Sketch architectural project. Why do you need a sketch project? Sketch Project Composition and Requirements

Development sketch projects Engaged when it is necessary on the basis of the Technical Solution Considering Protocol or technical task.

The main purpose of the development sketch projects is the establishment of those circuit or design solutions that are of fundamental nature and allow you to get a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is the general device of a particular product, as well as what the principle of its work. A sketch project is mainly created, even before the bulk of working documentation and technical project is being developed.

While creating sketch projects The developers are carefully studying and analyzed all possible options for performing the product or its individual parts. This allows you to clearly define all the requirements that are presented to the design of finished products, as well as to ensure the implementation of all the requirements that are presented to it.

A complete set of documents from which the draft draft consists of a full compliance with the requirements ESKD Design documentation, as well as those drawings, schemes, technical and technological regulations, etc., which are provided for by the Technical Suggestion Considering Protocol and Task.

It should be noted that in preliminary design The documents that are designed before making a material layout are not included.

Not originals of the sketch project documents are subject to consideration, approval and approval procedures, and their copies, although on a special agreement with the customer they can still be provided.

As for such an important moment, as a form in which all the documentation of the sketch project is presented, it may be paper or electronic, and is indicated in the Type of Participation Protocol. If there is no such indication, it is determined on the basis of coordination with the customer. In addition, the sketch project package electronic and paper documents may be included together.

Composition of a sketch project

Preliminary designThis includes documents such as a drawing of a common type, a statement of a sketch project and an explanatory note.

The draft drawing of the general form (or the electronic model of the assembly unit, which is equivalent to it), should include the following:

  • The image of the product, as well as various inscriptions and text part, which make it possible to understand the principle of its work, as it is interacting with its component parts, as well as the features of its structural device.
  • Designations of all components of the product and their name. If necessary, it is also necessary to indicate references to the shared drawings, which allow you to understand all the important features of the design of the product, the composition of its individual components, etc.
  • Product dimensions and other data that is applied to the image.
  • The scheme of the product (in cases where it is really necessary).
  • Technical data and other important characteristics that should have a product. They are required to ensure that the drawings of the general form it is more convenient to compare various options.

Such a document like a statement sketch projectmust contain the names of all those design documents that are included in it.

Count " Note»It may contain an indication of that option that complies with this specific document.

It is also allowed to include in the sketch project of those documents that are equivalent to envisaged, but only in a different form of submission. At the same time, it is necessary to make the appropriate note in the column " Notes».

Explanatory note of the sketch project is drawn up according to all standards adopted for text documents.

Any object is a sketch project. At this stage, decisions are being developed on the layout of the room, its appearance, location on the territory (if it comes to building construction), scale, device, service life, functional purpose and general work plan.

What is the sketch project? Often, as practice shows, the requirements and wishes of the customer do not coincide with the current construction norms and requirements for urban planning. In the future, this may lead long paper proceedings on the design of the constructed object. Therefore, the sketch project coordinates and considers everything necessary for the customer:

All listed aspects are included directly into the sketch project. They are very important to consider. Also attached to the sketching project.

To the customer, this type of work helps to properly plan and calculate the cost part, make adjustments to the construction of your facility. The pre-project stage already becomes clear which preparatory work needs to be performed. In the future, the sketch project helps the Customer to avoid the cost of correction of shortcomings and errors. After all, at this stage, it becomes clear how external networks will be held, power supply, the track system and the location of the other elements.

It can be said that the sketch project helps the customer to visualize and understand the technical side of its future construction object. And the Contractor is much easier to approve and work out the selected concept, to remove too much and make new changes.

The sketch design project consists of such components:

General plan. This is a schematic image corresponding to the scale of the area with the planned buildings, entrances, inputs and elements of improvement. In addition, the general plan indicates the so-called red lines, and there are already all planned buildings and changes regarding them. The main goal is to observe all building rates and take into account the desire of the customer.

