How to care for wild birds biology tips. Lexical theme of "profession". Choosing the right cage size

Regardless of the season, a number of rules should be followed when caring for a bird. First of all, every poultry breeder should know that with good, calm handling, the bird becomes tame, it is easy to catch it with a fishing hook for inspection. When catching a bird, you should not grab it by the tail, but rather take it by the wing. The birds are usually examined during feed distribution.

Bird care is changed depending on its age, physiological state of the body and the season. Adult chickens begin to molt in late summer and early autumn. During molting, which lasts more than two months, the bird's appetite decreases and egg-laying stops. At this time, the bird should be fed with sprouted grain, milk, return, boiled scrap meat, cabbage leaf, carrots, which stimulates the rapid regrowth of feathers. Daylight hours during the moulting of chickens are reduced to 8 hours a day. This promotes faster recovery of oviposition.

House temperature and the length of daylight hours have a large impact on egg-laying. The poultry room should be kept at a temperature of at least 3-5 ° C. Lower temperatures have a negative effect on egg production.

In winter, the length of the daylight hours is of great importance for birds, since light affects the physiological processes in the bird's body. Artificial lighting of the poultry house allows you to extend the “working day” of the bird, while increasing feed consumption, and at the same time, egg production.

For an adult, well-fed bird in the fall and winter, the electric light is turned on in the house at 6 a.m. and turned off with the onset of daylight. In the evening, the lights are turned on at dusk and turned off at 19-20 hours. Necessary total duration electric and natural daylight lighting should be maintained within 13-14 hours. In the evening, the lights are turned off gradually to allow the bird to perch.

Lighting the house with electricity should be at the rate of 5 W per 1 m 2 of floor area. With additional lighting, it is necessary to provide the bird with complete feed and clean water. Additional lighting in the house is stopped when natural daylight hours reach 13 hours.

To increase the egg production of ducks, geese and turkeys in winter, you can also use additional lighting in poultry houses, bringing daylight hours to 14 hours.

Only young ducks that have completely finished their growth should be illuminated, as well as adult ducks that have finished molting and have good fatness, dense, shiny and clean plumage. Turkeys and geese that are poorly nourished and younger than 6-7 months should not be additionally illuminated.

Unlike other types of poultry, geese increase egg production up to 5-6 years of age. Additional lighting of geese increases egg production by 20-30%.

The incubation qualities of goose eggs largely depend on the selection and maintenance of ganders. If the gander in the breeding season reduces weight, then the fertilization of goose eggs will correspondingly decrease. Therefore, the ganders are additionally fed with oats and high-grade grain waste 2-3 weeks before the start of the breeding period and during the breeding period. At the same time, the geese lay eggs with good incubation qualities.

In winter, chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys should preferably be allowed out for walks, cleared of snow and covered with a layer of straw, spruce branches. On the walk, they put feeders with grain or other dry food. At an outside temperature of 10 ° C, as well as in a strong wind, the bird is not allowed to walk. Ducks and geese can be released in winter even at -15 ° C. You should not force the bird out for walking.

In order for the bird to move more in the room where it is kept, you need to hang bunches of clover or alfalfa hay, corn cobs, and forage cabbage at such a height that the bird jumped up, pecking them.

In winter, the bird is kept on a thick and dry layer of litter. The best litter is straw, wood shavings, peat, dry sedge, sawdust. The litter must be prepared in advance, in the summer, and stored in a covered dry room (shed, attic) so that it does not get damp.

Keep the bird deep litter 25-30 cm thick and replaceable once a year. In winter, geese and ducks are kept only on non-removable bedding (30-40 cm). Labor and funds costs in this case are minimal. The use of deep bedding allows the use of inexpensive buildings for keeping poultry. It is not necessary to lay wooden floors in them, but earthen or adobe floors can be made. The deep litter is good at absorbing moisture and harmful gases from the droppings, which improves sanitary condition poultry house. In winter, it insulates the house well due to the heat generated during the decomposition of the litter material. In the deep layer of the litter, the temperature reaches 22-23 ° C.

Deep bedding is usually placed in the house in dry weather in autumn. The litter is periodically inverted and the top layer is agitated to prevent the formation of chaff and lumps. At the same time, make sure that the litter is not wet and not moistened near the drinkers, as this contributes to the occurrence of colds. Therefore, iron sheets or supports are installed under the drinkers.

Poultry house it is advisable to equip with equipment that limits the ingress of droppings into the litter and protects it from moisture. To keep the permanent deep litter dry and loose throughout the year, poultry houses use perches with litter boxes covered with metal mesh. Perches are made portable or lifting. After cleaning the dirty litter, the floor in the room is well dried and sprinkled with dry lime (fluff) at the rate of 1 kg of lime per 1 m 2 of the floor.

