World pig population. China is the world leader in pork production. The largest breeds of domestic pigs

>> Livestock of the world

ยง 3. Livestock of the world

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The number of cows is strictly recorded in our country and abroad, since these animals are of particular value in agricultural activities. In many countries, the cultivation of cattle occupies a leading position in agriculture. From the main products obtained - meat and milk - you can get secondary ones - such as sour cream, cheese, butter, kefir, sausages. This list is far from complete. The demand for such products is quite large and continues to grow simultaneously with the number of livestock in the world.

World statistics of cow population

Almost all countries of the world are engaged in animal husbandry - some are more active, and some are not. The livestock of cattle includes such animals as the yak, Indian buffalo and other lesser known species. They have a similar physiology, and in different countries the domesticated bull species are called cattle.

Animal tour spawned modern look Cattle. It is very difficult to answer the question of how many cows in the world are there according to the latest data, since this figure is changing rapidly. At the beginning of 2017, there were approximately 1.3 billion heads.

The domestication of animals began in Asian countries, specifically in North India. The domestication of cows in Europe happened much later. It was not easy. Compared to goats and sheep, tours were difficult for humans. Cattle was a "supplier" of milk and meat.

Country ranking

India is the leader in the number of cattle, but beef production is not developed there, since religion prohibits the use of cows for food. Despite everything, she is a noticeable leader in the world ranking - over 50 million heads. The cow is a sacred animal in this country, but some people eat beef. In addition, there is a breeding of dairy breeds.

In the European Union, the livestock is 23.5 million, and it is in second place. But here, too, the population is much smaller. Brazil moved up to third place. This is approximately 20.7 million head of livestock. Every year there is a noticeable increase here. In this country, many farmers breed cows, and special farms are opened for raising calves.

Fourth place

The fourth place in terms of the number of cattle can be placed in the United States - 9.3 million. The main number of farms is located in the western part. They pay attention to the production of meat and skins. Huge herds find their food on pastures and only in the cold season receive additional food in the form of feed. China claims the fifth place. There are approximately 8.7 million heads here. The reason for the low position in the ranking is that small ruminants are preferred in the country, and cattle are mainly used as draft animals.

And although the first place is given to India, there cows mostly just live near people. And the huge livestock is due only to the ban on killing cows. Receiving milk and related products is the predominant cattle-related activity in the country. While, for example, in America, cows are kept specifically for the production of beef and skins. Animals occupy large tracts of land and gather in huge herds. But in some Asian countries, cattle are used as pack and draft animals.

Russian statistics

Russian animal husbandry is strengthening its position thanks to the commercial sphere. Compared to previous years, the volume of agricultural products in 2017 increased markedly. The number of cattle in Russia is dairy and milk and meat breeds... However, in the past years there was a serious reduction in this category, while there was an active increase in the number of beef cattle.

In the Russian Federation, the following leaders are noted in terms of livestock in the field of cattle breeding:

  • Bashkortostan (last 2016 showed the largest livestock, as a percentage of the whole country it is 5.8%);
  • Tatarstan (the number of heads has significantly increased and in 2016 amounted to 5.3% of the total cattle in the country);
  • Dagestan (slightly behind the second place and gaining 5.2%);
  • Altai Territory breaks away a little, but is gaining 2.7% for 2016;
  • Rostov region accounted for 3.1% of the total livestock in Russia.

Other regions

All other regions of the country are also actively engaged in animal husbandry, but the top five have been the largest leaders for several years. However, the lagging behind other regions is not too great. The smallest percentage for 2016 is gaining the Irkutsk region - 1.6%.

The density of distribution of cows in Russia, given its vast territory, is not the same. These animals are not at all adapted for living in the regions of the Far North. The main herds live in the south of the country, as well as in its central and Far Eastern parts. It is there that the most succulent grasses and flooded meadows are located. Accordingly, the livestock in these areas are the largest.

