assigned to certain regions of the country with which we work under government contracts. There are no particular problems with accreditation and application submission.

Who are your customers? Do prices differ greatly? Approximately how many competitors do you have?

The customers are branches of the Social Insurance Fund in the regions, ministries to which the authority of the Social Insurance Fund has been transferred to provide means of rehabilitation for children. They set prices themselves based on 44-FZ. Sometimes the starting price is equal to the cost of products and delivery to the location. In this case, we decide not to participate in the auction. If the price is acceptable, then we calculate to what price we can fall. Of course, there are competitors. Sometimes we ourselves are surprised when we see on the list those companies that purchase equipment from us.

Is it difficult to work with government agencies? How do they meet payment deadlines? Are there frequent lawsuits?

There are always problems, but not regarding payment, but regarding other issues. There are those who do not understand that the products are made for disabled children, and no two are the same. If they are approached in a targeted manner, taking into account all individual characteristics, then this gives a rehabilitation effect. Documentation correctly drawn up by the customer is a half-fulfilled contract; when everything is clear: what, to whom and what product. However, some of them consist of four-line technical specifications and do not take into account the various pathologies of sick children. Most often there are problems with them. The child needs something other than what is specified in the terms of reference, the recipient asks to change it, but we do not have the right under the contract. But the customer doesn’t care. This is where the pre-trial correspondence begins. There are few ships, but there are some.

Do you think individual entrepreneurs and small businesses can participate in government procurement? Do small businesses have real chances?

Enterprises should take part in auctions, this is the future. However, if the form of ownership is an individual entrepreneur, then one must remember that if delivery deadlines are violated, large fines will be imposed, and the individual entrepreneur (unlike an LLC) is liable with all of its property. Therefore, before submitting an application, you must first study the Supplier's Responsibilities in the draft contract, which is attached to the documentation. If everything is in order, then go ahead!

To sum it up.

When selecting suppliers for government procurement, small and medium-sized businesses have legitimate advantages. Taking into account the solvency of the counterparty, entrepreneurs can plan their activities and reduce risks. Technically, mastering the procedure is no more difficult than the services of the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund. Of course, any competitions and auctions have their “tricks”, but this is a matter of experience. It is hardly worth resorting to the help of intermediaries offering services for searching for government orders; it is more practical to master the skills of working with the Unified Information System and electronic platforms yourself.

It is no secret that the supply of goods for the state ( government order) is a profitable business, however, as I had to see from my own experience, it is not so simple. Having understood a little about the intricacies of the Russian system government order and having hit a lot of bumps, I decided that, despite the hackneyed topic, for those who are just starting to master government order, lacks the usual instructions on how to start working in this field.

So, your company has decided to try its luck in the field of government orders. Where to start?

7. Pass registration on electronic platforms. Accreditation rules can be read on the sites themselves.

8. Find government orders according to the specifics of your work, which customers posted on the Official Website. Read the documentation, requirements and draft contract carefully. If you are satisfied with everything, start preparing documents for participation in this very thing government order. Be careful: if your application does not meet the requirements of the documentation or Federal Law-94, it may be rejected.

9. To participate in bidding on electronic platforms, you will need to deposit money to first secure the application for participation, and then, if you win, the execution of the contract for this order, if the security requirement is specified in the documentation.

The main thing that is required of you is how government contract specialist, - strict compliance with the requirements of the law and careful study of the proposed purchases and documentation for them. Pitfalls in government order so many. But if you win the tender and then refuse to fulfill the contract, your company may be included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers, thereby depriving you of the opportunity to work for government orders. Don’t be lazy to keep track of all changes in law, regulations, letters and other legislative acts that appear in this area so as not to get into trouble.

Good luck with your work in the field of government procurement!

Participation in government procurement is becoming increasingly popular. Large companies, small and medium-sized businesses, individual entrepreneurs, and individuals become government procurement suppliers. Government procurement involves the customer and suppliers. The customer is a federal and municipal institution that purchases goods, work or services for its needs using funds allocated from the state budget. You can become a supplier by winning a tender. A tender is an electronic procedure for selecting a supplier of goods (services) or a performer of work. Of the suppliers admitted to the selection procedure, the one who offers the lowest price wins.