Floor plan is a schematic representation of all rooms, equipment and

Facade. The image helps in the future to approve the passport of the facade in the relevant instances and get a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of the structure.

Computer visualization is also important, which helps to see an object from various angles.

The design of the house begins with the creation of a sketch project. Its main purpose is the development of the building concept. It includes the main parameters and features of the object to be taken into account in the following design stages.

Definition and features of the draft project

A sketch project (EP) is the initial stage of design, which is carried out to develop basic architectural and technical solutions. On their basis, the customer receives a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe object, its main parameters and operational characteristics. The degree of development of parts is determined by the technical task for the design and concluded between the designer and the customer of the contract.

The requirements for the content of the sketch project are regulated by GOST R 21.1101-2013, entered into action relatively recently - 01/01/2014. The same national standard indicates EP as part of the general project documentation system developed for construction. An important feature of the document under consideration is in practice, small buildings and buildings are often erected by a competently executed sketch project. Such an approach is impossible and even dangerous during the construction of a serious object.

Composition and content of sketching project

The composition of the sketch of the draft specified GOST is not rigidly regulated. This is due to the fact that the number and degree of development of documentation may vary in serious limits, depending on the requirements of the customer and features of the designed object. Most often in practice, EP consists of:

Modern visualization tools allow you to perform 3D modeling object. It clearly demonstrates both the position of the building on the land plot, taking into account the characteristics of the landscape and the type of object after performing planned work on the construction and improvement of the territory. Therefore, serious design organizations necessarily include computer presentations of the designed building in the composition of the sketch project.

Development of a sketch project (architectural concept) - This is the first stage of pre-project development. The conceptual offer is necessary for the formation of the first idea of \u200b\u200bthe architectural features of the object, the complexity of its design and the volume of construction. PNProject experts perform sketching design to coordinate fundamental decisions regarding stylistics, architectural performance, functionality, planning, dimensions, building location schemes on the land plot. The concept allows in a short time to determine the approximate cost and timing of works on the design and construction of the building. A sketch project serves as a base for justifying the investment attractiveness of the object. A conceptual offer is the basis for the development of project decisions and issuing work documentation.

It is mistaken to believe that the concept is just a beautiful picture, on the basis of which you can proceed to the design of the building. In fact, a sketch project is the result of a comprehensive analysis of a large number of different factors, adopting informed conceptual solutions with reference to the initial technical parameters. At the stage of development of a draft design, detailed calculations of the structural elements are not conducted, so the engineer must have sufficient knowledge and technical literacy so that conceptual solutions do not contradict the construction standards. A sketch project accompanied by shutdown documents is used to obtain initial and permits for project and survey work in the CGA. Based on the sketch project, the priority of construction is determined, the need of an object in the energyope. The customer receives information about which work must be performed to prepare a plot to build.

While the concept is being developed, PNProject specialists are permanent negotiations with the customer. The customer can make any changes to approach the design stage with a qualitative sketch project. If the customer requirements contradict the construction standards, we offer an alternative. The customer may be provided with several conceptual solutions to choose from. Options may differ insignificant details or, on the contrary, be the opposite of each other. After analyzing several proposals, the customer chooses the option that it works in all respects.

Composition of the drawings of the draft project

The source data for the development of a sketch project is the technical task for design, a city planning plan, topographic shooting of a plot highlighted for development, the wishes of the customer. The composition of the sketch project may vary depending on the specifics and purpose of the object. A set of documentation of the Sketch Project section consists of textual and graphic parts - explanatory note, sketches, 3D image images. The main sections of the sketch project:

  • master plan scheme;
  • transport route scheme;
  • front of facades;
  • floor building plans;
  • cuts of an object in characteristic zones;
  • photorealistic general type of building with working landscape solutions;
  • explanatory note.

