Recommendations for drawing up a business plan. Recommendations for drawing up a lesson plan. Methodological recommendations for drawing up an annual plan

1.1. Guidelines for the preparation of plans and cards for extinguishing fires (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Recommendations) determine General requirements to the development, execution and use of documents for preliminary planning of actions to extinguish fires and conduct emergency rescue operations.

1.2. In order to ensure the readiness of the service personnel (employees, workers) of organizations, as well as fire departments and emergency rescue teams, to take action to extinguish fires and carry out emergency rescue operations (hereinafter referred to as actions to extinguish fires), documents are developed for preliminary planning of actions to extinguish fires, namely: fire extinguishing plans (hereinafter - PTP) and fire extinguishing cards (hereinafter - KTP).

1.3. PTP and KTP are intended for:

providing the head of fire extinguishing (hereinafter - RTP) with information on the operational and tactical characteristics of the object;

preliminary forecasting of the possible situation in the facility during a fire;

planning the main actions to extinguish fires;

improving theoretical and practical training personnel of units fire department, emergency rescue teams and their governing bodies to take action to extinguish fires;

information support in the study (study) of the fire.

1.4. The general management of the organization of work on the preparation, development and accounting of PTP and KTP is entrusted to the chiefs of fire brigades.

2. Development and adjustment of the List of organizations (facilities, rural settlements) for which the PTP and KTP should be drawn up

2.1. PTP and KTP are drawn up for all objects and rural settlements located in the departure area of ​​the units included in the fire brigade and falling under the criteria specified in Appendix No. 1 to the Methodological Recommendations, as well as other facilities (at the discretion of the chiefs of fire brigades).

The decision on the development of the PTP for each facility is made by the head of the fire brigade by written agreement with its head (owner). In case of refusal of the head (owner) of the facility, the DTP is not drawn up.

2.2. For the purpose of accounting and planning of work with anti-terrorist facilities and KTP in each local garrison of the fire brigade, the List of objects (rural settlements) for which anti-technical and KTP should be compiled (hereinafter referred to as the List) (Appendix No. 2 to the Methodological Recommendations) should be developed and updated in a timely manner.

2.3. The list is developed by the head of the local fire brigade and approved by the head of the body local government municipality.

2.4. PTP and KTP for objects located in the area of ​​departure of special units of the Federal Border Guard Service are included in the List on the basis of information provided by the relevant management bodies of special units of the Federal Border Guard Service.

2.5. The list is updated as necessary, but at least once a year.

2.6. Based on the results of the adjustment, the head of the local garrison of the fire department makes the appropriate changes to the List (if necessary), if there are no changes - a note on the measures taken.

2.7. An extract from the List is sent to the fire departments of the local fire brigade garrison (as far as they are concerned). In fire departments, an extract from the List is stored at the fire department's communication point, in the absence of it at the central fire department (hereinafter referred to as the CPPS), the EDDS of the fire department's control body.

2.8. A copy of the List is sent to the territorial body of the EMERCOM of Russia for the subject Russian Federation for accounting and use in work.

3. Drawing up and adjusting the PTP and KTP.

3.1. Based on the List, the head of the fire department develops an annual schedule for drawing up and adjusting the DTP and KTP for objects (rural settlements) located on the territory of the fire department departure area (Appendix No. 3 to the Methodological Recommendations).

3.2. The schedule is agreed with the heads of the protected municipalities and the management (owners) of the objects included in it, approved by the head of the local fire brigade.

3.3. Requirements for the design and content of DTP and KTP are given in Sections 7 and 8 of the Methodological Recommendations.

3.4. The following activities precede the drafting of the PTP and KTP:

study and analysis of the operational and tactical characteristics of the object (rural settlement), including the collection of information about its fire protection;

study of normative and reference materials, including industry normative acts, for this object;

forecast of the probable place of occurrence of the most complex fire and possible situations of its development;

the study of analytical materials on the fires that occurred in the facility (rural settlement) and in similar facilities (rural settlements).

3.5. PTPs are drawn up in at least three copies. The first copy is in the fire department, in the area (subdistrict) of which the organization (object) is located, the second copy is in the CPPS (EDDS) of the local fire brigade, the third copy is from the management (owner) of the object.

3.6. KTP are drawn up in at least two copies. The first copy is in the fire department, in the exit area of ​​which the facility is located (rural settlement), the second copy is at the management (owner) of the facility (administration of the rural settlement).

3.7. The chiefs of the garrisons of the fire department determine the list of PTP and KTP, the electronic versions of which must be stored on portable personal electronic computers intended for the use of the RTP and officials firefighting headquarters, about which an appropriate note is made in the List and List of DTP and KTP for objects (rural settlements) located in the area of ​​departure of the fire department (Appendix No. 4 to the Methodological Recommendations).

