Measurement of body temperature in animals. How to measure the body temperature of cows: what is normal, how to bring down or raise the norms of body temperature in animals

Indicator of the thermal state of the body of women. Reflects the ratio of the processes of heat production of the body and its heat exchange with the environment. The body temperature of warm-blooded (homeothermal) women (mammals, birds) is stable and does not depend on the temperature of the environment. In cold-blooded (poikilothermic) women (invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles), the body temperature exceeds by 1-2 ° C the temperature of the ext. environment or equal to it, changes according to the change in temperature ext. Wednesday. T. so. depends on the type of female, its age (higher in young animals), sex, breed, time of day, etc. The norms of body temperature in farm animals, see Table.

Deviation T. t. from the norm is an important indicator of a clinical trial.

Animal species

Body temperature, ° С

Sheep, goat

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  • - body temperature, the thermal state of the body, depending on the balance between the production of heat arising from life, and its return to the external environment ...

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  • - A cheerful, energetic group from the city of Tambov Was founded in 1992 by guitarist and singer Alexander Teplyakov. The group today also includes A. Kovylin, A. Popov, D. Roldugin, V. Soldatov ...

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  • - honey. A decrease in body temperature is sometimes observed in healthy people in the morning, but even at this time it is usually not lower than 35.6 ° C. Morning temperature drop to values \u200b\u200bof 35.6 - 35.9 ° С is often observed at ...

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  • - Mf temperature - For any system of alloys, the temperature at which the formation of martensite is essentially completed ...

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  • - I Body temperature Normal human activity is possible in the range of only a few degrees ...

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  • - a value characterizing the thermal state of the body ...

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  • - T. t. Within ...

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  • - T. t. Within ...

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  • - T. t. Within ...

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  • - see Animal warmth ...

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  • - a complex indicator of the thermal state of the body of animals and humans ...

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  • - ...

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Body temperature

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Body temperature Very often mothers of babies under one year old are worried that their baby has cold hands or feet, or, conversely, that it is too hot. In this case, the mother should not rely on her feelings, but measure the child's temperature. This is best done rectally. For this

Body temperature

From the book How to Raise a Healthy and Smart Child. Your baby from A to Z author Shalaeva Galina Petrovna

Body temperature Normal body temperature is about 36.8 ° C. But in a healthy child, it usually fluctuates depending on the time of day (lower in the morning, higher in the evening) and on the child's activities (after vigorous activity, it can rise to 37 ° C and above). Therefore, the temperature must

What temperature do animals have?

From the book Animal World author Sitnikov Vitaly Pavlovich

What temperature do animals have? There are animals that are called warm-blooded. This includes all mammals, including domestic animals and birds. They are called that because they have warm blood. This group of the animal world includes man, he also belongs to

What is the body temperature of animals?

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From the book Russian Rock. Small encyclopedia author Bushueva Svetlana

BODY TEMPERATURE A cheerful, energetic group from the city of Tambov. It was founded in 1992 by guitarist and singer Alexander Teplyakov. The group today also includes A. Kovylin (bass), A. Popov (drums), D. Roldugin (lead guitar, accordion), V. Soldatov (balalaika). Music

How is body temperature controlled?

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How is body temperature controlled? In a room or building, a thermostat regulates the temperature, controlling the amount of heat produced by heating devices. The human brain has a region called the thalamus that functions as

Body temperature

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Sleep and body temperature

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High body temperature

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Increased body temperature

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Cat body temperature

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Body temperature of healthy animals:

Factors affecting the average body temperature include gender, breed, season, day, ambient temperature, physical activity, feed intake, pregnancy, level and nature of productivity, etc.

The body temperature of newborn animals also fluctuates. In black-and-white calves, the body temperature at birth is 38.8-39.6 ° (39.2 °), and after a few hours it decreases by 0.5-0.6 °; it stabilizes on the 4-5th day from birth at the level of 38.5-39.5 ° (on average 39 °).

With excessive (transcendental) action of pathological stimuli leading to exceeding the limits of temperature fluctuations, a general temperature reaction of the body occurs - fever (pyrexia).

Fever... According to the degree of temperature rise, fevers are distinguished: subfebrile (weak) - with an increase in it to 1 ° relative to the norm, febrile (moderate) - up to 2 °, pyretic (high) - up to 3 ° and hyperpyretic (very high) - more than 3 °.

According to the duration of fevers are: ephemeral, or fleeting (febris ephemera), lasting 1-2 hours; acute (febris acuta), lasting from several months to several years.

There are daily fluctuations in body temperature: in the morning it is lower (remissio), in the evenings - higher (cxacerbatio); with tuberculosis, it is sometimes the other way around (typus inversus - the opposite type of fever).