Location of the building on the land plot. The object of capital construction cannot be placed on the territory arbitrarily. When choosing a scheme for the location of the object and the facilities adjacent to it, fire safety requirements, sanitary standards and other rules for building are taken into account. It is important to correctly orient the elements of the house regarding the parties of the world, to coordinate the selected solution with the surrounding landscape and the layout of the existing communications, take into account the requirements of transport and pedestrian availability, ensure the correct insolation of the structure. The directorial scheme contains not only the designed object, but also adjacent structures, access roads and elements of improvement

Form in terms. By choosing the location of the object, the designer proceeds to determine the shape of the house in the plan. Modern technologies allow you to build the buildings of a complex configuration, in front of the designers in this direction the widest perspectives are open. For example, dome structures built from pneumatic film membranes in recent years have been particularly popular.

Planning floors. The designer creates sketches of the location of the bearing walls, partitions, overlaps, roofs, window and doorways, staircase marches, foundation. The planning of the main premises is being developed, the accommodation schemes of equipment and communications are being developed. All decisions are agreed with fire safety requirements. By prior arrangement at this stage, a conceptual drawing of interiors with arrangement of furniture and selection of finishing materials can be performed. When developing all subsections of the sketch project, the thickness of the walls, gender and overlaps, the foundation designs, the laying scheme of the communications and the characteristics of the selected finishing materials are taken into account. This approach avoids errors in determining the actual height and dimensions of the premises.

Sketches of facades. The architect thinks over the concept of the appearance of the building, is determined with the types of finishing materials and technologies, it discusses the location of windows, doors, balconies, terraces. Sketch solutions on the architecture of the facades are agreed with the interior characteristics of the object.

General view of the building. According to the results of comprehensive work on all the above items, a general type of building is created in the context of landscape design. To reproduce the appearance of the building, we use modern three-dimensional visualization programs. The development of a photorealistic 3D model is a complex and time-consuming process that requires a careful and weighted approach to the selection of textures, colors, materials. As a result, a practical full copy of the designed building is born. The final visualization of the general type of building is made after the coordination of decisions in the location and form of the building, on the layout of the floors and the execution of the facades.

Explanatory note. The text part of the project describes the characteristics and functional purpose of the object, technical and economic indicators are considered, the results of calculations of the feasibility efficiency of project decisions. An explanatory note indicates the estimated volume of construction and installation work. After studying the conceptual project, it becomes a clear picture of the upcoming financial expenses and labor costs for the design of the building.

High-quality studio project - This is a significant factor in minimizing problems and inconsistencies at the design stage. By paying due attention to the conceptual offer and coordinating each of its partition, you can be sure: the characteristics of the designed object will fully comply with the requirements of the customer. The fundamental changes made to the sketch project are eliminated from the need for numerous alterations of project documentation. Book a sketch design service, and you will be insured against the purchase of a "cat in a bag". Our company has been developing concepts of various appointments. Concept development service can be provided autonomously or as part of design work. Turning to us, you get an album of drawings, sketches and photo-realistic images of the designed object created using modern three-dimensional visualization programs.

Interstate standard

Unified system of design documentation

Basic provisions


GOST 2.119-73

IPK Publishing Standards


Interstate standard

Unified system of design documentation


Unified System for Design Documentation. Preliminary Design.


Resolution of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on February 28, 1973 No. 501, the deadline for administration is established

since 1974-01-01

This Standard establishes the requirements for the implementation of a draft design on products of all industries.


1.1 . The sketch project is developed, if it is provided for by the technical task or protocol of the review of the technical offer.

A sketch project is developed in order to establish fundamental (constructive, circuit, etc.) solutions of the product, giving a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe principle of operation and (or) a product of the product when it is advisable to make a technical project or work documentation.

At the stage of development of a sketch project, we consider product options and (or) of its component parts. A sketch project can be developed without consideration at this stage of various options.

1.2 . When developing a sketching project, work required to ensure the requirements of the requirements and allow to establish fundamental solutions. The list of necessary works is determined by the developer depending on the nature and purpose of the product and is coordinated with the customer if the product is developed on orders of the Ministry of Defense.

