The rows of the spreadsheet are numbered. The active cell is the cell

Spreadsheet test

Select all the correct answers to the test questions

1. A spreadsheet is:

1) a personal computer device that manages its resources in the process of processing data in a tabular form;

2) application program for processing code tables;

3) an application program designed to process data structured in the form of a table;

4) system program, resource manager personal computer when processing tables.

2. Spreadsheet is designed for:

1) processing predominantly numerical data structured using tables;

2) orderly storage and processing of significant data arrays;

3) visualization of structural relationships between data presented in tables;

4) editing graphical representations of large amounts of information.

3. Spreadsheet is:

1) a collection of rows and columns arbitrarily named by the user.

2) a set of rows and numbered columns named by letters of the Latin alphabet;

3) a set of numbered rows and columns;

4) a set of numbered rows and columns named by letters of the Latin alphabet.

4. Strings spreadsheet:

1) are named arbitrarily by the user;

2) are indicated by the letters of the Russian alphabet;

E.V. Kovrigin. Creating and editing spreadsheets in the environment.

3) are designated by letters of the Latin alphabet;

4) are numbered.

5. In general case spreadsheet columns:

1) are numbered;

2) are designated by letters of the Latin alphabet;

3) are designated by letters of the Russian alphabet;

4) are named arbitrarily by the user.

6. For the user, a spreadsheet cell is identified:

1) a name arbitrarily specified by the user;

2) the address of the machine word of RAM allocated for the cell;

3) a special code word;

4) by sequentially specifying the column name and row number at the intersection of which the cell is located.

7. Computational formulas in the cells of the spreadsheet are written:

1) in ordinary mathematical notation;

2) in a special way using built-in functions and according to the rules adopted for writing expressions in programming languages;

3) according to the rules adopted exclusively for spreadsheets;

4) according to the rules adopted exclusively for databases.

8. The expression 3(А1+В1):5(2В1-3А2), written in accordance with the rules accepted in mathematics, in the Calc spreadsheet looks like this:

10. A formula entry in a spreadsheet cannot include:

11. The range of cells is:

1) a set of cells that form a rectangular area in the table;

2) all cells of one row;

3) all cells in one column;

4) set of allowed values.

12.Active cell is a cell:

1) to record commands;

2) containing a formula that includes the name of the cell in which data is entered;

3) a formula that contains references to the contents of a dependent cell;

4) in which the data is entered.

13. What formula will be obtained in Calc when copying to cell E4, the formula from cell E2 (in E2: \u003d A2 * C2):

E.V. Kovrigin. Creating and editing spreadsheets in the environment.

16. What should be changed if an error ### is given in a cell:

17. The underlined letter in the menu bar means:

1) opening the cascade menu;

2) command is not available;

3) run a command when pressed with the Alt key;

4) command is active.

18. Relative cell addressing:

1) the cell address is determined relative to the location;

2) the cell address is relative to the column name;

3) the cell address is relative to the row name.

20.To wrap the words of a cell in Calc, you must use:

E.V. Kovrigin. Creating and editing spreadsheets in the environment.

1) Format - String;

2) Format - Column;

3) Format - Cells.

21.To frame part of a table in Calc, use:

1) corresponding button on the toolbar;

2) Format - Cells - Framing;

3) Format - Styles;

4) draw by hand.

22. Each formula in ET begins with:

function name;

with the necessary operation.

23. A diagram is:

1) visual image;

2) graphical display of table data;

3) schedule;

4) addiction.

24. What actions are right to take to get an answer to the question: “What is the percentage of 25 of the number 93?”:

1) write the formula "25/93" in the cells;

2) write the formula “=25/93” in the cells;

3) write the formula “=25*100/93” into the cells;

4) write the formula "=25/93" in the cells and select the percentage format.

25. To write text vertically, you must:

E.V. Kovrigin. Creating and editing spreadsheets in the environment.

1) merge cells;

2) put the $ sign;

3) select the direction of the text in the cell format;

4) align text in cell format.

26.To sort a table in Calc:

1) specify the range and select the "sort by ..." button from the toolbar;

2) use the menu item Data - Filter;

3) use the menu item Data - Sort;

4) specify the range and use the menu item Data - Sort.