Tenders came into the Russian practice of government procurement and municipal procurement from global trade, where clear rules and procedures were developed. As competitive procedures, tenders are convenient for the state to control budget funds. They allow officials to report to the government why a particular supplier of goods or services was chosen. The tender system was conceived in order to exclude collusion between the customer and the supplier and to ensure a competitive environment - the basis of market relations.

What benefits does the supplier receive? The winning bidder purchases an order with a guaranteed amount of payment. Winning the tender means becoming a leader in your market segment and ensuring sustainable growth of the company. Participation and victory in the tender for manufacturers and suppliers is an impetus for further business development, because the company receives an impressive order for its products, which can amount to several million rubles.

Government procurement is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 44-FZ. State corporations, natural monopolies, business entities with state participation of more than 50%, as well as some other organizations, are required to make purchases in accordance with Federal Law No. 223-FZ. These purchases are also classified as government purchases, sometimes called corporate purchases.

All purchases in accordance with laws 44-FZ and 223-FZ are published in the open Unified Information System (EIS).

Instructions for the supplier

How to prepare

A package of documents for participation in government procurement is prepared within approximately 20 days. The period allotted for participants to submit applications can be even shorter. To prepare, it is better to develop in advance an action plan for the company’s participation in procurement, establish the timing of their implementation and the circle of responsible persons. Studying the documentation of several procurements of interest published in the open Unified Information System (UIS) will help you understand the issue.

STEP 1. Study 44-FZ

Let’s say right away that 44-FZ cannot be called an easy law to study, and yet it is necessary to make an effort and carefully study the procedure for selecting a supplier prescribed by 44-FZ - this is a kind of algorithm of what, in what time frame and how a participant in government procurement needs to do.

STEP 2. Selecting an electronic platform

It is necessary to select an electronic platform to participate in an electronic auction from 8 electronic trading platforms selected by the Russian government for conducting electronic auctions. To the six operators of electronic platforms operating today, the electronic platforms “TEK - Torg” and “Electronic trading platform GPB” will be added from October 1, 2018. The list of electronic platforms includes the following:

1. JSC “Agency for State Order of the Republic of Tatarstan”;
2. JSC “Unified Electronic Trading Platform”;
3. JSC "Russian Auction House";
4. JSC "TEK - Torg";
5. JSC "Electronic trading systems";
6. CJSC "Sberbank - Automated trading system";
7. LLC "RTS - tender"; LLC "Electronic trading platform GPB";
8. CJSC “Automated System of Bidding for State Defense Orders” is a special platform for government orders.

STEP 3. Obtaining an electronic digital signature

An electronic digital signature allows you to assign a legal status to an electronic document that is equivalent to the legal status of a regular document that bears the signature of an authorized person and the seal of an organization.

The procedure for obtaining an electronic digital signature (EDS) is carried out in one of the Authorized Certification Centers included in the trust space of the selected site. It takes from 2 to 5 working days. The list of certification authorities can be found on the website of the selected electronic platform. You will need to receive a certificate at the certification center office, so the choice should be made in favor of a nearby certification center.

ES certificates obtained from Authorized Certification Centers are suitable for use on all Electronic trading platforms selected for the purpose of conducting electronic auctions for state and municipal needs, as well as on sites operating within the framework of Law No. 223 Federal Law on the procurement of state corporations and natural monopolies.

You can contact the call center of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms to find the nearest digital signature issuance point.

To do this, you need to fill out a registration card or call the federal multi-channel phone number 8-800-2000-100.

STEP 4. Preparation of documents

The participant sends to the ETP operator the information specified in Part 2 of Art. 61 44-FZ, namely:

For individuals: an application that is generated electronically; 1-20 pages of the passport (only for individuals); E-mail address.

Individual entrepreneurs In addition to this, they provide: a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register (it must be received no earlier than 6 months before submitting the request); TIN; power of attorney to obtain registration and carry out actions if another person acts on behalf of the procurement participant.

For a legal entity in addition to all previous points: copies of constituent documents (charter or agreement, depending on the legal form); copies of documents confirming the person’s authority (decision to appoint a manager to a position); decision on approval and execution of transactions indicating its maximum amount.

The required documents must be converted into electronic format (scanned). Sites set certain requirements for them: volume up to 12 megabytes; Acceptable formats are .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .zip, .rar, xls, xlsx, xps, jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .png.

STEP 5: Install the required software

The installation can be done either on your own or by specialists from a certification center.