An exemplary list of works for people's products is given in.

Note. At the stage of the draft project, the work shown at the technical proposal stage, if they cannot give additional data. In this case, the results of previously carried out are reflected in an explanatory note.

(Modified edition, change No. 4).

1.3 . A sketch project document includes design documents, in accordance withGOST 2.102-68 The technical proposal of the technical proposal provided for by the technical specifications and protocol. When performing documents in electronic form, the electronic structure of the product and the electronic model of the product (assembly unit, complex) are performed with the degree of detail corresponding to the stage of the sketch project.

Design documents developed for manufacture material layouts according to GOST 2.002-72The document of the sketch project does not include.

(Modified edition, Change No. 5. )

1.4 . For consideration, coordination and approval represent copies of the draft documents compounded byGOST 2.106-96 . It is allowed in coordination with the customer to represent the original of the documents of the sketch project.

1.5. The form of submission of documents of the sketch project (paper or electronic), if it is not specified in the technical specifications and (or) protocol of the technical proposal, is determined by the developer in coordination with the customer. Types of documents establishGOST 2.102-68 . It is allowed to include documents in various form of submission in the set of documents.

(Introduced additionally, Change No. 5. )

2. Requirements for the execution of documents

2.1 . General requirements for the execution of documents

2.1.1 . Design documents containing various product options are performed byGOST 2.118-73 In terms of posting information about various versions, placement of images of options, constructing tables containing data from various options, etc.

2.2 . Drawing of common type

2.2.1 . At the stage of the draft project, the drawing of a general form or an equivalent electronic model of the assembly unit in the general case should contain:

a) product images (types, cuts, sections), text part and inscriptions needed to understand the structural device of the product, the interaction of its component parts and the principle of operation of the product;

b) the names, as well as the notation (if any) of the components of the product for which it is necessary to specify the data (technical characteristics, quantity, indication of the material, principle of operation, etc.) or link to which Need to explain the images of the general type drawing, descriptions of the principle of operation of the product, indication of the composition, etc.;

c) dimensions and other data applied on images (if necessary);

d) the scheme if it is required, but it is impractical in an individual document;

e) product specifications, if necessary, for the convenience of comparing options according to the drawing of the general form.

(Modified edition, Change No. 5. )

2.2.2 . Images are performed with maximum simplifications provided by the standards of a unified system of design documentation. Composite parts of the product, including borrowed (previously developed) and purchased, are depicted with simplifications (sometimes in the form of contour outlines), if the understanding of the structural device of the product being developed, the interaction of its component parts and the principle of operation of the product is ensured.

(Modified edition, Change No. 5. )

2.2.3 . Separate images of the component parts of the product are placed on one general sheet with images of the entire product or on separate (subsequent) sheets of the shared drawing.

When performing a dashboard in the form of an assembly unit, a model of individual components of the product is recommended to be placed in separate files.

(Modified edition, Change No. 5. )

2.2.4 . The names and designations of the components of the product on the drawings of general species indicate in one of the following ways:

a) on the shelves of lines of calls;

b) in the table placed on the same sheet as the image of the product;

c) in the table made on separate sheets of A4 format according to GOST 2.301-68 as the subsequent sheets of the total drawing. On the shared drawing, made in the form of an electronic assembly model, the names and designations of the component parts of the product are recommended to indicate in methods by a) and B).

If there are tables on the shelves of lines, the lines indicate the number of positions of the components included in the table.

The table generally consists of a graph: "Pos.", "Designation", "Name", "Count.", "Additional instructions".

When performing a drawing of a common view in the form of an assembly unit model, it is recommended to use the simultaneous display of the electronic structure of the product (instead of the table) and its electronic model, while providing the ability to highlight (release) of the component of the electronic model when specifying the corresponding element of the electronic product structure.