The room where the bird is kept must be cleaned and ventilated daily, open the window (transom), the door, but not create drafts in the room. Even a short-term drop in temperature to -8 ° C should be feared. In winter, the access hole is opened only when the birds are released for walking, the rest of the time it should be closed.

In winter, at temperatures, you can feed and water ducks and geese while walking. During thaws, the waterfowl is released into the reservoir.

In the spring, the bird begins a period of intensive egg production. Prepare the bird in advance for this period. She must be provided with good food. If there is not enough greenery on the run, then it must be fed fresh to the bird in feeders. In addition, it must be ensured that the drinker is always filled with fresh drinking water.

In summer, when the air temperature is high, the bird's appetite usually decreases, which negatively affects its productivity, therefore it is necessary to provide the bird with shelter from the scorching rays of the sun during this period (awnings, plantings of trees, shrubs). The best temperature for an adult bird in summer is no higher than 18-20 ° C.

Inspect the nests and take out the eggs of chickens and turkeys during the summer period at least 2 hours later. At the same time, the brooding hens are removed from the nests and transplanted into cages for walking.

Turkeys exhibit brooding instinct more than other domestic birds. Using simple nests, which turkeys often crawl into a few hours before laying an egg, encourages instinct (clucking). Therefore, it is advisable to have control nests with a slamming door after the turkey enters it. The control nests should be checked, and the demolished turkeys should be released for walking. To suppress the incubation instinct, cackling turkeys should be placed in cages with a lattice bottom, fed abundantly and ensure that there is water in the drinker at all times.

During the breeding season, turkeys often lose weight, which is why egg fertilization is noticeably reduced. To prevent this from happening, the turkeys should be additionally fed with oats sprouted before pecking. Egg-laying of turkeys during the breeding period usually takes place from 8 to 16 hours, so they should not be driven out to graze, pastures should not be grazed at this time.

Turkeys decrease egg production with age. In the second year of keeping, egg production decreases by 30-40%, and in the third year - by 40-50%. Therefore, it is advisable to leave only young males and females to the tribe.

The experience of advanced poultry farms for the production of turkey meat shows that an increase in daylight hours to 12-15 hours with the help of artificial lighting throughout the year and full-fledged feeding allow you to get eggs from turkeys all year round.

When mating, turkeys often injure the turkeys' back with sharp claws. To prevent this, in males, claws, and sometimes spurs, should be cut close to living tissue and carefully smoothed with a file.

Unlike chickens, turkeys and guinea fowls, ducks lay at night and early in the morning, so eggs must be collected in the morning and, if the ducks have not yet been laid, do not release them for walking earlier than 10 hours, as there may be a loss of eggs while walking.

The available evidence that ducks produce more eggs in the first year of laying than in the second and third years is not accurate enough. Our observations of ducks in a number of duck farms (Orekhovo-Zuevskaya duck farm, Ptichnoye state farm) showed that in the second year the birds laid 5-10% more eggs than in the first. In the third year, the egg production of ducks was the same as in the first. The egg production of record-breaking ducks has been kept at a high level for a number of years.

Decorative birds pleasing to the eye, chirping funny songs, always ready to chat with the owner, and most importantly - they do not need to be walked. Not surprisingly, this is why birds are so popular. But, like any pets, they need care and attention. Let's remember fundamental rules, which everyone who plans to acquire a bird needs to know or has already done so.

1. When choosing a bird you should pay attention to the neighbors in the cage: they should all be healthy and playful. If one of the birds sits cackling, it is possible that the disease is nearby. You should also carefully make out the beak and legs of the bird. They should be free of fungal growths and skin exfoliation. If the bird is too sluggish, there is reason to think.

2. Nutritional Basis feathered is a grain feed. There should be plenty of it. As a rule, it is a mixture of different varieties of millet, oats, wheat, canary seed, sunflower, corn. Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pine nuts) are added to the mixture. Besides, parrots they love fresh cottage cheese, they enjoy eating a white roll, especially soaked in milk or tea.

Also birds Do not mind eating slices of carrots, pumpkin and raw potatoes. Flowers (marigold, dandelion, rose hips, marigolds, etc.) help to maintain the color of the plumage. The bird will not refuse greenery either: lettuce, dandelion and cabbage leaves will do. But the favorite feathered sweets should be given very limitedly, using them as an encouragement in training.

Sand and eggshells serve as mineral nutrition, support pet's health and aid digestion. And don't forget about drinking water, which should be at room temperature. It is poured into small glassware (3-4 cm high) and placed on the bottom of the cage.

3. The activity of singing, reproduction and longevity of the bird depend on the correct maintenance and care. So as a dwelling for a pet, it is better to choose a metal cage, which will be easier for the owner to wash. Sometimes they buy glass cages, in which the bird is clearly visible from all sides.

