Who are astronauts for children presentation. "presentation about space for children" presentation on the topic. Downloads

(Greek kosmos - structure, order, world, Universe) originally among the ancient Greeks (starting with Pythagoras 6th century BC) - the Universe as a harmonious organized system, as opposed to chaos, a disorderly accumulation of matter. From the Greeks the term "K." passed into modern science as a synonym for the Universe. K includes interplanetary, interstellar, intergalactic space with all the objects located in it. From the concept "K." (outer space) sometimes exclude the Earth with its atmosphere. In this sense, the term "K." (the term “near space” is also used) became widespread after the launch (1957) in the USSR of the first artificial space object - an artificial Earth satellite - and the beginning of the study of the near-Earth and interplanetary environment using various types of spacecraft.

What is life like in orbit? Astronauts are usually scheduled to ascend into orbit at 7 a.m. The working day lasts about 10 hours on weekdays and 5 hours on Saturdays.

Food: Tubes of food for ISS workers are a thing of the past. Now they eat pre-freeze-dried (dehydrated) food, which they choose from a special menu.

Hygiene: If previously astronauts could only enjoy using wet wipes, now there is a bathhouse on the station, although its shape resembles a barrel. Toilets use a vacuum instead of water.

Equipment: spacesuits are used when launching the station into orbit. During docking, undocking, landing. And the rest of the time they wear more comfortable clothes, which are made of cotton. Buttons are not used in astronauts' clothing, as they can come off and fly around the station. Astronauts wear shoes only when playing sports.

The First Cosmonaut spoke about this beauty

And it all started with him... Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (Soviet scientist, designer and organizer of the production of rocket and space technology and missile weapons of the USSR, founder of practical cosmonautics. The largest figure of the 20th century in the field of space rocketry and shipbuilding. S.P. Korolev is the creator of the Soviet rocketry - space technology, which ensured strategic parity and made the USSR an advanced rocket and space power. He is a key figure in human exploration of space. Thanks to his ideas, the world's first artificial satellite was launched and the first cosmonaut of our planet, Yuri Gagarin.

And how not to believe in miracles! Now we know this for sure. The heavens have conquered us! And there are only stars above the sky! We are heading towards space, towards a dream. May the sky become kinder and cleaner, May new heroes gain heights. May space be ever closer to us.


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Look at these babies - they look at the night sky with interest! There are so many beautiful stars there! Since ancient times, people have loved looking at the stars, and they were very interested in what they really were like!

And then one day they decided to fly into space! To the stars! To fly into space, people built a space rocket. An astronaut was put into the rocket - it was he who had to control the rocket and fly to the stars.

But the fact is that it is very, very cold in space. If you go into space without a special suit, you can instantly freeze and turn into ice. In addition, there is very little air in space and an ordinary person will not be able to breathe in it. That is why the astronaut who flew into space was dressed in such a spacesuit. The suit is very warm and protects the astronaut from the cold even in space. In addition, a person can breathe in a spacesuit - it supplies the person with air.

The very first cosmonaut to fly into space was Yuri Gagarin.

When the astronaut got into the rocket, the countdown began: “Five, four, three, two, one, START!” The rocket took off from the ground, fire bursting from its tail - its engine was working so hard. And the rocket flew high into the sky.

She rose higher and higher! Look! She's already above the clouds!

And then the rocket ended up in outer space! This is what the astronauts saw in space!

This is our planet Earth - we live on it. As you can see, it is round – it looks like a big ball. Our planet is very, very large. That's why we don't notice that it looks like a ball. But if you rise high, high above the earth, then from space we will see it like in this picture.

Look, the blue spots on our planet are water - seas and oceans. Green spots are green forests and meadows. The brown spots are mountains. Isn’t it really very beautiful, our planet? And this small ball in the corner is our Moon!


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The moon from space is also visible as a ball. The moon is much smaller than our planet Earth.

This is what the Moon looks like if you fly closer to it.

And this is how the astronauts saw our Sun. A huge glowing fireball. But the astronauts could not fly close to the Sun - because the Sun is very, very hot. If you get too close to it, you might even burn out.

Other stars that we see from Earth are also suns. They are just so far away from us that they seem like just small dots.

And the astronauts saw planets in space that revolved around the Sun.