(Modified edition, Change No. 5. )

2.2.5 . The names and designations of the components of the product in the table and (or) the electronic structure of the product is recommended to be placed in the following order:

borrowed products;

purchased products;

newly developed products.

(Modified edition, Change No. 5. )

2.2.6 . Drawing elements of general form and (or) equivalent electronic assembly model "; Exclude the words: "For workers drawings (Position numbers, text of technical requirements, inscriptions, etc.) Perform according to the rules established by the standards of a unified system of design documentation for work drawings.

(Modified edition, Change No. 5. )

2.3 . Statement of the sketch project

2.3.1 . In the statement of the sketch project, all the design documents are included in the set of documents in the design project in the manner prescribed byGOST 2.106-96 Regardless of which option is the document.

It is allowed in the "Note" column to specify the option that matches this document.

It is allowed to include an equivalent document in various submission forms (in paper or electronic form) in a set of sketch project (in paper or electronic), and in the Count "Note" it is recommended to indicate the document presentation form.

(Modified edition, Change No. 5. )

2.4 . Explanatory note

2.4.1 . Explanatory note of the draft project are performed byGOST 2.106-96 Taking into account the following basic requirements for the content of sections:

a) In the "Introduction" section indicate the name, number and date of approval of the technical task. If the development of a sketch project is provided for not a technical assignment, but a protocol for the consideration of a technical proposal, they make a record by type: "The development of a draft project is provided for by the technical proposal ..." and indicate the number and date of the technical proposal of the technical proposal;

b) in the "Purpose and Scope of the Product Developed" section, there are appropriate information from the technical specifications and technical proposal, as well as information specifying and complementing the technical specifications and technical proposal, in particular:

brief description of the area and conditions of application of the product;

the overall characteristics of the object, for use in which this product is intended (if necessary);

c) in the "Technical Specificance" section lead:

the main technical characteristics of the product (power, speed, speed, performance, electricity consumption, fuel, efficiency and other parameters characterizing the product);

information on the compliance or deviations from the requirements established by the technical specifications and technical proposal, if it was developed, with substantiation of deviations;

the comparison data of the main characteristics of the product with the characteristics of analogs (domestic and foreign) or give a reference to a technical level and quality card;

d) in the "Description and Justification of the Chosen Design" section:

description of the structure, the rationale for the principal solutions taken at this stage (constructive, circuit, etc.). When performing an explanatory note in the form of an electronic document, it is allowed to give a reference to electronic layouts (models) performed according to GOST 2.052-2006.

If necessary, lead illustrations;

information about the appointment of material layouts (if they are manufactured), electronic layouts (if they are designed), Program and methods of testing or analysis (or reference to a separate document - a program and test methodology), test results and data assessment of compliance of layouts given requirements, including ergonomics and technical aesthetics;

photos of material mockups (if necessary);

the designations of the main design documents for which material layouts, the number and date of the report (or protocol) on testing and others are manufactured (for references);

information about manufacturability;

data of verification of decisions made on patent purity and competitiveness;

information about using in this development of inventions, on applications submitted for new inventions;

information on the compliance with the safety requirements of safety and production sanitation;

preliminary information about the packaging and transportation of the product (if necessary);

technical requirements for the new products and materials used in the product developed by the product, which should be developed by other organizations. Such technical requirements can be shown in an appeal to an explanatory note;

information on the compounds used in the product (previously developed) components, purchased products and materials developed by the product according to technical specifications, work modes, warranty periods, operating conditions;

the main issues of product manufacturing technology;

information about the safety of the product and its environmental impact;

product disposal information;

e) in the section "Calculations confirming the performance and reliability of the design" lead:

indicative calculations confirming the performance of the product (kinematic, electrical, thermal, calculations of hydraulic systems, etc.);

approximate calculations confirming the reliability of the product (calculations of indicators of durability, maintainability, persistence, etc.).

