Cold and warm market in MLM. "Cold" sales - what is it? Method and technology of "cold" sales. After meeting oriflame, the cold market becomes warmer

As I promised in the podcast literally 2 days ago, I am sharing with you our successes in the cold market in video format.

This video is also a kind of debut of my husband Dmitry on camera and on this blog. The fact is that he is gradually turning into a real master of cold contacts!

When we just started this experiment, I’ll be honest, we didn’t expect such results; rather, we set ourselves up for long and scrupulous work. After all, in order for there to be at least some result on cold contacts, you need to make a lot of effort, have real patience and endurance. But in practice everything turned out to be much easier. It’s even easier than dragging a friend or acquaintance out of the swamp for several months.

I’m not saying, of course, that now you need to abandon all your old partners and focus only on cold contacts. It’s just that for us personally, this experience turned out to be simply invaluable, and now in our team there is no question of “where to get people.”

Let me give you some statistics:

Out of a hundred people, about 20 people left their contacts. That is, here we have covered the statistics. Of these, about 5 people came to the presentation. Of these, registration and a minimum purchase of 1,500 rubles were first completed. And subsequently, a purchase was also made for 5,800 rubles with the goal of purchasing products for approximately the same amount in the second month in order to once and for all reach the wholesale price of the goods with a 43% discount.

With all this, out of these 20 contacts, we are gradually establishing warm, trusting relationships with many of them. We communicate with people based on their interests, and not just to sell them something. Accordingly, from these 20 contacts there will be at least 2 more sales, because people feel that we really want to help them.

As you can see, not so many contacts have been collected. We didn’t work hard at it and we didn’t engage in attracting people in a cold market from morning to night. The work was carried out in a mode that was comfortable for us, without compromising the time that we also devoted to our existing partners and newcomers.

But the result, I think, is quite satisfactory, and most importantly - duplicatable! After all, 2 partners have already started working with us using this method, each of whom already has their own results! What also makes me incredibly happy is that these people not only acquired new contacts, but also began to feel much more confident. Cold contacts are also an incredible training in gaining confidence, establishing a voice, and developing leadership qualities.

In general, for ourselves personally, we made an unambiguous conclusion - not only to continue to work in the cold market, but also to actively train our partners, even beginners, in this!

I also suggest you watch our video, in which Dmitry shares his thoughts and impressions, as well as some secrets for working in the cold market.

Yes! I’ve been in the network business for almost 8 years, but now I’ve started seriously. And I want to display all this so that I can easily repeat it later.

I have been doing network business for more than 6 years. I started when books were just appearing and they were all like textbooks for us. But networkers are very educated people, they buy everything in order to find valuable grain, and a lot of authors rushed to the book market. At different times I followed different authors, there were successes and difficult moments. They pull somewhat in different directions, but I, as a person seriously involved in this business, have long realized that this business is surprisingly ethical, natural and should be easy to explain. There are elements of simplicity in many books, but there is no integrity or anything else. And my circumstances were such that I didn’t work for almost 2 years, and before that I worked seriously. All my knowledge is no longer at the “know” level, but has become ingrained in me. And now I’m starting everything over again with this business. And I want to track and correct every step. Until the moment when it is natural and simple. That’s why I decided to write everything down, like keeping a diary step by step, so that my actions could duplicate everything in my structure.

So, having arrived, I found my structure in a deplorable state - this is not because everything has halved - the total sales volume, the number of my structure, and most importantly, everything has frozen and turned into a swamp, real, without movement. I expressed gratitude to everyone for the fact that my structure did not die (and in general, I love it like another child), that I received rewards during my long absence, and in general for the fact that I love them. This was expressed in tea parties and meetings. Then I realized that I would not find a fresh stream from my structure - it would have leaked out long ago, that it was necessary to create a new structure - my old ones, if they want, will catch up, and they will have an example. If they call me for help, of course I will come. And so - throw everything out of my head and get involved in work, as if I signed myself into the structure and am teaching myself and correcting all the mistakes along the way. But you should always write it down - then everything is simpler, more concise, and you can correct and direct it for the future.

