Status of typical projects under legislation. Discussion. Frequently asked questions on typical project documentation is not a typical project

  • The advantage of typical projects is also a fixed price and fast execution period. Adaptation of the project under individual requirements is required up to 8 weeks.

It so happened that it is necessary to build a house, the site is decorated. But the house build is a very serious business and expensive.

Therefore, before starting construction, you need to spend thorough preparation that will help the developer to save money, time and save the nervous system from stress. The first, all experts say that it is impossible to save on the project, as the more precisely it is made, the more accurately the cost of construction will be determined. If you buy a project on the catalog, it may turn out that there will be a project for another region. If he is for the north, it turns out the overrun of the materials if the house is designed for the south, this project cannot be built. Or it turns out that the designed design solutions are not the most economical, and the materials are expensive and absent in nearby constructionarkets. As a result, an individual project may be more expensive than thousands of 30, but will save materials on Halmillion. If you make something to build according to a typical project, it should be developed in its region, designed for local soils and local materials.

The typical project will not give bindings to the place of construction, the rose of winds, geological conditions. Therefore, the house needs to "plant" on the site.

Then will be taken into account:

  • location of other buildings;
  • the slope of the site, the house is closer to the smooth part;
  • the foundation will be cheaper;
  • the width of the site (the house at least should fit on the site;
  • availability of cars in the family;
  • need parking in front of the house or not;
  • orientation in parts of the world, in order to know where and when the sun shines;
  • well, if the morning the sun is in the nursery, and in the evening in the living room.

Any capital construction involves preliminary design, the construction of cottages is not an exception. At this stage, the owner has two ways:

create an individual project of the future building, or use ready-made solutions - typical cottage projects. Each optional has its pros and cons. An individual project will allow the customer to embody all its architectural plans, but it will be significantly more expensive, and perhaps impractical because it is not always possible to predict all the operational qualities of the future building. Typical projects of cottages allow you to significantly save at the design stage. In addition, the wide practice of real construction in existing projects provides high reliability of structures and guarantees the comfort of living to the owner, reduces the construction time and allows you to accurately calculate the amount of material required, and therefore the final costs. This option is interesting for cottage settlements, which are often kept in one architectural style.

Typical projects of houses: Not everything is so unambiguously you ever thought, why does the construction of houses begins?

Undoubtedly, with ideas: - And no matter how wonderful to build your personal country house!

Perhaps this, and maybe not quite so, but it is thanks to the idea that suddenly arose in our mind, we are obliged to just all what we have achieved that we have.

In the presence of the idea and the appearance of desire, we can say these cherished words: forward to your dreams. However, even those seeking simple, initial independent steps a little to surround your dust and zeal. We will be honest, at the beginning of the construction of houses, many, if no longer the number of owners, do not think about the architectural component of their home and after the completion of construction, the annoying disappointments are common: and the bathroom would be good to do wider, the bedroom is slightly somewhat, and he himself The structure of the structure would not be bad to think about such reasons there are a whole set. To prevent such situations, we recommend that you repel from typical projects of houses.

At the moment, there are many decent types and projects of houses, which are contained in each solid company or firm. On this issue, it is possible to detect, much more positive moments than you could assume. For its basis, typical projects can be described as mass, well, more precisely the positive meaning of this word. The main positive point of typical projects is the lack of spontaneity, a possible error capable of providing a significant impact on the project of the house as a whole. In addition, typical projects of houses were numerically tested in practice, from which the assertion should be approved that all possible disadvantages were taken into account and eliminated. Moreover, the finished project of the house will develop in accordance with the terrain of the future building, for significantly less time and, accordingly, smaller money. But it is impossible not to say that there is practically no moment of individuality in the mass, therefore this is a personal choice of everyone, which is the best solution: a well-proven and proven typical project of the house or the whole individual, but not tested.

What else can be said about this? Almost every person wants that his future housing was distinguished from other individuality, there was something special and attractive, but also everyone wants and be confident as the construction of her house. We have no right to decide for you more importantly, we advise you to try to combine the concepts of concepts and order an improvement in the typical project to your taste, but do not overdo it, that if you do not regret and remember: your home is your abode.

Typical project of power supply

A typical power supply project is one of the most important parts of the construction material of construction.

It is compiled by professional electricians for any construction volume, including residential and production facilities.