If the fever continues around the clock with a difference between the minimum and maximum less than 1 °, this type of fever is called constant (febris continua, if this difference is higher than 1 °, but does not reach normal, the fever will be weakening (febris remittens) .When temperature fluctuations occur like this that it decreases to normal during the day, the fever is called intermittent (febris intermittens), even if this intermission (apyrexia) lasts 1-2 hours.

With repeated measurements of temperature over a number of days, it is possible to establish not only its daily fluctuations, but also the overall dynamics. With various diseases, the temperature reaction (its rise, course and decrease) is not the same. Fever can build up over a number of days (stadium incrementi), then stay at this high level (stadium acmes, acme - top), and finally a stage of gradual temperature decrease (stadium decrementi) begins.

Sometimes the temperature drop lasts several hours, and it can drop to normal or lower, which is accompanied by profuse sweating or a critical end of the fever. Its gradual decrease is called lysis or lytic termination of the fever.

Fever of the wrong type, taking the form of lebris continue, remittens, intermittens, is called debilitating (lebris hectica); it occurs in pulmonary tuberculosis, internal suppuration, and other debilitating diseases. When the fever ends critically, and then a new rise follows, it is customary to talk about a pseudocrisis (pseudocrisis).

Sometimes (for example, with croupous pneumonia), the difference between the minimum and maximum temperature is almost smoothed out, the daily curve turns into a straight line (monotermia). With atypical fever, daily temperature fluctuations are not subject to any pattern.

Fever, as well as other manifestations of the disease, is detected only after an incubation period lasting from several hours to several days, weeks and even months. However, already at this stage, you can notice signs of prodromal phenomena, expressed in a decrease in appetite, productivity, depression, muscle weakness, etc.

With recurrent fever, the temperature rises to a great height, lasts for several days in the form of febris continua, then drops and remains normal for 13 days, after which it rises again and drops critically (second attack). In most cases, it is limited to two attacks, but sometimes it comes to five. The febrile period between two attacks is called apyrexia. The death is preceded by agony in two stages - the stage of the ascending or descending type of the agonal period. The type of fever, in some cases specific to certain diseases, serves as a basis for the diagnosis.

Hypotermia -decrease in temperature below normal. This is a rather rare phenomenon of great diagnostic and prognostic value. A temperature 1 ° below normal is called subnormal (with childbirth paresis, uremia, hypoglycemia, in old, emaciated animals, after blood loss, trauma, with brain tumors, hypothermia, etc.). With an improvement in the general condition, an increase in nervous tone, the temperature usually rises to normal. A drop in temperature below normal by more than 2 ° is called moderate, and 3-4 ° -algid collapse. The collapse differs from the crisis not only by sharper hypothermia, but also by the cooling of the entire surface of the body, a decline in cardiac activity, general weakness, sticky sweat, sharp cyanosis, retraction of the eyes, tremors, and threadlike rapid pulse. A typical picture of collapse is observed with ruptured stomach and intestines in horses, ruptured uterus in cows and severe food poisoning. Then, individual organs and systems of the animal are examined, after which a preliminary (initial) diagnosis is established, which is then refined to formulate a final diagnosis.

The course of the disease (decursus morbi) and the treatment performed are recorded in a medical history diary. At the end of the treatment, an epicrisis (epicrisis) is drawn up - a medical report on the diagnosis, etiology, pathogenesis, characteristics of the disease, treatment of a sick animal, and also provide a rationale for the prevention of such diseases.

An increased or decreased temperature in chickens may indicate internal inflammatory processes. Also, this indicator affects the productivity and egg production of the chicken. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with the standards for keeping poultry and know the body temperature of the hens in normal condition.

Chicken eggs are genetically programmed to develop normally when incubated by a female hen. The warmth of the body of the hen hen is of decisive importance here.

Contrary to the opinion of experts, it is not increasing, but decreasing. In the first week, it is 38-39 ° C, in the last week it rises to 40 ° C.

Body temperature of common species of animals and birds

With illness

Chickens are susceptible to many diseases.

The most common are infectious:

  • Bronchitis and paralysis;
  • Bird flu;
  • Coli infection;
  • Atypical plague;
  • Pasteurellosis.

The first sign of these and other diseases is the onset of fever, especially if it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Lethargy, refusal to eat;
  • Discharge of mucus from the eyes and beak;
  • Diarrhea.

Monitoring the temperature of the bird will help diagnose diseases in a timely manner. The temperature of a hen hen is measured with a Vaseline-lubricated thermometer, which is carefully introduced into the cloaca. This is the hole through which birds poop.

Hypothermia and hypothermia in chickens

The peculiarity of the organism of these birds is such that a temperature rise of 0.5 ° C is abnormal and requires the attention of the owner. But this does not always indicate an illness.

