Information around us. Computer science is around us. A modern person uses computer technology at every step - at home, at work and at rest. Digital photography, - presentation Presentation on the topic of informatics around us

Certification work of a student of advanced training courses on
"Design and research activities how
method of forming metasubject results
training in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard "
Bosov Andrey Vitalievich
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Name Patronymic name
MBOU SOSH №1 with. Serafimovsky
Educational institution,
institution, district
On the topic:
"Computer Science Around Us"


In recent years, there have been tremendous changes in human life.

The flows of information surrounding a person change
the person himself. The person does not have time to follow these
changes. Life is more and more interesting. How
a lot of new and interesting things around…. Modern
a person uses computing
technology at every step - in everyday life, at work and rest.
Digital photography, digital video and television,
digital music and animation, broadcast
information at a distance, processing huge
data arrays and so on.

The purpose

Studying the subject "Informatics and ICT" in primary school
is the acquisition by students of educational ICT competence, which will allow students to form
subject and universal educational activities, as well as supporting
a system of knowledge that ensures the continuation of education in
main school ..


Educational - generalization and systematization of knowledge.
Educational - the development of cognitive interest,
logical thinking, increasing interest in the subject,
involvement in active mental activity.
Developing - the development of memory, mindfulness,
broadening one's horizons; ability to compare,
analyze, draw conclusions; development of cognitive
interest, creative activity of students

Practical implementation of computer science

information Technology- include
actual computer technology, system and
application programming, transmission networks
information and much more.

General characteristics of the subject

general characteristics
academic subject
As part of a propaedeutic course taught in primary school,
primary ideas about objects of informatics are formed,
as a natural scientific discipline about the laws of
information processes in systems of various nature, as well as
on the methods and means of their automation.
Determination of the structure of the content of the propaedeutic course
informatics based on currently identified three
the main directions that determine the content of the course
informatics: information and information processes,
modeling and information models, Areas of use
methods and means of informatics - allows in the future
build a continuous computer science course.
equal use of methods and means of cognition of reality.

Description of content values

Description of value
content guidelines
The main objectives of the computer science course in elementary school
(propaedeutic level) are:
formation of ideas about the informational picture of the world;
the formation of logical and algorithmic thinking;
providing an initial understanding of computer
providing initial knowledge of the rules of creation
information environment and the ability to apply it to implement
educational and cognitive and project tasks.

The place of informatics in society


Modern man uses funds
computing technology at every step - in everyday life, on
work and leisure. Digital photography, digital
video and television, digital music and
animation, transmission of information to
distance, processing huge amounts of data and
etc. In recent years, there have been tremendous
changes in a person's life. Streams of information
those around a person change the person himself.
The person does not have time to follow these changes.
Life is more and more interesting. How much
new and interesting around….

Technological lesson map

this is a generalized graphic
lesson script expression, foundation
its design, means
teacher introductions
individual methods
pedagogical activity.

Technological lesson map

is a modern form of methodological
products that provide
quality and effective teaching
subjects and the opportunity
achieving planned results
mastering basic educational
programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The technological map answers the questions:

What operations need to be performed.
In what sequence are the operations performed.
How often do you need to perform operations?
(if the operation is repeated more than once).
How long does it take to complete each operation.
The result of each operation.
What tools and materials are needed for
performing the operation.
Today there is a huge variety of options
technological maps. However, until now in the pedagogical
community there is no unity of views on the essence of the concept,
structure and function technological map lesson.

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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For those who teach computer science, For those who love computer science, For those who do not know yet, What can love computer science, Our journey is dedicated. Informatics - the name is a mystery! It always attracts us, We study what is interesting, We cannot do without. In this fleeting, fast world, we cannot live without informatics! We must understand informatics. Let's fill the tablets with Questions and Answers, To laugh cheerfully, To compete intellectually, Today we meet guys in our game.

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Modern man uses computer technology at every step - at home, at work and at rest. Digital photography, digital video and television, digital music and animation, transmission of information at a distance, processing huge amounts of data, and so on. In recent years, there have been tremendous changes in human life. The flows of information surrounding a person change the person himself. The person does not have time to follow these changes. Life is more and more interesting. How many new and interesting things are around….