To successfully complete the registration procedure, you must configure your personal computer. The setup algorithm is simple:
1.Install Internet Explorer 11 or higher browser.
2.Download and run the Program to configure correct operation on the ETP.
3. Install any of the crypto providers: Crypto-Pro 3.6 or higher, LISSI 1.3.6, Signal-COM.
4.Install the electronic signature certificate that was issued to you by the certification center upon receipt of the digital signature.
5. Set up digital signature.

STEP 6. Accreditation to the ETP

The accreditation process for EDS is free if you have an EDS certificate obtained from an accredited certification center. If a supplier seriously intends to make money on government contracts, then it is advisable to be accredited on all ETPs. This is due to the fact that purchases are not duplicated. An auction can only be held on one site. To submit applications for participation in a procurement, you need to obtain access to the ETP where it is being carried out.

The period for reviewing an application for accreditation is no more than five working days. If the operator of the electronic platform makes a decision to refuse accreditation, the ordering participant, after eliminating these comments, has the right to re-submit an application for accreditation. Accreditation is granted for three years.

STEP 7. Search for tenders and submit an application

Purchases under No. 44-FZ are posted on our website. Using the “Advanced Search” service, you can find tenders of interest based on criteria such as delivery region, initial bid price range, customer name. It is important to carefully study the requirements of the procurement documentation and submit your application correctly.

STEP 8. Depositing collateral

Submitting security The Law on the contract system (Article 44 No. 44-FZ) obliges the customer to establish the amount of security for applications during auctions. These means confirm the seriousness of the intention to participate in the procedure and enter into a contract. The participant transfers them to his personal account, which he opens simultaneously with accreditation on the electronic trading platform (ETP).

The supply of applications has become less. And in purchases up to 1 million rubles. it may not exist at all. In more expensive procurements, the application support will be as follows:

From 0.5 to 1%, if the NMC is from 1 million to 20 million rubles,
. from 0.5 to 5%, if the NMC is from 20 million rubles,
. 2% if the NMC is from 20 million and there are preferences for the penal system and organizations of the disabled.

Thus, to participate in the auction you must have the required amount on the site. At the moment the offer is sent, the security amount is blocked. However, this does not mean that you can only participate in one procedure. The participant himself decides how much money is in his account. And only their total volume limits the number of auctions to which proposals can be submitted. The main thing is that there is enough money to provide for everyone. Please note that the amount is blocked but not spent. The opportunity to use blocked money is resumed when the proposal is withdrawn, admission to participate in the procurement is denied, or after summing up the results.

Only 173 banks can issue guarantees for government procurement. The Ministry of Finance website has published an updated list of banks that have the right to issue bank guarantees to secure applications and execution of contracts under 44-FZ.

STEP 9. Electronic bidding procedure

The duration of this stage can last from a few minutes to 48 hours. Each participant must foresee in advance the approximate cost of his services or goods, to which he is willing to bargain.

STEP 10. Signing the contract

The winner of the auction is the participant who submitted a proposal that meets the requirements of the tender documentation and offers the best conditions.

STEP 11. Acceptance of contract execution

Acceptance of contract execution under 44-FZ is carried out in accordance with the rules and deadlines specified in the contract (clause 13 of article 34 of 44-FZ). Now customers are required to involve external experts in the acceptance of goods or work under a contract concluded in accordance with clauses 25.1-25.3, part 1, art. 93 44-FZ. If you are the winner of such a purchase, be careful and comply with all the terms of the contract. The external commission may express its refusal to the little things that the customer may not pay attention to in order to quickly accept the desired product. Based on the results, an acceptance certificate is signed or a reasoned refusal is drawn up.

What tips will be useful for a beginner who wants to participate in tenders?

1. master the production of popular, socially significant goods;
2. begin preparing for participation in tenders by studying government procurement legislation;
3. improve your technical preparation for working in electronic trading;
4. prepare financial support for participation in government procurement;
5. carefully study the tender documentation of customer companies;
6. complete the necessary documents correctly.

This is the purchase by the government of goods, works or services.

Government procurement is the same market for goods and services with one caveat: the buyers are state, regional and municipal enterprises and organizations. They also need ordinary paper clips and pencils, medical supplies, office furniture or their own website. They need to maintain and restore buildings, remove garbage and install Internet and telephony.