By form the most convenient are rectangular cells. They can be stacked one on top of the other so that, when keeping several birds, they will not be irritated. The size of the cages should be such that the bird can move freely and sufficient to accommodate a pair of perches in one tier. The dimensions of the house will fit the following: length about 30 cm, width - 20 cm, height - from 27-29 cm.The distance between the rods is no more than 1.2-1.4 cm.The door in the cage should be located on the side, and the bottom should be double and retractable to make it easier to clean and disinfect the cage.

4. Feeders there are open and closed (with a canopy so that the droppings do not fall), ordinary and automatic. Automatic feeders are a thick glass flask that is turned upside down. Feed is poured into the flask, and new grains are supplied from the tube as needed. Automatic feeders are most convenient when you have to leave for a while and leave your pet alone: ​​the bird will receive a sufficient amount of feed. But ordinary feeders, which are placed on the bottom, most often lead to an unsanitary state of the feed.

5. Drinking bowls also there are open and closed. In the first type of drinkers, the water quickly becomes dirty and becomes unacceptable for drinking. Most optimal choice- an automatic drinker, with a small spout, where the bird's beak can barely fit. The water in it remains fresh for a long time. Meanwhile, an ordinary drinker (cup, bowl) should be placed away from the perches so that the water is not contaminated with droppings.

6. Bathing cleanses the skin and strengthens the plumage. The bath is attached to the outside of the door so that no water gets into the cage itself. It should be washed daily. Despite the fact that many birds like to swim, nevertheless, they need to be taught to this process from an early age: from the moment of jigging from the female - after 30 days of age.

7. And more consider, what:
- people who suffer from allergies are not recommended to have birds. When the cell is removed, dust is raised into the air, which can cause skin rashes, runny nose, headaches and even fever.

Feeding pets "from mouth to beak" is hazardous to health!

Adult birds that have recovered from various diseases, even after recovery, can carry bacteria in the body for a long time, so it is better to buy young animals - chicks up to 3 months old.

Observing these simple rules, you can find a reliable feathered friend who will delight you with his sonorous trills! Good luck!

Absolutely necessary conditions caring for birds in our home are attention to them, accuracy and, most importantly, love for these wonderful creatures. Without observing these conditions, I in no way advise you to keep birds with you. Without them, the birds that you take with you will weaken and, at best, after living with you for a month or two, they will die. Skillful bird maintenance is acquired through knowledge, observation and experience. Knowledge can be acquired from books, observation depends on your desire to observe birds and the time devoted to it, and experience is gained by practice.

The first question that arises when placing a bird in your room is where to hang or put a cage with it? In most cases, believing that the bird needs light, bird cages are hung on the windows. This method of placing birds is not rational. Of course, the bird needs light and sun, but placing the cage on the window has two serious drawbacks.

Firstly, the wind often blows through the window slits, and cold air also penetrates through them. The difference in temperature between a warm room and a stream of cold air entering the bird can cause colds and various diseases of the bird. And, secondly, when the cages are placed on the windows, the beauty of their color is lost when observing the birds, and you cannot see the entire range of shades of plumage of your pets. When observing birds against the light, they appear to you as just dark silhouettes. Therefore, it is best to place the cells on a light-colored wall against a window, not taller than a human being. Shy birds, such as larks, blackbirds, warblers, nightingales, should be hung higher for the first time.

The second question that arises for you will be - when and how to feed the birds? The answer to this can be given in the most categorical form: by all means at least once a day, in possibly early morning hours. The slightest inaccuracy in the time of the beginning of feeding can lead to the death of birds. (We have already spoken about the intensity of the metabolic process in birds.) It is enough to feed granivorous birds once a day. Insectivorous bird food can easily rot and deteriorate during the warmer months of the year, so it should be fed two to three times a day. This rule also applies to drinking water. Birds should always have fresh water. Drinking bowls should be placed so that birds cannot contaminate them; if the water is contaminated, it must be changed immediately.

It is difficult to indicate the amount of feed that should be given to the birds. The owner of the birds must adapt to the amount of food for each bird. Must be observed next rule- it is necessary to give as much feed as the bird can eat at one time and so that there is nothing left in the cage for the next feeding, and so that the bird is not hungry in any way long time... When observing birds in a cage, it is very easy to notice that the bird is hungry. A hungry bird, even after sitting in a cage for a long time, begins to jump from perch to perch, jump onto the walls of the cage, etc. This is a search reflex that belongs to the category of unconditioned reflexes. A hungry bird in nature has to fly especially hard and move in search of food, if there is little of it and it is hungry, this reflex is expressed in a bird in a cage in increased movements.

Drinking bowls and feeders should always be clean, it is best to use glass, earthenware, enamel and porcelain cups and bowls, avoiding clay (porous) and wooden ones that are difficult to clean from dirt and begin to emit an unpleasant odor.