Look, this picture shows all the planets that revolve around the Sun. Notice how huge our Sun is! It is larger than all the other planets combined! And our planet Earth - here it is - the third from the Sun - is very small compared to other planets.

In this picture you can see how different the size of the planets are and how big our Sun is. From Earth, the Sun does not seem so big to us because it is very far from us. In fact, that’s how huge it is!

All planets in the solar system revolve around the Sun in their orbit. On those planets that are very close to the Sun - it is very hot - hotter than in a hot frying pan! We couldn't have stayed there for even a second! And on the most distant planets - which are far from the Sun - on the contrary, it is very cold, because the sun's rays do not reach there well.

That's how many interesting things astronauts can see in space! Now you know about all this too!

Many are sure that the first living creatures from Earth to fly into space were the legendary dogs Belka and Strelka. Those with a better memory will remember that the mongrel Laika flew into space before them. But in fact, both of them will be wrong......The names of the first dogs who gave their lives in the name of science were kept in deep secret during the years of the birth of Soviet cosmonautics. Just as the names of the people who conducted experiments with them were kept secret. Therefore, no one in the Soviet Union knew the name of Oleg Gazenko, an employee of the special laboratory of the Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine, which conducted experiments with cosmonaut dogs. The road to space for Yuri Gagarin was paved by... dogs.

Desik and Gypsy The first launch of dogs into a suborbital flight took place on July 22, 1951 at the Kapustin Yar training ground. This is how they describe him in the diaries of those years. “It’s four o’clock in the morning on July 22, 1951, dawn is breaking over the steppe, but at this moment work is in full swing at the cosmodrome. The dogs are already dressed in suits, well fed with stewed meat, milk and bread. At the test site are chief designer Sergei Korolev and head of the medical program Vladimir Yazdovsky. The cosmonauts take their places in the cabin at the top of the metal boom, after a while the start signal is heard. The R-2A geophysical rocket was “piloted” by cosmonauts Dezik and Tsygan. The rocket takes off, and after another fifteen minutes a white parachute appears on the horizon. Everyone rushes to the descent module, they look out the window - dog faces are looking at the scientists with satisfaction. They are alive! " From the launch capsule of the R-2A rocket After landing

Ryzhik and Fox In the summer of 1954, a new stage of the program opened: in Tomilino, near Moscow, dogs were trained to test emergency evacuation systems into open airless space. The astronauts' canvas harness was replaced with a spacesuit with a parachute, and the dogs Ryzhik and Fox were the first to try it. At an altitude of 100 km, the catapult pushed the Fox in a dog suit into open airless space. A specially designed parachute opened, working where there was nothing for the canopy to rest on. Ryzhik continued to fall along with the cabin to an altitude of 45 km, where they were “shot.” The spacesuit, accelerated by the fall almost to the speed of sound, slowed down the parachute already at an altitude of seven kilometers. Ryzhik died two weeks later. The next time the fox flew was in February 1955. During takeoff, the rocket veered to the side, the stabilization rudders acted too sharply, and the dog was thrown out of the cockpit by inertia.

From the Baikonur Cosmodrome on October 4, 1957, the Sputnik launch vehicle was launched, which placed the world's first artificial Earth satellite into low-Earth orbit. This launch opened the space age in human history. From the Baikonur Cosmodrome on October 4, 1957, the Sputnik launch vehicle was launched, which placed the world's first artificial Earth satellite into low-Earth orbit. This launch opened the space age in human history.

The next project, a daily return flight, was prepared longer and more carefully. But here, too, there were casualties. On July 28, 1960, a side block fell off the launched rocket, and it crashed before it could really take off. Chaika and Chanterelle Two dogs Chaika and Chanterelle died... A ship for Chaika and Chanterelle.

A white mongrel female squirrel was the leader of the team, the most active and sociable. During training she showed the best results, was among the first to approach the bowl of food, and was the first to learn to bark if something went wrong. Arrow, a mongrel female of light color with brown spots, was timid and a little withdrawn, but nevertheless friendly. Both dogs were about two and a half years old at the time of the space flight.

On August 20, 1960, at 13:32 Moscow time, on the 18th orbit, a command was given from the Earth to start the descent cycle. The braking propulsion system was turned on, and the ship left orbit. After some time, the descent module successfully landed in a given area (Orsk-Kustanay-Amangeldy triangle) 10 km from the calculated point. Belka and Strelka returned safely to Earth. For the first time in the world, living beings, having been in Space, returned to Earth.