3.8. Electronic versions of PTP and KTP must meet the following requirements:

ensuring the maintenance of a database for repeated use and timely data correction;

security minimum costs to prepare employees for the operation of the software;

a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to use them for direct fire extinguishing and emergency rescue operations;

protection against unauthorized changes to the software.

3.9. PTP and KTP are subject to adjustment when changing the form of ownership, functional purpose, space-planning solutions, modernization technological process production, changing the tactical capabilities of fire departments, etc. Adjustments are made no later than a month from the moment of occurrence (detection) of changes.

When correcting PTP and KTP, corresponding changes are also made to their electronic versions.

3.9. For the facilities under construction, DTP and KTP are drawn up at the stage of their construction or at least a month before the commissioning of a new facility or its individual elements (installations and structures).

3.10. PTP and KTP for especially important and sensitive facilities are compiled, stored and used in accordance with the established procedure for work, storage of secret documents and materials. The degree of their secrecy is determined by the regime service (owner) of the facility.

Sample Lesson Planning

The content of the lessons will vary depending on the subject and the type of lesson. But the basic principles of drawing up a competent summary are the same in all cases.

Stage 1. Lesson topic

The topic of the lesson is always indicated in the teacher's annual lesson plan.

Stage II. Lesson objectives

MIt is more convenient for young teachers to use the old, proven method and clearly delineate the goals of the lesson in three positions:

Learning goals. These can be goals such as:

Give an idea of ​​...;

To generalize and systematize knowledge about… .;

Introduce students to (concept, rule, facts, law, etc.)

Develop skills (work with laboratory equipment, etc.).


To foster in students a sense of patriotism, humanity, hard work, respect for elders, aesthetic taste, ethical standards, discipline.

Developing. Here goals are indicated that will help develop students' memory, fantasy, thinking, cognitive ability, will, independence, communication. If the lesson provides for group types of work, then it can be indicated that the main developmental goal will be to teach how to work in a team, express and defend one's point of view, and develop communication skills.

Stage III. Planned tasks

It indicates the minimum of the knowledge and skills that students should acquire during the lesson. The planned tasks should be compared with the requirements for the knowledge and skills of students, which are indicated by the Ministry of Education for each class and for each subject.

Stage IV. Type and form of the lesson

For yourself, every time it is worth clarifying whether it will be an explanation lesson, a conversation lesson, or you are aiming to conduct a non-standard lesson.
For convenience, I will give examples of the most common types and forms of the lesson.

Types and forms of the lesson

1. Lesson of familiarization with new material.

Forms: conversation, problem lesson, lecture.

2. Lesson to consolidate what has been learned.

Forms: games, competitions, KVN, travel, benefit performance, briefing, auction, fairy tale, performance, etc.

3. Lesson in applying new knowledge and skills in practice.

Forms: same as for reinforcement lessons. You can also conduct research lessons, laboratory, creative workshops, competitions, testing, excursions, etc.

4. Lesson generalization and systematization of knowledge.

The form is chosen free, at the request of the teacher.

5. Control lesson.

Shapes: as traditional test papers, tests, dictations, essays, and more creative types: seminars, briefings or consultations.

6. Integrated lessons. The forms are free, since 2 or more subjects are involved in one lesson.

Stage V. Equipment

Everything that the teacher will use during the lesson is listed here. it multimedia presentations, audio and video materials, visual and handouts.

Stage VI. During the classes

1. Organizing time - compulsory stage of all lessons. Helps to focus the attention of students, to determine their concentration and readiness for the lesson.

2. Checking homework. Experienced teachers practice daily homework checking. This helps not only to check how well the previous topic has been learned, but also to remind the class of the main points of the previous lessons.

Exceptions are control lessons.

3. Updating students' knowledge on the topic. This stage is very popular in teaching methods. Actualization helps students to tune in to the perception of the topic, to outline the range of issues that will be considered in the lesson. In addition, actualization makes it possible to set a practical lesson goal.

4. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson. The teacher can himself identify the topics and goals of the lesson. Or you can lead students to this during a preliminary conversation, making a cluster or mini-testing.

5. The main part of the lesson.

This part of the lesson will vary depending on the type and form of the lesson. But the principle of construction is the same: from simple to complex, from general to particular.

6. Summing up. You can replace this stage with reflection. It is important for the teacher to understand what the students have learned, what questions remained unclear, what problems were unresolved.

