Tug fleet. Announcements Port Fleet

The port fleet ensures the continuous operation of the port, providing ships with a range of services for mooring operations, roadside services for ship crews and water bunkering.

Today it consists of 7 units of the service and auxiliary fleet, 2 port boats of the passenger fleet, 6 units of the coastal transport fleet and 3 vessels of the service and tanker fleet (see Table 6).

The berth operators provide round-the-clock mooring for vessels with a deadweight of up to 70,000 tons. In 2001, the Siziman tugboat appeared in the Vanino port. This is a new generation tugboat with powerful engines (2,700 hp) and full-rotating Aquamaster-type propulsors, ensuring high maneuverability and speed of the vessel when operating in port waters. The second such tug will be built by order of the port at the shipyards of the world's largest tug manufacturer, DAMEN (Holland).

The sea tug "Zolotoy" during winter navigation, along with mooring operations, produces ice chips along the berth line, in the summer it works outside the port for rent in northern ports, performs towing, transports various cargoes in a caravan with a lighter of the "Danube-Sea" type with a lifting capacity of 1000 tons.

Service tankers: tanker “Raisa Onuchina”, tankers “Khutu”, “Maslozapravschik-96” operate on long-term lease.

The coastal transport fleet (SPA "Captain Muromtsev" and SRP-150k-10) during the navigation period is engaged in regional transportation of goods between the mainland and the port points of Sakhalin, the Southern Kuriles, the north of the Khabarovsk Territory, including the lower reaches of the Amur River. The unique and only ship in the Far East SPA "Captain Muromtsev" allows you to deliver equipment and other cargo to an unequipped shore with horizontal reloading. Dishcoats, together with the Bulat-9 RKB, are used for offshore cargo transportation and for mooring small vessels.

Taking into account the age composition of the fleet, the port’s plans provide for its gradual renewal over the next 5 years.

The port fleet is given in table. 1.6.

Table 1.6

Port fleet

Vessel name

Vessel type

the buildings

Quantity H power of power

installations, hp

Load capacity,

B/K "Siziman"


B/K "Vega"


B/K "Vesyoly"


B/K "Burny"


MB "Golden"

sea ​​tug

RKB "Bulat-9"

VNS "Vodoley-1"

water tanker

RPK "Captain Sidorov"

passenger boat

RPK "Vyuga"

passenger boat



SPA "Captain Muromtsev"

self-propelled boat with ramp





T/V "Raisa Onuchina"

T/V "Hutu"

"Oil Reservoir-96"

oil dispenser

The thought of joining the port fleet creeps into a sailor’s head under various circumstances. It could be another quarrel with a wife who is tired of waiting for her husband for 8 months, or the look of a child that reads: “Uncle, who are you?” Even if you planned to sail the oceans until you turn gray, there are many situations in life when you need work closer to home, and almost all of them are related to family.

What is a port fleet? These are tugs, tankers, floating docks - vessels operating in one port or between neighboring ports. They service the very ships on which you go on long-distance voyages. Let's figure out what you can expect from employment on such ships.

Working on tugboats: pros and cons


- few unpredictable situations;

Work on a tugboat is measured and calm. Some people complain about the routine, but many, after long years spent in distant seas, prefer to drag a barge in port waters at low speed and know that the risk of force majeure tends to zero.

Short flights.

There are tugboats that go to sea for 3-4 months, but in port waters the usual regime is a week after a week. A full personal life and active participation in family affairs are quite possible with such a schedule.


Objective of the project: provision of port services for gas tankers in high ice conditions

On November 28, 2014, FSUE Atomflot and OJSC Yamal LNG signed an agreement for the provision of a range of port fleet services with the main period of validity until December 31, 2040. It is possible to extend the contract for 2 periods of 5 years each. OJSC Yamal LNG is implementing a project to build a plant for the production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) with a capacity of 16.5 million tons per year on the resource base of the South Tambeyskoye field.