The first thing is I have - this warm list has completely dried up - I’ve been in these parts not so long ago and all my friends are through Argo, or there are still some who said: “I don’t like your company, because before we went everywhere together, but now you “Everything is about classes, travel.” Therefore, you need to make cold contact, that is, with strangers.

N and at the moment there are possibilities: an invitation through a newspaper and other media, submit and pay for advertisements at bus stops, on buses... (here the public reads, but never writes down the contact number), post advertisements at entrances and poles with a detachable telephone number, do surveys population and, as a result, offer either work or earnings, send a table and, through personal contacts, offer a product, and, in the future, become a distributor. There are more, but so far they haven’t come to mind.

I'm posting an ad “I invite you to the best Russian network company» in the local newspaper - once a week, so that there is a maximum discount - for a long time. I pay 900 rubles. There were 3-4 calls a week. This was just according to my workload at the time. Then I decided for myself, I WILL LEARN from my own mistakes. And they immediately appeared: “Tell me, what is this? How much pay? What professions? Do you need cleaners? I answer (this is the first mistake) that I will explain everything when we meet: “Oh, you are hiding something, no, will you still explain to me what you are doing there?” And I begin to truthfully explain to them -

(this is a very big mistake on my part). After that, they busily replied that everything was clear to them now and disappeared. . I realized that I don’t have to answer them at all now. . A I ask them questions over the phone in a very conservative tone:

I invite you to a network business. What do you know about it?

—Are you working at the moment? How long? What specialty?

— Are you satisfied with your salary?

— Did you have your own business?

Then I propose to meet and discuss whether we can be useful to each other.

Meeting. It’s difficult to find a place to meet - they’re afraid to go home, in a cafe during a crisis it’s ambitious, you have to treat them, it doesn’t turn out very nice, it seems like I agree to everything, just come. And in our city there are 6 points where you can buy products, 3 very large leaders, but half are busy with direct sales. There are expensive rents and nowhere to meet. I made an agreement, thanks to them, with a parallel structure - they have a table, that I will bring them there, if things work out for me, I will pay extra for it.

Not everyone made it to the meeting, others suddenly realized that this was “what, for example, his neighbor was unsuccessfully doing,” and they left anyway—sometimes with a noise that they had gotten to the wrong place. One listened to everything, answered in a businesslike manner, and then suddenly - excuse me - he ran away. But there are those who agreed, however, I feel that some are just joining because it is inconvenient to refuse, especially since it is not at all inexpensive. During the meetings, I realized that it was necessary to write a simple but succinct text and be sure to learn it by heart, without hesitation.

At the meeting : “Hello, my name is Yulia. I'm a consultant consumer society Argo company. This Russian company on the market for 13 years, its origins are from Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, and I have been in the company for 8 years. In this company I am creating my own self-developing business, which I am currently expanding. This business allows me to earn money and have an interesting, rich life. I want to tell you about the opportunities that the company offers, tell you what you need to do, how much you get for it, what product to work with, and about your prospects. Are you interested in this? Then I will ask you a few questions, answer yours, and we will decide whether we can be useful to each other.

What do you need to do to get money? Two things. The first is to redirect your regular purchases to one place (i.e. to one store). And for this you will receive refundable discounts. The second is to communicate. Communicate with friends, relatives, acquaintances. They are encouraged to do the same actions: redirect their purchases (which they regularly make) to the Argo consumer society and communicate, inviting friends to do the same. And then receive a percentage of the turnover made by you, your friends and friends of your friends

This business is the most honest type of income that exists in modern world, because real, long-term success here can be achieved if one important condition is met - only if you help your friends, acquaintances and relatives achieve their success in this business. Success here can only be achieved by helping, and not by profiting at the expense of others! “How does this all work?” To achieve this, the company has a clear marketing plan. What does it mean to build “your own business?” For example, your friend accepts an offer to make money and develop own business within the software and enters the consumer community and begins to use the products. By doing this, he brings income to the company. And the company pays interest from this income to him and you for the fact that it was you who brought him into the company. What if you invite not just one, but ten, twenty? It is clear that the company’s income from the purchases of these lugs will be more than that of one person, and your check will increase. And if some of your invitees realized that he, too, can earn money and will invite his friends and acquaintances. That is, your organization has begun to develop and you

How to do it right Cold Contacts in Network Marketing?