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Charles Babbage 1792 - 1871 Showed a great interest in mathematics at school. At 22 he received his bachelor's degree, and three years later his master's degree. For more than 10 years he headed the Department of Physics and Mathematics at Cambridge University, Babbage was an amazingly versatile researcher, he was interested in everything. He was also involved in calculating the mortality of the population, reform postal service, descended to the bottom of the lake, exploring hot springs, climbed Mount Vesuvius, participated in archaeological excavations, descended into the mines. And, of course, I did a lot of mathematics, geometry, number theory, and probability theory. Babbage was one of the first researchers of the problems railway transport and traffic safety issues. The main components of the contribution to "computational science": creation of a difference machine; creation of an analytical engine. Charles Babbage made history computer technology as the creator of the first programmable computer.

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Augusta Ada Byron (Countess Lovelace) 1815 - 1852 daughter of the poet George Byron). She was not like anyone else and had a talent not poetic, metaphysical. Along with a completely masculine ability to understand, manifested in the ability to decisively and quickly grasp the essence of the matter as a whole, Lady Lovelace possessed all the delights of a refined female character. Her manners, her tastes, her education, especially musical, in which she achieved perfection, were feminine in the most beautiful sense of the word, and a superficial observer would never guess how much inner strength and knowledge is hidden under her feminine grace. Ada Lovelace is Charles Babbage's student and assistant. The main components of the contribution to "computational science": - introduction of the concepts of cycle and working cell; - the idea of ​​software control of the computation process; - invention of a system to speed up calculations; - the use of punched cards for input and output of information. Countess Lovelace entered the history of computer technology as the first programmer, the programming language Ada was named after her.

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John von Neumann 1903 - 1957 (originally from Budapest) He began to stand out very early with his extraordinary abilities: at the age of 6 he spoke the ancient Greek language, and at the age of eight he mastered the basics of higher mathematics. John von Neumann made a significant contribution to the creation and development of a number of areas of mathematics and physics, had a significant impact on the development of computer technology. He noted that a machine should work with binary code, be electronic, not mechanical, and perform operations sequentially, one after another. He developed the basic principles of building computers, and for 50 years, all computers were created based on the principles of Neumann.

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Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev (1902 - 1974) Founder of electronic computing technology, the first Academician specializing in calculating devices. Under the leadership of S.A. Lebedev the first Soviet electronic computer MESM (small electronic calculating machine; 1951) with program control (it was the first electronic computer in Europe), BESM (high-speed electronic calculating machine; 1952), etc. were built, including the most powerful computer second generation BESM-6. Lebedev S.A. - Founder of the scientific school in the field of discrete computing.

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William (Bill) Gates (October 28, 1955) - Chairman of the Board and Chief Software Architect of Microsoft Corporation, the world's leading manufacturer of software for personal computers. In his third year, Bill Gates left his studies at Harvard, deciding to devote himself entirely to Microsoft, the company he founded in 1975 with Paul Allen (Paul Allen). Firmly confident that Personal Computer will become indispensable in every workplace and in every home, they began to develop software for personal computers.

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Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011) went down in history at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century as a pioneer and innovator, a man who saw five steps ahead. He single-handedly was able to move not only the computer industry, giving birth to the Apple II and Macintosh, but also the music industry, creating the iPod, telephone, thanks to the iPhone, and animation along with the daring experiments of the Pixar studio. Now it's even hard to imagine that at the origins of the world computer "monster" Apple was an ordinary guy, a hippie, from a small American town, without higher education, but with space ambitions and a real talent for seeing what people like.

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Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, had several things that became his business card... It's about his black turtleneck, with a high neck, blue jeans and white sneakers. However, there was one more thing that never changed. His favorite and unchanging car was the silver Mercedes-Benz SL 55 AMG, which he loved to drive. Jobs' car never had a license plate, which gave some "experts" reason to claim that the Apple founder was frivolous about paying penalty receipts. Another rumor claimed that Jobs had some kind of agreement with the authorities that allowed him not to install license plates. John Callas, the man who worked in Apple security issues, denied these allegations. Interesting Facts from life In fact, everything turned out to be much simpler. Steve (or someone around him) discovered a gap in California law. According to the law, license plates must be installed no later than six months after purchasing a new car. Jobs entered into an agreement with a car dealership, according to which he received a new silver Mercedes-Benz SL 55 AMG every six months, and returned the old one, exactly the same. Thus, it was convenient for both Jobs and the car dealership, as he put up for sale a car run in by Steve Jobs himself.