27. To build a pie chart, you must select:

1) chart option;

2) type of diagram;

3) chart range.

28.To save an Calc document in a different format:

2) change file extensions after saving;

3) select Tools - Options - Open Office Calc;

4) select Tools - Options - Load / Save. 29. What is the $ sign used for:

1) for relative cell addressing;

2) to set a range of cells;

3) for absolute cell addressing;

4) for writing formulas.

30.What can be done using autofilter:

1) data sorting;

E.V. Kovrigin. Creating and editing spreadsheets in the environment.

2) selection of data corresponding to the request;

3) deletion of data;

4) cell filling.

31.To find the autosum in Calc use:

ABS function;

END function;

the SUM function;

IF function.

32. The range of cells is written through:

34.To select individual cells, you must hold the key:

35.To change the format in Calc, under a certain condition, you must use:

1) Format - Cells;

2) Format - Page;

3) Format - Conditional Formatting;

4) Format - Styles.

36.Is it possible to sort by several parameters?

1) yes;

E.V. Kovrigin. Creating and editing spreadsheets in the environment.

3) under certain conditions.

37.In order to remove gridlines in Calc, you must use:

2) Tools - Options - Calc - Grid;

38. How will the formula "=A1+B$1" ( Calc) written in cells A2 change to cells A4?

39. How will the formula "=A1+B$1" ( Calc) written in cells A2 change to cells B4?

40.To create a list in Calc used for autocompletion, you must:

1) Tools - Options - Calc - View;

2) Tools - Options - Calc - Sort Lists;

3) Tools - Options - Calc - General;

4) Tools - Options - Calc - Changes.

41. The line that displays formulas in Calc is called:

1) formula bar;

2) input line;

E.V. Kovrigin. Creating and editing spreadsheets in the environment.

3) name string.

42. At the intersection of a row and a column, it turns out:

43. The name of the cell is derived from:

1) row name and column name;

2) column name and row name;

3) string name;

4) column name.

44. What is the name of the selected object

1) figure;

2) filling;

3) autocomplete marker;

4) marker.

45.How can I change the width of column B:

1) drag the border between columns A and B;

2) drag the border between columns B and C;

3) drag the border between columns A1 and B1;

4) drag the border between columns B1 and C1.

46. ​​How can I confirm text input at the same time in all selections


1) press the keyboard key Alt;

2) press the keyboard keys Ctrl + Enter;

E.V. Kovrigin. Creating and editing spreadsheets in the environment.

4) click the "cross" next to the input line.

47.How can you confirm text entry in a cell?

1) press one of the control keys on the keyboard;

2) press Enter keyboard keys;

3) click the "tick" next to the input line;

4) click the "cross" next to the input line.

48.For what purpose in Calc can I use the specified

1) to display the currency;

2) for horizontal alignment;

3) to merge cells;

4) to display the number format.

49. Is it possible to create several charts on one sheet?

1) yes, any quantity;

2) yes, any number, only for tables located on this sheet;

3) yes, any number, only for the tables located in this book;

4) no.

50. What symbol is used as a multiplication sign?

51. Is it possible to use brackets when entering formulas?

1) yes, always;

2) yes, but only when using absolute references;

3) yes, but only when using links to other sheets;

4) no E. .V. Kovrigin. Creating and editing spreadsheets in the environment.

52. What symbols can be used in formulas as a division sign?

54. What menu can be used for complex sorting of data in a table?

55. What can not be used as source data when creating a chart:

1) two tables located on one sheet;

2) two tables located on different sheets;

3) two tables located in different books;

4) another chart.

Test answers:


spreadsheet processor- a category of software designed to work with spreadsheets. Initially, spreadsheet editors made it possible to process exclusively two-dimensional tables, primarily with numerical data, but then products appeared that, in addition, had the ability to include text, graphics, and other multimedia elements. The spreadsheet tool includes powerful mathematical functions that allow you to conduct complex statistical, financial and other calculations.

