Presentation "What is money?" Presentation for the lesson on the surrounding world "What is money?" Money: what is it

Lesson 23

Lesson topic. Money.

Lesson objectives. Introduce students to the origin of money and its importance in human life. Develop skills in economical distribution of funds. Instill thrift and economy.

Lesson type. Formation of ZUN.

Lesson format. Lesson Presentation.

Equipment. Lesson presentation, computer, multimedia projector.

Lesson content.

    Organizing time.(2 slide)

Psychological mood.


1. I.p. standing. Alternately bending your arm at the elbow, apply it to your forehead - look into the distance.

2. Arms at shoulder level - hands, tilts to the sides - turn the steering wheel.

3. I.p. standing. Turn your head to the sides - inspect the place of travel.

4. I.p. standing. Hands on the belt. Half squat, place your foot on your heel.

2. Checking the salary.(3 slide)

Expand the meaning of the word “exchange”

What is a complex exchange?

What is money?

You and your parents should have prepared answers to the following questions:

Where are your TV, furniture or dishes made?

From what countries did these things come to you?

Who is ready to answer?

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

Today we will talk about money. Repeat again what it is money?

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

(4 slide)

MONEY - anything that is accepted as payment for goods and services. Items by which the value of all other goods is expressed.

Let's remember the history of the exchange that we talked about in the last lesson.

“The blacksmith brought an ax for exchange and wants to get a ram for it, but the cattle breeder needs grain, and the peasant needs jugs, and only the owner of the jugs needs an ax. This means that you need to make a complex exchange: first exchange the ax for jugs, then the jugs for grain, and only after that exchange the grain for a ram.”

It so happened that in many countries a commodity that expressed the value of others

goods, there was livestock.

(5, 6, 7 slides) Goods that served as money in the old days.

(8 slide)Iceland Price Guide

(9 slide) Commodity money was replaced by: coins, banknotes

(10, 11 slides) What kinds of money are there?

Gradually, people switched to minting coins from precious metals. Then paper money was invented, which was backed by precious metals. The emergence of money facilitated the exchange of goods, that is, trade.

(12, 13 slides)

What can money buy?

What else do we buy, besides things, furniture, clothes, cars? (Services, electricity, gas, water, etc.)

In other words, Money- this is a special product that is accepted by everyone in exchange for any goods or services. All services and goods express their price in money.

5. Gymnastics for the eyes. (14 slide)

6. Economic problem“We spend money wisely!” (15 slide)

Read the story and fill in the missing places.

Forgetful grandma

One day my mother gave Timur 200 tenge and said: “You can buy something with this money.”something sweet for tea at school.” Timur decided to buy chocolate and wentVthe nearest kiosk. “How much does this chocolate cost?” - Timur asked his grandmother - saleswoman. “One hundred and twenty tenge,” she answered. “I can only buy __ chocolate"- Timur was upset. But then the grandmother said: “You’re asking about these ones in blue packages? So they sell for 100 tenge.” "Okay, I can buy already __chocolates, although this is also not enough.” The grandmother did not let up: “Oh, boy,I I got it mixed up, these chocolates are 65 tenge.” Timur frowned and counted - it turned out, that he can buy __ chocolates. Suddenly the grandmother-seller began to wail: “Oh!And I’m tired today, everything in my head is confused! This is the right price!” And Timur sawthat she attaches a price tag to the chocolate bar: “50 tenge.” Timur was delighted and bought immediately __chocolates.

Answer the following questions:(16 slide)

    Did Timur want to buy chocolate?

    Did he have the opportunity to do this?

    Why do you think Timur changed his decision many times about how many chocolates to buy?

What did his decision depend on?

(17 slide)

How can you say? (rakes money with a shovel, a lot of money)

When do they say that?

(18 slide)

7. Homework.

Level task: The first is “3”, the first and second are “4”, all three are “5”.

(19 slide)

8. Lesson summary.

    What did they talk about in class?

    What new did you learn?

    Were you interested in the lesson?

(20 slide)



a) everything that is accepted as payment for goods and services

b) mandatory payments that citizens pay to the state from their


  • The main human need. Necessary for the extraction of natural resources and the production of goods.
  • He's on the paths in the yard,

The kids really need him,

He's at a construction site and on the beach,

It's even melted in the glass.

3. They drowned it, dried it, beat it, tore it, twisted it, wove it, and put it on the table.

4. Chemical ..... is an integral part of the economy.

5. The work that people do to satisfy certain needs of other people.

6. It is very durable and elastic,

For builders - a reliable friend,

Houses, steps, pedestals

They will become beautiful and noticeable.

  • Install
  • Understand, what is barter?
  • To figure out What is buying and selling?
  • Follow
  • Remember monetary units of foreign countries.
  • Create your monetary unit.