Simply put, government procurement exists in every field and in every region. They are interesting to business because the state is a good partner. The supplier can be a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur or an individual. Money for government procurement is included in the budget, so you are guaranteed to be paid for the goods delivered or the service performed.

Why participate in government procurement?

This is a good market.

Government organizations are a significant part of our economy. According to the FAS, the state's share in Russia's GDP has doubled in 10 years. In 2005 it was 35%, and in 2015 - 70%.

In addition, it increases the level of trust in your company and has a good effect on your reputation. Therefore, such a significant layer of the economy should not be overlooked.

I don't understand anything about government procurement. How to participate in them?

Government purchases come in different volumes. If the cost of purchases is more than 100 thousand rubles, information about them is posted on the website Look for a suitable competition, submit an application and participate in the electronic auction. This is not an easy process, but if you want to compete for a significant part of the market, then it’s worth figuring it out. The main thing is to be patient.

There is an easier way to participate in government procurement, without competitions and auctions. It is of interest to small and medium-sized businesses due to the simplified participation procedure and small contract amounts. It looks like this: you offer your product or service to a government agency, and it selects a supplier and enters into a contract.

This procurement option is possible if their cost does not exceed 100 thousand rubles (or 400 thousand rubles if the purchase is made by educational organizations or cultural institutions: zoos, planetariums, recreation parks, theaters, philharmonic societies, libraries, and so on). Such purchases are called small volume purchases.

How to participate in small volume purchases?

The fact is that, according to No. 44-FZ, which regulates government procurement, information about small-volume purchases need not be published anywhere. It is believed that they are insignificant and holding auctions for such amounts is inappropriate. Therefore, government customers usually look for goods without competition (often choosing not the most advantageous offer and spending budget money ineffectively), and entrepreneurs cannot offer their services.

Moscow took a different path. To save budget and attract small and medium-sized businesses to government procurement, the city leadership created a single supplier portal. Not a single state or municipal institution in Moscow can conclude a small-volume procurement contract without going through the website. If we draw an analogy, you cannot buy bread without going to the store to buy it.

The Moscow supplier portal is focused specifically on small-volume purchases of up to 100 thousand rubles (or 400 thousand rubles if the purchase is made by cultural institutions or educational organizations). In addition, the portal hosts non-competitive purchases of medicines based on decisions of medical commissions.

And what is the Moscow supplier portal?

This is an online platform on which the city posts information about small-scale purchases and provides small businesses with access to the market for goods and services with a turnover of about 20 billion rubles per year.

Individual entrepreneurs and small businesses participate in government procurement in Moscow without auctions or unnecessary hassles. Anyone can post an offer on the portal, and city customers (there are more than 2.5 thousand of them) choose the best offer. Essentially, this is a store where you place your goods or services, offering them to the government.

Government procurement on the website takes place electronically. View orders and offer your services to state and municipal organizations and institutions without leaving your home.

The trick of the portal is that all procurement data is open and everything is transparent. You can see:

  • Procurement plans of government agencies and institutions for the coming year (in the “Plans” section).
  • Offers and prices of competitors (in the “Offers” section).
  • Transaction history for each registered supplier or customer (in the “Purchases” section).
  • Concluded contracts (in the “Contracts” section).

In the field of small-scale government procurement, clear and understandable rules have appeared that any entrepreneur can study. The chance of receiving a government order in such a system is much higher: you study the market and offer the best option available. At the same time, you do not reduce the price below the market price, do not work at a loss, but sell the product or service at a fair price.

This is just a semblance of honest procurement, isn’t it?

No, purchases are carried out honestly, without acquaintances and cronyism. 93% of entrepreneurs registered on the website received government orders and became suppliers.

Integrity is achieved through transparency, openness, electronic document management and clear procedures. It is precisely for this purpose that all data on previous contracts is open on the portal. Everything can be traced and, if something is dishonest, you can contact the FAS. Violations are fraught with heavy fines and criminal liability.

This is a cool solution for government procurement, which is used in the EU and other developed countries. For example, the top five leading countries in the Corruption Perceptions Index in 2016 included Denmark, New Zealand, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland, which adhere to similar principles in public procurement.

If you still don’t believe in the integrity of procurement on the portal, the numbers speak for themselves: in 2016, Moscow saved about 37 billion rubles on government procurement, topping the National Procurement Transparency Rating.

Convinced. How to become a supplier?

To become a supplier, you need to complete several steps.


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