Order on referral to advanced training courses. Application for study leave Sample application for a referral to study

In a dynamically developing economy, constantly improving legislation, changes in other spheres of public life, an employer may objectively need to send employees to training. What regulatory legal acts and other documents should be consulted when sending employees for training? What rights and obligations of the employee and the employer are stipulated by the legislation in the field of training? What does an employer need to know about additional professional education? The answers to these and other questions related to employee training are in the material provided.

General characteristics of regulatory legal acts

The issues of training and obtaining additional professional education are regulated by Sec. IX of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, to clarify issues related to the direction of study, you must refer to the provisions of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - Federal Law N 273-FZ), as well as the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 01.07.2013 N 499 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities for additional professional programs" (hereinafter - the Procedure).

Separate clarifications are contained in the Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 09.10.2013 N 06-735 "On additional professional education."

Rights and obligations of the parties to an employment relationship for training

According to Art. 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee has the right to training and receiving additional professional education in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

At the same time, the employer determines the need to train employees (vocational training and vocational education) and receive additional vocational education for their own needs (Article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The training of employees and the receipt of additional professional education by them is carried out by the employer on the terms and in the manner determined by the collective agreement, agreements, labor contracts. The forms of training and obtaining additional professional education for employees, the list of necessary professions and specialties are determined by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees in the manner prescribed by Art. 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for the adoption of local regulations. Thus, an employee cannot go to training without the consent of the employer.

However, in cases stipulated by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to conduct vocational training or receive additional vocational education for employees, if this is a condition for them to perform certain types of activities.

For employees undergoing training, the employer must create the necessary conditions for combining work with education, provide guarantees established by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations, and employment contracts.

Apprenticeship Agreement

The issue of concluding an apprenticeship agreement is regulated by Ch. 32 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

An employer - a legal entity (organization) has the right to conclude an apprenticeship agreement with a person looking for a job, or an employee of this organization, to receive education on the job or with a break from work. An apprenticeship agreement with an employee of this organization is additional to the employment agreement.

An apprenticeship agreement must contain the names of the parties, an indication of the specific qualifications acquired by the apprentice, the employer's obligation to provide the employee with the opportunity to study in accordance with the apprenticeship agreement, the employee's obligation to undergo training and, according to the qualifications obtained, work under an employment contract with the employer within the period specified in the apprentice agreement, term of apprenticeship, amount of payment during apprenticeship.

An apprenticeship agreement may contain other conditions determined by agreement of the parties.

It is concluded for the period necessary to obtain this qualification, in writing in two copies.

As for the validity of an apprenticeship agreement, such an agreement is valid from the date specified in it, during the period specified by it. The validity of the student agreement is extended for the duration of the student's illness, the passage of military training and in other cases determined by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

During the term of the apprenticeship contract, its content can be changed only by agreement of the parties.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for various forms of apprenticeship. So, apprenticeship is organized in the form of individual, team, coursework and in other forms.

The apprenticeship time during the week should not exceed the working hours established for employees of the corresponding age, profession, specialty when performing the relevant work.

Employees undergoing training in the organization, by agreement with the employer, can be completely released from work under an employment contract or perform this work on a part-time basis.

During the period of the apprenticeship agreement, employees cannot be involved in overtime work, sent on business trips not related to apprenticeship.

Pupils during the period of apprenticeship are paid a scholarship, the amount of which is determined by the apprenticeship agreement and depends on the qualifications they receive, but cannot be lower than the minimum wage established by federal law.

The work performed by the student in practical classes is paid according to the established rates.

Note! Students are subject to labor laws, including labor protection laws. Consequently, the terms of the apprenticeship agreement that contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the collective agreement, agreements are invalid and do not apply.

Persons who have successfully completed the apprenticeship, when concluding an employment contract with the employer, under the contract with which they were trained, a probationary period is not established.

If the apprentice, after completing the apprenticeship, without good reason, does not fulfill his obligations under the contract, including does not start work, at the request of the employer, he returns to him the scholarship received during the apprenticeship, as well as reimburses other expenses incurred by the employer in connection with the apprenticeship of the employee.

An apprenticeship agreement terminates at the end of the period of study or on the grounds provided for by this agreement.

Additional professional education

In accordance with Federal Law N 273-FZ, additional professional education is aimed at meeting educational and professional needs, professional development of a person, ensuring that his qualifications are consistent with the changing conditions of professional activity and the social environment.

Additional professional education is obtained through the implementation of additional professional programs (advanced training programs and professional retraining programs).

The following are allowed to master additional professional programs:

- persons with secondary vocational and (or) higher education;

- persons receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education.

The content of additional professional programs should take into account professional standards, qualification requirements specified in qualification guides for relevant positions, professions and specialties, or qualification requirements for professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of official duties, which are established in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on public service. Professional retraining programs are developed on the basis of the stipulated qualification requirements, professional standards and the requirements of the corresponding federal state educational standards of secondary vocational and (or) higher education for the results of mastering educational programs.

Training in additional professional programs is carried out both at a time and continuously, and in stages (discretely), including through the development of individual subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), internship, the use of network forms, in the manner prescribed by the educational program and (or ) an agreement on education.

The development of additional professional educational programs ends with the final certification of students in the form determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently.

Additional professional education is an integral part and an independent type of continuing education.

Types of additional professional education programs. Additional professional education programs include advanced training and professional retraining programs.

The advanced training program is aimed at improving and (or) obtaining new competencies necessary for professional activity, and (or) improving the professional level within the existing qualifications.

The professional retraining program is aimed at obtaining the competence necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, acquiring a new qualification.

The content of the additional professional program (DPP) is determined by the educational program developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities, unless otherwise established by federal laws, taking into account the needs of the person, organization, on whose initiative additional professional education is obtained.

An additional professional educational program can be implemented in the forms prescribed by law, as well as fully or partially in the form of an internship.

The forms of training and the terms of mastering the DPP are determined by the educational program and (or) the contract on education.