2.What is barter?

3.What is buying and selling?

7.What is money?

  • I do not know anything - (-)
  • Aware, heard – (?)


Primitive society – primitive people

Development of the craft

People have already learned to grow the necessary plants, tamed and made some animals into pets, learned to forge iron, weave fabric, and much more. Craftsmen were needed for every task. Each person could not grow plants and weave fabrics, sew shoes and forge iron, build houses and sow fields. People had to divide the work among themselves. Some began to hunt, others - to raise domestic animals, others - to engage in agriculture, others - to forge iron, etc.


What happened in such a society?

There was a surplus of one's own labor and the need to own the products of other people's labor.

Exchange of goods

How did people begin to act?

That's right, they began to exchange various products and goods. After all, there was no money then either.

Exchange options – ram – ax - jug


direct exchange of one product for another.

Find on page 66 the definition of what barter is. (This is a direct exchange of one product for another.)

Have you ever exchanged for anything?

4.Write the definition of what barter is in your notebook.

Read what you wrote down.

Game "Barter"



Now you were bartering, you have cards on the tables. There is a picture on one side of the card - this is the product you have. Take your product cards and turn to your neighbors. Try to exchange your product for a classmate's product. To whom

Did you manage to make the exchange?

-How convenient and how quickly can you make such an exchange?

-Under what conditions will such an exchange take place?

-Who wins during the exchange; are there any losers?



It takes a lot of time.

Difficulty and inconvenience of searching.

The exchange may not take place.

Find and change

The students have cards on their desks. On one side of the card there is a picture drawn - this is the product that the child has. On the other, it is written what he needs to receive in exchange for this product.

The cards are designed in such a way that the exchange can only take place through an intermediary.

1 student has a card: there is chicken, I need chicken;

2 student: there is a chicken, I need a dog;

3 student: I have a dog, I need a chicken.

Purpose of the game: exchange cards to get the desired product.

A game: children look for the desired item and try to exchange. When all exchanges have taken place, a discussion takes place.

Conclusions on the game: What difficulties arise in such an exchange?

1. It takes a lot of time.

2. Difficulty and inconvenience of searching.

3. The exchange may fall through.

Exercise for the eyes - Pinocchio


In the beginning our ancestors had money

used livestock or animal skins, more often

total, squirrels, sable, martens.

Before the Mongol invasion of Russian land

There was no word for “money” in our language.

Cash values

called cattle

princely treasury

- a cowgirl, and a treasurer -

cattleman. – shell necklace - sink - bull

1000 pieces

First money


PRODUCTS – sheep – bull – wheat - vegetable oil – jug of wine - sable skins - fabrics


In the 11th century, money began to be designated by the word “kun”.

These were metal bars, rings, shovels,

hatchets and even bronze discs in the form of skins

animals. What were the advantages?

metal money in front

others? They are not

spoiled, did not occupy

a lot of space. And during transactions

easily divided into parts.

But the most important thing is that they

it was possible to pay

for any product.

They were made from silver, gold, copper.

The first metal money

HRYVNA - pictures




  • Historically, the concept of “ruble” arose in the 13th century in Novgorod.
  • Rubles were parts of a hryvnia or pieces of silver with notches indicating their weight. Hryvnia chopped in half and each half was called a ruble (a silver ingot weighing 200 grams).



25 kuna = hryvnia


Novgorod hryvnia

Silver coins and gold coins

Penny money


Metal money still has an important drawback - it is heavy and takes up a lot of space. For rich merchants who traded with distant countries, it was dangerous and inconvenient to carry cargo with them: no matter how you hide it, robbers and robbers would immediately find it.

Metal money still had an important drawback - it was heavy and took up a lot of space. It was dangerous and inconvenient for rich merchants who traded with distant countries to carry cargo with them: no matter how they hide it, robbers and robbers would immediately find it. People came up with a way out: they transferred the gold to a bank for safekeeping, and instead took paper receipts for this gold with them on the road.

Why did paper money and banks appear?


People came up with a way out: they transferred the gold to a bank for safekeeping, and instead took paper receipts for this gold with them on the road. This is how paper money was first born, on which it is written how much gold is stored in the bank they are equal to.

This is how paper money was first born, on which it is written how much gold is stored in the bank they are equal to.

The first paper money in Russia appeared under Empress Catherine II.

Working with the textbook p.69

Read the textbook material on p. 69 and find the answer to the question: What is the name of another method of exchange in which money is involved?

What is the price of the product?

Physical education minute


For money you can

buy any product

sell any product

Fairy tale

Teacher: During our literary reading lesson, we read a Russian folk tale about a hen who was saved by a cockerel. What was the name of this fairy tale?