For most birds, it is necessary to put bathing trays in the cages, which must be removed from the cage after the bird is bathed to avoid contamination. (Letting it swim several times a day is not harmful to the bird, especially since some birds - starlings, blackbirds and warblers are ready to swim in
5-6 times a day.)

It is advisable to clean the cells as often as possible. Cage guidelines make cage cleaning a must on a daily basis. However, based on the rather significant time required for this procedure with a large number of cells, based on my own experience, I believe that in the summer (during the warm season) the cells of insectivorous birds should be cleaned daily, and granivorous birds every other day, and in winter intervals between cleansing of cells for insectivores can be 4-5 days, and for granivores 7-8 days.

The time spent on feeding and cleaning the cages, with a known skill, is not in any way significant; I can refer to this on my personal experience... Now I have about sixty birds; they fit in thirty cells. I spend 30-40 minutes every day feeding my feathered friends; I clean the cells once every 5 days, this lesson takes about 2 hours.

The perches of the cages must sometimes (once a month) be removed from the cage, the accumulated dirt must be cleaned from them with a knife, and then scalded with boiling water. If it is necessary to transfer birds from cage to cage, you should avoid taking them with your hands. I had a case when I took in my hands a green tea that had been sitting in a cage for many years, completely fearless, singing a lot, and the bird was so scared that its aorta burst from excitement and heartbeat, a trickle of bright scarlet blood appeared from its beak, and through died for a few seconds. When transferring birds from cage to cage, it is necessary to "overtake" the birds from one to the other by placing the cages against each other with doors. The cage, into which the bird is driven, must be placed closer to the window - the bird will more easily go into the light. You should never make sudden movements near the cages, which frighten the birds, and allow cats and dogs to approach the cages, etc. If the claws (sometimes directed to the sides) grow strongly in birds that have been sitting in the cages for a long time, they should be carefully cut off with sharp scissors. Anything else you will encounter while caring for birds will be gained by experience and observation.

It must be remembered that every bird that has sat in a cage in favorable conditions for it for 1-2 months, firstly, should start singing, and secondly, it should not be afraid of the person caring for it, and more or less calmly, not rushing to the walls of the cage, jump on the perches. However, in most cases, birds, even those who are completely obscene and accustomed to cages and people, often begin to jump and beat in the cage with the onset of dusk. This, again, is a completely legitimate persisting unconditioned reflex of birds - the search for a secluded and comfortable place to spend the night. It is absolutely necessary for birds in the wild, where they are surrounded by enemies.

General structure of the pen
Plumage is an individual feature of bird covers. Since the feather is an extremely important and striking detail in the life of a bird, let us allow ourselves inconsistency in the presentation of data on the covers and begin not ...

Atlantic goose (Branta bernicla)
VERTEBRATA Order: Anseriformes - Anseriforme Family: Duck - Anatidae Genus: Branta

Rod Mocking
Genus Mocking - Hippolais Similar to large warblers, but differ in a rougher voice, a wide beak at the base and a rounded head. They differ from Whitethroats by a light eyebrow. The tail is straight or chu ...

Everyone, perhaps, knows how much joy four-legged friends give their owners. But besides dogs and cats, there are also birds.

Birds in the House, or Feathered Pets

Birds are loved no less than cats and dogs. And how can you not love them? Little yellow canaries are real singers and are ready to entertain their master with their singing all day long, and funny parrots can imitate their voices and talk, well, just like people! Needless to say, any pet, be it a cat or a parrot, makes our life fun, distracts from troubles and serves as one of the most interesting topics of conversation.

If you decide to have a bird, then think carefully about whether you are ready to be responsible for it creature? To look after him, feed him, clean the cage and buy food himself? After all, any pet becomes a full-fledged owner, requires care and affection, so if you can take all the care of a feathered friend on yourself, then start a bird.

But your desire alone is not enough. Since you live with mom and dad, first of all consult with them - is it possible to have a bird? After all, it can happen that the bird will interfere with falling asleep for a little brother or sister, disturb a sick grandmother with its singing, and some people may develop a disease called allergy from bird feathers. So if your home conditions allow you to keep a bird, and your parents do not mind, then you can make a purchase.

Let's say your pets are not against the bird and allowed you to keep it at home, but think carefully, why do you need a bird? If you want to get a "talking friend", then it is better to have a parrot, and if you prefer a songstress, then a canary or a goldfinch will be just the way for you.

Prepare to buy a bird as carefully as possible. First, find out how to choose the right bird, which cage to buy, how to care for it and what to feed your feathered friend.

Where to buy a bird

Of course, it is better in special pet stores. Some people buy birds from the market. But where is the guarantee that the bird bought on the market will be healthy? It is best to shop with your parents or someone who understands birds. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase the desired bird in the store, then when buying it from your hands, carefully inspect it and talk to the seller: how old is the bird, how to feed it, how to care for the cage, etc. It is advisable, of course, to buy a young healthy bird ...