The scope of the DPP development is established by the Procedure. Clause 12 of the Procedure provides for the minimum allowable amount of the development of the DPP. Thus, the period for mastering advanced training programs cannot be less than 16 hours, and the period for mastering professional retraining programs cannot be less than 250 hours.

Persons who have successfully mastered the relevant DPP and passed the final certification are issued a certificate of advanced training and (or) a diploma of professional retraining.

When mastering the DPP in parallel with obtaining secondary vocational education and (or) higher education, a certificate of advanced training and (or) a diploma of professional retraining are issued simultaneously with the receipt of the corresponding document on education and qualifications.

Internship. Separately, the legislation speaks of internship as a form of obtaining additional professional education. The content of the internship is determined by the organization, taking into account the proposals of the organizations that send specialists for the internship, the content of the DPP. The terms of the internship are set by the organization independently based on the training goals. The duration of the internship is agreed with the head of the organization where it is held.

An internship is individual or group in nature and may include activities such as:

- independent work with educational publications;

- acquisition of professional and organizational skills;

- study of the organization and technology of production, work;

- direct participation in planning the organization's work;

- work with technical, regulatory and other documentation;

- performance of functional duties of officials (as an interim or backup);

- participation in meetings, business meetings.

Based on the results of the internship, the student is issued a qualification document, depending on the DPP being implemented.

In addition to refresher courses, retraining and internships, educational organizations also offer other forms of training that do not belong to additional professional education programs, but are also aimed at improving the professional level of employees. The choice of the form of training depends on the goals and objectives pursued. In some cases, a seminar, conference, forum, etc. may be sufficient to obtain specific skills or clarify certain issues. Based on the results of these types of training, a training document may not be issued. To obtain deeper knowledge, it is required to turn to the forms of additional professional education.

The procedure for issuing an employee's referral for training

The issue of formalizing the direction of an employee for training is not directly regulated in the current legislation.

To send an employee for training, you need to choose an educational organization (as well as an appropriate program) and conclude an agreement with it. Payment issues are regulated by the contract.

In addition, it is necessary to regulate relations with the employee in order to send him to training. Thus, a referral to study can be formalized by concluding an apprenticeship agreement. As a rule, such an agreement formalizes the receipt by an employee of higher education or other expensive education. Usually, when sent to study, an apprenticeship contract is not concluded. In this case, the employer must issue an order or other administrative act, according to which one or more employees are sent for training. Upon completion of training, the employee submits a training document to the personnel department.

In accordance with Art. 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when the employer sends an employee to vocational training or to receive additional vocational education with a break from work, he retains his place of work (position) and the average salary at the main place of work. Employees sent for vocational training or for receiving additional vocational education with a break from work in another locality are paid travel expenses in the manner and amount that are provided for persons sent on business trips.

Educational organizations

Note that Federal Law N 273-FZ does not provide for state accreditation of educational activities for additional professional programs. In accordance with paragraph 8 of Art. 108 of Federal Law N 273-FZ from the date of its entry into force, certificates of state accreditation in terms of additional professional educational programs with state accreditation are recognized as invalid for all educational organizations. At the same time, educational activities are subject to compulsory licensing (Federal Law of 04.05.2011 N 99-FZ "On licensing certain types of activities", Article 91 of the Federal Law N 273-FZ).

Another important point is the qualifications of teachers.

Persons who meet the qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books and (or) professional standards (clause 1 of article 46 of Federal Law N 273-FZ) have the right to engage in teaching activities. Thus, persons who do not have academic degrees and titles can participate in the educational process of organizations of additional professional education. For the position of "teacher" by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 11.01.2011 N 1n "On approval of the Unified qualification reference book for managers, specialists and employees, the section" Qualification characteristics of positions of managers and specialists of higher professional and additional professional education "established the following qualification requirements: higher professional education and work experience in an educational institution for at least one year, in the presence of postgraduate professional education (postgraduate study, residency, postgraduate studies) or the degree of candidate of sciences - without any requirements for work experience. As a rule, the practitioner is interested in training provided by teachers who combine teaching and practical activities.

Often, educational programs provide for partial training using electronic and distance technologies. The use of e-learning and distance learning technologies in educational institutions of additional professional education is possible if they have created conditions that meet the requirements of Art. 16 Federal Law N 273-FZ.

E-learning is understood as the organization of educational activities using information contained in databases and used in the implementation of educational programs and information technologies, technical means, as well as information and telecommunication networks that ensure the transmission of this information through communication lines, interaction between students and teachers. ... E-learning does not require interaction between students and teachers.

Distance learning technologies are understood as educational technologies implemented mainly with the use of information and telecommunication networks with indirect (at a distance) interaction between students and teachers.

Thus, when choosing an educational organization, it is recommended to pay attention to the proposed programs, the form of training, the teaching staff, the document issued upon completion of the training, the conditions of training and, of course, the compliance of these parameters of the cost of training.

Summing up, we note the following important points:

- in accordance with the current legislation, the employee has the right to training and receiving additional professional education;

- the feasibility of obtaining additional professional education is determined by the employer;

- additional professional education can be obtained in different types and forms;

- the issue of documenting the direction of an employee for training is not directly regulated in the current legislation, therefore it is determined by the employer himself;

- it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of an educational organization and training program in order to avoid various kinds of problems.

Often, management is helped to make a final decision by applying for an employee, a sample of which can be seen in the figure below. It is a rather conventional document, so there is no clear example of its creation. There are certain rules to follow in order to write this type of document. However, a lot depends on the type of application and the purpose of its purpose. Considering that the petition, unlike such a document as a statement, is created for reasons and reasons that do not need to be settled at the legislative level, there is no special form for this document.

If the company needs to draw up an application for one of the employees, the document can be drawn up in free form. To do this, you just need to comply with all the rules of business correspondence and office work.

When might a petition be needed?

A petition from the head of an enterprise or department is a fairly common way to influence the final decision of a higher management or an official from any organization. It can be written for any case and in various organizations, both at the place of work and, for example, in the courts.