With a large amount of calculations, they can be decorated in the form of individual documents, and in this section, only the results of calculations lead in this section. For each type of calculations, the means of software and information support of automated systems (in case of use for the calculations);

(e) In the "Description of the organization of work with the use of the product being developed", lead preliminary information about the organization of work with a product at the place of operation, including:

description of techniques and ways to work with the product in the modes and conditions provided for by the technical task;

description of the order and methods of transportation, installation and storage of the product and entering it into operation at the site of operation, as well as maintenance during storage and operation;

information on the qualifications and number of service personnel;

g) in the section "The Expected Technical and Economic Indicators" leads indicative calculations of economic indicators;

h) In the section "Standardization and Unification Level" section, preliminary information on the use of standard, unified and borrowed assembly units and parts are used;

(Modified edition, Change No. 5. )

2.4.2 . The appendix to the explanatory note leads:

copy of the technical task;

if necessary, a list of works that should be carried out at the subsequent stage of product development;

materials of the artistic workshop that are not design documents;

list of used literature, etc.;

the list of documents used in the development of a sketch project and the product developed by the developer from other enterprises and organizations (copyright certificates, a report on patent research, consumer certificate about the necessary amount of production being developed, etc.); At the same time, the documents in the appendix to the explanatory note are not included, but in the explanatory note there may be the necessary information from these documents (for example, the subject of the invention, the required amounts of products for the quarter, for the year, five-year plan), as well as the number and date of the document or the accompanying Letters.

list of software and information support of automated systems used in the development of a sketch project

(Modified edition, change No. 1,).


List of works performed when developing a draft project

In general, when developing a sketch project, the following works are carried out:

a) performing options for possible solutions, the establishment of features of options (characteristics of options for components, etc.), their design elaboration. Depth of such a study should be sufficient to compare the options under consideration;

b) preliminary solution of product packaging and transportation issues;

c) manufacturing and testing of material layouts and (or) development and analysis of electronic layouts in order to verify the principles of the work of the product and (or) of its components ";

d) development and substantiation of technical solutions aimed at ensuring the reliability indicators established by the technical specifications and technical proposal;

e) assessment of the product on the manufacturability and correctness of the choice of controls (tests, analysis, measurements);

e) product assessment in standardization and unification indicators;

g) Evaluation of the product in relation to its compliance with the requirements of ergonomics, technical aesthetics. If necessary, to establish ergonomic, aesthetic characteristics of the product and for the convenience of comparing various options for these characteristics are manufactured material layouts and (or) develop electronic layouts;

h) checking options for patent frequency and competitiveness, registration of applications for inventions;

and) verification of the compliance of options for safety requirements and industrial sanitation;

k) a comparative assessment of the options in question, issues of metrological support of the product being developed (the possibility of choosing methods and measuring instruments).

p) elaboration of issues that provide the possibility of using design documentation in electronic form at subsequent development stages. "

(Modified edition, change number 5)

Comparison is carried out in terms of product quality (appointment, reliability, technological, standardization and unification, economic, aesthetic, ergonomic).

It should take into account the design and operational features of the developed and existing products, trends and prospects for the development of domestic and foreign technicians in this field;

l) the choice of the optimal version (options) of the product, the rationale of choice; making fundamental solutions; confirmation (or clarification) of the requirements of the requirements (technical characteristics, quality indicators, etc.), established by the technical specifications and technical proposal, and the definition of technical and economic characteristics and indicators not established by the technical specifications and technical proposal;

m) identifying on the basis of the new products and materials that should be developed by other enterprises (organizations), drawing up technical requirements for these products and materials;

n) drawing up a list of work, which should be carried out at the subsequent development stage, in addition or refinement of work provided for in terms of technical specifications and technical proposal;

oh) working out the main issues of manufacturing technology (if necessary);

p) Preparation of standards development proposals (revision and amendments to current standards) provided for in the technical task at this stage.

ATTACHMENT. (IN went additionally, meas. No. 4).


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