Even if you start making repairs in an apartment or a small room, it is very useful to have such documentation. The drawings reflect all the location of possible electrical appliances, sockets, the position of the switches, schematically shows the direction and height of the electrical wiring lines. It is also shown how the cross section cable is running in a particular place, the maximum load of consumption is calculated. All these parameters are set based on the construction and design of the project of the room.

It can be safely argued that a typical power supply project is one of the security components. Seeing the location of the wiring made by one master, the other will definitely not fall into it, performing follow-up work. Thus, you will be largely insured: both from unfortunate injuries, and from useless work on the repair of the entire placed electrical wire. And also, arranging furniture, according to sketches, no socket will be out of the place for you.

Attention! Any typical project is a set of drawings to be tied to the territory.

  • If you think that by purchasing a set of drawings - you can build a clean field in a clean field - no, see P.P. 1,2,3,4,5.
  • If you think that purchasing a set of drawings - you can save well - no, it is impossible to save 10%, such a discount will give you so much.
  • If you think that purchasing a set of drawings - you can win time - no, you can not win 10 - 15 days, you will be given.
  • No and there is no typical projects - buying which can be built.

A typical warehouse project offers a universal product storage solution adapted to the individual customer features. In such projects embodied the best planning experience with the rational use of warehouses. Typical projects describe the construction part, power supply, communications, security and have a package of documents for coordination except P.P. 1,2,3,4,5. They suggest several versions.

The advantage of typical projects is also a fixed price and fast execution period. Adaptation of the project under individual requirements is required up to 8 weeks. The need for adaptation is due to:

  1. Territory planning and section of the project "General Plan and Transport" (Development of the PT project and section GPIT - these sections are tied to the territory of placement);
  2. External engineering networks (development of the section Engineering equipment, networks and systems VK / O / EO / CC / A / AUPT (AUPC) / G / NVK / TC / ES / NSS / GSN (off-site) - these sections are tied to the territory of placement);
  3. The environmental requirements of the territory (the development of the UND section is attached to the territory of placement);
  4. Storage technology (the development of the TX section - this section is tied to the OOS section);
  5. The geological conditions of the construction site (the differences in the soil and climatic conditions of the locality, where construction is planned).
    Also, typical projects are easily modified under individual architectural and artistic requirements.

This is a ready, designed plan for a warehouse building, adapted for specific conditions for building a building and its operation.

The use of a typical project slightly reduces the design time, as it is not necessary to develop a conceptually new project of the building and its constructive scheme. The process of adapting a typical project takes from several days to 8 weeks, and includes the adaptation of the foundation, which consists in the recalculation of the foundation for the type of soils on which the building will be erected.

The model of the warehouse contains a selection of project documentation for coordination and construction. The walls of the warehouse built by a typical project are made of panels (see photo). Materials of wall panels are determined during the project adaptation. The roof is assembled from profiled sheets.

Typical project of a residential building

The standard project of a residential building for the customer is a document that allows you to control the production of works, their architectural and construction quality, as well as the flow rate of structural and finishing materials during construction.

The architecturally - construction section is included, in addition to facades, a set of drawings containing:

  • floor Plans, indicating the planning and size of all premises;
  • drawings and specifications describing the roof design;
  • documents describing the design of the building, including the location of foundations, stairs and other design elements, as well as specification on the used products and materials.

The engineering partition describes the device and contains drawings and schemes of engineering systems of the house: water supply and sewage, electrical equipment, gas supply, heating and ventilation, as well as the specifications of the equipment used and the necessary calculations.

A compulsory document in the project is a project passport. Changes and adjustments in a typical project of a residential building by organizations that made the design of the house are not made.

Offer other types of cooperation. Okay!

From September 1, 2016, the Federal Law N 368-FZ dated July 3, 2016 changes are made to the city-planning code of the Russian Federation.

Federal law provides for the allocation among the project documentation of the capital construction of project documentation of reuse, cost-effective project documentation for reuse and modified project documentation.

Thus, the project documentation of reuse recognizes the project documentation of the capital construction object, which received a positive conclusion of the examination of project documentation and can be used in the preparation of project documentation for the construction of a capital construction similar to the appointment and design capacity. Federal law provides that the criteria for the economic efficiency of project documentation of reuse are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The project documentation is recognized by the modified project documentation, in which, after receiving a positive conclusion, the examination of the project documentation made changes that do not affect the constructive and other characteristics of the safety of the capital construction object.