Spreadsheets(or spreadsheet processors) are application programs designed for tabular calculations. The appearance of spreadsheets historically coincides with the beginning of the spread of personal computers. The first spreadsheet program, a spreadsheet, was created in 1979 for Apple II computers and was called VisiCalc. In 1982, the famous Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet processor for the IBM PC appears. Lotus combined the computing power of spreadsheets, business graphics, and the functions of a relational DBMS. The popularity of spreadsheet processors grew very rapidly. New software products of this class: Multiplan, Quattro Pro, SuperCalc and others. One of the most popular spreadsheets today is MS Excel, which is part of the Microsoft Office package.

What is a spreadsheet? This remedy information technologies, which allows solving a whole range of tasks: First of all, performing calculations. Since ancient times, many calculations have been performed in tabular form, especially in the field of office work: numerous payrolls, tabulagrams, cost estimates, etc. In addition, the solution of a number of mathematical problems by numerical methods; convenient to do in tabular form. Spreadsheets are a handy tool for automating such calculations. The solution of many computational problems on a computer, which previously could be done only by programming, has become possible to implement Mathematical Modeling. The use of mathematical formulas in ET makes it possible to represent the relationship between various parameters of some real system. The main property of ET is the instantaneous recalculation of formulas when the values ​​of their operands change. Thanks to this property, the table is a convenient tool for organizing a numerical experiment:

  1. selection of parameters
  2. prediction of the behavior of the simulated system,
  3. dependency analysis,
  4. planning.

Additional convenience for modeling gives the possibility of graphical representation of data (charts); Using a spreadsheet as a database. Of course, compared to a DBMS, spreadsheets are less capable in this area. However, some of the data manipulation operations inherent in relational DBMSs are implemented in them. This is a search for information on specified conditions and sorting information.

Spreadsheets also provide a graphical mode of operation, which allows the graphical representation (in the form of graphs, charts) of the numerical information contained in the table.

Basic data types: numbers, both in normal and exponential format, text - a sequence of characters consisting of letters, numbers and spaces, formulas. Formulas must begin with an equal sign, and may include numbers, cell names, functions (math, statistics, financial, text, date and time, etc.), and math operation signs.

Spreadsheets are easy to use, quickly mastered by non-professional computer users and greatly simplify and speed up the work of accountants, economists, and scientists.

Basic elements of spreadsheets:

  1. Column,
  2. column headings,
  3. Line,
  4. line headers,
  5. inactive cell,
  6. Active cell.


The idea of ​​spreadsheets was first formulated by the American scientist Richard Mattessich, who published a study in the city called “Budgeting Models and System Simulation”. The concept was supplemented in the city of Pardo and Landau, who filed an application for the corresponding patent (U.S. Patent 4,398,249 (English)). The Patent Office rejected the application, but the authors, through the courts, achieved the cancellation of this decision.

The generally recognized ancestor of spreadsheets as a separate class of software is Dan Bricklin, who, together with Bob Frankston, developed the legendary VisiCalc program in the city. This spreadsheet editor for the Apple II computer became a "killer application" that turned Personal Computer from an exotic toy for technophiles to a mass tool for business.

Subsequently, numerous products of this class appeared on the market - SuperCalc, Microsoft MultiPlan, Quattro Pro, Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Excel, Calc, AppleWorks spreadsheets and

List of software products


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Spreadsheets" are in other dictionaries:

    A computer program that supports the presentation of data in the form of tables consisting of rows and graphs, at the intersection of which cells (table cells) are located. The value in the numerical cell of the table is either indicated explicitly, or ... ... Financial vocabulary

    Spreadsheets- A computer program in the form of spreadsheets that presents numerical data on a computer screen, organized in rows and columns, and allows you to analyze financial information, make calculations and make changes to these calculations on ... ... Investment dictionary

    Graphic images and elements of numerous and various devices and devices of electronics, automation, radio and computer science. Design and development of basic electronic circuits and more complex systems just … Collier Encyclopedia

    Optoelectronic detectors- 4.2.2. Optoelectronic detectors Optoelectronic detectors with a linear or surface narrowly targeted detection zone (curtain type) are recommended for blocking windows (including double-glazed windows), doors, walls, ceilings, ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    This is a set of chemical elements with a similar arrangement of valence electrons in an atom. The similarity lies in the fact that the valence electrons with the highest energy occupy the orbital of the same type. The term first appeared in the works ... ... Wikipedia