Other common reasons why a chicken's body temperature deviates from the norm are:

  • Stress. Chickens quickly become accustomed to the routine, and any major changes in the daily routine and the world around them can cause serious stress. Even changing the diet or moving to another room can make these birds nervous;
  • Heat. If the chicken coop or aviary is more than 30 ° C, the chickens become hot. The processes of heat exchange with the environment do not lead to proper cooling of the body due to the absence of sweat glands in these birds.

Important. Hypothermia is also dangerous, especially for chickens and young animals.

Heat stress occurs, which can lead to death from heatstroke.

Overheating is evidenced by the behavior of chickens:

  • They open their beak;
  • Breathe frequently;
  • Lie on the ground with half-spread wings.

The temperature threshold is 33 ° C.

These reasons are easily eliminated by proper care and compliance with the typical requirements for a chicken coop. But if the temperature does not return to normal for more than a day or is increased by more than a degree, this is a reason for a visit to the veterinarian.

What determines the temperature

In all living things, normal body temperature depends on internal processes, and is optimal for the metabolism inherent in this species. The more intense it is, the more heat energy is released during the breakdown of substances in the process of cellular nutrition.

The second important factor is the temperature of the environment, with which the organism of a living creature constantly exchanges heat. In hot weather the body will be warmer, in a cold room it will be colder.

High fever is a sign of inflammation

Many diseases in animals are characterized by such a symptom as increased body temperature, however, how do you know when the body temperature of the animal is above normal, and when - in situations within the permissible?

In order not to be confused with whether your pet is sick or not, whether it has a temperature or body temperature index within the normal range, today we decided to talk about the temperature of animals.

In our publication, we will tell you how to measure such a temperature for cats and dogs, give data on temperature standards for certain types of pets and share the symptoms of increased body temperature in our animals.

And, although it is better that this knowledge is not useful to you in the future, and your pet does not get sick - it is still better to be warned about such temperature indicators ...

How to measure the temperature of a pet

Schematic representation of temperature measurement

As a rule, in pets, the temperature is measured rectally - a thermometer is inserted into the anus, and not placed under the paw or leaning against the animal's nose. And, although such a procedure cannot be called pleasant - it is necessary and you cannot do without it, therefore, it is necessary to accustom your pets to measuring the temperature - then they will not react so violently to this procedure in the conditions of a veterinary clinic, if something suddenly happens, and you you will always be aware of their body temperature.

Body temperature measurements are carried out with an ordinary "human" thermometer. Previously, you wash and disinfect such a thermometer (the animal must have its own thermometer), then shake it so that the mercury column drops to the lowest mark, then lubricate the tip of such a thermometer with petroleum jelly or baby cream (this must be done so that the animal does not get hurt and you did not inadvertently injure him when you enter the thermometer).

Now you need to place the animal on a flat horizontal surface in front of you - it can be a table or a chair. With one hand, lift your tailed patient's tail, and with the other, gently but firmly and quickly, insert the tip of the thermometer into the anus. The thermometer should enter the rectum by 1, - 1.5 centimeters (depending on the size of your pet). The abdomen of the animal at this time must be supported in order to prevent all unnecessary movements of your patient. Letting a cat or dog sit on its hind legs is by no means forbidden. In this position, the thermometer can crack or go too deep and cause internal tears.

What to do if you introduce a thermometer, but the animal is pinched and the anal muscle is contracted - talk affectionately with your pet, pat him on the head, try to distract his attention from the situation, but do not hesitate yourself - as soon as the animal relaxes - you must carefully enter thermometer.

How much to keep a thermometer for an animal

As a rule, 4-5 minutes is enough to measure the body temperature of your four-legged patient. Previously, it is not worth taking out a thermometer, since the temperature indicator may not be accurate, and the animal is unlikely to voluntarily agree to repeat such a procedure. Therefore, to be sure, hold the thermometer for 5 minutes, and then remove it carefully.

After you have taken the temperature indicator, the thermometer must be cleaned, washed with soapy water under warm water and wiped with alcohol for disinfection.

You can also use an electronic thermometer to measure the body temperature of an animal, it is more convenient in the sense that when the temperature indicator is set, the thermometer notifies you with an audible signal, however, you should wash such an electronic thermometer very carefully so as not to damage it and so that moisture does not get into under the body.

Temperature limits for pets

Temperature norm for a cat

If - then, the normal temperature indicator of her body ranges from 37.5 0С to 39.0 0С. If the temperature is higher than the upper limit of the norm - the dog has a temperature, if the thermometer shows a number of degrees less than the lower mark of the norm - check its serviceability, and if it is in order, then your pet has a low body temperature, which, in principle, is also not very good for animal health.

In cats, the temperature limits range from 38.00C to 39.2 ° C, and in decorative rabbits - in the range from 38.5 ° C to 39.5 ° C.


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