What does the word radiant mean? The meaning of the word radiant in Ephraim’s explanatory dictionary

In February, Lidia Leonidovna SOLSKAYA passed away, having given many years of her life to the culture of our region... Even now, when forty days have passed since that tragic day, I can’t believe it, I can’t get it into my head and heart that she is no longer with us.

The year was 1992. This is not an easy time for all of us. Ivan Nikolaevich Rusinov visited Pavlovsky Posad and came from there inspired by communication with good people.

There were a lot of good people around us, but the “Pavlovians” were something special. Firstly, these are people from their hometown, secondly, and this is the main thing, the psychology of a good provincial city is completely different: it’s life in a large family, where everyone knows each other well, loves what they do, no matter what field they are in are working. The main thing is that they are truly Orthodox people, and working in museums and libraries has raised wonderful, interesting people.

Once Ivan Nikolaevich told me that he visited the local history museum, the owner of which was Lidia Leonidovna. Ivan Nikolaevich could not find the words to calmly talk about her. Local history is both the city and the people. Lidia Leonidovna collected information about the city bit by bit and created a complex psychological mosaic. She was an unusually modest person who tenderly and devotedly loved her Pavlovsky Posad.

And here she is visiting us - in our house on Polyanka: young, with wonderful blue eyes, with a good, kind smile. Lidia Leonidovna “captured” Ivan Nikolaevich’s attention, enthusiastically talking about work and the city. This is how this wonderful man came into our lives. She visited us quite often in that last year when Ivan Nikolaevich was with us. He was eagerly interested in cultural news, and Lidia Leonidovna told him everything in detail, trying not to miss anything important for Ivan Nikolaevich.

It was then that Ivan Nikolaevich told me: “Lidiya Leonidovna is the best example of a “provincial intellectual.” This praise contained everything: my love for my hometown, and a feeling of admiration and gratitude to Lydia Leonidovna for her service.

Then, after Ivan Nikolaevich left, a very fruitful relationship with Lydia Leonidovna began, or rather continued. We created a society in memory of Rusinov and called it “The Magician of the Word.” Everything that we could do together with Lidia Leonidovna, we put into this work: we collected bit by bit the “lines” that were able to recreate the appearance of a great actor and person. And how much Lydia Leonidovna invested in this work was amazing with her reverent memory and gratitude to Ivan Nikolaevich. And everything was done modestly, without advertising, with a sincere feeling of respect for him.

I cannot forget Lydia Leonidovna also because in those and subsequent years there was not a single aspect of my life where I did not feel her dear and dear help: the days of memory of Ivan Nikolaevich at my home, the work on organizing the Rusinov readings, caring about my health, caring about memorial matters: after all, Lidia Leonidovna is the main “executor” in resolving the issue of burying Ivan Nikolaevich in his native land next to the grave of his parents.

Lord, I’m writing these lines, seemingly ordinary words, but hidden behind them are so many happy hours of communication with this woman - kind, dear, affectionate, caring, who helped me in the most difficult times of my life. And all this was done easily, with a kind smile, without any claim to compensation for her deeds, for her help.

I was always amazed by her childish gentleness; I never heard a single word of condemnation from her about other people. One inevitably recalls the words Akhmatova said about Pasternak: “He was awarded some kind of eternal childhood.” All this was in the character of Lydia Leonidovna. But behind this childishness and modesty hid deep education, and most importantly, deep faith.

An article by Lidia Leonidovna was recently published, in which in the section “My favorite books” she wrote: “Oddly enough, I like to read dictionaries,” and gives a brilliant in form and true in essence assessment of the Russian language dictionaries: Dal, Ushakov, Ozhegov and etc.

I read the article, immediately called her and when she asked what I liked most, I answered that, in my opinion, the main thing in the article is not so much information about dictionaries, but a call to read and study them. “Unfortunately, not everyone understood my call,” Lidia Leonidovna said sadly.

But now she's gone. There is no radiant person. Everything happened unexpectedly, just a few days, at the end of which there was a little hope, and suddenly - leaving. The whole world was with her - and then she’s not. The tragic lines of Georgy Ivanov are pounding in my head: “What a dispute, what a battle, all this is an obsession”...

On the tenth day of her departure, in the morning, at 4:15 am, I did not sleep, but there was a strange oblivion... An elusive shot appeared in my eyes: I saw the lovely blond head of young Lidia Leonidovna... The face in half-profile smiles tenderly and mysteriously and melts ... The frame disappeared into oblivion... What is this? Parting? Or a reminder so that I remember her as radiant?

Rarely, rarely does the Lord reward a person with this radiance. And God kissed our Lydia Leonidovna.