As an example, you can take a petition that is written in the name of the head of a kindergarten. Its purpose is mainly to obtain a place in kindergarten for an employee of a company or enterprise. Often a petition is drawn up by a lawyer in order to influence the final decision of a judge when choosing a punishment for a client.

A petition is a good option for getting a positive response to a request. A similar type of letter is drawn up by the head of an enterprise or department for a specific employee to receive a ticket to a sanatorium-resort institution. In addition, rewarding an employee is rarely complete without a preliminary application. A similar document on behalf of the immediate superiors can be drawn up to provide an employee of the organization with office or personal housing.

The application can also be written as a recommendation for the applicant's admission to a higher educational institution. Sometimes students also use such documents. We are talking mainly about officially employed correspondence students. A petition from your supervisor in such a situation may change the exam schedule.

Thus, an application for an employee is a rather important document that decides issues in which the employer's protection is necessary. In some situations, the petition becomes not the main, but an important additional argument for the authorized persons to make a decision in favor of the employee.

At its core, a petition is a formal request from a senior company employee. If a subordinate needs additional protection of his rights or special privileges to resolve a complex issue, such a document will be very useful. A petition can be a valuable asset in dealing with acute life problems.

You can draw up a document for any employee. His work experience, seniority at the enterprise and position should not play a role. Employees of the personnel department are engaged in the preparation of the application. After that, the paper must be certified by the head.

Rules for drawing up a petition for an employee

Given that this document is a kind of guarantee for a certain person, when writing it, you need to reflect its positive characteristics. It is about all the moral and business pluses of the employee.

The purposes of the application may be different, but in most cases, the paper must indicate the final purpose of the application, the person's work experience, his professional qualities and the level of contribution to the development of the enterprise.

The latter is especially important when a petition for an employee is drawn up due to the need for a promotion or increase in salary. If the letter refers to the provision of an apartment or subsidies, you must indicate the financial situation and living conditions of the family.

There are no specific rules for drawing up a petition for an employee in Russian legislation. There are various examples of drawing up such a document, but when writing a petition, you can use your own version, which will be drawn up depending on the specific situation. Not always a ready-made template is able to accurately reflect the whole essence of the request. For this reason, it is enough to follow only a few recommendations, and otherwise act according to the situation.

An employee of the personnel department must draw up an application for an employee. However, the document must be certified by the signature of the direct head of the enterprise or his deputy. To give weight to the paper, the application is certified by the director's seal.

In large companies, such requests are written on a special form, which indicates the correct business approach on the part of the enterprise. Such documents seem to be more weighty when the paper is sent to the judiciary or government agencies.

How to write a petition?

When drawing up an application, the document must indicate the legal address of the company, its contact details and, if necessary, bank details. In addition, the name and initials of the head of the institution to which the application is sent and the address must be indicated.

Under these data, you must write "Application", and then indicate the data of the employee, which will be discussed in the document.

The narrative part of the document should contain the maximum amount of information about a specific request. For example, if the application is being written to provide a free schedule for visiting an educational institution, you must indicate the reason for this need. As a rule, in such situations it is written that the employee's work schedule does not coincide with the university's schedule.

The task of the person who will draw up the petition is to formulate convincing arguments, while it is necessary to be able to highlight the maximum number of worthy qualities of a person. The characteristics of the employee in this case should be such that the person to whom the letter will be sent would have a desire to help. It is especially important to follow this rule when writing a petition to the court. In this situation, the presence of a large number of positive qualities in a person can help him avoid overly severe punishment. It is worth indicating what benefit was from the employee for the entire period of his labor activity. It should be noted the diligence of a person in the performance of official duties and its value for the enterprise.

When it comes to obtaining an apartment, the application must include information about the employee's living conditions and his family circumstances. It is worth mentioning each family member who is dependent, indicating the degree of relationship and age. In addition, it is necessary to talk about material problems, if any. The request must have a good reason for helping the person.

If drafting an application seems too difficult, you can contact a professional lawyer. For a fee, everything will be done in the best possible way.

The fate of a person may depend on how correctly the petition is written. At first glance, this document may not seem important enough, but sometimes it is he who is the point in making a certain decision.

On the vastness of the network, there are samples of applications for various life cases, but all the same, when drawing up this document, citizens have difficulties. Below we will talk about important issues regarding this document.

In addition to important information, in this article you will learn how to how to write a correct petition to the court and see the step-by-step instructions for checking the relevance of the application samples found on the Internet.

Application and its purpose

From a legal point of view, the concept of "petition" means a request that is addressed to public authorities or other structures empowered to consider and resolve it.

It is not only lawyers who, due to their professional activities, have to send a document to different instances: to the court, to the preliminary investigation bodies, etc., competently write a petition to the court. In some cases, citizens also cannot do without the skills of drawing up a petition, which may be needed at any time.

For example, a letter must be drawn up with the application to the Department of Education in order for your child to be allocated a place in a preschool institution - kindergarten. In order to reward a distinguished employee, you will also need the ability to correctly write a petition to the court. Or, on the contrary, when a penalty was imposed on the fined employee, which he eventually redeemed and now needs to be removed - in this case, a petition is also written.

If your petition is addressed to the court, then the form of the document has no relationship with the type of legal process. That is, it does not matter if the case is of a criminal nature or it is a civil dispute - the application must be drawn up in compliance with the norms of the relevant legal branch.

The options for drafting a document can be very different - their number is difficult to count. It can be:

  • Request to summon a witness.
  • Request for payment of state duty by installments.
  • A petition to amend the requirement or clarify it.
  • On the postponement of the court session.
  • Application for an interpreter.

There are many options, but how to write the correct petition to the court for your particular case should be based on a legally competently drawn up sample. If you are faced with an acute question of how to write a petition to the court, then it is better to use the help of trusted resources on the network of relevant topics, where you can download a sample that is most suitable for a particular case.

There are a number of elements that will remain unchanged regardless of the subject of the application:

  • Requisites.
  • The name of the judicial authority.
  • Applicant details.
  • Description of the subject of the application. Reasons for the request to be granted.
  • Justification of the application in accordance with legal and regulatory standards. This includes by-laws, references to relevant laws, and other legal sources.
  • The date when the petition was made.