Scientists did not limit themselves only to space experiments and continued research on earth. Now it was necessary to find out whether space flight affected the genetics of the animal. Strelka twice gave birth to healthy offspring, cute puppies that everyone would dream of purchasing. Belka and Strelka spent the rest of their lives at the institute and died of natural causes.

Offspring of Belka Puppy Fluff, a descendant of the famous Strelka, “adopted” by the wife of President Kennedy

Bee and Fly The turn was behind Bee and Fly. But their launch after the R-16 accident was postponed to December 1, 1960. And at 7:26 a.m. Vostok took off. In total, the dogs stayed in orbit for a day. Everything went smoothly, but when they gave the command to return, a glitch occurred. According to one version, the dogs flew away towards... Jupiter and died from suffocation and heat after their “ball” moved to a higher orbit due to a failure of the braking system, and in another they burned up in dense layers of the atmosphere. Bee Fly

Zhemchuzhina and Zhulka December 22 – a new attempt to put Vostok into orbit. Zhemchuzhina and Zhulka took their place in the satellite ship. At the launch site, the third stage of the launch vehicle crashed. The descent vehicle made an emergency landing in the Tuva region (Krasnoyarsk Territory). Rats, insects, and plants died, but the dogs remained alive. Zhulka was immediately taken in by academician Oleg Gazenko, and she spent the rest of her life in the general’s house. Sergei Pavlovich Korolev did not back down from his decision: two successful starts and a man flies. On the following ships the dogs were launched one at a time.

Chernushka On March 9, 1961, Chernushka went into space. The dog had to make one revolution around the earth and return - an exact model of human flight. Everything went well. Cosmonaut dogs: Zvezdochka, Chernushka, Strelka and Belka (photo from 1961). Zvezdochka On March 25, Zvezdochka started. And she had to complete one revolution and land. The flight ended successfully. It was on it that all stages of the flight were practiced, which were to be performed a little later by the first human cosmonaut.
In total, from July 1951 to September 1962, 29 dog flights took place into the stratosphere at an altitude of kilometers. Eight of them ended tragically. The dogs died from depressurization of the cabin, failure of the parachute system, and problems in the life support system. Alas, they did not receive even a hundredth of the glory that their four-legged colleagues who were in orbit covered themselves with. Even if posthumously... Red-haired Lady Belyanka-Motley Of them, Red-haired and Lady rose to a height of 200 kilometers, Belyanka and Motley kilometers. Brave and the dog Brave has been in space four times. Brave Dog Lady and Booger Dog Courageous

They say that Yuri Gagarin said the phrase. “I still don’t understand,” he said, “who am I? The first man or the last dog.” What was said was considered a joke, but, as you know, every joke has a grain of reality. It was dogs who paved the way to space for Yuri Gagarin.

The “dog” program did not end on Gagarin’s flight. In February-March 1966, the dogs Veterok and Ugolek spent 22 days in orbit of the artificial Earth satellite Kosmos-110. The dogs endured such a long flight very poorly, but recovered successfully and gave birth to healthy offspring. The cosmonauts of the Salyut station will break their record only in five years. Breeze and Coal

“And dogs fly into space, Filling space with themselves And when they fly to the stars, They remain there forever. And when the dogs fly away, People will be very lonely - And then people will bark, But they will hunt... poorly.” (S. Aksyonenko)

The first cosmonauts Prepared by primary school teacher of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 61”, Saratova Tatyana Konstantinovna Inusilova

October 4, 1957 - the beginning of the space age Thanks to the work of scientists S.P. Korolev and M.V. Keldysh, for the first time in the history of the world, the first artificial satellite of the Earth found itself in orbit.

Before humans entered space (1961), animal flights were intended to test whether future astronauts could survive a flight, and if so, how the flight might affect their health.

Monkeys Scientists have launched macaques into orbit many times. The animals were equipped with various sensors with the help of which changes occurring in the animals’ bodies were recorded.

Mice. Rats. Experiments were conducted on launching rats into space. Even if everything goes well, the rat loses up to a quarter of its weight. However, after landing on a special diet, the rat is recovering.

Central Asian steppe tortoises How overloads during return and the radiation situation on the lunar route will affect living organisms. On the advice of scientists from the Academy of Sciences, they decided to send Central Asian steppe tortoises into space for a “biological indication” of the route: they do not require a large supply of oxygen, they can eat nothing for a week and a half and remain in a lethargic sleep for a long time.