The examination of modified project documentation is not required, as well as project documentation sections prepared using reuse project documentation, which did not make changes.

Application of typical project documentation

Over the past years, the concept of "typical project documentation" has undergone changes. Many questions arise when using typical project documentation in modern design.

The company "Pro-Info" has accumulated extensive experience, responding to the questions of users of the TechExpert systems on the status of typical project documentation, the procedure for designing, using pointers and project documentation lists, on their compliance with modern law.

Frequently asked Questions

1. What is a typical project documentation, does such a concept currently?

Before the entry into force of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation (until 01.01.2005), the concept of "typical project documentation", as well as the procedure for its development and use, was described in different regulatory documents.

Until 2002, the composition and procedure for developing typical project documentation was set to CH 227-82 "Instructions for Typical Design". C 01.01.2002 Sniped 11-03-2001 "Typical project documentation", replaced by CH 227-82.

According to SNiP 11-03-2001, the typical project documentation was determined as developed on the basis of unification and typification of volume and planning solutions and included in the Federal Documentation Fund in construction sets of documents for the creation of buildings and structures, structures, products and nodes for multiple use in construction containing Text and graphic materials.

Typical project documentation, depending on the purpose, was divided into the following types:

  • typical building structures, products and nodes (typical series) - for multiple use in designing and construction, as well as with mass (serial) production and use at the enterprises of the construction industry and construction sites;
  • typical projects - for the construction of buildings and structures, binding to a specific construction site or to develop individual projects;
  • typical design materials - for methodological support for the design of specific construction objects, typical projects.

The decision on the assignment of the developed project documentation of the status "Typaya" took the federal architecture and urban planning body.

Approved typical project documentation was subject to the inclusion in the Fund of Typical Project Documentation. The powers of the Fund of the TPD were assigned to the CITP (then OJSC "CPP", later - "CITP of Ordzhonikidze"). The structure of the TPD Foundation repeats the structure of the construction catalog, approved by the Resolution of the Russian State Building of 30.08.2000 N 84. Typical series and typical design materials included in the SK-3 construction catalog, typical projects - to the SK-2 construction catalog.

After entering the city planning code of the Russian Federation, the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated 09.07.2007 N 62 "On approval of the criteria for the assignment of project documentation for typical project documentation, as well as to modified typical project documentation that does not affect constructive and other reliability and safety characteristics Capital construction objects. " The order has given another definition of typical project documentation: "Applied re-project documentation of the object of capital construction as part of the following sections (including all drawings, schemes, etc.): architectural solutions; constructive and volume-planning solutions, with the exception of fundamental solutions; information about engineering equipment, engineering and technical support networks, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions, with the exception of decisions on external engineering networks (hereinafter - typical project documentation), as well as the applied typical project documentation of the capital construction object, which changed not affecting the characteristics of the structures, elements of constructive systems of the capital construction object affecting the reliability of their work and the ability to maintain the operational qualities of the capital construction object during the service life of such an object (hereinafter - a modified typical project Attendance, which does not affect the constructive and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of capital construction objects), is being developed in accordance with Article 48 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account the features established by this Regulation. " Thus, only the project documentation as a whole on the object, not separate nodes, structures, began to relate to the typical one. Order N 62 was canceled by the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 27 of 01/31/2011.

Since the beginning of 2011, the concept of "typical project documentation" also has undergone changes several times. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.03.2007 No. 145, the project documentation was considered to be a typical project documentation or project documentation for seven years from the date of receipt of the primary positive conclusion of state expertise to the date of submission of an application for the state examination of the results of engineering surveys, "zero cycle "and engineering networks.

In 2011, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2011 No. 791 "On the formation of a registry of typical project documentation and amendments to some RESOLUTION of the Russian Federation", in accordance with which project documentation obtained a positive conclusion of the state examination of project documentation and re-applied.

Federal Law of 28.11.2011 N 337-FZ to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation a change was made, as a result of which the project documentation of capital construction facilities received a positive conclusion of state examination or non-state examination and applied again (part 3 of Article 49 of the city planning Code of the Russian Federation).

This concept of typical project documentation remains to this day.

2. Is it possible to consider "old" model project documentation as relevant? Is it legitimate to apply the concept of "acting" / "invalid" to the standard project documentation?