It is very easy to identify a healthy bird. In an absolutely healthy bird, the feathers are clean and tightly pressed to the body, and the eyes are clean, clear and completely open. The bird sings, jumps quickly over the perches and takes food with pleasure.

Be wary and refuse to buy if you notice that the bird's feathers are falling out, bald patches are noticeable, and there are growths on the legs and beak, this means that the bird is sick. Do not buy birds from suspicious people who force you to buy from them: they often try to sell a sick or old bird this way.

What kind of bird is better to have in the apartment

If in the future you want to teach the bird to speak, then it is better to buy a male parrot, since females do not speak. It is very easy to distinguish a male from a female: in males the waxen (an outgrowth above the beak) is blue or bluish in color, and in the female it is dirty gray-yellow or dark gray in color. When buying a couple of parrots, try to match birds of about the same color.

If you want the bird to be a songstress, then buy a canary (also a male) or a goldfinch.

Many children keep wild birds in their apartments: starlings, magpies, bullfinches, titmouses. We do not advise you to buy wild birds. These birds are accustomed to living in freedom, and therefore it is very difficult to get used to living at home. They often get sick, bored and die. If you like wild birds so much, then it is better to make and install a feeder on your balcony or on a tree in the yard and feed the birds with bread crumbs, dried berries, raw seeds - they will willingly fly to you to feast on their favorite food, and you will have a great opportunity see them every day. And those birds, which will like your treat, will make a nest under your window in the spring and will sing their best songs for you.

Bird cage: choice, arrangement, location

  • How to choose a birdcage

Birds are very lively by nature and therefore require a lot of space. And when buying a cage, remember that this is a house for the bird, where she will spend most of the time, so the cage should be large and spacious. In a cramped cage, the bird feels uncomfortable, and has nowhere to fly and jump, so the bird's cage should be as spacious as possible. The dimensions of the cage should be approximately 40x27x33 cm.

If you want to have a couple, then the house for them should be even larger (60x50x40). Try not to buy a copper wire cage. Under the influence of moisture and air, greens appear on the twigs, and this is the strongest poison for birds. The rods in the cage should be close enough to prevent the bird from sticking its head in.

The perches in the cage should be made of wood, but by no means metal, since it will be very difficult for the bird to cling to and hold on with its paws. Perches should be located on not very close range away from each other so that it is convenient for the bird to turn.

  • How to set up a bird cage

Having bought a cage, prepare it carefully before placing a bird in it. If you are afraid that you will not be able to cope with this, then ask someone from the elders to help you.

The new cage must be thoroughly washed by pouring boiling water over it. Lay out the floor of the cage with clean paper. Pour food into a special feeder, pour some water (preferably into a small doll plastic cup). Birds, especially parrots, love to show off in front of a mirror, and therefore hang a round mirror in a cage. You know how interesting it is to watch the behavior of a parrot when he offers a tasty treat to his reflection in the mirror, poking his beak, or chirps gently, thinking that he is talking to an unfamiliar female.

Birds simply love to swim in water, and therefore, in addition to drinking water, there should be a larger jar in the cage - with water for bathing. Ask your mother for an empty cream jar, pour room water into it and set it for the bird, just do not use a jar that is too deep for this, because the bird may accidentally choke. Pet shops sell special swimwear for birds, so you can get a ready-made swimsuit for your feathered friend.

It would be nice to install a hanging swing in the cage, on which your bird will swing, or ladders. Bells, bright large beads (do not hang small beads in a cage, otherwise the bird can break them with its beak and inadvertently swallow the beads) or small rattles are very popular with parrots, and they will be very happy to have fun with these toys if you hang them in the bird house ... But do not hang the cage with beads and all kinds of toys, as christmas tree, otherwise the bird will be dark.

In one of the corners of the cage, pour a handful of clean, previously calcined in a hot frying pan, river sand. Mix in crushed eggshells, crushed chalk and birch charcoal. Eggshells, sand and chalk are mineral supplements that birds need to help them digest food: they have no teeth.

  • Where to put a bird cage

Set up the cage so that the bird can be in both the sunny and shady areas. You cannot put or hang the cage near the TV, as it has a bad effect on the health of the bird. It is better not to put a bird on the window: although it is light there, there is a draft, which is very harmful for it.

  • How to care for a birdcage

The cage should be cleaned as it gets dirty. As soon as you notice that the paper in the cage has become dirty (heavily soiled in bird droppings, in the husks of seeds), replace it with a clean one. Once a month, do a general (thorough) cleaning in the bird house. My cage is with baby soap and rinse well with hot water. Thus, you will destroy all germs.