See light... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. radiant 1. cm ... Synonym dictionary

Radiant- Luchezarny: Luchezarny village, Kurganinsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. Radiant village, Lazarevsky district of Sochi, Krasnodar region ... Wikipedia

RADIANT- RADIANT, radiant, radiant; radiant, radiant, radiant (bookish, poetic). Sparkling, full of radiance, brilliance. Radiant sun. || trans. Filled with joyful radiance, happiness, shining with joy, happiness. Radiant hopes... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

RADIANT- RADIANT, oh, oh; ren, rna (high). Sparkling, shining. Radiant luminary. Radiant future (translated: bright). | noun radiance, and, female Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Radiant- adj. 1. Full of shine, radiance; sparkling. 2. transfer Filled with joy and happiness. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

radiant- radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant,... ... Forms of words

radiant- radiant; briefly form ren, rna... Russian spelling dictionary

radiant- cr.f. lucheza/ren, lucheza/rna, rno, rn; radiant… Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

radiant- oh, oh; ren, rna, rno. High 1. Illuminating with its light. L oh sun. Barking dawn. // Full of light, radiance, sparkle. L. day. L oe sky. // Shining, radiant (about the eyes). L y eyes. 2. Filled with joy, happiness, etc. L y dreams. The future... encyclopedic Dictionary

Radiant- 352421, Krasnodar, Kurganinsky... Settlements and indexes of Russia


  • , A.E. Efimov. A radiant image of the Saint of Christ and the miracle worker of Chernigov, Theodosius of Uglitsky, based on his life and miracles. Compiled by priest A. Efimov. Chernigov, publication of the Brotherhood of St. Michael, Prince... Buy for 1160 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • The radiant image of the Saint of Christ and the miracle worker of Chernigov Theodosius Uglitsky, A.E. Efimov. A radiant image of the Saint of Christ and the miracle worker of Chernigov, Theodosius of Uglitsky, based on his life and miracles. Compiled by priest A. Efimov. Chernigov, publication of the Brotherhood of St. Michael, Prince...

17.12.1959 –
Radiant man

Writer's life
Oleg Flavievich Kurguzov was born on December 17, 1959
year in the village of Ugryumovo, Domodedovo district
Moscow region. About my studies at school with
he said with humor that he did not go there for
knowledge - I liked being in a team,
I liked the girls in the class. Like most
children, had many complexes and childhood fears,
which I tried to overcome: I studied in
gymnastics section, jumping over a horse
and a goat, did inversion jumps from rings.
He prepared himself to become a scout and dreamed of joining
KGB Higher School. But…

Before entering Moscow State University, he worked as a laboratory assistant in a high school, and during
While studying at the Faculty of Journalism, I worked part-time in
Moscow Trust for Green Spaces - helped the capital blossom.
After graduating from university in 1983, he began working in
specialties: in the newspaper “Trud”, in the magazine “Journalist”. He's a lot
traveled around the country, published in Literaturnaya Gazeta, Moskovskaya
Pravda”, in “Literary Russia” and other periodicals.
From 1987 to 1989 he worked on the Board of the Union of Journalists of the USSR.
Having parted of my own free will with the “adult” work of a journalist,
he became the creator of wonderful children's publications.
In 1989, together with Tim Sobakin and Andrei Usachev
Kurguzov “put on rails” the legendary magazine “Tram” -
the best children's magazine of the time, bold, edgy, avant-garde,
presented readers with a scattering of wonderful writers and
artists, as well as a completely extraordinary layout, and what else
more importantly, a new way of communicating with readers - free and
non-standard. "Tram" was published in 90-95, it was read from
a pleasure for both children and adults. The magazine was published in circulation 2
118,500 copies, and at the same time it was quite difficult to get.
In "Tram" the works of Oleg Kurguzov were sometimes published under
pseudonym Oleg Olencha.

Magazine "Tram"

Appeal to readers
my stories from different sides.
Your Oleg Kurguzov, that is, Gelo
“The surname Kurguzov sounds, you see,
not very poetic. This is not for you, of course.
sonorous Marshak. But if you read it
backwards, you get Vozugruk.
I already feel something poetic and...
even, in places, magical. Here's how
depends a lot on which side
look at the item.
Please try to take a look at

About work
Oleg Kurguzov
Based on stories from the series "Stories
little boy" on
film studio "Soyuzmultfilm"
cartoons made. Stories
translated into Polish,
Serbian, Hungarian,
English and Japanese languages.