Currently, the status of typical project documentation is confirmed by the inclusion in the register of typical project documentation. The responsibility for registering was entrusted to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (later - at Minsk RF).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2011 No. 791 introduced the concept of "Register of Model Project Documentation". This is the list of project documentation of capital construction project documentation of the Regional Development of the Russian Federation, which received a positive conclusion of state expertise and recommended for re-use.

In the same decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2011 No. 791, it was determined that "information on project documentation for residential and administrative buildings, objects of socio-cultural and utilities (crop objects, education, health, sports buildings is subject to inclusion in the registry. and facilities, etc.), in the preparation that modern economical resource and energy-saving, architectural and planning, design, engineering, technological and organizational solutions were applied and, which is recommended for mass reuse when creating capital construction facilities due to or with the involvement of federal budget funds, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and (or) local budgets. "

Based on the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of 29.03.2013 N 106, "information on project documentation is included in the registry, provided that the object of capital construction, in respect of which project documentation has been prepared, being similar to the appointment, type and technical and economic indicators to other capital construction sites, information About the typical project documentation for which the Russian Federation is submitted for consideration to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation or which are included in the Register, has the best indicators of the ratio of the value of the construction of the capital construction facility to the current service life, useful area to the total area of \u200b\u200bcapital construction, resource consumption per unit of capacity, The object of capital construction required for the operation of the object of capital construction, and with equal terms - during its preparation, previously not used architectural and planning, structural, engineering, technological and (or) organs were applied Nomination solutions. "

The registry of typical project documentation is located on the official website of the Ministry of Training of the Russian Federation in the "Documents" section. You can download it in TechExpert systems "TPD" under the banner "Register TPD Minstroy".

"Old" typical project documentation Currently cannot be considered as "acting" or "inactive", from the date of entry into force of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, it automatically has been automatically reference.

3. Is it possible to use the "old" model project documentation in modern conditions when designing objects? Are there any features of project examination when using TPD? In what form should it be submitted for examination if it is part of the new project (designs, nodes)?

Currently, typical project documentation is as such, that is, which has developed on the basis of unification, typing and for mass applications, does not exist. There is an author's project documentation, the use of which is possible by third-party organizations if it received a positive assessment of state or non-state examination and at the conclusion of a contract with the copyright holder.

In connection with the changes in the regulatory framework (the entry into force of technical regulations, the transition to technical regulation within the framework of the Customs Union) it is necessary to remember that the "old" typical project documentation can be used in a part corresponding to the requirements of existing technical regulations. Otherwise, subsequently, the state-building supervision authority will have the right to bring to administrative responsibility for deviations from the requirements of technical regulations. For example, under construction for state needs, it is necessary to take into account that any materials and equipment that will be used in this building must meet the requirements of the Energy Efficiency Class "A". So the provisions of Article 13 of the Technical Regulations on the Security of Buildings and Facilities are being implemented (Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ). In the development of article 6 of this technical regulation, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 21.06.2010 N 1047-R "On Approval of the List of Standards, the application of which on a mandatory basis ensures the fulfillment of the requirements of the technical regulations on the security of buildings and structures". From 01.07.2015 Instead of the List , approved by the order No. 1047-P, the list approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2014 N 1521. From 01.10.2015, the specified list acts as amendments approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 29, 2015 N 1033.

In accordance with paragraph 15 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.03.2007 N 145, when using typical project documentation, it is necessary to submit a document confirming the right to use it (for example, a license agreement), as well as a document confirming compliance with climatic and other conditions in which typical project documentation Scheduled to reuse, conditions, with regard to which it was developed for initial use. For the application of typical project documentation, it is also necessary to submit to the state expertise foundations, engineering networks and engineering surveys. It is necessary to tie project documentation to a specific place for the construction of an object.

Please note that at the moment the basic requirements for design documentation are regulated by GOST R 21.1101. GOST R 21.1101-2009 was mandatory due to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1047-p from 21.06.2010. From 01.07.2015 Instead of the list N 1047-P, the List of N 1521 dated December 26, 2015.

GOST R 21.1101-2009 replaced with 21.1101-2013 01.01.2014 GOST R, GOST R 21.1101-2013 but the list of N 1521 is not enabled, losing the its commitment.