    A category of software designed to work with spreadsheets. Initially, spreadsheet editors made it possible to process exclusively two-dimensional tables, primarily with numerical data, but then products appeared that ... ... Wikipedia Calc Spreadsheet computer program, which allows you to perform calculations with data, pre ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    Spreadsheet type presentation word processor ... Wikipedia

    An overview article on currency signs (symbols) Currency signs For individual signs, see the articles Ruble symbol, Dollar symbol, Euro symbol, Pound symbol, Dram symbol, Drachma symbol, Denarius symbol, Rial symbol, Rupee symbol, Yen symbol, Symbol ... ... Wikipedia


  • Spreadsheets, functions, databases and relationships. Diagrams. Lists. Macros, Svetlana Muratova. This laboratory practice is used when studying the course "Spreadsheets, functions, databases and relationships" (section "Charts. Lists. Macros") and is a continuation ...

Chapter Objectives

  • 1. Consider the main possibilities of working with modern electronic documents.
  • 2. Get information about file types.
  • 3. Describe how to work with spreadsheets as databases.
  • 4. Learn the technologies for creating pivot tables.
  • 5. Consider the possibilities of MS Excel for data visualization.

Basic concepts

Spreadsheets (spreadsheet processors)- it's applied software general purpose, designed to process various data presented in tabular form.

With the help of spreadsheets, you can solve financial, economic, mathematical and statistical problems.

Spreadsheets are used to store accounts and make adjustments to them, multivariate forecasting of the results of expected financial transactions, compiling various forms, designing business graphics and performing a complete balance sheet of the company. With the help of spreadsheets, tasks such as order processing and production planning, tax calculation and wages, accounting of personnel and costs, sales management, compilation of price lists, etc.

The appearance of spreadsheets historically coincides with the beginning of the spread of the PC. The first program for working with spreadsheets - a spreadsheet processor was created in 1979, was intended for Apple II computers and was called VisiCalc. In 1982, the famous spreadsheet processor Lotus 1-2-3 appeared, designed for the IBM PC. Lotus combined the computing power of spreadsheets, business graphics, and the functions of a relational DBMS. The popularity of spreadsheet processors grew very rapidly. New software products of this class appeared: Multiplan, Quattro Pro, SuperCalc, etc. One of the most popular spreadsheet processors today is MS Excel, which is part of the Microsoft Office package.

MS Excel 2007, developed by Microsoft, is a popular tool for working with spreadsheets. functionality and computing facilities MS Excel 2007 allows you to solve many engineering and economic problems, presenting data not only in tabular, but also in graphical form.

MS Excel allows you to perform a wide range of calculations in spreadsheets, easily and quickly analyze a large amount of data, perform statistical data processing, solve data optimization problems, create and edit macros in order to use them for frequently recurring operations and automate routine work.

MS Excel allows you to:

■ build complex formulas for calculations;

■ carry out statistical data processing;

■ create pivot tables;

■ simulate business situations;

■ record macros with macro recorder and edit them;

■ make queries to external databases.

Workbook is a regular document or file type in Microsoft Excel for Windows (file extension xls).

Each workbook can contain multiple sheets. By default they are named: Sheet 1, Sheet 2, etc. These names are displayed on the tabs located at the bottom of the window. workbook(Fig. 12.1).

Rice. 12.1

Worksheet is a grid of columns and rows (Fig. 12.2).

Each cell is formed by the intersection of a row and a column and has its own unique address (link). For example, the cell located at the intersection of column C and row 4 has address C4. Addresses are used when writing formulas or referring to cells.

Rice. 12.2.

Cell- the minimum information unit (Fig. 12.3). It may contain different types data (text, numbers, dates, etc.), but only one type of data can be stored inside one cell. Cells can be in the following state: a) active or selected cell (you can select a block of cells); b) editable cell (there can be only one at a certain moment

time). In the edit state, you can change the contents of the cell, add or delete data. For the active cell, you can set the format - height / width, alignment, color, borders, etc. To switch to the cell editing state, double-click the left mouse button on the cell or press the F2 key. Not all commands available

Rice. 12.3.

for active cells, doable for cells in edit state.

