A registered letter arrived from Podolsk DTI: what kind of organization is this? Registered letter dti - what is it How dti stands for

Sometimes some people receive notifications in their mailboxes to receive registered letters, the envelopes of which do not have a return address, surname and first name of the sender, but have a postscript with the abbreviation DTI.

DTI registered letter what does this mean? You shouldn’t panic and think about the bad when you receive such a letter, you just need to try to calmly figure it out. DTI stands for the concept of supplementary technology index. Official letters of a registered nature with such a postscript are sent by government services of the Russian Federation to their citizens. Very often it is used by the traffic police, bailiffs, and tax inspectors.

What is contained in a registered letter from DTI

If you receive a notification to a letter with a postscript DTI, this means that some government service of the Russian Federation is transmitting information in this way. When receiving a registered letter at the post office, no one will be able to recognize the sender by the envelope. Only after opening it can you discover who wants to communicate with the addressee.

Typically, these letters marked DTI without indicating the sender include:

  • fines from traffic police inspectors, which include photographs with video recorder data on traffic violations;
  • a notice from the tax office reminding you to pay taxes;
  • penalties and administrative measures;
  • letters sent by bailiffs.

Some envelopes with letters indicate the abbreviation ASC-DTI. This means that registered mail, before reaching the addressee, passed through the automated sorting center in Moscow, through which one fourth of all letters in the country passes. This organization of correspondence sorting unloads a huge amount of mail into regular post offices.

To receive such a letter, the addressee must go to the local post office, taking with him an identity document. Before making a visit there, you can act in this way: conduct a preliminary check of information about DTI on the Russianpost.ru website by entering the additional index indicated on the envelope.

There are cases when notices of fines from the traffic police arrive to a person who does not own a car. Or tax inspectors sent a receipt with a reminder to pay tax for the use of land to a person who does not own a plot of land. In such cases, you must act according to the circumstances by writing a statement of your disagreement.

If the addressee does not agree with the contents of the registered letter, it is recommended to write a complaint to the service that sent the notice. Along with the complaint, you should send a copy of the envelope with the date it was received stamped.

If you want to find out what a DTI registered letter is, the Russian Post has a toll-free hotline number 8-800-2005-888. You can get more accurate information from this number. It is impossible to refuse such letters, as they may contain information valuable to the addressee, not just notification of fines.

The federal authorities of the Russian Federation use the additional technological index to send registered letters or parcels to citizens. These indexes have no legal addresses, no personnel or office phone numbers, DTI is virtual.

This system was developed to relieve the main flows of correspondence passing through post offices. There are more than 800 virtual additional technological indexes in the capital, which, despite their virtuality, can significantly reduce the time it takes to deliver correspondence to recipients.

From time to time, citizens receive correspondence at their address with the abbreviation Sharapovo DTI. Few people know what it is on a postal notice. After all, apart from these letters, there is no more information about the sender. In any case, there is no reason to panic. You just need to remember if the recipient has any debts. Typically, such letters are sent by government services of the Russian Federation, traffic police, and tax inspectors.

What is DTI?

First you need to find out what these 3 letters mean in the sender field after Sharapovo.

DTI is an additional address. This means that the letter came from a special automated center for forwarding and sorting correspondence. This address is virtual; it does not have a legal address. There is also no hotline or official persons who could provide specific information. You can only find out the city in which this center is located.

We can conclude that the letter marked Sharapovo DTI on the postal notice came from the sorting center at the address Moscow, Sharapovo with index 102975. Next to the DTI mark there may be other designations, for example, GCMPP is a long-haul transportation center, it has about 50 branches and also forwards correspondence. The ASC mark indicates an automated sorting center. The most active is the Moscow ASC, which processes a quarter of all correspondence in the country.

From whom can a letter marked DTI come?

Having received Sharapovo's DTI letter by postal notice, we can say with confidence that it came from the government service. Often the envelope indicates a government agency that is transmitting information to the recipient. Most often the notification comes:

  • from the pension fund;
  • bailiff services;
  • insurance companies, banks;
  • tax inspectorates;
  • housing and communal enterprises.

What may be included in the Sharapovo DTI notice

Inside the envelope there may be various types of receipts for payment or overdue loans, as well as advertising offers. The bank may receive special lucrative offers for obtaining a loan under favorable conditions, messages about outstanding loan repayments, and offers to issue a new credit card. Sometimes in this way the client is given an activation code for the government services website. I think you figured out what Sharapovo DTI is in writing.