Sample example of how to write a petition for an employee reward or incentive

In the course of the work process, different situations may arise when you need to encourage, reward or remove a penalty that was imposed on an employee earlier. You can start these pleasant procedures by making an application to the authorities above. Each enterprise has its own business customs - it will depend on them who exactly should draw up the document-request.

In most cases, this function falls on the shoulders of the personnel of the personnel department, but it happens that the task is shifted to the shoulders of the employees themselves, who will receive bonuses or other types of rewards.

In this case, no one can guarantee that the HR manager will provide a well-prepared sample of the application that is adequate for your situation.

For this reason, it is recommended to find and study a sample application in advance, which will allow you to avoid delays and endless corrections of the document in the future. To do this, you just need to ask the appropriate query in the search engines.

If the petition concerns an employee's reward, it must be addressed to the first head of the company. You can use a free form of presentation when drafting paper, but there are a number of points that must be taken into account:

  • Labor worker.
  • Description of his merits.
  • Personal characteristics of the employee.

In the resolution of the petition, it is necessary to summarize the conclusions from the above. In other words, the final essence of the document is to reward, recommend to a higher position, reward, and so on.

What is a letter of petition and how to write it

At its core, the letter of petition does not have any significant differences from the usual petition, since the details, style of drawing up, and the form remain absolutely identical.

There is only one difference - in the name. It is believed that the letter of petition received its name for the reason that in most cases it is sent to the addressee by means of postal services. Although this method can be delivered and a regular application.

It is this term - "letter of petition", nevertheless, in most cases, they call requests related to everyday issues, including:

  • Encouragement of an employee in the event that a citizen wishes it For example, such a request can be written by a patient of a medical institution in relation to an employee who has shown high professionalism in providing medical care.
  • Admission of a child to a school or preschool institution located outside the place of residence.
  • Issuance of funds by a credit institution. A number of banks in practice use the following option: they require the borrower to bring an application from the employer.

In this case, you do not really need a sample of drawing up a petition - it is allowed to present arguments in a free form. But do not forget about the official business style and that it is better not to use colloquial and literary expressions - after all, this is a petition.

Office standards should not be ignored either:

  • In the upper right corner of the sheet, you need to register the addressee of the letter.
  • You need to start your application with the following appeal, which is accepted by the customs of business turnover: "Dear Petr Venediktovich, I ask you ...".
  • Availability of complete contact and personal data of the author of the letter of application.
  • Concise and clear listing of reasons.
  • If necessary, you need to provide a link to the regulatory legal acts that confirm the arguments of the letter of application.

There are situations when the letter of application must be in a certain format (for example, a petition to the Department of Education). In this case, it is recommended to request a sample from the addressee. At the legislative level, there are no accepted templates, and for this reason, each institution has the right to establish its own norms and require that they be observed.

It should be noted that if a citizen makes some deviations from the form adopted by the institution, then this fact cannot be the basis for invalidating the letter of application.

Still, it is better to use a "self-proclaimed" sample in order to save nerves and time for arguments that no one needs.

How to choose the correct application format

If you are puzzled how to write a petition and are looking for a suitable sample, then it is not a fact that you will immediately come across a sample on the Internet that you can trust. To determine this, follow a series of steps that do not require much work:

  • Study the sample application and see if it contains references to normative sources (regulations, ordinances, laws).
  • If there are such links, then you need to find out the degree of their relevance. To do this, enter the name of the regulation in the search engine.
  • Study a specific legislative norm, which is spelled out in the sample. It may be that at the time of the search it changed.

In any case, you first need to figure out whether a particular sample or template is relevant at the time of the search. It is important to know that it is wiser to use multiple sources when searching for a sample application. This rule applies to any subject of the application and the addressee.

Applying from the workplace is a proven way to influence the opinion of officials of various institutions and organizations. They can be a kindergarten director or a federal judge. In the first case, this document can help a child get a voucher to a preschool institution, and in the second, it can play an important role in making a decision or sentence.

When will it come in handy yet?

It can be useful in a variety of life situations:

  • admission to a university or graduate school;
  • the need to change the schedule of the session;
  • employee incentives;
  • obtaining housing.

And there are many such situations. In each of them, the employer's patronage becomes an additional argument for making a positive decision.

We write a petition for an employee

The legislation does not clearly regulate the form of this document. But lawyers recommend following several important rules:

  • an application for an employee must be signed by the immediate head of the organization in which the person works;
  • the document must be certified with a seal;
  • he must describe as clearly as possible the essence of the request and the reasons why it needs to be satisfied;
  • you need to draw it up on letterhead, indicating the details.

In the application itself, it is advisable to describe the employee's career at the enterprise, talk about his positive qualities, business abilities and authority among employees.

When it comes to obtaining housing, it is necessary to separately note his marital status, family members who are dependent on him and the proposed solution to this problem.

But it is especially necessary to draw up this kind of document if it is addressed to the court and is one of the arguments when considering an administrative or criminal case.

In other words, the purpose of the document is to distinguish the employee from colleagues and maximize his positive qualities. Therefore, drawing up a competent application from the workplace requires a thoughtful and attentive approach.

Where can I find a sample document?

It is not very difficult to obtain an example of an application from a workplace.

You can find a general example of a job application on our website. But for a positive solution to the issue, it would be reasonable to contact a lawyer with practical experience in drafting such documents. Many people were helped by this, at first glance, not very significant document.

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06/26/2019 - Vera Markova

I need a sample application from my place of work for admission to budget education.

03/05/2019 - Denis Voldavin

At work, a blockage, you need to go to the session in absentia, what paper should you provide from work, so as not to go to the session, but only appear for exams?

01/31/2019 - Stepan Kirdyaev

The work book and the employment contract are drawn up by one company (labor exchange), and I work accordingly in another company. How do I draw up an application from the organization where I work to obtain a TRP?