Chart Sheet - A sheet that contains only a Microsoft Excel chart.

A chart is a graphical representation of worksheet data (Figure 12.4).

Rice. 12.4.

Toolbars allow you to organize Microsoft Excel commands so that they are easy to find and use. Toolbars can be customized: add or remove menus and buttons, create new toolbars, and show, hide, and move existing toolbars. Customizing the main menu is done in the same way as any other built-in toolbar, for example, you can add and remove buttons and menus to the main menu. When a menu is selected, a list is displayed (Fig. 12.5).

Rice. 12.5.

After starting MS Excel, a window appears on the screen (Fig. 12.6), consisting of several elements:

■ title bar containing the name of the program, the proposed file name, standard Windows buttons;

■ menu bar containing items of the main menu;

Rice. 12.6.

■ toolbars (pictograms), the composition of which can be determined by the user himself using the View/Toolbars menu item;

■ a formula bar that displays the information you enter;

■ scrollbars (vertical and horizontal), allowing you to work with large tables;

■ Status bar, which displays information about the current status and results of ongoing Excel operations.

In addition to the main menu, Excel contains the so-called context menus, containing the most commonly used commands for working with cells, charts, or other objects.

The context menu is activated by pressing right mouse buttons (or Shift + F10). To exit the context menu, click outside it or press Esc.



1. A spreadsheet is:

    an application program designed to process data structured in the form of a table;

    application program for processing code tables;

    a PC device that manages its resources in the process of processing data in a tabular form;

    a system program that manages PC resources when processing tables.

2. Spreadsheet is designed for:

    processing predominantly numerical data structured using tables;

    orderly storage and processing of significant data arrays;

    visualization of structural relationships between data presented in tables;

    editing graphical representations of large amounts of information.

3. Spreadsheet is:

    a set of numbered rows and columns named by letters of the Latin alphabet;

    a set of rows and numbered columns named by letters of the Latin alphabet;

    a set of numbered rows and columns;

    a collection of rows and columns arbitrarily named by the user.

4. Spreadsheet rows:

    are numbered.

5. In general, spreadsheet columns:

    are indicated by letters of the Latin alphabet;

    are numbered;

    are indicated by the letters of the Russian alphabet;

    are named arbitrarily by users;

6. For the user, a spreadsheet cell is identified by:

    by sequentially specifying the column name and row number at the intersection of which the cell is located;

    the address of the machine word of RAM allocated for the cell;

    a special code word;

    a name arbitrarily specified by the user.

7. Computational formulas in the cells of the spreadsheet are written:

    in ordinary mathematical notation;

    in a special way using built-in functions and according to the rules adopted for writing expressions in programming languages;

    according to the rules adopted exclusively for spreadsheets;

    according to the rules adopted exclusively for databases.

8. The expression 5(A2+C3):3(2B2-3D3) in the spreadsheet looks like:

    5(A2+C3)/3(2B2-3D3) ;

    5*(A2+C3)/3*(2*B2-3*D3) ;

    5*(A2+C3)/(3*(2*B2-3*D3)) ;

    5(A2+C3)/(3(2B2-3D3)) .

9. Select the correct formula entry for the spreadsheet:





10. When moving or copying in a spreadsheet, absolute links:

    do not change;

    are converted depending on the new position of the formula;

    are converted depending on the rules specified in the formula.

11. When moving or copying in a spreadsheet, relative links:

    are converted regardless of the new position of the formula;

    converted depending on the length of the formula;

    do not change;

    are converted depending on the new position of the formula.

12. Range is:

    a set of cells that form a rectangular area in the table;

    all cells of one row;

    all cells in one column;

    set of allowed values.

13. Active cell is a cell:

    to record commands;

    in which commands are entered.

14. What formula will be obtained when copying to cell C3, formulas from cell C2:






15. What will be the value of cell C1 if you enter the formula \u003d A1 + B1 into it:


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