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At the age of 15, Bill Gates received an assignment from the administration of the school where he studied to write a program to assign students to classes. Gates not only completed the task, but also gained some benefit for himself: the program formed such a schedule for him that there were a disproportionately large number of interesting girls in his classes.

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How informatics relates to our everyday life? Dentists sometimes need to determine the shape of the bite of the patient's teeth. Rightly deciding that all the unpleasant and time-consuming work should be done by a computer, the American dentist V. Mannes invented a sensor that not only encodes information about the occlusion and writes it to the computer disk, but also demonstrates on its screen the sequence of teeth closing and even the force of their compression. The sensor is a plastic plate, inside which there is a silver mesh, squeezing the sensor with his teeth, the patient reduces the distance between its wires, and the computer, according to the appropriate program, monitors and processes the information coming into it.

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Presentation on the topic:

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In recent years, there have been tremendous changes in human life. The flows of information surrounding a person change the person himself. The person does not have time to follow these changes. Life is more and more interesting. How many new and interesting things are around…. Modern man uses computer technology at every step - at home, at work and at rest. Digital photography, digital video and television, digital music and animation, transmission of information at a distance, processing of huge amounts of data, and so on.

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What is computer science? Informatics is the science of methods of obtaining, accumulating, storing, transforming, transferring, protecting and using information. It includes disciplines related to information processing in computers and computer networks: both abstract, such as the analysis of algorithms, and quite specific, for example, the development of programming languages.

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How well do you know the Internet? What is INTERNET? Internet is global network operating according to "uniform rules" and uniting millions of computers and thousands of computer networks all over the world. What is a protocol? A protocol is a predetermined rule for transferring data between two devices. The main parameters described by the protocol include the type of error checking used, the method of compression (compression) of information (if any), the way the transmitting device determines the end of the transmission, the way the receiver determines the fact of receiving the message.

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What is IP? IP is an acronym for Internet Protocol. One of the main protocols used on the Internet. The operation of the IP protocol can be compared to the operation of regular mail. The job of IP is to deliver packets to their destination, and it is not at all necessary that all packets go the same way to the destination. IP defines the format of packets and the addressing scheme. What is an IP address? IP-address - when sending information via TCP / IP protocols, each computer connected to the Network must have its own unique address (otherwise, how does the IP protocol understand from which machine to which packets should be transmitted). It is called the IP address. Currently, numeric IP addresses are made up of four integers (0 to 255) separated by periods, such as

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What is a Domain Name? A domain name is a name that identifies one or more IP addresses. For example, the domain name corresponds to the IP address Domain names are constituent parts of URLs that point to specific Web pages. Each domain name has a suffix that identifies the top-level domain to which the name belongs. This suffix appears in the very last position (.com, .net, .edu, .org, etc.). What is HTTP? HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application layer protocol used in distributed information systems hypermedia. It defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should "take" in response to certain commands.

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The Internet 2011 in Figures: 2 Billion Users Online More than two billion people on the planet use the World Wide Web. Notably, nearly half of active Internet users live in Asian countries, with nearly 1 billion Internet users (922.2 million) in Asia, according to a global survey by The Royal Pingdom. At the same time, it is interesting that Internet penetration among the population of Asian countries is only 23.8%. Residents of European countries are dependent on the World Wide Web. 476.213 million Europeans know what the Internet is (58% of the total population of European countries). Most Internet addicted users live in North America... 272.066 million use the Internet, with a network penetration of 78%. Residents of the countries lag behind their "northern colleagues" a little Latin America and the Caribbean - 215.939 million web users. Internet penetration for this part of the world is 36.2%. Australia and Oceania have the smallest Internet users at just 21 million. It is interesting that 11 years ago, the most "lagging" region was the countries of the Middle East (only 3 million Internet users), and now in this region 68, 553 million citizens know and actively use the international network

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Proverbs paraphrased in a computer way Better a Corvette on the table than a Pentium in a dream. Better tit in hand than pie in the sky Each new program is a well-forgotten old; everything new is a well-forgotten old. They are greeted by computers, escorted by programs. They are greeted by their clothes, they are seen off by their minds. They do not look into the system unit for a gift computer. They do not look into a gift horse's mouth. All that glitters is not gold. What has been removed from the basket is gone; what has fallen from the cart is gone.


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