10/15/2018 - Lidia Yakovaleva

How to correctly write a petition from the place of robots to provide me with a dorm room

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10/01/2018 - Elena Markova

Hello, can I find a sample for a petition from the place of work for the court that I need a car for work

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08/15/2018 - Alexey Ugrinov

Hello ich. how to correctly draw up a petition about our graduate to the university, the rector of UrFU, with a request for training on a budget. The fact is that 3-4 points were not enough for the budget. The girl's mother is sick with a severe form of oncology, and her father is gone. The girl is a capable and talented student. She was enrolled in paid education, but her mother does not have the opportunity to teach for a fee. Help me please. Best regards, Elena, teacher.

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08/02/2018 - Evgeniya Bobrova

Hello! How to write a competent petition for a former employee who was fired for absenteeism. To bring him back

07/22/2018 - Igor Nikulov

Good day! Tell me how to draw up a petition of a relative of the Russian Federation for a rvp and an obligation (consent) of the receiving party to provide the IG after registration of a rvp of dwelling for residence and registration at the place of residence.

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07/20/2018 - Margarita Romanova

write me a petition to the Ministry of Labor to receive subsidies to improve housing conditions for a disabled person Anatolyevich

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06/30/2018 - Bogdan Nedokukin

How to correctly write an application from work so that my child and I would be provided with a hostel

06/26/2018 - Daniil Bayborodov

Good day! ! Do I need to write "Petition" or ??? an appeal document about our student, ... that we guarantee after training to take him to work in our own school (as a computer science teacher)

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05/29/2018 - Gennady Chilimov

The application from the place of work clearly states: with the provision of a place of work! But the job was denied because another employee was found! What is the legal force of the text of such a petition?

04/20/2018 - Vladislav Ukolov

Hello! I need your help, I need to draw up an application for a service apartment. The most competently does not work.

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04/19/2018 - Bogdan Polevsky

Hello, I have such a question, tell me how to correctly and concisely write a report to the authorities on how customers address the issue

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04/11/2018 - Fedor Gomzin

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02/20/2018 - Vyacheslav Kulesh

Hello, I am studying to be a lawyer and I would like to ask you a couple of questions. I myself will be from Kyrgyzstan.

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01/12/2018 - Julia Alekseeva

she completed an internship as a neonatologist in a maternity hospital, we need to write her a petition to the university so that after residency they would be given referrals to the maternity hospital.

12/23/2017 - Ksenia Danilova

I study at the Orenburg Agrarian College, I want to pass industrial practice in a production and commercial company mir

The answer to the question was given by phone.

12/17/2017 - Kristina Baranova

i need a sample application for a fast-track teacher. remotely with the issuance of a diploma

The answer to the question was given by phone.

11/09/2017 - Antonina Belova

Good evening! An application for a residence permit must be submitted to the employee. The employee is a valuable person, but not a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, but we would like to keep him in his company. help to draw up a petition to the regional executive committee correctly. : 11:00 - 13:00

The answer to the question was given by phone.

10.26.2017 - Alexandra Makarova

Good evening. Do you handle housing matters? My brother was registered by distant relatives in a barrack-type apartment more than 15 years ago (they moved to a new house they built. They registered him in this apartment and their minor (at that time) daughter remained registered

10/04/2017 - Vitaly Tverdun

Hello! It is necessary to write a petition from the head with the recommendation and confirmation of me in the position of a manager in this organization and confirmation and recommendation from the same head in the previous organization, also in the position of the head of the department, but only from the words, since this position is not displayed in the labor position, and I need to apply for advanced training in an educational institution and justify why it is important for my advanced training and training on this advanced training program on this training course for advanced training? Source: http: //www.site/page/articles_/Hodatajstvo-s-mesta-raboty/

09/02/2017 - Mikhail Shirmanov

I have a residence permit in Belarus on February 14, I was caught drunk on the street, a case on the purity of my stay in Belarus is now being considered, what should I do, what documents to collect so that I am left in Belarus

08/28/2017 - Valeria Sergeeva

Hello! Me and my family since 3.5. a child can be evicted from the hostel after the expiration of the contract, we are all registered ???

08/23/2017 - Artem Devichev

how can I make a request I have such a situation I am a teacher I go to work 1 September and my child will be 3 years old only on September 23 and in turn we will be considered the last in the kindergarten we need to write an appeal to the Ministry of Education on behalf of the school principal work on production need

The answer to the question was given by phone.

08/19/2017 - Grigory Kazak

Hello, I need a sample application for the issuance of a quota for a RVP from a robot provider

08/13/2017 - Alla Andreeva

Hello Olga.

08.08.2017 - Konstantin Galakhov

help to write an application from the place of work to provide him with work after the operation

The answer to the question was given by phone.

08/02/2017 - Evgeny Polikanov

we need a petition for a specialist to return the category. M teachers. we don't know how to start and in general

The answer to the question was given by phone.

07/25/2017 - Grigory Marfenkin

Hello. My wife needs to draw up an application for an interest-free housing extension subsidy. Do you have a sample of such a petition?

07/17/2017 - Evgeniya Petrova

Topic of my question: Labor disputes (Protection of workers' rights) Today at 18:00 - 19:00

07/11/2017 - Zoya Dorofeeva

good afternoon, I have to write to the trainees a petition that we have had an internship, will it be a petition or a characteristic?

The answer to the question was given by phone.

07/08/2017 - Oleg Filimoshin

I work as a doctor in a maternity hospital. I have 4 children. 3 foster children left without care and one child adopted in childhood. Now the girl, under a special quota, as being left without parental care, enters a medical university. Can the administration of my job write a petition asking for help in admission to a university? If so, does that make sense?

07/05/2017 - Anna Osipova

Good day. Please tell me how to draw up a petition from an employer to obtain a TRP quota for a foreign employee

06/30/2017 - Polina Romanova

Where can I get a sample application for a quota for a temporary residence permit (RVP)?

The answer to the question was given by phone.

