School uniform for girls. School uniform for boys

  • Classic shirts and polo shirts (4-6 pieces). Lightweight and comfortable, they pair well with trousers and jeans.
  • Pants (2-4 pieces). Models sit beautifully on the figure, sewn from high-quality wear-resistant fabric.
  • Jackets, cardigans and vests (2-3 pieces). Great option for a modern look. Do not deform when washed, dry quickly, do not lose color.

Do not forget about outerwear: an elegant coat or an elongated jacket. During the school year, you will need several pairs of shoes (street, change, sports), tracksuit, underwear and socks, as well as a backpack and change bag. And be sure to order accessories: ties, bow ties, shawls, scarves and much more.

The FiNN FLARE online store has a school uniform for teenagers and first graders. We follow all fashion trends, carefully control the quality of clothes and help you prepare for the start of your studies at an affordable price.

You can buy a school uniform for boys online with home delivery. Free fitting of goods is possible in Moscow and the region. Delivery to the regions of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries is carried out courier services and EMS.

  • Blouses and polo shirts (4-6 pieces). Perfectly combined with skirts, trousers and sundresses. Presented in an assortment of colors.
  • Pants and skirts (2-3 pieces). Allow you to make a lot of stylish capsules for every day.
  • Dresses and sundresses (2-3 pieces). Choose a comfortable stylish model for a little fashionista. Dresses fit perfectly on the figure, do not interfere with movements.
  • Jackets and cardigans (1-2 pieces). Our clothes are made of "smart" fabric, which is easy to wash and does not fade in the sun. Elegant jackets meet the latest requirements of school fashion.

To the list of children's school uniforms, you need to add outerwear - a coat, a raincoat, a warm jacket. Do not forget about shoes, casual and going out, a tracksuit, a comfortable backpack or bag, as well as tights and underwear. All this and much more can be ordered inexpensively at FiNN FLARE.

To buy a school uniform for a girl in an online store, fill out the form on the website and wait for the manager's call. In Moscow and the region, a preliminary fitting of clothes is possible. Delivery to the regions and countries of the CIS is carried out by courier services and EMS.

Buy the most fashionable school uniform of 2017 for girls on the FiNN FLARE website.

The Finnish fashion brand Finn Flare (Fin Flyer) has been known in Russia for more than half a century, thanks to the highest quality clothing, shoes and accessories in Casual, Sport, Street and "bohemian chic" styles. In the collections you can find things for any occasion: from comfortable everyday ensembles to luxurious evening looks in the Middle Plus price group.

Brand history

The starting point in the history of the brand is considered to be 1960, when a small textile factory opened in Finland. It took five years to develop, cut and manufacture clothing models, and in 1965 the Finn Flare brand was registered and brought to the market.

From the very beginning, the company did not intend to lock itself into the Finnish market. Products began to arrive first to the nearest neighbors, and then to other European countries. The brand's clothes also came to the USSR. In conditions of shortage, current trendy models were instantly swept off the shelves, and the brand barely had time to make new deliveries. So the Soviet market became one of the leading for the brand.

The 1990s were marked not only by the collapse of the USSR, but also by the deepest economic crisis. The purchasing power of the population rushed to zero, sales collapsed next. A similar situation was observed in the countries of the former socialist camp. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy.

The crash didn't happen! A talented Russian woman, Ksenia Ryabova, appeared in the life of the company. At first, in the 1990s, the girl only indirectly collaborated with the brand, but already in 1999 she opened her first store in Moscow, where, among the clothes of famous brands, she began to sell Finn Flare products. In addition, Ryabova received the right to develop things of her own design and sell them under the Fin Flyer brand.

A year later, it became obvious that it was pointless to renew contracts with other brands - Finn Flare brought the vast majority of the store's profits.

Then there were boutiques in other cities, CIS countries, far abroad. Things went so well that in 2006 Ksenia was appointed head of the Fin Flyer domestic representative office. Result: 100 branded stores, another 250 franchised, hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue.


Products, in whatever style the collections are presented, have a sporty accent. These are clothes and footwear for active cheerful people. Finland is in many ways similar to Russia in climate, so special attention is paid to warm clothes and clothes for demi-season wear.

The entire range can be divided into:

  • women's clothing;
  • clothes for men;
  • Kids' things;
  • shoes;
  • accessories.

You can buy Finn Flare items using the oneBigShop online catalog. The pages contain offers from the most famous sellers, and everyone is able to choose what they need, compare prices and other parameters, after which they can place an order in the presented stores.


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