7. Grading. Grades can be given by the teacher himself, analyzing and assessing the work of students in the lesson, but practice self-assessment or a system of cumulative points. In this case, students evaluate their own work.

8. Homework.

Traditionally, this stage is left to the end of the lesson. But homework can be given both at the beginning and in the middle of the lesson. Especially if the home will be asked, for example, writing an essay, essay, or doing a laboratory. In this case, the teacher orients attention in advance that the theses developed in the lesson will be important when doing homework.

Modern technique recommends, in addition to the compulsory assignment, to offer students options of a more complex level or aimed at developing creative abilities (create a collage, draw a picture on a topic or prepare a report, presentation).

Correct and balanced nutrition is a guarantee good health... And if your goal is to get stronger and build more muscle, then you can't achieve them without a meal plan. By following the suggested recommendations, you will be able to independently plan your diet.

Eat more often and in small portions

Eating a couple of times during the day and eating a lot of everything on a huge plate, you harm your body. You will recover less well after exercise, and of course this will lead to an increase in fat mass. And about the increase in muscle mass, you can generally forget. Do you need it?

To gain muscle mass, you need to monitor your diet. Training alone will not be enough. Eat small meals often and choose wholesome and healthy foods. For example, foods rich in protein and low in fat (turkey, chicken, egg white), healthy fats (nuts, omega-3, 6), complex carbohydrates rich in fiber (beans, legumes, vegetables, unpolished brown rice).

By sticking to a meal plan, you will be full of strength and energy throughout the day.

It turns out that you need to eat 5-6 times a day and each meal should consist of complex carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats. Many? Apparently your portions are too large. Try to eat a small amount of food every 2-3 hours.

By adhering to this meal plan, you will be full of strength and energy throughout the day. Your body will receive the necessary nutrients for recovery between workouts, and you will be in a great mood.

Eat Protein at Every Meal

By consuming sweets and unhealthy trans fats, you run the risk of increasing body fat mass, blood sugar levels, and with it your mood. And most importantly, your body will not recover well after exercise.


Annual plan is mandatory normative document The preschool educational institution is on a par with the Basic General Education Program and the Charter. It is aimed at solving specific problems that contribute to improving the activities of the entire teaching staff in the academic year. An annual plan has a purpose, which is carried out through the solution of problems.

In accordance with the tasks in plan specific measures for their implementation must be identified.

The annual plan is drawn up taking into account the form preschool and the professional level of the teaching staff.

The following difficulties can be distinguished in planning:

Inability to clearly define the specifics of goals and objectives for the next academic year;

Lack of relationship between annual tasks and mechanisms for their implementation;

Inability to analyze the results of the academic year;

Lack of a clear and at the same time simple model planning;

Weak implementation of the main principles of education and training (systematic, consistent, etc.);

Congestion (high density) plans or vice versa;

Unbalanced distribution of responsibilities between performers;

Uneven scheduling events;

Uneven distribution of activities between performers and by timing;

- scheduling unrealistic cases;

Lack of control and self-control, its relationship with annual tasks;

Irrational composition of goals and objectives (the set of identified tasks does not fully ensure the achievement of the goal or the tasks overlap);

Nominating a process as a goal, not a result;

Excessive focus on minor details.

Annual plan starts by writing an analysis work of the preschool educational institution over the past academic year. The main tasks of the preschool educational institution should logically follow from the problems that emerged during the analysis of implementation Educational program and Annual plan in the current academic year. In the introductory part, the analysis of the results of the work, the reasons for the failure to fulfill the previous annual plan, special difficulties in the work of educators, interesting experimental work, opinions of parents about the prospects for development in preschool educational institutions. Recommended outline 2 - 3 tasks arising from plan development of a preschool educational institution and analysis of its work over the past period. It so happens that a particular task is caused by an unsatisfactory state of affairs on a specific issue. After analyzing all the listed parameters, discussing the results with the team, choosing the main directions in which the team will work in the coming academic year, you can proceed to formulating the main tasks of the preschool educational institution for the coming academic year. The essence of the analysis is not to give a list of what was done in the academic year, but to compare, compare, evaluate the results; define the conditions for success; identify the reasons that gave rise to the shortcomings, indicating their negative effects and consequences.

The wording annual problems causes senior educators, deputy managers, and managers, too, the greatest difficulties. Tasks: the first of the third year, the second of the second year, the third is new. The problem is written with a verb, for example: to improve, form, create conditions, etc. One of the tasks of health preservation.