06.16.2017 - Vladislav Timachev

Good afternoon, I am interested in how to correctly draw up an application from the head of the kindergarten for an employee to provide office or other housing for social employment

The answer to the question was given by phone.

06/13/2017 - Elizaveta Borisova

how to correctly draw up a petition from a manager for an employee to the court on a case

06/09/2017 - Gennady Drachusov

What is the correct way to draw up a letter to the employer requesting the exclusion of housing from the service housing stock for your employee?

06/09/2017 - Sergey Koritsky

i wanted to download the application from the place of work

The answer to the question was given by phone.

06/07/2017 - Leonid Gromov

How to write an application from the place of work to obtain a quota for a TRP?

The answer to the question was given by phone.

06/02/2017 - Alena Alekseeva

application certificate how to fill out the image you have

The answer to the question was given by phone.

05/29/2017 - Vasily Shafirov

do you need a sample application form from the employer for your migrant worker to obtain a temporary residence permit, married to a citizen of the Russian Federation?

05/29/2017 - Victoria Veselova

Hello, I need an application from my place of work to a university, I am finishing my master's degree. Question: Is the application handwritten? if there is a sample, please send me an e-mail: 11:00 - 13:00

The answer to the question was given by phone.

05/26/2017 - Stanislav Pikov


05.24.2017 - Maria Bobrova

Hello. How to correctly draw up a petition from the workplace to the court? Thank you.

05/20/2017 - Stepan Chvanov

Hello, I need an application to the school for the child to enter the first grade (since we do not belong to them by registration), but my first child goes to this school and I myself work next to the school in a kindergarten. The manager said to print the form, and she would sign. Can you help find the right application? : 9:00 am - 11:00 am

05/19/2017 - Olga Polyakova

The answer to the question was given by phone.

05/19/2017 - Anatoly Rzhaedinov

Good day! How to correctly write a petition for a person who is in a settlement colony, that the director of the enterprise guarantees employment? Thank you!

05/02/2017 - Ksenia Ryabova

hello, I wanted to write a petition from the place of work that I need a kindergarten for a child, how to write it correctly, Thanks in advance

04/25/2017 - Larisa Petrova

nobody called me yesterday. This is help !!!

The answer to the question was given by phone.

04.24.2017 - Alexander Gorlantsev

how to correctly write an application for the provision of rental housing on behalf of the head of the organization addressed to the mayor of the city: 9:00 - 11:00

04/23/2017 - Grigory Bashirov

hello, how to write a request or petition from the place of work to the university in order to pass the session ahead of schedule

04/15/2017 - Egor Kovtunov

how to call you

04/06/2017 - Nadezhda Melnikova

Hello! Please help me draw up a loan application from the management

04/04/2017 - Kristina Mironova

Hello! How to write a petition from a military unit to a place of study, for a session

The answer to the question was given by phone.

04/03/2017 - Dmitry Svistun

hello i need a job application

The answer to the question was given by phone.

03/29/2017 - Bogdan Kushnirenko

Good day. How to write a petition from an enterprise for the allocation of a quota for a TRP.

The answer to the question was given by phone.

03/28/2017 - Elizaveta Belousova

Hello, they want to deprive our employee of driving license for drunk driving, you need to write a petition from the place of work that he works as a driver, and the production is very necessary! Is there a sample of such a petition?

The answer to the question was given by phone.

03/15/2017 - Lidia Egorova

I work in a kindergarten as a laundry driver. I asked the management for an application for a room in a hostel. Refused because I am the service staff. Is a laundress employee not entitled to a petition?

The answer to the question was given by phone.

03/14/2017 - Fedor Koporushkin

Hello, tell me how to properly fill out an application from an individual enterprise for a place in a hostel

03/04/2017 - Valentin Mokhovikov

Hello! Tell me please, I have home chemistry (2.5 years) 415st. instituted in September of this year, the violations will be removed, I work and do not violate the regime, can I take characteristics at work and make weekends - go out into the street from 9: 00-21: 00?

03/04/2017 - Evgeniya Blinova

My house burned down. I have temporary housing with two children

The answer to the question was given by phone.

03.03.2017 - Natalia Sidorova

hello! you can show me a sample for studying from the general obedience "Aikol Ala-Too": 9:00 - 11:00

03/02/2017 - Alexey Klimshin

Hello, please tell me how to write a petition for the organization (university) to pay the contract for postgraduate studies (to another university) by the end of this year. : 9:00 am - 11:00 am

The answer to the question was given by phone.

02/20/2017 - Valeria Petukhova

you need to write a petition

The answer to the question was given by phone.

02/13/2017 - Galina Kudryavtseva

i need to write a request for additional funding to strengthen the MTB College: 19:00 - 21:00

The answer to the question was given by phone.

02/08/2017 - Lidia Semenova

you can call now

02/08/2017 - Artem Cheglov

please help the person got into a difficult life situation a young woman having been married for 12 years was constantly humiliated and insulted by her mother-in-law after the birth of her second child (the pregnancy was very difficult, too, keserevo had numerous anesthesia) as a result of postpartum depression for this reason mother-in-law with her son a poor woman who needed help and attention was taken to a psychiatric hospital; her children were taken away from her house; instead of helping her, a year has passed; my mother has gone on the mend, but she is not allowed to see her children and this is a breath of life for her, help to draw up a petition in defense of our employee she very good kind, hardworking responsive and caring mother advise how to help a person in this situation grateful in advance

The answer to the question was given by phone.

02/07/2017 - Ksenia Zaitseva

Please tell me how to correctly write a petition from the place of work for production needs in order to transfer the WRC protection at the university?

02/06/2017 - Dmitry Senofonov

How to write an application from your place of work to the university? To increase scholarships

02/05/2017 - Raisa Belousova

Applying for housing that I am the right employee to the boss

01/31/2017 - Raisa Pavlova

how to correctly write a request from the receiving party for the allocation of a quota in the Rostov region

01/30/2017 - Andrey Pivovarchik

What is the correct way to draw up an application for hiring a psychologist?