What did the hen do to save the rooster?

Children: Changed.

Teacher: What could happen to the cockerel while the hen was changing?

Children: The cockerel could suffocate and die.

Teacher: And how could a chicken get butter very quickly?

Children: If she had money, she could buy quickly.

Teacher: Once the hen had money, what could she be called?

Children: Buyer.

Teacher: And the one with the goods?

Children: Salesman.

Teacher: Are you sure that the seller will take money for his goods? What will he do with them?

Children: He can buy what he needs.

We draw a conclusion what can you do for money?

buy any product, sell any product

Teacher: Which is more convenient: exchange goods or buy for money?

Children: It's more convenient to buy. Faster. More reliable.

Purchase and sale

“Money is metal and paper tokens that are a measure of value during purchase and sale, a means of payment and an object of accumulation.”

From the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov.

2 erasers

1 notebook

1 notebook

Practical task:

Does Pinocchio have enough money to buy 3 pens, 2 erasers, 1 notebook and 1 notepad?

How much change should he receive?

  • Working with the textbook With. 69
  • Purchase-sale- this is an exchange in which money.







Means of exchange for goods and services


TV, coffee pot, doll, ball, sun, book, kindness, shoes, wind, skates, friendship, apartment, health, dacha, conscience, dress.

Coin parts


Obverse or "eagle"

Reverse or tails






Silver ruble

Petra I

Reverse or tails

Coin edge



  • Examine the coin. Find the side on which its DENOMINAL is indicated, that is, its denomination - 2 rubles, 5 rubles, ... This is negotiable side of the coin is “REVERSE” or “tails”.
  • Find the side that has a coat of arms, portrait, or other design on it. This facial side of the coin is “OBVERS” or “heads”.
  • Look carefully at the inscriptions on the coin. All inscriptions on the coin are called LEGEND.
  • Examine the edge of a coin. The edge of the coin is called “EDGE”.
  • Complete the task on the card (1gr.),

3 in the notebook on page 39 (2 gr.)


bills coins





  • What is depicted on money?
  • What kind of money would you come up with for your class?

  • Install, as in ancient times they paid for goods.
  • Understand, what is barter?
  • To figure out What is buying and selling?
  • Follow, the sequence of appearance of money.
  • Remember, monetary units of foreign countries.
  • Create your monetary unit.


On Reception "Insert"

While reading the text, students make notes in the margins:

“V” – already knew;

“+” – new;

“-” – thought differently;

"?" – I don’t understand, I have questions name two methods of exchange.


1.How did people in ancient times pay for goods?

2.What is barter?

3.What is buying and selling?

4. What is depicted and drawn on coins?

5. Do you know the monetary units of foreign countries?

6.What is the name of the part of the money that is put aside for the future?

7.What is money?

  • I do not know anything - (-)
  • Aware, heard – (?)
  • I know the correct and precise answer - (+)


3 rub.


15 rub.


51 rub.


600 rub.


(if the statement is correct, put a “+” sign, if incorrect – “-”)

  • The direct exchange of some goods for others is savings.
  • Payment for work is wages.
  • Money that is put aside for the future is savings.
  • The reverse side of the coin is the edge.
  • The inscription on the coin is called legen doy.

Check: –, +, +, –, +.


Conclusion: money – a special product that can be exchanged for any other goods and services.

-Calculate your

salary per lesson.


Title (1 word)

Description (2 adjectives)

Action (3 verbs ) –


The essence (1 word) –


Title (1 word) money

Description (2 adjectives) – paper, metal

Action (3 verbs ) – buy, sell, exchange

Feeling – Don’t have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.

The essence (1 word) – product

  • Textbook: read the text pp. 68 – 71, answer the questions in the “Test yourself” section on p. 71.
  • Workbook: p.39 No. 2.4(1g), 1.3(2g)

What is money?

Performed by Gubanova E.A.

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 130, teacher Smirnova T.P.

“Money bewitches people. They suffer because of it, they work for it. They come up with the most skillful ways to spend it.

Money is the only commodity that cannot be used except to free oneself from it. They won't feed you, clothe you, shelter you, or entertain you until you spend or invest them. People will do almost anything for money, and money will do almost anything for people.

Money is a fascinating, repeating, mask-changing riddle."

What is money?

MONEY - metal and paper signs that are a measure of value during purchase and sale, a means of payment and an object of accumulation.

Explanatory Dictionary by S. Ozhegov

Purpose work is to compile a single, general idea of ​​​​money, its origin, role in the economy and the life of each person.

The work allows us to consider the question posed from different points of view. Allows you to evaluate all

the importance and inevitability of the existence of money.