It is a continuation of the section:

“How to create your own Team in MLM? Where to start and how to move towards success?

If you came across this article for the first time, I recommend that you read the first and second articles:

Cold Contacts in Network Marketing

I remember my first experience of going to Cold Contacts.

It was “unforgettable” :)

We underwent two-day training with Oleg and Svetlana Zavarukhins at the “School of Enhancement of Skills”. On the second day of training, we were “sent out to the cold rooms” on social media. surveys.

In 30 minutes we had to collect 18 contacts...

I then understood the phrase “Thrown under a tank”! It felt like we were being driven over by a roller skating rink!

Moreover, there was a rule - without collected contacts, we were not allowed to continue our studies!

We went to the pedestrian underpass. There are a lot of people, everyone is practically running, everyone has no time, we are afraid, we are tongue-tied, our hands and legs are shaking. It was very scary and awkward, but I still collected 6 contacts.

My next experience was conducting a “candy lottery”. I almost cried when they refused me, but I understood that if I didn’t do it, I would never dare to “ Cold Contacts».

After each negative experience, I analyzed myself and my actions. Then I did “work on mistakes” and again analyzed every step, every word, every behavior and brought it to ideal!

Now I don’t have such negative emotions; I accept any refusal with a smile and very calmly.

Thanks to “Cold Contacts”, such wonderful consultants and Leaders came into my structure, who have now become family and friends for me!

And so, let's figure out what the secret of success in cold contacts is.

I don’t know a single person who, making his first cold contacts in network marketing, would not have faced fears, false shame and refusals.

Everyone experiences such feelings at the very beginning of this activity, and many still cannot get used to “cold contacts”.

This habit of not talking to “strangers” has remained with most people - from their upbringing, from childhood.

For the generation born after 2000, this is much easier - morals are different, more liberated, perceptions and attitudes are different.

Therefore, I propose to take this into account and build your actions from this position!

Rules for preparing for " Cold contacts in MLM»:

1) The most important thing is to remove false fear and shame in front of people!

2) Develop the skill and habit of speaking at any right time, with any of the people you meet!

3) Always have with you: leaflets, catalogs (mini), business cards, booklets - anything that can represent you and your MLM Company!

4) Always be well-groomed, in your favorite clothes and in a good mood when going to “Cold Contacts”!

5) Always have one goal - the invitation (don’t scatter yourself, don’t try to grab everything at once).

6) Use several types of “Cold Contacts”: leaflets; social surveys; lotteries; “work within 3 meters”; “stand work” and much more (don’t focus on just one)!

7) Always complete what is planned, never postpone or refuse!

8) Do “Cold Contacts” at least 2 – 4 hours a week. Make it a habit!

9) Take your consultants with you to TSD (joint action training) and show them how you do it, help them and support them.

10) Make “Cold Contacts” regularly!

The success of working on “Cold Contacts” in MLM depends on only TWO indicators:

  1. Who gives out the leaflet and how.
  2. Contents of the leaflet itself.

The first and most important thing is “Who gives out the leaflet and how”:

Let's forget about the Network for a second... Let's consider the work of traditional companies on “Cold Contacts” and focus on our feelings in the role of invitees.

You walk down the street - they offer you: a leaflet, a newspaper, social media. Survey.
Do you remember?!

In our lives, we often come across promoters - let's look at them from the outside...

When do you pick up a leaflet? Which person? Confident and smiling, or sad, with shaking hands?

Who makes you want to take a leaflet? What does he look like? What does he say? How is he behaving?

Typically, these activities hire promoters who are only interested in distributing these flyers. They don’t care at all whether people come based on these leaflets or not!

They distributed it, received the money and forgot about it.
How often do many MLM consultants do exactly the same thing!

And you?! How do you do this (look at yourself from the outside)?! Are you like these promoters or not?