Quails In March 1990, baby quails were hatched for the first time on a spacecraft. The quails were unable to adapt to the lack of gravity and flew helplessly around the cabin, unable to cling to the cage. The lack of support prevented the quail babies from learning to feed on their own and they died, but not all of them; three of the quails survived the flight and returned safely to Earth.

Black and white cat Feliks Real cat-astronaut Felicette France launched a rocket into near-Earth space with a cat on board. Twelve animals took part in preparations for this flight; the main candidate for the flight was Felix the cat. He underwent intensive training and was approved for the flight. However, shortly before launch, the cat escaped and was quickly replaced by Felicette.

The famous dog Laika The smart and brave dog Laika passed the final exams better than others.

After the successful flight of animals into space, the road to the stars became open for man. After 8 months, a man went into space on the same spaceship on which the dogs Belka and Strelka flew. On April 12, 1961, at 6:07 a.m., the Vostok launch vehicle launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. For the first time in the world, a spaceship with a person on board burst into the vastness of the Universe.

The first human spacewalk During the flight of the Voskhod-2 spacecraft on the second orbit around the Earth, A.A. Leonov, wearing a special spacesuit with an autonomous life support system, was the first in the world to leave a ship into outer space.

The first flight of a woman into space Woman in space! For the first time in the world, Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova was in low-Earth orbit. “Chaika,” Tereshkova’s call sign, flew in space for about 70 hours.

How do astronauts prepare for flights? A centrifuge simulator is used to train astronauts.

When underwater training is carried out, the station, along with the platform, the cosmonauts and divers being trained, is lowered under water into a hydro pool.

Working in a hydro pool.

For more than 30 years, all cosmonauts, preparing for flight, for weightlessness, have been training in the so-called “flying laboratory”. This is the main simulator for developing work skills in the absence of gravity to the Earth.

How do astronauts live in a rocket? In space there is no air to breathe, there is no water, much less there is no food. All this is loaded into the spacecraft on the ground and then consumed in flight. There is nothing in space except emptiness and sunlight. It is light that powers the spacecraft through solar panels.

On the ship, all objects, including animals, are in a state of weightlessness. On earth, all objects have weight; they are attracted to the earth's surface. This doesn't happen in space. Inside the spacecraft, all objects are secured to special holders. Otherwise they would all be flying.

What do astronauts eat? Astronauts eat food that is stored in canned form. Before use, canned food and tubes are heated, and packages with first and second courses are diluted with water.

How do astronauts sleep? They have special niches equipped with straps along the walls.

The astronaut's clothing is a spacesuit. Cosmonauts wear it during the launch and descent of a rocket, when they go into outer space.

During the launch and descent of the rocket, the astronauts lie down in a special “Bed”.

Monument to the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Engels city

April 12, 1961 is a memorable day in the history of mankind. On this day, Yuri Gagarin flew for the first time on the Vostok spacecraft in the orbit of our Earth. Since then, April 12 has been celebrated as Cosmonautics Day.

It is customary in all schools and children's institutions to celebrate this holiday: holding KVN, class hours, conversations, hanging wall newspapers with photographs of the Earth from space, portraits of astronauts. Children actively participate in preparation for such events. They find illustrative material, make a selection of slides and presentations. In order to facilitate preparation for various competitions and concerts, lessons dedicated to Cosmonautics Day, we offer a selection of presentations for Cosmonautics Day. Not only children, but also teachers and educators will be interested in our slides and photographs.
Cosmonautics Day must be celebrated. And although this is an unofficial holiday, on April 12, whenever possible, they try to take children to museums and observatories to introduce them to the life of space and the history of its exploration. This is necessary because Gagarin is the first person to fly into space, and he was precisely a Russian person. Students should know this fact and be proud of it. “Cosmonautics Day” presentations will help teachers, parents, and teaching staff to present to children, at first glance, boring material filled with technical and scientific terms, in a brighter, more interesting way. Images of spaceships and our planet Earth will undoubtedly not leave even the most skeptical guys indifferent. Who knows, maybe one day one of them will design a ship on which all people will fly to other planets. The main thing is to awaken desire and inspiration in children's souls.

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  1. About,
  2. Pro and space flights


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