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Not everyone knows that the Year of the Pig, joyfully greeted on the night of January 1, 2007, comes one and a half months later. The Eastern calendar does not coincide with the Gregorian one, if only because the Eastern calendar is lunar and the Gregorian calendar is solar. The beginning of the Eastern New Year falls on various dates between January 20th and February 20th. For example, in 2006 the first day of the Year of the Dog was January 29th. The Year of the Red Pig will begin on February 17, 2007 at 19 hours 14 minutes Moscow time. If you consider yourself a good teacher who is interesting to learn from, then you just need to play this date in a geography lesson. In this case, three approaches are possible, three geographical themes. For each of them, you will need a map diagram of the location of the world pig population ( with. 24-25) and table ( with. 26).

Population geography

Pay close attention to the peculiarities of the placement of pigs around the world. Where are the pigs most? Of course, in China - in the country where the tradition of "pig years" comes from. There are almost half a billion pigs, more than half of the world's population. So New Year will delight, first of all, Chinese piglets, gilts and boars. What should every student know about China in the first place? The fact that it has the largest population in the world, exceeding 1.3 billion. Among the main "pig" countries of the world are the populous USA, Brazil, Vietnam, Germany. Russia, a country in the top ten in terms of population, lags behind in pig livestock, even behind Spain and Poland, being at the level of Denmark (you must know hams and bacons from these countries?). However, in 1990, before the catastrophic drop in indicators Agriculture, in our country there were 38 million pigs, now it would be the third indicator in the world ( was would, alas). The same crisis, and not the craving of the Ukrainians for lard, glorified in jokes, reduced the number of pigs in our closest neighbor. This has its own logic: a decline in population is accompanied by a decline in the number of pigs.

Confessional geography

But do all the most populous countries in the world have a large herd of pigs? Look at the map. A white spot catches the eye right in its center. This is the Islamic world. According to Islam, a pig is an unclean animal. Breeding pigs, eating pork, and even just mentioning a pig is a sin. Compare the map on with. 24-25 with a map of the placement of Muslims published in No. 13/2006. They differ as positive and negative. Of the Muslim countries, Indonesia has the most pigs - 6 million, but this is for 245 million of the population, which includes Christians, Hindus, Confucians, and animists.

Also, Buddhists and Jews do not favor pig and pork. In Buddhism, the pig symbolizes ignorance - one of the main sins of man. Buddhists believe that Buddha interrupted his earthly journey by eating stale pork. Religious traditions and prohibitions define the low pig population in Israel, Mongolia, Bhutan and Sri Lanka. "What about China?" - you ask. In China, the situation is different. First, Buddhism in China is closely intertwined with Confucianism and Taoism, and they do not say anything bad about pigs;
secondly, it is a socialist country with a high proportion of atheists. So the famous "Shanghai Pig with Bamboo", like other pork dishes, is an integral part, if not the basis, of the Chinese culinary tradition.

Economical geography

What are pigs for? "For meat" - you will answer and you will be right. They do not take milk from pigs, they do not have horns that can be used in pharmacology, they are not bred for wool. Of course, you can still get bristles from pigs, which are used, for example, for the production of brushes and brushes, but this does not interfere with the most important purpose of these pets - meat. The number of pigs directly indicates the amount of pork production.

Pork in modern economy- the meat of the townspeople. Why? Because pigs do not need to be grazed on open pastures, they are fed on relatively compact pig farms, for which it is easy to find a place in the suburbs of large conurbations. By the way, this is precisely why pigs have become so widespread in small island states, where there is simply no space for breeding other meat animals (in Nauru there are 3,000 pigs for 13 thousand people, in Niue for each of 2 thousand islanders there is a pig). Consider also that pigs are unpretentious in food, they willingly consume all the food waste that is generated in cities. That is why, other things being equal, the number of pigs will be higher in those countries where the share of large cities is higher. There are relatively few pigs even in developed South Africa and Australia. So it is not easy for an adorable Australian pig named Babe - the hero of the film of the same name - to find friends from his pink tribe at home.