Nevertheless, GOST P 21.1101-2013 is included in the list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of the use of which the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Construction" are compliance, approved by the order of Rosstandard from 03/30/2015 N 365 (in The edition of the order of Rosstandart from 25.12.2015 N 1650). Thus, the design documentation should be executed in accordance with GOST R 21.1101-2013.

When using a separate "standard products", such as cable ladder series NLC, it is necessary to remember that these products are not classified as "standard project documentation" in the modern sense. These components, products, items can be used in the project documentation, if they comply with the regulations in force, but, apart from a reference to a particular series will be properly represented in the design documentation from the corresponding album list. If such a sheet is decorated not according to GOST R 21.1101, it should be proceeded in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 21.1101-2013.

Project documentation included in the author's catalogs (such as RESEP OJSC, Russian Railways, etc.) can be used as a recommendation. At the same time, it is necessary to remember: if the departmental requirements are softer than the norms of federal legislation, it is necessary to use federal norms, if tougher - can be preferred by departmental standards. The departmental standards will be required, which are indicated in the design contract under Article 432 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation or within the framework of the Standards and Rules of SRO (Article 55.5 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation) if their requirements do not contradict the norms of federal legislation. For example, in the "Guidelines for the implementation of building control on federal roads" (ODM 218.7.001-2009) contains more stringent requirements for the executive documentation, than the RD-11.02.2006 "Requirements for the composition and conduct of executive documentation during construction , reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction and requirements for acts of examination of works, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks, approved by order of Rostechnadzor from 26.12.2006 N 1128.

In connection with the above, when using typical project documentation, it is necessary to understand not only whether it has the status "typical", but also how this project fits into current legislation. The fundamental documents are the City Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Technical Regulations, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 N 1521 (with a change of 29.09.2015 N 1033), the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2008 N 87 "On the composition of the project documentation sections and requirements for their content. "

4. It is possible to use the typical project documentation in the design of the electronic databases, such as the system "TechExpert. TPD. Buildings, structures, designs and nodes"?

OJSC "CITR NAME OF Ordzhonikidze" (earlier - OJSC "CPP") over the course of several decades is conducted by the Federal Fund of the Model Project Documentation (TPD), which has 7.5 thousand standard projects and 4.1 thousand issues of documentation of standard building structures, nodes and parts, and makes pointers and lists of typical project documentation of the All-Russian Construction Catalog. To date, there are: SC-1 List, SC-3 Pointer, Lists SC-2 (P-2.04-2006, P2.02-2003, P-2.08-2006, P2.01-2002), List of SC-3 and List of SC-11.

All these editions, especially the SC-3 pointer, are unique. They are based on the information provided by the developers of typical project documentation. This information was the basis of the base for the product line "TechExpert: TPD", including "TechExpert: TPD. Buildings, structures, designs and nodes".

The use of typical project documentation included in the TEEEXPERT: TPD product range is not only permissible, but in some cases inevitably due to the lack of analogues in modern design. Old typical project documentation was created by the works of entire institutions and design organizations, its quality is tested by time.

Thus, the product line "TechExpert: TPD" can be used in modern design, its use is allowed by expertise, but it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the current regulatory documents listed above. For example, the examination allows for a set of project documentation a printout of any drawing of typical project documentation from the Bases of TechExpert: TPD products with the condition that the drawing is decorated in accordance with GOST R 21.1101-2013.

5. In the event that in the standard series and typical projects there were changes, are such changes in the TPD included in the program "TechExpert: TPD"?

All changes in TPDs registered with OJSC "CITP NODGONIKIDZE" (Earlier - OJSC "CPP") were published in the newsletter, which was preparing and released by JSC "CITP". It was a well-established, centralized process.

As a rule, the developer of typical project documentation itself provided this information for publication. Currently, CITP OJSC continues to produce a monthly newsletter. Our company monitors all changes regarding project documentation, first of all, on the basis of information published in the newsletter.

6. What "project documentation directories" are contained in the TechExpert: TPD system and what information contains in them?

In the system "TechExpert: TPD" in the composition of the information product "TechExpert: TPD. Buildings, structures, structures and nodes" and others are contained by SC-2, SC-3, SC-11. The system also has materials of "Directors of project documentation of re-use", composed of OJSC "CITP Name of Ordzhonikidze". They are included in the form of catalog sheets / passports.