Pensioners can receive notifications about pension savings. Insurance companies use correspondence to notify their clients of attractive offers. If the letter was sent from judicial institutions, then it may contain a court decision.

Find out the sender of the DTI notice

You can definitely find out who sent the postal notice with information about the sender “Sharapovo DTI” on the Russian Post website. This service does not require the user to register data or create an account. This is very convenient for those who use the service very rarely. To determine, you only need a combination of numbers under the barcode. There must be 14 characters in total. You need to enter them on the main page of the site in the “Track” field. After this, the system will automatically search for information in its database and display all the points that the letter has passed.

Online service "Russian Post", where you can determine the sender

In this way, you can determine the government agency that sent the letter. But information about the contents inside the envelope can only be obtained after opening the notice. They are presented upon presentation of a passport and after the recipient’s signature. There is no other way to find out about the nature of the letter received.

A letter marked Sharapovo DTI may arrive by mistake

It happens that letters arrive by mistake or to namesakes of the recipient. And, of course, the recipient cannot understand what it is and who could have sent the letter to Sharapovo DTI. If it is determined that the letter is addressed incorrectly, there is no need to ignore it. In this case, you need to take your passport and go to the nearest post office. After all, it is also possible that there was an error in the information when creating the letter, but it was addressed correctly.

In any case, the recipient may write a response letter of disagreement within 10 days. It must be attached to the received envelope. After this, the application will go to the appropriate institution from which the letter came.

What happens if you don’t receive a letter from DTI

Some recipients think that if they ignore the notice from Sharapovo DTI about paying fines or debt on the loan, then they don’t have to pay. Under any circumstances, you will still have to pay even if you did not know what kind of letter it was marked Vblizi D.Sharapovo. And late fees will only increase. The same applies to other debts. After the recipient has presented the document, signed it and received the letter, it is considered that he has become familiar with the information contained in it.

It is very beneficial for government agencies to use DTI. Especially for those who do not have a mailing address. They can send a large number of letters to citizens, and automated centers will take care of their delivery. Thus, the mail notice marked Sharapovo DTI came from the Sharapovo automated correspondence sorting center.

And so, you received a notification by mail about a registered letter, where the sender is Mytishchi-DTI with an index, for example, 145102. Such a notification about registered letters with an incomprehensible designation of the sender can cause you a lot of questions and worries. Who sent this letter and why to you?

What information does it contain, how is DTI deciphered and why Mytishchi? Do I need to receive such a registered letter? These questions cause concern, so let's figure out what such a mail notification from the notorious Mytishchi Children's Art Institute means.

How does DTI stand for?

At first glance, one might assume that the abbreviation DTI stands for “Road Transport Inspectorate”, but this is not so! DTI is a complementary technology index, which is used by the sender. If Moscow ASC-DTI is indicated on the form, know that this postal abbreviation stands for Automated Sorting Center – Additional Technological Index.

Having found a notice in your mailbox with the notorious “registered letter from Mytishchi DTI”, you should not fuss, but need to analyze the situation - if the sender is listed as DTI, it is important to understand that the letter was sent by one of the federal services of the Russian Federation. The letter will need to be picked up at the designated post office.

We received a registered letter from DTI-Mytishchi. What is this?

Mytishchi has 19 DTIs, which were created specifically for sending a large amount of correspondence by federal (state) structures. Their indices can be as follows:

145101, 145102, 145104, 145106, 145107, 145110, 141024, etc.

For example, if the index on the received registered letter is 145110 Mytishchi-DTI, then the sender is the Federal Tax Service. This is how the Federal Tax Service sends a notification regarding the calculation of property tax for individuals. persons or recalculation (calculation) of land tax. DTIs were created to send mass correspondence by government agencies.

Custom-made with attached photos from video or photo recorders. Citizens receive exactly the same notifications about registered letters from bailiffs of the FSSP of Russia (Federal Bailiff Service).

Difference between digital values ​​of DTI and post office indexes

There is a clear difference between regular postal codes and DTI. There are simply no post offices with indexes 145101, 145102, 145107, 145104, 145110, 145106. On “145” there are no post office indexes at all. As you know, a postal code has six digits. The region of dispatch can be easily determined by the first two numbers: for example, the indexes of the Moscow region have the first two digits “14”. If your sender is the Mytishchi district of the Moscow region, then the indexes of the organizations that sent the letter begin with “141”. Post offices of the city of Mytishchi themselves have values ​​from 141000 to 141059. Balashikha district in the Moscow region has indices with the “highest” value. But in this case, the first three digits are “143”. As you can see, there is not a single post office code on “145”.