01.24.2017 - Kristina Kulikova

I need a petition for research to write a dissertation, I study at the university to be admitted to the scientific center, head doctor Time when to call back: 11:00 - 13:00

The answer to the question was given by phone.

01/18/2017 - Oksana Anisimova

Hello, I need to write an application (petition) on behalf of my boss to another organization where there is an educational institution so that I can enter the budget

01/17/2017 - Ilya Tour

Hello, I need an application to the school for the child to enter the first grade (since we do not belong to them by registration), but my first child goes to this school and I myself work next to the school in a kindergarten. The manager said to print the form, and she would sign. Can you help find the right application?

The answer to the question was given by phone.

01.16.2017 - Konstantin Litvinov

The answer to the question was given by phone.

01/16/2017 - Pavel Abakumkin

How to write an employer's petition to the teacher of the cvek for an employee?

01/15/2017 - Elizaveta Sukhanova

Hello! To get a quota for studying in a Russian university, do you need to write to Rossotrudnichestvo a letter of recommendation or an application from the principal's school?

The answer to the question was given by phone.

16.12.2016 - Valery Povarihin

How to correctly write a petition from work for the court so that they do not deceive or shorten the term for deprivation of rights?

The answer to the question was given by phone.

12/14/2016 - Inna Frolova

How to write a petition from the place of work to the court so that the employee is not jailed?

12/01/2016 - Ivan Khorunzhiy

Hello! Help with a petition in a criminal case on not imprisonment under Article 228 from an enterprise (excellent characteristic), from clients at work (orphanages, schools, a night stay, a psycho-neurological boarding school, children's and adult rehabilitation centers, a nursing home, etc.) I was involved in charity work in these enterprises - collecting wearable things, books, household and office equipment, organizing performances by musical groups. I work as a chief mechanic for the repair and maintenance of equipment for transporting children (in short, buses for these enterprises. Thank you in advance. Igor.

The answer to the question was given by phone.

11/21/2016 - Egor Simonchik

How to correctly write a petition to the court from the place of work to reduce the term of arrest in a criminal case?

The answer to the question was given by phone.

11/14/2016 - Oleg Lesnykh

Hello! Please tell me how long you need to work in order to submit an application to the administration for service housing?

11.11.2016 - Raisa Romanova

how to write a certificate or a petition for a teacher who was elected in the list of candidates for deputies in rural areas to pass certification

11/05/2016 - Elizaveta Vorobyova

How to properly file an application to the institute to transfer the session?

11/04/2016 - Gennady Tishkov

Hello, I need a petition to the construction company "STROYAVTO" that I was hired, and so was sent from college as an intern.

The answer to the question was given by phone.

02.11.2016 - Daria Timofeeva

hello, how to draw up an application from the place of work and samples

The answer to the question was given by phone.

11/01/2016 - Inna Zhuravleva

Good day! how to draw up an application for an employee who is currently a citizen of Ukraine? The document must state that we will officially hire him from the moment he receives Russian citizenship

The answer to the question was given by phone.

10.21.2016 - Tamara Kazakova

good morning! Please tell me how to correctly draw up an application from the place of work to transfer a child from one kindergarten (which is far from home) to another, which is located near the house? I work in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Vologda Region, it is necessary to go to work from the decree,

The answer to the question was given by phone.

10/14/2016 - Tamara Gromova

What is the correct way to write requests for inviting a specialist from another organization to conduct interviews with students?

The answer to the question was given by phone.

10/12/2016 - Zhanna Borisova

how to write an application from the place of work? what should be indicated there?

10.10.2016 - Vyacheslav Tapeshkin

The answer to the question was given by phone.

10.10.2016 - Viktor Kondrashin

Hello! I need a petition to a construction company, I work at KSUSTA named after Nassriddin Isanov as a senior teacher of economic disciplines. My name is Kadyrkulov Kanat Muradinovich.

The answer to the question was given by phone.

10/06/2016 - Vladislav Gogotov

is there a petition to the court from the place of work on the issue of preserving the w / u in connection with production needs?

10/05/2016 - Alla Ilyina

Hello. I. My employee came to work and ended up in the hospital. Household trauma. He has small children. We need to help him with a petition to pay for the travel, sick leave until complete recovery.

09/13/2016 - Lidia Maksimova

i have a court today regarding the deprivation of rights, how can I write a petition to the court from the place of work

The answer to the question was given by phone.

09.09.2016 - Vladislav Nesgovorov

My case has been sent to court, I am accused as a "repeat", I want to submit a petition from my place of work to the court in order to mitigate the punishment. How to register it?

The answer to the question was given by phone.

09/07/2016 - Anton Konyushy

is it still possible to apply from the place of work to the correspondence department of the pedagogical university?

The answer to the question was given by phone.

08/30/2016 - Valeria Grigorieva

The answer to the question was given by phone.

08/30/2016 - Daria Antonova

Good day. My name is. I am interested in what will be the court's decision on the primary violation of traffic rules 12.15.4, is it possible to avoid deprivation of driving license?

08.24.2016 - Diana Zaitseva

Hello, please tell me how to properly fill out an application from the place of work for the admission of a child to a kindergarten

08/12/2016 - Anton Kuzichikin

an example of a petition from an enterprise to the administration for a specialist for the provision of housing

The answer to the question was given by phone.

  • Agreement with an educational institution.
  • The order of the head on the direction of the employee to study.
  • An educational program, in which the number of teaching hours is prescribed.
  • Act on the provision of educational services.
  • A copy of the document confirming the completion of training (for example, a certificate).

IMPORTANT! If the training of an employee does not promise the company economic profit, it is carried out in the interests of the employee himself, then the associated costs are not taken into account when calculating income tax. That is, it will not be possible to reduce the taxable base. To reduce the tax base, it is important to prove two things: the economic benefit of the company from employee training and the relationship between educational services and the company's activities.

Employee's statement with a request to the employer to pay for his training

The guarantees provided to the student employee are listed in Articles 173-176, 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Payment for additional leave provided during training.
  • Compensation for travel expenses related to travel to an educational institution.
  • The employee is left with his average salary.