South Korea


United Kingdom



Serbia and Montenegro




Burkina Faso


Papua New Guinea











Congo (Kinshasa)


Bosnia and Herzegovina


Dominican Republic

Costa Rica








East Timor

Ivory Coast

New Zealand



Cape Verde





Reunion (Fr.)


Sri Lanka


Solomon islands

Sierra Leone

Puerto Rico (USA)

Congo (Brazzaville)

Trinidad and Tobago



Cook Islands (N. Zel.)

Guadeloupe (FR.)



French polynesia

New Caledonia (Fr.)

Wallis and Futuna Islands (Fr.)


Martinique (Fr.)



Saint Lucia



American Samoa (USA)

French guiana

Saint Vincent


Equatorial Guinea


Guam (USA)




Antigua and Barbuda

Virgin Islands (US)

Netherlands Antilles

Sao Tome and Principe

Niue (N. Zel.)

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Virgin Islands (UK)

Montserrat (UK)

Tokelau (N. Zel.)


Saint Helena (UK)

Bermuda (UK)

Cayman Islands (UK)

Falkland Islands (sp. Brit. And Arg.)

Beef cattle breeding concentrated mainly in countries with arid climate, well-provided with natural pastures: the west of the USA, Mexico, the east of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Kazakhstan, Australia.

World cattle population in 2004 there were more than 1.4 billion heads. The world's largest countries in terms of cattle population are:

  1. India (over 220 million heads);
  2. Brazil (about 180 million heads);
  3. China (over 100 million heads).

The USA, Argentina, Russia, Ethiopia, Mexico, Australia and Colombia also have a large number of cattle.

The number of pigs in the world is about 1 billion heads. Countries - leaders in the number of pigs are:

  1. China (about 470 million heads);
  2. USA (about 60 million heads);
  3. Brazil (30 million heads).

Pig breeding also developed in Germany, Russia, Spain, Poland, Vietnam, India and France.

Pig breeding gravitates towards grain farming and potato-growing areas, as well as suburban areas. Due to religious prohibitions, pig breeding is practically absent in Islamic countries and in Israel.

General number of sheep in the world at the beginning of the XXI century is more than 1 billion heads. The largest countries by sheep population are:

  1. China (over 130 million heads);
  2. Australia (over 120 million heads);
  3. India (about 60 million heads),

as well as Iran, New Zealand, Great Britain, Turkey, Pakistan, South Africa and Sudan.

Despite the fact that China has surpassed Australia in terms of the number of sheep and the cost of producing sheep products (lamb and wool), Australia confidently maintains its leading position in the world. Sheep breeding in its location is guided mainly by mountain and dry pastures of steppes and semi-deserts.

Table. Largest countries of the world in terms of the number of main livestock species in 2006 (in million heads)


Cattle head


Pig head


Sheep head

2. Brazil

2. Australia

3. Brazil

4. Germany

5. Argentina

5. Spain

5. New Zealand

6.United Kingdom

7. Ethiopia

8. Australia

8. Vietnam

8. Pakistan

9. Mexico

10. Colombia

10. Mexico

15,5Material from the site

More and more importance in the world is acquiring poultry... The most numerous livestock of poultry and large production poultry products are distinguished by China, USA, Brazil, India, Japan, Russia, Mexico and European countries.

Almost 75% of meat and 85% of milk is produced in economically developed countries.

About 250 million tons are produced annually in the world meat... About 40% of the meat produced is pork, about a third - beef, 20% - poultry and only 8% - other types of meat (mutton, goat, venison, horse meat, etc.). The largest meat producers in 2002 were:

  1. China (about 70 million tons);
  2. USA (over 35 million tons);
  3. Brazil (over 12 million tons).

The countries of Western Europe (especially France and Germany), India, Russia, Canada and New Zealand are also highlighted.

Interestingly, the USA, Germany, France and Brazil specialize in the production of beef, China and small countries of Western Europe - pork, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Argentina and Uruguay - mutton, USA, France and Brazil - poultry meat.

On this page material on topics:

  • On the contour map of the country, the leaders in the livestock of cattle, pigs and sheep

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