Let's designate the Mytishchi-DTI indexes from which you can receive a notification by mail about a registered letter:

  • 145101 Mytishchi-DTI;
  • 145102 Mytishchi-DTI;
  • 145104 Mytishchi-DTI;
  • 145106 Mytishchi-DTI;
  • 145107 Mytishchi-DTI;
  • 145110 Mytishchi-DTI.

It is these additional technological indices that government agencies use to send mass correspondence. Such correspondence must be sent by registered mail. Since registered letters are registered by post, the recipient, as well as his authorized representative, will need to sign for receipt by presenting an identification document.

In addition, when you receive notification of a registered letter, you can find the necessary information about it even before visiting the post office. To do this, you need to enter an additional index on a specialized website or call the hotline. But the sender is not indicated in the notice itself or on the website, so for an accurate analysis of the situation you will need to receive the letter and proceed further according to the circumstances.

Why do federal services use DTI?

DTIs have no telephone numbers, no legal address, no staffing schedule or employees. These are virtual indices that are assigned to various federal agencies and are used when sending parcels or letters. This innovation makes it possible to relieve the load on the main post offices that have official postal codes. When the abbreviation ASC-DTI is indicated on the envelope, it is implied that the letter passed through the automated sorting center in Moscow - at this time, up to 25% of the entire postal exchange of the entire country passes through this center.

If you do not agree with the requirement in a registered letter received by written notice from one or another federal service, then you can contact directly the government agency that sent it, but this will not be possible until you arrive at the post office , present the notice and identification document and receive the letter itself. Do not forget that you must attach a copy of the envelope of the received registered letter with the indicated date on the stamp to your appeal application.

This type of address indication is quite convenient for government agencies. Without the exact postal address of the recipient, representatives of any institution have the opportunity to send a message indicating the available data.

Thanks to the automated selection system, the delivery of correspondence will be carried out with the utmost precision, ending up in the hands of the final addressee. Delivery times for such postal items are significantly reduced.

The list of services provided by the postal service is quite extensive. And it remains impressive even after many people have stopped communicating by regular letters, telegrams and postcards, switching to faster and more convenient options that mobile communications and the Internet offer today. One of the prerogatives of this organization remains the delivery of registered letters to the final destination.

What is the difference between a regular letter and a registered letter? If you receive a regular letter, you do not need to track its receipt. It is simply thrown into a citizen’s mailbox, and whether he receives it is the problem of the person himself. With registered mail everything is somewhat different. In rare cases, the postman delivers it to the person and documents its delivery to the recipient. In other cases, people need to come to the post office and fill out a special form to receive it, which will be proof that the envelope was delivered to the addressee.

Naturally, the recipient must somehow be informed that the post office has received something in his name. For this purpose, a postal notice is issued and the postman delivers it to the person. In this way, not only the receipt of a registered letter is notified. In a similar way, it is signaled that, for example, a parcel or parcel has arrived.

There seems to be a lot of information on the notification. But all of it is indirect. That is, the address and opening hours of the post office, the name of the recipient, perhaps a record that something with a declared value has arrived. You can often find the name of some structure that is clearly not the original sender. For example, on the ZK notice it says “Podolsk DTI”.

That is, people are immediately presented with a number of questions, to which, of course, they are looking for answers:

  1. What kind of organization is this?
  2. What does it mean to send such correspondence to a specific person?
  3. Is it necessary to receive it?

Let's figure it out together.

Dealing with the mysterious sender

So, a mysterious phrase is written on the form - “Podolsk DTI”. Naturally, you want to know what it is?

The decoding of the letters “DTI” is already known to many. It is easy to obtain from open sources; just type this abbreviation into the search bar of any Internet browser and see the following - an additional technical index.

This unusual name hides special sorting centers owned by Russian Post, where, in fact, sorting is carried out automatically - in most cases. Well, Podolsk is the locality where this institution is located.

An interesting point related to the activities of this organization is that there are no ways to communicate with its employees. This is done so that ordinary citizens are not distracted from their undoubtedly very important work. And for all questions, contact the Russian Post Hotline or directly to the post office.