Each operation related to registration and payment of education must be confirmed by primary documentation (part 1 of article 9 of the Federal Law No. 402). It is also necessary to confirm the fact that the educational service was received. For this, an act is suitable, on which the employer and the representative of the educational institution sign.

The main requirement for the supporting document is the presence of all the details. The confirmation of the provision of the service are documents on education. For example, a diploma. Rules and peculiarities of working off for training Payment for training is a kind of investment of the employer.

FULL NAME. head, name of employer) address: from (position, full name of employee) address:, phone:, fax:, e-mail: APPLICATION<1 об оплате обучения Я, обучаюсь на (Ф.И.О. работника, должность) курсе (или намереваюсь обучаться в) (наименование образовательного учреждения высшего, имеющего свидетельство о государственной профессионального образования) аккредитации N , выданное » » г. , по заочной (или очно-заочной (наименование органа, выдавшего свидетельство) (вечерней) форме обучения по специальности, непосредственносвязаннойсмоейработой. Размер платы за обучение составляет () рублей в семестр (год/месяц). В связи с прошу оплатить мое обучение в период с » » г.

by "" in the amount of () rubles in the following order:. »» (Signature)<1 Согласно ст.

Employer-funded training

On this page:

  • Employee training at the employer's expense under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
  • Types of employer's training expenses
  • Rules and features of training for training
  • Accounting for training costs

Business is, first of all, people, so the leaders of prestigious companies care about the continuous improvement of the qualifications of their employees. Employer-sponsored training is a fairly common occurrence, as investing in employee education is a profitable investment. Training of an employee at the expense of the employer according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Article 196 of the Labor Code states that the decision on payment for professional training of an employee is made by the employer.
The leader also has the right to independently determine the conditions and order of study. All adopted rules must be recorded in the collective agreement and other internal acts. In most cases, employee training is a right, but not an obligation of the employer.


To protect their interests, the manager must correctly draw up an agreement with the employee. Legal registration of working off The manager cannot oblige the employee to work off his expenses on the basis of only one order to send the employee to training. To do this, you will need to indicate the condition of working out in one of the following documents:

  • Employment contract.
  • Additional agreement.
  • Apprenticeship agreement.

The document must contain the following information:

  • Specialty or direction of study.
  • Terms and cost of educational services.
  • Obligation to work or reimburse the employer's expenses.

The term of work is determined on an individual basis.

It can be as long as several months and several years. It all depends on the agreements between the manager and the employee.

How to organize employee training at the employer's expense


Forms and samples of documents / Application / Document belongs to the "Application" group. We recommend that you save the link to this page in your social profile or download the file in a format convenient for you. Download a sample document "Application of an employee with a request to the employer to pay for his training" in DOC /.DOCX / .PDF / .RTF (position, full name.

head, name of employer) address: from (position, full name of employee) address:, phone:, fax:, e-mail: APPLICATION1 for tuition fees I am studying for (full name of employee, position ) course (or intend to study at) (name of the educational institution of higher education, which has a certificate of state professional education) accreditation N, issued by ""

We train an employee with a working condition

However, there are exceptions specified in part 4 of Article 196 of the Labor Code. The employer must organize vocational training for certain categories of employees:

  • Medical staff (Article 79 of the Federal Law No. 323).
  • Civil workers (Articles 48 and 62 of the Federal Law No. 72).
  • Notaries and their assistants (Article 30 of the Fundamentals of the Law "On Notaries").
  • Auditors (Article 11 of the Federal Law No. 307).

The employer is obliged to organize training even if this is considered a condition for the continuation of the employee's activities. Types of employer's expenses for training The conditions under which the payment for training is made are recorded in the following documents:

  • Collective agreement.
  • Supplementary agreement to the employment contract.
  • Separate training agreement.

The obligation to record the learning conditions is spelled out in Articles 196 and 199 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to write an application for study leave

That is, the manager expects to receive bonuses from this operation in the future. This is not at all a manifestation of employer's altruism. However, it is easy to imagine a situation in which a manager invests, but receives nothing because of an ungrateful employee. An employee, after completing training, may well quit and get a job in another company with professional luggage updated at someone else's expense.

How to prevent this? The employer can specify in the contract the obligation to work for training. That is, an employee who has improved his qualifications at the expense of the company cannot just leave. He undertakes to work for a certain period. The possibility of setting such a condition is stipulated in Articles 197 and 199 of the Labor Code.

If an employee refuses compulsory work, he is obliged to reimburse the employer's expenses for payment of educational services. This rule is spelled out in Articles 207 and 249 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Subject of the document: Application Text version file: 3.3 kb Save document: (position, full name of the head, name of the employer) address: from (position, full name of the employee) address:, phone:, fax :, e-mail: APPLICATION<1 об оплате обучения Я, обучаюсь на (Ф.И.О. работника, должность) курсе (или намереваюсь обучаться в) (наименование образовательного учреждения высшего, имеющего свидетельство о государственной профессионального образования) аккредитации N , выданное » » г. , по заочной (или очно-заочной (наименование органа, выдавшего свидетельство) (вечерней) форме обучения по специальности, непосредственносвязаннойсмоейработой. Размер платы за обучение составляет () рублей в семестр (год/месяц). В связи с прошу оплатить мое обучение в период с » » г. по » » г. в размере () рублей в следующем порядке: . » » г.

Sample application for training at the expense of the employer

  • Staff reduction.
  • The employee received a medical certificate stating that he cannot continue to work in his previous position, but the employer cannot provide a suitable position.
  • The conscription of an employee for military service.

A disrespectful reason in this context is the unauthorized initiative of the employee or his guilty actions. Accounting for training expenses Training expenses are accepted for tax accounting on the basis of Article 264 of the Tax Code. However, their accounting is carried out only if certain conditions are met (Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated March 23, 2009):

  • The educational service is paid for in the interests of the company; such expenses are economically feasible.
  • An employee is trained in a company with all the necessary licenses.
  • The employee works on the basis of an employment contract.

It is important for accounting to confirm all training costs.


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