How to care for birds at home

The bird does not require any special. All the bird needs is to regularly clean the cage (we have already talked about this) and feed it, then the bird will thank you for your care - the canary will sing you one of its most beautiful songs, and the funny parrot will finally utter the desired word ...

Favorite food for poultry is grain and millet. All this can be bought in a special store or in the market. It is necessary to fill the feeder with food for one day. The bird should always have food in the feeder. With great pleasure, birds love to eat raw seeds (but by no means fried!). Birds willingly eat both peeled oats and oatmeal.

All year round, the birds need to be given fresh grass, cabbage leaves or sprouted oats, which you can grow in a wooden box by the window. Young fragrant greens of seedlings are a real treat for poultry. A finely chopped hard egg is also very useful for birds. Low-fat cottage cheese can be given once a week.

Fruit and vegetable food can be given to the birds in unlimited quantities: grated carrots, lettuce, radishes, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, slices of apples and pears, slices of oranges and tangerines, pomegranates, peaches and many other vegetables and fruits, if your pupil likes them.

And also try to have branches of various plants in the cage at any time of the year. Domestic birds are very fond of climbing on branches, tearing off the bark with their beak, undermining the beak.

Do not forget to give your feathered friend vitamins, especially in the spring and autumn. There is a special food with the necessary set of vitamins that is suitable for any bird, and you can buy it at any pet store.

The bird should not be in the cage all the time. From time to time, she needs to be released so that she flies around the room. Having taken precautions (tightly close the balcony door, window leaf, window, door to the landing so that the bird does not fly away), do not be afraid to let the bird out of the cage: let it get better acquainted with the apartment, get closer to you.

Loud noise is very harmful to the hearing of birds, so try not to turn on the tape recorder at full power in the room where the bird lives.

We do not recommend that you unnecessarily climb into the cage to the bird or stand all day at the cage and observe its actions. Although birds are peace-loving creatures, if your friend is in a bad mood or he is unhappy with something, or does not feel well, then do not poke your head into the cage - he can peck you very painfully.

The bird is sick: what to do

Only yesterday your favorite parrot chirped merrily and flew around the apartment, and today he sits crumpled on a perch and refuses his favorite food. What's the matter here? This means that your friend is sick. Birds get sick as well as all living things. They can have sore throats and stomach pains - just like humans. How can you tell if a bird is feeling unwell?

Healthy birds, as a rule, are mobile, cheerful and take food with pleasure, react vividly to their surroundings. But if you notice that the bird refuses to eat or does not sing, sits on the perch, closing its eyes or hiding its head under the wing, then pay attention to its plumage, eyes and nasal openings - are there any purulent discharge, are feathers falling out? A lethargic appearance and refusal to eat indicate that the bird is unhealthy. At the first sign of sickness, show the bird to your veterinarian immediately. And if you have a couple, then the sick bird should be immediately isolated from the healthy one and watched.

Breeding parrots: how to get chicks

If you have a couple of birds - a male and a female, then in 12-14 months you can try to get offspring from them. To do this, you need to make a house for future chicks, which is called a summer house or a nest box. In order to make a house, you will need plywood about 2 cm thick. From plywood, make a square hut with a reclining top, and put small sawdust on the bottom of this house. Hang the finished house at a height of 12-14 cm, stepping back 3-5 cm from the side wall. Until a house appears in the cage, the couple will lead a normal life, but the suspended house is a kind of signal to awaken the reproductive instinct. The male begins to look after the female - he cleans the feathers for her, gives the most tidbits. After 10-15 days after mating, testicles appear in the hanging house. The female spends whole days in the house, incubating chicks, and the caring male dad is very attentive to the female during this period: he feeds her, protects the dwelling. After about 18-20 days, naked blind chicks hatch from the testicles. They are completely helpless. After 5-7 days, they open their eyes and on the 10th day they begin to become covered with feathers. Gradually, chicks turn into young birds, and after 40-45 days they already make their first flights. Now it is better to plant young birds in a separate cage from their parents and take all the care of them on yourself.

Young birds need to be fed with vitamins so that they do not get sick and grow quickly.

Many guys have parrots in the hope of teaching them to speak as well as people. But not everyone succeeds. Let's talk about it.

How to teach a parrot to speak

But before we get down to this conversation, read one story.

  • The parable of the merchant and the parrot

A wealthy merchant lived in an ancient city. One day he saw on the street an old gypsy with a large, beautiful parrot on his shoulder. The merchant liked the bird very much, and the merchant, by all means, wanted to have the same parrot with him. The merchant ordered the maid to go down and invite the gypsy to his home. When the gypsy entered the room, the merchant invited him to sit down, treated him to aromatic coffee and asked if he could sell the parrot.

What is he to me, - said the gypsy, - there’s no use from him, no matter how much he taught him to speak, but he is still silent.