Yamal LNG: 16.5 million tons of liquefied natural gas/year in the period 2017-2045

LNG export: 15 YamalMax LNG tankers with a capacity of 172,600 m3

Number of ship calls/year at Sabetta: 220 = 1 tanker every 39 hours

The fleet is being built at Russian shipyards:

  • Ice-class tugboat (BC “Pur”, accepted 04/13/2016)
  • Ice-class tugboat (Tambey shipyard, accepted 05/26/2016)
  • Icebreaking tugboat (LBC "Yuribey") (accepted 8.11.2017)
  • Icebreaking tugboat (lbk "Nadym")
  • Port icebreaker "Ob" (project "Aker ARC 124")

Contract period: 11.2014 - 12.2040

Additional jobs: 120

On September 27, 2016, the laying of the Rosatomflot port icebreaker Ob took place on the slipway of PJSC Vyborg Shipyard. The port icebreaker Ob of the Aker ARC 124 project (ice class Icebreaker7) will have a power of 12 MW, which will allow the vessel to operate effectively in ice 1.5 meters thick at a speed of 2 knots and reach a speed of 4 knots in broken ice up to 5 meters thick .

The shipowner and operator of the port icebreaker is FSUE Atomflot, which signed in November 2014 an Agreement for the provision of a range of port fleet services to provide pilotage of vessels and maintenance of the waters of the port of Sabetta for the Yamal LNG project for a period until December 31, 2040.

The length of the vessel is 89.5 m, width - 21.9 m, draft - 7.5 m. The project states that the power plant consists of three main generating units with medium-speed engines and a separate parking unit. Four full-rotary propulsors with ice reinforcement with a power of 3000 kW on shafts create an emphasis on mooring lines of 115 tons. Rudder propellers, located in pairs at the stern and bow of the vessel, enable the icebreaker to effectively maneuver in any direction.

The crew of the port icebreaker is designed for 18 people, for whom accommodation is provided in comfortable single cabins. There are also additional seats for 12 people on board the vessel. Completion of the port icebreaker Ob is scheduled for November 2018.

Tug "Pur"

On May 16, 2016, in Murmansk, the State Flag was raised on the tugboat “Pur” of Rosatomflot, intended to work within the framework of the Yamal LNG project. The multi-purpose tug "Pur" was built in the Krasnodar region at the production site of Cranship LLC as part of the Portoflot project (provides for the provision of port fleet services by Rosatomflot in the port of Sabetta).

Ice class tug Arc 4 with a power of 3.84 MW. Its speed in open water is 14.4 knots. Maximum draft - 4.93 m, length - 30.87 m, width - 11.2 m. Crew size - 10 people. The ship is named after the river of the same name, which flows through the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The tugboat “Pur” is the first vessel built as part of the Portoflot project.

“This tug opens a new stage in the activities of Rosatomflot,” noted at the ceremony General Director of FSUE Atomflot Vyacheslav Ruksha, - In the port of Sabetta, our ships will provide a full range of port services. Together with nuclear icebreakers, they will have to work with gas tankers with a cargo capacity of over 170 thousand cubic meters each. With the commissioning of the natural gas liquefaction plant in Sabetta, Rosatomflot will have to ensure that a gas carrier enters the ship every 39 hours. I have no doubt that the crew of the tugboat “Pur” will cope with all the assigned tasks.”

Tug "Tambey"

On February 26, 2016, at the production site of Cranship LLC (Temryuk, Krasnodar Territory), a solemn ceremony of launching a tugboat being built as part of the Portoflot project took place. The vessel is named “Tambey” in honor of the South Tambey gas condensate field, located in the northeast of the Yamal Peninsula.

On May 28, “Tambey” set sail towards its home port of Murmansk. The tug was delivered three days earlier than planned (p Construction work on both tugs was ahead of schedule). Ice class tugs"Pur" and "Tambey" began work off the coast of Yamal in accordance with the deadlines specified in the contract (no later than July 1, 2016).

"Yuribey »

On February 26, 2016, in Temryuk, a contract was signed between Cranship LLC and FSUE Atomflot for the construction of icebreaking tugs for the Yamal LNG project. The vessels are designed to support the navigation of LNG tankers in the approach channel and in the waters of the port of Sabetta on the Yamal Peninsula.

On November 8, 2017, in Murmansk, a solemn ceremony of raising the national flag took place on the first icebreaking tugboat of the T40105 project, Yuribey.

The vessel is equipped with Azipod ICE1400 azimuth columns and has an Arc 6 ice class. The power of the Yuribey tug is 7 MW, ice penetration is 1 meter at a speed of 2 knots. Length - 39.54 meters, width - 14 meters, crew size - 10 people. The technical characteristics of the tug allow it to operate in the Ob Bay all year round.


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