If “Yes,” then think about what needs to be changed in yourself so that people from “Cold Contacts” want to come up to you and find out “What is so interesting they are giving away?”

There are several ways to understand yourself and change your attitude towards “ Cold contacts in network business».

If you find it difficult to make “cold contacts,” then most likely you are from the 19th Century generation. What to do with this?!

1) Describe what doesn’t attract you in promoters, observe them.

2) Change this in yourself, work on specific, described points.

3) Start with the simplest:

  • every day for 1 hour - Ask 10 strangers for the time;
  • every day for 1 hour - Smile at 10 strangers;
  • every day - Meet 5 strangers;
  • every day - Tell about your Company to at least 5 strangers;
  • every day – Give a flyer or catalog to at least 10 strangers.

Second An important factor Success in Cold Contacts is:
Contents of the leaflet itself!

How to make a flyer correctly?!
What factors, phrases, appearance influence attracting people?!

We will talk about all this in my next article: “How to invite people to MLM?”

You can also watch my video lesson.

Working in a warm market in MLM involves a number of step-by-step actions, which we will talk about. In this article I will try to present the material as briefly and clearly as possible, without unnecessary words.


When starting a business, you need to think very carefully about what you need it for, what you want to get in Network Marketing, what opportunities you see for yourself, what opportunities you see in your MLM company. It is necessary to write down on paper the answers to these questions and the goal for the next six months and a year in the company (what income do you want to have). Having set a goal, you can voice it to the candidate. People follow purposeful people and believe them.


After setting goals, you need to create an action plan that will lead to the desired result. You can agree on this point with your sponsor.

Short list

You need to write a short list of your acquaintances in a separate notebook. From this list, you and your sponsor will begin screening possible candidates. Periodically add new people to your list and your field of action will expand significantly.


Now you need to pick up the compiled list and phone number and start calling.
There is a proven scheme for invitations by phone, from which it is better not to deviate. When you call a person, you need to immediately say that you are calling on business and you have a couple of questions. It would be a mistake to drag out the conversation and talk beyond the point. There are three qualifying questions for a possible candidate. Each of these questions is a kind of filter that weeds out people who are not interested. Our task is not to attract everyone into business, but to look for people who are open to new opportunities.

First question. « Are you interested in the opportunity to earn extra money? or " Are you interested in the opportunity to earn decent money?»

The question may sound different, at your discretion, but the essence of the question should be the same.

This question weeds out people who are not interested in the possibility of additional or main income.

If the answer is “ Yes

If the answer is “ No"- you politely say goodbye.

If the answer is “ What is this?" - go to the second question.

Second question. « What do you know about network marketing and how do you feel about it?»

Here a person can give all kinds of answers and ask questions. Your task is to understand a person’s attitude towards the MLM system and find out whether he correctly understands the essence of the system. This question weeds out negative people and makes it clear what a person knows about the system and whether he understands it correctly.

If the attitude is negative, you politely say goodbye.

If it doesn’t apply in any way, move on to the third question.

If he misunderstands the essence of the system, and there is no negativity, you say “ that's not what I do” and move on to the third question or just skip to the third question.

If he has experience in network marketing and perfectly understands the essence of the system, you do not move on to the third question, but ask “ Would he be interested in receiving information about your company?" If " Yes”, then either give him the address of a website where he can find out more about the company, or invite him to a meeting with your sponsor (if your sponsor is in another city, arrange a conversation by phone or Skype). You definitely need to contact this person every other day and find out if he has any questions and if he is interested in our business offer.

Third question. « Would you be interested in learning how you can make money in network marketing?»

This question weeds out people who are not interested in understanding the system.

If the answer is " Yes“We invite you to meet for literally 1 minute in order to hand over a disc with a video film.

If the answer is " No"- you politely say goodbye.

If a person starts asking additional questions, you say that it is impossible to explain the essence of the system over the phone and invite you to meet for literally 1 minute in order to hand over a disc with a video film. The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. If a person cannot do it these days, then you agree to call him a day or two before the meeting. Call on the agreed date and make an appointment.

