A simple recipe for a warming old Moscow soup. Pokhlebka recipe old Moscow. Calorie content, chemical composition and nutritional value Conditions and shelf life of Staromoskovskaya stew

beef, 1 category 15.0 (gram)
chicken 15.0 (gram)
boiled-smoked ham 15.0 (gram)
potatoes 30.0 (gram)
carrot 8.0 (gram)
parsley root 7.0 (gram)
onion 20.0 (gram)
tomato paste 13.0 (gram)
porcini 20.0 (gram)
butter 8.0 (gram)
water 235.0 (gram)
garlic onion 5.0 (gram)
sour cream 20.0 (gram)

Cooking method

Beef is cooked in a large piece, prepared chicken carcasses are placed 1.5 hours before the meat is cooked. Boiled beef and boiled-smoked ham are cut one piece per serving, boiled chicken is chopped one piece per serving. The resulting broth is filtered. Prepared onions, carrots, parsley root are cut into cubes and sautéed. The potatoes are also diced. Prepared mushrooms are boiled, cut into slices and fried. Tomato puree is sautéed. Chopped potatoes are placed in pots with boiling broth, prepared vegetables, mushrooms, meat products are brought to a boil and cooked, at the end of cooking, sautéed tomato puree and spices are added in 5-7 minutes. The ready-made broth is allowed to brew with the lid closed. When on vacation, put chopped garlic, finely chopped parsley and sour cream in the broth. Let go in a pot.

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Despite the simplicity of preparation, old Moscow stew is truly royal food. In winter, this rich soup can compete with hodgepodge and borscht, because it also perfectly warms, satiates and gives joy. However, the recipe for this dish is not so easy to find.

Many people like to order old Moscow chowder in restaurants. But they rarely boil at home. Let's try to fill this gap. After all, the soup is really delicious. And somewhat in terms of the composition of the products, it resembles a hodgepodge, only there are no pickles or olives in it. Therefore, the taste of the old Moscow soup turns out to be much more delicate, not so extravagant. And the recipe is so simple that housewives with any "kitchen experience" can handle it. True, the cooking time of this soup cannot be called short. But its lion's share goes to cooking broth. Therefore, nothing complicated: we put the pan on the stove and go about our business, occasionally "visiting" its contents.

How to choose pots for chowder?

The recipe for old Moscow stew involves the use of clay pots. If you don't have them, we recommend purchasing. Then you can cook different stews, soups, main courses in them. But there are many different types of clay pots in stores. How to choose the right cookware?

What you need to know when choosing pots for your needs:

  • They come in very different sizes. From very small, 200 ml, to impressive vessels that can hold several liters of food. Since we need portioned pots, we will consider those whose volume does not exceed 800 ml. If you are going not only to try out the recipe for old Moscow soup, but also to master the principles of cooking many other dishes in pots (including the second), it makes sense to choose portioned dishes for 500-800 ml. Do you want to cook only soups? Then take pots that hold 300-400 ml of food.
  • The thickness of the walls and bottoms of the pots should be the same, uniform. Otherwise, the cookware may crack during use.
  • Some pots are glazed, others not. This does not affect the functionality and service life of the cookware. However, experts say that in uncoated pots, food takes on a zest in taste.

We chose the pots. It remains to master the recipe for old Moscow stew. This dish is sure to be enjoyed by your whole family. And you - especially, since its preparation does not require any intricate and hard-to-find ingredients.

Old Moscow chowder recipe

To prepare a fragrant soup, you need to take:

  • 250 g of beef (with or without bone - whatever you like);
  • 200 g of soup chicken (can be replaced with a broiler, but not desirable);
  • 300 g of fresh porcini mushrooms (or 50 g dry);
  • 3-4 potatoes;
  • 1-2 carrots;
  • 1 large onion;
  • a few parsley roots;
  • 150 g of boiled-smoked pork (ham);
  • 200 g tomato puree or tomato paste (or fresh chopped tomatoes);
  • 3-3.5 liters of water;
  • 80 g butter;
  • garlic, herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

The recipe is for 6-8 servings. Cooking time - 2.5 hours.

  1. Wash beef and chicken, pour cold water, salt. We set to cook. After the water boils, set the temperature below average and cook for about 1.5 hours. Do not forget to remove the foam in a timely manner. Instead of soup chicken, you can take a broiler. But it cooks much faster than beef. Therefore, the broiler should not be placed in the broth at the same time as the beef, but approximately 45-50 minutes before the end of cooking.
  2. Peel the parsley root, carrots and onions, finely chop. Fry quickly in butter. Mushrooms, if fresh, cut into small pieces and also sauté in butter. If you took dry mushrooms, pre-soak them overnight. Then you can boil a little or fry immediately. Saute tomato puree in butter separately from other products.
  3. Peel the potatoes, cut into medium cubes.
  4. Strain the broth, take the meat out of it and disassemble it into small pieces.
  5. Put the potatoes in pots, fill them with hot broth and put them in an oven full of heat (200-220 degrees). We are waiting for it to boil. Then add mushrooms, parsley, onions, carrots to the pots. Simmer until the potatoes are ready (about 10-15 minutes).
  6. Add tomato puree, pieces of meat from broth and ham to the pots. Simmer in the oven for about 5-7 minutes. Then let the soup steep for 10-20 minutes.
  7. Serve the chowder, sprinkle with herbs and chopped garlic. We definitely offer sour cream with the soup.

It's time to enjoy the excellent old Moscow stew. Enjoy your meal!


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