The gypsy agreed to sell the parrot, the merchant generously endowed the gypsy, and the parrot remained to live with the merchant's house. The merchant did not believe the words of the gypsy that it was impossible to teach a parrot to speak, and began to study with him, doing this every day. At first, the parrot did not show any interest in learning, but then he began to pronounce one or two words, then again and again. And soon he learned to speak so well that everyone was surprised. But that's not all. By order of the merchant, he brought him a nightcap, shoes, and even called the servant. The merchant kept a large store, and the parrot's favorite place was the counter. When the merchant went into another room, the parrot loudly announced the arrival of a visitor. Here's a story about a talking parrot.

  • How to train your parrot to speak

Many people believe that only large parrots can speak, like the one that sat on the shoulder of the one-legged pirate from the cartoon "Treasure Island". This is not entirely true. Even the most common little budgerigars can be taught to speak. And this is very easy to do. It depends on you and on the parrot himself. He, like you and another living creature, has his own character. And if the parrot is lazy, sleeps or eats all day, then it will not be so easy for you to teach him to speak, and if the parrot shows interest in learning, he will very soon learn to speak as well as you (well, almost as well).

It is best to teach a parrot to speak from an early age. First, try to accustom him to yourself so that he is not afraid of you. To do this, slowly bring your finger to the paws of the parrot and quietly with your palm try to transfer it to your finger. Do not make sudden movements so as not to frighten the bird. If the parrot will sit quietly on your finger and not be afraid, then be sure to encourage him and treat him with some delicacy. Do it all in the cage, and then try to get the parrot out of the cage and hold your finger. And again reward with some delicacy, and then carefully return your pet to the perch. Repeat this movement two or three times a day - and very soon you will teach the parrot to sit freely on your finger.

Try to make friends with the parrot - talk to him kindly, do not make sudden movements.

After that you can start the Russian language lessons. The best time for lessons is evening. Put the parrot on your finger, bring it to your face and pronounce a word clearly. There should be no extraneous sounds and noise in the room where you are "engaged" with the parrot.

Whether the parrot learns to speak depends primarily on you. In no case shout or make grimaces, otherwise the bird may be frightened, and when frightened, it will not want to "communicate" with you. After about 2-3 weeks, the parrot can pronounce the word that you repeated for him. By the way, the parrot has excellent hearing - he hears everything, and if during the lessons he opens and closes his eyes, it means that he listens to you attentively.

Of course, a very painstaking work awaits you, but how will you be delighted when, after a few weeks of regular practice, the bird utters the desired word.

And ending our conversation about birds, I would like to summarize. If you provide your friend with proper care, a calm and benevolent atmosphere, then the bird will very quickly get used to you, will surely reciprocate and love you and will surprise you with its intelligence and devotion more than once!

Watching budgerigars frolic around is a pleasure. To ensure a comfortable life and protect pets from diseases, bird owners should definitely know how to care for a parrot. In addition to the competent arrangement of the cell and a balanced diet, wavy lines for full development also require communication with family members.

The first days in a new place, the budgerigar adapts to an unfamiliar habitat and living conditions. It is very important for him to be cozy and comfortable. New, proper nutrition, the gradual establishment of contact with the pet - the owner must take care of all these nuances in advance.

Choosing the right cage size

Medium-sized cells are considered the best option. Too large and spacious structures slow down the domestication of parrots, and small ones restrict their movement. It is preferable to choose products of a rectangular shape, since in round ones the pet cannot retire if desired, which will make him feel uncomfortable. The recommended size for keeping one bird is 35x35 cm, for two - 65x55 cm.

What should be the bottom of the structure

For easy cleaning, the bottom should be retractable. Some breeders prefer to use fillers, while others strongly discourage this and confine themselves to underlining the paper and then changing it daily. Newspapers should not be used as bedding, as they contain substances hazardous to the parrot. Some cages are equipped with a lattice bottom instead of a solid one. For a parrot, this option is not suitable, as it can injure the legs.

What should be equipped with a pet's dwelling

A parrot in a cage must have a drinking bowl with clean water and a feeder with grains, which must be blown out every day from peeled skins. For comfortable movement of the parrot, two wooden perches are installed on different levels... At the very top, under the dome of the cage, a swing is attached. From toys, wavy bells, colorful bright beads and all kinds of rattles are highly respected. These items will not let the baby get bored in the absence of the owners. If you put a mirror, then the parrot will spend a lot of time talking and chatting with his new friend. On the one hand, this will not let him get bored, on the other, he can move away from the person.

There must be a drinking bowl with clean water and a feeder with grains in the cage.

In order for the pet to be able to monitor its own hygiene, it is necessary to place a container with sand in the cage, as well as a bath for bathing. Change the water daily and check the condition of the sand.