Sun on the ceiling" from
series "Funny Stories"
funny writers", M.,
"White City", 1997
In 1998 the book
literary prize
named after Janusz Korczak
"for successful
between children and
adults and
sparkling humor";

The most important
the book that
Oleg Kurguzov
I wrote all my life
- this is "Stories"
which someone
very accurate
called it a prayer
oh happy

More than one edition
stood it
book "In the Footsteps"
Why, why?"
inspired by children's
impressions of
Boris's books

A Word about the Writer
Once Oleg Kurguzov was asked: “Which should
Is there time to write a good book? Answer
was simple and ingenious, truly Pushkinian:
"Autumn rain. No wind."
“The sunniest writer of our days” - so
critics spoke about Oleg Kurguzov. In his books
a lot of sun, warmth and light. But there is also a lot of soft freshness,
thoughtfulness and sadness of autumn rain...
Oleg Kurguzov lived less than 45 years, but during his life
he managed to do a lot.
The writer died on March 10, 2004 in Moscow.
An amazing bright and kind person Oleg Kurguzov
continues to unite and delight his friends even
now, seven years after death.

    Hard to tell. But I have one friend who even changed her last name from Marchenko to Luchezarnova. In principle, he is a fairly well-known person, but has a lot of followers. So she considers herself radiant, Luchezarnova.

    It seems to me that he is a radiant person, close to a charming person. It’s nice to be with such a person, you get positive energy from him and nothing is scary with him, because you look at him and all the bad things dissipate in different directions.

    No, not anyone. A radiant person is one who is warm, light and joyful next to you. There are people you are drawn to because you feel good with them.

    Probably, a radiant person can be called one in whose company it is always warm and cozy. He seems to glow with his charm and optimism. I can give my husband as an example, although those who know him little would not think of calling him radiant - his appearance is not the same. But he quickly becomes part of any company and radiates goodwill and optimism. When he began to look after me and come to visit us, I took his visits calmly, and meanwhile he charmed my mother, won over my sisters, even cats, two at a time, lay on his lap.

    So I had nowhere to go - he surrounded me on all fronts and got me. And he still shines with the fact that he is happy regardless of the circumstances, and illuminates my life and the lives of those around me.

    For me, a radiant person is one who releases his inner warmth and purity to everyone. I personally have met only one such person in my 35 years. Absolutely everyone was really drawn to her. I physically felt this energy. Such people are very rare.

    Several times in my life I met such people and knew them for a long time.

    They looked completely different, but they produced the same effect:

    1 sincere joy in the soul,

    2 revitalization and lightness in the body,

    3 clarity and peace of mind,

    4 excellent mood after them for several days,

    5 in life they give a powerful impetus for advancement,

    6 gratitude and appreciation remain in the memory forever.

    A low bow to you, bright people who bring knowledge, goodness and love to this world!

    I already wrote about Rosa Yusim in response to a question

    Do psychics really exist?

    In other words, this person (or rather, from his soul) emanates a special light - naturally in the figurative sense of the word, but as soon as this person appears, everyone feels this invisible light. This lightness of his is transmitted to others (the people around him) and next to such a person, one can breathe easier and the soul becomes warmer. It is simply a GIFT - to be a radiant person - in other words, SUN. And how people rejoice at such SUN.

    He has an ordinary appearance, only his gaze is somehow spiritualized and warm, and his warmth can rather not be assessed externally, but simply felt in the soul.

    Let there be more bright people,

    And you will want to be near him longer.

    Let's share the warmth of our eyes.

    May the sun shine brighter for us.

    Children can be called radiant little people - what a pity that there are few such people among adults; we must learn from children.

    Radiant Not every person can be named. It may look different. Weight, skin color, facial features, living situation, etc. may vary. Then what is its peculiarity?

    A radiant person is a person with a gentle character, intelligent goodwill, who gives the feeling (simply envelops) that he is sharing happiness, brilliant joy, illuminating with his spiritual light. You always want to be with him, he is pleasant and encourages you to live and enjoy life, no matter what. In my opinion, Jesus Christ can be called a radiant person.

    A person who makes the world a better place only by his presence can be called radiant. Next to such a person, it seems that the problems are not so serious. Radiant people improve their mood, depression recedes. They have good energy.

    It's like in a planetarium, everything depends on the internal light source and the holes in the casing. If the inner light (the light of the soul) is strong, but not scorching, bright, but with pleasantness, and, moreover, reaches people, refracting so that everyone around them becomes better, such a person, in my opinion, can be called radiant! And how good it is to realize that this does not depend on age!

    A radiant person is, first of all, a light and positive person. He almost always looks joyful, welcoming, friendly and happy. People feel very comfortable being around such a person and enjoy communicating.


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