You need to try to make sure that the task is not very voluminous in plan its implementation and real for the solution, but also not very narrow, closed on very specific conditions for its implementation. Important at the very beginning of writing annual plan distribute all the work in such a way as to maintain a balance between various forms work, both with children and with parents, and with teachers.

planning visible:

(in this case - year);

Main content plan;

Deadlines planned activities;

Responsible for implementation face plan.

Getting down to drawing up an annual plan for a preschool educational institution, it must be remembered that this plan designed for the entire teaching staff of the institution. It depends on each teacher whether his work contributes to the fulfillment of the intended goals and objectives. plan.

It must be remembered that annual plan Is a living working document that can be corrected, corrected in the course of work on its implementation. We must boldly make changes and additions, do not be afraid to deviate from earlier planned activities... You just need to be able to prove, explain why you need to do this.

It should also be taken into account that annual plan requires the construction of certain work with personnel, organizational and pedagogical work with children, and the construction of interaction with the family.

One of the responsible moments: choice of writing form plan... Writing form plan maybe the most different:

calendar (broken down by month,

cyclical (contain a certain cyclical nature of the forms of work,

textual (have a textual description of the content,

tabular (have tabular writing,

block-schematic (broken down into certain blocks of work).

Annual plan should include in myself:

Description of organizational and pedagogical work (preparation of preschool educational institutions for the new academic year, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of teachers, placement by age groups, material support of the pedagogical process, organization of a subject-developing environment, etc.);

A list of activities aimed at improving the pedagogical qualifications of educators;

Description of control measures for educational work in a preschool educational institution, the work of all structures of a preschool educational institution;

Performance multifaceted work with parents;

List of measures aimed at improving the qualifications of service personnel;

Description of administrative economic work in a preschool educational institution;

Schedule of medical and preventive work at the preschool educational institution;

List of production meetings and events.

Stages drawing up a plan:

Stage I. At first to plan monthly repeated cases, determined by the specifics of the work of the preschool educational institution and the characteristics of each month of the academic year (for example, conducting pedagogical councils, primary semi-annual and the final diagnosis of preschoolers, preparation and holding of holidays, etc.).

Stage II. Per month planned events to supplement the traditional for this preschool educational institution with the existing events (for example, holding the holidays “Dad, Mom, I - sport family”,“ Competition of pedagogical ideas, ”etc.).

Stage III. To schedule new activities for the implementation of the goals and objectives, which are determined on the basis of the analysis of the activities of the preschool educational institution for the previous year. For density introspection annual plan proposed to build diagram: vertically mark the number of events, horizontally - the months of the year.

Sections plan:

1. Work with personnel.

2. Organizational and pedagogical activity.

3. Control and analytical activities.

4. Organization of educational and recreational work.

5. Administrative and economic activities.

What is written in the sections


1.1 Methodical work

Pedagogical advice;

Coordination councils (project advice);

The work of creative groups;

Instructions on maintenance and protection of life and health of children;

Questioning of teachers;

Formation of a subject-developing environment (Equipping the pedagogical process, equipping methodical office);

Study and generalization of p.p. o. ;

Work in methodical office(library creation methodological literature, systematization and classification of materials, organization of exhibitions for teachers, compilation of filing cabinets, etc.... etc.);

Exhibitions, shows, competitions;


Seminars - workshops;


Collective views;

Overview of new products methodical and periodicals;

Other forms

1.2 Promotion professional excellence educators

Passage of refresher courses (complex courses, modular courses;


School of Young Educators;

Self-education of teachers and its analysis;

Approbation and implementation of innovative technologies;

Participation in innovative projects;

Activities for the preparation of teachers for certification;

Other forms

1.3 Organization of control:

Frontal control;

Thematic control:

Operational control.

2. SECTION: educational and wellness work:

(coordinated with plans of specialists(muses of leaders, physical education instructors, psychologist, social. teacher, etc.):

Physical culture and health work (sports days, sports events, hikes, etc.);

Leisure, entertainment (holidays, entertainment, KVN, etc.);

Monitoring the development of the main general education program

According to most modern scientists, the process planning should lead to the creation of some unified system where it would be nice to be visible:

The tasks of the preschool educational institution for a certain period (in this case - year);

Main content plan;

Deadlines planned activities;

Responsible for implementation face plan.


Training plan

Plan administrative work (if not included in the general plan)

Plan interaction with the school

Plan work with parents (if not included in the general plan)

Schedule of continuing education courses

Schedule for teachers to pass certification

Plan on self-education of teachers

Promising work plans of specialists

Experimental work program (if such work is in progress)

Plan creative work or working group

Plan interaction with public organizations.

Other (based on the specifics of the institution's work)


General parenting meetings;

Group parenting meetings;

Doors open days;


Visual design - information stands;



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