Origin of money

The origin of money is associated with 7-8 thousand BC, as a means

to facilitate exchange, cattle, cigars, shells, stones, pieces of metal were used.

Money is determined by society itself; everything that society recognizes as circulation is money.

The role of money, the standard of all exchanges, always fell to the commodity that was in abundance or for which there was the greatest demand.

Gold and silver money

As social wealth increases, the role of universal equivalent is assigned to precious metals (silver, gold).

The first gold coins, according to Herodotus, are attributed to the Lydian king Gyges (7th century BC).

The word "coin" first appeared as a title for the goddess Juno in 279 BC. in Rome. The first person to depict his profile on a coin was Alexander the Great.

On the territory of our country, the minting of coins, silver and gold, dates back to the times of Prince Vladimir the First (Kievan Rus, late 10th - early 11th centuries).

At the beginning of the 17th century, a single monetary unit, the kopeck, was established in Rus' (the coin depicted a horseman with a spear), weighing 0.68 grams of silver. In addition, the ruble, poltina, hryvnia, and altyn were introduced into the counting system, although the minting of the silver ruble

became the rule only under Peter I. Gold money - “chervonets”

appeared in Russia since 1718.

Paper money

The history of the appearance of paper money dates back to the 1st century. BC.

However, the widespread use of paper money began at the end of the 17th century. The transition to paper money circulation sharply expanded the scope of commodity exchange. Paper money, unlike metal money, is only a token of value, a representative of gold.

Paper money

In the 20th century the functions of money and, in general, the role of gold in the exchange process underwent significant changes. Everywhere

gold has ceased to perform functions:

Nowhere is the value of goods measured in gold:

In no country in the world is gold in circulation;

Gold does not serve as a means of payment.

Electronic money

Electronic money first appeared in the 70s. The plastic card is a plate of standard sizes (85.6 mm 53.9 mm 0.76 mm),

made of special plastic resistant to mechanical and thermal influences.

One of the main functions of a plastic card is to ensure the identification of the person using it as a subject of the payment system.

Value measure function.

The first function of money is the function of a measure of value, i.e. their ability to measure the value of all goods serves as an intermediary in determining prices.

Function of the medium of exchange

Money was born from trade and arose as a technical means to facilitate the exchange of goods. As an intermediary in the process of circulation of goods, money performs the function of a medium of circulation.

Function of a storage medium.

The amazing property of money as a store of value is its ability to defeat - or, in any case, deceive time itself. Indeed, money makes it possible to save part of the profits received for the future, to preserve them, as it were, until they are needed.

Function of means of payment.

Money, performing the function of a means of payment, appears in a qualitatively new unity. They function, firstly, as a measure of value in determining the price of a product; secondly, as an ideal purchasing medium.

Function of world money.

The development of commodity production and the expansion of commodity exchange beyond national borders were the material prerequisites for the emergence of this function of money. And if not only full-fledged, but also inferior money can circulate within a particular country, then on the world market, tokens of value that are obligatory for acceptance within a particular state lose their validity.

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Slide captions:

What is money?

Solve the crossword puzzle The main human need. Necessary for the extraction of natural resources and the production of goods. (Work)

Solve crossword 2. He is on the paths in the yard, Children really need him, He is at construction sites and on the beach, He is even melted in glass (Sand)

Solve crossword puzzle 3. Heated, dried, Beat, tore, Twisted, wove And put on the table (Flax)

Solve crossword 4. Chemical .... is an integral part of the economy. (Industry)

Solve crossword 5. Work that people do to satisfy certain needs of other people (Services)

Solve crossword 6. It is very durable and elastic, a reliable friend for builders, houses, steps, pedestals will become beautiful and noticeable (Granite)

Money is a special commodity that can be exchanged for any goods and services.

Money of the past

Money of the past = 1000 cowrie shells 1 bull

Money of the past Gold and silver bars

Money of the present

Barter Purchase and sale Methods of exchange

Product price - the cost of one thing, item

Physical education minute Pinocchio stretched, bent over once, bent over twice. He spread his arms to the sides, but apparently couldn’t find the coin. To get coins we need to stand on our toes. Get a coin from a bush, bury them in a field rarely, so that they grow.

Reinforcing what you have learned What is the payment for work called? (Salary) Money saved for the future? (Savings) What monetary units do you know? (Ruble, dollar, euro, dinar, lat, hryvnia, marks)

Consolidation of what has been learned A special product that can be exchanged for any other goods and services (Money) Direct exchange of some goods for others (Barter) What was half a hryvnia called? (Ruble)

Summary of the lesson What is money

Homework Assignment 1 of the section “Think!” (p. 71) Tasks 2, 3, 4, 5 (textbook, p. 72)

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