In the product "TechExpert: TPD. Buildings, structures, structures and nodes" Presented catalogs on the following topics:

  • low-rise residential cottage houses;
  • low-rise residential houses of urban type 2-5-storey;
  • multi-storey brick residential buildings over 5 floors;
  • large and block residential buildings over 5 floors;
  • residential buildings over 5 floors with a mixed frame with various types of enclosing structures;
  • monolithic residential buildings over 5 floors;
  • mobile buildings of various purposes;
  • general education schools;
  • public buildings and structures;
  • production buildings and structures of industrial enterprises;
  • unified solutions of temporary buildings and structures.

For each of the projects, brief information and main technical and economic indicators are given, as well as graphic materials of construction solutions (facades, plans, cuts, etc.) to select project documentation for application in design and construction.

The TechExpert: TPD system is essentially a comprehensive directory of project documentation, since it includes information not only from all existing catalogs and registries of typical project documentation, but also information about old and new project documentation that has not entered any of existing catalogs. Information about modern project documentation and the project documentation itself are included on the basis of contracts with copyright holders.

7. What changes in the field of typical design are currently occurring and are expected in the future?

By order of the Ministry of Pressure from 03/13/2015 N 170 / PR approved a plan for the formation of a system of typical design in the field of construction. In accordance with the Plan in 2015 should be set up the basis for a new standard design of the system, in particular, changes should be made to the Town Planning Code, the Federal Law of 05.04.2013 N 44-FZ, the decision of the Government of 16.02.2008 N 87, from 05.03.2007 N 145 and from 27.09.2011 N 791, the order of the RF Ministry of Regional Development of 16.11.2010 N 497, the order of the Ministry of Construction 17.11.2014 N 719 / etc and other regulatory documents relating to the standard project documentation.

When applying the project documentation included in the registry, it should be guided by "Methodical recommendations for the use of typical project documentation, information about which is included in the register of typical project documentation", approved by the order of the Ministry of Economics of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2015 N 682 / PR.


  • approval of the regulatory legal act of the Government of the Russian Federation, which determines the obligation to use typical project documentation in the construction of facilities using federal budget funds and state extrabudgetary funds;
  • development of the Code of Rules "Typical Project Documentation", which establishes the procedure for developing, coordination, examination, approval, publication, dissemination and application of typical project documentation.

8. What modern technology in the design of the design is mastered?

Order of the Ministry of Construction of RF 29.12.2014 N 926 / np (amended on 04.03.2015) approved plan phased introduction information modeling technologies in the field of industrial and civil engineering (BIM-technologies), providing the possibility of examination of the design documentation prepared in view of such technologies . The plan provides for launch in 2015 pilot typical projects using 3D design.

As part of the implementation plan for building information modeling in the field of industrial and civil construction, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia N 151 / pr of 4 March 2015, subordinated to the Ministry of Construction Russian Research Center "Construction" has fulfilled the development of the first edition of national standards for information modeling of construction projects. Standards are designed in accordance with the program of developing national standards for 2015 and are based on the relevant ISO standards on BIM-technology.

The following projects of national standards are presented: Information modeling of buildings and structures: the main provisions (project GOST R ISO 12911), requirements for the organization of work and software (project GOST R ISO 10845-1), requirements for operational documentation of completed construction facilities (project GOST R (new)), requirements for the exchange of information at all stages of the life cycle (project GOST R ISO 29481-1); model of organization of the construction work data: the management structure of project information (Project GOST R ISO 22263), information classification structure (Draft GOST R ISO 12006-2), the structure of object-oriented information (Draft GOST R ISO 12006-3); Guidelines for knowledge libraries and object libraries (project GOST R ISO 16354). All of the above projects of national information modeling standards are posted on our portal "Technical regulation reform".

This consultation is provided with free of charge to the user of the TechExperspert: Stroyexpert as part of the service standard.

This material is an answer to a private request and may lose its relevance in connection with the change in legislation.

The status of typical projects is not determined by law.

Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
Currently, the status of typical project documentation is confirmed by the inclusion in the register of typical project documentation. The responsibility for registering is entrusted to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.
The "old" sample project documentation can not be regarded as "relevant" in the moment, "action" or "inoperative", from the date of entry into force of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, it is all automatically become a reference.
Currently, typical project documentation does not exist. There is an author's project documentation, the use of which is possible by third-party organizations in the event that it has received a positive assessment of the state examination and at the conclusion of a contract with the copyright holder.
Due to the changes in the regulatory framework (entry into force of technical regulations, a gradual transition to technical regulation within the framework of the Customs Union), it is necessary to remember that the "old" typical project documentation can be used in a part that does not contradict the requirements of technical regulations. Otherwise, the state-building supervision authority will subsequently be entitled to bring to administrative responsibility for deviations from the requirements of technical regulations. Typical project documentation developed after the entry into force of technical regulations can be used as appropriate valid standards.
When using individual "typical products", for example, cable trays of the NLK series, it is necessary to remember that these products do not belong to the category of "typical project documentation" in the current value. These nodes, products, items can be applied in project documentation if they comply with current standards, but, in addition to references to a specific series, will correctly submit a sheet from the relevant album as part of the project documentation. If such a sheet is decorated not according to GOST R 21.1101-2009, it must be issued in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 21.1101-2009.
Project documentation included in copyright directories (such as JSC RESEP, JSC "Russian Railways" and others), you can use as a recommendation.

it should be noted that GOST R 21.1101-2009 is replaced with GOST R 21.1101-2013

GOST R 21.1101-2013
4.2.8 In the working drawings, it is allowed to use typical building structures, products and nodes by references to documents containing workers drawings of these structures and products.
The "Reference Documents" section indicates documents according to 4.2.8. At the same time, in the respective graphs, the statements indicate the designation and name of the series and the release number of the drawings of typical structures, products and nodes or the designation and name of the standard.

What is the bad typical project? What we suggest?

The foundation is designed without taking into account the features of your soil

An individual project is created on the basis of geodesic exquisite soil.

House for a typical project is impossible to correctly bind to your site.

When creating an individual project, a binding house is performed to the site

Redo the typical project costs as much as fully individual

We convert your project until you say: "This is exactly what you need!"

In typical projects there are no engineering networks

Engineering networks are included in the Individual Project and save money during construction.

No one is responsible for a typical project, and the accomplicity for the construction site for such a project falls on you

For our project, we can charge. Experience of designers from 9 years

Typical project is not for you. You will not find a typical project that would have answered all your requirements.

Only you know how much there should be a house for you and your family. We will only help painlessly build it.

Built by an illiterate project House difficult to sell

Houses built according to individual projects are distinguished by a well-thought-out planning and disappearing of useless areas.

It is impossible to make changes during construction. What bought, then got

We will be with you until the end of construction, and if there is no need for change, we will do free

"Typical project - for a model plot, typical conditions and typical people. Violation of one of the items entails the problem, more seriously. Therefore, we do not sell model projects of houses",

- Murashov Bogdan Alekseevich, Director General of the Architectural Bureau Projektdoma

In typical project, engineering and geological surveys are not taken into account

Based on this data, the designer produces the exact calculation of the foundation, taking into account the weight of the main building material and those loads that the house will experience.

Consequence 1. Overpayment. In a typical project, the foundation is a monolithic plate, and taking into account the geology of your site you can do the tape, saving a large amount (~ 30%).

Consequence 2. The house cracked. In a typical project, a belt foundation is indicated, and as it turned out, the soil is impregnated with high groundwater.Buing for such a project, throughru win looking at your catched house with cracks, blame, alas, you will have only yourself.

Not taken into account the configuration of the site

The project you like, no matter how beautiful it is (in the magazine, Internet or directory), may simply do not approach the relief and configuration of your site. Construction organization or private companies should build a house correctly by following the project of the house. Otherwise, problems are possible not only with neighbors and verifying bodies, but also to receive documents to the house.

Consequence 1. The bathroom window goes to the neighboring windows, you need to drive through the garden to the garage.

Consequence 2. Wooden house is built on a plot in a lowland where it is constantly wet. This is a sentence for the house.

Consequence 3. Extended cottage on a hilly area. This is a sentence for the house.

In a typical project, it is impossible to make changes

Designers in one voice say: "You will be cheaper to create a new project than to make changes to this." The reconstruction of the project is more complicated than creating a new one.

Consequence. Extra spending of money and time.

Typical project does not contain engineering networks

We are talking about the project of heating, ventilation, sewage, power grids and water supply. Imagine: the house is almost ready, it's time to engage in its interior decoration, but there is still no sewage. We'll have to stick somewhere, somewhere to break, somewhere to drill. Order a project for example only electricians for the already built house stands almost as a whole individual project.