Let's summarize: Podolsk DTI is a special structure of the Russian Post, responsible for sorting and further sending letters to the regions, primarily registered letters, similar parcels and parcels. It acts as a kind of intermediary between the sender and the recipient.

Who is the sender anyway?

Most often, serious government organizations use this method:

That is, if representatives of these institutions decided to “reach out” to a citizen of our country in this way, then they need something really important from him. And you should not ignore such information.

About the notice with the declared value

Typically, this type of forwarding concerns parcels or parcels, but there are also letters for which you must initially pay before receiving.

Such receipt should be treated with increased attention. The fact is that there are quite a lot of scammers who are ready to extract a couple of hundred rubles from the wallets of overly gullible citizens. Agree, it’s very unpleasant:

Therefore, you need to pay only in cases where a person knows for sure what exactly he is receiving and what exactly he is paying for.

Is it possible to find out the organization that sent the letter in this way?

The post office is well aware that people simply do not want to receive some correspondence. Consequently, the operating principle is designed in such a way as to reduce the number of such refuseniks - otherwise the service will carry out part of its activities completely in vain.

Therefore, it is very difficult to find out the original sender without directly visiting the post office indicated on the notification form.

Of course, you can enter the 13 numbers located on the form under the barcode into a special window on one of the websites where you can track the shipment. But most often this will allow you to find out the addresses of other DTIs to which she arrived during her travel. Perhaps, in one case out of a hundred, the recipient will be lucky and information about the real sender will be displayed on the screen. But this happens extremely rarely, so it’s not worth hoping for such an outcome.

Or you can dial the phone number, usually indicated on the same form, wait until the postal employee picks up the phone, ask him to get up from his, of course, very comfortable chair and break away from, of course, very important work, to go, find the envelope and read it person all the information. But will a post office specialist agree to engage in completely unnecessary and optional activities? Waste your working time and your own energy? Most likely no.

Therefore, it is better not to waste your personal time, as well as your nerves, trying to persuade the postal employee, just take your passport, the notification sent, go to the specified address and calmly receive what was sent. Moreover, the parcel/parcel/letter is usually stored for quite a long time - up to thirty days. The only exception is court correspondence, which must be picked up within seven days, otherwise it will be sent back and the person may miss something really important.

Abbreviation DTI in full means Additional Technology Index. Some recipients of email notifications with such an inscription are confused by its presence, although there is nothing scary or unusual about it.

Since last year, the number of postal notices received by residents of the capital and signed with the abbreviation Moscow DTI has increased. This is primarily due to the fact that postal notifications are processed by robotic systems and in case of errors in reading/indexing, they may not always work correctly, which, however, does not affect the process of delivery of postal items.

The second reason for labeling Moscow DTI associated with the sorting of correspondence and postal notices, in which there is no actual index at the address of the sorting center. It does not receive or serve visitors; such a center simply processes notifications and sends them to recipients.

Moscow DTI - what is it? - arrives by mail

Often, letters of this kind with the inscription “Moscow DTI” arrive on a postal notice, without indicating information about the sender of this registered letter. Only after receiving and opening it will you see the details and address of the organization that is interested in communicating with you or notifying you of any actions required on your part. Most often these are government organizations or executive authorities.

Often letters of this kind come with fines for speeding or illegal parking. Such fines are also processed and sent by robotic devices, which is why they use an additional technological index. It is highly recommended to pay such fines on time, since delays and neglect may lead to blocking of your funds on open accounts. There are also frequent cases of erroneously issued fines, which must be appealed within the period established by law.

If you believe the latest media reports, summons to the army will also soon be delivered by registered mail. On April 4, 2018, the bill passed its first reading. It follows from the new bill that conscripts will be required to appear at the military registration and enlistment office even if they did not receive the letter in person. Thus, we can conclude that on postal items you will more often see the inscription “Moscow DTI”.

Moscow DTI - inscription on the parcel notice

If a postal notice arrives at your place of registration with a signature Moscow DTI- you need to go to the post office attached to your place of residence, presenting notice and your passport. Usually, notices of this kind specify what exactly is the item waiting for you at the post office: a registered letter, a valuable parcel or a parcel. It is recommended to receive it immediately, since after a certain storage period the parcel may be sent back to the sender, and the requirement to pay a fine may go to the enforcement proceedings of the Bailiff Service with all the ensuing consequences.


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