How to care for a budgerigar at home: choosing the right place for a cage

When everything you need for the comfort of the bird has been bought, it remains to decide where to place the cage with the parrot. The air temperature in the room should be constant within the range from +18 to + 25 ° С. Sharp temperature changes and drafts negatively affect the pet's health, so they should be avoided. There must be fresh air in the room and correct lighting... The optimal daylight hours are 16 hours. Adequate lighting is the key to a playful mood and good health pet. When daylight decreases in winter, it is necessary to turn on artificial lighting in the room early in the morning and in the evening.

Don't place your parrot:

  • in the kitchen and hallway. The temperature in these rooms is constantly changing. A sharp drop occurs due to opening front door or kitchen windows to get rid of cooked food odors. In addition, during cooking on dishes with a non-stick coating, substances hazardous to the parrot are released;
  • near heaters and batteries. It is known that parrots do not like the cold, but too high temperatures are undesirable for them;
  • in noisy places. Wavy people are shy by nature and very sensitive, and the stress caused by harsh sounds and too loud music can negatively affect their nervous system;
  • too low or high to the floor. Place the cage at eye level. Too low position threatens the pet with constant drafts. And according to the statements of professional breeders, placing the cage high, the parrot develops an understanding that he is more important than his owners.

Feathered friends need care, attention to their health and mood. If the owner notices a change in behavior or a deterioration in appetite in a bird, it is imperative to consult a veterinarian, which could cause such changes and urgently take measures to improve the well-being of the parrot. Wavy lines are extremely fragile creatures, so the delay in their treatment can end tragically.

To keep your parrot healthy, do not use prohibited foods for food.

Many owners noticed that they willingly eat chicken for their parrot. But you shouldn't be led by the birds. Even small portions of such food cause irreparable harm to the pet's body. V early age he may have some organ failure, such as the liver or kidneys. Due to improper feeding, serious diseases develop, from which the wavies can die.

One of the most important points in proper bird care is having fresh drink. The water should be at room temperature and never from the tap. The water trough should be rinsed daily to prevent bacteria from growing on its surface.

Excessive curiosity and activity of wavy lines sometimes cause dangerous situations. When a parrot is in a cage, nothing threatens him. It is a completely different matter when a pet is released to fly around an apartment or house. Things and interior items that are familiar to a person are fraught with great danger for a parrot. But do not panic in advance and condemn the bird to an eternal seat in a locked cage. The main thing is to eliminate all the dangers and prepare the home for wavy flights.

Eliminate all dangers and pre-planes in advance, prepare your home for wavy flights

Here is a list of some of the situations that can cause injury to your parrot:

  • through open windows and doors, a bird, attracted by sounds from the street, can fly out. If mosquito nets are installed on the windows, then the parrot will not fly out, however, once it gets into the narrow space between the window and the net, it will not be able to get out of there without assistance. If the weather permits, it is better to open the window for airing the room wide open;
  • collisions with mirrors or doors with glass elements are also a common cause of injuries to wings, legs and head;
  • unsuitable indoor plants. When a parrot appears in the house, then all plants in the house must be checked for compatibility with pets and, if necessary, take the poisonous species to work or donate to neighbors;
  • it is forbidden to smoke in the room where the cage with the pet is, it is also forbidden to leave the ashtray with cigarette butts and cigarette butts not extinguished. The consequences of such irresponsible behavior can be burns to the paws or wings. The bird can also be poisoned by tobacco poison;
  • an accumulation of computer cords, strings on curtains and even cords from blinds are dangerous for a parrot due to the possibility of entanglement and suffocation;
  • death due to drowning can occur due to open washing machines, aquariums, bathrooms;
  • if the trash can is in an open space, then the bird in search of delicacies can climb there. Firstly, he cannot eat the remnants of the food located there, and secondly, due to an oversight of the owners, the bird can be thrown out into the street;
  • during cooking, the danger is posed by pots with boiling water, fire. If the bird flies freely around the apartment, then while working in the kitchen, it is better for the hostess to close the parrot in the cage or lock the door to the kitchen;
  • if the family has children, then teach them to close all felt-tip pens, markers, and also put colored crayons in a closed container;
  • when opening and closing doors, boxes, care should be taken. The feathered one can sit on the door of any locker. Without noticing him, the owner runs the risk of damaging the paws of the parrot;
  • it is not allowed to use deodorants in the form of sprays, aerosols for hair styling near the parrot. A bird's respiratory system may not withstand exposure to harsh chemicals.

At first, it might seem like creating a safe environment for such a fragile creature as budgie impossible. But it is enough just to teach all household members to observe some caution in relation to the parrot and nothing will threaten him.

Caring for a parrot at home should not end with just cleaning the cage and feeding. Wavy lines need communication with a person. The better the contact between the owner and the pet is, the faster the parrot will begin to imitate words and even whole phrases.


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