By asking these questions, you will cut off unnecessary people at the first stage of working with the list and will not waste your time and nerves on people unnecessary for your business.

Mark the results of conversations with people in your list of acquaintances.

If a person tells you “no,” always say that if he decides to look into this, he can contact you at any time.

In any case, you can invite him over time, if not as a business partner, then as a client. You definitely need to lead the conversation, and not let the person take the conversation into their own hands. You and only you must control the conversation process, and this is achieved by strictly following the conversation pattern.

First meeting

You meet at the agreed time for literally one minute. Hand over a CD with a video film about network marketing. When handing over the disc, tell the candidate to take this video seriously and that this film will give a basic understanding of what MLM system how it works and what opportunities it provides.

Tell him that you are giving him this disc for two days and tomorrow evening you will call him and find out the result of the viewing (interesting or uninteresting).

The next day, in the evening, you need to call the candidate and find out if he watched the video, if he has any questions and if he is interested in learning about your offer (company, products and marketing plan).

If the candidate is interested, invite him to a 2:1 meeting with the sponsor (tomorrow, the day after tomorrow). If the sponsor is far away, connect the person with the sponsor by phone or Skype. After holding several meetings with a sponsor, you will soon be able to conduct them yourself for yourself and your new partners.

If the candidate is not interested, arrange a second meeting to pick up the disk. When meeting, offer to familiarize yourself with the company’s products (website, catalog, personal experience product applications, recommend the best).

If the candidate has not watched the video, arrange a second meeting to pick up the disc. Most likely, the person does not want to understand the possibility. If he asks you to leave the disc for another day, do so at your discretion.

Second meeting

Second meeting 1:1 or 2:1 (with sponsor). It should be held either on your territory (home, office) or on neutral territory (cafe), other options are possible at your discretion (preferably there is a table).

The person already knows about network marketing and has questions.

At this meeting, you introduce the candidate to your company, products and marketing plan. Talk about the training system and your goals for the next six months, year. Talk about why you are working with this company and what benefits you see.

If the person is ready, register him.

If a person is not ready, clarify what questions he has and what will help him make a decision. Give him literature that interests him, or a CD of your choice (about business or products). Schedule a third meeting if necessary. The third meeting could be 1:1, 2:1 with the sponsor or a presentation. All remaining issues are discussed and a decision is made. If a person gives a positive answer, register him. If the answer is “No,” we suggest you familiarize yourself with the products and turn the candidate into a client.

Connecting a new partner

  • Registration.
  • He makes his first order.
  • Make a work plan and start working immediately. In no case should you delay the first steps of a beginner. A new distributor needs to get results within the first 48 hours after registration and first order!!!

The result is to write a list of acquaintances, make the first calls, schedule the first meetings, distribute the first CDs, hold the first meeting with the sponsor. All this will motivate the beginner. This is a very important point that should not be neglected.

Most consultants begin working in a company by compiling a list of acquaintances to whom they can offer products. But sooner or later this list exhausts itself. This does not mean that nothing more needs to be done. On the contrary, you should reach new horizons - start working in Oriflame with a cold market. Communicating with strangers requires a different approach and certain skills.

How to enter the cold market with Oriflame products?

Actually, it's not that difficult. After all, all people, without exception, use cosmetics and detergents. So any audience will be interested in the company's products. It’s good if, before entering the cold market with Oriflame, you undergo training at the company. Then the result of your activities will be much higher.

Company leaders recommend regularly conducting promotions, surveys, catalog presentations, distributing leaflets and actively communicating with new people. It doesn't matter whether you choose one method or use them all. The key word here is “regularly”.

After meeting oriflame, the cold market becomes warmer

Cooperation with Oriflame is a business based on statistical data. The more times you hear “no,” the closer you are to that cherished “yes.” “Yes, I will use the company’s products and recommend them to other people.” And such answers are not at all uncommon in oriflame, the cold market is proof of this. If you manage to interest a stranger and show him an attractive picture, then this person will leave the notorious “cold market”. The rest is a matter of technique and skill.


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