Consequence 1. Excessive waste of money for a separate design of engineering networks (in full project they go cheaper).

Consequence 2. Excessive waste of money for alterations in the house.

Consequence 3. . You can not begin to the inner cosmetic finish of the house, as a result - an increase in construction time.

Typical project not for you!

It is difficult to find a typical project that would have answered all your requirements. Buying a typical project of the house, you have to choose one of the three events development options:

1) Just buy a model project and build a house on the project blindly believing the foreman, who will build a house is actually on someone else's project - with foreign geological surveys and soil foundation.

2) Buy a typical project and based on its geological surveys, build a house, but with a new foundation. You will have to look for the designer, ordering the calculation of the foundation, and this is, in fact, the complete remission of the project and the typical project is already far from cheap.

3) After conducting the necessary research, you buy a suitable typical project you like and build on your own risk.

Who came up with a typical project?

For typical people with typical areas and typical life. For those who are accustomed to hope to Russian "Avos", because they are still so built! Build, maybe everything, and the house can crack exactly with you. You can build according to a typical project if you select a suitable area for this typical project, while on each site to carry out geological surveys of the soil. This is how to insert an inappropable key in the castle. Competently to build the house is much more profitable than then reflect cracks on the facades and top up the foundation. Remember that you're building you forever. In life, there is nothing, and the wrong built house to sell at a good price is not easy.

The solution is!

Individual design. Draft house performed under the order. It takes into account all your wishes within the construction norms and regulations:

Accounting for the soil features of your site

Any Materials

Foundation. The most suitable and economical option

Binding to the terrain, landscape accounting - the most rational location of the house on the site

Saving. Scientific calculation of the required quantity of materials (savings up to 30% during construction)

Builders will not be able to deceive you when purchasing materials

Changes for free even at the construction stage. We are with you until the end of the construction

Individuality. Your dream house, not someone else's fantasy

Fullness - all design sections, take and system

Quality guarantee while compliance with all construction standards

Availability of necessary documentation for registration in BTI
Published: July 11, 2017

What is better: a typical cottage project or individual design

Deciding to build a country cottage, everyone faces, and by what project it is better to build it. Options for choice are not so much. Construction can be carried out by or individual design.

This article will give the main advantages and disadvantages of both projects.

Typical project. A typical project is a project that is already designed and can be used several times for various customers. The project includes all the requirements of construction norms.

The main advantages of typical projects:

1. Such projects are much cheaper than individual. This is explained by the fact that such projects can be sold several times and its development requires significantly less funds.

2. Time from order to the issuance of the project to the customer is minimal. This time is spent only to select a suitable project. Such projects are systematized, and the customer remains only to watch the albums of projects and choose the most suitable of them. This time can take a maximum of two weeks.

3. Considering the fact that construction has already been carried out in such projects, they already corrected all the disadvantages allowed during primary design.

4. Such projects are easily adjusted. If in coordination with the customer, it is necessary to make changes, then they are made by the developers.

But how convenient, nor there were typical projects, choose from them exactly the option that would satisfy the cherished dream is quite difficult. If the choice of a typical project has not turned out, then you can order the development of an individual project variant.

Individual project options. Such projects are developed from the zero cycle. To develop such a project, the Customer provides a projectkend a project task, which outlines all the wishes of the customer.

The main advantages of individual project options:

1. Such a project is necessarily attached to the terrain on which the cottage will be constructed. For this, the project developer should go to the area and explore: the location of the cottage relative to parts of the world, the composition of the soil at the construction site, total utility networks (electricity supply, water supply, gas supply, sewage) and other features of the region necessary for the design.

2. The project must necessarily take into account all points of the design task, including, all types of building materials were studied, their costs were developed, the technological processes of all construction stages were developed. Based on all these data, the designer is a detailed estimate cost of construction.

Another advantage should be taken into account at this stage. If the costs were too big, then the estimate cost can be revised by choosing cheap building materials, and simplifying technological processes.

3. The ability to develop several alternative projects, taking into account the options for internal planning, various functionality of the rooms and other options for engineering communications.

4. Usually such projects are performed with a high degree of quality, as all customer requirements are taken into account.

And one more advantage is that in the individual design version, it is possible to lay elements of new construction technologies and energy saving.


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